Wow, you are completely off base woman. I am leaving your Substack now. This movie is raising massive awareness, and you are working for the enemy by saying this crap. Bye.

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Sorry you feel this way, Bill. To let you know, I personally know other human trafficked survivors and there perspective is similar to Madyson's. Also, ALWAYS ALWAYS follow the money. When you look at OURs finances, the alarm bells should go off. In the meantime, I do wish you the best.

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Dear Bill Wagner....leave...but I KNOW this...we DO have to start questioning and also WHY Tim Ballard LEFT “O.U.R.” Just before this SOF was released. Like the Covid/Plandemic should have taught us all : ASK QUESTIONS, 2) Follow the MONEY, 3) Use your God given Intuition, 4) Discernment....it can save your life and others....GOD Bless...

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Even more look WHO financed this movie and who ended up buying it. Disney has long been a trafficking operation, and subliminal programming operation, and even been openly caught.

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The first tell is this film got wide distribution in cinemas. To put this in perspective, real whistleblowers who do this for real end up dead. This film is most definitely an op, the only question is "why now?". Likely it will be used as an excuse to chip the kids "to protect them".

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That is certainly one intention, BUT they no longer need to do that in the older implant tech way. They will push for more vaxx/injections, more spray programs, and in food and water which now has this stuff in everyone. The rest is enhanced 5G deployment and frequency increase , total bio metric ID and monitoring , that now has additional weaponized functions. Go listen to DR. Rima L interview with A.J. where she shows the complete establishment and normalization of these operations at the UN policy and deployment level. These twisted evil psychopaths are cloaking this war on all children and women under the guise of "inclusion, sexual freedom, and universal rights. Beyond evil !

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The second intention is to diffuse and control the fact that a much larger percentage of population is becoming aware of this global nightmare, and significant pushback is now happening. So they resort to their PROVEN methods . Create the problem, misdirect and diffuse the emotional reaction, direct it to the -pre-arranged controlled opposition players , protection agencies, and investigators, = solution.

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They might not need the "chip", but as a sign of fealty and proof of loyalty...."take the chip".

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Yes and then they can hide behind the lie that it was your FREE WILL to do this for your protection.

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Nailed it

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Well said!

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I would think Disney purchased to sabotage and NOT show. Angel Studios thank God got movie out

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Thomas Guitarman. Who financed. Really. Did you take a look at the credits?

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Disney? We all know about Disney. What's your point?

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Your BS too.

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🤔 did not know that he left.

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Obviously, you are not ready for the reality and truth. If you bother to read the links provided in some of these replies, your eye would be opened.

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Sadly, most are not ready for reality and truth. It takes some courage and integrity.

Reinette had some eye opening links.

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A whole lotta 'truthers' are intent on getting to the truth of everything... that's what makes them truthers. https://rumble.com/v2zzvvu-angel-studios-directing-people-to-clinton-podesta-ngos.html

Curious - in the past 3 years, did anyone cancel you for getting a covid shot? for NOT getting a covid shot?

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Thanks for sharing this Greg Reese video Clinton Foundation Haiti big eye opener for me. Also "suicide" of Chester Bennington musician. Can do an internet search.

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Yes. AFter a very close 16-year frienship...just like that!

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I met her way back when she first began to talk about her experience and then wrote her horrific book, almost no one was ready to believe her then. I have known several survivors of MK ULTRA programmed sex slave efforts , who were deprogrammed and survived all this. They were also trained to be assassins and then have their memories wiped of what they did . I personally know the author who was ghost writer of their stories, and personally heard their stories very emotionally revealed.This going on right under everyone's noses Vatican/ Jesuit, Freemasonic, and other secret societies have ALWAYS been involved.

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Yes, I, too know several traffic survivors, and it's all much, much darker than most realize.

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The documentary was written to desensitize patriots and draw them in to CABAL run theatres, to feed them adrenochrome laced meat and organ donator hotdogs and impossible meats. Candies all laced with kill shot ingredients and parasites and venoms. Many have fallen for it and left film feeling docile, crying and identifying with perpetrators of Child and basically human sex trafficking and adenochrome and oragan harvesting operations of CABAL and Kaysarian Mafia. It is sad how gullible we are when we think we are awake. Everyone, if this was legite should have left the theatre mad as hell and ready to fight to truly save the children.

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Then why now are the select theaters, leaving the lights on, not turning on the air, spraying bleach and other horid smelling crap?? I've seen actual cell video from several showing just this. Why are they making it miserable and uncomfortable to go see SOF??

