Nazis have been operating within our government since Operation Paperclip and working with the Nazi Klaus Schwab of WEF to control corporations (who now own the world. Look up Aladdin at Black Rock. My question is where do the Muslim members of the Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda etc fit in? Brennan, Abedin etc. It is being said that the FBI has covered up the evidence that the shooting in Las Vegas was an Islamic terrorist event. Where do these two efforts meet? Who benefits? I have always believed Putin is the only adult on the world stage. He is fighting the Globalists and we are sending advanced weapons to Ukraine? The bankers for Soros, Clinton and Biden, to name a few, the deepest seat of corruption, money laundering and child trafficking on the planet? I cringe at the site of the Ukraine flags in my town. They are supporting the Azov Battalion and the Khazarians Rothschid, Soros, Kissinger, Alefantis, we are drowning in ignorance

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The Muslim arm of the Khazarian mafia is the House of Saad (Saudi Arabia). The Khazarians were given a choice to convert to an Abrahamic religion. Most chose to be Jewish. Some chose to be Muslim. Those religions are just covers because they all follow the ancient Babylonian satanic religion and the Talmud.

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Exactly! I shared this a bit in my David Avocado Wolfe video. Once you understand this it all begins to make sense!

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IF ever people hear the true etymology of the word Satan...some will refuse the evidence. Some will laugh... I hope anyway. Check out my video on the meaning of ABRAcadabra... there is a second part about the Trinity; the Father Son, Holy Ghost.

Maybe the true meanings were obscured on purpose or maybe Time did what it does, erase memories..

Either way. Stop being scared! It's about natural beings that affect human destiny. Temperature and thought... aka Wet and Wit.

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Yes this is what I have heard from researchers who I respect.

My question is how do the obviously just as evil Jesuits fit into it all?

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The oath they take is chilling.

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Yes it is! If the Jesuit oath was widely known by people I think it would have to wake them up. But then again, the conformers never cease to amaze me with their dedication to remaining ignorant, despite the evidence. I have come to the conclusion now that they are all under mind control. I think we all are to some degree. But many of us here are falling for less of it than most of the population seems to be.

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FWIW Ignatius of Loyola came from a converso family. It is known that many conversos remained crypto Jews.

This might lead one to speculate that Ignatius was a Satanist all along. It's extremely tricky to reconcile the Jesuit oath with Christianity.

Does it really matter though?

Evil is as evil does. That's all we need to know.

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Yes , and it was through the Sabbatean Frankists that they infiltrated the House of Saud several of the last Sheiks of this royal family had Jewish mothers

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In addition to the house of Saud, it is worth noting that the Aga Khan, who claims direct descendance from Mohammed, is the head of the Ismaili sect and his title as such is "Bringer of Light" (i.e. Lucifer). This sect and the title go all the way back to Abdullah ibn Maymun and the Kharmathites in the ninth century. Abdullah created a secret society which operated very similarly to the freemasons inasmuch as

- they recruited members by telling them what they wanted to hear ("tell the Jews we are for Yahweh, the Christians we are for Jesus, and Moslenms we are for Allah")

- they operated with nine levels of promotion, with potential candidates being tested for suitability and a deception revealed at each level until at the final level it was revealed that there was no God and that all that mattered was power (very Nietzsche/Crowley if you think about it).

- at its peak there were estimated to be 25,000 members of this society which Abdullah used to conquer half the moslem world and then alughter millions in a one of the world's greate genocides.

The above is from memory so I may have confused a detail or two - but the gist is correct.

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You can see a picture of the gentleman at the link above You can also read all about his globalist endeavors. He seems to have very strong links to Canada.

Doesn't he look arabic too? (not).

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The shooting in Las Vegas during the concert was another "false flag" -- many RN's pointed the discrepancies out.

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Indeed. One of the shoddier false flags too. So many loose ends and coverups this was possibly the single most obvious false flag shooting to date.

