You can store up food, buy gold, etc. but my thoughts to everyone would be to get in a good place with your Maker because it might be time to meet Him.

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Well said.... and pray. I have been doing a lot of praying.

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You're doing your part. We plant seeds and allow for God, Almighty to take the next step. All of this evil is nothing more than Providence (allowing for it to occur) extending a blanket invitation to humanity to do an about face and return to it's Creator. IF...if enough people were to take such steps God, in His infinite wisdom and benevolence would act or move, so to speak and a lot of this evil would begin to dissipate. Throughout history Providence has always used humanity in It's plan of salvation raising up various individuals to heed the call to action. This circumstance is no different, although seemingly more daunting. If and what that might look like I have no idea but it would come. Question being how many will accept that invitation.

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Thank you. Escalating chaos, information overwhelm, distractions, fear porn, etc., are used to block the possibility of man consciously awakening to our original blueprint as consciousness unbounded in form. All cause, core, memory and record of the Highest Authority/Creator is being erased in an attempt for AI, alien intelligence to create hell vs. heaven on earth. Voting is Satan’s harvest through consent of man. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/07/gary-d-barnett/america-is-a-slave-state-all-the-rest-of-you-are-the-enslaved/

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That's the problem. Most can't distinguish who "their maker" is. Once they figure that out, then the realm will be at Peace, but since they believe in Messianic Fanatism, the sickness, the same sickness that brought the people "right here, right now," they will continue to flounder in evil.

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indeed the Creator is NOT some pedantic likely has been passing space traveller who be-friended a now long extinct group of down on their luck tribesmen in the warmer part of Our world some couple of millenia ago, who seemingly went by the name "yahweh", had a wife (with whom hed fallen out) called "shekinah" and called the black dog sides of his and er indoors dark sides "samael" and "lilith"....

Leaving behind as he did tales of "great deeds" done with far out space tec, then told his pet goat herders to make 50 zillion observances per day to his and her greatness... or else...

Only to have all this revamped to suit the psyop needs leading to total domination and total destruction..

However explaining this to multi millions of zealoted, pro-zion, evangenical, twisted morons isnt proving too easy, but hey as we say "where theres a will theres a way"

More than that disseminating and yet further explaining that the only ones who benefit from "messianical shitfuckery" are the group of sub-soul, lower dimensional deviants who currently occupy Palestine and the so called governments of half a dozen heavily armed, deeply stressaed and confused nations isnt easy too...

Were but even a reasonable proportion of previously mentioned "government" officials to realise the "golden tickets" for places for them and theirs in the underground cities the lower dimensional deviants have had them build are "not worth the paper they are printed on".... then perhaps sanity might prevail...

But that requires full disclosure that lower dimensional deviants have a very strict hierachy... them, then slaves and those once no longer slaves or the offspring of slaves become "food".... hard fkn chewy biscuits for many minds to convert into a palatable, digestable format..

But like eating shit for all the trumptards, putintards and other .. tards... just remember chew-swallow-repeat and ... before you know it you will have it down to a tee

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Yes,your summary is correct.I live in the UK and have watched the plan unfolding for years.People are being led like sheep to slaughter, they can't see that it is all planned.How my heart aches for the good people of the UK,and all countries affected.I started prepping six months ago.I am a pensioner and my greatest wish for all is respect and peace.

Good luck to you all guy's,stay strong.

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Caroline, I'm so sorry to hear this.... it has been heartbreaking seeing the engineered destruction of the UK and Europe. As you know, the same thing is happening here and most people have no idea. It's the biggest risk this nation has ever faced and few truly get it. Thank you for letting me know my portrayal of what is happening is accurate from your perspective. I believe getting the truth out sooner than later gives us the best chance to prepare as you are. Best of luck to you, my friend.

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Thank you.

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Very disturbing stuff out of the UK, and especially the statements by the latest NWO puppet that got elected. This is clearly the plan for all the western nations, though I think the French citizens will prove to be tough adversaries against gov't crackdowns and I'm not sure we'll see this ignite in the same way in the U.S. Those in the UK burning buildings and seeking vigilante justice are falling right into the trap and I think (hope) citizens in other countries will show more restraint in terms of violent reactions by seeing this in action. I would expect an all out effort to steal the election here and they would expect massive protests again, and then they might instigate cells to create incidents that leads to rioting and an excuse for martial law. OR, if Trump actually manages to succeed in being elected we'll see massive rioting by the left and the current gov't will do virtually nothing about it and perhaps even back the protests by promoting the notion that Trump actually stole the election and subsequently the present puppet regime will attempt to nullify it and force another vote solely for the presidency. The latter may seem more far-fetched, outside of rioting by the left, but I put nothing past them in their desperation to keep Trump out.

