ZioCons like Blinken and Sullivan want ANYTHING BUT Diplomacy to prevail.

They're executing 'the Oded Yinon plan'.

No matter what grievous injuries and glaring justifications there were, caused by the Zionist Entity - Blinken and Sullivan will pretend that this response by the IRGC was unoccasioned - and just some random attack by Iran, coming out of the blue.

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..... decades of provocations.

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So much for the Iron Dome. It's as if Israel welcomes attacks so they can play victim.

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So much for their 21st century surveillance systems.

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I guess Israeli operatives were so busy looking at themslves, they forgot there's a whole other audience... I hope they all burn in Hell...

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LOL! Israel sure has accummulated some enemies.

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They're already IN hell, lets just make it HOTTER

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Thank you for covering this. I follow Amir Tsarfati on Telegram and he said that Iran dies not have hypersonic missiles. He lives in Israel and gives a phenomenal account daily.

I do not support either side. Murder is murder and I hate war, especially banker's war. I do support life and simply wanted to give a piece of information. I follow him as I look forward to being witness and living through the end of the Church Age.

Blessings 💞

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Thank you for this, Danna... and I do not support war on either side. It's always the civilians, the women and children, who suffer the most.

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Naw, the iron dome, like everything else was just a grift, a stage prop, to suck funding out of the U.S. Our taxpayers paid for it. Junk.

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That is actually what is now being reported. It was one big psyop! I may do a substack on this!

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Please do. That seems to be a pattern over the decades. Navy ships, planes, radars, anything "stageable" is suspect. I mean, we can't see inside of any of it, we don't know if its just a "flying or floating shell."

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War is theater!

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"Theater of Operations," says the General.......He argrees.

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.....KINDA (?) 'off-topic', Reinette - but, have there been any conversations yet in your corner about HOW much Helene appears to bear unmistakable HALLMARKS of.....DIRECTED force [OPs]? Am truly AGHAST at the sheer subsequent official DIFFIDENCE concerning same, as WELL.....

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I will be doing a story on this... but focusing on the rescue efforts needed right now! However, I have no doubt engineering of the storm was involved.

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Call: WARNING It's Man-Made HAARP Hurricane 'Helene' Season Right now!


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I love Call 🥹🙏

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War at all costs to cover up Biolabs to God knows what else follow the cash winkin blinking & nod

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The great majority of us, here in the U.S. have been sucked into the "anti-semitism" perjorative promoted by the Zionist organization that got started here in the U.S. in 1897! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_Organization_of_America Most of us who ever criticized someone, who we didn't know was a Jew, ware then screamed at as being "anti-semitic". The Zionists, like the Christian Nationalists, want to be the ones to have their perverted religion the rule of the Planet!!!

Wait a minute...if you are "anti-semitic", you are also against all of the People who inhabit the region which includes, Lebanon, parts of Syria & Jordan, as well as ALL of Israel & the Palestinians!!! Hmmm, those Zionists are now accusing people like, Rep. Rasid Tlaib of being "anti-semitic" because she dared to counter the Zionist story about Gaza! (Do a little historical research...a beginning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_people)

Zionish Netanyahu is a bully like all the Zionists who have taken over Palestine since 1948. They are constantly, like all bullies, accusing those who fight back (Hamas & Hezbollah, PLO) of being TERRORISTS. When you pick on & pick on a person, hurt them physically, as well as their familes, they will fight back! That is why we have the conflict today! Those who have been bullied by the Zionist movement since 1948 ARE FED UP!!!

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Well said.

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Thank you!!!

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Debunking “Ancient Israel”


The New American Century


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Netanyayu - ROTHSCHILD FRONT MAN - couldn't be happier.

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He's getting exactly what he wanted; escalation of war leading us to WWIII.

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Thank you, look forward to your updates, thank you again!

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Diplomacy? Please! Jake Sullivan got us here! Hello? I’d rather trust a Haitian Crack Head prescribe my children’s medicine than that waste of a political shill Sully anywhere near the helm of State!

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It's getting "curiouser and curiouser" with each passing day., is it not? As was predicted, retaliation was just a matter of timing, and this unfolding event could not have occurred without ALL the players

involved in this part of the "movie" reading from the same script. And as far as I can reckon, Isreal and the KM missed the memo that the script had been changed, and as such, now are suffering the consequences of missing the "Director's" change in direction of the movie. Just my assessment given

what is now unfolding.

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They have been seeding war with Iran for some time.

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It only shows that 2500 years of "prophesy" can come true if you follow the script closely enough...

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The playbook did not take into account the internet. They had no idea. It ruined their "scripture" or script. Now they are trying to play catch up with AI. It will turn on them too. The whole evil was only possible because "people did not know about it," the internet changed that, and now they do.

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I agree. The Internet equals the monkey wrench. This is why the US wants to get rid of our first amendment so badly.

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Oh how tedious - same old dangerous boy games again. Who's got the biggest dickus? It's alwasy the same. Why don't the boys go play with their explosives on an island with just those who want to fire at each other? Why do women and children and innocent men have to be imposed upon as well? Same old / same old from men ruling the world.

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I think that's a great idea. Play with explosives on an island. I think you're on to something, Denise!

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I don't buy gas!

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reads like some 'leaders' want to wriggle into a long war and kill innocent people.

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You mean kill MORE innocent people?

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The war pigs are at it again. I have had a hard time seeing any coverage on the ground in Lebanon. There was a live feed on YT from AP just showing the city. What really struck me was a big cross (Christian) lit up in the center of the shot. There seems to be so much blood lust going on. Doesn't anyone want peace anymore? The innocent suffer while governments rail at each other and vow revenge. What a messed up world we live in.

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Yes, the majority of us want peace... those of us who are not psychopaths.

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