This "Nazi" narrative is a controlled opposition PsyOp timed just as major revisionist perspectives about world war 2 are breaking into the mainstream consciousness, as seen with the recent Tucker Carlson interview, Candace Owens, and other on X/Twitter. At this point, I assume any narrative trying to pin the Globalist issue on the Nazis is purposely trying to muddy the waters and deflect who the culprits are, and the winners were, in the second world war.
Wild Bill Donovan, the OSS head and nominal founder of the CIA had ties to the Soviet Bolsheviks as did many in the Roosevelt administration which explains our chummy relationship with genocidal madman Stalin. The numerous Jewish Bolsheviks-Communist spies high up in the Roosevelt administration were revealed in the Venona decrypts., and they include such substantial figures as Harry Dexter White and Louis Brandeis.
Another commentor mentioned General Patton who famously said at the end of the war that we should have been fighting against the Communists; not Germany. Patton was using his influence to try to get the US government to commit to taking out the Soviets before they could achieve regional hegemony, which led to the Cold War.
At the end of the day the reality of the Second World War has been inverted. National Socialism during the Weimar Republic years was a reaction to predatory Rothschild "Judeo-capitalism" which along with crushing reparations, caused hyperinflation, mass starvation, loss of housing, and high unemployment. The same people were involved in the cultural degradation in Berlin; pornography, prostitution, pedophilia, LGBT lifestyles and the birth of the transgender movement created the world's center for debauchery while ordinary Germans were exploited. Any small wonder that it took a "fascist dictator" to kick out the Rothschilds and cultural degenerates, creating what has been widely regarded as an "economic miracle" in the 1930s. Sound familiar? We have our own version of American Weimar today.
Jewish banking financiers and the Focus Group fronted Churchill and urged him to bait Hitler into war. The Jewish media and Bolshevik sympathizers in Roosevelt's administration did the same, and they destroyed Charles Lindbergh for calling them out on it. Jewish bankers like Jacob Schiff financed the Bolsheviks-Communists, who were responsible for the deaths of 60 million Russian Christians. Operation Paperclip, like the Ha'avara Transfer Agreement, was mere realpolitik that people with a fantasy conspiratorial mindset make far too big a deal about.
If you want to know who won world war 2 and who controls the narrative today, simply observe closely where the power is. Who controls the narrative? Who controls finance? Who controls Tech and AI? It's not the Nazis. The Nazis don't disproportionately own, control, and dominate our media; a media that literally creates consensus reality and frames of the narratives of our times. The Nazis don't own and control the major Hollywood studios. The Nazis don't have NGOs like HIAS in Panama, South America and Mexico funneling military age migrants across our open borders. The head of the Department of Homeland Security, who used to be on the board of HIAS, isn't a Nazi, but like HIAS, he is Jewish. The Nazis aren't filling out 13 of the top 15 cabinet members of the Biden administration, including Secretary of State, Attorney General (prosecuting Christian patriots), etc. Who do you think is running the country?
Are the Nazis the folks with their own unregistered foreign lobby (AIPAC) who every Congress person but Thomas Massie cowers to? Do the Nazis have their own domestic Stasi, the ADL, which doxxes, smears, and orchestrates character assassinations of anyone "noticing" Jewish power and their international Mafia? Who founded BlackRock and what ethnic group makes up the owner and c-level executives? Don't we like to say that BlackRock "owns everything"? Were Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Jeffrey Epstein Nazis? No, but they are connected to Mossad. What about the relationship between the NGOs like HIAS and the Mexican Cartels in the child (pedo) trafficking rings? What group has their own special word that can cause you to be ostracized and lose your job for merely pointing out the reality of their institutional supremacy? Look what happend to Charles Lindbergh and so many others.
Who was at the vanguard of all of the culturally corrosive "woke" ideologies and practices: Radical feminism and the "sexual revolution," LGBTQ ideology, pornography (even today, PornHub and OnlyFans are owned by...), abortion as a religion, hijacking the civil rights movement, etc etc ad nauseum. Hollywood spins myths around the Holocaust and Black Slavery that obscures the real story. I could go on and on and on. When I look around and I see who is pushing divisive narratives in the media, who is race baiting, who is making culturally degrading movies; who's responsible for the migrant horde invasions in Europe and America, and who dominates the overarching international predatory capitalist cabal, it's not Nazis. For fun, expand your minds a bit with some fact filled reading...
Thanks Carson. I've been overlooking the UNZ. com newsletters too often. Thanks for reminding me. I have a difficult time assimilating ALL the information I'm receiving in a day, a week or a overcome years of indoctrinational lies I've been subject to in my upbringing and schools. Input like yours is valued and appreciated.
I should also add that OSS head Wild Bill Donovan was the man who ordered the assassination hit on General Patton, which speaks volumes when looked at in the context of my comment
This book takes the conspiracy back before Weissman and the Illuminati and the infiltration into freemasonry. It is interesting that Carr sent copies to the FBI and there is file posted on the archives as to their response to him. If anyone wants to understand the World Revolutionary movement - IMHO this book is the place to start.
The FBI files on him are also interesting - they are also available at archive. Very interesting article on fluoride in that set- he was fighting this also - which makes sense given its use as a bioweapon. The Rothschild banking house had control over the British government by the 1800s - so many of the moves they made were what was demanded by the bankers of which they were in debt to. Sort of like folks that have controlling interest in stock companies assert great influence on the policies of that company.
Get off it, with your "controlled opposition" nonsense.
All of these entities of which you speak are compartmentalized units of this same global crime system. Once you understand this, you understand everything.
It remains true than the Godfathers of 1) NATO; 1) UN; 2) CIA; 3) CDC; 4) NASA; 5) EU were ALL NAZIS and these organizations remain lousy with Nazis. WTF else can you call Ursula von der Leyen?
Are you suggesting that the above are *subserviant* to the Jewish Mafia families?
The families at the top have all been intermarrying for centuries and it’s all interlocking, like the boards directorships of BlackRock and similar funds that control all of the major corporations and the trading of their stocks on Wall Street. If you want to blame everything on "The Jews", you are silly.
It all boils down to the Black Nobility, which may have its roots going all the way back to Sumer. Much of our history has been hidden and re-written.
The Freemasons are a compartmentalized unit of the Black Nobility crime syndicate, which also includes the Vatican, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, MI6, CIA, FBI, Mossad, the Italian and Jewish Mafias – and significantly, to what’s happening at the US Southern Border, all of the Latin American criminal cartels. Note that the Jewish Mafia is not at the top, which I infer is what you believe to be the case.
The Rockefeller Family, who financed and founded the UN are agents of the Nazi faction of the Black Nobility, of which the British Crown sits at the very top.
Jewish Wall Street bankers financed the Bolshevik Revolution. Communism was invented by contractees of the Black Nobility. Both Marx and Engels were cousins and/or married into the Rothschild Family and directly financed by British Peer and member of the House of Lords, Baron Lionel de Rothschild during the rule of Queen Victoria. It could be said that Communism was as much a production of the British Crown as it was of certain German-Jewish Wall Street banker agents of the Rothschilds. Zionism was also a project of and subsidized by the British Crown.
Jews, while profiting handily from all of this are the "front of the house" and have been used as the "Whipping Boys", similarly to how the Rockefeller-created CCP Chinese are blamed for everything today.
