Anyone with half a brain KNOWS that these drones COME FROM the USSA's Military Industrial Complex! PERIOD!

They are NOT 'Chinese'! They are NOT 'Iranian'! They are NOT 'Russian'!

And those posting videos of these USSA Drones, and saying things like, "OMG! OMG! WHAT are THEY! OMG! LOOK! OMG!".......I just want to punch in the face, for being BELOW A MORON!

It's like these individuals JUST emerged FROM THEIR CAVE, for the first time!

And these individuals want to be treated as ADULTS? NO! Go back to living in your childrens' CARTOON (aka MAKE BELIEVE), and do not offer commentary on ANYTHING!

It's like NO ONE has ever seen a MILITARY DRONE before!

And they DO come in all shapes and sizes.

And I find it hysterical.....all of these ZOMBIES, at night, looking up in to the sky, filming DRONES.....but apparently, they NEVER LOOK UP, DURING THE DAY, to SEE ALL OF THOSE LINES IN THE SKY......to THEN pull out their phones, and film, and SAY......"OMG! OMG! WHAT are THEY! OMG! LOOK! OMG!". lolololol Excuse my bluntness, but......FUCKING MORONS!

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Hear hear.

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They never look up either to see the Sun, or get that Sun in their eyes, that's why they have neurodegeneration.

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Ain't that the truth!

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Zombies.....too many, walk among us.

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Sadly yes, at least the darker the room, the brighter the candle, no?

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Exactly Roman! The bluelight toxicity along with fluoride and all the other toxins they are consuming has created a nation of idiots - idiocracy.

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What?? What did you say about theUSA???? the Great USA that killed and slaughtered over 300 millions civilians worldwide in thje Name of Peace&Freedom......are you talking shit about the great USA??? the Country that Bombs and Pillages and Rapes for "Peace&Freedom?........How DARE you talk shit abouit the Great USA that has thousnds of children in Prison and millions of Children "Missing" .and Great Political Framework of Tax&Lie....

Shame on you!!!!!!

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I meam....over 200 ,million rolled up their Sleeves to let some bozo pump you or you family up with unknown toxis chemical time-bombs in the arms.....I mean.............I mean we are THE GREATEST thing that has ever happened to the spinning Ball earth.ZOOOOMING theru some imaginary Outerspace at a million miles and hour......I Mean the USA NASA said we did...or are..............I mean we is gonna walk on Mars soon.......maybe.......I think??...but NASA told me what to KNOW.....I mean.......the Great USA tells me what to know with their factual TV ......IO mean if FOX TV said it was true then is a well estabulashed SOLID FACT.....I mean would ABC and CBS and NBC ever LIE to anyone??????????

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yeah.........and My chickens all have Lips...yawn.........

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Spot on.

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yeah........oh SURE we walked on da moon......and the Mars thing.............oh Of Course its a well known soposed fact...I thjink.......I mean........oh , Of course we walked on da moon...cuz NASA said we did.......

But anjy grade 7 kid would know its a fact....cuz the da teach sid it was so............I mean...but how come dem 7 astronuts dat blew up in dat space craft are still working today? hummmm????? >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXkt9XZ6jsA

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This is also another reason chem clouds must end. With continuous chem cloud covers as we have been experiencing most days for the past month here in the Bay Area there is no way to know what is going on above the cloud cover.

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It's been awful lately.

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I have recently had the following thought we need to follow in California the recent law past by the governing body in Tennessee that prohibits spraying over Tennessee. I am sure CA governing body would not follow this lead but if we could organize a movement to get te bill on the ballot it would generate attention of the masses and with those already informed it would pass. I continue to get downloads of how to organize and would like to be part of an organization team with others as I cannot do by myself. As you are much more politically savvy then I am If you would like to discuss this more my email is globalfriendly@earthlinknet. 🌞

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Oh good! We don't have enough to keep track of, so perfect. :-)

Hmm... I suspect some psyops is going on, but given it's not just drones out there, I'm wondering if the MIC is intentionally muddying and confusing things. And maybe, outta-towners are also in the mix. 🤷‍♀️ Thanks for bringing some clarity. Best.

