I'd love to add that Nightshade Vegetables are the highest in natural nicotine-like substance. Of course, the powers that "used to be" ~ wink LOL tried to tell us to avoid these vegetables. Thank God, I love Eggplant :)
My first sickness from the bioweapon came from a newly boosted vaxxed friend in Dec 2021, that was a doozy :( During that sickness, I had for almost a full month, and I felt paralyzed, lost nearly all of my hair 3 months later, only to discover others had the same reaction, this sent me into reach mode, discovered Copper, selenium, iodine, and nicotine gum played a major roll in my recovery.
In the mornings I say prayers of gratitude for my life and those who are still with me. I ground myself in the morning sunlight, and at night, I pray for the protection of God's armor around me and all those I know and love. I always repeat that I do not comply with evil entities. We are all a work in progress and I'm grateful to be on this side of The Awakening.
I am 71,single. I work 18 hrs a week as a cashier at a big box store to pay bills. I started vaginal bright red bleeding now and then for over a year now. My recent ob/gyn check is normal. I was doing a daily boron,iodine, copper supplementation all thru 2023..maybe shedding applies here, and time to start up more frequently on these minerals.
Yes, do keep up on your minerals/iron, Ivermectin, nicotine patches and Nattokinase sounds like they. Dr Bryan Ardis goes into details on how to detox from shedding. He is a wealth of information: https://thedrardisshow.com/free-patient-resources
Ivermectin! I am 78 now and in 2021 had a very heavy vaginal bleed after being in close contact with a woman who was bragging about her recent covid jab. The amount of blood was like a miscarriage -- it soaked all my clothing, bed sheets and I headed for the toilet and it quickly filled with blood. There was no pain, but all that blood was scary- I had stopped menstruating at 54. For the next year I had occasional bleeding until I took Ivermectin regularly.
I remember having sudden vaginal bleeding after having a full set of dental xrays when I was in my early 20's. I think the AMA/ FDA is very casual about exposing women to all sorts of medical dangers and the Midwestern Doctor just did a column about the real dangers of ultrasound for pregnant women and fetuses.
I'm so sorry to hear you have been going through this. It's staggering how many women I know who have suffered similarly! It's outrageous and has Dr. Northrup said, it's a war on life!
Yes war on all life , BUT I have stated from day one and been on video and interviewed by TV station from the very beginning of plandemic . WE ARE ELECTRO MAGNETIC BEING S FIRST , CHEMICAL /PHYSICAL SECOND. The jabbed are emitting signals like an antenna because they are now part of the operating system. BUT we have now seen those who took many tests with INFECTED SWABS have enough as well to be sending these signals, Its not just physical SPIKE PROTEIN SHEDDING. This is now also being confirmed with dark field microscopes on people WE ARE TESTING. This is also now true from with people who did not take tests or take jabs , we are all being exposed . DR LEE MERIT'S video where she mentions the Russian experiment on cells being killed on opposite sides of SILICON DIVIDER , BUT NOT THROUGH GLASS DIVIDER. I am having great results with my complete sonic frequency treatments and my supplement combinations. THIS IS WHY KISSINGER STATED "WE ONLY NEED 1/3 OF THE IDIOTS TO TAKE THE SHOTS AND GAME OVER"
Please excuse my humble question/comment @10min6sec Dr Christiane Northrup says that...
"within three days of being within six feet of a recently Vaccinated person 70% of our women were having abnormal bleeding"
3x6 or 666...?
Doesn't this also give support to the "Bovine Feces" from Fauci's standing 6' apart...? Does this not also give support for the facial coffee filters...? We will know them by their Fruits, Lies & Deceptions have never come from our Heavenly Father but from the Angel of the Bottomless pit in Revelations 9:11, Sept, 11, 2001 and why do we call Satan for Emergencies @911...?
I pray this could just be a "coincidence" but that statement created "disernment" I do label myself as a follower of Jesus Christ and after 28 years of being a "Christian" and part of a 501c3 I have left the corporate church because after putting together 60+ pdf pages of questions for my Pastor. Since I felt this was a Spiritual War, a Democide on Humanity confirmed by the Georgia Guidestones built (3-22)-1980, Genesis (3:22), Yale Skull and Bones (322) for example. Then one of his messages he actually said "Yes I believe God is in the Vaccine", What...! ☠️
My relationship with Christ became Solidified in 2016 when I lost my daughter she was in a fatal hiking accident on 12-14-16 @ the age of 22, she was home while getting her Masters in Criminal Justice from Seattle U.
