Thank you Reinette. They are masters of disguise and deceit. They've operated in secret hiding posing as Jews as far back as 700AD. I believe this is where the roots of Antisemitism began. More recently they're finally being exposed. When you learn who they are and what they do, the pieces of history, especially the wars, savagery, underhanded grabs for power all fall into place. They're the KHAZARIAN MAFIA, WEF GLOBALISTS, currently destroying humanity and our planet. It's all there to research online. Dr. John Coleman is an excellent source. Frances Leader's Substack The Black Nobility 101 is an eye opener. Many of these fine people believe we're winning this war, I pray they're right.

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I was introduced the Venetian Black Nobiity by BlueSky Reports in 2021.



I have been reading Frances Leaders Substack also. The archives are a great resource.

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Frances Leader, I suspect, is an atheist. She doesn't believe that God has won.

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She deserves FAR MORE RESPECT than that, her mind is not closed or boxed by religious dogma, being TRULY spiritual and being "religious" are two completely different worlds

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Nov 4, 2023
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Who are you speaking about here Frances Leader? She is none of those horrific judgements.

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Nov 6, 2023
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Your judgements about Frances Leader are untrue , unfounded , mean spirited, and should not be here , she is one of the best researchers in the world.

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Nov 6, 2023
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Spangle's spanner is twisted like his mind. He repeats his drivel over and over and over. Voltaire said “The more often a stupidity is repeated, the more it gets the appearance of wisdom”

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Nov 27, 2023
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You obviously have not ever read that the French were one of the worst anti-Semites.

You most probably don't know that many Muslims are also circumcised either.


Then I suggest you take a look at Scarlet and the Beast, War between English and French Freemasonry by John Daniel (1995).

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Nov 27, 2023
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I believe its the other way around, the Khazarian Jews infiltrated the Vatican and also Freemasonry. See this : The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus. These oaths are similar to those in the Talmud and in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

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The Vatican has been Luciferian from the start. Think -- who ordered the crucifixion of Yeshua? Rome. Who controlled Rome? Lucifer. Who "converted" to Christianity and then decided what Christianity was and was not? Rome.

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Luke 23:13-22, John 19:7.... and others clearly state it was the Jews who wanted Jesus crucified. Pilate said he found no fault in him. Jesus states who their father is in John 8:44.... and refers to them as those who call themselves Jews but are not. Rev 2:9 , 3:9

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Who wrote the book of Luke? Who wrote the book of John? History is written by the victors, don't you know?

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YAHOSHUA was NOT a Jew , HEBREW But not a jew.

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exactly my point...Pilate was Roman and didn't order the crucifixion, the Jews did. I was answering Diana's comment.

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Nov 4, 2023
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The seventeenth century is where it's at. The anticlerical generation.

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The KHAZARIANS are not Jews and they wrote the Talmud NOT THE JEWS.

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Nov 4, 2023
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OCD muich??? You better go back on your meds dude. Not see.

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Nov 4, 2023
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The Catholics pose as anti-Jewish, not as Jews.

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you are correct to a point. Conversos were Jews taking on non-Jewish names to avoid detection and deportation. Vatican II changed the Biblical story to say that the Jews did not kill Christ contrary to Paul's words. Catholics now endorse everything including abortion. Abortion and pornography are claimed to be a Jewish right by 114 Jewish organizations but one cannot point that out in our Jewish controlled media.

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"Paul's words." Well, if Paul said it, I guess that settles it!

Who is Paul and who is his master?

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Frances Leader has indeed been the master on this topic Black Nobility , but it gets REAL CONFUSING when your looking at millennia of infiltration, deceit and disguise , and this all goes way back farther , than the Khazar conversion, you have to back to Egypt, Babylon, Sumeria and maybe beyond, and what was really being worshiped and practiced by many very ancient peoples. Then you have to consider the David Icke material and others who show tremendous evidence for other species involvement. A recent example I saw [no way to absolutely prove or disprove] was testimony of a sex trafficked , trauma controlled female of Italian ancestry, who revealed much, and even said their are 3 families that meet once a year in Geneva ,S. ABOVE ALL THOSE WE COULD NAME. She called them the "dinosaur families" she claimed they do not come out in the sunlight, some members are 1000 years old , and do horrible unspeakable things to children and women. We live in a time when such things must be considered. By the way C.E.R.N in Switz. is located directly above the ancient temple of Apollo way underground.

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That's all well and good however it would behoove the rest of mankind today if those that are asleep and/or the deluded ⬇️ would know what is and has been going on.

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Of course dont see what your replying on to my comment of is it from someone else .