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They're not desperate to keep Trump out. He's one of them for heaven's sake. It's all theater.

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Nonsense. What an incredibly naive outlook. He's definitely NOT part of their club despite his wealth. You really think the entire Russia gate insanity was all theater that Trump himself was playing along with? Every second since he became a threat to inhabit the oval office they have sought to keep him out, sabotage and entrap him, completely neuter his administration and then attempt to impeach him over nothing twice, and then escalate to trying to imprison him over complete nonsense while he isn't even in office and then try to kill him. Go ahead and say that was all staged as well based on complete speculation and no hard evidence. These people hate his guts because they're terrified of the fact that he might truly ruin their plans to destroy western nations (specifically the U.S.) because he opens his big mouth and exposes them. You've simply swallowed the black pill and taken the easy way out.

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Ah. We have an impasse. You think I'm naive, and I think you're naive. How shall we proceed? Or shall we agree to differ and each sail our ship away into the night?

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as we say here in sw of the uk:

You can lead a horse to a trough, you can playfully splash the cool soothing water on the dumb beasts snoz, you can whisper sweetly in its ears, you can yank hard on the halter and plunge its stupid ungratefull head into the sweet illmunating waters..

But you cannot force the dumb beast to drink

Moral? dont excpect too much of a dumb beast, but tis all the same to treat it kindly as it seems it cannot and will not ever know what is right and what is wrong, what is up, nor down, what is black and what is white...

Let alone the true nature of a man who by dint of perhaps billions of $ of debt to the most evil group we can imagine whose soul level debt to darkness requires that he make a very ancient, very dark ritual known as "bondage slave", (ear pierced or slashed in humiliating public view) and who will the be expected to play his part of the total destruction of what we call "home"

My advice? try another mule

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The black pill is not the easy way out. It's reality. You don't know politics is theatre after what happened last month? Our belief in Trump is the only thing preventing Revolution from taking place. We've been attacked with bioweapons through the vaccines he fast tracked. Trump is pro-vaxxine like he has always been. He has prayed at the Eastern Wall with his kippah on just like every other Zionist in Washington DC. Trump is playing a role as controlled opposition. The real DJT was killed and replaced in 1989 and Central Casting has owned his face since that time. He was out of the public eye for years and years before they decided to bring his character back on TV in 2015, like he was JR from the evening soap opera Dallas. When you see what a dumb show politics is, and you understand what a small set of evil doers our enemies are, and how simple the charms of show business are, and how vulnerable most people's minds are to those techniques... you can handle the black pill.

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If you're stuck in a "black pill" reality I truly feel for you. It may be a necessary dark trip to wade into, but to remain stuck there is to fail to develop and grow. And, um, to imply that I don't know the politics is B-level theater is to really miss the point. There's a difference between understanding the drunken dumbshow versus thinking everything is contrived and staged and so forth and therefore arriving at conclusions by default without even carefully looking at the details. I find this to be a hollowed out reality. Good luck.

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Are you a literate person? Since you possess the power of reading, use your power: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/07/gary-d-barnett/america-is-a-slave-state-all-the-rest-of-you-are-the-enslaved/

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Reality is reality. The government attacked us with bioweapons and violated the public trust. When it did that it forfeited all constitutional powers. It is no longer the government but is a foreign corporation run by the Crown Temple Bank of England. It also voided all contracts. The printed bills from the FED are voided contracts. That is reality. The rest is theatre.

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Bradley, I think you are spot on.....

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There isn't any violent reaction in the UK either - except that organized by the state and their agents provocateurs and emblazoned across every TV screen by their media puppets.

The whole story is concocted. I doubt the killings happened (the supposed murderer is an actor, and in my view is likely acting now), the riots were staged, the violence was mostly whipped up by agents provocateurs.

The authoritarian reaction will of course be real.

