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Bill, I hear you, but I'd like to share a comment made by a young woman that I don't even know, but her reply made me feel vindicated for speaking out against this movie that is bringing some AWARENESS, sure, but is also bringing the bad actors money that will likely be feeding the very crimes this movie claims to be against, as well as the sick energy that such 'people' derive from rubbing their sins and filth in all of our faces, yet pretending that they're the Good Guys.

You may not want to believe that these actors we've been brainwashed into admiring for their Ability to Show Such Emotional Depth, like Ol' Mel Gibson, or this 'carousel' fellow, (who is most definitely a p.o.s. fraud of a human ACTOR/well paid liar, and a masonic tool) are doing the devil's work, but it is The Truth, regrettably. Take it or leave it.

We're all being attacked and robbed by the criminal masterminds that pretend to be our rulers, and are setting up in their Ivory Towers, thinking theirselves as gods while wrecking the whole Earth (or are at least giving it their best evil go of it).

Blessings for the Endurance to Hold the Truth.


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In a world where it’s perfectly legal and even celebrated to torture Preborn, Partially Born and Newborn Abortion Survivors to death, this horrific film follows the pattern.

Those who hate God hate Children. But unlike a defenseless Child, God will repay in full.

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Exactly my Sister Bridget, GOD/YAHWEH will repay the Evil Trilogy of LSD-Lucifer, Satan and the Devil a very "WARM" Welcome into Hell...!

See ya in Heaven my Sister...

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