Fantastic stack Reinette!! Thank you for all your hard work!!

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Thank YOU, Sherri for al you do as well.

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Hello Reinette and interested readers. The 'tongue whipping' of Ursula von der Leyen delivered by Polish MEP Ewa Zajaczkowska was epic. The content speaks volumes to what has been planned for virtually every NATO country in the world. The European Union was brought into being, specifically to trap any sovereign thinking Nation into subjugation to Belgium and British financial interests, and as usual, the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland. Thanks Reinette. Excellent compilation.

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Thank you BOTH!! 🙏💖

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so much really good info here- but- It still looks like the 'chosen one' and there are plenty of very right wing- christian crazy articles-- with all kinds of people equating Trumpkin to the 2nd coming- it's just too convenient that Biden completely bails on his mental health, Trump is now funded by the same zionist mafia as RFK jr- Sheldon Adelson- furthering the political splits- while we all understand or should at this point that the machines are rigged- lots of old archives of Mitt Romney (RNC) coming out with the paperless voting machines- which Mark Crispin Miller and his former election debunkers pointed out in great detail- even Greg Pallast. So much ado about nothing- as our votes don't count, won't be counted, etc etc etc. The real problem is the total chaos and division- ever worsening- on just about any topic under the sun.

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I agree, Valeri. Ultimately, it is chaos and division that these monsters want. As I have said in the past, no one person is going to save us. We have to save ourselves right where we are.

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Reinette & Valeri - had to check, but confirmed S. Adelson no longer among the living as of 2021...I heard, a yyear or so ago, his wife was continuing to funds/support his political vectors...


Sheldon Gary Adelson (August 4, 1933 – January 11, 2021) was an American businessman,[2] investor, political donor, and philanthropist.[3][4][5] He was the founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Las Vegas Sands Corporation, which owns the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, and the parent company of Venetian Macao Limited, which operated The Venetian Las Vegas and the Sands Expo and Convention Center before selling the properties in early 2022.[6] He owned the Israeli daily newspaper Israel Hayom, the Israeli weekly newspaper Makor Rishon, and the American daily newspaper the Las Vegas Review-Journal.[7][8]

Sheldon Adelson

Adelson after receiving the Woodrow Wilson Awards


Sheldon Gary Adelson

August 4, 1933

Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.


January 11, 2021 (aged 87)

Malibu, California, U.S.

Resting place

Mount of Olives, Jerusalem[1]


City College of New York


Founder, Chairman and CEO of Las Vegas Sands

Political party

Democratic (before 1996)

Republican (1996–2021)


Sandra Adelson (1970s–1988)

Miriam Adelson ​(m. 1991)​



Adelson created the Adelson Foundation in 2007, a private charity focusing on healthcare and support of Israel and the Jewish people. He was a major contributor to Republican Party candidates[9][10] and was often dubbed a "kingmaker" due to the size and frequency of his donations.[11][12] He and his wife Miriam Adelson were Donald Trump's largest donors, providing the largest donation to Trump's 2016 campaign, his presidential inauguration, his defense fund against the Mueller investigation into Russian interference, and the 2020 campaign.[13][14][15][16][17][18] He was also a major backer of Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Hi Reinette, I think it is purely theater, not to "wake up the normies" as most Trumpers will say. There are so many things that don't make sense. Like, if you were BEHIND someone getting shot at would you actually stand up, stay standing, making yourself a easier target? Look at the people behind Trump, including that weirdo Fusca. Bizarre. I would have hit the deck and stayed there. That's the first thing I noticed. The rest of the bizarre-ness flows from there. I just happened to come across a Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) scholar doing some fascinating analysis and here is the link. https://rumble.com/v56xzxx-antichrist-trump-is-the-wounded-beast-of-revelation-133.html

Now Im not a fundamentalist christian by any means, in fact, I don't do dogma at all. However, if you suspend judgement and watch this guy with an open mind, your eyes may fly open too. We are at the end of a natural cycle in the evolution of the planet and mankind. Many things that were foretold in the Bible have already and are happening. Time travel? Maybe. Interested in your thoughts.

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Merilee, I got between we're living in a video game to The Truman Show to West World. I haven't landed on one 100% yet. But life isn't feeling real these days.

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For sure!

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

Whoever planned the "assassination" event, may have used the Revelation 13:3 and also some occultist themes, such as the number 911. The zip code of Butler, PA is 16001. According to CBS, the first shot was fired at 6:11. Invert 6 and you get 9.

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YES. In my 1st post I gave a link to a Bible analyst who nails it in imo & bingewatched him last night, fascinating!