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023Author

Erica.... believe it or not, that can easily be a ploy to motivate people to go SEE the movie. I kid you not. The psyops is highly sophisticated these days. Many bands and movie makers use this ploy of "please share this banned movie or music video" to the the shares going!

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These 'people' are smart, while too many of us are the dregs (the remnants left after the Big, Strong Bucks were either killed outright, or were tricked into becoming cannon fodder ).

Hopefully we can overcome the spell, and the drugs, and the apathy, and the false indignation, and Rise Up from off our knees in time to rally for the Truth- no matter how difficult it may be to hold.

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Totally agree. I think this is exactly what is going on. Thanks for bringing this aspect up.

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its not doing that, you just can listen to a women - the problem with conservatives - a white man rescusing --- she is victim of harm

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Bill, I hear you, but I'd like to share a comment made by a young woman that I don't even know, but her reply made me feel vindicated for speaking out against this movie that is bringing some AWARENESS, sure, but is also bringing the bad actors money that will likely be feeding the very crimes this movie claims to be against, as well as the sick energy that such 'people' derive from rubbing their sins and filth in all of our faces, yet pretending that they're the Good Guys.

You may not want to believe that these actors we've been brainwashed into admiring for their Ability to Show Such Emotional Depth, like Ol' Mel Gibson, or this 'carousel' fellow, (who is most definitely a p.o.s. fraud of a human ACTOR/well paid liar, and a masonic tool) are doing the devil's work, but it is The Truth, regrettably. Take it or leave it.

We're all being attacked and robbed by the criminal masterminds that pretend to be our rulers, and are setting up in their Ivory Towers, thinking theirselves as gods while wrecking the whole Earth (or are at least giving it their best evil go of it).

Blessings for the Endurance to Hold the Truth.


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In a world where it’s perfectly legal and even celebrated to torture Preborn, Partially Born and Newborn Abortion Survivors to death, this horrific film follows the pattern.

Those who hate God hate Children. But unlike a defenseless Child, God will repay in full.

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Exactly my Sister Bridget, GOD/YAHWEH will repay the Evil Trilogy of LSD-Lucifer, Satan and the Devil a very "WARM" Welcome into Hell...!

See ya in Heaven my Sister...

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So you are aware...now what? What is your plan of action? What will you do as a result of this film to help stop this horror?

This film is hollywoods sanitized version of glamourizing the resuers, making them heroes. THis is how they play on the emotions of the weak minded, non thinking American. It whips up your feelings and you leave the movie theater feeling like you are now better off because you are aware. As pointed out, what about the sketchy finances of OUR?

Tell you what, IF you really want to know about child sex trafficking, and you do not want to just 'be aware', watch 'eyes of the devil'. Be forewarned, it is VERY GRAPHIC. It will NOT exalt the rescuer, it does present the dark, evil facts about this demonic wickedness. You won't be so cocky after you watch it - https://www.bitchute.com/video/dpWLGrLLIZDL/

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Amen, she's a disgruntled victim who didn't thinknof it first, no words. He that's for me is not against me.

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A disgruntled victim is understandable. Why are you listening to the Hollywood types and not the actual victims? This is twisted.

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i think what she is doing is raising questions many in the community are raising- be very careful- when things get masive publicity out of nowhere- the consequence i see - right off the bat is- your kid is in danger- chip your kid- don't think this won't happen- and see who will be in charge of it

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Same thoughts. I'm DONE

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If you aren't willing to listen to the victims or look at the financials, you're not willing to look at the truth. It's pretty clear.

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion/sound-of-freedom-pushes-forward-california-anti-trafficking-bill-5414434 this is interesting. California was not going to pass a Bill making human trafficking a felony but apparently this movie & the pressure it put on the legislature changed their mind. So this is a good thing. It appears that there are many angles to this question.

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True. Very true!

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They want to control the narrative as well as how people think about child trafficking. As if they will do something about it so no one real does something to bring the traffickers down for good.

That is all.

It's preplanned and controlled opposition. They also want to keep the control of a very profitable 'industry'.