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You've got a good take on everythhing. At the same time the same ghouls are trying to wreak havoc, there are people who are thoroughly fed up with the nonsense, with the juvenilles running things. There is something like an ice ceiling that is stopping us from living life as it was meant to be lived and that is the belief in authority. People will even poison their children to adhere to it. Men are still running the show, all wars are men's wars. I can't even imagine squadrons of women arming themselves and firing bombs on the unarmed people below, but men do it all the time and we simply think it's what has always been done so...

Women need to voice their disgust and make a fuss. Aren't you all tired of living only under men's perspectives - shoot, shoot, rob, rob?

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Men are not the problem here, evil is. There are plenty of evil women in the world too. Look at Jacinda Ardern, HRC, Kamala H, and many others worldwide.

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Yeah, and the evil women always supported the evil men. Evil is gender neutral, it's a club of gargoyles, demons, devils, jinns and serpents, masquerading as males and females. The hoof prints, and slither marks gives them away.

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While I do believe Evil is the problem, and Evil knows no sex, gender, religion, nationality, I think in the cases we are speaking about - war, corruption, destruction, chaos - it is male dominated. I think it is just part of nature.

Simplistic theory, yes. But it is just my belief.

Of course there are corrupt women. But I believe they are playing in a man's world.

I do not think females, in general, tend toward violence and control.

Not looking for an argument here. My thoughts only.

Evil comes in all colors.

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True.... they are playing in the man's world rather than the maternal world that thinks of seven generations from now.

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This is nonsense. Stop playing their man vs woman game. This is a division they have very successfully created in society - and we need to heal it, not exacerbate it.

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Good men do not tend towards violence and control either.

All men are not evil - merely a few. I believe you are buying into one of their psyops - the division of men against women. Feminism is an enemy controlled narrative. You understand that you are not capable of this evil behavior, but you are incorrect when you generalize - both

(a) that all other women are not capable of such behavior

(b) that all men are.

Neither (a), nor (b) is true. While it is true women do not tend to *directly* engage in physical violence, that is merely because it is not a productive strategy for a physcially weaker individual.

Put an evil woman on a throne however, and she is just as violent (indirectly) as an evil man. Think Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, or Madeleine Albright.

Please do not repeat one of their (very successful) divisive ideas. Good men and women are in this together - there must not be a war between men and women, and do not be a part of such a thing.

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Exactly, this is classic divide and conquer. As a mother of a wonderful son, I find this male bashing very upsetting. Our world has declared war on good strong men trying to degrade them and take them out of the picture so that they can completely control who is left. It is highly disappointing that women are falling for this garbage.

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And sexes.

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Yes, look at Hitlery….one of the most evil, diabolical women in the US!!!!

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True, and I also forgot Victoria Nuland.

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Both genders are participants in bad movies, bad moves, and the controlled media we consume every day. There are no 'good' genders or 'bad' genders. There are simply groups of participants, observers, and victims.

Stock markets and investment partners have been running the show for centuries. Ya know? It's murder for hire and theft is the end game. Everyone invests in the Corporate world. Like the world that Blackrock/Vanguard owns... Invest today!!! Shares are unlimited!!! Viva le corporation!!!

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Don't forget Victoria Nuland

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I think woman running things would be much worse.

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They have their hand in this mess already... and it's not a pretty scenario.

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I believe psychopaths come in all forms, male and female. Sadly. I have now had too many run ins with psychopathic women to believe they are solely the answer. Now, having a father? Religions? Believing in a higher power? This will assist the planet greatly if all our leaders, whether male or female.

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Tbf male violence is historically centred around access to and hoarding of high value fertile females. So which came first the poosy or the Dick?

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What relevance has that got to today? To building a world where we notice that things are askew and we need to set them right?

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Don't fall for the "men are pigs" psyop, its just another one of their divide and conquer strategies. And tbf several military generals of prominent western nations appear to be female by birth.

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Exactly. It is about divide and conquer. I am a gay woman.... and I detest that divisive rhetoric. I appreciate manly men. Not the kind that is violent collects guns, and abuses, as Denis mentions below. I mean the kind of men who work hard, put food on the table, and protect and cherish their family and all that they love. I have worked beside these kinds of men on commercial fishing boats, stood beside them in Masai tribes, ran traps with them in the Alaskan bush, and watched strong fathers be good role models for their sons and daughters. I have great respect for their bravery, strength, and willingness of the kind of men willing to get into the ring. The male bashing of these males needs to stop.