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Your correct on most here , the Muslim brotherhood is created by the same people who have created all this , they ALWAYS create and finance both sides and opposition to create the tensions for constant war, and destabilize country after country. This is how they gain and maintain control. Its easy to do when you own everything, control nearly all information, and place all political officials.

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You're exaggerating I think. They don't own *everything*, and they don't place *all* political officials. But they own and place enough to manage events to their satisfaction.

Still - the more they emerge from the shadows, the harder this is to accomplish.

They reply on control of culture and narrative for much of their magic. When everything looks like it's OK, then its easy enough to find competent people to go along with your plan. The people are still pretty nasty - but you get Churchills and Eisenhowers to do your bidding - at least they can speak and provide some sort of facade of respectability.

Once the evil is out in the open, then you wind up with Bidens, McCains, McConnells, Pelosis, Schumers and Schiffs being the only people willing to carry your water.

Sure they can bribe and blackmail a lot of people - but they can't bribe and blackmail everyone. And organizations filled with criminal psychopaths are quicker than most to turn to internecine warfare.

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Top down control doesnt need to place or control everyone , just the key people , the rest are useful idiots who just follow orders and keep their jobs until discarded.

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Exactly. But it is harder to keep even half competent useful idiots on board once you have been spotted with fangs out, blood smeared all around your mouth and a pile of corpses at your feet :-).

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Did you see John Cullen's video from yesterday where he discussed new findings in the Las Vegas shooting? It is on his YouTube site of John E. Hoover. The title of the video is "This Changes Everything."

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Link, please? 🙏

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https://youtu.be/LlZIJzQuu2s Here is one of John's videos. John Cullen used to work for Oracle. He delevloped the program that John Hopkins is using to track the flu etc. He is very knowledgeable and has been speaking about that the flu disappeared from the world in 2020. He also reported about how California did worse than poor countries. He has had a lot great people on and I am sure they are using his data to file lawsuits. He is disguised because of the Las Vegas shooting..

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An aerial attack is also what was used at the concert in Israel, but It was Israel that carried it out. Again, Khazarians.

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Correct on everything EXCEPT Putin , he/Russia are not free of all the above you mention , the global financial cartels and Black NOBILITY FAMILIES. They pressured the death shots on their population, they are forcing the digital vax passport/CCP social credit system prison there as well . They are doing their role in taking Ukraine , Blackrock, Vanguard and co. grabbing up the land and rebuilding contracts . Its all in the plans , Ukraine is essentially being depopulated , or refugeed in other places. Ukraine was 4th overall resource rich country in the world , Everyone wants to grab a piece. Ukraine can feed 600 million people, globalists cant completely control their global food famine without controlling Ukraine. Russia creating places within Russia for 10 million Chinese to move to

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I don't agree that the Nazis "won the war" exactly. But U.S. interests have always been inextricably tied with the Nazis--it was George W's grandfather, Prescott Bush, who provided the funding to put Hitler in power. I think the Nazis "lost" in the sense that the concentration camps were liberated and the mass murders stopped. Some of the Nazi leaders were sentenced at Nuremberg. But in support of your thesis, here is a long article i wrote about the Nazi involvement by the Bayer company,, with US headquarters now in Berkeley, CA. At the time i wrote the article (30 years ago) they were doing biological experiments with live bubonic plague, in a high risk earthquake zone, smack in the middle of Berkeley. The Auschwitz concentration camp (and related camp Birkenau) were actually slave labor camps run by IG Farben, of which Bayer was the major constituent. After the war, some of Bayer's leaders were sentenced at Nuremberg for mass murder and enslavement. Then they were released a few years later during the fascistic McCarthyism era in the US. Some of Bayer's leaders went right back to running the company . Now Bayer is continuing their genocidal practices by making bee-killing pesticides (genocidal since our food supply depends on bees) and continuing to sell glyphosate, even after all the successful billion-dollar lawsuits against that product. https://www.opednews.com/articles/Buyer-Beware--An-Historic-by-jenny-miller-Anthrax_Auschwitz_Bayer_Bio-weapons-160917-415.html I apologize for the same graphic being used over and over in the article. I've tried to get get opednews to remove the duplicates but they ignore my requests.