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Nov 5, 2023
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Not see

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Nov 4, 2023Edited
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This quote confirms what I was going to suggest: "In addition, Loyola himself has long been noted for his strong philo-Semitism, and one recent PhD thesis[1] has even advanced a convincing argument that Loyola’s maternal grandparents, (his grandfather, Dr. Martín García de Licona, was a merchant and financial advisor at court), were full-blooded conversos — thus rendering the ‘Basque nobleman’ halachically Jewish."

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There really is an active conspiracy, the industrial/military/judicial/legislative/executive/banker/ BAR/royalist/Nazi/communist/Muslim/catholic/Jesuit/Khazarian/UN/Big Pharma/medical conspiracy complex. Minus the Georgia Guidestones.

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Does that "oath" not say it ALL? These creeps are truly, completely and irrevocably, the worst type of human that could possibly exist. They ARE "the devil" if any such thing exists. Or...let us presume that "devil" means lived backwards, and therefore the lowest of the low vibrations? And they expressed their lowness QUITE distinctly and graphically, wouldn't you say? And THESE are the "powers" that most of the population in various countries "follow". I wonder if they would remain followers, if they were taught the TRUTH.

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You Americans have a 2nd Amendment & your Founding forefathers consent WHAT IN GODs Name are you waiting for.

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Trump invoked the Insurrection Act in January 2021. We are letting our armed forces take out the Luciferians and their minions.

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Executive Order 13848 was decreed on September 12, 2018.



This report explains the Insurrection Act well.



This is easier to read.


The Insurrection Act and Use of the US Military on US Soil

https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title10-section252&num=0&edition=prelim The next link is easier to read.


President Trump invoked the Stafford Act in March of 2020.



I do not think the Stafford Act was invoked for public health reasons. I think it was invoked for other reasons. I think he had some help anticipating what was going to happen on November 3, 2020 and took measures to set up "boxes" for those committing crimes.

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Sorry to say but most of your military is satanic ,Far as Trump goes he is one of them dont fall for the shurade he is a free mason and is still taking credit for the bio weapon that has and is killing millions of Americans and little children just as all Jesuits they change there names to fool the people Trumps real last name is Drumph there all in on it sorry you dont want to hear this but the RESERCH says so Q is a sy op and run by the Nobility , if trump was such a good guy why dident he support the ones who went to jail and are still in jail becuse of storming the white house at least pay for there layers , and why dident he pardon Julian lasage when he was acting Presedent , if he was against the ELITE which he is apart of they would of gotten rid of him a long time ago , the only one that is going to stand against the ELITE is the people and i dont see that happening just a bunch of key board warriors SO SAD BUT TRUE hopefully the people will rise up till then dont hold your breath darling , have a great day

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Completely true Craig, and here is another nail in the coffin on belief in TRUMP check this out who he is speaking to at this convention IS who put him in office before anyway not all those who believe the BS about him , I have tried to tell everyone about this BEFORE he even ran for office , I personally knew people who worked for his family and friends and told me all about them in the 80 's even. Americans buy the same lies and BS over and over

Trump Promises VENGEANCE Against Hamas - Goes Full Warmonger!


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Nov 4, 2023
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And those same British are in control of our navy and nukes in the Med. now just itching for Armegeddon

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Nov 4, 2023
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very good , know do some Reserch on Drumph

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Learn how to spell.

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Do you think Trump was aware of what was in the vaccines.


since it’s the Obama Brain Initiative, & Obama was just put in charge of some AI ... that he’s not aware

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So much for Q nonsense psyop

- going full speed ahead for WW111 an suppression of free speech.

Trump Promises VENGEANCE Against Hamas - Goes Full Warmonger!


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Nov 4, 2023
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The protocols were initially "discovered" by a member of the "Theosophy society" (strongly linked to freemasonry and progenitor of various pagan and Luciferian movements including the Nazi party, Golden Dawn, New Age spiritualism, Scientology) and then "debunked" by Allen Dulles who went on to head up the CIA.

In other words they are so bound up with political agents of all stripes that it is hard to know whether they are real or fake - and, if fake, who faked them and why.

Certainly the plan the document reveals appears to have been put into operation by someone.

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I have always found it remarkable that people argue over this document /book about whether its faked or not , its an agenda and far older than that "discovered version" and if it has rolled out nearly exactly as fore mentioned , where is the argument of fake or non fake ? Somebody IS making it all happen.

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Nov 5, 2023
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not happening that is a psyop check this out

Trump Promises VENGEANCE Against Hamas - Goes Full Warmonger!