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Thank you, and just remember all of the sweet little boys that are hearing this talk.

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I'm not male bashing, I'm simply stating statistics. If you look at violent crime, it's like 95% (or even more) that men are responsible for. That is not to say all men are violent. Indeed most of my friends are men! I enjoy men's company, I think they are more open minded than women and as you put it, stay in the ring. There are many barriers as well, to both men and women. The issue I'm speaking of is the issue of violence and how men perpetrate almost all of it and how women approve it and defend it. It is something for us to be conscious of and when we are, it will only make our society more intelligent. I understand guns have a place in this asylum (that men designed by the way!) and I oppose banning of any kind unless a vast majority of people desire it. And now we can know that number precisely by using surveying of numbers for or against. But strangely, even with our convenient technology, we are still not doing that. Imagine if we knew that a vast majority of people were for or against an issue. But of course, the powers that shouldn't be don't want that. So it is incumbent on us to push it. Women are totally under the dssigns of culture that men designed exclusively. And it's easy to tell because none of it caters to women.

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PLease stick to the subject and don't tell me what to think. I am talking about actual occurrences - men do kill and thieve and cause almost all the violent crime. Why are men defending that or attacking those who notice? Why did men stop women from being educated? Why do men collect weapons? These questions and more must be asked. But notice that collecting weapons is almost like a sacrament? Just notice these patterns and they need to be questioned because they deliver violence.

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There are primary themes in a man's purpose and identity in life, generally speaking. Provide, protect, procreate. Biology provides evidence of this wiring. To collect guns can be born of protection or to provide. What the mind then does to use that tool in those areas is where integrity, wisdom & self-mastery are vitally involved or lacking. As a woman, I desire a man who has these attributes vitally involved and am repelled by those who do not. Unfortunately, Hollywood provides all kinds of programming to the use of guns without those attributes attached, and the youth get this programming at an age where they just want to emulate what it means to be a man. I wonder... if Hollywood had scripts of how to broker peace and shone in the light of heroism & community, how that might be programmed into our youth instead. We must try to cultivate the best or better to come out in people instead of legislating them into autopilot behavior. This is where each one of us has a purpose in the world. And if we are ever met with dire, emergent circumstances (a necessity) trust your own or another's protective ego will immediately & wisely rise to the challenge in the best interests of all. I want to honor the gifts that being a man provides to humanity.

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We would not need protection if it wasn't for violent men. They are the ones we need protection against! Women need to recognize this instead of defending the infefensible. What purpose do guns provide? They only serve to make one party have massive advantage over another. Always used for ill purposes. Because of guns, we cannot have peace, because it always enables psychopaths, those who want ot lord it over others. Even for killing animals for food, it's time we questioned guns. They are what makes the world unsafe (not to mention bombs and even more egregious weaponry) Women can change the current condoning of weapons, because men do want women's approval. And we are not using our wisdom by constantly pandering to violent mens' predilections.

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Military intention and use of weapons is a whole other level of guns that I wasn't referring to above, I was referring to the individual man.

I hear your points and they have merit specific to militarily but alas...how do we get rid of the military worldwide? I certainly do not think getting rid of the individual's gun will start that trend, nor do I have faith in official leadership currently to render the population vulnerable to their protection. I feel the fact that individual's have the right in this country to own a weapon has been a deterent to some of the invasion we are seeing in Europe (hoping this deterrent continues). If you get rid of guns in the populace, they turn to knives or homemade explosives. Having a weapon for self-protection has been in existence as long as raiding parties and mercenaries for hire have been around. So, given that we have modern day versions of those being set loose in the world currently... do you still believe we, woman or man or even child, don't need to be protected...also recognizing the authorities tasked with protecting us are not doing so?

I'm not condoning violence and I'm not hoodwinked into all the war mongering going on but I'll not be black and white on this issue. There is a necessary gray area. And I'll not tie anyone else's hands to make their choice further giving even more power to govt agenda. Maybe, with our transition into the Aquarian age, the remnants of the previous Arian & Piscean ages of war & sacrifice are being resolved to be put to bed. In which case, if de-esculating war weapons was made possible so the little people didn't suffer at the hands of those in power...we'd be fools not to walk in that direction.