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Jenny, I did not know about the Bayer leaders being released during the McCarthy era! Unbelievable! Thank you for you additions to this!

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👐🙏 Kudos, Jenny! Have you considered adding your content to Substack? 😇🙏👐

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Good suggestion!

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Good information! I knew about IG Farben and Bayer, but didn't know the heads of Bayer were released. But notice how the corporations themselves were never dismantled or shut down?

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Yes your correct on this info there is more , but she is at least on target.

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Oh, there is more for sure.... but that would require writing a book. And fortunately others have done this for us!

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Some one needs to write a field guide to evil - because if you can't identify it, know its characteristics , and understand something about its nature and migratory patterns - most people will never see it for what it is.

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Someone did that - sorry i forgot the name ... something like the Encyclopedia of Evil ... or Secret Societies??? For a visual map connecting names and connections thru out history ... see Dylan Montores Deep State Mapping Project


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Note, "evil" backwards is LIVE.

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Their original name was not Bush. It was changed to hide who they were/ are.

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Perhaps Busch?

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When you wake up it’s just so hard to believe, the mind doesn’t want to comprehend such evil, it’s a turning point. Embrace it Reinette, we have been lied to since the day we were born. Continue to use your voice to wake others up...

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Thank you, Brock!

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Honestly, Reinette, the "crazy theories" these days are the ones that make the most sense to me. History as we know it seems like one big fat lie. And, I don't know how anyone can trust their government anymore, especially after the PLandemic. Like you said, we're being slowly poisoned on all fronts. The geo-engineering is the one that tries to keep me up at night. The elephant in the sky that most people are oblivious to. Thanks for the digging. You're amazing!

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Excellent analysis of NordStream I & II sabotage. The US is also wanting EU countries to buy gas from US LNG which has southern Mediterranean pipelines, according to investigative journalist George Webb.

Btw, “The Rise of the Fourth Reich” by Jim Marrs, published in 2009, posits that the United States is a continuation of the Third Reich, using Operation Paperclip to place Nazis in military, corporate, govt and space agency positions.

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Well there you go!

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Thanks for that very thought provoking video. Great stuff Reinette!

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Thank you!

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Keep pushing Reinette.

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Yes. I think we have two factions - the Bush/Clinton/CIA/Nazis/military industrial complex/some secret societies/banking elite and JFK/Constitutionalists. Washington D.C. was set up to be part of the triangle. City of London was about the banking, the Vatican controlled religion, and D.C. was to be the war machine. We need to find out the truth of Antarctica. Why did Senator John Kerry go to Antarctica on the day of the 2016 election? Why have popes gone down there? I think the Russian Orthodox priest also went down there. I doubt to see penguins. I've heard that some of the Nazis (and off-worlders) are living there. It would make sense that the Nazis are controlling the world from Antarctica.

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Yes , yes Nazis have been there since ww11 , we lost the war in 47' [Operation Highjump with ADM. Byrd s defeat ] when the world finds out what has been going on under the ice in Ant . all these years it will change everything . I have talked about this extensively in my podcasts

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Link please Thomas.

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Link for what ? not sure what your asking for please let me know SK

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The pathetic prince, now king has also gone there I think.

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Thank you Reinette. You nailed it. It is called Operation Gladio. Much love, Emrys.

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I’m sharing your important analysis on GETTR and Truth Social. Thx a million!

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Thank you!