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when ca passes a bill- watch out- look at what is passing out of assembly and what is on the docket- none of it bodes well for Ca residents-everyone should know about this, in any case- and let your friends know to oppose these measures

here is a partial list - our Ca legislators are mostly if not all crooks-- Your support is crucial to winning the YES vote to pass the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative in 2024 — which will immediately block these tax hikes! Support the Campaign: YES on CA Taxpayer Protection Initiative

Here are the 7 big tax hikes coming to California:

1. Mileage Tax: Politicians are already imposing a 6-cents per mile tax costing an average of $900 per car per year!

2. Healthcare Tax: Politicians propose to double California state taxes to fund government-run healthcare – costing average of $16k per household per year

3. Exit Tax: Politicians want a new tax for up to 10 years on residents who move out of California

4. Savings Tax: Politicians want a new tax on your personal savings and investments

5. Gas Tax: The law passed last week imposing a new tax on oil companies would be invalidated.

6. Utility Taxes: The crazy proposal to charge you higher utility rates if you earn "too much" will be blocked. In addition, the $4.5 billion in hidden state taxes on utility bills have to be voted on – or eliminated.

7. Local Tax Hikes: Any local sales or property tax hike adopted after January 2022 would be invalidated for not complying with the provisions of the CTPI.

How we can fight back:

Reform California is leading the charge to BLOCK these 7 tax hikes by winning the YES vote on the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative.

But we are up against the California politicians and special interests who benefit from your tax dollars — and who will pour millions into trying to fool voters into rejecting the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative so they can continue to pass these costly and unfair tax hikes.

That's why we need YOU to help us fight back. Join the fight TODAY — and please chip in a contribution so we can mount and effective campaign to win the YES vote on the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative!

Support the Campaign: YES on CA Taxpayer Protection Initiative

California politicians are trying to STOP this measure — and increase your taxes even more! Don't let them win!

Support the Campaign: YES on CA Taxpayer Protection Initiative

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Thanks for posting

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I too have a background in filmmaking and acting, and I consider my awareness of sex-trafficking as 'above average.' Roseanne Barr recently mentioned that she had helped victims of Hollywood's sexual abuse--(casting couches are a real Sabbatean beast.) Another well informed journalist recently stated that when NATO officers were shown photos and videos that showed a very clear visual of organ harvesting, this turned them against further support for Ukraine. The fact is--many people will not believe something is true unless they can see it with their own eyes; and even then, many will go numb-er and dumber in avoiding looking at anything as horrific as organ-harvesting, child sacrifce, and/or sex traficking. I know people who will never believe that many members of the elite ruling class are often pedophiles (or worse.) Try to convince a dyed-in-the-wool-liberal that Barack Obama is a homosexual married to a tranny(as one obvious example of ignorance). Films have power. People who walk the talk-like Tim Ballard and Mel Gibson, help to raise the bar for greater awareness. This is a good thing.

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Yes, they ARE raising awareness. I have never said they are not, BUT they are profiting off of it to continue the trafficking. They are making bank. Simply look at their 990s. Now, with that said, I have watched Americans become more docile over the years. We have gone from activists in the streets to warriors in the armchairs. Rarely do we motivate ourselves beyond hitting the keyboard... by design. While I'm thankful for the awareness..... we need solid action!!!!

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Absolutely! Just what I mentioned in a previous comment. Sitting on the kiddie key pad all day is doing nothing for any cause. I do sign petitions from "Liberty Council" and "PERK" and donate when I can via email. But we need to get back to "Boots on the ground" there's power in number's and bodies. Even here in Nevada County I'm no longer seeing any Back the Blue rallies. Are people becoming complacent or throwing in the towel? Or just complying and becoming sheeple to the tyrants because it's easier then actually standing strong, standing together and fighting the establishment?

As you know Reinette, I was fired from my job I loved here in GV of 14 year's for "Exercising my FREEDOM of choice for bodily autonomy" I finally, recently got another job (less $, no benefits) nothing I had with my previous career. My life was essentially ripped out from under me just for choosing "freedom of choice" in what I thought was a FREE country. I no longer have my new job, here in NC. It was at a local Veterinary clinic. And now we have a huge Parvo Virus outbreak in dogs of all ages, vaccinated and boosters. So protocol for Parvo Virus has always been "bleach" this is a small practice with NO ventilation. By the afternoon I had a sore throat and slept the entire next day. I let my supervisor know I was taking the following day off and once again they went all COVID on me. I thought I'd been punished enough, so I quit. I thought we were past all this BS? By day 3 I was fine. I think the bleach triggered something but it was NOT COVID. My theory on the Parvo outbreak is this. So many from other countries are coming over our borders and bringing dogs with them. Who knows where they are from or what else they and the people are bringing over? The dogs are then turned loose and those that aren't picked up by animal save organizations are now in our neighborhoods. So not only are "they" killing us "depopulation" they are trying to kill our beloved fur kids too.

