Yes, the indoctrination upon the younger generation was extraordiary. I played a role in that for a while.... believe climate change. Promoting, education around it. I'm kicking myself now, but making up for it!
Yes, the indoctrination upon the younger generation was extraordiary. I played a role in that for a while.... believe climate change. Promoting, education around it. I'm kicking myself now, but making up for it!
You are doing an awesome job!!!! Wish you had replaced scumbag. I drove around with your sticker on my car forever as I was so sad about the situation. But I believed in education too and now I tell my daughters 19 and 22 forget wasting time with higer education unless it is a specific trade, learn as many skills overall and you will be fine. But they have had serious trouble getting jobs. I can't prove it, but my oldest that has tried the most for 2 years, might have been discriminated against. She is that race that they want to get rid of even European dessert as I from Northern Europe. Thank you Reinette, you are an incredible truth seeker!!!
Yes, the indoctrination upon the younger generation was extraordiary. I played a role in that for a while.... believe climate change. Promoting, education around it. I'm kicking myself now, but making up for it!
You are doing an awesome job!!!! Wish you had replaced scumbag. I drove around with your sticker on my car forever as I was so sad about the situation. But I believed in education too and now I tell my daughters 19 and 22 forget wasting time with higer education unless it is a specific trade, learn as many skills overall and you will be fine. But they have had serious trouble getting jobs. I can't prove it, but my oldest that has tried the most for 2 years, might have been discriminated against. She is that race that they want to get rid of even European dessert as I from Northern Europe. Thank you Reinette, you are an incredible truth seeker!!!