Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 16, 2023

In Dr. Malone’s July 8th substack entitled “Perspectives, Values & the Covid Crisis”. Among those other things he talked about Ethics. One of the first things he said was that Simone had called him asked him to participate in an event she has planned in DC the end of the month she is planning as a follow up event to the original “Americas Frontline Doctors” protest. He accepted. I was furious – still am. I posted the following which of course got backlash. And I canceled my paying subscription.

My July 8th reply:

"Ethics. My big Ontological Shocks have all been about ethics. One of my top values is to strive to act ethically, and to surround myself with ethical people."

Dr. Malone, the fact that you agreed to participate in Simone Gold's continuing unethical charade tells me you do not really believe the above. Although initially she was a great advocate for what is right regarding the Covid response, she has done so much damage to that effort since. I am really disappointed in you for agreeing to be part of anything Simone Gold.

Reinette, I posted this before I saw that you've posted about his substack. I just wanted to get it out there ASAP, so I'm glad you know about this and are broadcasting it here.

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SB, So glad you spoke up, and I'm not surprised you got backlash. There has been a concerted effort to shut down those calling out the criminals in both movements. Thank you for taking a stand

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Well, I gave as good as I got! :)

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If you have looked at any of the information that George Webb has put out about him you will know why he is not to be trusted. I have been trying to inform the freedom movement, but don't have a social platform, so it feels as if I get ignored most of the time. I will say this again, he is trying to.save himself before the public turn on him. The fact that he is going after Dr Breggin is another issue for me too. Explain why he came forward so late into covid when he knew about everything? Steve Kirsch i question too and he promotes Malone.

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Yeah. I suspected Malone early on because he was working with mrna and has several patents of his own. And didn't disclose that on his own until someone else revealed this - namely Dr. Beggin. He us suing him for 25 million which Malone knows is ridiculous.

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Thank you. I haven't heard of George Webb, but I will look him up.

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He is on Rumble under his name, but those are all short videos. His substack is under his name and he has written a lot about Malone. He is often in the show The Duke Report on Rumble, but they haven't discussed Malone as much lately. I only watch or read bits here and there as I have heard enough to understand the bigger picture. He posts on twitter too.

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I too have written about Malone, I have quite a database on him and his wife. I discovered that in 2011 he wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids- Meryl Nass wrote a post attacking me, accusing me of being part of the deep state😂😂I'm not qualified to be part of these elite groups.

I've been following Webby for several years, he does good work.

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Makes sense now combined with everything else! What a bunch of crooks, conartists, and flat out murderers.

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he says in the substsack screenshot that he accepted "without a second thought". He may come to regret not taking a few minutes to have that 'second thought'.

This even more firmly solidifies in my mind that Malone is not one of the good guys despite the carefully crafted perception he and others try to promote of him.

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No, Malone is not a good one. I now know this for a fact...

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So do I. George Webb and Mark Kulacz have gathered tons of data on Malone's record of performance. Bad hombre, muy malo.

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My concern is SG, Malone, etc. is how "they" will try to end the true medical freedom movement.

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He has always been "one of them".

Wake up.

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deletedJul 16, 2023·edited Jul 16, 2023
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Thank you for this! I wanted so much to be a constitutional lawyer, but the universe had different ideas. I developed multiple disabilities during my first year and was only able to complete that year.

FYI, i tried the link twice and it wouldn't load.

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THERE IS NO SUCH THINGS AS A CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER! If they are members of the BAR they are agents of a foreign power openly trying to destroy America. IF THEY ARE BAR MEMBERS or use Esquire in their TITLE they are directly in violation of the Constitution. They may or may not have studied the original ORGANIC CONSTITUTION or the replacement CORPORATE one of 1871, but that does not make them Constitutional lawyers. I have known many private citizens with far more knowledge and study on this , but they are not allowed to help defend you in our corporate/military/statutory code courts. As I have stated before here in WASH. STATE , we offered a serious $10,000 reward for anyone who could prove they were a licensed Constitutional attorney in the state, NO ONE even took us up on this offer. We had proof no attorneys or lawyers in the state were even LICENCED , they were simply members of the BAR {British accredited registry} a private corporation under the crown.