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It's a full on war on the American people, just like the old days of 1776.

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Yes though now we know better that this is global in nature. Interesting you mention 1776 - Joni Patry, a vedic astrologer has discussed constellations present now were similar to those from 1776. Freedom is definitely a driving theme of these times.


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Thank you Reinette. My first guess was that Peter Thiel's Anduril is involved. I look forward to sharing your article on an upcoming article I'll be posting about the US Space Force. Being from New Jersey, I can say that at least the citizens can tolerate crazy drivers..so hope those nerves of steel translate to drones. Probably not.

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You are welcome, Roman. It's important we don't get duped by this one and the other psyops that will surely follow.

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Thanks Reinette. Shameless plug, here's the article I wrote, has a spiritual twist on the EMF issue: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/drones-and-the-us-space-force

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Cant think of anything better than what previous comments said so I'm just gonna keep this simple, We Love You Reinette!!

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I sort of hope these are alien UFOs - I've got a list of folks they can take back with them. When you can sit in an office and control a drone to kill someone - there apparently is less emotional consequences than if you kill with a gun or knife - They have been training kids for years with video games and movie violence. We are loosing our humanity

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Jewell, this is true, but there have been reports that after a while, even drone operators break down over time, even while killing from a distance..... those poor souls. I can't imagine their karma after this!

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OK...this goes back decades..US Citizens sat and watched the US military slaugheter millions in Japan , Korea , Vietnam , Laos , Afghanistan , Iraq and over 200 wars created by the USA CIA which has been under Control by ARPA , started in 1958 by president DDE , and soomn ARPA was joined by the Defense Department to be DARPA.. The USA has a Military Based Economy ....based on Bombs n Bullets and ships and jets....and all this rhetoric about Mao and Homoland Security and Biden and Drones and the rest is just 'Entertainment'. first of all DARPA is in control of everything in the USA and most of the world..from Food on the table to the Job you have or the education you and/or your kids are receiving., either public schools or private...DARPA has control of your land you home your taxes and the gas in you car to the TV yoiu watch or the IPad you use of the beer you drink and the medical facilities or medication you use ....the hospitals you see of the doctors you visit....DARPA has UNLIMITED spending....has TOTAL IMMUNITY for anything it wishes to do..from Kid disappearances to schedualed 'Hits' ... WAKE up !!! DARPA also has control over Artifical Intelligence... and all the 'G"s like 4G and 5G which can operate broadcasting at 2.45 gigihertz....same frequency as your microwave oven cooks food at ... Look it up for yourself >>> https://www.darpa.mil/index <<

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Sadly, MrRobb.... you are correct.....

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I'm also leaning toward the explanation that they are ours, potentially having been developed and being operated by clandestine private companies under contract with the DOD. Not that the government minds lying but that could technically make what the Pentagon press secretary said about them not being US military somewhat true. I just wrote about the nature of this as a psyop including the messages we are likely supposed to be internalizing.

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Exactly. It's all about the wordsmithing!

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Believing a Bolshevik stooge at the PENTAGRAM isn't a smart thing to do.

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These are not drones. They are in fact holograms. That is why they cannot be successfully shot at. To make a holographic image, you need 3 points, then a further 3 point inside those, to send the data to those points, to create the image you sesire. The image appears. That is why there will be 3 rotational points seen inside. The hologram can then be any shape you need. These holograms may be created by Palladians. Do not be scared of them, if it is, they are not here to hurt us, more to surveill our progress in becoming a better species. If they were here to hurt us, we would all be gone by now.

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It's possible... these things don't have a heat signature, so that may tell us something! But are you sure it's the Palladians? How about the U.S. f*cktards who are messing with us all the time?

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Of course I am not sure. There is a real lot of F8ckatrd-ism in the world for sure. You can believe nothing that America puts out, unless it comes from Redacted, Sabrina Wallace, Joe Rogan,Jimmy Dore, Kim Eversen, or England Neil Oliver etc... :)

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The second I saw the navigation lights the farce was over. Holograms don’t need them. If DOD does some, they do all of them. It’s a military-industrial operation.

