Super sleuth Kathryn Saari uncovers the elaborate network of investors, NGOs, & Kodama Services, revealing how California's lush forests are being sacrificed for a massive carbon cap scheme.
How did we start sinking trees to save the planet? I believe it's due to greed, and people's laziness, which fuels the flames of "progress", which is code for tech/ control, as those who are lazy often have the least self-control and are terrified, thus giving up power to the Komodo in the chart you so graciously provided Reinette!
Deforestation takes out the trees that would shelter us from 5g, and provide more infrastructure for cell towers:
You got it. We need the trees. We need to kick out the city officials who are allowing this, like Michigan just did. Kicked out the entire City Council and locked the doors behind them. I'm in.
Mary Maxwell. I hadn't heard that she was from THAT Maxwell lineage, but it would not surprise me given that all the same parasites and their bloodlines keep cropping up.
Really Graceful has a video on Bill's mommy, Mary Maxwell:
Thanks, Reinette. I will listen to the interview. This is a particularly painful addition to the endless attack on anything natural. (Not just anti-human, anti-nature.) So immensely stupid and cruel.
These plucking idiots need to be stopped. Appreciate coverage of this subject. Best.
This is nothing but sheer insanity. Even if they were going to deforest this area legitimately the trees could be repurposed way more efficiently. FOLLOW THE MONEY! Now I see it's going to a mill??? If this is CCP kick them out and STOP THIS MADNESS!!! ARREST BILL GATES AND SEIZE ALL HIS ASSETS!
How can this be prevented???? IT MUST BE PREVENTED! Anytime you hear of a group or a project that purports to be helping, is charitable or green, think Clintons 'helping' in Haiti, it's ALL A SCAM W A CORRUPT AGENDA.
PS Great job Kathryn, thank you for having her Reinette.
Of course. Kat is a rockstar! And as far as ceasing all of Gates' property. Yep! That's exactly what we will do. All the farmland will belong to the public soon enough!
It's the Lorax come to life. Next up, selling air.
What happened to protected species? My husband's work forced him to stop if a "protected" rodent in the desert was breeding nearby here in California. An environmental agents sat in a chair watching them work incase a rodent showed up. Now we have border walls going up breaking 20+ environmental laws and trees being chopped down killing God only knows how many species of animals. They are going to turn all of California into a desert, making the climate catastrophe they pretend to solve.
All current green measures are the next generations' mess to clean up.
"They are going to turn all of California into a desert, making the climate catastrophe they pretend to solve."
Exactly! I see it here in Baja California. The trees create microclimates, more moisture remains in the soil and it's not baked to death. The trees and the microclimates they create around themselves support more species. Driving through towns and cities with not a single tree in sight is depressing. It's just dry dead dirt and dust everywhere. There is no water. There is no shade. It is a harsh environment. In the wild desert areas there is some life, cactus and bushes like sagebrush do the best they can and there are a few more species. But when you come across a tree, there is more life around them.
This also solves Gates problem of how to control all farmland and force people to eat expensive pest filled bugs. He bought farmland in the midwest but what better way to control all food than if beautiful California can no longer grow food?
I Denmark a couple or three hundred years ago they chopped down entire forests because they needed more room for amber fields of grain. This had disasterous consequences because the country is as flat as it is. It became a desert, and it took decades to reverse.
The Dust Bowl is another event in history to learn from, but learning from history is, of course, not the point. Destruction of as much life as possible IS.
This is what Rosa Koire was revealing - the codifying and commodifying of everything as if it’s for sale, tracking, and monitoring. Standard “nickel and dime” everything to the last little bit.
Just replace the words “tons of carbon“ with Miles per hour and you can see the real world image of this when it becomes: We have to go from 51 billion MPH to zero. This only happens with a brick wall and it is not pretty.
Kathryn and Reinette, I have so much appreciation and respect for both of you. Thank you for being the detecctives that you are. This is just despicable.
The clowns are going down. They tried to kill everyone off. That didn't work, so they are moving as swiftly as possible to make up for it, but it's too late. They have already lost.... we just have to play this out.
I guess I'm missing something big----I thought trees took in CARBON DIOXIDE and put out OXYGEN. How does cutting them down "capture" the dreaded carbon?? Can someone explain.........
They are messing with everything to confuse the public. Things about the environment gets a lot of people's attention. They have already indoctrinated the younger generation so they will believe whatever the latest is. They have zero previous knowledge of the truth and in schools they are NOT teaching them to use their brain to discern information, research deeper and definitively not to be critical lthinkers . The younger generation is taught that we are running out of water and fossil oil is bad while they wear tennis shoes, yoga pants, have no.problem taking petroleum based meds or vaccines. What a joke!! Everything is upside-down and we have to point this out as much as possible to people. People are literally crazy in their thinking and not wanting to understand the truth and I won't shut up.about it either.
Yes, the indoctrination upon the younger generation was extraordiary. I played a role in that for a while.... believe climate change. Promoting, education around it. I'm kicking myself now, but making up for it!