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No not crazy. Intelligently exploring history. About five years ago I read the Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot. The biography of Allen Dulles approved by his daughter. It showed his connections to Nazi Germany before WW2 and afterward. There was much there to lead me to investigate further especially in the last two years. Talbot was promoted by Pacifica's KPFA but now they are in lock step with the C nonsense. As Sally below mentions for example IG Farben scientists creators of Zyklon B gas etc. were allowed to continue as it split up into Bayer, Merck and the company that became Sanofi. After all these years Monsanto is now Bayer, still poisoning everyone despite evidence of harm. I won't go on but this is how I started seeing the connections with CIA and Nazi scientists, space program, pharma, and chemical scientists have contnued the agenda that is now WEF et al, vision that is not rooted in the principles of nature and the true intelligence and innate capabilities of human kind. The truth is awesome and magical if we don't choose to go along but open to that which is outside the matrix.

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Beautifully said, Christopher!

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Absolutely! Also the Nazis flew their aircraft to Antarctica. Admiral Byrd. Operation High Jump. Why do so many world leaders go to Antarctica? NASA was put under a Nazi after WW2. Hitler and Eva got out and lived in Argentina.

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Correct and even visited America later . I heard this firsthand from someone who attended the meetings .

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Hi Reinette - I totally agree with your line of thinking, and you'll be happy to know that there are a few very credible others who actually have been trail blazing / researching/ writing / discussing these ideas for awhile now. (Awhile such as the last 20+ years.) They all know each other, and have & do occassionally collaborate or interview each other, as they each have their own special area(s) of expertise. IMO (and I have been diligently researching / reading / thinking.....for a decade myself), they are Joseph P. Farrell, website is Giza Death Star, Catherine Austin Fitts who's website is Solari.com, Richard Dolan, Dark Journalist, and others. Your video revelation, is like pulling on one thread, that begins to unravel a whole garment! We have been told soooo many lies, all of our life, on purpose and it's incredibly difficult to 1) figure out the lies 2) unlearn 3) relearn. For myself, a membership at Catherine Austin Fitts, site Solari.com has been worth it's weight in gold. She has a simply incredible (history) library of interviews, book reviews, etc. etc. that are easy to access. (I have had many great teachers over a lifetime, and for me, she'd be right up there with the best of them.) She has Joseph Farrell on her Quarterly Wrap Ups to discuss the state of the world and how it relates to what we / they, know and don't know, and possibly what to make of it all. Fascinating!

Anyway, congrats on your "break through" of sorts. Hope this will give you some idea of some new acquaintances who are super knowledgable and trustworthy. Thanks for all you do too!!

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Yes, Reinette should interview Fitts!

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I've reached out to Catherine... have not heard back but will keep trying!

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Europa, Robert Sephr and others talk about the different factions of Jews who are in power struggle with each other. Bolshevik (Soros), Zionists, Sabbateans (Jews trying to bring the Jewish messiah to earth by sinning as much as possible; posing as Christian’s and Muslims) all Jewish factions with different approaches; all of which seem dark. The sabbateans being of greatest concern. I don’t think it’s as simple as just the Nazis winning and controlling this country. Could everything we are seeing be the result of these factions fighting for control? Rudolf Steiner talks about the next jump in human evolution (around the year 3000) originating in Russia and I believe he said that it is important that Germany and Russia are allies. Perhaps there are forces that seek to sabotage this growth. Hence the spiritual war we are in. I have more questions than answers but perhaps the thorough and convoluted nature of the top down control is due to many groups seeking control. They only have darkness in common.

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Hi Reinette,

The fact that we (not us people, but Wall Street) had helped give rise to Hitler and the German war machine. Anthony Sutton comes to mind. Yes it it is quite plausible. Like minds think alike and the ones from America were naturally aligned in their ideologies with Nazi's, or maybe Nazis were inspired by The Americans; Hitler admired the Eugenics movement. Evil twins attached at the Hip!

Thank you Reinette. You are creating some very powerful and provocative Foghorn info

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Reinette, I believe everything and nothing 😅! This theory is just as plausible as any other about what’s going on right now, albeit more fascinating than most 🤔! You are such a heroic woman and I would have loved to see you as Governor of Commifornia 😊💫✨!

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Thank you, Stacy.

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