What do you think will happen with round two: Bird Flu. I think we are heading in that direction again. Will enuogh people just say NO? Or will most cave and lauch us all back into mandate compliance hell?
My state governor made us lock down for 6 weeks. Inslee is a . . . School was shut down for inperson learning until the following school year. The mandates for masks held on until 2022.
Well, I thought it impossible to crack a smile in the face of this BS but “folded like a cheap tent in a hurricane” made me smile. Thanks for that! That was quite the metaphor.
Yes indeed. And those who imposed the mandates need to be held accountable before the law, and not only for violating citizens' constututional rights, but for malice aforethought. Mandating an experimental medical treatment (jab or job) is precisely that, and we have an avalanche of evidence now that millions of people were in consequence of these injections killed and injured, and even permanently disabled.
Correct. Mandates are not Laws. Mandates are policies agreed upon by both parties to the agreement. Judicial courts, States Attorneys General, and all such litigation over liability, will not remedy the fact that over 17 million persons have been murdered via bio-warfare injections.
No criminal charges have been filed. The civilian public is being zoomed by the balderdash and bullshit over lawsuits.
"the truth has a way of coming out eventually. And now that it has..."
The truth has *not* really come out yet
The 15 stages of mRNA denial (first 10 from the Dossier)
1) It's the cure!
2) It's not the cure but it prevents you from getting it and spreading it to others
3) It doesn't prevent you from getting it but it prevents you from getting sick
4) It doesn't prevent you from getting sick but it prevents you from getting REALLY sick
5) It doesn't prevent you from getting REALLY sick but it prevents you from dying
6) It doesn't prevent you from dying but it prevents most people from dying
7) Hey, it's still a net benefit! Trust the institutions!
8) Okay, well at least it doesn't actively harm people! Roll up your sleeve for the updated shot
9) Okay, well at least it doesn't harm THAT many people! Sorry, I’m, uh, busy, and not rolling up my sleeve anymore
10) Okay, it's poison, and it doesn’t actually do anything beneficial whatsoever. There are no benefits, only costs. The cure is so much worse than the disease. We got bamboozled every step of the way
11) It's poison but it only kills a few people, and everybody I know is ok
12) Well, I know a few people that were killed or maimed but it's pretty much all over now
13) Ok, more and more people are dying, but it will stop when these greedy pharma companies are reined in
14) It's true that the military has orchestrated the whole thing but its only because they want to better prepare us for an era of biological warfare
15) Its really a transnational deep state that fears the 99% so much that they have set out to kill all 99%
What concerns me is that on the latest Highwire, Del Bigtree, who was in Geneva at the time, showed a short video of the massive buildings that organizations such as the WEF and WHO and Gavi and the Bill Gates Foundation are all building there. It looks like the creation of the future headquarters of our global elite masters, not like someone who is losing.
You nailed it to a Tee. The corporate financial system is a racketeering monopoly, period. The civil public continues to fund and support the corporate mafia. Thank you for commenting.
The infiltration in general goes way beyond 35 years! I believe there are ways to prepare, first by exiting the banks, knowing your organic farmers, and also diversifing ones portfolio...Cannot go into detail here.
"From where we small people are, the capitalist governments seem fixedly stable and solid; but up there, with a bird’s-eye view, they see the widening cracks heralding the trembling of the earth. Down here we need a compass and a map"
Albert Speer built the new Reich chancellery in 1939, and just two years later the Wehrmacht was turned back at the gates of Moscow, such that Hitler already knew on Dec. 7, 1941 that he was doomed when he declared war on the U.S.
Probably the World Stealth Organization today is in a much weaker position than was Hitler in 1941.
Now how about we begin investigations and criminal charges on the mass murder that occurred in the hospitals and nursing homes in 2020 which exposes the entire fraud that was/is the Covid Con.
The Scottish Covid Inquiry is laying bare what happened in Scotland which is illustrative of what happened in all the Western nations.