You are doing an awesome job!!!! Wish you had replaced scumbag. I drove around with your sticker on my car forever as I was so sad about the situation. But I believed in education too and now I tell my daughters 19 and 22 forget wasting time with higer education unless it is a specific trade, learn as many skills overall and you will be fine. But they have had serious trouble getting jobs. I can't prove it, but my oldest that has tried the most for 2 years, might have been discriminated against. She is that race that they want to get rid of even European dessert as I from Northern Europe. Thank you Reinette, you are an incredible truth seeker!!!
The way I understand it trees (or rather all plants) use CO2 to create oxygen during the day, and oposite at night. In other words all plant life needs CO2, or they die.
The millions of TONS of wood waste, chips from lumber for building houses, endless fire hazards laying around in the forests, etc., won't be a "dangerous" thing to use for making fuel. However, the freaks who want to grow expensive FOOD crops purely for fuel are MORONS.
Good job, the both of you ladies. I have been researching the evils of the UN Agenda 21/2030 for years. These NGOs and public private partnerships are well documented in the original manual of the Rio Summit, 1992, Agenda 21 Sustainable Development for the 21st Century. Once you see the truth of the matter, you come to realize, this planet is run by criminal pedophiles, and psychopaths.
Do as much research as you can on what these monsters have in store for us.
This perverted agenda is also funded by the government through the cordoning off of millions upon millions of acres of forested lands and calling them "protected areas" or "nature conservancies." After making it illegal for us to set foot in certain natural lands, they concoct lies such as "There is a wood shortage, so gee we're super-sorry that wood is now extremely expensive." And taxpayers unknowingly pay the bill for all this fuckery.😡
How did we start sinking trees to save the planet? I believe it's due to greed, and people's laziness, which fuels the flames of "progress", which is code for tech/ control, as those who are lazy often have the least self-control and are terrified, thus giving up power to the Komodo in the chart you so graciously provided Reinette!
Deforestation takes out the trees that would shelter us from 5g, and provide more infrastructure for cell towers:
Kat provided the chart to me! She did a remarkable job on her research and sleuthing!
You got it. We need the trees. We need to kick out the city officials who are allowing this, like Michigan just did. Kicked out the entire City Council and locked the doors behind them. I'm in.
Wow, I want to hear that story of Michigan kicking out the entire City Council!.
Fuck ya, me too.
That explains a lot, doesn't it? I had no idea that Gates (from hell) was related to Maxwell family.
As I just wrote moments ago, it's all connected, it's all connected.
(The evil)
And an excellent longer documentary on the parasite commonly called Bill Gates.
Mary Maxwell. I hadn't heard that she was from THAT Maxwell lineage, but it would not surprise me given that all the same parasites and their bloodlines keep cropping up.
Really Graceful has a video on Bill's mommy, Mary Maxwell:
Right after it was decided girls can become boys and vice versa.
Or maybe it was, guys can become pregnant.
Thanks, Reinette. I will listen to the interview. This is a particularly painful addition to the endless attack on anything natural. (Not just anti-human, anti-nature.) So immensely stupid and cruel.
These plucking idiots need to be stopped. Appreciate coverage of this subject. Best.
It is very painful. I lose sleep at times over it, but we have to become aware of it in order to bring it to an end!
No doubt. I sincerely hope we see a massive amount of humans who will stand up for these trees to assure they continue to stand. Trying times. Best.
This is nothing but sheer insanity. Even if they were going to deforest this area legitimately the trees could be repurposed way more efficiently. FOLLOW THE MONEY! Now I see it's going to a mill??? If this is CCP kick them out and STOP THIS MADNESS!!! ARREST BILL GATES AND SEIZE ALL HIS ASSETS!
How can this be prevented???? IT MUST BE PREVENTED! Anytime you hear of a group or a project that purports to be helping, is charitable or green, think Clintons 'helping' in Haiti, it's ALL A SCAM W A CORRUPT AGENDA.
PS Great job Kathryn, thank you for having her Reinette.
Of course. Kat is a rockstar! And as far as ceasing all of Gates' property. Yep! That's exactly what we will do. All the farmland will belong to the public soon enough!
It's the Lorax come to life. Next up, selling air.
What happened to protected species? My husband's work forced him to stop if a "protected" rodent in the desert was breeding nearby here in California. An environmental agents sat in a chair watching them work incase a rodent showed up. Now we have border walls going up breaking 20+ environmental laws and trees being chopped down killing God only knows how many species of animals. They are going to turn all of California into a desert, making the climate catastrophe they pretend to solve.
All current green measures are the next generations' mess to clean up.
"They are going to turn all of California into a desert, making the climate catastrophe they pretend to solve."
Exactly! I see it here in Baja California. The trees create microclimates, more moisture remains in the soil and it's not baked to death. The trees and the microclimates they create around themselves support more species. Driving through towns and cities with not a single tree in sight is depressing. It's just dry dead dirt and dust everywhere. There is no water. There is no shade. It is a harsh environment. In the wild desert areas there is some life, cactus and bushes like sagebrush do the best they can and there are a few more species. But when you come across a tree, there is more life around them.