Let's get back to basics. Rallies, Protests, boots on the ground, People in number's. I'm in are the rest of you? Or have they instilled so much fear (by design) that folks are afraid they will end up in jail or worse?

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“Yes, they ARE raising awareness. I have never said they are not, BUT they are profiting off of it to continue the trafficking.”

I’m genuinely confused...are you accusing the makers of the movie of being human traffickers themselves?

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Great share of truths, thank you. And we will see none of this on any MSM. The MSM has become very much like the "State run media" of China. Our country is currently being destroyed from "within" for the sole purpose of "globalization", control and power over "We the People" But sadly you are right when you say "you know people that will never believe this" It's beyond me to know there are people that actually believe and NEED the government to tell them how to live in every aspect of their lives. And in the end, those will be the first person's to throw themselves on the ground kicking and screaming "how did this happen"

I recently subscribed to "Epoch Times" They have some phenomenal documentaries, films, interviews and breaking news articles. Thank God for outlets like them.

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I feel that I repeat myself sometimes in my articles due to the lack of cogent dialog among certain peers and the social malaise in general. This nation spiralled downward as a result of many factors, and one in particular has truly harmed We the People: Mockingbird and the Langley spooks. The MSM is nothing less than a Pharmedia and a conduit for State sponsored propaganda.

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Everyone needs to chillax. All this paranoia assumes a startling level of competence and coordination of conspiratorial protocols which is impossible to find in a government bureaucracy. And as G. Gordon Liddy said, "two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead."

So where do these nefarious dark agents COME from, to wreak this supposed psyops havoc on their American peers?

The author had me with her criticism of Hollywood and this one film. Where she lost me was in extending that criticism to suggest the folks at OUR are themselves facilitating child sex trafficking. I don't understand her leap of logic from "this film and this group is just a money making scam" to "they are themselves child sex traffickers." That makes no sense.

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It's called "root terrorism" and it's been happening for decades.

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This is bs

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What part? The 990s that show all the money they are making and not putting towards stopping trafficking? The perspective of the trafficked? Can you please be more specific?

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I can’t stand Obama or his wife, but where can I go to see proof of your claim about him?

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Well. There is the dance she did in white pants with Ellen DeGeneres where, clearly, there is evidence of, you know. Then, there's the interview with Joan Rivers who tells the reporter, "Oh come on. You know Michelle is a trans".

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I've watched that dance clip a zillion times. Yupper, it's there. And isn't it ironic that after Rivers made that comment she "died" during a routine surgery. Yet she'd had several "routine" surgeries over the years and all were successful. I remember her saying years ago "If I have anymore face lifts, I'm going to have a beard" LMBO.

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And I didn't know that she died (was murdered?) after her comment. That's a terrible coinkidink.

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Ikr? It's like you can't believe what you're actually seeing so you have to watch again to make sure. It's crazy obvious.

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Oh this is well known and seen many places , and go look at the early photos of them together , Michele is CLEARLY Michael. Even though this extraordinary fraud was pulled right in front of the whole worlds eyes, its nothing compared to BHO s complete fake history , ID and that he himself is a CIA MK ULTRA programmed agent and did more to destroy this country than any before him. This plandemic would not have been pulled off if it were not for the many things set in motion during his administrations which were also rigged elections. He also fired huge numbers of military brass that could have stopped the military role in all this and some tried. I tried enormously to tell everyone way back then OBAMA CARE [the affordable care act} was only to put total control over all health care into the deep state gov. and big pharma to pull off this evil depopulation agenda, now revealed so clearly. All records of both their pasts are scrubbed , sealed or faked . BHO s parents and step father were CIA as well .

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Does anyone think the name "Stanley Ann Dunham" is odd or "Stanley A Dunham"? That's Obamas mother's name. She also had a friend who was a nanny of sorts to Obama when he was young. She was a Trans man to woman named Evie. Now to current times. Obama is strongly against the "ban" on Trans and sexually explicit books in schools. He's been outspoken recently re: Trans rights. And yes, if one goes way down the rabbit hole, you can find early pics of Michelle (Michael) And there's actual video/audio of Obama slipping and calling Michelle (Michael) One is a speech to the public and the other is on the "Bear Grylls" outdoor adventure show. I don't get why Michael just doesn't come out, I'm sure this hidden lifestyle must be uncomfortable or unsettling for him. Or maybe they feel we haven't come far enough "yet" for certain people to be openly Trans?