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I just learned about these folks. They are amazing!

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why is it that the CIA/Mossad etc have precision everything, they can hit a fly out of the sky from how far away? but they can't intercept a drone? we know about the paint they use on the undersides of spy planes - it makes it look like you are looking at the sky when you look up- plenty has been written about that -and i'd bet that if they designate an area where you can sight see UFO's that they'll be very busy putting on a show up there for all the tourists with chairs and blankets. It's exciting to think that something like this could be real- but it's really hard to believe it. It's hard to imagine that they won't be causing disney chaos in the US- home of the absurd and hollywood- we are probably the most gullible people on the planet.

all that said- anything is possible-

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All I can say is that it's clear to me that all these agencies are communicating with one another and have received their stand-down orders. There is no doubt about this.

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Protestors take down police drone using lasers.


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I was just commenting about this.... I will share with another commenter here! Thank you!

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Are any of these videos supposed to play?

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They are all playing on my end! Try a different browser.... so strange!

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I’m on the app. Videos not playing.

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None played for me.

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That's insane! I have NEVER had the Substack videos embedded into the story not play. I will let Substack know, but this ticks me off. The only thing I can suggest is to get off the app, try different browsers, and go directly to my Substack page. Grrrr.

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there are many amazing utubes of drone activity

i showed a few of them and had a couple of council members- ford greene for one- be the speaker for the evening- i think the tom cruise movies especially the one about 'precrime', set the kids up and any adults who watched them for the 'drone' invasion. It's already been normalized in our imaginations- just like years of programming about ET anything. We don't know what tech DAARPA and others have- it's amazing what they can do with holograms- what can they do with an ionized atmosphere and satellites- we are not privy.

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We are a brainwashed culture, no doubt. I am sure there are millions of Americans saying, We knew the invasion was coming. Unaware it's one big set-up for the ultimate psyop!

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They've been priming us for an "alien invasion" for almost a hundred years. I don't have a hard time believing in non-human advanced races but the entire mythology that is springing up, couched in quasi spiritual/religious language, is redolent of newage fabrication. It follows in the footsteps of the monotheistic religions, offering "salvation" for the true believers and doom, punishment and damnation for the wicked, or at least a friendlier 'non-advancement' version of the same. We lap it up bc in our inner sanctum we desperately want to return to the sanity of a primordial paradise of bounty and freedom, without overlords of any kind. If "superior" beings are the ticket to a fair world, we'll happily renounce our autonomy and even our free-will. My thought is that if there are "aliens", they're probably in cahoots with the governments and one is the creation of the other. Which is which, I'm not so sure. The moral of the story is, we're on our own, just like we always have been.

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Yes, the aliens have been in cahoots with the government for decades. There is much evidence to support this..... and we are on our own, and we have nothing to fear but fear itself so it's best we don't feed into it!

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If no one will 'fess up or own up, aren't the drones fair game for anyone who wants to capture one or just do some target practice? Jeff Childers is offering a 10,000 reward for a captured one. Not sure if he's following through on that.

"I have another idea. Let’s offer $10K to anyone who can capture one of the drones. C&C could raise that amount in about ten minutes. Who’s with me? If you guys like the idea, I’ll make the offer today. Let me know in the comments."


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I just saw somebody in NJ shooting at them. The problem is that those whizzing bullets land somewhere and may accidentally take somebody out! The best chance is for a massive number of people to get their laser beams out and all shoot at the drones simultaneously. There have been cases where this will drop drones!

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Speaking of.... here is a link to what I was talking about. This is from Argentina! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PKJYGoUjJo

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Omgsh Reinette, thats around the same time I went to ECETI, several times actually! James is amazing!

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We must have crossed paths, M!

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I'd love to go see James again one day but Im not in the general area atm. Trout Lake is so beautiful.

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Likewise. Was there in May 2012 for "global awakening conference"; returned in September to attend a workshop by Neil Kramer, who had been a speaker at the first conference. Ended up working with NK for years.

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