Sorry just observations, Aloha & God Bless All, kyle
While your busy hoping about what you believe has occurred this is what is actually planned , they are not backing down or changing anything. THE CONSTITUTION does not apply , stop or prevent any of this . TRAGIC but true
I am post menopausal and had spotting while working in a busy restaurant. That was not the worst of it though. I keep getting shingles outbreaks and it would correlate to my being around recently vaxxed people every single time. Even though I got so ill I eventually had to quit my job I can trace my outbreaks to whatever the garbage is in those injections. Muscle testing with a FNP and also with a diagnosis from my MD confirms my frustrating and painful situation.
I got hives on the inside of my arms. I never got hives before this and it continues to happen when I fly. As soon as I step off a plane, I look down, and I have these big welts inside my arms. Absolutely disturbing.
I am an unvaxxed 63YO white female, have been postmenopausal for at least 8 years. I had an ablation procedure in my mid-50s due to extremely heavy bleeding caused by fibroids, and my menstrual cycle stopped a month or so after that procedure. I went to a 3-1/2 day art retreat with 160 women. I know that the 6 ladies who sat at the same table as me are all vaxxed, but not sure if any had been recently boosted. I started to have a menstrual cycle after the first day that continued through the retreat and a few days at home, but no other adverse symptoms. I thought it was due to my bioidentical hormone therapy but now not sure. Thanks for the information. Nothing surprises me anymore but it does make me angry.
Definitely sounds like shedding to me. You story is now, sadly, all too typical. It's awful that while we all bowed out from getting the shot, we are inadvertently still getting it.
THANK YOU! This is so vital. Our female rhythms are something to be looked at with integrity. I had no clue what was going on in 2021 when I was bleeding so heavily that I thought I was hemorrhaging. Our body is so intelligent- anti life matter must be flushed out!
Yes, our bodies are definitely trying to flush out this poison. Glad you know what was causing your bleeding so you can make informed decisions about whether or not you want to be exposed!
If only there was some clear evidence of such a thing as a "spike protein" that could possibly begin to explain what shedding is or may be, but there isn't.
And there's no clear evidence of the presence of mRNA in the shots.
Nor is there, of course, any evidence to demonstrate what we conventionally believe to be viruses to exist.
Lipid nanoparticles seem to be the most relevant item alongside environmental EMF/RF that disturb cell signaling and disrupt cell integrity.
Don't have the references handy that brought me that knowledge. Will share as I have a chance to dig them up. Likely somewhere within the work of Cowan/Kaufman/Baileys/Lanka, et al.
Love your book Southwest Medicinal Plants, John, it helped me to start recognizing so many medicinal plants here, in Los Angeles. Don't gather them thou, we have such a heavy geoengineering going on, plants would be more of a problem than a solution to anyone's health, i think. Would love to hear your thoughts.
I think there are degrees of toxicity and we have to make the best choices for ourselves. Unfortunately, that's not often easy to discern.
I feel that we are part of one organism so removing ourselves completely is not possible. We must mitigate selectively and bare the burden to some extent.
How do we know that our food is not affected in some way? or not in a way that the wild plants are? I don't think I can.
Love love love you guys! Excellent interview. I shouted from the rooftops with friends and patients this was a nefarious takeover and please don’t take anything coming down the pike. 1/3 left my practice, but many wanted to boost up their immune systems. Ok, they still got jabbed. Everything you two mentioned, which was a lot, all took place.
BTW, Someone rammed into me at a cross street, “sorry, I didn’t look left”. My car was totaled. I did not go to the ER. I did my acupuncture, supplements, Colorpuncture on myself and Went to chiropractic.
When you two were discussing energy healing-I have a concussion, and injuries. I started pulling energy around my head and realign my brain. Wow! Amazing.