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"Americans are picking apart the evidence…. seeing all the players behind the scenes such as the woman literally behind Trump before he took the bullet:"

Watch her smile just as the first shot took place.

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Yes, it was kind of subtle, at least it seemed that way at the resolution that video was at. Not a good poker face. She was so controlled, so calm. Absolutely no expression of shock, of fear or anxiety, or even uncertainty. The people picking these things apart and doing the research are amazing. We still have to watch for controlled opposition spreading disinformation, but there is certainly a lot of good information coming out. The People's Investigation is going to reveal much more than the 'fox guarding the hen house' FBI investigation into what happened. What a joke that's going to be. Do they really think anyone is going to believe it?

I love how individuals and specialists in various areas are picking this apart. Back in 63 we didn't even have the ability to record and playback, stop, zoom in, slow down the speed - we can do all that and more now, and we have a much greater ability to analyze and see through the wool they have in the past been able pull over our eyes.

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You would think with all the advancements every would have HD resolution on everything by now.

> Absolutely no expression of shock, of fear or anxiety, or even uncertainty.

Fight or flight mode, people act differently. I don't get why she smiled like that. Or who she is? For now all we can say she is innocent and just a witness.

There's rumors of this being some sort of initiation ritual. Worth checking out.

> Do they really think anyone is going to believe it?

They don't need to think it, they know it. And there are people that do. Die hard statist.

"Comfortable slaves never rebel"

> The People's Investigation is going to reveal much more than the 'fox guarding the hen house' FBI investigation into what happened.

The city|Zens feel attacked themselves. Like sport fans who feel they scored a goal too. They complete the show because they buy what they are selling.

> I love how individuals and specialists in various areas are picking this apart. Back in 63 we didn't even have the ability to record and playback, stop, zoom in, slow down the speed - we can do all that and more now, and we have a much greater ability to analyze and see through the wool they have in the past been able pull over our eyes.

back in my ol days as small ancient child, I too grew up without the regular gizmos (as much). Born in 91 supposedly. But I grew up in a poor economic family surrounded by racist, fascist, gangs, etc. Not a good neighborhood or school environment. I still don't know how I'm still alive today but am thankful I have kept my rebel side in tact and my cognitive function in tact.

Library Books were my secret escape.

It's how I figured out the insane amount of lies told by schools that I decided to drop out and do my own thing.

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Thanks for your insights and, yes, because of our schooling, we have to unlearn all the lies.

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Books were my escape too.

"> Do they really think anyone is going to believe it?

They don't need to think it, they know it. And there are people that do. Die hard statist."

Unfortunately you are right about that!

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What did her sign say? Does anyone know?

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I think it said, "Nothing to see here." :)

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Jul 19·edited Jul 20

LOL, good answer Reinette! Love your sense of humor!

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It appears to be a similar sign others had in the foreground. "Biden you're fired"

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19


I thought it said something about Biden.

Excellent article BTW, as per usual.

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"Biden your fired". Same sign others were showing.

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Seven signs Trump’s assassination attempt was faked Psychological operation is aimed at the religious and unintelligent, say analysts (Updated 7/18/24) JAMES HILL, MD


Medical doctor, Dr. Rima Laibow, looks at blood and lack thereof, says staged theater




I've been trauma nurse for a long time and I’ve never seen a guy roll through my trauma room after being shot do a fist pump in my life. Never mind directly afterward being shot. They are usually in complete shock

From someone with military background:


You think if you were hit at any level in the ear by a high velocity projectile round, your head wouldn't be ringing and you wouldn't lose balance, and be dazed as F*ck.

NOT standing like a hero with your fist high to the audience.

Blood smear is Hollywood 101.

Australian with bodyguard experience, says he and his bodyguard/sniper buddies knew right away this was fake:


Watch video on left, I don't see any blood on his hand after he pats his ear


(also, he gets grazed by a high speed bullet, but doesn't make any kind of vocalization indicating pain?


Imagine a bullet and velocity hitting your ear and you pat it like its a mosquito. Makes no sense.

(again, no vocalizatin indicating pain after getting hit in the ear by a bullet)

Peggy does an excellent job calling out the anomalies:


Owen Benjamin on twitter/x has been asking how come we have no video or camera from Trump's right side the side allegedly shot (seems very convenient)

https://x.com/va_shiva/status/1813726564812796316 Dr. Shiva posted tweet w/video from a different angle, but conveniently that video cuts off right before he gets shot, then picks up where you see the photographers moving into place (tipped off in advance by SS).

Video here where you see the SS tipping off photographers that the show is about to start, so they can get into position to get the money shot: https://app.joinfaves.com/share/fave?p=51ca069e-5e8b-4f9f-affc-121d348423bc&r=3365798


Watch the crowd. Does this really look like a normal reaction to witnessing an attempted assassination? Would people really break out with USA! USA! USA! after watching an attempted assassination?