You can go and do “Control F” searches, to drill down on aspects of all of this in this article I wrote here about a mystery PDF that explains all of this (, including that:
All "cult organizations are owned and controlled by members of royalty and nobility. Criminal organizations such as Royalty itself, Royal Institutions, The Society of Jesus, The Black Monks, The Hellfire Club, The Templar Orders, Freemasonry, The Grand Orient of France, The York Rite, The Scottish Rite, Prince Masonry of Prince Hall, Shriners International, The Royal Order of Jesters, The Cabal Society, Chabad, Scientology, Skull & Bones, The Boulé Society, The 5% Nation, The Nation of Islam, Black Israelites, The Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), The Temple of Set, The Church of Satan, Rosicrucian, Golden Dawn, Opus Dei, Mormons, Knights of Columbus, The Bohemian Club, Knights of Phintias, Ancient Order of Druids, Wicca, Santeria, Obeah, Voodoo, Sufism, Greek Fraternities and Brotherhoods, New Age and Gnostic Cults, Nazi Cults, KKK, Mafias, Prison Gangs, Biker Gangs and Street Gangs."
Come correct and stop blaming one ethnicity for everything, when it is a global criminal gang comprised of multiple ethnicities.
You forgot about the Nihilists in your epic conspiracy list of players. Of course I am familiar with this red herring all-encopassing conspiratorial fantasy narrative, since that was my model of reality for a good twenty years. I get a good chuckle every time that I see variations of this narrative, although you've included everyone but the kitchen sink. But just for fun, I'll engage with you: 1. Who dominates the establishment media at the ownership and C-executive level? Is it the Black Venetian Nobility? The Nazis? Nope. The media creates our consensus reality trance and controls all of the narrative frames for the events that shape our lives. Sadly none of the groups you've listed control this essential medium for control or propaganda. It's the Jews. 2. Who disproportionately owns and dominates Hollywood at the stuido and corporate level? Hollywood is another powerful tool of social engineering, propaganda, and historical myth making. Hint: It's not the Nazis? The "Black Nobility"? Nope. It's the Jews! 3. Who dominates the NGOs dedicated to keeping our borders wide open in America and in Europe, realizing their long held "Kalergi Plan" to destroy Western Civilization and Christianity? Is it the Nazis? Nope. The Black Nobility? Nope. It's the Jews. The current head of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, was on the Board of Directors for HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, right before he was picked to "protect our borders" — literally the fox guarding the henhouse. HIAS has an underground railroad of centers from Ecuador and Venezuala all the way through the Darien Gap in Panama and up through Central America and Mexico to funnel "migrants" — many who are young military age men, gang members, and potential terrorists — into our country where DHS, under Mayorkas, ferries them around al over the country. This same plot has been in the works in Europe and the poison fruits of that agenda is apparent to all.
What you miss in your all-encompasing conspiracy theory is what is happening in reality.
The Project for a New American Century, PNAC, was a Jewish Zionist NeoCon plot to create a Greater Israel and drag America into Middle East wars against Israel's enemies. Israelis, like Benjamin Netanyahu and others, like to brag how they manipulate the United States into fighting their wars for them. PNAC postulated that America needed to experience a "New Pearl Harbor" in order to galvanize Americans to support such a venture. Low and behold, the Mossad-CIA-Bush NeoCon inside job 9/11 happened shortly after. And even though "Osama bin Laden" was supposed to be the bad guy, the Bush administration began the PNAC agenda by going after Husseiin and is fake weapons of mass destruction. Ever since the PNAC plan has been unfolding cause disruption and chaos on the Middle East. Taking out Gaddafi in Libya facilitated the migrant invastions to happen in Europe. Somalia and Yemn actions, amongst other attemps in Syria, created even more "migrants" and refugees.
Jewish Zionist NeoCons create total disruption in the Middle East. These "disruptions" create migrants. Then 'progressive' Jewish NGOs like HIAS and many others and their partners, funnel those refugees into Western Christian nations where they are wholly incompatible, cannot and do not assimilate, and cause chaos, social disintegration and commit the majority of per capita violent crime.
This covert war against Western Civilization through using Muslims and Africans as the wrecking ball for the West, is the full realization of both the Kalergi Plan and the Protocols, the supposed "hoax" that has been followed to the letter by the very people exposed in the Protocols. This covert war is not being led by the Black Nobility or the Nazis, obviously being the eternal enemy of the Jews, nor is it being led by Freemasons or the Jesuits or the Santarian Druid Order of the Goldnen Dawn. It's being led by Zionist Jews and secular "progressive" Jews. Of course I don't even have time to get into Mossad, Jeffrey Epstein, Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell, and the entire massive child sex trafficking operation that connects the Mexican drug cartels with the "refugee" funneling NGOs like HIAS, and our Jewish Department of Homeland Security head who brings up the "Holocaust" when he gets grilled by the Senate on why he's not just not doing his job, but actively engaging in treason.
Every single trajectory that is seeing the destruction of the West sees secular or Zionist Jews at the Vanguard. You might as well call America "American Weimar 2.0"
You have the predatory, parasitical Judeo-capitalism as the overarching control system. You have the social engineering and social subversion of Cultural Marxism. Who was at the vanguard of radical feminism? Of the LGBTQ movement? Of postmodern ideology, deconstructivism, and Critical Theory? Of the porn industry? Of open immigration and wide open borders since the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965? Who dominates the media, our consensus reality creator and our cultural myth maker. Hollywood? Who is the only group you can't name and can't criticize in the United States today without losing your job? It's not the Nazis. You can call anyone Hilter; it's a favorite pastime. But talk about Jewish Supremacy and you are destroyed. That's why Dave Chappelle said, famously, on Saturday Night Live: "If it's blacks, it's a gang. If it's Italians, it's a mob; and if it's Jews, it's just a coincidence and you shouldn't talk about it." The Jews, going back to Rome, have always had a state within a state. They have the fifth column now just like they had in WW2. They were the winners of World War 2 and they have been consolidating wealth and power ever since. Even Richard Nixon knew this and this is why he was taken out through Watergate. In fact, one could say that we live in a Judeo-Matrix. A Matrix within a Matrix. While the Jews always have their Shabbos Goys like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci to give the illusion that it's not a specific ethnic group pursuing an in-group evolutionary group supremacist strategy, every entity from the International Banks, like the Bank of International Settlements, the Federal Reserve and other Central Banks, BlackRock (founded, owned and operated at the highest levels by Larry Fink and other Ashkenazi), the entire Covid Con and the heads of the mRNA vax makers, and I could go on and on and on; It's the Jews, buddy. Of course that "doesn't mean it is every Jew" — obviously, just like not all Italians are in the Mafia — but it's a helluva lot of them. And here is even more definitive proof right here. Read it. It's time to reformulate your reality construct:
I had dreams when i was around 10 yo that Hitler and ALL the leaders sat around the big oval table sucking cigas, drinking brandy talking big about how many folks (their own ppl) they cld afford to lose. I never forgot this dream and I never saw the propaganda films the same way again. I always respected Vets for their service who thought there was a cause. Of course there was only death of humanity & money for globalists swine.
Just a cursory review here of your comment as just learning of this movie and am totally confused, but are you saying the whole premise of the movie is incorrect?
Reinette I would like to see that video that James was talking about when you asked how can you tell if someone is MK Ultraed, and said he could send you the clip. The one where Holy Ghost was the trigger word. When he sends that you if you could post it here I would much appreciate it. I"m sure I'm not the only one who would be very interested to see it.
That is so bizarre! To make that funny look I can understand, they were all acting stupid and blabbing on about trivial, unimportant nonsense. But the fact that he held it for so long made it creepier and more bizarre by the second. Notably in the 17 seconds (as alledged by piss poor spin doctor Anderson Cooper) or however much the clip actually covered of his 'freeze' we didn't see him break that frozen expression. So how long did it actually go on for?
Note the dates of activity are from Christmas Eve through Epiphany (Jan 6). One of the highest Christian Holidays - which suggest that this is Talmudic in nature.