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Wonderful that you have shown this , many of us have been trying to tell everyone this for a long time no more evil organizations on the planet than they and the Vatican for which they serve as a military and intell arm They too though were created in the dark by the Black Nobility families and blood lines going back much farther in time. This is a major reason why all 3e false religions stemming from Abraham are now in a death grip to their Armegeddon end , which they all want and the believers in those false religions have been led to believe must happen for their salvation

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It was also this organization who created the COMMUNIST REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA

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.....however MUCH of a hand they had on Wall Street - the late Antony Sutton makes CLEAR, a distinct Catholic role as well ('Lenin', identified as one) in his related book [title].....

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Nov 4, 2023
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.....no, I am NOT - do READ the BOOK before you [TYPICALLY] spout OFF, Clarence; besides, I'd argue the distinction's DUBIOUS - in SOME instances.....

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Nov 4, 2023
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I am aware of this for sure Schiff 's grandfather more accurately funded the Russo Japanese conflict but was partnered with those funding Bolshevism as well but they are all connected arent they ?

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Nov 4, 2023Edited
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I did not disagree with this above why are you cursing me ? I know what they were.

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People Do Not Understand How Much The Jesuits Have Infiltrated North America After Our Forefathers Came Here From Europe To Escape The Persecution Of The Roman Church!

Jesuit's Are Not The Only Parasites In North America However!

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Thanks for broaching this topic Reinette.

Trump and Melinda Gates can be included on your list. Catholic Bill Gates has pumped tens of millions of dollars into Jesuit causes. The new hall at the Vatican is in the shape of a serpents head. The list goes on ad on.


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Nov 4, 2023Edited
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Wasn't Gate's mother involved with IBM which gave or sold the microsoft PC software and business to him

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Horrific new stories every day. As long as it all is getting disseminated, we are making progress of a kind. This is new to me, so I have nothing to add except to note that individuals all have different involvements with groups like this, so we must not panic at the prospect of a monolithic enemy. Stay calm, do your part, and carry on. If things were as dark as the stories, we would all be marching around with electric dog collars. Some of this has to be psych op.

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I don't know enough of this either, but I don't believe everyone in every group is bad/evil, whatever name you want to give them. That I think is discrimination and that is the division the ones trying to control us want to use all the time, race, sex , ethnicity, age, education, anti....... whatever fill in the blank, etc. Not all masons are bad either. The division tactics are very American and I refuse to follow it. Yes there are bad people in these secrets societies and we can expose that, but don't put everyone in the same group. The schools someone listed from Wikipedia, I went to one for a semester, that doesn't mean anything. I don't like the group mentality of always putting people in categories based on some things in their lives. It's the European traits in me I guess. Americans operate very differently and since covid that has become super clear to me even though I have lived in America most of my life.

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You are correct. Not everybody in all these groups are evil. There are various levels and degrees. My men in my family were masons, low level. I don't believe they had any clue beyond a weird oath, how evil the masons are..... it's like one big Manhatten Project.

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Aren't these the people who were called “useful idiots“ ?

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I do agree that not everyone in these societeies understands the aims and objectives of the leaders. In fact (all?) secret societies are organized in concentric circles, each circle believing it knows the truth but in fact being led towards an end which it does not understand by the inner circles.

Even so, I am not sure that all the people involved - if they take the oaths and follow the orders - are not evil though. Foolish, ignorant and weak for sure - but evil as well in the same sense as a nazi prison guard. Following the orders of evil liars can hardly be described as the behavior of a good man.

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.....my father - born in Havana, June 1913 - but family emigrated there from Galicia / Spain (discovered a year ago last summer I'm DISTANT cousins with that province's president, Alberto Fejoo) and then to East Boston - became a Shriner as part of the Worcester-based (now defunct; merged) 'Montacute' lodge on April 10th, 1944; that city's historical society sent me a copy of his registration card (among OTHER artifacts) then - still have NO idea exactly WHAT motivated him to DO so though; our Sephardic roots? Mere social station? Just NOT sure.....

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Anyone promoting New World Order is part of this club. Please do the research everyone.

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And let's all not forget to add King Charles to that list.

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Nov 4, 2023
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Thank You Good Sir Saved!

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....I firmly believe that Third Reich agent (was appointed to the board of Brown Brothers-Harriman in 1971 just before being elected to Congress - VERY much a Rockefeller-Rothschild pawn like LBJ & Nixon who's greased the way for children of Nazis EVER since) Biden has at least SOME German and Jewish lineage; his surname SCREAMS as much etymologically - KNOW Jill (nee Jacobs) does; her familial connection to Leo Franks, publicly lynched - leading to the ADL's establishment.....

