This is so ominous and egregious. There is nothing that these slime balls won’t do to us!!!

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Very true, and yet they still won't win

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They can destroy us and they don't see that they are destroying themselves too. It makes no sense.

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Not to a rational ,normal mind it doesnt , but to DEATH CULT PSYCHOPATHS WHO ARE DEVOTED TO DEMONS and dark side stuff it does, they delight in destruction just for the sake of it and to milk the energy of it and the suffering of those it affects

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They have already proven they think the poorest piece of human flesh from anywhere in the world is preferably hired over American born and educated

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Agreed but it does make sense IF you come to the realization that the dark forces behind the increasing inimical acts being perpetrated on us are not… human. The evidence for the reality of the devil grows stronger every day.

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I've been saying that for a while; I'm not sure they are human.

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I'm pretty sure they have antidotes/safeguards in place. At least for the upper elites.

So whenever the general population dies off, Elon will step up with his robot replacements..

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Maybe. Still seems like it would be a miserable place the day after.

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Not really, they are narcissistic, they love themselves, and hate everyone else. So they view it as solving a problem. We are the problem.

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Anytime those Globaltards deploy some pernicious crap on humanity, you can belive they got a contingency plan to protect their sleazy asses like some kind of counter-measures or antidote for themselves!!! They are psychotic but not stupid.

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GOD always wins...in the end!

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No, they won’t, Reinette! NO WAY!!!

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Yes. I've observed scattered fog in valleys and land depressions for at least two weeks. I'm a Northern Minnesota resident, and "Natural" fog in sub-freezing temperatures has hardly ever been experienced. This is definitely artificial fog, and most likely chemically nucleated.

Don't allow your pets to drink from puddles or your children to play in the artificial snow... It's most likely poisonous. Thanks Reinette.

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Paul, thank you for the warning about pets. I never thought about this.... poor wildlife, if this is the case.

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Hello Reinette. Yes. Poor wildlife indeed. I live in a very rural area, yet can't help but notice the disappearance of many birds and small mammals. This extinction event scenario has been repeatedly covered by Dane Wigington and numerous others - including the US Forest Service. Many readers have reported the petrochemical smell. I believe you've covered some of this in previous articles.

I've rather retired from researching Patents and chemicals involved in recent assaults, as the list is already quite extensive. The 'fog' in my area hugs closely to the ground, and the sky above remains completely separate from the 'fog' below. It can't get much more aberrant than that. I can only assume it is poisonous. Best regards.

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Paul, I have witnessed the same thing. Disappearance of birds, pollinators, wildlife. Absolutely heartbreaking.

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I have noticed in the last few years of a significant reduction in our bird population. I do not see flocks of birds as I have from years pasted. I'm in Helena MT. The fog thing is happening here too.

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we have signs here on Hwy 49 that Auburn is a bird sanctuary. so NOT TRUE. Even when i go to the trails, i hardly ever hear any birds, and then maybe just one here or there...

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Paul I live in Colorado and I’ve also experienced the same. Less bird, bees, lizards and my clay soil is now mushy. My garden didn’t do well and some of my trees are dying.

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the trees, the dying trees...like being blasted by cellphone towers wasn;'t hard enough on them...

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Our treated water probably contains what we're seeing. Distilled water is probably our safest bet until we can confirm what we're experiencing. Possibly needing to add water filters in the shower to keep this crap off our skin. Scary stuff!

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A whole house filter is the way to go.... though who knows if it filters smart dust and other biological agents!

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That's the insidious thing about NANO technology, it's so damn small, it can get into and through stuff easily including our blood/brain barrier which is in us to protect our brains from toxins and chemical agents n' shit!!!

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THAT's disconcerting.

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Yeah Reinette, that NANO tech, like all high tech, has the potential to do fantastic GOOD things for humanity but...it is a double-edge sword! And of course, it would get into the WRONG HANDS!

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Michigan here! I agree. I was wondering we think is up with this shit!!! Makes sense!! More killing by our government.

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Yes of course you might think it’s our gov. But they are mere pons for the Swiss Bank Authority, nothing is as it seems. That is where the money starts and ends. Wake up!

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See my link from Sabrina above , she nails it completely

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I love her.

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i can't find it in my thread here Thomas - could you repost it? i could use a dose of Sabrina...

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unusual dense fog in SoCal for last several days - smog alert triggered, very noticably odd and non seasonal- people noticing and commenting, greasy grey film on cars, outdoor furniture etc

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That sounds disgusting!

