Weather manipulation as a weapon? What about Maui, the wildfires in CA…Paradise, and prior to that in Santa Rosa? Strange ‘hurricane in Acapulco’? It’s totally in play now. I guess they haven’t killed enough people with the phony SARS COV2 “virus” and the “shots” that were supposed to ”protect you”!

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It's been used on the masses for sure. This may be the first time it was used on a head of state.

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Well, doing some elementary math, "they" haven't even started. In 2019, close to 4.5 million people died from respiratory failure globally. That number has been going up, not down. Add the gain-of-function gift and the safe and effective bio-weapon, You arrive at somewhere around a 10 million reduction per annum. Then, add weather warfare that destroys agriculture in targeted nations and that number can also only go up. Being generous, "they" are able to off about 15 million souls per year. Now, with over 8 billion folks on Earth, it will take a very long time to reduce the global useless eaters Kast - unless there will be a nuclear conflagration with the added benefit of all NPP's also blowing up at that time.

But enough playing with numbers. The quintessence is: "It is either us, or them, who will survive." Since You cannot fool all of the people all of the time (with certain exceptions), the moment will come when ALL those behind the reduction agenda won't be able to use public spaces anymore, since they will have their heads blown off Kennedy style. Sadly though, there haven't been any altruistic snipers, yet. However, those who can blow out a candle from 1000 yard distance, will do so when the going gets tough. I would volunteer, but my eyesight is no longer good enough. Leaving me with either a Morning Star, or a pitch fork to utilize.

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The great culling.

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It will be known as The Great Calling when enough people wake up someday. If we're not there, we are very close.

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This fall...?

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The great sawing off the branch humanity is sitting on. Ironically it does appear as if we never climbed down to walk upright - spiritually, morally and intellectually. Regarding those aspects, humans are like Australopithecus with energy weapons.

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Throw in AI and that's about it in a nutshell.

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Unfortunately, the "Like" button does not work for me. Consider Your responses "liked". One cannot exclude the likelihood that the henchmen of the cullers are manipulating the internet.

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Wolfgang, it's weird the like button is not working. I have no control over this.

However, I want to agree with you regarding the great culling, as displayed by the Deagel Report's global population reduction graph. We are heading for that number. I do believe you are correct. Once we hit critical mass, and I believe we are very close, those in power, doing harm, will no longer be able to roam freely or even trust the food they are eating or the planes they are flying in!

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Total agreement. Regarding the "Like" button: Over the last two years my actions on Substack have steadily become more and more futile. First it was a garbled dashboard. Then came the "unable to click on anything" within the dashboard. That was also the point where drafting/publishing was no longer possible. This has (hopefully only) to do with the fact that my iPad is now nine years old and cannot be updated any longer since three years. Now it's the "Like" button that won't work anymore. There is however a chance that I will be able to get a newer, refurbished iPad to once more being able to the whole nine yard of publishing. There is so much I like to share with people in despair.

To add a little treat to Your assessment that those responsible for the worst living conditions mankind has experienced over the last 10,000 years, I would allege those, who are transformed (through these crimes against humanity) into going tough, will be everywhere. With the added benefit of knowing about the troubles that Boeing airplanes have, maintenance crews, cleaning crews, baggage handlers will be able to bring those planes down without ever coming under suspicion. Everybody knows how dangerous it is to fly Boeing. And when those who are emptying the shelves of the American people need to fly, they must know that behind every take off might be a Raisi landing. (My condolences to the people of Iran for their loss.)

Someone might do a Michael Hastings with their luxury automobiles. Poison into the favorite dish has also a long history of effectiveness.

In short: the time has come where those who rape humanity will find out what fear is. 24/7 fear of lethal retribution for their despicable crimes.

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Love your reply. Thank you.🙏🏻👏🏼

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Reinette, my first thought when I heard of his death was it might have been a "Directed Energy Weapon" or what you said. Directed Energy Weapons are very focused lasers, microwaves - as you likely know. Of course, I wouldn't put anything past the U.S. or Israel.

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SB, yes, sadly, this is going to have repercussions. Don't hold your breath that some kind of retaliation isn't going to happen against the people.... my bet is on the US and the State of Israel.