As rapacious and criminal as the vaxx program was and is it pales in comparison to the mass murder that happened in 2020 which also set the stage and served as the rationale for the entire Covid program.
You mean the class action lawsuits by corrupt law firms that will settle whereby everyone receives a $7.00 check when it is all said and done, and the law firm ends up with millions of dollars from their administrative fees! It is all a bunch of bullshit! Meanwhile, the damage has been done with death and injury. The system is rigged.
And my employer still pushes the c19 kill shot and still says it’s mandatory to some employees (non English speaking ones). And our residents have their 9th…sees they will get them every 6 months. Still testing, isolating (even asymptomatic people) and wearing masks in Marin County!! We are the only facility doing this! We have dog sniffing dogs and our kitchen is asking for people to give them their dna for an experimentation. They claim they can give you a special diet according to your dna🤯🤮🤯
A lawyer I know wrote my HR a letter telling them that their mandate is illegal which got them to back off when they were pushing the booster on me. The lawyer wrote that he represented all staff who wish to not take the vax! Been telling my coworkers the mandates are illegal and we have representation.
Unfortunately, too many still believe the psy-op, including our medical director and the administration, despite the obvious injuries.
And our Marin County public health administrator just retired. Perhaps he saw the writing on the wall. I am stunned to see so many masks here, will be interesting to see how many will line up for the new bird flu vaccine. The insanity continues.
KatB, Many of the doctors who were forcing mandates on us have retired, closed clinics, got jobs elsewhere, or moved out of the country....... I can't blame them. They must know it would not be in their best interest to remain in the community where they maimed and killed their friends and neighbors.
I would LOVE to train doctors how to transition from their former practices to more holistic ones so they can not only survive but thrive! (I have been in the Natural Medicine health field for over 20 years). I am glad to see the demise of current allopathic medicine, but sad to think that the talent that many doctors have would be wasted as they leave the field altogether. They just need a reboot.
I was born and raised and lived in Marin County 41 years. I can’t visit because of these things. The brainwashing is deep! Show them this. It’s absolutely disgusting what they’re doing to you.
Alameda and Contra Costa counties are full of muzzled NPCs to this day. One particularly good supermarket near me has a disproportionately high ratio of muzzled shoppers. I can't afford the meat there so I rarely go, anyway, but it's a shame as it's truly an incredible store.
It's just getting worse here. I posted above how Dominican University and Book Passage are hosting an Evening with Fauci (to promote his bok) and my former favorite Marin Theater is sending out questionnaires to see if its mask mandates should still remain in place. seriously??? If you go to Good Earth Food Store, you will STILL see a lot of people wearing masks. Where can I move to in California (my family live here).
That’s insane. I guess they like breathing their own carbon dioxide which is why they lack critical thinking skills not to mention the toxic polypropylene in the masks. Marin has lost its mind. We are in Kali Yuga. The age of conflict. The time of weak men.
I grew up in the East Bay but live in S. Cal now. I’m often in N Cal but not often in Marin, though I’ve spent time there in various visits over the last 10 years or so. As far as naming the perpetrators, I just think all of them need to be named so they get exposed. Those of us (and even in Marin I’m sure there are many) who seek truth and justice should know who they are for when the reckoning comes. And it will be harder for them to continue when they know they have eyes upon them. Foghorn Express reaches a lot of people so it’s a good place to start.
A friend of mind is an ER nurse at Kaiser in Roseville. She started her own business two years as a nurse that travels to take care of you on a hotel after plastic surgery. She’s making big bucks and is her own boss. She just turned 50.
And how often do you have to take the kool-aid, or is that only for the residents? I am appalled this is happening in Marin!
Although, I have an aunt in her early 90s who is in an assisted living facility in Ontario that has probably received at least five doses. She seems to be faring better than I am and I haven’t gone near any of ‘em since 2009 with “their” H1N1 plandemic #1. (I am a retired RN that incurred a vaccine injury in 1992. Didn’t realize it until years later…)
Our facility of about 350 residents and many employees still believe in the virus and the vaccines. As long as their doc tells them it’s safe, effective and recommended by cdc they will continue to take them. I do know of 1 resident who never accepted any vaccines and he’s doing very well but he believes in the virus….