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Peter Hotez is the gremlin from the dark side. He's such a cheerleader for the

vaccine industry.

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He's truly disgusting. I can't believe anybody would take him seriously, or trust him or "Dr." Wen... I use that term lightly.

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Dr. Wen, the crisis actor and spinner of official narratives.

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Leana Wen early TV doc days from the Boston “bombing” Marathon days.

Dr. Leana Wen Interviewed After Boston Bombing-2:23


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Thanks for covering this Reinette. I’m going out to pour out all our standing water in the morning.

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Let me know if you see those odd bugs. I had them in more than one container.... the containers I looked into all had them. Never saw them before. Didn't think too much of it until I saw the gentleman point out his dog's water bowl... half way across the country.

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Would be great if some concerned citizens with access to testing and microscopes would do analysis of the bugs and the fog sediments.

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I have experienced the Fog already for several years while living in Napa County on top of Howell Mountain. Most people around me were in denial.

Yesterday and today, I have been getting throat and congested lung issues with hacking coughing and no energy. I am not sick though.

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My partner is experiencing the exact same thing. Now, mind you, she hasn't been sick in nine years! It started with a tickle in throat, then a very runny nose, and I have never seen her cough so much. She is now more than a week in but no body aches, no fever, her energy is fine.... very strange. There are tons of people sick around us. Many had to cancel their holiday plans.

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I have the same symptoms when I go outside but I’m fine when I’m indoors-we are not lab rats for these fucking people that are doing this to us 😡

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I hate to remind you but we've been sprayed by chemtrails for years now and nobody wanted to talk about it. I'm glad people are finally talking about these attacks on us.

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Yes, we have been getting sprayed for years, but the game seems to have been ramped up!

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With all due respect, where did we think this would lead? The agendas are merging in a way we can finally "see" them, but they were always expanding, improving, honing. 5G, DEW, Chemtrials/weather control, Digi-ID, Agenda 21/ 2030, Fiat currency looted before the crash.

Now AI video is to a point that created scenarios can justify deadly reatliation.

I have the same experience as Denise. No one wanted to talk about it, nor do anything. We documented the planes , which were spraying, loading at a local Canadian-US air base in 1995.

All patents and white papers were available to read. What we "see" now is a far cry from what they are capable of. Who they tested many of these new weapons on tried to warn us. Note that they no longer need the test subjects.

Sleeping masses must adlultify or perish.

This is on us.

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Americans have been sleepwalking through their lives. Only now are they looking up from their phones.

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I was in Sonoma today from the East Bay, and the air just didn’t look right the whole way over. I’ve seen plenty of morning fog over the fields and in the valleys, and this stuff looks nothing like it; it’s more like smoke from wildfires than mist.

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Interesing... I know that EB fog.

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The foggy haze I observed was north of the Richmond Bridge into and throughout Sonoma.

The spraying has been unmistakable in the EB in the last several weeks, and today is no exception.

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Northwest michigan experienced a dense chemical smelling fog.

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Yes, getting a lot of reports on the odd, chemical smell. Very disturbing.

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I was in a ground zero institution during the Alpha variant out break in early 2020. One of my symptoms was the smell of, what could be best described as, burning plastic. After 2 weeks of it becoming more frequent, the tell tale dry cough began. Shortly thereafter (2nd week of March 2020) I was close to being hospitalized and long hauled for 5 months. During that time, not once, did I have a positive PCR and they were swabbing me weekly, for a long time. IMO the reason why they didn't find anything (despite the test over cycling) was that, I was doing pulsitile nasal irrigation and nebulization.

Fast forward......We had the fog and many people around me have/had the same

symptoms of cough, sore throat (laryngitis), nasal congestion, headache, malaise etc.. I have not... Although I did start to smell that smell again! So I started my nasal / pulmonary toileting routine (and I continue to). Had a slight cough, that was it.

There are a few items one should have in their home "medicine cabinet" IMO 1) nasal irrigator (netti pot doesn't cut it)



2) Nebulizer

3) Personal steamer (old fashion pot and towel works too)

Keep the system working. Change pH, Change temperature, apply a cidial, etc...

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Thank you for this. Fascinating and disturbing accounts, WTP. The people who are sick in my area say it feels like Groundhog Day. Day in day out they are sick and just can't shake it. They have similar symptoms following a weird fog.