Video with Tim Truth (I think), he notes out Trump deliberately keeps his left side of his head to the camera, suggests that Trump used a magician trick when he started pointing to the sign, getting everyone to look at sign instead of him, prior to the psyop getting started.


A breakdown of several reasons that the “attempted assassination” is STAGED by the Deep State and Trump is 100% in on it.

Jeff Berwick/Dollar Vigilante immediately called this out as an old WWE trick, feign injury, drop off camera, get cut, get back on camera with bloody injury. Trump is good friend with the McMahons and did a number of stints with the WWE.

I initially bought into the story until I saw the secret service get him up and out of there, with his head and upper torso exposed, by conveniently having a short secret service woman in front of him, so he could look to the crowd, do his fist pump and shout Fight, Fight, Fight. Too theatrical to me. Looks like they even had that shorter secret service woman bend down a bit to make it look like the Iwo Jima image. If this were a real shooting, with another possible shooter in the midst (obviously there was a security lapse), would they have exposed his head like that? And then when I saw no blood on his hand in that video, I agreed with Jeff Berwick, that this was staged WWE theater.

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thank you for those comments- in full agreement here!

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I forgot this one:

The narrator of this video is Max Malone, who did excellent work on Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, and many other psyops.

This video is from a different angle- it has the police snipers on the roof in the background supposedly aimed at the alleged shooter, and in the foreground, you see Trump. This video seems to suggest that the shots fired prior to Trump dropping were coming from the police sniper, you can see the sound coordinated with the movement of the police sniper.


"Highly recommend everyone watch this

Remember, it's easier to fool people than convince they have been fooled"


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If you watch that shorter SS woman, you will see that another SS agent, a man, comes in and rearranges the group so she is in that position. She was originally in a different position.

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Wow! I didn't catch that. All staging to get that perfect photo.

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Reader- "I just viewed the close-up photograph of Donald’s face and ear! All fake. Anyone who has ever shot and killed a deer, mountain goat, sheep, moose, or caribou as I have, know what a bullet fired from a high-powered rifle does to flesh.

If the “story” of him being shot was true, at least a fourth or half of the ear would either be hamburger or gone. The photo clearly shows “no such animal.”

I agree with this sentiment:


Trump isn’t the freedom movement’s Trojan Horse for the deep state;

Trump is the deep state’s Trojan Horse for the freedom movement.

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I thought this was an interesting comment:

https://x.com/DoctorBlitz/status/1814194665479942162 Most people at that rally were actors. Trump always texts people on his list before a rally. No text this time

Also questions about how the body of the alleged bystander victim was taken away: https://x.com/the_jews_did_it/status/1814399706409443547

Pretty sure no law enforcement or medical personnel would have just carried a body away from the scene the way those cops did. So much funny business going on with this incident...

More on body being taken away: https://x.com/toxicpaul61/status/1814389789837406460 excerpt I just slowed down the video and now im not sure its even a real person getting carried out. those cops are carrying with one hand each and their arms are barely flexing. ... their arms are barely flexing look at the size of this guy from his pics. gotta be at least 6'3" guessing 240 pounds. now watch the two police carry off the body. there is a third but he isnt carrying any weight. they barely have a grip on him and wheel him out like he was 100 pounds.

This account has been doing excellent work:


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anyone who has shot one of those animals is insane, if the shoe fits put it on

Inaccurate assessment Sandra

Crowing about a trojan horse?? Try harder

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Rima makes some good points followed up with a serious dose of Derangement Syndrome which has no cure once it enters the third stage.

The way forward is to always ask better questions. Not to parrot those who have not done so.

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p.s., I don't think the Bible is Our playbook, but THEIRS and they seem to be following it, imo. To those who have eyes to see it is a headsup, a warning, if you will.

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I've come to view the Bible as the mother of all predictive programming.

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Wow! Wow! I've never thought of it from that perspective before. It seems to fit. Including the warnings and reveals that would be their little truths that are allowed to anchor it and allow people to accept it, as well as embedding their warped game of 'we warned you and you consented'. I know they have messed with our history, what we are told is our historical timeline, but still if you are right about this that takes the meaning of 'they are playing the long game' to whole new level!

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"Who is Maxwell Yearick and why is his social media being scrubbed faster than Donald Trump can dodge a bullet?"

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Days ago when that name came up, Maxwell Yearick, I searched it. All that came up was Thomas Matthew Crooks.

How did the FBI so quickly use DNA to identify the alleged shooter?