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Jul 18, 2023·edited Jul 18, 2023

I don't know why you are harassing and yelling at me. Maybe it is because you are afraid to tell Dena Sachs who teaches Constitutional law your "expert" opinion. As for me Ill just pretend there is a BS emoji to place here. But I'm sure you will just continue with your expert diatribe on how much you know about the lack of constitutional lawyers. UGH

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Im neither harrassing or yelling at you, no reason to do that, just relaying real experience . lots of people teach Constitutional law and never reveal what a recent guest on Reinettes show revealed about the replacement corporate constitution and much more. B. H. Obama claims to have taught Constitutional Law at Harvard, total lie . never even went there , and is a complete fraud ID , and CIA creation all the way. Dersh. claims to be the ultimate Constitutional professor, and believes the defacto gov. has the right to forcibly inject you with deadly nano bioweapons, and should whenever they create a fake plandemic to justify their transhumanist agenda. Maybe the bs symbol applies to you. You go ask Dena Sachs about these things. She wont tell the truth about nano bio weapons or geoengineering in court or they will disbar her. Karen Kinston and others I know personally are doing so.

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Thomas, I want you to know I understand what you are saying. And I am, essentially, functioning, and fighting, in two different parallel universes. As far as the case(s) we bring forward: scientific arguments in the courts are not strong ones.... that is why we are not taking this route. We will not be fighting over the merits of nano bio weapons or the science of geoengineering.

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Just WOW! Thank you!!

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Please take a good and complete look at all this , this is breakthrough and complete info and supports what I said from day one . 5G , cell phones/towers , nano biotech weapons sprayed in chemtrail spray programs , on food , in water , GMO food , injections and human resonance transmission , not just shedding. SK


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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

The following is from Reinette's and GenSeven's lawyer, a former tenured professor of law with a speciality in tort liability for speech.

The content of this podcast is immune from liability because it is based on the content of publicly filed court records. If Dr. Gold threatens to sue for defamation, that would be frivolous and a perfect example of the reason anti-SLAPP legislation was promulgated. SLAPP stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, i.e., filing a defamation lawsuit to chill free speech derogatory of the plaintiff. Dr. Gold and her lawyers should know that since Gold voluntarily injected herself into a public controversy (see Gertz v. Welch) and appeared online and on TV, she is a limited purpose public figure if not a public figure (the latter is doubtful as no one I know ever heard of her outside of the so-called Freedom Movement). Either way, the elements of proof are the same: Gold, as a public-figure, would have to prove a high level of fault to estalblish defeamation liability, i.e., the NYTimes v. Sullivan (1964) standard: actual malice. It is not about malice, it is a term of art. It means that the defendants acturally knew what they said was not true or acted recklessly in disseminating defamatory information.

The content of this show does not come close to meeting this standard. Reinette and Kevin are discussing public court records and the First Amendment right of free speech includes a near-absolute (if not entirely absolute) right to disseminate the contents of public records, even if the informaiton contained in the public record is false (and here I think it's true). The content of the court records is immune from liability per se, meaning a plaintiff cannot sue based on what the records say.

I heard Dr. Gold likes to threaten to sue people for defamation desipte the frivolity of such a case (known as legal bullying) because the "defamation" is true (a complete defense) or immune for the reasons described above. Not only will she lose such a case, but she will have to pay the defendant's attorney's fees pusuant to anti-SLAPP legislation. She (and possibly her lawyers) are headed for a heap of trouble from what I understand. By the way, Gold is her married name, and I wonder what her ex-husband thinks of her use of his cool name, dragging it through the mud and all.

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Yep...... THIS is why we have you as our lead counsel on our Geoengineering lawsuit, Deana. You know the law. You know the Constitution, and nobody could hold a candle to you in court!

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Wow. We have the same situation going on at our condo association. A 37 unit complex with 1 commercial space. These people must be held accountable. Keep up the good work and uphold your fiduciary duty. I know we are!

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Ive been waiting to hear more about all this and will need more time to do the deep dive , but its not looking good for Gold , Mack , or Malone , and for this reason I was disgusted about her role and appearance before and donating to :The Great Awakening Movie , which I thought was good, but her participation worried me greatly. I said from day one on this , this looks and smells like Mossad/CIA all the way .

