No, she is insane on all "points." As are you. Obama's policies sucked and his Administration was destructive. But this weird stupidity about Michelle being born a man is just ridiculous. Get help, ask your family doctor if the triple lining of tinfoil is working and get out your mom's basement. Step away from the keyboard. Jesus.
No, she is insane on all "points." As are you. Obama's policies sucked and his Administration was destructive. But this weird stupidity about Michelle being born a man is just ridiculous. Get help, ask your family doctor if the triple lining of tinfoil is working and get out your mom's basement. Step away from the keyboard. Jesus.
Sounds like your both programmed and insane , many who know the truth about Michael/ Michele have openly spoken about it. Before all the records were scrubbed this was openly admitted as was the fact that he/ she was not a real attorney, if your so smart , prove everyone wrong. Shooting from the bushes at the messengers only shows how shallow you are. There is also sufficient info to show their supposed children are not really theirs. And by the way fool aluminum and tinfoil ACTUALLY do block EMF radiation and damage. So just take all your shots and stay on your cell phone all the time, and dont bother serious researchers.
Right. Sure. While I am proving Michelle Obama is a woman, please spend time proving you're not a complete fruitcake. Muting you. There are real issues to deal with in our country - nonsensical bullshit about the Obamas is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list. So far down the list it's irrelevant. Free Speech, everyone! Even for nutbags who think rational acceptance of normal reality is "programming."
Your completely missing the point , BOTH Obama s are completely fraud puppets, doing their psyop fraud right in front of everyone while following orders to destroy the country for whom they serve. Those they serve laugh and know , the people have been so dumbed down ,mind controlled, and distracted , that they will believe what they are told to believe, rather than see what is right in front of them. His elections were both completely rigged as well . He is CIA all the way.
No, she is insane on all "points." As are you. Obama's policies sucked and his Administration was destructive. But this weird stupidity about Michelle being born a man is just ridiculous. Get help, ask your family doctor if the triple lining of tinfoil is working and get out your mom's basement. Step away from the keyboard. Jesus.
Sounds like your both programmed and insane , many who know the truth about Michael/ Michele have openly spoken about it. Before all the records were scrubbed this was openly admitted as was the fact that he/ she was not a real attorney, if your so smart , prove everyone wrong. Shooting from the bushes at the messengers only shows how shallow you are. There is also sufficient info to show their supposed children are not really theirs. And by the way fool aluminum and tinfoil ACTUALLY do block EMF radiation and damage. So just take all your shots and stay on your cell phone all the time, and dont bother serious researchers.
Right. Sure. While I am proving Michelle Obama is a woman, please spend time proving you're not a complete fruitcake. Muting you. There are real issues to deal with in our country - nonsensical bullshit about the Obamas is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list. So far down the list it's irrelevant. Free Speech, everyone! Even for nutbags who think rational acceptance of normal reality is "programming."
Your completely missing the point , BOTH Obama s are completely fraud puppets, doing their psyop fraud right in front of everyone while following orders to destroy the country for whom they serve. Those they serve laugh and know , the people have been so dumbed down ,mind controlled, and distracted , that they will believe what they are told to believe, rather than see what is right in front of them. His elections were both completely rigged as well . He is CIA all the way.