Good on you for admitting a mistake and putting the corrected information out. That demonstrates your integrity and inspires trust!

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agree. Good on her.

Unfortunately, her owning up to a 'mistake' is somewhat rare in this day and age?

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May 2
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No doubt a possibility.

Do you see it here?

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May 3
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"Not here, but in general."


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Sorry, but the beams and radiation are still there, bent or not. I don’t trust the meteorological translation of EMF waves coming off these towers for 13-14 hours at a lower height than during the day. Sounds actually worse than the idea of no big deal that they are bouncing off of us, the plants, and animals, all night long. No apologies needed, Reinette.

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Eeek, you are 100% correct. All these frequencies are a detriment to life and we must keep fighting against the proliferation of frequencies. I just need to clarify what was happening was not what I reported.....

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Hi Eeek, Jim Lee is hyper focussed on weather mod. And he is scornful toward us for sounding the alarm re the NEXRAD video Reinette posted. Says we are addicted to "fear porn." You can watch his video which I watched live tonight on Rumble and YouTube - Climate Viewer - NEXRAD Hoax.

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Exactly...if I fire my rifle and the bullet ricochet off of something and strikes me I'm going be hurt or dead...same thing with microwave beams...come on people...weather services have to minimize the dangers...

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Conflating 5G and Nexrad in one article was definitely a mistake, thanks for the clarification.

Placing too much faith in "experts" (remember Matthew Towers) is not the way forward.

Stay calm, communicate calmly, and watch out for the "divide & conquer" techniques.

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NEXRAD do radars do send out an irradiating signal as part of their normal operation. Now, 5G, specifically, we wouldn't truly know unless we physically went out and metered their frequency. But you better believe I will be looking into this even more.

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It seems like a distinction needs to be made bewee 5G and doppler radar. As I mentioned in the original post, the one near me is not a 5G tower, its a weather service doppler radar. I recognize the location and the pattern created by the mountains here. I though they were all doppler radar. So now I'm conufsed. Are these people who told you this talking about 5G or doppler radar? Are they saying they both act in the same way or one does and the oher doesn't?

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Good questions, Kyle. This is what I have learned, as I'm full-steam on the learning curve: "While Doppler radars can operate over a very wide microwave frequency range, weather surveillance radars like NEXRAD most commonly use S-band frequencies around 2.7-3 GHz, optimizing precipitation detection over long ranges. The choice of frequency balances factors like beam width, attenuation, required antenna size, and desired radar performance for monitoring weather phenomena."

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I guess my question was more about whether or not 5G blossoms in the same way doppler or NEXRAD does?

All of this makes me wonder how much they depend on our ignorance of the topic and the steep learning curve to get up to speed.

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Hi, Pretty sure they can turn it or down. Remember how they put those metal boxes around the 5G Antennas? Do they all have boxes? They put these things everywhere and anywhere now. Also, they put antennas on weather towers. China and other countries l, probably us too, have up to 10G. Where are they located?

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thank you for pointing me here, Reinette. So being a newbie to all these frequencies, what about that frequency if it stays pretty much in that range and doesn't spike a lot? Safe? Unsafe? some of each? I always thought that anywhere on the GHz scale wasn't great for biological life, which is why I stayed with a landline plugged into the wall and not a portable phone when the first 1.9 GHz portable phones were available.

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Kyle, Thank you for this, and please find out more. You've just popped open a new box i really don't understand...

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May 1
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60Gig, I would love to talk with you at more length about what you uncovered in your conversation with Trish. Feel free to text me if you are up for this 530-264-6048. Thank you for our work!

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Kyle, Thank you for this, and please find out more. You've just popped open a new box i really don't understand...

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Thank you. I feel the same confusion and am not sure what they are saying or if it's the truth - because experts don't know everything, they tend to be hyperfocused on an area of specialty. Plus, science is not dogma. It changes as we know more. So... skeptical at this point and unsure what is true, what is fear porn, and what is being orchestrated from the top down to confuse us.

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Bee, please see my answer right above.

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May 1
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Amazing compilation.... and disturbing.

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Thanks 60GigaHertz!

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Save Us Now in the UK

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May 8
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It is hard to get information when running into walls.. I am sorry.

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May 8
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I am at a loss. Do we just check out and say goodbye? Do we just become ham radio operators and listen to radio and try to hold on to a lan line while we can? I heard AT and T is pulling that option. I am almost there.

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a wealth of information; thanks so much! copying the links for future research.

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May 5
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most people I know just glaze over when I try to speak with them about it. It's so disheartening. Thanks for this link. sometimes I'm glad i won't live that much longer. Sad but true. they are mining our data and the bots are being used to data mine our humanity and feed off our human emotions. What really bums me out is all the AI videos and robotized videos. People use AI to make things quicker, not realizing what they're inviting in. Interesting this talks about hydrogels. I bought some wound healing stuff for my cat and as soon as i saw it contained hydrogels I knew I'd never use that on him or on me. This was before I knew about what they do and contain.