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We are being assaulted from every angle. We can start by cleaning up our diet and detoxing elimination pathways - Colon, Liver-gallbladder (the biggee) , kidney, blood. Fasting for 1 or 2 days a week with pure water also helps the body reset.

Nicotine 3mg/day (or 7mg if jabbed) knocks off the synthetic biology from the nicotinic receptor sites that are on every cell (the medicals say it's mRNA attaching to ACE-2 receptors, but these do not exist in the lungs, where many have been sickened with the covid junk).

Really important is to resupply the gut with healthful microbes - especially Archaea - the ancient ones with uncorrupted templates.

And yes, though we've been conditioned to believe this is foreign and repulsive - urotherapy also helps greatly with supporting the body's original DNA signatures.

These literally are 2 of God's solutions for us, from Nature and within us: nicotine (and it's a lie it's addictive - it is pyrazines in cigs that are addictive), and urotherapy.

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Hear hear. You are spot on. And those who take these additional steps to clean oneself out will fare much better.

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And forgot to mention - parasite cleanses.

Dr Lee Merritt has a protocol for this on her site The Medical Rebel.

Parasites - whether natural or synthetic - are a primary source of turbo cancers.

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I'm not giving medical advice...Just food for thought for critical thinking...

I going to point at statement you made . that is incorrect ; "(the medicals say it's mRNA attaching to ACE-2 receptors, but these do not exist in the lungs)"

Just the opposite....


Why I stated what I did is related to the innate immuns system ("the front line defense") or the MALT (mucosal associated lymphoid tissue)....

NALT (Nasal assocciated Lymphoid Tissue)

BALT (Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue )

PALT (Pulmonary Associated Lymphoid Tissue)

GALT (Gastric Associated Lymphoid Tissue)




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Perhaps Dr Merritt can clarify re: nicotinic receptors in this 2 minute video: https://substack.com/@phrygiofphrygia/note/c-83915528?

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TY for the correction - appears I was misinformed re: ACE2.

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For a piss drinker you're really full of shit.

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How kind of you to share.

Am happy to be in good company with Dr Ed Group, Johnathan Otto, Maria Crisler, and others, including Mahatma Gandhi, who practiced Shivambu during his fasts.

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Have you drunk anybody else's piss or just from the ppl you listed?

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Do you have any information about urotherapy you could point me to?

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Absolutely, glad you ask. They are many but here are some good places to start:

-- https://urotherapyresearch.com/

Check out the book & research tab, that has several complete books in pdf form for free downloads.

-- Jonathan Otto's health series he offers free online every few months always include sections of urotherapy. Here's an episode that expires very soon - not specific on urotherapy but you can see the quality of his work.


-- Brother Sage does videos on rumble: https://rumble.com/vditip-lonnie-gustafson-interview-with-brother-sage-on-urine-therapy.html?e9s=src_v1_upp

Good journey to vital health!

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Dr. Young discourages use of urotherapy, as too many toxins are in there now. My gut feeling is that he's right.

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I'm aware of Dr Young's stance. I respect his work. But I also follow other health leaders who have views different from his. They say yes there are fragments of toxins but they're no longer intact, but rather, they are fragmented, and the net gain is far greater with urotherapy than without.

What it comes down to is everybody must follow their own inner guidance that's unique to their situation, knowledge, and body wisdom. What's super evident to me now, is we're all under extreme assault on many levels and when we discover what uniquely works for us, we ought to go for it wholeheartedly.

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The odors are definitely getting around as well as the “fog” does. I’ve sensed it up here in the NYC Metro area- and further inland where fog from pollution is much less common. The images may seem beautiful, but the answers we may find are sure to be nasty.

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I'm a retired Heating and Cooling Contractor. When it comes to Air Filters in ones furnace, I know what they are talking about. In all the thousands of air filters I have replaced I know that whatever is on the filter came from inside the house. So, if your air filter in your furnace is plugged with white stuff it was in the house and of course, came from outside. I would want my house more positive pressurized. But to pressurize a house Air must be brought in from outside. But if brought into the return air duct to the furnace, that air would be filtered before entering the house. Turn the furnace off before checking and replacing the filter.

Another note: All the white stuff on the swimming pool water and on plants and such, why hasn't anyone taken a sample and had it analyzed? If it comes here I'll use something like a glass jar and not use ones hands but an instrument to load the Jar.

Larry Ellis

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Great suggestions all around, Larry. When it comes to testing, we have to request to test for certain toxins, metals, or chemicals. The labs we use request this... so the question is, what are we testing for?