And THEY are the worst. They should know better by now. All they are doing is extending the rope they will soon be hanging from, metaphorically speaking.
I have two different reactions to this: The first one is to jump up and down and yell YIPPEE!!! We are winning!! But the second one is Hey, wait a minute. Does this then still lay open the possibility for the traditional vaccines like the MMR to potentially continue to be mandated or to be mandated in the future (Because of course, the vaccine makers will claim that they have eradicated the diseases due to the success of the vaccines even though this is not true). PLEASE tell me that overall we are winning!
The evil doers will always attempt to take advantage of any system, but this is still a powerful tool in our tool belt. If anything, it wakes up a few more people.
"The plaintiffs argued that the COVID-19 vaccine, unlike traditional vaccines, does not prevent transmission or provide immunity, making it more akin to a medical treatment than a public health measure."
Except traditional vaccines do not prevent transmission, either. In fact, in dozens of studies, transmission of pathogens via the fluids of one person, causing another to fall ill, has never been proven. Nor has such a "novel" pathogen as SARS-CoV-2 been shown to exist in anything but a computer simulation.
My fear is that this ruling actually gives further cover to mandates for the administration of those "traditional" vaccines - all of which are poison and have never had a single measurable health benefit.
In Canada thus far we have seen the mootness doctrine being used exclusively to dismiss cases. Hopefully this USA jurisprudence finds its way north. I have attached a link to a book by Dr. Susan Humphries called Dissolving Illusions, researched over 15 years, which is a deep dive into all vaccines and their history. If you read it you will likely like me, never trust any vaccine again. https://dissolvingillusions.com/
"It did not definitively rule on monetary liability for individual officials. Separate state laws govern when government employees or entities can be sued for damages." So can they be found liable for following law and the actualy existing chain of decision command top down? Are they personally liable for following orders and not losing their job and paycheck? If they have no personal liability is it the tax payer funded entity, that great abstraction of government that is liable? Not the Governor of California personally is liable but instead the government of California. Grotesque enough that only monetary damages apply in that case. Killers get no jail time. Just paying a fine.
So now the lower order-following officials are pushed under the bus. Getting rid of politicians was always the plan. What/who will take their place? A one-world technocratic system?
The patent for the covid injection is not for a "vaccine", but rather for gene therapy. Hence I've never comprehended why Jacobson was even cited in litigation.
This is excellent news!!! I have been following the progress of Pascal Najadi. He is a retired Swiss Investment Banker whose father was one of the co-founders of the WEF. HIs father broke with Klaus Schwab early on and Mr. Najadi said early on that the clot shots were killing his mother and himself. He said he was going to do what is mentioned here so I am glad he has done it. When I first heard him speak, he was an elegant and erudite speaker, but sadly more recently, he seems to be suffering from whatever it is that is killing him. I hope his lawsuits are successful.
What is the date of this clip? I love Todd and what his team Dr Lee Vliet, Lisa McGee and others are doing! Frankly, Pascal Najadi has sounded rather unhinged lately?
Aughhhhhh! I live in Marin. Soon, Dominican University and Book Passages (my FORMER favorite indy bookstore) are hosting an evening of Fauci flogging his new book. Marin Theater, which we used to be members of, is sending out a questionnaire to see if its patrons want it to still require masks during performances. EVEN NOW !!! I am guessing a bunch of Marinites will say yes. I want to move. Is there anywhere in California where sanity reigns? I need to be around more like-minded people. But my family lives here in this state. (And I feel a duty to stay here and vote against stupid stuff).