Significant note, I can't find one clip on YouTube (I know, scrubbed), of the end of the scene. It always cuts away. Anderson says he stopped after 17 seconds. So, I'm guessing it went on much longer.
consider the reason why Cooper needed to explain and redirect what set him off. Cooper is the son of Gloria Vanderbilt and some interesting things showed up in the Podesta emails. She is/was a high queen in the cult. He was apparently a victim of their abuse - he also is said to be CIA so is probably MK ultra also.
What are the Podesta emails? And also how do we know for sure that Al Roker standing like that is MK ultra? I’m not saying it isn’t, but I’m also all about not creating propaganda but making sure it’s super solid facts, that we can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Can we say— with that level of certainty —that his expression was a MK ultra?
That painting of the children around the swimming pool haunts me every time I see Anderson Cooper or hear the name of Gloria Vanderbilt. The one little boy that looks so much like Anderson Cooper, the fact that he had a brother who commited suicide (or so the story goes). Commited suicide, or sacrificed, either way what did he go through before he was finally released from that life?
Had to pause, AGAIN, at 36:33.....with the final thing that I needed, to call..............
As soon as 'James Grundvig' drops the names of Q-TARDS/Deep State Puppet MINIONS.....
'Juan O Savin' and 'Nino Rodriguez'......that's all I needed to put 'James Grundvig' into the same column of 'Q-TARD/DEEP STATE MINION'! Before these 2 names, he was going on about 'THE PLAN'.
How does one know when they are in the presence of a GOVT Q-TARD FUCKTARD???
You'll get the Op Phrases like......
.....and so on.
And, of course, the MINION Operative HAS TO mention 'Q'.
If people do not know.....or haven't USED THEIR BRAIN to figure it out yet, so-called 'Q'.......
IS CIA! Let me REPEAT that......
And those STILL PUSHING that NONSENSE can ONLY BE.......a Deep State, Q-Tard, Puppet MINION!
'James' HAS said a WHOLE LOTTA TRUTH. But then he goes into CIA PsyOp Mode.
Yes; he IS CORRECT about the NAZIS.
But, as WE ALL SHOULD BE paying attention to what one does NOT SAY!
And what 'James' does NOT, NOT ONE WORD about Khazarians (aka FAKE jews; aka 'Israel') that are WORLD-WIDE! Also, NOT ONE WORD about the Federal Reserve/Central Banks (world-wide)??? Wonder why that is? Could it be that THAT is who is FUNDING HIM??
As we all SHOULD know....this is how the CIA/Operatives get people SUCKED INTO THE PSYOP......Give some/a lot of truth.....then carry on with the Op. And the suckers will say, "B...b...b..but, he CAN'T be an Operative......look at all of the TRUTH/FACTS he said?!".
These TRUTHS/FACTS ARE ALREADY OUT THERE; and HAVE BEEN. An Operative gives NOTHING NEW. EXCEPT......the PsyOp NONSENSE! NONE of which HAS come to pass, or WILL come to pass! Just STAY HOME......AND TRUST THE PLAN!!! Do NOT DO ANYTHING.....Trump/the military WILL SAVE YOU.....TRUST THE PLAN!! lolololol
So, what is this guys End Game here, with his documentary?? Is it......
Here is a whole lotta truth/, SIT BACK AND TRUST THE PLAN! TRUMP WILL SAVE US ALL!! ??????? The military is going to SWOOP IN.......and SAVE US ALL!!!! ??????
The stuff (truth/facts) that 'James' is rattling off, HAS BEEN KNOWN (for DECADES, with MOST he said)!
He is NOT bringing ANYTHING NEW to the table! NOTHING!!!!! He is just talking what IS, and HAS BEEN, already out there, and RE-PACKAGING IT, for the 'Q Op'.
I've never heard of 'James Grundvig'. And I was Red Pilled long before his supposed 'autistic son' was even born!! So, where has this guy BEEN??? Just another 'Johnny-Come-Lately', or apparently, JUST ANOTHER MINION of the Deep State/Globalists!
As this MINION was giving us truth/ sounded like he PLAGIARIZED these things from Dr. Joseph P. Farrell (<<< you want REAL NAZI HISTORY?? THIS is your man!) and Dark Journalist (Daniel Liszt)!!
I am SO SICK of these CIA Q-TARDS!!!!!!!!!
I came to the conclusion, on my own.....with my FUNCTIONING BRAIN, that so-called 'Q' was a CIA PsyOp.......long before I'd seen the following video, from 4-ish years ago. Featuring 3 of THEE MOST RESPECTED, MORAL and HONORABLE HUMAN BEINGS on this planet!!!...........
A Full Spectrum Analysis of the "Q" Phenomenon w/ Dr. Joseph P. Farrell & Catherine Austin Fitts
This is how I feel about all of it. Whether or not Q is real, it doesn't matter in my personal life or the lives around me. We go about our business without any expectation that ANTHING will be saving us. I suggest everyone else do the same.
I have to agree with alot you've said especially about Osavin & Nino, I too was disappointed when Grundvig mentioned them, youre right on, he isnt saying anything new I havent heard for the last 4 years +.
Thank you for this link! Im in the middle of watching it. Fascinating, & I really like Catherine A-Fitts! They make so much sense, never could watch the Q stuff, it had a ring of "hope porn" as CAF says! So true. Im gerting disappointed in Reinette lately, she backpedaled off the microwave bursts going out at night over the country, then her piece on the "Unityparty" seemed like there was a gun to her head! I really enjoy her substack but not sure whats going on lately! James Grundvig is nothing but a NY bully in love with his own voice and opinions - imo.
I'm still battling the behemoths of geoengineering and microwave bursts, and no, there's no gun to my head. As I've mentioned before, the notion of "white hats" or a military cavalry swooping in to save us is a lovely idea but don't get me wrong, not matter what we hope for, one must zlways keep preparing oneself for the reality at hand.
I love the concept of White Hats and the idea of a clandestine group of generals working tirelessly on our behalf. And who wouldn't also love the thought of a Unity Party emerging to revolutionize politics? But these possibilities, no matter how alluring, will never derail my personal mission or the daily grind I put in to prepare myself and those around me for rough times ahead.
Thank you Reinette for the clarification! I greatly respect your dedication, & so enjoy your substacks! I love the whole white hat & loyal generals idea too, more than I want to. However, there have been so many warning signs & continues to be, leaving me nothing but confused! I would hate to think a free honest spirit like you was being supressed! Thank you & much Love.
"Good luck lady with the gang hand sign , “all seeing eye”, drinking a Budweiser. Charming, just like you!".
You show your Pure Ignorance by ASSUMING! How about be an ADULT, and ASK ME about my profile photo???
Because, IF you HAD ASKED, I would have told you that it is NOT a 'gang sign', nor an 'all seeing eye' sign! MOST people, who don't live in an ignorant bubble, would KNOW that \m/ OR \m/ \m/ .......stands for HEAVY METAL; a MUSIC GENRE. The 'HEAVY METAL SIGN' is COMPLETELY HARMLESS. Contrary to the BELIEFS of the IGNORANT, 'METAL-HEADS' (those who love Heavy Metal) are NOT Satan-worshipers. And Heavy Metal is NOT 'Satans Music', either!
'Drinking a BUDWEISER'?? So, YOU have a PROBLEM with people who DRINK BEER???
Again, IF you would have ASKED, like an ADULT, about my photo......I would have also told you that it was taken at my local bar, that a good friend of mine had owned (the bar is closed now). A bar that had ROCK/METAL BANDS playing on the weekends.
SO....that photo is of me, ROCKING OUT (METAL \m/) to Rock/Metal bands, on a weekend, enjoying a BEER! WHICH part of that do YOU have a PROBLEM with??
Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with 'Theosophy', 'Steiner', 'Blavatsky' or Gigi Young. Theosophy is NOT a 'UN One World Religion'. Not even close.
I knew nothing about the aforementioned, until SEVERAL YEARS ago.....when Dark Journalist (Daniel Liszt) started doing shows, either stand alone about or was connected to, the aforementioned.
I think that you just do not understand Theosophy/Steiner/Blavatsky or Gigi Young. And maybe you had looked in the wrong place(s) for the info, that you'd gotten. Because there is nothing bad, or Satanic, or evil about them.
Dark Journalist has COUNTLESS HOURS on these subjects. Once you'll see.....there is nothing wrong/bad/evil about any of these. And without a shadow of a doubt......ZERO CONNECTION to ' UN One World religion'.
This particular episode is from 6 years ago. There are a lot more shows on the aforementioned subject matter.
I would highly recommend that ANYONE 'dive' into these subjects, via Dark Journalist. It WILL leave one with a greater understanding of (REAL) History, and why it is that we are, where we ARE, today.
Father and son presidents Bush were both staunch advocates of the NWO. Here are some of the Acts they signed that got us into our current loss of medical freedom predicament.
What you need to be asking is who created the Project for a New American Century? Who were these 'Zionist NeoCons" and what was the purpose of this plan? How does this relate to 9/11, the Patriot Act, and the War on Terror.
What you need to be asking is why was there a Vaccine Act passed in 1813? Why was the FDA created in 1907? Why did Carnegie and Rockefeller fund the Flexner Report in 1910?
Ted Kennedy tried in the 80’s to illuminate the dark depths of our deep state and it details the “Eagle Project”, which included Bush Sr. acting as a CIA agent during Vietnam and the beginning of our current dark money economy.
I am always concerned going through these airports scans and what is with having to raise your arms and exposed your lymph nodes? I always refuse but boy do I get the "3rd degree."
Never ever go through those scans. Get to the airport an extra half hour, when you get to the TSA say to an agent you want to opt out, and it will take you longer as a woman for a female TSA to finally put on her latex gloves and feel you up..... but you are better off doing this than getting radiated and god only knows what else.
I am ready for that disgusting pat down but my granddaughters 14 & 17 don't get it and are ready to walk through the scan - how do I get them to understand when their parents do get it either?
The last time time went to the airport every single person but me complied. No one questioned standing there holding their arms up in the air -- like they were the criminals.
would the so-called 'white hats' be the ones who got the jab when trump called himself the vxxinator in chief- the guys who are now sick- or worse--they're the ones supposedly coming to the rescue? if rfk had done that i can't imagine what people would say- but he actually would not have done that because he's an actual grownup - not the big brash baby who clearly never grew up with the orange hair who has been playing footsy with the mafia for lo how many years-or would they be the herd that went to DC- now called the 'J6'ers who somehow believed a guy who trumpeted that he'd 'be there' and never showed up? --are those the 'white hats' we're referring to? because trump has repeatedly shown that he will throw ANYONE under the bus- the way he threw rfk jr under the bus the first time, or just think back about all the people who worked under him that he betrayed- he's all hot air and no fire- just like the cowardly lion- lots of noise and no action- i can't even believe that you all can be thinking and saying what you just did-- the trap is clear- it's the saviour trap- there are no saviours but us- just us- and the courage and truth and freedom we each dig down and find. Leave fear behind- and these false prophets- nothing more- nothing less.
Most have no idea that the Summit of the Future will create UN 2.0 in Sept. 2024 as global elites gather to decide the future of every living thing on the planet. Enormous decisions will be made in the name of "unity" called the Pact of the future. Be aware.
I wonder if Lee Merritt and Christiane Northrup knew this was going to be a documentary pushing the illogical Q propaganda when they agreed to be part of it? I wonder if they agree with James Grundvig and believe the Q propaganda. I think this could be damaging to their reputations and make it easy for people to dimsiss them as crazy.
I agree Valeri, I think they both do. And I know they are aware of the Q propaganda.
I haven't seen the film, I don't know if I can stomach more Q propaganda and paying for it just seems wrong, but I am really curious how Lee and Christiane are portrayed and how the Q propaganda is worked into it. I'm assuming it is, because he definitely went there in this interview with Reinette.
I'm about 10 mins into this vid. Listening to James speak, up to this point, he is DEAD ON with the Facts/Reality. Really looking forward to this doc!
As James named the new NAZI groups (WEF, UN, ect) that formed after WW II.......I wonder if he knows/and it is in his documentary........that the EU/EUROPEAN UNION was a NAZI INVENTION?!
The Nazi red herring is just to direct people away from who is really behind the so-called "Globalist" hijacking of the planet. The EU was the vision of Rothschild's buddy Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, and this "plan" for a European Union, eventually to come under the rule of a fascist state over a slave race, is often referred to as the "Kalergi Plan" which Google and Wikipedia will earnestly tell you is a "conspiracy theory." And yet, especially the the mass importation of illegal migrant hordes from third world countries, this is EXACTLY what is unfolding...
Dr. JPF is also out there, as a guest, on MANY people's shows/podcasts; one of my favs is Dark Journalist......go to the YT page and there is a 'Joseph Farrell Playlist'.
Any/All Dr. JPF videos will be THEE BEST EDUCATION that one could ask for!! An ACTUAL Education!
There are more Dark Journalist/Dr. JPF vids that are NOT in this play list.....
I do believe we have an American 4th Reich. I just don't believe the bible has anything to do with it. I believe the conflation with any religiosity may be a deflection from the necessary actual work to be done.
WOW, is this one we have to decide what is real or not? Information-Disinformation? Confusion of American/World. COME ON folks, let’s get this all sorted and stop the brain-draining craziness.
there is a great article in the WAPF about how the new meningitis diseases and polio were rolled out after the spraying of DDT on the population. We know that the CIA sprayed the population with something that caused a rash of rare meningial ailments right here in Ca where i live- check out the article to debunk this guy Wise Traditions Pesticides and Polio
This "Nazi" narrative is a controlled opposition PsyOp timed just as major revisionist perspectives about world war 2 are breaking into the mainstream consciousness, as seen with the recent Tucker Carlson interview, Candace Owens, and other on X/Twitter. At this point, I assume any narrative trying to pin the Globalist issue on the Nazis is purposely trying to muddy the waters and deflect who the culprits are, and the winners were, in the second world war.
Wild Bill Donovan, the OSS head and nominal founder of the CIA had ties to the Soviet Bolsheviks as did many in the Roosevelt administration which explains our chummy relationship with genocidal madman Stalin. The numerous Jewish Bolsheviks-Communist spies high up in the Roosevelt administration were revealed in the Venona decrypts., and they include such substantial figures as Harry Dexter White and Louis Brandeis.
Another commentor mentioned General Patton who famously said at the end of the war that we should have been fighting against the Communists; not Germany. Patton was using his influence to try to get the US government to commit to taking out the Soviets before they could achieve regional hegemony, which led to the Cold War.
At the end of the day the reality of the Second World War has been inverted. National Socialism during the Weimar Republic years was a reaction to predatory Rothschild "Judeo-capitalism" which along with crushing reparations, caused hyperinflation, mass starvation, loss of housing, and high unemployment. The same people were involved in the cultural degradation in Berlin; pornography, prostitution, pedophilia, LGBT lifestyles and the birth of the transgender movement created the world's center for debauchery while ordinary Germans were exploited. Any small wonder that it took a "fascist dictator" to kick out the Rothschilds and cultural degenerates, creating what has been widely regarded as an "economic miracle" in the 1930s. Sound familiar? We have our own version of American Weimar today.