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Yes, as H Simon says: a full spectrum analysis for environmental samples is required. I know that will be costly so the best case scenario would be for someone who works at an environmental lab to do it pro bono. Failing that someone could get a Kickstarter going. I doubt they would have any problem reaching their funding goal. However it happens, an environmental lawyer should be involved from the start.

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All of these. Because it's likely they're all in the fog junk.

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This is how you filter the air that is already in the house. The high output fan pulls the indoor air through the carbon filter. Next the HO fan pushes enough air to provide positive pressure to push out air through cracks of the house. This practice is well known in horticulture to keep bugs and spores out. Get a quite HO fan model. The carbon filter has replacible cloth filters. I highly recommend this to people with chemtrail fog pressures It filters the indoor air with indoor air and pushes air or positive pressure through cracks exposed to outdoor air. call the company and get the right filter and fan combo for sq ft. They have quite fans you want to get

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that horrible man that is mansplaining the epidemics that are going to come crashing down in the Trump admin. is a horrible evil demon spewing crap because he is paid big bucks to kill humanity. One of the worst trolls on the web, ithis excentric looking "doctor, or professor'. just a really bad person.

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Right? Seriously, if this all comes to fruition the authorities SHOULD be marching out and hauling him off to the slammer for crimes against humanity. He is literally telling us what they are planning on doing.

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The terms "premeditated", "deliberate", "willful", and "malice aforethought" are often used in statutes to describe the mental state required for a crime.

Some potential defenses to premeditation charges include:

- Lack of planning, preparation, or weapons

- Insufficient evidence

- Heat of passion or sudden quarrel

- Wrong defendant or mistaken identity

- Duress or coercion

- Diminished capacity or impaired mental state

Yup. Definitely premeditated.

Add criminal conspiracy to the list.

Crimes against humanity? Absolutely.

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And Hotez checks off the entire list for that.

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Exactly my point Reinette. Isn’t this the sort of case that prosecutors dream about?

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If they were real prosecutors..... yes!

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Thanks for covering this Reinette. Those mosquitoes - absolutely unconscionable what they are doing to us. I'm so glad lots of people are talking about it.

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Same here. And they returned this year as well. I simply have to capture them on film.

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Hi Reinette, I am up in a mountain in south central Tennessee and it has been encapsulated in fog for the last few days now. Been coughing up heavy mucus today. So very creepy. As dad used to say, it’s big enough to fry, but these are the biggest ever experienced in my life. My bird friends outside are not as prolific as they used to be in singing in the mornings. Every morning is wondering if it is a new Silent Spring yet so very glad when cardinal sings.

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Uggg. I'm so sorry to hear this particularly about the birds. They more than like have moved away from the fog and I hope return when the "fog" moves out.

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Fog days in Southwest Michigan-one partial day of clear skies this week-Most likely Chemtrails above the clouds 🌧️ from Darpa, Gates, DOD, NOAA,The Dark State with the excuse of fighting non existent climate change 🤦🏻‍♂️

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The boogy-men of boogie-men; climate change.

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PS, mega chemtrails been going on before the fog blanketed the mountain, so much for TN no zone chem trails.

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Unfortunately, the Clean Air Act of 1963 "removes the authority" of the states air space.... so their legislation doesn't apply. BUT I'm literally working on a legal brief right now to fight this very thing in court this year!

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Thank God for you and your fight to try to save us all from this crap

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the feds claimed the FAA holds jurisdiction over the airspace and so the Tennessee government isn't allowed to enforce the law.

hey, I don't agree with that judgment at all, just mentioning what I read.

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Yep. You are correct and we are about to change this!

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Fog here in NW NC…I’ve had a cough that I can’t shake…more than a month

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Damn. I so sorry to hear this.... I keep thinking about how the people in the hurricane Helene area must be suffering from this; they can't escape and it chills one to the bone!!!

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Try Lobelia and Marshmallow root. There are lots of herbal remedies that are very effective for treating your symptoms.

When I had a chronic cough I got headaches from all the coughing. Wild Lettuce is an excellent pain killer with no negative side effects.

Hope you feel better soon.


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Thanks for this. My partner's ribs are sore from all of the relentless coughing.

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Hear hear!

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Has anyone sent samples of the fog residue for testing?

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I haven't. We would have to know, specifically, what to test for! Whenever we do any kind of rain water sample we have to ask to test for specific metals!

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I was thinking of Mike Adams and his mass spectrometry testing ability. I haven’t had this fog experience where I am yet…

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