Hi Reinette, would you know of any lawyers in Australia that would represent a group of people that refused the jab mandate and where terminated from there employment
This is part of the distraction for them to be rolling mandates for the rest of vaccines, not just the..c19 injection. The plandemic just pushed fear over the top and paved the way for masks and other medical tyranny. Look at the wording being used to set up mandates for the rest of the poision shots even if c19 jab or fauci is the fall guy. All vaccines can and often do injure. Had to pull my kids from a planned day camp on oregon coast recently because they are requiring tetanus and all vaccine records to attend a church camp. It's all electronic submission too so you can mark exempt but not on tetanus and all info is supposedly "confidential". Just way too much for this homeschooling family unfortunately fir my kids..but we will find other fun activities and not be bullied into any jabs!
There was never any legal justification for vaccine mandates. They are unconstitutional and always have been.
You are correct. But it took this long to be recognized in the courts.... four years too late.
Not quite 4 years. The mandates were put in place in 2021. It was September 2021 then my state governor mandated the jabs.
True.... but the illegal stay-at-home orders, masking, and social distancing -- all unconstitutional -- were underway.
What do you think will happen with round two: Bird Flu. I think we are heading in that direction again. Will enuogh people just say NO? Or will most cave and lauch us all back into mandate compliance hell?
My state governor made us lock down for 6 weeks. Inslee is a . . . School was shut down for inperson learning until the following school year. The mandates for masks held on until 2022.
Try explaining that to the feckless, cowardly state representatives who folded like a cheap tent in a hurricaine!
Thanks Medical Truth Podcast. You summed it perfectly!
Your welcome!
Well, I thought it impossible to crack a smile in the face of this BS but “folded like a cheap tent in a hurricane” made me smile. Thanks for that! That was quite the metaphor.
Yes indeed. And those who imposed the mandates need to be held accountable before the law, and not only for violating citizens' constututional rights, but for malice aforethought. Mandating an experimental medical treatment (jab or job) is precisely that, and we have an avalanche of evidence now that millions of people were in consequence of these injections killed and injured, and even permanently disabled.
Correct. Mandates are not Laws. Mandates are policies agreed upon by both parties to the agreement. Judicial courts, States Attorneys General, and all such litigation over liability, will not remedy the fact that over 17 million persons have been murdered via bio-warfare injections.
No criminal charges have been filed. The civilian public is being zoomed by the balderdash and bullshit over lawsuits.
"the truth has a way of coming out eventually. And now that it has..."
The truth has *not* really come out yet
The 15 stages of mRNA denial (first 10 from the Dossier)
1) It's the cure!
2) It's not the cure but it prevents you from getting it and spreading it to others
3) It doesn't prevent you from getting it but it prevents you from getting sick
4) It doesn't prevent you from getting sick but it prevents you from getting REALLY sick
5) It doesn't prevent you from getting REALLY sick but it prevents you from dying
6) It doesn't prevent you from dying but it prevents most people from dying
7) Hey, it's still a net benefit! Trust the institutions!
8) Okay, well at least it doesn't actively harm people! Roll up your sleeve for the updated shot
9) Okay, well at least it doesn't harm THAT many people! Sorry, I’m, uh, busy, and not rolling up my sleeve anymore
10) Okay, it's poison, and it doesn’t actually do anything beneficial whatsoever. There are no benefits, only costs. The cure is so much worse than the disease. We got bamboozled every step of the way
11) It's poison but it only kills a few people, and everybody I know is ok
12) Well, I know a few people that were killed or maimed but it's pretty much all over now
13) Ok, more and more people are dying, but it will stop when these greedy pharma companies are reined in
14) It's true that the military has orchestrated the whole thing but its only because they want to better prepare us for an era of biological warfare
15) Its really a transnational deep state that fears the 99% so much that they have set out to kill all 99%
What concerns me is that on the latest Highwire, Del Bigtree, who was in Geneva at the time, showed a short video of the massive buildings that organizations such as the WEF and WHO and Gavi and the Bill Gates Foundation are all building there. It looks like the creation of the future headquarters of our global elite masters, not like someone who is losing.
Geneva is the head of the snake. It continues to bite, but doesn't know it's dead yet!