What I posted above was more to the point of appreciating what men have to offer instead of the suggestion that they are evil and the root of all violence for I have seen women manipulate to/act in violence as well. While the masculine & feminine are different, I like to look for the harmony & compatibility in those differences instead of cultivating division.

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Please read Women, Earth and Economic Power on my Aradhana Airwaves substack.

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Excellent work great job

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Thanks. Emilios.

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You're welcome always God bless you and your family

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Here in the USA... two small towns near me have begun assessing residential properties for aesthetician and fining the owner. One owner was fined for chipped paint. Then in Pittsburgh PA, there was a resident complaining about the new mayor's clean up initiative. Her violation was having weeds coming out of the cracks in her driveway, for which if she didn't rectify, would be charged $300 for the violation. The code citation specified weeds overgrown at 10 inches or more. She showed a picture of them and mostly 2-3 inches, stragglers not above 5 inches. These areas are lower income areas. People don't have money to repaint their houses because of some chipped paint. While there may be some legitimate 'violations', why now? Both of these local areas (one is Middletown, JD Vance's hometown) have acquired money for projects/development, etc. Is there a campaign being dictated across America thru funding sources that communities have to do this, do that? And could a hidden agenda be to fine people out of their homes (retired & elderly come to mind) to make room for the migrant population to settle? Here in Ohio, we are hearing reports of a migrant population of around 20,000 arriving in Springfield Ohio that in 2023 had a population of 58,000. Also interestingly, when I look at maps of the proposed and current amtrak routes, one goes directly thru Springfield also by the Middletown area and 2 cross right around the area of the train derailment in East Palestine near the Ohio PA border (there has also been a train accident in Springfield shortly after East Palestine). I feel like someone has mapped this area out for redevelopment. And I'm thinking room is being made for the migrants to move in with access to transportation.

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Thanks for the heads up on this.... it sounds like you are on to something and I have no doubt this is all mapped out.

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Aug 6Edited

Plus Columbus, Ohio is now the second largest population for Somalians in the country! Our governor is a rhino and fueling it!!!!

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Aug 6
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Yes, very familiar with the late Korea..... she was one of the earlier ones to sound the alarm!

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Yes I’m aware of those agendas. I’m sharing the evidence of it in my local environment so others may also identify these patterns in their environments.

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Indeed. The times are gonna be tough for those who are "emotional reactionaries," Messianic fanatics, "true believers," and sundry other classifications of "normal citizenry." Others, those who never bought into the lies, the fairy tales, the corporate fictions, they will fare better. Why? Because they already BEEN "F"ED OVER, and like all victims of abuse, they become immune to it. I am one of those people.

I concern myself with events that can be perceived by my eyes in real life, ears in real life, and objects or people who close a certain distance. The other stuff, the "media, religious, geo-political" triggers, are best avoided except in small morsels. In "real life," most will be fine, but they just won't know it. Television and social media does that. You heard?

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Problem, reaction, solution... Are they trying to get us to scream for biometric/digital ID with problem?

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This world does not know love. We were born from love, loved for perhaps 2 years, until we began to say no. At 2, our natural knowing, our heart that knows, our intuition kicks in. We say no to any teaching, because we know WHO WE ARE. When I ask mothers of 2 year olds, Are you aware this child is smarter than you? They always answer YES. I try to teach these mothers not to teach the child, but to learn from the child. Often they agree, but what I teach is too radical for most minds to understand or to trust.

What happens to children beginning at about 2, is their love is killed. The society wants the child educated to conform, to be like everyone, to learn, to be socialized. The child is manipulated, punished, scolded, hit, abused in many ways until his love and sense of freedom is lost. I like the example of a domestic dog, a loving creature, until abused and turns into a junk yard dog. The same happened to us all.

Today few know love. Few can love themselves and almost no one loves everyone. The truth few can understand is Love is Who We Are, We Are One. No wars should ever happen. The situation in this world is No One knows Who they are, they only believe authorities. When you know YOU ARE LOVE, you are immune from the nonsense the world teaches everyone, namely politics and religion, the cause of all conflict and suffering. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Iteachhowtoloveyourself


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Sad but so true.... thank you for this.