Jewish banking financiers and the Focus Group fronted Churchill and urged him to bait Hitler into war. The Jewish media and Bolshevik sympathizers in Roosevelt's administration did the same, and they destroyed Charles Lindbergh for calling them out on it. Jewish bankers like Jacob Schiff financed the Bolsheviks-Communists, who were responsible for the deaths of 60 million Russian Christians. Operation Paperclip, like the Ha'avara Transfer Agreement, was mere realpolitik that people with a fantasy conspiratorial mindset make far too big a deal about.
If you want to know who won world war 2 and who controls the narrative today, simply observe closely where the power is. Who controls the narrative? Who controls finance? Who controls Tech and AI? It's not the Nazis. The Nazis don't disproportionately own, control, and dominate our media; a media that literally creates consensus reality and frames of the narratives of our times. The Nazis don't own and control the major Hollywood studios. The Nazis don't have NGOs like HIAS in Panama, South America and Mexico funneling military age migrants across our open borders. The head of the Department of Homeland Security, who used to be on the board of HIAS, isn't a Nazi, but like HIAS, he is Jewish. The Nazis aren't filling out 13 of the top 15 cabinet members of the Biden administration, including Secretary of State, Attorney General (prosecuting Christian patriots), etc. Who do you think is running the country?
Are the Nazis the folks with their own unregistered foreign lobby (AIPAC) who every Congress person but Thomas Massie cowers to? Do the Nazis have their own domestic Stasi, the ADL, which doxxes, smears, and orchestrates character assassinations of anyone "noticing" Jewish power and their international Mafia? Who founded BlackRock and what ethnic group makes up the owner and c-level executives? Don't we like to say that BlackRock "owns everything"? Were Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Jeffrey Epstein Nazis? No, but they are connected to Mossad. What about the relationship between the NGOs like HIAS and the Mexican Cartels in the child (pedo) trafficking rings? What group has their own special word that can cause you to be ostracized and lose your job for merely pointing out the reality of their institutional supremacy? Look what happend to Charles Lindbergh and so many others.
Who was at the vanguard of all of the culturally corrosive "woke" ideologies and practices: Radical feminism and the "sexual revolution," LGBTQ ideology, pornography (even today, PornHub and OnlyFans are owned by...), abortion as a religion, hijacking the civil rights movement, etc etc ad nauseum. Hollywood spins myths around the Holocaust and Black Slavery that obscures the real story. I could go on and on and on. When I look around and I see who is pushing divisive narratives in the media, who is race baiting, who is making culturally degrading movies; who's responsible for the migrant horde invasions in Europe and America, and who dominates the overarching international predatory capitalist cabal, it's not Nazis. For fun, expand your minds a bit with some fact filled reading...
Thanks Carson. I've been overlooking the UNZ. com newsletters too often. Thanks for reminding me. I have a difficult time assimilating ALL the information I'm receiving in a day, a week or a overcome years of indoctrinational lies I've been subject to in my upbringing and schools. Input like yours is valued and appreciated.
My pleasure and I totally understand. We are on the same journey
I should also add that OSS head Wild Bill Donovan was the man who ordered the assassination hit on General Patton, which speaks volumes when looked at in the context of my comment
Thanks -
A book written in the 1950s "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr. (available on Audible) but you can down load the pdf at
This book takes the conspiracy back before Weissman and the Illuminati and the infiltration into freemasonry. It is interesting that Carr sent copies to the FBI and there is file posted on the archives as to their response to him. If anyone wants to understand the World Revolutionary movement - IMHO this book is the place to start.
The FBI files on him are also interesting - they are also available at archive. Very interesting article on fluoride in that set- he was fighting this also - which makes sense given its use as a bioweapon. The Rothschild banking house had control over the British government by the 1800s - so many of the moves they made were what was demanded by the bankers of which they were in debt to. Sort of like folks that have controlling interest in stock companies assert great influence on the policies of that company.
Yes, and this is precisely what transformed Churchill into a warmonger who wouldn't take peace for an answer!
Get off it, with your "controlled opposition" nonsense.
All of these entities of which you speak are compartmentalized units of this same global crime system. Once you understand this, you understand everything.
It remains true than the Godfathers of 1) NATO; 1) UN; 2) CIA; 3) CDC; 4) NASA; 5) EU were ALL NAZIS and these organizations remain lousy with Nazis. WTF else can you call Ursula von der Leyen?
Are you suggesting that the above are *subserviant* to the Jewish Mafia families?
The families at the top have all been intermarrying for centuries and it’s all interlocking, like the boards directorships of BlackRock and similar funds that control all of the major corporations and the trading of their stocks on Wall Street. If you want to blame everything on "The Jews", you are silly.
It all boils down to the Black Nobility, which may have its roots going all the way back to Sumer. Much of our history has been hidden and re-written.
The Freemasons are a compartmentalized unit of the Black Nobility crime syndicate, which also includes the Vatican, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, MI6, CIA, FBI, Mossad, the Italian and Jewish Mafias – and significantly, to what’s happening at the US Southern Border, all of the Latin American criminal cartels. Note that the Jewish Mafia is not at the top, which I infer is what you believe to be the case.
The Rockefeller Family, who financed and founded the UN are agents of the Nazi faction of the Black Nobility, of which the British Crown sits at the very top.
Jewish Wall Street bankers financed the Bolshevik Revolution. Communism was invented by contractees of the Black Nobility. Both Marx and Engels were cousins and/or married into the Rothschild Family and directly financed by British Peer and member of the House of Lords, Baron Lionel de Rothschild during the rule of Queen Victoria. It could be said that Communism was as much a production of the British Crown as it was of certain German-Jewish Wall Street banker agents of the Rothschilds. Zionism was also a project of and subsidized by the British Crown.
Jews, while profiting handily from all of this are the "front of the house" and have been used as the "Whipping Boys", similarly to how the Rockefeller-created CCP Chinese are blamed for everything today.
You can go and do “Control F” searches, to drill down on aspects of all of this in this article I wrote here about a mystery PDF that explains all of this (, including that:
All "cult organizations are owned and controlled by members of royalty and nobility. Criminal organizations such as Royalty itself, Royal Institutions, The Society of Jesus, The Black Monks, The Hellfire Club, The Templar Orders, Freemasonry, The Grand Orient of France, The York Rite, The Scottish Rite, Prince Masonry of Prince Hall, Shriners International, The Royal Order of Jesters, The Cabal Society, Chabad, Scientology, Skull & Bones, The Boulé Society, The 5% Nation, The Nation of Islam, Black Israelites, The Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), The Temple of Set, The Church of Satan, Rosicrucian, Golden Dawn, Opus Dei, Mormons, Knights of Columbus, The Bohemian Club, Knights of Phintias, Ancient Order of Druids, Wicca, Santeria, Obeah, Voodoo, Sufism, Greek Fraternities and Brotherhoods, New Age and Gnostic Cults, Nazi Cults, KKK, Mafias, Prison Gangs, Biker Gangs and Street Gangs."
Come correct and stop blaming one ethnicity for everything, when it is a global criminal gang comprised of multiple ethnicities.