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Your correct on all points

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No, she is insane on all "points." As are you. Obama's policies sucked and his Administration was destructive. But this weird stupidity about Michelle being born a man is just ridiculous. Get help, ask your family doctor if the triple lining of tinfoil is working and get out your mom's basement. Step away from the keyboard. Jesus.

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Sounds like your both programmed and insane , many who know the truth about Michael/ Michele have openly spoken about it. Before all the records were scrubbed this was openly admitted as was the fact that he/ she was not a real attorney, if your so smart , prove everyone wrong. Shooting from the bushes at the messengers only shows how shallow you are. There is also sufficient info to show their supposed children are not really theirs. And by the way fool aluminum and tinfoil ACTUALLY do block EMF radiation and damage. So just take all your shots and stay on your cell phone all the time, and dont bother serious researchers.

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https://youtu.be/oRjTJYfRkm8 Here is one of the clips that Joan River said. Her daughter thinks she was targeted after this.

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Aloha SuszaQ,

since OHwahma graduated from Punahou in Hawaii it's personal... Also since he's a Polytician and not a Polynesian the politically correct term is his "Husband" Michael not wife Michelle... because he is Prostituting the University of Hawaii's logo, the Rainbow which was meant as a Covenant from God to Noah.

Understand the reverse of Evil is Live and the reverse of Lived is Devil. GOD creates Good, Moral and Ethical where Evil only Creates Destruction, Chaos, Lies and Deceptions... because Satan runs this material world those Powerful, Wealthy or Famous, the Globalist 1% are either born into the Satanic Bloodlines or have sold their Souls...

(Luke 4:6‭-‬7) to Jesus

And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

Obama replaces SOROS...


Cathy Fox reveals much of this Evil World, just know the Rabbit Hole is deep. Put on the whole Armor of God first...

Aloha & God bless SuszaQ, kyle

Sharing something from my daughter's passing in 2016, she was 22...

Yesterday was a gift...

Today is an opportunity...

Tomorrow never promised...

Live Life, Love Others, & Leave no regrets...

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Well done Reinette, there is much more going on here with 'OUR' than meets the eye, just follow the money and the movie industries historical connection to the CIA for script pre-approval.

The behavior psychologists in the MIC know exactly how to "manage outcomes" and steer the emotional "outrage" using systems like SWS to maintain what they call full-spectrum dominance during any operation.


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Saw the movie twice. Took family the 2nd time. Highly recommended.

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Thanks Hazel, the complainers haven't even seen the movie & they're against it; they sound more like traffickers to me. She didn't put her money up to tell her story. So what if they make money off the movie, good lord now they & their children are marked by the cabal.

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They are not just making money off the movie, there is an abundance of evidence they are actually trafficking. Nobody is against building public awareness, but one needs to simply follow the money to understand what is really happening here.

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You still don't get it. I don't care if he kissed the popes a$$. Your making all your comments about Jim Caviezel & this is about GOD & the Children. Learn God's word, HE wants this exposed generations ago.

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Wowza, Reinette, you make some insightful, potent observations here. Thank you for helping me to see this film and related trafficking issues with more discerning and critical eyes. It's hard to sleepwalk while you're at the keyboard. Thank you too for being incredibly SOLUTION oriented. Bravo.

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Jul 22, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Cathy O’Brien’s story is more important than the sheep’s love affair with SOF

For those who know not of Cathy O’Brien,


Watch these:



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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Just today Greg Reese also posted an interview with Cathy O'Brien. I haven't listened to it yet. I just went to find another of his videos and found this new one.


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Out Of Shadows is THE DOCUMENTARY to see on child trafficking, not SOF, which is more fiction (as admitted by Ballard) than fact:


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You are right on target, friend..

check out this rabbit hole 🐇

and then there’s a part 2 if you care to travel further!!

curiouser and curiouser 💥💥💥

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If you go down the deep dive above ( there’s even a part 2) you will arrive to the conclusion that SOF is fear mongering to get people to chip their children !!! They’ve already started the program in Georgia and it is intense to hear about at end of part 2!! The layers to the Great Awakening are complex and the Truth is continuing to confuse and control many that thought covid was all there was to the figure out !

We must keep our Hearts and minds open as we continue this journey to Peace on Earth!