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You have revealed your true feelings (that Netanyahu is a war criminal) so I will be saying good bye!

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I can't believe you can't see that. So, sadly I bid you farewell.

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Mr Netanyahu is indeed a war criminal. And so are all corporate syndicates and weapons manufacturers who support his regime. The Earth needs an exorcism from his filthy ilk and persona...

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The religion of terrorism gets a pass from the stupid infidels.

allug Akbar !

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Adios. All of it is crime. Thye whole Messianic "get down" is a generational crime syndicate pretending to be "religious."

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Bingo! The Messianic belief is excuse for an ancient crime syndicate. Most persons have no clue what the doctrine means or contains. Thank you for commenting.

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Thank you for being sane. I thought it was just me......LOL. They can't see it. It's a sickness, like hardcore drug addiction. No matter how "low," they gotta keep "getting high." Never mind the damage left behind.

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Heh, heh... Instead of getting hgh, they're getting stoned...

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The truth has always hurt those in the ZioNazi camp, and you are obviously no exception.

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Netanyahu is not a war criminal?

They're ALL war criminals!

Shall we list all of the war atrocities of the USA alone?

They're ALL war criminals.

No one is picking on poor Bibi.

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No one is picking on Bibi. Simply pointing out the obvious.

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+ 100 likes. We are all Accessories after the Fact...

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Aug 6
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Yes. Ms. Austin Fitts took much longer to partake of that epiphany. I've been on to the actuality for about 40 years. When I recommend Revocation of Corporate Charters and a complete ban on corporate syndication, crickets chirp from reader comments.

Nearly everyone collects profit from portfolio holdings, yet have no clue as to what they support in doing so. Thank you for commenting. Good on ya.

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buh bye

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Same. She reveals the evil within herself.

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I agree with most of this article but differ about Israel. Jews have been persecuted & decimated by others throughout history.

Fast forward. Who attacked whom on October 7, 2023?

If an unprovoked & horrific attack such this happened here would the world expect us to simply sing kumbaya?

The brutality that day was unthinkable; demonic in my opinion.

Even today Hamas won’t release those they captured (who are still alive). Some are our own.

What’s happening in Britain is horrifying; citizens are attacked by illegals (& perhaps those who are exactly illegal but certainly aren’t assimilated into the society they joined after coming from another country).

Then the citizens are attacked by their own government because they want to defend their bodies & homes.

Unbelievable. The government leaders are twisted. Useless & dangerous as the perpetrators.

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SusanMC, the IDF and Mossad were complicit in the October 7th attacks as a means to justify their current actions. Did you know that Israeli festival attendees are suing the IDF for allegedly targeting and killing festival-goers? All these governments - American, Israeli, and others - are not true governments but evil, criminal cabals masquerading as legitimate authorities, all at our expense. Once we realize this, we can stop defending them and move on with our lives.

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+100 likes. Hamas is an Israeli invention. It says so right on the label.

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Good morning , good afternoon and good evening

Jews were always a nomadic tribe and anything but semites !

true numbers elude me right now , they killed endless MILLIONS of people all over the world , mostly through their charades , which brings me to the point that needs to be made.

Just how can a minority as the jews literally take over universities,hospitals, and this and that and blatantly take over governments worldwide were they not simply a fake front to hide the real perpetraitors , maybe there should be more focus on those - the deepstate , really ? , we're in deep shit if we keep chasing phantoms ...

Screw Reuters , AAP and all the other fake news outlets , Iran is full of crypto jews , ha , again , and so is saudi arabia and they all just love torturing people , countdown for the next bloodshed for their satanic rituals along the way.

Feed all the bastards natural anti-parasitic foods and we may create an opportunity to reclaim our Courts and seek justice - we are at the brink of extermination because we let them do what they want - we resonate through a different earth frequency , they stole it , changed it - good luck , you know what to do

I was born under a wandering star...peace to those who fell into a burning ring of fire

It was Trump that made the 5G rollout happen in america , the land of the free , that's why the world needed to be locked down , nah , it couldn't be , he's an old 'shoe' too...

two choices : LIVE or deathly evil

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When I speak of Jews, I have in many posts, clarified we are talking about the Khazarian mafia that is hiding behind Judaism.... the jewish people should be up in arms for this.