You nailed it to a Tee. The corporate financial system is a racketeering monopoly, period. The civil public continues to fund and support the corporate mafia. Thank you for commenting.
I have prepared as well, it's a must!
The infiltration in general goes way beyond 35 years! I believe there are ways to prepare, first by exiting the banks, knowing your organic farmers, and also diversifing ones portfolio...Cannot go into detail here.
"From where we small people are, the capitalist governments seem fixedly stable and solid; but up there, with a bird’s-eye view, they see the widening cracks heralding the trembling of the earth. Down here we need a compass and a map"
What Are the Prospects for Socialism?
Experiences of the First World War
(June 1943)
Albert Speer built the new Reich chancellery in 1939, and just two years later the Wehrmacht was turned back at the gates of Moscow, such that Hitler already knew on Dec. 7, 1941 that he was doomed when he declared war on the U.S.
Probably the World Stealth Organization today is in a much weaker position than was Hitler in 1941.
always darkest before the dawn
+100 likes. Well said...
Now how about we begin investigations and criminal charges on the mass murder that occurred in the hospitals and nursing homes in 2020 which exposes the entire fraud that was/is the Covid Con.
The Scottish Covid Inquiry is laying bare what happened in Scotland which is illustrative of what happened in all the Western nations.
As rapacious and criminal as the vaxx program was and is it pales in comparison to the mass murder that happened in 2020 which also set the stage and served as the rationale for the entire Covid program.
Support Todd Candellers clouthub.com, share and do this at 5smallstones.com to cush the illuminate cabal 💯🙏❤️
Use the horse type the 5G nanotechnology is listed in the FDA now that they admit it cures man made BIOWEAPON COVID THE NEXT PSYC OP https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7724756/
You mean the class action lawsuits by corrupt law firms that will settle whereby everyone receives a $7.00 check when it is all said and done, and the law firm ends up with millions of dollars from their administrative fees! It is all a bunch of bullshit! Meanwhile, the damage has been done with death and injury. The system is rigged.
There will be wins, however, this more than anything cracks open the fast narrative for the norms (as Clif High likes to cal them).
When you deal with attorney's or politicians there is never a win! The odds are always stacked in their favor!
I love him!!!
And my employer still pushes the c19 kill shot and still says it’s mandatory to some employees (non English speaking ones). And our residents have their 9th…sees they will get them every 6 months. Still testing, isolating (even asymptomatic people) and wearing masks in Marin County!! We are the only facility doing this! We have dog sniffing dogs and our kitchen is asking for people to give them their dna for an experimentation. They claim they can give you a special diet according to your dna🤯🤮🤯
I would show your employer this court decision. Respectfully let them know they are walking on thin ice.
A lawyer I know wrote my HR a letter telling them that their mandate is illegal which got them to back off when they were pushing the booster on me. The lawyer wrote that he represented all staff who wish to not take the vax! Been telling my coworkers the mandates are illegal and we have representation.
Unfortunately, too many still believe the psy-op, including our medical director and the administration, despite the obvious injuries.
And our Marin County public health administrator just retired. Perhaps he saw the writing on the wall. I am stunned to see so many masks here, will be interesting to see how many will line up for the new bird flu vaccine. The insanity continues.
KatB, Many of the doctors who were forcing mandates on us have retired, closed clinics, got jobs elsewhere, or moved out of the country....... I can't blame them. They must know it would not be in their best interest to remain in the community where they maimed and killed their friends and neighbors.
I would LOVE to train doctors how to transition from their former practices to more holistic ones so they can not only survive but thrive! (I have been in the Natural Medicine health field for over 20 years). I am glad to see the demise of current allopathic medicine, but sad to think that the talent that many doctors have would be wasted as they leave the field altogether. They just need a reboot.
I find that hard to believe. Can you reference that?
I saw that too. Do you know if his replacement will be any better?
No, but as deputy she seems to have been on the same page during the pandemic.
I was born and raised and lived in Marin County 41 years. I can’t visit because of these things. The brainwashing is deep! Show them this. It’s absolutely disgusting what they’re doing to you.
