As Lynnie suggested below, I need to read all of the suggested links within these Comments, so I can converse on the same level as everyone here. But. that will likely take a few more days. So far, I have not watched the movie, but have spent more than 24 hours viewing interviews of the actors and producer to try to understand the movie …
As Lynnie suggested below, I need to read all of the suggested links within these Comments, so I can converse on the same level as everyone here. But. that will likely take a few more days. So far, I have not watched the movie, but have spent more than 24 hours viewing interviews of the actors and producer to try to understand the movie from their perspective. And, this is where I differ from Reinette and Madyson. I believe both of them should watch the movie to gain an understanding of what it is, exactly, they are critiquing. Otherwise, they are simply conjecturing.
As I stated in another Comment, anyone who cannot afford a ticket (or doesn't want to) can get a free ticket to a theater near them by going to the URL I included in the comment.
At the moment, I'm only going to make three comments:
1) First of all, to Madyson: Mel Gibson was not involved in Sound of Freedom. Mel Gibson is mentioned in some of Jim Caviezel's interviews due to Caviezel having been cast in Gibson's 'Passion of the Christ' and the two of them remaining close friends since then. You would know this if you had viewed the movie and its credits.
2) As I stated in the Comments section of a YouTube video, in one interview of Caviezel, he stated that one of his requirements for agreeing to act in the movie, was that there was to be no sexual, torture or other horrendous scenes involving children. That was not the message he wanted the movie to put forth. When I come across that interview again, I will post its link.
3) I've been reading that the MSM is criticizing practically anyone who contends there is rampant child trafficking and especially anyone who links that to organ harvesting. Also, anyone who states that there is adrenochrome harvesting, the MSM is equating with QAnon conspiracy theorists.
Anyone who contends that child trafficking doesn't exist should be forced out of MSM journalism. There are so many reports of child trafficking and organ harvesting, across the globe, that no one can deny it. As for adrenochrome harvesting, does anyone believe that organ harvesters would have any qualms about torturing a child for a few days, while harvesting their adrenochrome, prior to harvesting the organs?
I've a doctorate in anatomy and have taught human anatomy and cadaver dissection to medical and allied health students, so I have an idea of what kind of Satanic, demented mind it would take to harvest organs and adrenochrome, or kill a fetus/newborn within so many days prior to or following birth. People who don't believe there are individuals or groups of individuals who are currently doing these things, are so naive, I have no words for them. These are the people who, although I have not yet seen the film, I believe could begin being introduced to reality by viewing Sound of Freedom.
Edmond, thank you for this thoughtful and insightful comment. To be clear, I am willing to watch SF, but not pay for it for obvious reasons. Also, I believe Madyson was referring to Gibson's Passion of the Christ "movement" as similar to SF.... and I did clarify in my mention of him that he is a supporter of the film. And, again, thank you for your comment.
Stop it, I have no clue about your spiritual background; that being said, there's so much more to this than you know. I find it fascinating that you're not picking on the pedophiles, again, you are not the God police.
Don't think for one second you can work against God's agenda.
Go work on exposing the Vatican, the 13 bloodlines of Cain, Black Rock, Vanguard & all of Hollyweird.
Now go see "SOUND OF FREEDOM" Shut the negativity of the main stream media up ! There's a good reason they're trying to bash & discredit the movie; QUESS! 100,000,000 People disagree !
“Mel Gibson warned actor Jim Caviezel that playing the character of Christ was going to be very difficult and that if he accepted, he most likely would be marginalized by Hollywood.
Caviezel asked for a day to think about it and his response to Mel who was funding and directing the movie was: "I think we have to make it, even if it is difficult." And something else, my initials are J.C., and I am 33 years old. "I didn't realize that until now."
Mel responded with “You're really scaring me you know.”
During filming, Jim Caviezel who plays the part of Jesus lost 45 pounds, he was struck by lightning, he was accidentally struck twice during the scourging scene leaving a deep 14-inch scar, he dislocated his shoulder when the cross was dropped into the hole with him on the cross. He then suffered pneumonia and hypothermia from being nearly naked with only a loin cloth on the cross for endless hours. The crucifixion scene alone took 5 weeks of the 2 months of shooting.
His body was so stressed and exhausted from playing the role that he had to undergo two open heart surgeries after the filming production.
Jim explained, “I didn’t want people to see me. I just want them to see Jesus. Conversions will happen through that.”
Almost like a clairvoyant prediction many amazing things happened.
Pedro Sarubbi, who played Barabbas, felt that it was not Caviezel who was looking at him, but Jesus Christ himself, as he played that role he said of Caviezel, “His eyes had no hatred or resentment towards me, only mercy and love."
Luca Lionello, the artist who played Judas, was an avowed atheist before shooting began. He eventually converted, and baptized his children.
One of the main technicians working on the film was a Muslim converted to Christianity.
Some producers said they saw actors dressed in white they didn’t recognize during one of the filming sessions, and when they reviewed the recordings they realized they couldn’t see them in that footage.
The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing US religious as well as the highest R-rated film of all time, with $370.8 million! Worldwide, it grossed $611 million.
More importantly, it has reached 100’s of millions of people around the world.
Mel Gibson paid $30 million out of his own pocket for the production of the film because no studio would take on the project.
Today Jim Caviezel simply and boldly proclaims his faith in Christ, and the miracle it was for him to represent Christ as an actor and a greater believer of Christ because of this experience.