And I'm still pissed about Trump allowing the 5G rollout.

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Yes , they should be up in arms , some are .

Personally I despise any person any tribe any country any religion that doesn't stand up for god-given live but rather seeks to destroy it. Whoever preaches it's ok to rape 3 year old children or tries to tell me it's ok to slaughter man woman or child because of different faith upbringing , they can go and f&#k themselves to death.

And the torah seems to be about admirality law , so wtf...

And we don't need a oneworld religion or any other hocus pocus , peoples Pineal gland needs to be restored to a functioning one and parasites to be expelled ,

It would empower everyone so much and the sheer flow of ancient truth would connect the peoples of all faiths and unite them to a powerful force

Still at odds to see how we as human kind got f&#*ed over so badly.

So let us rejoice as annointed ones and rectify what lies were given to us before we end up on the spare parts market...

May we all be blessed

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It is not the Jews themselves but their leaders & govt, just like it's the CCP and not the Chinese people, just like it's the US gvt/deep state and not the American people. Then propaganda is used in the population... aka Stockholm syndrome.

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Nobody ever went into a "jewish land" and took anything. They have always been nomads without a land, and since they or their [g]od, did not have a land of their own they set about stealing the lands of others by force as commanded by their "landless" [g]od. 6000 years of "biblical" history evidences this fact.



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The Far Left & Jew haters always give the religion of terrorism a pass because they serve the same father of lies, Satan.

God is judging His rebel planet.

"He makes the nations great, then destroys them'"

Job 12:23

'"The earth is also defiled by its inhabitants, for they violated laws, altered statutes, and broke the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and those who live on it suffer for their guilt. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth decrease in number, and few people are left."

Isaiah 24

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Hey! Nice god you have there. Could I have fries with that?

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Yes, of course. A heaping helping of Fried for you. Psalm 9:17 kjv. The pompous fool in you eventually comes to an end as wickedness shall not prevail.

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We forget that the real miracles are the lives of Christian men and women and our history of bravery and fortitude in the face of malice and tyranny. Those who stress bible literacy are often guilty of forgetting who Bunyan and Wesley were, among many other heroic actors who have played their parts well. My fear is that I will live to become a slave in the land where I was born free and natural in a trailer park. We don't get to keep our lives, but we decide how we're going to spend them. I just don't understand the cowering tendency and the tendency to remain silent. I don't understand the Tories, who apparently have always been subjects of the King of England, even through the 1st revolution up until today, and who will do whatever their ownership tells them to do. Slaves don't have ethics, they follow orders. They have no freedom and no responsibility. That's why slavery and freedom cannot coexist. Dems, Corporatists, Commies, and Fedboys...to me they're all just Tories. Willing subjects. There are two kinds of people in the United States, Revolutionaries and Tories. Last time it only took 3% of Revolutionaries to start the revolution, but those revolutionaries gave 100%. They gave up their entire claim to comfort and the good life immediately and permanently by confronting Royalty. Have Tories always been mind-slaves, charmed by Royal Magic? Or are they participants, body and soul, in a Satanic cult? Is that what Royalism is?

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Sadly you and the majority miss the big picture. This is all God's judgements on the West that abandoned it's Judeo-Christian foundations, rejected God and gone corrupt, unaccountable, perverted, decadent.

Final destination is Psalm 9:17 kjv.

He makes the nations great, then destroys them; Job 12:23

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This Canadian has some interesting info about the status of Canadian banks in June 2025. It does not sound good. It was planned in 1991. While the writer did not mention that was a yr or less than the global 1992 Rio de Jeneiro meetung that paved the way for Agenda 21 and what we are living.

There may be something similar for the US banks, have not looked into it. But the Canadian 2025 bank issue is another significant event planned for 2025.

Economic Storm Clouds: Are Canada and the US the Next Venezuelas?"


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We are being sucked in. Prepare your young men and women for their forced participation to protect that shithole that is doing ALL of this.


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Don't fall for it. Don't let you children die for these monsters.

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I recommend following Clif High for his analysis of the data coming in via his webbot data gathering technique. He has made numerous prescient predictions in the past and many are manifesting now. https://clifhigh.substack.com/

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Love Clif.

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Yes, I think this is about right. The power elite is making their move. They can't back down now. Their masters know their time is about up.

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