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May 6
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thank you; though I agreed with the part about the aims of the Founders, I don't know if Tactical Civics, as it's described here, is for me. I listened to the introductory video on their website, and am troubled on several levels by what it promotes. - but maybe I read too much between the lines. To me this just seems like another failed utopian experiment,starting with the spiritual foundation being hailed as the one and only way, spiritually, since one size/one religion or belief system doesn't fit all- we are not all Christians so where does that leave those who are not - or who are Buddhist or non-organized in our religious/spiritual leanings, but also not anthropocentric? He's right that man playing God is the crux of all our problems (and those of all other life forms). That is the first, most troubling thing I can't get past, since that is the foundation of the whole thing - the promotion of Christianity and repentance.

What happened in 1929 was a huge wealth and land grab from most of the people by the grifters at the top, who never gave up that position, nor did their family dynasties of inherited wealth and buying of politicians ETC... so... what is this person proposing? Going back to a time in the constitution when there was slavery and women had no rights at all? I'm not so sold on any of these ideas, nor of any herd mentality whether it's fundamentalist vaccinated of fundamentalist unvaccinated or fundamentalist anything.

But thank you, I hope we can continue to meet about things in common and that doesn't discount my respect for you and your research and work. And please feel free to correct any wrong assumptions I might have made since we're all struggling to break free of the massive conditioning and attempts to keep us apart and fighting being set upon us., making us think we're more divided than we really are.

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So it's not as bad as we thought it was. How often has that happened lately?? But YES to the 5G evil, that must be what's bothering me here, as if that weren't enough! Or could be the radar from the airbase across the bay from me. Where do you go to get away from this stuff?!

Thank you again Reinette for your integrity and exellence.

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That's what is so awful these days, with the 5G satellites there is no escaping this. It's madness.

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Right, total insanity, but I'm just not ready to believe there is no solution.

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Literally the only place to go is off this planet.

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thanks for correction

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So bent radar beams hitting back down to earth should be regarded as no problem? Jeepers! That doesnt sound better. Meanwhile, thanks for explaining the mistake. Most importantly, as you stated we must remain vigilant

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I agree, Karafree. And in fact, NEXRAD needs more research. I don't buy that it's safe in any way!

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I figured you did not buy into it being safe.. just my personal response! But thank you for validating that we need to remain vigilant, watching and researching, and asking the questions.

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Thank you, Reinnette. Accurate and high integrity information is the currency of today and the future. This is real scientific and technical application of knowledge, not sensationalist and over-hyped.

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No worries, these are complex topics we're discussing, learning all the time, which is prudence, thanks for the refreshing honesty!

Nexrad is still not off the hook as it is part of the weather modifications system, so it may not be radiating us like 5G , but flooding, droughting or suchlike..... With the AI geoegineering programs running, it's still radar, therefore has an environment impact to some degree

Keep up the brilliant work, the more we know, the more we're prepared!

And aware of what's actually going on!


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Yup, again. I totally agree.

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So glad that Jim was able to explain the NEXRAD imagery and thanks for setting the record straight on this. I always appreciate when someone is willing to apologize and correct something.

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Oh yeah... fall down. Get back up. Repeat.

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None of us are perfect. If we all were, it would be a strange world.

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The only thing that protects us is to raise our own freguency thru whatever way we are led to by our Fathr Mothr God Goddess and become crystaline solar 5D compatible, so all of our DNA is connected not just one strand. Not an easy thing to do but if we are focusing on doing that we will find these very scary things that make it seem like we have become a victim, become the weaponry that envelopes whomever is using it as a weapon. It actually turns the gun on the personn pointing it at us and says like GRETA GOONBURY, "I DARE YOU'!!!!!LOL

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I work on that every day... hope the birds, bees, and animals do the same.

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I think Jim lee's piece on the moon is true,only lacks depth.Reality is what's true matches up with your Nexrad claim.you're changing your mind based on new information.my only question is are they capable of doing that? I doubt Jim Lee has ever seen this information,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Moon

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They ARE capable of doing this AND in fact, I have a staggering personal story about how Verizon tried to fry my hometown. I am now motivated to share this whopper of a story..... and it doesn't even include 5G, but with 4G towers.

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I thought so,I've been waking up around 3 am in the morning a lot the last few yrs.I just found out they reset the electrical grid at 3 am every night.From this guy,I can't believe I have not seen it before because it like 6 yrs old.Regardless I have had many astral projections the last 5 yrs so I resonated with what he says.Probably will watch it again because I'm not sure of the exact word he used about 3 am.By all means share your verizon story,it's up to each of us to raise our consciousness and so our vibration and our light so we can dssolve this dark technology with our light by reactivating some or all of that so called Junk DNA.I don't know if I can do it but I know you really have to make a sustained effort.They won't waste their time on you if you don't.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jgXZZ5wtnU

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Hi. So you are saying they reset every day at 3am. My former neighborhood has 2 5G towers there now. And my friend there has been waking up at 3AM every day too. No coincidence!