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Mikki Willis' documentary The Great Awakening? I don't remember her in that.

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She was going down the red carpet, being interviewed, and while I haven't watched The Great Awakening, I know Mikki's stance is don't rock the medical freedom boat. Soooo, just let the criminals run free.

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Mikki is a good filmmaker, a great storyteller, and he has a great speaking and narration voice. But after the 'flood the zone' manipulation we have all been put through these past 3.5 years I am so aware of when someone is trying to manipulate me emotionally that I have become very suspicious of Mikki after hearing his telling of his 9-11 experience (his story is of being there, being one of the volunteer SAR people). Then this latest film especially, which focused a lot on him, had a ton of emotional manipulation going on. Which I realize in a way is one of the primary purposes of movies, including documentaries, but I don't care if it ruins the movie experience for me, I'm still going to heed the red flags I now get when that kind of manipulation is going on. I think there is a certain flavor of emotional manipulation, it's very intentional. We have a lot of opportunity right now to learn and practice discernment, to know who is lying to us and who is telling us the truth.

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All good points, Donna. I have become Uber-aware of this as well. Also, how and where a "narrator" positions oneself in the story. Also, pay close attention to the music. I studied filmmaking for 8 years in LA. They call it "music manipulation." It can evoke any kind of music a person wants to get out of its audience.... it can be very subtle but powerful. I have yet to watch The Great Awakening. I have a feeling it will be difficult to stomach -- per the points you make.

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Actually it would be good to hear your perception after seeing it , I understand all the above comments and certainly saw and felt some of that , BUT as we were watching it , I kept saying to everyone [we watched as a group] that there people understand Hollywood style and know how to use it , and if that reaches more people who ARE programmed to this methodology , and moves them into the awakened population , then it may be useful tradeoff , WE NEED MORE PEOPLE.

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Here in Norway they used music in newscasts leading up to the attack on Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. I pointed that out to my wife, and when she looked at me I could see a gigantic question mark above her head.

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Oh wow, they actually come right out and say it, music manipulation! You are so right Reinette, the music is HUGELY IMPORTANT! It is what evokes the emotional response more than anything else. I saw this so clearly decades ago when I would watch the bonus videos of deleted scenes, etc. They didn't have the music to them, and it was a completely different experience. I think most people are not even aware of the music when they are watching movies or tv. I think you are probably right that The Great Awakening would be hard for you to stomach. But if you can manage to tolerate it, it can be informative as to what narrative is being pushed, how and in what direction they are manipulating, etc.

Thank you Reinette for being such a breath of fresh air with integrity and truth in this stiflingly manipulative environment we now find ourselves in.

Have you heard of Todd Callender? I just heard an interview with him talking about how none of the federal government stooges have taken a valid oath of office. Not one of them. I think that you mentioned the oaths of office not being valid recently, or am I mistaken? I think The Epoch Times reported on this too. He also said that Biden, Trudeau and Obrador (Mexican president) met in Mexico City Jan 10, 2023 and made a declaration of North America saying our countries no longer exist. They dissolved the North American territories - so they won't be defending them, but also the intense pushing of the toxic injections have decimated the military. I saw Theresa Long is one of the speakers in The End of COVID. I was really happy to see that, but having heard this interview I'm really hoping she has some updates on what has happened in the military, because it's been a while since I heard her speak about it last.

So I don't know much about Todd Callender but I if that is true, it's extremely disturbing. Do you know anything about that?

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While Thomas, below, may be correct, I know the Oaths of Office and have reported on it a few times. This was the first time: https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/corruption-of-the-california-oath?