Such a wealth of knowledge, insight and optimism to go onward and upwards. Thank you,🙏
This was a fabulous chat. So many mentions, I could only catch a few of them. How can you incorporate all those interventions and still live a daily life? Thanks for your candor. Loved the connection to McKusick and the energy fields.
Pick and choose. I don't do everything, every day. If I have been exposed to a lot of vaccinated people, flying, in a crowd environment, then I act accordingly. I also keep tapped into my body ensuring if I feel off I do something about it!
SMH! I had a spate of bad nosebleeds a year or so ago, one of which happened in a restaurant. I didn't think to equate it with exposure to the vaxxed. I do eat some nightshades even tho they can cause inflammation in some people. I also drink pine needle tea, but I may have neglected it back then. Will be more cautious now after going out in public!
The secondary desired effect by DARPA/Ft Detrick was long term effect of the bioweapon to sterilize the target populations......so the two places the spike proteins collect and do the worst damage is the ovaries and the male testicles and prostate. FACT IT IS STRAIGHT OUT OF THE PATENT! Karen Kingston found that info and reported it.
The vax was ETHNOSPECIFIC when it was developed at Ft Detrick, because the Israeli army was financially supporting the development to make a bioweapon that targeted specific mideast enemies. The least affected people were Ashkanazi's and Chinese.....that info, those statistics were released months ago. Catch up now. The worst affected ethnic groups were European born whites (irish and south african most affected)and across the board african descent peoples (blacks).
Oh, yes, I had Dr. Judy Mikovitz on a couple years ago when this was first uncovered. It's horrific... and of course, I'm Scott/Irish! Wouldn't you know it.....
Thank you Reinette and Christiane,
I'd love to add that Nightshade Vegetables are the highest in natural nicotine-like substance. Of course, the powers that "used to be" ~ wink LOL tried to tell us to avoid these vegetables. Thank God, I love Eggplant :)
My first sickness from the bioweapon came from a newly boosted vaxxed friend in Dec 2021, that was a doozy :( During that sickness, I had for almost a full month, and I felt paralyzed, lost nearly all of my hair 3 months later, only to discover others had the same reaction, this sent me into reach mode, discovered Copper, selenium, iodine, and nicotine gum played a major roll in my recovery.
In the mornings I say prayers of gratitude for my life and those who are still with me. I ground myself in the morning sunlight, and at night, I pray for the protection of God's armor around me and all those I know and love. I always repeat that I do not comply with evil entities. We are all a work in progress and I'm grateful to be on this side of The Awakening.
I am 71,single. I work 18 hrs a week as a cashier at a big box store to pay bills. I started vaginal bright red bleeding now and then for over a year now. My recent ob/gyn check is normal. I was doing a daily boron,iodine, copper supplementation all thru 2023..maybe shedding applies here, and time to start up more frequently on these minerals.
Yes, do keep up on your minerals/iron, Ivermectin, nicotine patches and Nattokinase sounds like they. Dr Bryan Ardis goes into details on how to detox from shedding. He is a wealth of information: https://thedrardisshow.com/free-patient-resources
Ivermectin! I am 78 now and in 2021 had a very heavy vaginal bleed after being in close contact with a woman who was bragging about her recent covid jab. The amount of blood was like a miscarriage -- it soaked all my clothing, bed sheets and I headed for the toilet and it quickly filled with blood. There was no pain, but all that blood was scary- I had stopped menstruating at 54. For the next year I had occasional bleeding until I took Ivermectin regularly.
I remember having sudden vaginal bleeding after having a full set of dental xrays when I was in my early 20's. I think the AMA/ FDA is very casual about exposing women to all sorts of medical dangers and the Midwestern Doctor just did a column about the real dangers of ultrasound for pregnant women and fetuses.
I'm so sorry to hear you have been going through this. It's staggering how many women I know who have suffered similarly! It's outrageous and has Dr. Northrup said, it's a war on life!