This also solves Gates problem of how to control all farmland and force people to eat expensive pest filled bugs. He bought farmland in the midwest but what better way to control all food than if beautiful California can no longer grow food?
I hadn't thought of it from that angle. I'm certain you are right about that!
I Denmark a couple or three hundred years ago they chopped down entire forests because they needed more room for amber fields of grain. This had disasterous consequences because the country is as flat as it is. It became a desert, and it took decades to reverse.
What? Learning from history?
The Dust Bowl is another event in history to learn from, but learning from history is, of course, not the point. Destruction of as much life as possible IS.
That is so heartbreaking! At least they saw what had happened and tried to reverse it.
This is what Rosa Koire was revealing - the codifying and commodifying of everything as if it’s for sale, tracking, and monitoring. Standard “nickel and dime” everything to the last little bit.
They will not prevail. And we will be spending the rest of our lives restoring and healing from all of this.
I so deeply appreciate you. Thank you. Thank you, Thank you. <3
That evil sob must be stopped breathing and omitting HIS poisonous CO2
Gates and company are wasting valuable oxygen!
Just replace the words “tons of carbon“ with Miles per hour and you can see the real world image of this when it becomes: We have to go from 51 billion MPH to zero. This only happens with a brick wall and it is not pretty.
Kathryn and Reinette, I have so much appreciation and respect for both of you. Thank you for being the detecctives that you are. This is just despicable.
The Saari Logging Truck Story is epic! Hilarious. The info on "Red" Emmerson is an eye opener.
Thanks for all the information for 1 1/2 hours.
You're welcome!
An upside down clown 🤡 world of evil .
The clowns are going down. They tried to kill everyone off. That didn't work, so they are moving as swiftly as possible to make up for it, but it's too late. They have already lost.... we just have to play this out.
Much gratitude to you, Reinette, and Kathryn. I've got my work cut out for me...!
I guess I'm missing something big----I thought trees took in CARBON DIOXIDE and put out OXYGEN. How does cutting them down "capture" the dreaded carbon?? Can someone explain.........
Stop thinking! You're making too much sense!
The powers that be, mocking us to our faces! I'm not having it ANY MORE! xx
They are messing with everything to confuse the public. Things about the environment gets a lot of people's attention. They have already indoctrinated the younger generation so they will believe whatever the latest is. They have zero previous knowledge of the truth and in schools they are NOT teaching them to use their brain to discern information, research deeper and definitively not to be critical lthinkers . The younger generation is taught that we are running out of water and fossil oil is bad while they wear tennis shoes, yoga pants, have no.problem taking petroleum based meds or vaccines. What a joke!! Everything is upside-down and we have to point this out as much as possible to people. People are literally crazy in their thinking and not wanting to understand the truth and I won't shut up.about it either.
Yes, the indoctrination upon the younger generation was extraordiary. I played a role in that for a while.... believe climate change. Promoting, education around it. I'm kicking myself now, but making up for it!
You are doing an awesome job!!!! Wish you had replaced scumbag. I drove around with your sticker on my car forever as I was so sad about the situation. But I believed in education too and now I tell my daughters 19 and 22 forget wasting time with higer education unless it is a specific trade, learn as many skills overall and you will be fine. But they have had serious trouble getting jobs. I can't prove it, but my oldest that has tried the most for 2 years, might have been discriminated against. She is that race that they want to get rid of even European dessert as I from Northern Europe. Thank you Reinette, you are an incredible truth seeker!!!
The way I understand it trees (or rather all plants) use CO2 to create oxygen during the day, and oposite at night. In other words all plant life needs CO2, or they die.
The millions of TONS of wood waste, chips from lumber for building houses, endless fire hazards laying around in the forests, etc., won't be a "dangerous" thing to use for making fuel. However, the freaks who want to grow expensive FOOD crops purely for fuel are MORONS.
You might explore platform.
Natural Mike Adams HealthRanger says all are welcome
Good job, the both of you ladies. I have been researching the evils of the UN Agenda 21/2030 for years. These NGOs and public private partnerships are well documented in the original manual of the Rio Summit, 1992, Agenda 21 Sustainable Development for the 21st Century. Once you see the truth of the matter, you come to realize, this planet is run by criminal pedophiles, and psychopaths.
Do as much research as you can on what these monsters have in store for us.
Yup. We are witnessing a corporate cabal masquerading as government.
Yes. We have become a hybrid of Fascism and a rotten Oligarchy. The Founders would be horrified.
This perverted agenda is also funded by the government through the cordoning off of millions upon millions of acres of forested lands and calling them "protected areas" or "nature conservancies." After making it illegal for us to set foot in certain natural lands, they concoct lies such as "There is a wood shortage, so gee we're super-sorry that wood is now extremely expensive." And taxpayers unknowingly pay the bill for all this fuckery.😡
It’s truly grotesque.