Alameda and Contra Costa counties are full of muzzled NPCs to this day. One particularly good supermarket near me has a disproportionately high ratio of muzzled shoppers. I can't afford the meat there so I rarely go, anyway, but it's a shame as it's truly an incredible store.
It's just getting worse here. I posted above how Dominican University and Book Passage are hosting an Evening with Fauci (to promote his bok) and my former favorite Marin Theater is sending out questionnaires to see if its mask mandates should still remain in place. seriously??? If you go to Good Earth Food Store, you will STILL see a lot of people wearing masks. Where can I move to in California (my family live here).
That’s insane. I guess they like breathing their own carbon dioxide which is why they lack critical thinking skills not to mention the toxic polypropylene in the masks. Marin has lost its mind. We are in Kali Yuga. The age of conflict. The time of weak men.
What institution is this? Please name. Everyone should know.
Do you live/work in Marin?
I grew up in the East Bay but live in S. Cal now. I’m often in N Cal but not often in Marin, though I’ve spent time there in various visits over the last 10 years or so. As far as naming the perpetrators, I just think all of them need to be named so they get exposed. Those of us (and even in Marin I’m sure there are many) who seek truth and justice should know who they are for when the reckoning comes. And it will be harder for them to continue when they know they have eyes upon them. Foghorn Express reaches a lot of people so it’s a good place to start.
Since I currently work there I’m not comfortable naming my place of work for all (spooks) to see.
I understand and sympathize.
Marin County is full of CONCEITED DOPES
Ugh. What kind of employer do you work for? In the health field? Im in Marin as well and still see peole wearing masks inside cars.
Yes, I work in a skilled nursing facility in Marin. Wish I was creative and able to make a living doing my own thing but….how???😬
A friend of mind is an ER nurse at Kaiser in Roseville. She started her own business two years as a nurse that travels to take care of you on a hotel after plastic surgery. She’s making big bucks and is her own boss. She just turned 50.
I’m not sure lvn will qualify but maybe if I’m working under an rn. Or maybe the licensing is moot point.
I think she hires LVNS. This is her website if you want to contact her.
And how often do you have to take the kool-aid, or is that only for the residents? I am appalled this is happening in Marin!
Although, I have an aunt in her early 90s who is in an assisted living facility in Ontario that has probably received at least five doses. She seems to be faring better than I am and I haven’t gone near any of ‘em since 2009 with “their” H1N1 plandemic #1. (I am a retired RN that incurred a vaccine injury in 1992. Didn’t realize it until years later…)
Our facility of about 350 residents and many employees still believe in the virus and the vaccines. As long as their doc tells them it’s safe, effective and recommended by cdc they will continue to take them. I do know of 1 resident who never accepted any vaccines and he’s doing very well but he believes in the virus….
I am so sorry.
And THEY are the worst. They should know better by now. All they are doing is extending the rope they will soon be hanging from, metaphorically speaking.
I was hoping their initial mandate got rescinded. Is it still in effect?
I have two different reactions to this: The first one is to jump up and down and yell YIPPEE!!! We are winning!! But the second one is Hey, wait a minute. Does this then still lay open the possibility for the traditional vaccines like the MMR to potentially continue to be mandated or to be mandated in the future (Because of course, the vaccine makers will claim that they have eradicated the diseases due to the success of the vaccines even though this is not true). PLEASE tell me that overall we are winning!
The evil doers will always attempt to take advantage of any system, but this is still a powerful tool in our tool belt. If anything, it wakes up a few more people.
"The plaintiffs argued that the COVID-19 vaccine, unlike traditional vaccines, does not prevent transmission or provide immunity, making it more akin to a medical treatment than a public health measure."
Except traditional vaccines do not prevent transmission, either. In fact, in dozens of studies, transmission of pathogens via the fluids of one person, causing another to fall ill, has never been proven. Nor has such a "novel" pathogen as SARS-CoV-2 been shown to exist in anything but a computer simulation.