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Good comment Quatervois, however, it will go away over the heads of the retarded willfully ignorant here spouting off garbage. I just can't.

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Thank you for this info… wow… maybe I’m deluded but I agree with Kazarian mafia thing. Why else would Victoria Nuland be so confident that Trump wouldn’t be president? Why else would the put options involve Rothschilds, etc. Some would argue that Trump’s stance on Israel is no different than all the other candidates. That is true. Ukraine War would end under him, Israeli war, no. Still, would Trump hand over weapons to Israel depleting the American arsenal as it seems the nearly all dual citizen Biden administriation has done?. Trump likes Israel but prefers diplomacy that doesn’t cost so much money. In the end, Israel could end up strapped for cash and stranded. I’m just guessing, but they for some reason don’t trust him… add Mossad to the treason.

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We still talk as if Trump is in charge of anything- even himself. They are bought puppets- all the prognosticating in the world about things we are not on the inside of, lead to one thing. Attention being drawn away from the WHO- the next lockdown- 'species' jumping plandemics and on and on and on. Yes- it is good to analyze events- but not to imagine we know how any of these proferred candidates would do anything- because they are NOT in charge- of anything at all.

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Wait, since when is Joy Reid a journalist?

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Here's how you know this scene has been fabricated. The people in the background are being screened in, look how close they appear to Trump, then look at an angle from the side and you can clearly see the stage is 20ft deep, and then there is about 40ft of grass and then the bleachers. No one is close to Trump

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Was Trump involved in his “assassination” attempt? So much theater I don’t know what to believe.

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Reinette - This is the most comprehensive coverage of the turnoil civilization is experiencing under the authority of non elelected or positioned usurpers for the advancement of a global world order.

Thank you for your deep dive reporting.

Interesting that the other living presidents have made no public comment about Trump's assassination attempt. A cyber threat now is in play disrupting air travel, banking and whatever else that can create out of control chaos.

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Yes, we are seeing them bump up their game the more they lose. Do get ready.

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Here's an interesting bump!

SELLERS: Did Bush Allies Conspire w/ BlackRock, Soros to Off Trump?


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Thanks for sharing Reinette! Could you share the original source of that ear clip? It would be interesting to see the original video.

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Vee, I just went looking for the original and saw it got flagged! I have taken it down.... but thank you for asking for this, it caused me to go out and ultimately find out it was a doctored version!!!

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Thanks for checking. Are you able to provide a source to the original undoctored version? Is there really a shot of the right side?!

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

There is a shot of the right side on the undercover female FBI agent in white shirt and black hat's cellphone! Good luck getting hold of that though.

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Confused about the slo mo bullet, I thought he was facing the other direction?

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It looks like a different angle. This is the first footage I have seen from the right side of Trump so I am very curious about the original source.

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See my comment above!

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This would assume the footage is taken from the stands, but why is that woman at same level? Were there bleacher stands also across? I don't think so....

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I think we are looking at a very zoomed in version from someone standing very far away.

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Zoomed in doesn't explain the flip flop mirror shot unless this video was taken from a parallel reality. Apparently the video was taken down according to author. Well duh. Can't believe I am the only one noticing the discrepancy of looking left versus right.

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You weren't the only one. You just beat me to the comments.

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Nope. You're right and Reinette confirmed it. Good eye!

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(Almost missed this FH Express issue. The substack authors KEEP ME busy.....but its in the queue now)

Rainette, i don't know if you follow or read Benjamin Fulford, often times they're not particularly memorable but there is valuable ore in the member's comments. Today's report was a AAA rating in my book as Ben or his staff, have summarized the parties that manipulate the financial system on the planet. I thought I knew a significant number of the characters but after this report, I don't know squat!

The public non-member version is packed with stunning information that I'm betting only a very few whiz kids like you know about but I thought I'd alert you just the same. BenjaminFulford.net

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I'm still sharing this and still learning from it myself. To me, the woman behind Trump in the ball cap and sunglasses looks an awful lot like Ashli Babbitt, the person whose death was faked at the J6 fiasco. https://www.bitchute.com/video/kQRKHIHdFhp5 // She's a crisis actor. So is the CIA patsy, Crooks. Who is the whistleblower who wouldn't stand down? His whole story doesn't make sense to me. I'm trying to learn more about the person who was shot in the grandstand. Thank you for this seminal post.

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I think they murdered the guy in the grandstand on purpose. Shot right through the heart. They used the confusion of the moment to take somebody out. Who?

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This one features a better face close up of Ashli Babbit, but I've looked at many photos online and 90% it's her. https://www.bitchute.com/video/cMyZPbp3NZ7r/

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