As Lynnie suggested below, I need to read all of the suggested links within these Comments, so I can converse on the same level as everyone here. But. that will likely take a few more days. So far, I have not watched the movie, but have spent more than 24 hours viewing interviews of the actors and producer to try to understand the movie from their perspective. And, this is where I differ from Reinette and Madyson. I believe both of them should watch the movie to gain an understanding of what it is, exactly, they are critiquing. Otherwise, they are simply conjecturing.
As I stated in another Comment, anyone who cannot afford a ticket (or doesn't want to) can get a free ticket to a theater near them by going to the URL I included in the comment.
At the moment, I'm only going to make three comments:
1) First of all, to Madyson: Mel Gibson was not involved in Sound of Freedom. Mel Gibson is mentioned in some of Jim Caviezel's interviews due to Caviezel having been cast in Gibson's 'Passion of the Christ' and the two of them remaining close friends since then. You would know this if you had viewed the movie and its credits.
2) As I stated in the Comments section of a YouTube video, in one interview of Caviezel, he stated that one of his requirements for agreeing to act in the movie, was that there was to be no sexual, torture or other horrendous scenes involving children. That was not the message he wanted the movie to put forth. When I come across that interview again, I will post its link.
3) I've been reading that the MSM is criticizing practically anyone who contends there is rampant child trafficking and especially anyone who links that to organ harvesting. Also, anyone who states that there is adrenochrome harvesting, the MSM is equating with QAnon conspiracy theorists.
Anyone who contends that child trafficking doesn't exist should be forced out of MSM journalism. There are so many reports of child trafficking and organ harvesting, across the globe, that no one can deny it. As for adrenochrome harvesting, does anyone believe that organ harvesters would have any qualms about torturing a child for a few days, while harvesting their adrenochrome, prior to harvesting the organs?
I've a doctorate in anatomy and have taught human anatomy and cadaver dissection to medical and allied health students, so I have an idea of what kind of Satanic, demented mind it would take to harvest organs and adrenochrome, or kill a fetus/newborn within so many days prior to or following birth. People who don't believe there are individuals or groups of individuals who are currently doing these things, are so naive, I have no words for them. These are the people who, although I have not yet seen the film, I believe could begin being introduced to reality by viewing Sound of Freedom.
Edmond, thank you for this thoughtful and insightful comment. To be clear, I am willing to watch SF, but not pay for it for obvious reasons. Also, I believe Madyson was referring to Gibson's Passion of the Christ "movement" as similar to SF.... and I did clarify in my mention of him that he is a supporter of the film. And, again, thank you for your comment.
Stop it, I have no clue about your spiritual background; that being said, there's so much more to this than you know. I find it fascinating that you're not picking on the pedophiles, again, you are not the God police.
Don't think for one second you can work against God's agenda.
Go work on exposing the Vatican, the 13 bloodlines of Cain, Black Rock, Vanguard & all of Hollyweird.
Now go see "SOUND OF FREEDOM" Shut the negativity of the main stream media up ! There's a good reason they're trying to bash & discredit the movie; QUESS! 100,000,000 People disagree !
“Mel Gibson warned actor Jim Caviezel that playing the character of Christ was going to be very difficult and that if he accepted, he most likely would be marginalized by Hollywood.
Caviezel asked for a day to think about it and his response to Mel who was funding and directing the movie was: "I think we have to make it, even if it is difficult." And something else, my initials are J.C., and I am 33 years old. "I didn't realize that until now."
Mel responded with “You're really scaring me you know.”
During filming, Jim Caviezel who plays the part of Jesus lost 45 pounds, he was struck by lightning, he was accidentally struck twice during the scourging scene leaving a deep 14-inch scar, he dislocated his shoulder when the cross was dropped into the hole with him on the cross. He then suffered pneumonia and hypothermia from being nearly naked with only a loin cloth on the cross for endless hours. The crucifixion scene alone took 5 weeks of the 2 months of shooting.
His body was so stressed and exhausted from playing the role that he had to undergo two open heart surgeries after the filming production.
Jim explained, “I didn’t want people to see me. I just want them to see Jesus. Conversions will happen through that.”
Almost like a clairvoyant prediction many amazing things happened.
Pedro Sarubbi, who played Barabbas, felt that it was not Caviezel who was looking at him, but Jesus Christ himself, as he played that role he said of Caviezel, “His eyes had no hatred or resentment towards me, only mercy and love."
Luca Lionello, the artist who played Judas, was an avowed atheist before shooting began. He eventually converted, and baptized his children.
One of the main technicians working on the film was a Muslim converted to Christianity.
Some producers said they saw actors dressed in white they didn’t recognize during one of the filming sessions, and when they reviewed the recordings they realized they couldn’t see them in that footage.
The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing US religious as well as the highest R-rated film of all time, with $370.8 million! Worldwide, it grossed $611 million.
More importantly, it has reached 100’s of millions of people around the world.
Mel Gibson paid $30 million out of his own pocket for the production of the film because no studio would take on the project.
Today Jim Caviezel simply and boldly proclaims his faith in Christ, and the miracle it was for him to represent Christ as an actor and a greater believer of Christ because of this experience.
Gramas.... how many survivors were interviewed for this film? This is a good question to ask the producers....
I do not care how many were interviewed, the right one came forth. God wins by many or few.