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Hi,no not me.I was wondering why I was waking up around 3am.Jason Quitt in the video tells us why.

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Are you taling Nevada County as your hometown? If so please do share the story. I've lived here going on 45 yrs. Thanks always for the great info Reinette.

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Wow…did I ever go “down the rabbit hole” on this one…link after link! Lots of deep stuff to ponder! This is definitely a “higher view” of things. 🧐😵‍💫

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Yes,a much higher view.The Guardians are here thru Lisa Renee to educate humanity,for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.My opinion is it's the truth.It's all truth.I have Laura Eisenhowers new book,called awaken in the truth frequency.She wrote the book based on information from the energetic synthesis website.I've been reading,rereading it for months myself but about a hundred pages into Laura's book.The truth most certainly is stranger than fiction.What fiction?Anyways Lisa says the true creator gods are coming back from the god worlds thru the 11th stargate which is the planet Uranus which has been reopened by the Guardians and the starseeds.The story that the Annunaki created the human race and even this universe is false.Disclosure is coming but if you wait for CNN to tell you it will not be true,just another controlled narrative.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Full_Disclosure_Event

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The true gods are coming out of Uranus?

You've got to be shitting me!

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Naw,the dark forces were evicted and the light regained control.It's a lot of information in that wbsite.How do you like it? Here's some more infor


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I took a peek and saw that there's a lot to take in. I've bookmarked the site and I'll get back to you at some point with my thoughts (only because you asked!).


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Thank you for explaining this Reinette. The timing of the blooms was weird as well, as the video shows the first one starting at 9:11pm and ending at 9:11am.

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The reason for the repetition of the 9:11 time is the refresh rate of the images. They aren't taken continuously exactly, but taken every set number of minutes (every 8 minutes for example). The images look continuous when played in succession. So every day there will be a refresh at 9:11 but not another until maybe 9:19. I haven't re-watched the video but it's probably not an obvious answer.

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I wonder how the underground fiber optics play into this and no wonder the psychopaths want to kill the bugs/trees….

I’ve noticed NorthCom is all over my county digging up perfectly good sidewalks and roads….to lay fiber optics:/

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Well, starting a few years ago, when I measure the ground with my EMF acoustimeter, it is hot. I actually get a reading from the ground and I'm not living in the city, a small foothill town.....

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yikes. so even fiber-optics not safe. they are rushing to put them in, even for us poor folk in low income apt. units on the rural island where I live - but they made our little town into an 'urban growth area' and are ramping up all electrification here as well... digital meters, grey boxes, and the like... not yet 'smart' meters, so they tell us... People are going to it like lemmings off a high cliff. Hard to get away from the radiowaves anywhere. Seem rural places are hit even harder with this stuff.

We're also close to the Canada border so... there has beem a fenced off area for 'Homeland Security' since 9-1-1, and military operations on the mountain in our State Park, also fenced off. with keep out and shock fences, etc. It doesn't take a genius to connect military applications for all of this that is happening - DARPA has its dirty hands in everything and that is only one department of the DOD - that website is mind blowing, for anyone who wants to understand what a matrix is.

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The scatter patterns look like the circulating beam form technology that comes off a phased array antenna system, which is SOME of the newer 5G systems.

Similar patterns, looks a spike photien 😂, similar recorded in Florida and Oz.

Doppler radar is a directional emitter/ sensor that works with reflection, refraction and absorbtion of the pulsed "waves" "shot with high energy output from a gradientable multiple monopole antenna array.

The same tech as 5G Nokia NR 3500 etc....., same problems.

Nexrad is creating a terrain map with deflections off the nano particulate suspended atmosphere bouncing to ground.

Intentional or not, the way I see it , it's another system that needs to be reviewed.

Nexrad has failed on countless times to prepare and warn for incoming hurricanes, which it was original sold and designed to do.....

Cheers , it's all good, onwards and upwards !

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The Mick, I totally agree with you regarding revealing NEXRAD. That is one of the biggest take-aways from this post for me. NEXRAD needs serious investigation. Basing their health findings on decades-old studies doesn't fly.

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Hmm. I don't buy that cover story. For one thing, for more than a years I have felt and MEASURED an increase in RF radiation with my Trifield meter on many nights. For another, how would this temperature inversion explain those very strange patterns of energy bursts in Texas and Nevada, among many other visible locations?

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Stuart, I have been MEASURING an increase as well. Whether NEXRAD is a part of this, I don't know. But not only is the reading being picked up more and more within my house, from the sky, targeted over my bed, but I have been getting readings from the ground!!

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