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I have seen recordings of him saying he does not promote chips in children and that he feels completely the opposite of it. However, the freedom community is also quick to throwing people under the bus. Can't stand that about people whom believe in freedom. I have known about trafficking for years. However, I could never talk to anybody about it. Now friends that I never imagined would talk ab about it, went to see it. So if this brings more awareness to the horrible problems even if just a small amount I think it is serving a purpose. What most people don't realize is that it is everyday families that are very much involved and selling their kids out. Right here in our neighborhoods. So get to know your neighbors better and stop it there.

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baby steps... slowly turning the herd rather than trying to stampede them backwards.... people involved like gibson and tony robins probably try to move this in a wise and gradual process

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Yes, that's my take on it. I didn't watch it , but did it address how pedophilia is used by the intelligence agencies to blackmail politicians?

Dave McGowan wrote about pedophilia being a control mechanism used to keep politicians under control in the "Pedophocracy" chapter of his book Programmed to Kill,


Did the SOF ever mention the Franklin Coverup?


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You didn't watch SoF, then your opinion is mute!

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Well, I've already researched the topic, so I didn't need a documentary to tell me what I have known about for years. And from what I hear, they are pushing the chipping of children and that is ALL I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes so true , but even more is the very sophisticated controlled opposition methodology to get emotional reactions and fear from people who will only likely scream a bit to "selected officials, law enforcement, agencies, and the church who are ALL INVOLVED in this evil business , to DO something about it, because they themselves will not. Problem, reaction , pre created solution.

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Imagine this: The patrons of the film are the same fear based sheeple that believed covid, followed Fauci, prosecuted anti-mask/anti-vaxxers and ran to get their bioweapons without blinking an eye. The ptb know that 80% of the population are easily brainwashed and are counting on this being the same herd running to a movie, released on Independence Day called, "The Sound of Freedom " and will be so afraid that they'll run to chip their children to complete the NAA death project, with the first step being the injected bioweapon. Shiste.

As a critical thinker, the obviousness of the stupidity of the masses is embarrassing. My sincere apologies, but there are sooo many fools in the world that can't think for themselves or delve past a simple deception.

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You did not see the movie so your comnents are moot.

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023

As Lynnie suggested below, I need to read all of the suggested links within these Comments, so I can converse on the same level as everyone here. But. that will likely take a few more days. So far, I have not watched the movie, but have spent more than 24 hours viewing interviews of the actors and producer to try to understand the movie from their perspective. And, this is where I differ from Reinette and Madyson. I believe both of them should watch the movie to gain an understanding of what it is, exactly, they are critiquing. Otherwise, they are simply conjecturing.

As I stated in another Comment, anyone who cannot afford a ticket (or doesn't want to) can get a free ticket to a theater near them by going to the URL I included in the comment.

At the moment, I'm only going to make three comments:

1) First of all, to Madyson: Mel Gibson was not involved in Sound of Freedom. Mel Gibson is mentioned in some of Jim Caviezel's interviews due to Caviezel having been cast in Gibson's 'Passion of the Christ' and the two of them remaining close friends since then. You would know this if you had viewed the movie and its credits.

2) As I stated in the Comments section of a YouTube video, in one interview of Caviezel, he stated that one of his requirements for agreeing to act in the movie, was that there was to be no sexual, torture or other horrendous scenes involving children. That was not the message he wanted the movie to put forth. When I come across that interview again, I will post its link.

3) I've been reading that the MSM is criticizing practically anyone who contends there is rampant child trafficking and especially anyone who links that to organ harvesting. Also, anyone who states that there is adrenochrome harvesting, the MSM is equating with QAnon conspiracy theorists.

Anyone who contends that child trafficking doesn't exist should be forced out of MSM journalism. There are so many reports of child trafficking and organ harvesting, across the globe, that no one can deny it. As for adrenochrome harvesting, does anyone believe that organ harvesters would have any qualms about torturing a child for a few days, while harvesting their adrenochrome, prior to harvesting the organs?

I've a doctorate in anatomy and have taught human anatomy and cadaver dissection to medical and allied health students, so I have an idea of what kind of Satanic, demented mind it would take to harvest organs and adrenochrome, or kill a fetus/newborn within so many days prior to or following birth. People who don't believe there are individuals or groups of individuals who are currently doing these things, are so naive, I have no words for them. These are the people who, although I have not yet seen the film, I believe could begin being introduced to reality by viewing Sound of Freedom.

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Edmond, thank you for this thoughtful and insightful comment. To be clear, I am willing to watch SF, but not pay for it for obvious reasons. Also, I believe Madyson was referring to Gibson's Passion of the Christ "movement" as similar to SF.... and I did clarify in my mention of him that he is a supporter of the film. And, again, thank you for your comment.