You forgot about the Nihilists in your epic conspiracy list of players. Of course I am familiar with this red herring all-encopassing conspiratorial fantasy narrative, since that was my model of reality for a good twenty years. I get a good chuckle every time that I see variations of this narrative, although you've included everyone but the kitchen sink. But just for fun, I'll engage with you: 1. Who dominates the establishment media at the ownership and C-executive level? Is it the Black Venetian Nobility? The Nazis? Nope. The media creates our consensus reality trance and controls all of the narrative frames for the events that shape our lives. Sadly none of the groups you've listed control this essential medium for control or propaganda. It's the Jews. 2. Who disproportionately owns and dominates Hollywood at the stuido and corporate level? Hollywood is another powerful tool of social engineering, propaganda, and historical myth making. Hint: It's not the Nazis? The "Black Nobility"? Nope. It's the Jews! 3. Who dominates the NGOs dedicated to keeping our borders wide open in America and in Europe, realizing their long held "Kalergi Plan" to destroy Western Civilization and Christianity? Is it the Nazis? Nope. The Black Nobility? Nope. It's the Jews. The current head of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, was on the Board of Directors for HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, right before he was picked to "protect our borders" — literally the fox guarding the henhouse. HIAS has an underground railroad of centers from Ecuador and Venezuala all the way through the Darien Gap in Panama and up through Central America and Mexico to funnel "migrants" — many who are young military age men, gang members, and potential terrorists — into our country where DHS, under Mayorkas, ferries them around al over the country. This same plot has been in the works in Europe and the poison fruits of that agenda is apparent to all.
What you miss in your all-encompasing conspiracy theory is what is happening in reality.
The Project for a New American Century, PNAC, was a Jewish Zionist NeoCon plot to create a Greater Israel and drag America into Middle East wars against Israel's enemies. Israelis, like Benjamin Netanyahu and others, like to brag how they manipulate the United States into fighting their wars for them. PNAC postulated that America needed to experience a "New Pearl Harbor" in order to galvanize Americans to support such a venture. Low and behold, the Mossad-CIA-Bush NeoCon inside job 9/11 happened shortly after. And even though "Osama bin Laden" was supposed to be the bad guy, the Bush administration began the PNAC agenda by going after Husseiin and is fake weapons of mass destruction. Ever since the PNAC plan has been unfolding cause disruption and chaos on the Middle East. Taking out Gaddafi in Libya facilitated the migrant invastions to happen in Europe. Somalia and Yemn actions, amongst other attemps in Syria, created even more "migrants" and refugees.
Jewish Zionist NeoCons create total disruption in the Middle East. These "disruptions" create migrants. Then 'progressive' Jewish NGOs like HIAS and many others and their partners, funnel those refugees into Western Christian nations where they are wholly incompatible, cannot and do not assimilate, and cause chaos, social disintegration and commit the majority of per capita violent crime.
This covert war against Western Civilization through using Muslims and Africans as the wrecking ball for the West, is the full realization of both the Kalergi Plan and the Protocols, the supposed "hoax" that has been followed to the letter by the very people exposed in the Protocols. This covert war is not being led by the Black Nobility or the Nazis, obviously being the eternal enemy of the Jews, nor is it being led by Freemasons or the Jesuits or the Santarian Druid Order of the Goldnen Dawn. It's being led by Zionist Jews and secular "progressive" Jews. Of course I don't even have time to get into Mossad, Jeffrey Epstein, Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell, and the entire massive child sex trafficking operation that connects the Mexican drug cartels with the "refugee" funneling NGOs like HIAS, and our Jewish Department of Homeland Security head who brings up the "Holocaust" when he gets grilled by the Senate on why he's not just not doing his job, but actively engaging in treason.
Every single trajectory that is seeing the destruction of the West sees secular or Zionist Jews at the Vanguard. You might as well call America "American Weimar 2.0"
You have the predatory, parasitical Judeo-capitalism as the overarching control system. You have the social engineering and social subversion of Cultural Marxism. Who was at the vanguard of radical feminism? Of the LGBTQ movement? Of postmodern ideology, deconstructivism, and Critical Theory? Of the porn industry? Of open immigration and wide open borders since the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965? Who dominates the media, our consensus reality creator and our cultural myth maker. Hollywood? Who is the only group you can't name and can't criticize in the United States today without losing your job? It's not the Nazis. You can call anyone Hilter; it's a favorite pastime. But talk about Jewish Supremacy and you are destroyed. That's why Dave Chappelle said, famously, on Saturday Night Live: "If it's blacks, it's a gang. If it's Italians, it's a mob; and if it's Jews, it's just a coincidence and you shouldn't talk about it." The Jews, going back to Rome, have always had a state within a state. They have the fifth column now just like they had in WW2. They were the winners of World War 2 and they have been consolidating wealth and power ever since. Even Richard Nixon knew this and this is why he was taken out through Watergate. In fact, one could say that we live in a Judeo-Matrix. A Matrix within a Matrix. While the Jews always have their Shabbos Goys like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci to give the illusion that it's not a specific ethnic group pursuing an in-group evolutionary group supremacist strategy, every entity from the International Banks, like the Bank of International Settlements, the Federal Reserve and other Central Banks, BlackRock (founded, owned and operated at the highest levels by Larry Fink and other Ashkenazi), the entire Covid Con and the heads of the mRNA vax makers, and I could go on and on and on; It's the Jews, buddy. Of course that "doesn't mean it is every Jew" — obviously, just like not all Italians are in the Mafia — but it's a helluva lot of them. And here is even more definitive proof right here. Read it. It's time to reformulate your reality construct:
I had dreams when i was around 10 yo that Hitler and ALL the leaders sat around the big oval table sucking cigas, drinking brandy talking big about how many folks (their own ppl) they cld afford to lose. I never forgot this dream and I never saw the propaganda films the same way again. I always respected Vets for their service who thought there was a cause. Of course there was only death of humanity & money for globalists swine.
Just a cursory review here of your comment as just learning of this movie and am totally confused, but are you saying the whole premise of the movie is incorrect?
YES, a considerable amount of it is incorrect and presents a narrative that steers the reader/viewer away from the chief culprits.
Reinette I would like to see that video that James was talking about when you asked how can you tell if someone is MK Ultraed, and said he could send you the clip. The one where Holy Ghost was the trigger word. When he sends that you if you could post it here I would much appreciate it. I"m sure I'm not the only one who would be very interested to see it.
Go to the :35 mark:
That is so bizarre! To make that funny look I can understand, they were all acting stupid and blabbing on about trivial, unimportant nonsense. But the fact that he held it for so long made it creepier and more bizarre by the second. Notably in the 17 seconds (as alledged by piss poor spin doctor Anderson Cooper) or however much the clip actually covered of his 'freeze' we didn't see him break that frozen expression. So how long did it actually go on for?
Note the dates of activity are from Christmas Eve through Epiphany (Jan 6). One of the highest Christian Holidays - which suggest that this is Talmudic in nature.
Here it is:
And here is Anderson Cooper explaining it away.
Significant note, I can't find one clip on YouTube (I know, scrubbed), of the end of the scene. It always cuts away. Anderson says he stopped after 17 seconds. So, I'm guessing it went on much longer.
consider the reason why Cooper needed to explain and redirect what set him off. Cooper is the son of Gloria Vanderbilt and some interesting things showed up in the Podesta emails. She is/was a high queen in the cult. He was apparently a victim of their abuse - he also is said to be CIA so is probably MK ultra also.
What are the Podesta emails? And also how do we know for sure that Al Roker standing like that is MK ultra? I’m not saying it isn’t, but I’m also all about not creating propaganda but making sure it’s super solid facts, that we can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Can we say— with that level of certainty —that his expression was a MK ultra?
Can't know for sure - we are trying to make sense of what we see. Why the need for an explanation by Anderson Cooper?
Some background
Out of the Shadow
[the picture at ~1 hr mark is alleged to be Cooper at the swimming pool on the Vanderbilt estate]
All, almost all the videos of Al Roker have an explanation for his freezing. Having people freeze like this, being caught on tape, is not uncommon.