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Yes Todd is correct BUT , that has long been the case with the replacement Constitution of 1871 . Even if they take oaths and have them on file , IT IS TO THIS DEFACTO constitution /defacto fraud government .We have tried actions on the oaths , they go NOWHERE because all the judges in the current military style court KNOW they too will go down in flames if they ever admit this, and make rulings on it . I have been seriously threatened by Judges for even mentioning this and other critical issues like the gold fringe on defacto American flag and more

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I wish Mikki Willis would look deeper at facts considering he came from being completely fooled about Bernie Sanders and his communist agendas. But I think he along with Del still believe in the virus narrative and think it is the only way to win in court. And how much winning is really going on after 3 years?! So as long as you keep that storyline going we will always have public health threats that rhey can claim as another pandemic. That's not freedom and it's another lie(s). In my opinion. Reinette you are the true hero!!

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I heard Del's rant against those who are calling out the virus fraud -- it was so devoid of logic it was almost unbelievable. Del has made a LOT of money off the health freedom/anti-vaxx, we're going to sue them narrative and he sounds to me like his 'I bring you the truth' stance/promise takes a back-seat to the money and fame he has experienced since the plandemic. Or maybe it's just that he gets himself all worked up emotionally and his higher cognition shuts down and he really believes the nonsensical things I have heard him say, but it's hard to believe that's the case.

I really don't understand why so many people are so personally attached to the virus myth and dogma. What kind of magic is behind that spell that so many people will vehemently defend it, they won't even listen to facts presented by the other side. We were all indoctrinated about viruses, but the spell doesn't work on us... how are we different?

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Del was my big understanding of vaccines, cdc, Act 1986 and many other issues so I do respect his knowledge. I think for me it has to do with that I have known about the world not being what we were told for over a decade and covid moved information in even faster and I take it and learn even more. Someone like Del is new to it. He was only focused in one area and didn't believe in " conspiracy theories " being a real thing. I stopped watching him as I couldn't handle that nothing he said was changing anything going on and he was always focused on lawsuits, donanting etc and the endless talk about a virus. As a matter of fact I follow very few people or groups unless I am learning about the constitution or bill of rights as I am bored with covid and want solutions to our problems. I want to help stop.the un agenda which is far worse the covid. And btw, I think Del has made a lot of money off this situation and good for him, but it didn't change much in my opinion.

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My experience is so similar to yours, with regards to Del and in general, seeing what was going on well before CONVID. I stopped watching him quite a while ago too, having learned a lot, but didn't like how he would get so emotional and try to rile the viewers up, pushing the fear and anxiety buttons. He would get almost confrontational and aggressive. I know he's made a lot of money off what he does... just look at the mansion and land he bought, the studio they created, etc. They didn't need a studio like that to deliver the message. There were a lot of people who I followed for a time starting in 2020, but I too stopped following a lot of them because I got up to speed with what was going on, had my initial 'knowing' about the vaccine agenda confirmed, etc, and I got tired of the ones who were pushing fear, or savior narratives.

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Because the population has been programmed for 100 plus years to the virus understanding AND they ARE cooking up all kinds of somethings in these bio labs that are infections , toxic, weaponized and such . What they TRULY are will remain in confusion because they want it that way, and its reinforced on all levels. They are using toxins , venoms , cross domain bacteria, synthetic biologicals , parasites , fungus , toxic nano metals, NLP , graphene , and who knows what else . NO ONE yet knows the symbiotic combinations of these. except maybe the ET ' s in the underground bases working with them or maybe A.I.

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"We were all indoctrinated about viruses, but the spell doesn't work on us... how are we different?"

Because we are WILLING to look at things that are uncomfortable to look at. They are not. They are like ostriches and toddlers. Like ostriches, toddlers think they're invisible when they hide their face. This way the evil can't find them. It's a misunderstood form of self preservation.

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I think Del may be under threat of Big Pharma. After all these years and money and all the research of his team, how could the entire root ball of the corrupt medical industrial compkex not be seen already! ?!

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Because its military in origin and that is VERY DANGEROUS to expose

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This has been a problem in US politics in general for decades.

"It's ok when the "Pepsi" people are doing it because that's my team, but I will not tolerate it when the "Coke" people are doing it."

Hypocrisy plain and simple.

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As Reinette said below she was all over the RED CARPET BS before the movie premiere and IS A MAJOR FINANCIAL DONOR to the movies creation ,[interesting coverup and way to use all that stolen loot] . she was interviewed as well and was there with her mossad toyboy.