Yes war on all life , BUT I have stated from day one and been on video and interviewed by TV station from the very beginning of plandemic . WE ARE ELECTRO MAGNETIC BEING S FIRST , CHEMICAL /PHYSICAL SECOND. The jabbed are emitting signals like an antenna because they are now part of the operating system. BUT we have now seen those who took many tests with INFECTED SWABS have enough as well to be sending these signals, Its not just physical SPIKE PROTEIN SHEDDING. This is now also being confirmed with dark field microscopes on people WE ARE TESTING. This is also now true from with people who did not take tests or take jabs , we are all being exposed . DR LEE MERIT'S video where she mentions the Russian experiment on cells being killed on opposite sides of SILICON DIVIDER , BUT NOT THROUGH GLASS DIVIDER. I am having great results with my complete sonic frequency treatments and my supplement combinations. THIS IS WHY KISSINGER STATED "WE ONLY NEED 1/3 OF THE IDIOTS TO TAKE THE SHOTS AND GAME OVER"
All the ladies in my over 50 Yoga group started bleeding after being around vaxxed people. All were menopausal for years...
Do they understand why this happened?
Oh yes, they do. We live in the Panhandle of Tx and this was a no comply area basically...they totally get the whole thing.
Please excuse my humble question/comment @10min6sec Dr Christiane Northrup says that...
"within three days of being within six feet of a recently Vaccinated person 70% of our women were having abnormal bleeding"
3x6 or 666...?
Doesn't this also give support to the "Bovine Feces" from Fauci's standing 6' apart...? Does this not also give support for the facial coffee filters...? We will know them by their Fruits, Lies & Deceptions have never come from our Heavenly Father but from the Angel of the Bottomless pit in Revelations 9:11, Sept, 11, 2001 and why do we call Satan for Emergencies @911...?
I pray this could just be a "coincidence" but that statement created "disernment" I do label myself as a follower of Jesus Christ and after 28 years of being a "Christian" and part of a 501c3 I have left the corporate church because after putting together 60+ pdf pages of questions for my Pastor. Since I felt this was a Spiritual War, a Democide on Humanity confirmed by the Georgia Guidestones built (3-22)-1980, Genesis (3:22), Yale Skull and Bones (322) for example. Then one of his messages he actually said "Yes I believe God is in the Vaccine", What...! ☠️
My relationship with Christ became Solidified in 2016 when I lost my daughter she was in a fatal hiking accident on 12-14-16 @ the age of 22, she was home while getting her Masters in Criminal Justice from Seattle U.
Sorry just observations, Aloha & God Bless All, kyle
Yesterday was a gift...
Today is an opportunity...
Tomorrow never promised...
Live Life, Love Others & leave no Regrets...
Thank you for these insights.... you may be onto something....
While your busy hoping about what you believe has occurred this is what is actually planned , they are not backing down or changing anything. THE CONSTITUTION does not apply , stop or prevent any of this . TRAGIC but true
ExtraOrdinary Conversation.
Thank you, Robin.
I am post menopausal and had spotting while working in a busy restaurant. That was not the worst of it though. I keep getting shingles outbreaks and it would correlate to my being around recently vaxxed people every single time. Even though I got so ill I eventually had to quit my job I can trace my outbreaks to whatever the garbage is in those injections. Muscle testing with a FNP and also with a diagnosis from my MD confirms my frustrating and painful situation.
I got hives on the inside of my arms. I never got hives before this and it continues to happen when I fly. As soon as I step off a plane, I look down, and I have these big welts inside my arms. Absolutely disturbing.
I am an unvaxxed 63YO white female, have been postmenopausal for at least 8 years. I had an ablation procedure in my mid-50s due to extremely heavy bleeding caused by fibroids, and my menstrual cycle stopped a month or so after that procedure. I went to a 3-1/2 day art retreat with 160 women. I know that the 6 ladies who sat at the same table as me are all vaxxed, but not sure if any had been recently boosted. I started to have a menstrual cycle after the first day that continued through the retreat and a few days at home, but no other adverse symptoms. I thought it was due to my bioidentical hormone therapy but now not sure. Thanks for the information. Nothing surprises me anymore but it does make me angry.
Definitely sounds like shedding to me. You story is now, sadly, all too typical. It's awful that while we all bowed out from getting the shot, we are inadvertently still getting it.
HUMAN RESONANCE not necessarily shedding though that is a real factor the physical shedding CANNOT HAPPEN so quickly its electromagnetic
omg you are such a force-amazing work Reinette ! thanks again for all this great research and sharing!
Thank you, Nessun!