That painting of the children around the swimming pool haunts me every time I see Anderson Cooper or hear the name of Gloria Vanderbilt. The one little boy that looks so much like Anderson Cooper, the fact that he had a brother who commited suicide (or so the story goes). Commited suicide, or sacrificed, either way what did he go through before he was finally released from that life?
Thank you JoFinn! Yes, interesting that they say 17 seconds but don't actually show when his 'freeze' actually broke.
I've seen it, its quite amazing how his eyes bug out, staring wide open, totally frozen.
Had to pause, AGAIN, at 36:33.....with the final thing that I needed, to call..............
As soon as 'James Grundvig' drops the names of Q-TARDS/Deep State Puppet MINIONS.....
'Juan O Savin' and 'Nino Rodriguez'......that's all I needed to put 'James Grundvig' into the same column of 'Q-TARD/DEEP STATE MINION'! Before these 2 names, he was going on about 'THE PLAN'.
How does one know when they are in the presence of a GOVT Q-TARD FUCKTARD???
You'll get the Op Phrases like......
.....and so on.
And, of course, the MINION Operative HAS TO mention 'Q'.
If people do not know.....or haven't USED THEIR BRAIN to figure it out yet, so-called 'Q'.......
IS CIA! Let me REPEAT that......
And those STILL PUSHING that NONSENSE can ONLY BE.......a Deep State, Q-Tard, Puppet MINION!
'James' HAS said a WHOLE LOTTA TRUTH. But then he goes into CIA PsyOp Mode.
Yes; he IS CORRECT about the NAZIS.
But, as WE ALL SHOULD BE paying attention to what one does NOT SAY!
And what 'James' does NOT, NOT ONE WORD about Khazarians (aka FAKE jews; aka 'Israel') that are WORLD-WIDE! Also, NOT ONE WORD about the Federal Reserve/Central Banks (world-wide)??? Wonder why that is? Could it be that THAT is who is FUNDING HIM??
As we all SHOULD know....this is how the CIA/Operatives get people SUCKED INTO THE PSYOP......Give some/a lot of truth.....then carry on with the Op. And the suckers will say, "B...b...b..but, he CAN'T be an Operative......look at all of the TRUTH/FACTS he said?!".
These TRUTHS/FACTS ARE ALREADY OUT THERE; and HAVE BEEN. An Operative gives NOTHING NEW. EXCEPT......the PsyOp NONSENSE! NONE of which HAS come to pass, or WILL come to pass! Just STAY HOME......AND TRUST THE PLAN!!! Do NOT DO ANYTHING.....Trump/the military WILL SAVE YOU.....TRUST THE PLAN!! lolololol
So, what is this guys End Game here, with his documentary?? Is it......
Here is a whole lotta truth/, SIT BACK AND TRUST THE PLAN! TRUMP WILL SAVE US ALL!! ??????? The military is going to SWOOP IN.......and SAVE US ALL!!!! ??????
The stuff (truth/facts) that 'James' is rattling off, HAS BEEN KNOWN (for DECADES, with MOST he said)!
He is NOT bringing ANYTHING NEW to the table! NOTHING!!!!! He is just talking what IS, and HAS BEEN, already out there, and RE-PACKAGING IT, for the 'Q Op'.
I've never heard of 'James Grundvig'. And I was Red Pilled long before his supposed 'autistic son' was even born!! So, where has this guy BEEN??? Just another 'Johnny-Come-Lately', or apparently, JUST ANOTHER MINION of the Deep State/Globalists!
As this MINION was giving us truth/ sounded like he PLAGIARIZED these things from Dr. Joseph P. Farrell (<<< you want REAL NAZI HISTORY?? THIS is your man!) and Dark Journalist (Daniel Liszt)!!
I am SO SICK of these CIA Q-TARDS!!!!!!!!!
I came to the conclusion, on my own.....with my FUNCTIONING BRAIN, that so-called 'Q' was a CIA PsyOp.......long before I'd seen the following video, from 4-ish years ago. Featuring 3 of THEE MOST RESPECTED, MORAL and HONORABLE HUMAN BEINGS on this planet!!!...........
A Full Spectrum Analysis of the "Q" Phenomenon w/ Dr. Joseph P. Farrell & Catherine Austin Fitts
This is how I feel about all of it. Whether or not Q is real, it doesn't matter in my personal life or the lives around me. We go about our business without any expectation that ANTHING will be saving us. I suggest everyone else do the same.
Exactly. Hope in Our Creator. Not man.
This guy was all over the place with dates. I believe that if you want to be credible then you must be accurate with your facts.
I have to agree with alot you've said especially about Osavin & Nino, I too was disappointed when Grundvig mentioned them, youre right on, he isnt saying anything new I havent heard for the last 4 years +.
The PLAN.......TRUST......THE PLAN!! lololol
Again, trust the plan all you want, but never stay idle.
Reintte, have you or any of the SOS team contacted/served/discussed any of the IEEE and telecoms?
Thank you for this link! Im in the middle of watching it. Fascinating, & I really like Catherine A-Fitts! They make so much sense, never could watch the Q stuff, it had a ring of "hope porn" as CAF says! So true. Im gerting disappointed in Reinette lately, she backpedaled off the microwave bursts going out at night over the country, then her piece on the "Unityparty" seemed like there was a gun to her head! I really enjoy her substack but not sure whats going on lately! James Grundvig is nothing but a NY bully in love with his own voice and opinions - imo.
I'm still battling the behemoths of geoengineering and microwave bursts, and no, there's no gun to my head. As I've mentioned before, the notion of "white hats" or a military cavalry swooping in to save us is a lovely idea but don't get me wrong, not matter what we hope for, one must zlways keep preparing oneself for the reality at hand.
I love the concept of White Hats and the idea of a clandestine group of generals working tirelessly on our behalf. And who wouldn't also love the thought of a Unity Party emerging to revolutionize politics? But these possibilities, no matter how alluring, will never derail my personal mission or the daily grind I put in to prepare myself and those around me for rough times ahead.
Thank you Reinette for the clarification! I greatly respect your dedication, & so enjoy your substacks! I love the whole white hat & loyal generals idea too, more than I want to. However, there have been so many warning signs & continues to be, leaving me nothing but confused! I would hate to think a free honest spirit like you was being supressed! Thank you & much Love.
'Followers'?? She has no 'followers'; CAF is not the head of a Cult, and the people who subscribe to The Solari Report are NOT 'Cult Members'.
Do you even know what The Solari Report even is??
I don't know where it is that you'd gotten THAT shit from, but it's complete BULLSHIT!
"Good luck lady with the gang hand sign , “all seeing eye”, drinking a Budweiser. Charming, just like you!".
You show your Pure Ignorance by ASSUMING! How about be an ADULT, and ASK ME about my profile photo???
Because, IF you HAD ASKED, I would have told you that it is NOT a 'gang sign', nor an 'all seeing eye' sign! MOST people, who don't live in an ignorant bubble, would KNOW that \m/ OR \m/ \m/ .......stands for HEAVY METAL; a MUSIC GENRE. The 'HEAVY METAL SIGN' is COMPLETELY HARMLESS. Contrary to the BELIEFS of the IGNORANT, 'METAL-HEADS' (those who love Heavy Metal) are NOT Satan-worshipers. And Heavy Metal is NOT 'Satans Music', either!
'Drinking a BUDWEISER'?? So, YOU have a PROBLEM with people who DRINK BEER???
Again, IF you would have ASKED, like an ADULT, about my photo......I would have also told you that it was taken at my local bar, that a good friend of mine had owned (the bar is closed now). A bar that had ROCK/METAL BANDS playing on the weekends.
SO....that photo is of me, ROCKING OUT (METAL \m/) to Rock/Metal bands, on a weekend, enjoying a BEER! WHICH part of that do YOU have a PROBLEM with??