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My first comment to my husband was, I wonder if the Israelis did it or the US. Same thing, though. 😔

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Until proven otherwise, yes, they did it. That's my default position.

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Right? Isn't that sad? It's become my default now as well.

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California Congressman is using the term "I am laser focused" pushing this build back better bs -absolutely chilling.

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Oh, the sick irony.

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Out of 454 billion Biden allocated, California is going to receive around if not more $84.7 billions dollars. Bought and paid for Congress creates all the new money they want to do whatever they want.

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What goes around, comes around, unfortunately. Thanks for the continued in-depth research Reinette!

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Sadly, yes. Karma truly is a bitch.

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We shouldn't lose sight of the possibility that bad weather was taken advantage of by the use of a DEW. HPM's are capable of knocking out electronics in anything, including aircraft of all kinds. Think of the airliners that have fallen from he sky in recent years.

A helicopter flying in foggy conditions would be lost if its electronic navigating systems were knocked out. Even flight controls systems can be targeted - or taken over. This could be done with the type of technology shown here.


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You and I were thinking almost identically I have just discovered; made my own comment in this same thread! A similar species of this damnable tech was used to assassinate Senator Paul Wellstone, years back …

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Yes, I remember the Paul Wellstone assassination. Do you remember the details, was there any evidence? That happened when I was just suspicious enough but not clued in at all..

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I have to say Kyle and Phar, I would be very hesitant to fly if I were any kind of leader these days.... and, yes, Wellstone. What a loss.

And the fog. Such an easy cover for a crime, no?

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LeCarre, " our kind of spy ", highlighted aircraft as a means of assassination...

you've got a whole new meaning for " the fog of War " here 😎🤪

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And the weather record was deleted. So obvious!

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Paul Wellstone was definitely taken out! THERE WAS NO INVESTIGATION! It was shut down. If he had run for President he would have won hands down and the world would be a better place! That man had INTEGRITY written all over him!

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"Those who control the weather, control the world" - Lyndon Johnson

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This is horrifying. It was an assassination, no question about it. Israel and the US are stumping for world war 3 and both have wanted to take out Iran. Didn't the US and Israel have some deal or plan to use technology to target and assassinate individuals - isn;t that their plan for Iran? Israel as much as said so. The implications are terrifying worldwide - the whole world is held hostage. The 'empire' is terrified of Iran allying with India. I am saddened to know that Iran's president was killed. He was so much more level headed than Netanyahu.

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While I won't paint Iran as the ultimately good guys, they proved to be very level-headed with their recent targeted attack on Israel's military bases.... they could have blown up civilians and wreaked havoc, but instead, they simply proved that Israel's Iron Dome is nothing more than fantasy.

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Exactlty. Their next leader may not be so patient under that kind of duress. I admire how brilliant their military strategy was in that instance.

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Nuremberg 2.0 let's get it done Share & copy into a browser File with local county & police https://5smallstones.com/medical-integrity/

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I'll go with assasination using plausible deniability...these clowns running the world have a plethora of weapons at their disposal.....directed energy weapony, sudden death of the pilot, etc etc ad nauseum...Iran is being mercilessly demonized by the West so anything goes

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Iran is demonized for sure.... but they have also been ruthless against their people. Seems a thing these days.

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Redacted News made an interesting observation today. The entire day of the 19th was removed from one of the biggest weather charts in the world - IN2THINAIR

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Yes, the weather has been wiped. No more fingerprints.

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Chilling. That means they can do anything they want with no ramifications.

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May 20Edited

3/30/2021 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-56574336 Informational article. latest extension to China's vast infrastructure project, the Belt and Road initiative, which is creating the connections Beijing needs to continue its expansion as a global power.

Some Iranians were suspicious of China's motives when a draft of the co-operation agreement was leaked last year, 2020. Belt and Road deals are intended to benefit China most of all. Some that looked attractive have turned sour when smaller, poorer countries (and most countries are smaller and poorer than China) found they were in out of their depth.

Iran with huge natural resources and an activist foreign policy - is a different proposition. China believes that the US is in a long-term, irreversible decline. It sees itself as the world's rising power of the 21st Century and beyond. A power of that magnitude cannot ignore the Middle East. The Chinese People's Liberation Army has already built its first overseas military base on the Red Sea, in Djibouti. It overlooks one of the world's busiest shipping lanes and is only 10km (six miles) away from the home of the US military's Africa Command.

