What an incredible podcast. I learned SO MUCH. Thanks Amanda and Reinette. Just ordered the book.

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It certainly was eye-opening to me!

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Now THAT'S an endorsement!!!

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I’m curious. I’ve heard ADV say shedding is legitimate. How about you? Is shedding real?

Also, ADM doesn’t believe in viruses. Do you?

I will love you regardless. It’s ok either way. You’ve been very helpful on many important issues. I’m only seeking clarity.

Thank you and God bless you.

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Our study at MyCycleStory.org proved that shedding or transmission is real. We've

Been trying to get this published for 2 years!!!

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How about viruses? Do they exist?

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Something exists. Viruses have been called the tinest parasites. But the more I investigate this, the less I believe in viruses and the entire filed of virology.

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I don’t think your definition of shedding is the same as Amanda Vollmer’s.

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Doc, that's mycyclestory.com :)

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I skimmed the video. Some good points. Be careful with DMSO. It is a good carrier into the deep tissue but it must be utilized with caution. I taught martial arts years ago and still have some right now for joint pain. It is available on amazon in a roll on or in 99% pure form. I use it to pull other analgesics into my joints and muscles. Caution: WHEN USING DMSO BE CAREFUL TO WASH YOUR HANDS AFTERWARD AND MAKE SURE THE AREA THAT IT IS APPLIED TO IS COVERED OR IN A CLEAN ENVIORNMENT. DMSO WILL PULL ANYTHING YOU TOUCH INTO YOUR BODY. CHEMICALS, DRUGS, POISONS, PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, ETC. Otherwise it is good.

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Thanks for the heads up!!

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Yes, that's why Amanda wrote her book about it, as she said in the video. So people could learn to use it with confidence and not bring other toxins into their body.

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Been using it for decades - agree with your assessment.

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Try castor oil. It works just as well and it "poisons" any critters that may be hiding in the joints and muscles causing pain. "mycoplasma" and such. I mix it with tea tree oil, tumeric oil, oregano oil and rosemary oil. It works excellent for joints and muscles.

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Great recipe! Duly noted. My joints will thank me.

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Use as needed, but specifically at night before bed. Do it as a routine so that it can build up in the joints. You'll see and feel the difference almost immediately.

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The oils in the recipe... are they essential oils or infused oils?

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essential pure oils. use in moderation with the castor oil. A few drops of each in a small container, about 1/4 cup or so. PRN-use as necessary.

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Ah, I will have to search for tumeric oil at my local health food store. I have tea tree and rosemary oil. Oregano oil will be an investment as it can be quite high in price.

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Start with those. That is enough to start the healing. Then when you get the others add them. One 4 ounce bottle of any pure oil can be mixed with 24 ounces of olive oil. This will make a huge supply. Then that "cut" oil is used in concoctions. Pure oil is too strong.

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Thank you. I was wondering about the ratios. I am very careful with essential oils. A tiny bit goes a long way.

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Great reminder. Thank you. I have read the same advice in a health blog I read frequently.

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Also, I have started using "castor oil" as a penetrating oil to carry other things into the deep tissue and joints.

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LOVE castor oil. It's so amazing.

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This ABSOLUTELY jibes with a holistic educational tool kit project that has been cooking in my mind since my cancer empowerment journey in 2018. The doctors tried to scare me, but I just dug in my heels and started learning. Now I'm inundated with information, which is disempowering. I need to weed out stuff.

I was in my 50s when I woke up and realized what miracles we are and what the white coats are doing to doubt ourselves. I want to see our children empowered early on.

I see Amanda's work fitting in PERFECTLY into this educational tool kit. I'd love to talk with Amanda on this.

Thanks for this inspiring podcast!!!

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I'm so glad you didn't fall for the fear.... and, yes, what Amanda provides is definitely an educational toolkit. THIS is what Covid ultimately taught all of us; it's time to take control of our own health.

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DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing That Works. Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D.

“Doctor Yourself contains an enormous amout of very important information dealing with the use of nutrition in the treatment of mental and physical disease. Thank you, Dr. Saul, for making this information more available and thus promoting the development of the medicine of the Twenty-first century—Orthomolecular Medicine.”——Abram Hoffer, MD, Ph.D., author of PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: The New Orthomolecular Nutrition. (Basic Health Publications, Inc).