Now, there is nothing inherently wrong with 'Theosophy', 'Steiner', 'Blavatsky' or Gigi Young. Theosophy is NOT a 'UN One World Religion'. Not even close.
I knew nothing about the aforementioned, until SEVERAL YEARS ago.....when Dark Journalist (Daniel Liszt) started doing shows, either stand alone about or was connected to, the aforementioned.
I think that you just do not understand Theosophy/Steiner/Blavatsky or Gigi Young. And maybe you had looked in the wrong place(s) for the info, that you'd gotten. Because there is nothing bad, or Satanic, or evil about them.
Dark Journalist has COUNTLESS HOURS on these subjects. Once you'll see.....there is nothing wrong/bad/evil about any of these. And without a shadow of a doubt......ZERO CONNECTION to ' UN One World religion'.
This particular episode is from 6 years ago. There are a lot more shows on the aforementioned subject matter.
I would highly recommend that ANYONE 'dive' into these subjects, via Dark Journalist. It WILL leave one with a greater understanding of (REAL) History, and why it is that we are, where we ARE, today.
If you had “a plan” why would you let evil go for 60 years? Makes no sense. I just can’t take any Q tyoencrao seriously. We have to save ourselves
It's a good question. But how long does it take to undo the public from generations of psychological warfare?
Father and son presidents Bush were both staunch advocates of the NWO. Here are some of the Acts they signed that got us into our current loss of medical freedom predicament.
Then Shrub signed the Patriot Act into law and created DHS, the larget expansion of gubberment since FDR.
What you need to be asking is who created the Project for a New American Century? Who were these 'Zionist NeoCons" and what was the purpose of this plan? How does this relate to 9/11, the Patriot Act, and the War on Terror.
What you need to be asking is why was there a Vaccine Act passed in 1813? Why was the FDA created in 1907? Why did Carnegie and Rockefeller fund the Flexner Report in 1910?
Tavistock was the brainchild of the people I mentioned above.
I recommend watching
Ted Kennedy tried in the 80’s to illuminate the dark depths of our deep state and it details the “Eagle Project”, which included Bush Sr. acting as a CIA agent during Vietnam and the beginning of our current dark money economy.
I am always concerned going through these airports scans and what is with having to raise your arms and exposed your lymph nodes? I always refuse but boy do I get the "3rd degree."
Never ever go through those scans. Get to the airport an extra half hour, when you get to the TSA say to an agent you want to opt out, and it will take you longer as a woman for a female TSA to finally put on her latex gloves and feel you up..... but you are better off doing this than getting radiated and god only knows what else.
I am ready for that disgusting pat down but my granddaughters 14 & 17 don't get it and are ready to walk through the scan - how do I get them to understand when their parents do get it either?
At SMF yesterday we had to have a FACE SCAN to get through security. No joke.
Everyone needs to refuse.
The last time time went to the airport every single person but me complied. No one questioned standing there holding their arms up in the air -- like they were the criminals.
would the so-called 'white hats' be the ones who got the jab when trump called himself the vxxinator in chief- the guys who are now sick- or worse--they're the ones supposedly coming to the rescue? if rfk had done that i can't imagine what people would say- but he actually would not have done that because he's an actual grownup - not the big brash baby who clearly never grew up with the orange hair who has been playing footsy with the mafia for lo how many years-or would they be the herd that went to DC- now called the 'J6'ers who somehow believed a guy who trumpeted that he'd 'be there' and never showed up? --are those the 'white hats' we're referring to? because trump has repeatedly shown that he will throw ANYONE under the bus- the way he threw rfk jr under the bus the first time, or just think back about all the people who worked under him that he betrayed- he's all hot air and no fire- just like the cowardly lion- lots of noise and no action- i can't even believe that you all can be thinking and saying what you just did-- the trap is clear- it's the saviour trap- there are no saviours but us- just us- and the courage and truth and freedom we each dig down and find. Leave fear behind- and these false prophets- nothing more- nothing less.
Most have no idea that the Summit of the Future will create UN 2.0 in Sept. 2024 as global elites gather to decide the future of every living thing on the planet. Enormous decisions will be made in the name of "unity" called the Pact of the future. Be aware.
I was not impressed with James in your interview, but watched the video because of Lee Merritt, who I trust.
Well I watched it and all I have to say that I could have done more productive things with my $9 and my time.
you made a comment- and one i agree with
I wonder if Lee Merritt and Christiane Northrup knew this was going to be a documentary pushing the illogical Q propaganda when they agreed to be part of it? I wonder if they agree with James Grundvig and believe the Q propaganda. I think this could be damaging to their reputations and make it easy for people to dimsiss them as crazy.
i would bet christiane has more sense than that
I agree Valeri, I think they both do. And I know they are aware of the Q propaganda.
I haven't seen the film, I don't know if I can stomach more Q propaganda and paying for it just seems wrong, but I am really curious how Lee and Christiane are portrayed and how the Q propaganda is worked into it. I'm assuming it is, because he definitely went there in this interview with Reinette.
So…. That Jewish guy said it’s ok what’s going on with the newborn genital mutilators/israel ….bombing innocents in Gaza 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
That we Americans are paying for and thus our karma as well…. 🙏💁♂️💀………
Does any one get this
yes- i hear you loud and clear
Great interview and I'm looking forward to seeing the movie! Keeping the faith- we didn't come all this way to lose! And don't forget:
The spell that once held us captive melts like a popsicle in July once its secret is revealed!
- Tombstone Crow
PS Enjoy your popsicle
I'm about 10 mins into this vid. Listening to James speak, up to this point, he is DEAD ON with the Facts/Reality. Really looking forward to this doc!
As James named the new NAZI groups (WEF, UN, ect) that formed after WW II.......I wonder if he knows/and it is in his documentary........that the EU/EUROPEAN UNION was a NAZI INVENTION?!
The Nazi red herring is just to direct people away from who is really behind the so-called "Globalist" hijacking of the planet. The EU was the vision of Rothschild's buddy Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, and this "plan" for a European Union, eventually to come under the rule of a fascist state over a slave race, is often referred to as the "Kalergi Plan" which Google and Wikipedia will earnestly tell you is a "conspiracy theory." And yet, especially the the mass importation of illegal migrant hordes from third world countries, this is EXACTLY what is unfolding...
Sorry; gotta disagree. EU = via NAZIS.
If anyone wants 'All Things NAZI', as in, real History......Dr. Joseph P. Farrell is your man!
Dr. JPF is also out there, as a guest, on MANY people's shows/podcasts; one of my favs is Dark Journalist......go to the YT page and there is a 'Joseph Farrell Playlist'.
Any/All Dr. JPF videos will be THEE BEST EDUCATION that one could ask for!! An ACTUAL Education!
There are more Dark Journalist/Dr. JPF vids that are NOT in this play list.....
Did you know......that NAZIS and KHAZARIANS (aka FAKE jews) are THE SAME?!
Hitler was BOTH.
Ask yourself THIS question: WHY is it that so-called 'Israel' is SUPPORTING the UKI-NAZIS????
ANSWER: Because they ARE THE SAME.
I do believe we have an American 4th Reich. I just don't believe the bible has anything to do with it. I believe the conflation with any religiosity may be a deflection from the necessary actual work to be done.
WOW, is this one we have to decide what is real or not? Information-Disinformation? Confusion of American/World. COME ON folks, let’s get this all sorted and stop the brain-draining craziness.
there is a great article in the WAPF about how the new meningitis diseases and polio were rolled out after the spraying of DDT on the population. We know that the CIA sprayed the population with something that caused a rash of rare meningial ailments right here in Ca where i live- check out the article to debunk this guy Wise Traditions Pesticides and Polio