My fear is that this ruling actually gives further cover to mandates for the administration of those "traditional" vaccines - all of which are poison and have never had a single measurable health benefit.
In Canada thus far we have seen the mootness doctrine being used exclusively to dismiss cases. Hopefully this USA jurisprudence finds its way north. I have attached a link to a book by Dr. Susan Humphries called Dissolving Illusions, researched over 15 years, which is a deep dive into all vaccines and their history. If you read it you will likely like me, never trust any vaccine again. https://dissolvingillusions.com/
"It did not definitively rule on monetary liability for individual officials. Separate state laws govern when government employees or entities can be sued for damages." So can they be found liable for following law and the actualy existing chain of decision command top down? Are they personally liable for following orders and not losing their job and paycheck? If they have no personal liability is it the tax payer funded entity, that great abstraction of government that is liable? Not the Governor of California personally is liable but instead the government of California. Grotesque enough that only monetary damages apply in that case. Killers get no jail time. Just paying a fine.
Right. So are we not the government? Are we indicting Bill Gates? He is not a Rothschild.
So now the lower order-following officials are pushed under the bus. Getting rid of politicians was always the plan. What/who will take their place? A one-world technocratic system?
That is indeed the plan.
The patent for the covid injection is not for a "vaccine", but rather for gene therapy. Hence I've never comprehended why Jacobson was even cited in litigation.
WINNING! Short Video 1:37
US Attorney Todd Callender 😁 https://photos.app.goo.gl/DcH7SPnTJFCMHEbL6
This is excellent news!!! I have been following the progress of Pascal Najadi. He is a retired Swiss Investment Banker whose father was one of the co-founders of the WEF. HIs father broke with Klaus Schwab early on and Mr. Najadi said early on that the clot shots were killing his mother and himself. He said he was going to do what is mentioned here so I am glad he has done it. When I first heard him speak, he was an elegant and erudite speaker, but sadly more recently, he seems to be suffering from whatever it is that is killing him. I hope his lawsuits are successful.
What is the date of this clip? I love Todd and what his team Dr Lee Vliet, Lisa McGee and others are doing! Frankly, Pascal Najadi has sounded rather unhinged lately?
I have noticed this too. He said from the outset that they are killing him. But he would do what he could before that happened.
Aughhhhhh! I live in Marin. Soon, Dominican University and Book Passages (my FORMER favorite indy bookstore) are hosting an evening of Fauci flogging his new book. Marin Theater, which we used to be members of, is sending out a questionnaire to see if its patrons want it to still require masks during performances. EVEN NOW !!! I am guessing a bunch of Marinites will say yes. I want to move. Is there anywhere in California where sanity reigns? I need to be around more like-minded people. But my family lives here in this state. (And I feel a duty to stay here and vote against stupid stuff).
I don't know how to reach a bunch of poeple about this but PLEASE, IF THIS APPEALS TO YOU COME TO MARIN AND PROTEST THIS!!!! Anthony Fauci coming to Marin to Dominican University (and sponsored by Book Passages indy bookstore) to be celebrated. Honestly, I am throwing up in my mask (no not really) I can't even.... https://www.bookpassage.com/event/dr-anthony-fauci-call-doctors-journey-public-service-dominican-university-california
Hi Reinette, would you know of any lawyers in Australia that would represent a group of people that refused the jab mandate and where terminated from there employment
This is part of the distraction for them to be rolling mandates for the rest of vaccines, not just the..c19 injection. The plandemic just pushed fear over the top and paved the way for masks and other medical tyranny. Look at the wording being used to set up mandates for the rest of the poision shots even if c19 jab or fauci is the fall guy. All vaccines can and often do injure. Had to pull my kids from a planned day camp on oregon coast recently because they are requiring tetanus and all vaccine records to attend a church camp. It's all electronic submission too so you can mark exempt but not on tetanus and all info is supposedly "confidential". Just way too much for this homeschooling family unfortunately fir my kids..but we will find other fun activities and not be bullied into any jabs!