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As "they" say, food is medicine. Most people aren't even eating food these days. They're eating chemistry.

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With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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They been lying..............for generations.

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For g-e-n-e-r-a-t-i-o-n-s.

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Yeah, but now not so many "true believers." I think most are done listening.

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THE ORTHOMOLECULAR TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DISEASE: 65 Experts on Theraputic and Preventive Nutrition, Edited by Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (Basic Health Publications, Inc.)

With contributions by: Robert Cathcart, MD, Allan Cott, MD, Harold D. Foster, Ph.D., Abram Hoffer, MD, Ph.D., Frederick Klenner, MD, Linus Pauling, Ph.D, Carl Pfeiffer, Ph.D, Jonathon Prousky, ND, Hugh D. Riordan, MD, Roger Williams, Ph.D, Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD. and more.

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What a roster.

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Thanks Reinette,

THE VITAMIN CURE FOR ALCOHOLISM: How to Protect Against and Fight Alcoholism Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation by, Abram Hoffer, MD,Ph.D, and Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (Basic Health Publication, Inc. www.basichealthpub.com. Copyright 2009.

THE VITAMIN CURE FOR DEPRESSION: How to Prevent and Treat Depression Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation by, Bo H. Jonsson, MD, Ph.D. and Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (Basic Health Publications, Inc. Copyright 2012.

Bo H. Jonsson,MD, Ph.D, has been a practising psychiatrist for thirty years. He is affiliated with the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and is medical director of Center for Affective Disorders, St. Goran’s Hospital, Stockholm. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine and is president of the Swedish Society for Orthomolecular Medicine. (Basic Health Publications, Inc.). www.basichealthpub.com

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This is on my bookshelf. One of my favorites

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Aloha Dr. Teresa D. Hill.

The Vitamin Cure for Depression or Alcoholism?

Your comment just made my day.

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both + eyes + children's health. basically, i think you stole my bookshelf

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I will turn myself in to the Police. Do you know any pro-bono “lawyers?”

Justice denied is justice served. No due process, straight to prison.

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Meanwhile … Where Is The Proof

( Papers, Research , Lab Studies, Etc. )

That Gain Of Function Research

Creating An Aerosolized Self-Replicating Pathogen Capable Of Mass Casualty

Has Ever Been Successfully Accomplished ?

Or Did Someone Just Tell Them All That ?

And They Believed It. It’s A Serious Question.

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Exactly! Crickets.

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I'll add that the very concept of contagion has been disproven. It doesn't happen in nature and it can't be manufactured in a lab.

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Never heard of Dr. Vollmer.

THANK YOU for bringing her to my (and others) attention.

I think that the world is STARVING for REAL Doctors! And the more, the better!!

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Great interview!! 👍 ordered DMSO book thank you!

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You won't regret it!

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Codex Alimentarius Commission with Corey's Digs. She has three reports where this commission is highlighted.


This is such a great interview. Thank you for finding the time to speak with ADV on camera and shring with us. I love how ADV explains terrain.

OMG ADV has me on the floor laughing about menopause. I feel all that.

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IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD: The Link Between Mercury Amalagams and Illness by, Hal A. Huggins, DDS, MS. ISBN 0-89529-550-4, Avery Publishing Group Copyright 1993.

(Excellent References).

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I found the book in a local independent bookstore circa 1994. Today, it’s very difficult to find an independent bookstore! Dr. Huggins was probably the first Holistic Dentist.

Go on-line and search for used copies of Dr. Huggin’s books. This was his first groundbreaking book. He did write more books concerning this topic.

Good luck!.

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Amanda is extraordinary. I especially love how she breaks down detoxification, but wonder if she still believes in shedding.

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Hmmm, good question. I would think so, but I'll ask next time we connect.