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Stop it, I have no clue about your spiritual background; that being said, there's so much more to this than you know. I find it fascinating that you're not picking on the pedophiles, again, you are not the God police.

Don't think for one second you can work against God's agenda.

Go work on exposing the Vatican, the 13 bloodlines of Cain, Black Rock, Vanguard & all of Hollyweird.

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Now go see "SOUND OF FREEDOM" Shut the negativity of the main stream media up ! There's a good reason they're trying to bash & discredit the movie; QUESS! 100,000,000 People disagree !


“Mel Gibson warned actor Jim Caviezel that playing the character of Christ was going to be very difficult and that if he accepted, he most likely would be marginalized by Hollywood.

Caviezel asked for a day to think about it and his response to Mel who was funding and directing the movie was: "I think we have to make it, even if it is difficult." And something else, my initials are J.C., and I am 33 years old. "I didn't realize that until now."

Mel responded with “You're really scaring me you know.”

During filming, Jim Caviezel who plays the part of Jesus lost 45 pounds, he was struck by lightning, he was accidentally struck twice during the scourging scene leaving a deep 14-inch scar, he dislocated his shoulder when the cross was dropped into the hole with him on the cross. He then suffered pneumonia and hypothermia from being nearly naked with only a loin cloth on the cross for endless hours. The crucifixion scene alone took 5 weeks of the 2 months of shooting.

His body was so stressed and exhausted from playing the role that he had to undergo two open heart surgeries after the filming production.

Jim explained, “I didn’t want people to see me. I just want them to see Jesus. Conversions will happen through that.”

Almost like a clairvoyant prediction many amazing things happened.

Pedro Sarubbi, who played Barabbas, felt that it was not Caviezel who was looking at him, but Jesus Christ himself, as he played that role he said of Caviezel, “His eyes had no hatred or resentment towards me, only mercy and love."

Luca Lionello, the artist who played Judas, was an avowed atheist before shooting began. He eventually converted, and baptized his children.

One of the main technicians working on the film was a Muslim converted to Christianity.

Some producers said they saw actors dressed in white they didn’t recognize during one of the filming sessions, and when they reviewed the recordings they realized they couldn’t see them in that footage.

The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing US religious as well as the highest R-rated film of all time, with $370.8 million! Worldwide, it grossed $611 million.

More importantly, it has reached 100’s of millions of people around the world.

Mel Gibson paid $30 million out of his own pocket for the production of the film because no studio would take on the project.

Today Jim Caviezel simply and boldly proclaims his faith in Christ, and the miracle it was for him to represent Christ as an actor and a greater believer of Christ because of this experience.

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Gramas.... how many survivors were interviewed for this film? This is a good question to ask the producers....

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I do not care how many were interviewed, the right one came forth. God wins by many or few.

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Definitely correct on this one , just look at who financed it , Disney buying it , and the controlled opposition psyop employed. I met Kathy O . way back when she first was lecturing on her experience , and no one would listen. We know the high level people and organizations running this global evil , same ones doing all the other evil agendas. Now how to stop them?

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Now go see "SOUND OF FREEDOM" Shut the negativity of the main stream media up ! There's a good reason they're trying to bash & discredit the movie; QUESS! 100,000,000 People disagree !


“Mel Gibson warned actor Jim Caviezel that playing the character of Christ was going to be very difficult and that if he accepted, he most likely would be marginalized by Hollywood.

Caviezel asked for a day to think about it and his response to Mel who was funding and directing the movie was: "I think we have to make it, even if it is difficult." And something else, my initials are J.C., and I am 33 years old. "I didn't realize that until now."

Mel responded with “You're really scaring me you know.”

During filming, Jim Caviezel who plays the part of Jesus lost 45 pounds, he was struck by lightning, he was accidentally struck twice during the scourging scene leaving a deep 14-inch scar, he dislocated his shoulder when the cross was dropped into the hole with him on the cross. He then suffered pneumonia and hypothermia from being nearly naked with only a loin cloth on the cross for endless hours. The crucifixion scene alone took 5 weeks of the 2 months of shooting.

His body was so stressed and exhausted from playing the role that he had to undergo two open heart surgeries after the filming production.

Jim explained, “I didn’t want people to see me. I just want them to see Jesus. Conversions will happen through that.”

Almost like a clairvoyant prediction many amazing things happened.