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So, it's July 28th and... She just did it! They are ALL dupes and charletans, standing there on the steps of DC, behind that woman.

Take names. They are now all complicit.

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Why was Kevin Jenkins removed from the Zelenko Foundation Board on 3/12/2023? Does he still owe the foundation $30,000?

Why did Kevin not show up to fulfill his speaking commitment at the Truth Tour in San Diego on 6/24/2023? Was it because he was instructed not to speak about Dr. Simone Gold? Does Kevin not have anything else to contribute?

Why won't you call out the conflict of interest of Kevin Jenkins having been the CEO of Freedom Med? What so horrifically happened at Freedom Med between July and August of 2022 for it to be "Paused?" Let's have a look on the Wayback machine. https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/kevin-jenkins-attacks-on-dr-simone

Would you agree Freedom Med claimed it was doing what both AFLDS and GoldCare are ACTUALLY doing?

Was it a coincidence that, at that time, Dr Simone Gold was in jail at a high security prison for a misdemeanor? (It is an abomination on how you gloss over J6?)

So when did Kevin "pause?"

What happened to the Urban Global Health Alliance? Is there any good work being done there?

Why is Kevin pitching Cardio Miracle in a June interview with "Ladies of Another View." Did he disclose his financial interest since he is claiming to be the CEO of a not-for-profit org?

Who is Kevin's wife? Did Kevin have some lien issues of his own?


Why does Kevin yell all the time? Not very CEO-like, would you agree?


Why does The Wellness Company have Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statements on its website under its career listings?

Is it interesting that Foster Coulson is involved with Zelenko's cash cow Zstack and The Wellness Company?

Although Kevin got voted off of the Zelenko Foundation's Board, could it be possible he is still on the payroll? Should we ask?

Reinette, Can a good tree produce bad fruit, and can a bad tree produce good fruit? Let's compare Kevin and Dr. Simone Gold. Who has PRODUCED in the medical freedom movement, and who has not?

"A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions." Matthew 7:17-20 NLT

ALL GLORY TO GOD! How amazing HE IS to guide me on 7/17 to quote Matthew 7/17!!! Praise the Lord!

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Here comes the counter attack.

Much of what you ask about I'm familiar with including the fact that Simone Gold was demanding Jenkins not speak at the Truth Tour (she much for Free Speech Foundation).

But in your Peter70x7 blog post, you actually share AFLDS.org, (stolen by Gold, run by Israelis in Israel) and their hit piece that is ignoring AZ court decision as some proof.

That's laughable.

And as I stated in my piece above. This is not Jenkin vs. Gold. This is calling out Gold's continued criminality. Much of which I have as overwhelming evidence that comes from many different sources beyond Jenkins.

So, good try.

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Your anti-semitic statements both here, and elsewhere in the comments, are VERY revealing. So, are you casting Dr Zev Zelenko in the same light? Since you know everything, then answer my first question Reinette? Why did Kevin get removed from the Zelenko Foundation Board? And does he still owe them $30k?

The point I made in my post is that Jenkins was the CEO of a competing, misleading, and failing organization to AFLDS/GoldCare, and then after hitting "pause" he teleports into the Chair of the AFLDS Oversight Committee to point out the misdeeds of the most courageous doctor in America that did time for all of us... so he can crush her and take over her position??? Reinette, the America that-once-was referred to such conduct as CONFLICT OF INTEREST! Comprende'? But now we have men in the women's locker room. You good with that, too?

As for the Truth Tour, you just lied. I know exactly how that happened which had nothing to do with Dr Gold. Lies are sins. Nothing laughable about that.

To throw you a bone and to prove I'm out for exposing dark corners, I agree with you on Malone. He is a much MUCH greater problem to the medical freedom movement. Read up on George Webb's Substack and then ponder, why is Malone suing to destroy Peter Breggin and Jane Ruby, but not Webb? Also, www.123masspsychosis.com

Reinette, we live in prophetic and Biblical times, and the hour is late. Rather than worry about Agenda 2030, I suggest watching this impressive presentation of Messiah 2030. May God Almighty soften your heart and reveal Himself to you, in the name of Yeshua Ha'Mashaich, Christ Jesus. https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/messiah-2030-reveals-the-real-agenda

In all likelihood, no, with complete certainty, WE ARE ALL WRONG!

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Anti-semitic. Obviously, you just lost the argument. I have no idea what you are talking about casting Dr Z in any particular light. You are grasping at straws, protecting a woman that continues to have $30 million in her possession. Why does THAT not bother you?

I have been speaking and interviewing others in ALFDS and the story that you are spinning is nowhere near what I have experienced and reported.

The only person I have ever experienced trying to crush others IS Gold! And not just me....

Why do you continue to ignore all the evidence I have shared regarding Gold?

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The minute they play the "anti -semitic accusation card , its easy to see their bias and ignore the attacks. We all see your doing serious investigating we all should know the truth about , that is not easy and takes time , and unfortunately is dangerous.

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You didn’t answer a single question which implies you didn’t see or hear a word!

‘And after they had argued back and forth among themselves, they left with this final word from Paul: “The Holy Spirit was right when he said to your ancestors through Isaiah the prophet,

‘Go and say to this people: When you hear what I say, you will not understand.

When you see what I do, you will not comprehend. For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes—so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand,and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’ Acts 28:25-27 / Isaiah 6:9-10

Your reader GreaterIsrahell (an anti-Semitic name), is anti-Semitic. By all means, have the last word. Praise the Lord!

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You are deflecting from Gold's continued criminal activity. If you are to judge anyone, I encourage you start with her.

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You can bet your last petrodollar, Reinette, if ever the court orders and subpoenas start coming that the stolen money will be in Switzerland, and Simone Gold will be on the first El Al flight to Tel Aviv. For the sake of Israel firsters' convenience there is no extradition treaty between the US and Israel. Remember the five dancing Israelis?

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Damn.... I did not know about the extradition!

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The people donating want the truth. I do want an honest politician. I want truth, justice, honesty and courts who base their rulings on the constitution. And I believe that is what all Americans really want. The people who are benefitting from the graft are not every day normal Americans trying to protect our families and save our country from this deep corruption. That money came from donations. It was never hers.

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Thank you RS!! You would think donors want the truth BEFORE donating! I donated to AFLDS early on, but stopped immediately with the first hint of fishy smell. You think flack about Simone is bad. Try speaking up about Tim Ballard being a conman. He's been pulling on heartstrings and stealing to the tune of almost $100 million now with Sound of Freedom ticket sales. It's a deep vast rabbit hole.

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Yep, I just saw a ton of Illuminati poses from Tim Ballard just yesterday. That's all I needed to see. You won't find one photo of me posing like that.... but there are dozens of him doing that, and holding the hand of Pope John Paul that he is kneeled before, for Pete's sake. Nope. You aren't going to find photos of me and you in any of these compromised positions.

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He retired a little too early and abandoned a $12 million DHS pension to hunt for a particular child abuse victim, but he's been supported by a Mexican billionaire who also donates to the Gates Foundation.

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Shakespere was right, " THE WORLD IS A STAGE "

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....or a video game. I'm not sure yet.

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Don't forget about your garden, keep your health up. Eat plenty of avocado and tomato's . I see the avocado as a big pharma pill.

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My garden is my getaway.... and love a good homegrown tomato and avo.

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The stage has become an LED screen...

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The GREAT AWAKENING is in full force, If you can step back a little , you can see GOD hand in all of this, exposing ALL the bad intent, what a time to be ALIVE !

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It's apparently a sign of the times and it starts at the top. Two illegal presidents who blatantly lied to and defrauded the country (1st was a crackhead pedo Muslim w a baphomet for a wife and now a defective pedo clone) and thus grifting has become standard operating procedure while no one steps forward to hold them accountable bc others have their own grifts going it seems. That's the real pandemic. But w good ppl like you Reinette and Kevin, and others finally awakening, we will win. They're not that smart. SG reminds me of Patrice Cullers, BLM infamy, who bought all those properties w her new found wealth but was finally called out.

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Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 16, 2023Author

Yep. And this will go beyond the BLM infamy. Can't believe it's even worse than that but it is.

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I meant BLM infamy.....