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Shedding what? There is no such thing as contagion. The concept has always been falsified in scientific studies to the point they're no longer attempted. And contagious particles can't be manufactured either because plant and animal biology simply doesn't work that way. If someone is expressing anything from their body it will always be poisons from a biologic or chemical source. Poisons are not contagious. As an example, as a young man I had sex with a woman who had a "yeast infection" and penetration caused me immediate, but short lived burning and itching. Because I believed in contagious particles, I thought I had "caught" her bug. When my symptoms went away within a day or two, I thought it was because my immune system was so strong it had killed the bug. Lesson learned all these years later is that your body is set-up to eliminate toxins as they enter the body often right at the site of entry. Toxins are part of nature and occasional exposures often go unnoticed. However, exposure through injestion or injection at abnormally high rates may overwhelm the body resulting iin a more violent detoxification that you will notice. My advice is avoid direct exposure to biologic and chemical poisons. Don't rub genitals with someone who is in a highly toxic state. But you're not going to "catch" amything from them through the air or even through casual physical contact.. If you happen to experience symptoms from a more intimate encounter, don't panic, they probably will clear-up on their own due to your body's protective and restorative mechanisms. If not, then some natural remedies can be tried to assist your body in the detox process.

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Thanks. You’ve saved me the effort of explaining what everyone else in the “no virus” community agrees with. No one is perfect.

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But the body can emit things that other bodies respond/react to. Pheromones and sexual impulses/hormonal messages are an example.

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Yes. We cont explain everything. And humans are emotional beings, but that’s not shedding.

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Yes, it's not shedding. What I failed to articulate is that bodies communicate with each other for benefits purposes that aren't contagion or shedding. For instance, my understanding is that trees send messages to each other... one may encounter a threat of disease or pest and will send the warning to other trees of the threat and then the rest of the trees more successful survive the treat. So instead of shedding aka infecting, our bodies could be sending/receiving messages that a poison is near and then the symptoms get activated i.e. mucus, coughing to give the proper mechanism to expell the nearby poison.

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My question to Reinette was to better understand Amanda Vollmer’s position on shedding. I’m pretty confident Amanda said she believes in shedding. i don’t know annyone else else in the “no virus” Community who shares this belief. I think she believes the crap in the injections can be transmitted from the injected to the uninjected.

I have respect for Amanda and am only trying to determine if she believes in shedding. There are many that do.

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Two of my absolute FAVES! Love you both, along with your SNARK-casm!

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Just bought the book! Thank you for all both of y'all do!❤️

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What caused my chickenpox? I got it after being exposed to someone with chickenpox. What’s the simpler explanation than a virus?

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Exposure being the cause is an illusion based soley on correlation. Not only has the so-called chickenpox virus never been isolated, every properly controlled study has falsified the very concept of contagion. You and the sick individual(s) you were "exposed" to are displaying symptoms of detoxification which may have been caused by the same or similar poisonings or nutritional deficiencies. Careful scientific studies must be designed and carried out to determine an explanation or explanations since they may be different for each individual. Such studies are rarely done since blaming a virus is sooooo much easier and readily accepted by the victim patient.

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It’s not based “soley” on correlation. Many of the Bradford Hill Criteria apply. And I’m pretty sure that a virus, by definition cannot be isolated. This is a red herring that is used all the time.

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Viruses can't be isolated because they don't exist. The red herring is claiming that because they can't be found virologists should be exempt from the mandatory requirement that the independent variable be separated from all other variables in a scientific experiment. From Google Search page: "An independent variable is the variable you manipulate, control, or vary in an experimental study to explore its effects. It's called “independent” because it's not influenced by any other variables in the study. Independent variables are also called: Explanatory variables (they explain an event or outcome)." Furthermore, I also pointed out in my comment that the very concept of contagion has never been demonstrated in any properly designed study in the history of microbiology. Bacteria, for example, which can be isolated, have never been shown to be the cause of any dis-ease. But they are blamed merely because they are present at the scene of the crime. Amandha likens this fallacy to firemen being accused of causing a fire when they are actually there to put it out. Fear of contagion is a dangerous superstition that must be overthrown. Bacteria and other biological particles are your friends and are utilized by your body to maintain your health. In addition to Amandha's website and substack, I highly recommend that you explore other Terrain Therapists' resources such as Drs Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufman. Dr Sam Bailey also has an excellent substack and at her website you can download a free copy of Dr Mark Bailey's comprehensive research review called "A Farewell to Virology."

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Awesome! Two of my favorite brilliant women in one podcast. This made my week, if not month. I listened tonight while working in my garden. I got a lot planted and done in my garden, learned a lot (I've been listening to Amanda for years and still learn something new every time I hear her on a new video), and I've been smiling the whole time listening. I'm still smiling. I hope you two talk again SOON, and let us listen in!

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