"From where we small people are, the capitalist governments seem fixedly stable and solid; but up there, with a bird’s-eye view, they see the widening cracks heralding the trembling of the earth. Down here we need a compass and a map"
"From where we small people are, the capitalist governments seem fixedly stable and solid; but up there, with a bird’s-eye view, they see the widening cracks heralding the trembling of the earth. Down here we need a compass and a map"
"From where we small people are, the capitalist governments seem fixedly stable and solid; but up there, with a bird’s-eye view, they see the widening cracks heralding the trembling of the earth. Down here we need a compass and a map"
What Are the Prospects for Socialism?
Experiences of the First World War
(June 1943)