Pedro Sarubbi, who played Barabbas, felt that it was not Caviezel who was looking at him, but Jesus Christ himself, as he played that role he said of Caviezel, “His eyes had no hatred or resentment towards me, only mercy and love."

Luca Lionello, the artist who played Judas, was an avowed atheist before shooting began. He eventually converted, and baptized his children.

One of the main technicians working on the film was a Muslim converted to Christianity.

Some producers said they saw actors dressed in white they didn’t recognize during one of the filming sessions, and when they reviewed the recordings they realized they couldn’t see them in that footage.

The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing US religious as well as the highest R-rated film of all time, with $370.8 million! Worldwide, it grossed $611 million.

More importantly, it has reached 100’s of millions of people around the world.

Mel Gibson paid $30 million out of his own pocket for the production of the film because no studio would take on the project.

Today Jim Caviezel simply and boldly proclaims his faith in Christ, and the miracle it was for him to represent Christ as an actor and a greater believer of Christ because of this experience.

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Jim Caviezel has kneeled before the Pope (head of the global pedo ring) and has dozens of photos giving the Illuminati symbols. You can't unsee this once seen.

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With all due respect to beliefs , you may be letting them get in the way of seeing the whole picture as it really is . As Reinette's comment below also points to , and there is much more to be seen if you look deeply.

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Thank you Reinette, for covering the very controversial Tim Ballard. He previously made 2 other documentaries, available FREE online:

The Abolitionist documentary - https://vimeo.com/373508796

Operation Toussaint documentary - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9397842/

This 35 min. podcast provides a good summary of years of trafficking research from Amazing Polly:


American Crime Journal .com and on YouTube has done years of investigative journalism about OUR.


Mormon Stories Podcast with John Dehlin has a recent show with interviews of VICE investigative journalists. https://www.mormonstories.org/podcast/sound-of-freedom/

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I believe it is is not being shown in mainstream media because they know the truth that many are the perpetrators of it.

We all are sinful.

It is raising good awareness. Without showing just how bad this is, it will not be eradicated. Need to know, to help.

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We are not seeing how bad it is.... nowhere near. The truth has been glossed over in this film.

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I heard from Amazing Polly that most if not all who are involved in this movie are Mormon, including Glen Beck and the money given was from Mormons to fund the movie. I have been waiting for the truth to come out about the Mormon Church and it's kinship with the Vatican. Many in my family are Mormon, and the women have no clue what their husbands are involved in. Many have no clue where their money is going (as they tithe 10 % every month of their wages) and most are middle class or very wealthy like Glen Beck. I believe the Amish are also involved in this secret also!!! We must get to the bottom of this. We must listen to survivors and save the humans that are being so illtreated and killed as a result of this.

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Mitt the Nitt Witt is a Mormon, too!

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Yes, but what my concern is is for the children and women and men who have been involved in this horrible evil! I want to know the TRUTH, as hard as it may be, so I can participate in stopping this from happening. I do not want to support those who are doing the trafficking of children and torturing them! We must listen to the survivors to know!

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Then find out how to get in touch with the survivors. Why don't you get in touch with

someone connected to the SOF and ask them. Find a way to contact Tim Ballard and

voice your concerns. It's just not that easy to stop trafficking. These monsters have

to be dealt with in ways we can't even imagine.

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I heard, I heard, I heard. Good grief!

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

I keep hearing people claim, 'well at least it's making people aware'. Does this film address adrenochrome? Does it address satanic rituals using children? Does it address murdering children to harvest their organs? Are all of you 'aware' of any of those horrors?

So, you saw the sanitized version from hollywood, now you are 'aware', or are you? What will you do with your new found 'awareness'?

God have mercy on the children who are suffering and being killed, but at least others are aware of some kind of child trafficking.....

Tell you what, you want the truth? Are you ready to see what really goes on? Then watch 'eyes of the devil' - https://www.bitchute.com/video/dpWLGrLLIZDL/

After that, watch - https://rumble.com/v2uc4w6-whistleblower-ukraine-is-harvesting-children-in-adrenochrome-labs-for-vip-e.html

You will be more than aware, you will be sickened, horrified....

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Thanks so much for sharing

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Thanks for posting. I've heard popular social media personalities say same, i.e. movie didn't go far enough. IMO people can barely handle what the film did expose

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Here's another ‘interesting’ video.

This guy is a creepy son of a gun.

Psychologically, he shows several troubling attitudes, and I do not believe his schtick. He is a trained actor and liar, and is about as insincere as they come.

Another dangerous CIA dupe.


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