Could Beijing be planning something similar on Iran's Gulf coast, giving it a naval foothold in what the US Navy has regarded as its own. To take over Twain gives them even more foothold.

This https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/Middle-East/China-Looks-To-Build-Espionage-Hub-In-Iran-Under-25-Year-Deal.html This shows the in depth China's belt and road goes into these countries. Iran was to have 5,000 Chinese (foreign) security forces to be present on Iranian soil to oversee projects. I have to find it again, but one country is in trouble and the people are in uproar due to the President of that country being bribed by China and due to making their payment to China, the people are suffering from lack of food etc. His thoughts to the people was something like blame China. Where have we heard that from. China Joe.

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Ah, thank you for the insight. I appreciate this and will add to the file, SW.

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They were also against the WHO's pandemic treaty. Same with the Slovakian Prime Minister who had refused to sign and just survived an assanination attempt days after Tedros whet there to try and change his mind.

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All those opposed to the WHO right now have a target on their backs!

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It crossed my mind too about weather.

Also, surprised that more cautions not taken for Iranian head of State. Russia would probably know the facts to be shared with Iran. Things are going 😢 for Israel and the US in the area and opponents know that over reacting now is unnecessary. When your opponent is losing, get out of the way of any provocation to change the course. The USA dealt with the death of our President JFK by dark forces.

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BJ, you are correct. All one needs to do is sit back and give the US and Israel enough rope to hang themselves, sadly. I believe the Middle Eastern countries are no better than to fall for the provocation. It would only be a trap, a justification, to do what they are doing to Gaza.

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Thank you for highlighting what many of us also suspect. If its true there will be hell to pay !

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Yes, there will be hell to pay. But it will come in sideways, not head on.

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Even if weather manipulation is possible, there’s no way it could be used to target a single individual. Create bad weather for military operations? Sure. But targeting someone? Not clear that’s possible.

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Proton, the fog could simply have been the cover for a larger crime. I don't know. But it stinks to high hell.

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Weather manipulation can be done at a specific time and place. This was an official trip, the course of the helicopter was preplanned. Easy to initiate a weather event in a remote place during the transit of the helicopter. Destruction not as certain as hitting the helicopter with a surface to air missile. But a little harder to track. FOI might release the orders to erase weather data and execute the weather event.

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Exactly. RELEASE the weather data. It was only released because it was hiding something.

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Weather manipulation has been around for some time. Check this site out for more on this:


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Thanks, it is an interesting link. Didn’t see anything indicating precision control to target individuals with weather events at a particular time and place though. If something like that exists, I’ve seen no evidence for it.

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You did say, "Even if weather manipulation is possible" So the link I sent proves it is possible. And, this link within the article may be more precise to your question of targeting someone...https://climateviewer.com/2018/07/05/directed-energy-weapons-101-sonic-microwave-laser-non-lethal-warfare/ Until proven otherwise, it's a fair assumption to include this as a possibility, I feel.

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Proton, weather manipulation if far more advanced and targeted than we realize. As Love and Light shared below, Jim Lee's ClimateViewer.com is the quintessential go-to website for all the patents, history, printed material, and more on the topic. It's actually staggering.

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The word “weather” just might be hamstringing your critical thinking relative to this tragedy; Climate Engineering covers myriad advanced technologies and we civilians have no credible way of confirming that what’s being utilized, how and when —foul weather could’ve easily been brought to bear across a region of a few square miles and a Directed Energy Weapon; say, a powerful and highly focused EMP device could’ve blown out the helo’s avionics in a microsecond— using the heavy fog and nasty “weather” conditions as a COVER. WHO would KNOW?

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How do you explain cloud seeding, then, and people paying for their weddings to be sunny? If they can make a certain small areas sunny, they can certainly make a thick fog. I put nothing past them, especially with Israel's latest plans.

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Maybe there was no fog and the heli was brought down. Then, the weather (fog) was blamed but if there was no fog they would need to cover that up.

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israel and cia, expert assassins

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Their forte.

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