THANK YOU! This is so vital. Our female rhythms are something to be looked at with integrity. I had no clue what was going on in 2021 when I was bleeding so heavily that I thought I was hemorrhaging. Our body is so intelligent- anti life matter must be flushed out!
Yes, our bodies are definitely trying to flush out this poison. Glad you know what was causing your bleeding so you can make informed decisions about whether or not you want to be exposed!
If only there was some clear evidence of such a thing as a "spike protein" that could possibly begin to explain what shedding is or may be, but there isn't.
And there's no clear evidence of the presence of mRNA in the shots.
Nor is there, of course, any evidence to demonstrate what we conventionally believe to be viruses to exist.
Lipid nanoparticles seem to be the most relevant item alongside environmental EMF/RF that disturb cell signaling and disrupt cell integrity.
I agree with you about the viruses... not sure about the rest, but have an open mind.
Don't have the references handy that brought me that knowledge. Will share as I have a chance to dig them up. Likely somewhere within the work of Cowan/Kaufman/Baileys/Lanka, et al.
Love your book Southwest Medicinal Plants, John, it helped me to start recognizing so many medicinal plants here, in Los Angeles. Don't gather them thou, we have such a heavy geoengineering going on, plants would be more of a problem than a solution to anyone's health, i think. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Glad to hear you've enjoyed my book!
I think there are degrees of toxicity and we have to make the best choices for ourselves. Unfortunately, that's not often easy to discern.
I feel that we are part of one organism so removing ourselves completely is not possible. We must mitigate selectively and bare the burden to some extent.
How do we know that our food is not affected in some way? or not in a way that the wild plants are? I don't think I can.
Love love love you guys! Excellent interview. I shouted from the rooftops with friends and patients this was a nefarious takeover and please don’t take anything coming down the pike. 1/3 left my practice, but many wanted to boost up their immune systems. Ok, they still got jabbed. Everything you two mentioned, which was a lot, all took place.
BTW, Someone rammed into me at a cross street, “sorry, I didn’t look left”. My car was totaled. I did not go to the ER. I did my acupuncture, supplements, Colorpuncture on myself and Went to chiropractic.
When you two were discussing energy healing-I have a concussion, and injuries. I started pulling energy around my head and realign my brain. Wow! Amazing.
Such a wealth of knowledge, insight and optimism to go onward and upwards. Thank you,🙏
Carrie, This is fantastic to hear. Congratulations for literally taking your healing into your own hands. Yours is a powerful testimony!
This was a fabulous chat. So many mentions, I could only catch a few of them. How can you incorporate all those interventions and still live a daily life? Thanks for your candor. Loved the connection to McKusick and the energy fields.
Pick and choose. I don't do everything, every day. If I have been exposed to a lot of vaccinated people, flying, in a crowd environment, then I act accordingly. I also keep tapped into my body ensuring if I feel off I do something about it!
SMH! I had a spate of bad nosebleeds a year or so ago, one of which happened in a restaurant. I didn't think to equate it with exposure to the vaxxed. I do eat some nightshades even tho they can cause inflammation in some people. I also drink pine needle tea, but I may have neglected it back then. Will be more cautious now after going out in public!
Yeah, we definitely have to be cognizant of our health after going out into the public and act accordingly!
The secondary desired effect by DARPA/Ft Detrick was long term effect of the bioweapon to sterilize the target populations......so the two places the spike proteins collect and do the worst damage is the ovaries and the male testicles and prostate. FACT IT IS STRAIGHT OUT OF THE PATENT! Karen Kingston found that info and reported it.
So diabolical. So sinister... I wonder if these monsters are even human.
The vax was ETHNOSPECIFIC when it was developed at Ft Detrick, because the Israeli army was financially supporting the development to make a bioweapon that targeted specific mideast enemies. The least affected people were Ashkanazi's and Chinese.....that info, those statistics were released months ago. Catch up now. The worst affected ethnic groups were European born whites (irish and south african most affected)and across the board african descent peoples (blacks).
Oh, yes, I had Dr. Judy Mikovitz on a couple years ago when this was first uncovered. It's horrific... and of course, I'm Scott/Irish! Wouldn't you know it.....
I would also recommend Any books by T C Fry....Especially this one: