Yep if you wanted to destroy LA and rebuild it as a 15 minute prison city, this is exactly what you would be doing.

Those woke clueless politicians and bureaucrats were installed so that when things like this happen they will get the blame rather than the globalists injecting them (like an mRNA “vaccine”) into government while setting the woke agenda. It’s backwards from what most think. The “competency crisis” is a deliberate controlled demolition masquerading around as an accident of well meaning useful virtue signaling idiots:


The wildfires were not caused due to incompetence, but rather “on purpose malice” posing as incompetence.

Check the WEF website to see if you city is on the list for destruction/rebuilding and if it is hope for the best but PREPARE immediately for the worst.

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Do you have a link to a list on the WEF website? Can't find anything specific.

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Please don't forget Nicolas Berggruen at Hearst Castle (according to George Webb) to oversee California's state of affairs. They call him the homeless billionaire ironically. What's striking to me is the confidence with which Newsome claims plans are already underway to rebuild with fresh embers behind him. What that confidence implies to me is that AI and the psychos watching public trends are sure the public is so predictably duped that foul play will go unchecked. But how can someone simultaneously say a future like that is planned but such a clearing of developed land is not?

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Nicholas Bergguen the man flying under the radar.

Palisades resident Peter Duke has some good questions in the Webb interview.

Who Burned Down My Home?-1:57:14


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Excellent questions and observations in the Peter Duke interview.

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Peter Duke Thinking a bit outside the norm box. As a long time Palisade resident and LA area native I think Peter Duke sees what some may not in this. When I saw some early Palisades history I looked up a little about Thomas Ince who had a studio there called Inceville, or the early Palisades called Inceville was into some strange religion that the name sounded similar to what Brengguren is into.

The religion part is under the death tab. Interesting Hearst was connected to Thomas Ince.

Thomas H. Ince - Wikipedia


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Sums it (the subversion & destruction of the chaos makers) up very well. And wow! Who was the guy at the L..A. city council meeting? He was 'en fuego'!

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I want to know too and a link that is easy to share.

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Me too! Find that guy and get behind him as well! Check the jails... he's probably been arrested already.

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The war between the Republic of sovereign men and women and the United States satanic corporation is being exposed. The incorporated United States has no constitutional right to exist, though peaceable assembly is an inalienable right. The United States Inc. is far, far from peaceable, It has no constitutional right to exist. The Incorporated United States is nothing more than a vast matrix of agencies, fueled with federal reserve notes, and the blood sweat and tears of Americans.

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All that many be true BUT THEY DONT CARE ABOUT ANY OF THAT. ITS ALL ABOUT FORCE , THREAT, COERCION AND MENACE. THEY have the weapons as you have seen many times now . SHOW ME ANY of the swamp monsters now taking office who HAVE,TOLD THE TRUTH , OR DONE ANYTHING ABOUT THIS . Roundup beginning in a day , in 20 cities , as well as the "PROTEST" PEOPLES MARCHES , to start the chaos and violence. Does anyone think millions of illegals will just line up and get on buses and LEAVE ? TO WHERE . This is to fill FEMA CAMPS .

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DC is now a police state, hoping for a smooth transition bracing for something else...

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Assigned firemen went into our neighborhood and recommended that homeowners cut or remove all their trees, bushes, and shrubs, and various other prevention strategies and all along how many of them are in on the 'build back better" con job? If you go back in history, deliberate fires have made way for lots of new construction that the counties wanted. We had this older beautiful building that housed govt offices including court houses. After the building burnt down the city erected this tall Bank of America building -- no coincidence.

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Great work on this segment Ms. Reinette! I see the dirt continues to pile up at steadfast pace- and it doesn’t end there. Thank you for your priceless contributions to us all! :)

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Politicians all should be dragged out and HUNG for TREASON........no thial JUst Hang them.......ya get a frew hundred hanging from trees .....and maybe some will wake up....

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Nothing else will even start to work everyone afraid to say it .

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Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!

The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!

Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!

This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.



Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

Bless and thank you for doing what you do!

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Geeat piece and videos, Reniette. I loved the Dave Chappelle one. Yes, laughter can be so medicinal.

The deliberate destruction of cities, towns and areas where the evil ones want to rebuild, is heinous and quite demonic. I'm not sure what our strategy must be to resist this tyranny, but resist we must.

Non compliance is a great start, but these psychos need to be stopped. And that goes for Both political parties. I fear they all are guilty in one way or another.

I pray that God protects We The People.

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Perfect summary Reinette especially on Bass who I keep learning new items about her all the time. She was in Ghana when the fires started. Why Ghana, no one seems to know. I don't know what is off out there in California but there's a mindset from its citizens that is definitely out of this world. I have relatives in the LA area and SF that are so totally ossified mentally, we cannot even talk anymore. They are like the Easter Island Moai that face in one direction and no other. Maybe its the saturation from the 1000's of chemtrails that have been showered over them for years. I'm frankly not even sure the LA fires will wake up the majority, they live in mental caves. They're not stupid people but they are definitely DUMBED down to the point where I don't think they are even human anymore. Afterall, didnt Newsom confess to Jon Rappaport that he was an AI creation of Disney? https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/jon-rappoport/staggering-gavin-newsom-admits-he-s-an-ai-programmed-by-disney

I fear that comment to Rappaport was Truth in Your Face and so many missed it.

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I concur and commiserate with regard to relatives who have seemingly gutted a large amount of their humanity due to their own credulity to continue to go along with outright liars and criminals by abandoning critical thought. The seeds were sown with Trump's run and win in 2016 and the covid psy-op seems to have been the death blow to some. Unfortunately, in my case, it is my closest remaining family members who are the worst cases, whereas I have hope that other relatives can still come around from being so bamboozled and may come to terms with their own complicity-- perhaps. I remain ostracized and scapegoated for being independently minded and vociferously calling out the b.s. and trying to warn people throughout 2020 & 21. C'est la vie, and hopefully the wake-up calls will keep coming.

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Do you have a video of that?

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NO VIDEO just the item in an obscure feed. But I've been following Rappaport for many years and he is reliable. Much to my surprise the link continues to be found but then I use YANDEX when I want to avoid Google and Bing for searching. Its one of those stories not unlike RRN.org that don't present evidence but somehow you believe their information is valid.

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Okay thank you. I remember when that came out but I never saw a video. Super bizarre everything's on the table.

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I couldn't bear to watch that clip of Newssolini again. It is so angering in the core of my being to watch these souled-out psychopathic predators, and his recent duper's delight performance takes the cake, the plate, and the whole fucking table.

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Great post. L.A. fugitives or fugitives from hell....?

Smokey the woke Bear said, "Only you (DEW) can start a "forest" fire."

www.StoptheCrime.net. (Deborah Tavares).


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Also Billions of taxpayer money to Israel and the taxpayers funding Israel get zip. Seems like Edom’s destruction is well underway.

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This is where they start to implement worldwide AI governance.....which has been the plan all along , can't trust the politicians actually can't trust humans period. All by design including the Liberal's so called incompetency and the right's (And Trump's) ascendency . There is no left or right it has never been about politics.

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snipe at each other

right is left and left has left

but no middle ground

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