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Sounds like she's just digging herself in deeper. Like the rest of them. It all catches up sooner or later. Go get 'em Reinette!

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It seems something switches in the psyche at some point... the mind, heart, motives, actions are taken over, driven by an insatiable greed that is unconscionable.

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Yes, it's called the devil!

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Sent via telegram just now

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Yesterday received an email from CHD CA chapter announcing an event in Sept with Gold speaking, I wrote back,

“Surprised CHD is hosting an event with Simone Gold! What with the scandal she is involved in with missing $30 million from AFLDS. This doesn’t look good.”

This is what they wrote back,

“Thank you for your input. She was actually completely exonerated and she's back with AFLDS. We have the court findings if you'd like to see them. Lmk if you have any questions.

Thank you,

CHD CA Chapter Team”

I wrote back asking for the court findings, we’ll see what they say...

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I have a reason se to this and it’s staggering. Will share soon!

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Yes, I would love to see those court filings. I think we need people to write to CHD CA. Unfortunately, the original board members are all gone and it's being run by a different group of people.

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They sent me a “court document” doesn’t appear to exonerate her as they said. Not able to cut and paste on here. Can DM me and I will forward to your email. I think i may be able to send to you on telegram actually

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Reinette please attach the TWO court rulings (from spring 2022 and Spring 2023) that from what I understand u r saying, prove the Dr Gold is no longer on the Board of AFLD or the President of AFLD. I’m all of your articles I haven’t seen those two documents that you and Kevin j imply State she is no longer any part of AFLD. Also, you posted Kevin Jenkins response to the newspaper journalist with the attachment subject at the bottom yet did not provide us with those attachments either. This seems like a very black and white ruling if you can provide the court documents you two are speaking of for us to look for our own clarity. Thank you.

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FW, I added two screenshots at the very top of this post from the two AZ judge decisions.

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Since they don't want you to read the full documents (only excerpts), here are the full versions:



(All minute entries: https://courtminutes.maricopa.gov/JONamesearch.asp?casenumber=CV2022015525)

You also may figure out, those aren't rulings but minute entries accompanied other rulings. There was no trial yet, so, who's on the board or not is still under dispute. But interesting enough, according to this very post above, the board associated with KJ can't be legit! An AZ nonprofit is supposed to have at least one AZ resident on board, but the current board consists of a single board member Trent Loos living in Nebraska.

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Here comes Frontline News again..... please "Julia," Simone Gold has no association with AFLDS. You can spin it anyway you want.

How are Gold's 990 filing going, btw? This should be interesting.

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Dr. Tenpenny?

You were going to explain her membership in the Virus Pushers Against Clot Shots (health freedom frauds).

Still waiting.

What’s going on?

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I actually will be speaking with her soon.... I will ask her. The last time I had this conversation with her about 2 years ago, she and many on the zoom call, felt that whether people supported the concept of Terrain Theory or not, it was too much, too fast for the average American to digest in light of Covid....

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Thank you for acknowledging me and my mission to seek truth. May I vent?

That’s the same line Del Bigtree has used. He must have been part of this group. (By the way, have you read or studied crowd behavior?)

It’s a clever strategy. Maximize followers or market size by not telling the whole truth. (What would happen to Bigtree’s or RFK’s platforms and his political campaign if the group had decided to be honest?)

Who decides when it’s time to stop censoring us for just asking (1) questions and (2) for an open honest debate?

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No, Del was not part of this group. And I agree with you that those on the frontlines many times only speak to partial truths, hence while they are there. I don't get that sense from Sherri.... and definitely not me!

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I’ve renewed my subscription for now, waiting patiently for the whole truth. I hope you will hold Dr. Tenpenny accountable.

Please note: I have not accused you of what you’re denying.

Thank you.

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I wonder if there’s a list of those participating in the group.

Thank you 🙏

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The weekly zoom group no longer exists. It ended after a year.... about a year and a half ago. And, again, Del Bigtree was not on it.

I will definitely ask Sherri. I am scheduled for her to interview me mid august!

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Nikki Willis?

Stop! I’m laughing so hard, you’re hurting my sides.

He’s a second tier fraud.

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