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That is an interesting magazine... Jesuits, proudly calling out the Jesuits.

Kavanaugh is Jesuit trained too I noticed.

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That oath that Reinette read was from 1883... and still these murderous psychopaths persist. They continue to carry out their evil. How is it that they indoctrinate the people they train to such a degree that they would take to such an oath?

1883! That's 140 years ago. This has been going on for at least 140 years. Let that sink it!

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Well my dear itis called NASA which means to decieve! And decieved you/we have been for many moons, Speaking of moon no we were also NASA'ed there too, No one has set foot on the MOON,,,,,,,,

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from a native Hebrew speaker...

The verb נָשָׂא (/nasa/) actually means lift or carry (or marry). However, the archaic verb נָשָׁא (/nasha/) does mean to deceive.

Considering they specialize in deceiving, it's a fitting name. But they dropped the 'h'.

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Yes you'er right, I just neglected to add the H to NASAH!

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Nov 4, 2023
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There were no Israeli's in those days!!!

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Nov 5, 2023
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.....honestly Victor, that's a MAJOR stretch - but as 'Diehold Foundation's Douglas Vogt points out, agency's establishing less than a year after the 'International Geophysical Year' / 'IGY's observance (1957) WAS for a VERY unusual, ostensibly-SECRET reason: to obtain proof that there were PERIODIC solar MICROnovae which wiped out MOST life on Earth from time to time previously (those TORMENTING us, DO in part I believe because there's an ancestral trauma - MOST, having FORGOTTEN tales of actual related experiences - resulting from the LAST one - and NEXT threatening US, is NO later than 2046 by ALL indications; terrestrial magnetic field''s [cyclically] COLLAPSING, fast....I'm TRYING at present to get a MUCH-wider dialogue STARTED about it, so we have SOME chance of minimizing its profoundly-DEPRESSING effects.....)


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Not good timing for this to improve conditions between peoples around the world. People are already fighting, jews vs muslims, and brainwashed college students will not pause to include catholics now.

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Merely points out their successful indoctrination skills at manipulating the population.

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I believe the Khazarian Zionist Jews infiltrated the Vatican and also Freemasonry. See this : The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus. These oaths are similar to those in the Talmud and in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Edward Hendrie also wrote a book about this: Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great.

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Lori Lynn, this is correct. I have hit upon this in the past and will do further deep dives into this. I believe it is imperative we root out this evil, so as to free ourselves from its chains.

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I look forward to it, loving your substack!

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Thanks, Reinette. The panoply of secret organizations with nefarious agendas would not be complete without the inclusion of Jesuits. I remember watching - several years back - a show on Gaia (when David Wilcock was still on) one of of his shows interviewing someone on this topic. (I know Wilcock has undermined himself by fabricating stories with Corey Goode; but this was not that show.) At any rate, the interview was eye-opening and they discussed the Jesuit take over of media going back to the 1800's. Also noted the practice of 'confession' was a Jesuit invention, and a means to learn a community's dirty secrets, so they could use them for bribery. (Makes sense.)

Would be fascinating to know how these groups intersect and the level of collaboration (or lack of) among them. Being seen though is their kryponite. They are losing power and influence by the minute. Best.

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Fascinating about confessions! I had no idea..... but it makes so much sense particularly when you consider who blackmail is the basis for all the horrific leadership we have been enduring these days.

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I am so sad. I voted for you. And I even put out a lawn sign for you which I have never done before. I SO wanted you to be our Govenor. You have such a great plan for California (and the rest of the world). I am almost 70. Will I get to see our side win?

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Elizabeth, it's darkest before the light? What we see is not new; it has been under the surface for centuries, and we have been enslaved to it. This must come to light so we can unchain ourselves and live as the free sovereign beings that we are! Don't be dismayed. The darkness is being uncovered and the evil disassembled before our eyes!

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How bizarre. In what possible way do these blood-thirsty "Jesuits" purport to be devoted to Jesus, the penultimate Prince of Peace, love and individual human dignity. No question mark because it has no answer.

Well, good luck to them. They're in competion with so many nefarious groups trying to seize all Earthly power unto themselves.

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For those Christians who pray for the J-E-Ws and think they are Blessed open your Bible to Revelation 2,9 & 3,9 wake E wake E wake E.............................................................

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God is addressing this towards those that claim to be Jews but weren’t. He wasn’t addressing the true Jewish population.

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Never said i was a Hamas supporter you uneducated CREAP , love to see you talk to me in person like that , you would wish you were in palistine you RETARD

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Are you off your meds again?

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This is exactly how you've been programmed to think by KHAZARIAN MAFIA.

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