Whitney Webb, author of One Nation Under Blackmail, has shown that the CIA and Mossad are pretty much intertwined completely at this point. She speaks about Israel trying to goad the US into waging war with Iran on their behalf. She also speaks about attacks on infrastructure and blackouts to cause fear and have the public cave to digital ID's , CBDC's and total control of the public by governments. She is interviewed quite a bit by various podcasters usually on Rumble and her investigative journalism is excellent. Another writer and film maker who has been writing and filmaking about this information for years is James Corbett. He has documentaries on 911, Bill Gates, JFK assasination etc... Thanks for the link today.

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If you look up what the CIA used to be called, it was the Catholic Intelligence Agency! The Vatican uses the armies of other nations to fight her battles because she has no armies. They’ve been doing this for thousands of years. Look at the Dark Ages and how the Papacy used Kings to conquer nations to bring them into submission to their authority. Ever since Mussolini gave the Pope back his power and seat of authority in 1929, the Vatican (the Popes) have been trying to take America down through other countries. We are the only nation that has the Constitution written to protect us from this but they have found a way to trample it and that’s through infiltrating our government leaders, judges, law enforcement, military, doctors, lawyers, College Professors and so on. Notice how many of our leaders are Catholic and went to Jesuit universities. This has been a deliberate and long attack against the last standing nation of freedom and its lasted this long because of our Constitution and the protections it has afforded us.

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This is true, however the Zionists were always involved in all of this. They joined forces with the Catholic Church long ago. The Rothschilds were the bankers for the Vatican. They are the ones who have infiltrated our government, our media, our finanicial system, education, etc.

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Israel HATES the catholic church

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Yes, those who control Israel hate all Christians., which is why they infiltrated the Vatican to corrupt it further and gain power within it.

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Apr 7
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Yes, Israel was set up by the Rothschilds, and they control far more than just Israel! They control all the central banks in 192 countries, and more, which gives them a lot of power.

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Not the Vatican Mafia Christian National Catholics, aka. NAR (New Apolistic Reformation). MAGA and Mussad are both political operatives dressed up as Religion. MAGA and it's NAR Holy War Jihadists are not the St. Francis, St. John of the Cross, or the Teresa of Avila Catholic mystics. Total opposites.

The Doctrine of Discovery merged the interests of European imperialism, including the African slave trade, with Christian missionary zeal. Dum Diversas, the initial edict that laid the theological and political foundations for the Doctrine, was issued by Pope Nicholas V on June 18, 1452. It explicitly granted Portuguese king Alfonso V the following rights:

“To invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens [Muslims] and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery.”

The Roots of Christian Nationalism Go Back Further Than You Think:


MAGA Radicalization Centers FULLY EXPOSED: Experthttps://youtu.be/7Dgo4luB73s?si=K4vt8Ccv-noo31Or

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Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. — Matthew 7:15, KJV.

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And there’s a reason the majority are Catholics. They all answer to the Vatican.

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Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope however the Jesuits have controlled the Vatican for a long long time.

Many original Jesuits were "crypto Jews".

Here are a few Jesuits: Trump, Fauci, Newsom, RFK Jr.

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Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. — Matthew 7:15, KJV.

JD Vance, Leanard Leo (Captured SCOTUS by getting 6 Catholics appointed), Koch Brothers - Founders of The Tea Party,Mike Johnson (speaker of the House), Kevin Roberts of The Heritage Foundation, authors of Project 2025

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Going a tad deeper, no less than 5, probably a few more, Popes have been FRANKIST - aka adherents of Yakob Frank's "hebrew-catholic" hereetical judaic sect - in turn a spin off of the origianl 1666 ZabbataiZvi Sabbatean cult.

In alliance with the Chabad ghouls, they now control global finance, and puppet governments - everywhere. Yes the oroiginal Jesuits were crypto marranos from Spain, but they lost out to the Podalia-Galician Gang who now control every aspect of your life. Larry Fink - BLACKROCK LLC - is your actual owner.

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Mother company is Blackstone. Blackstone funds the Right, Blackrock fund the Left. Both parties are controlled by the Plutocrat Uniparty. The only way to stop this is for the 99% to defy the Uniparty's 'Divide and Conquer' psyop ,and for all of us togther to stand up to the 1%.100%DemocracySOS - Let’s put the US back in the USA✨🔥💯💃🏻🇱🇷❤️🌈✨

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This, from The Jewish Virtual Library, was interesting: "Jewish names appear among the founders of Freemasonry in colonial America, and in fact it is probable that Jews were the first to introduce the movement into the country. Tradition connects Mordecai Campanall, of Newport, Rhode Island, with the supposed establishment of a lodge there in 1658. In Georgia four Jews appear to have been among the founders of the first lodge, organized in Savannah in 1734. Moses Michael Hays, identified with the introduction of the Scottish Rite into the United States, was appointed deputy inspector general of Masonry for North America in about 1768...The apparatus of secrecy, ritual, and regalia which was a feature of *B'nai B'rith in its early years no doubt reflected the influence of Masonic practice as well as a desire to offer a substitute within the Jewish community."


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Thanks for that.

Levy was given the option by the Ottomans: "convert to Islam or die"...

Between conversions (disguises) and the constant shuffling about after mainly deserved expulsions, they have managed to fly under the radar.

Through stealth and theft, I belive, was the original 'advice'.

I am off to hoover the house before the power outage.

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I actually think the majority of our leaders are Jesuits. Definitely more than what you’ve listed. All you have to do is find out where they attended college. For many it was Georgetown. Also, if Catholic, most are Jesuits. This is how they’re taking down America. Infiltration!

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Agree also!

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3 Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam tied together as one force for world domination. Catholicism been running the world, now it's the Jews (Zionists) turn. But the Pope still sits behind the curtain.

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2 Abrahamic religions! Islam has no legitimate claim to Abraham's religion; it follows none of the tenets and opposes the 2 that do, indeed, hates both vehemently! In fact, Judaism and Christianity are in complete ideological opposition to the ideology of Islam. Catholicism, sadly, went far off the rails of Biblical Christianity, IF in fact, it was ever on them, and incorporated many aspects of paganism, long since, which run counter to Biblical Christianity. I know those of the Catholic religion will disagree, but if they will set aside what they believe they "know" as truth and read a Bible open heartedly, they, like the reformers before them, will see what the church teaches just is not Biblical for the most part. The 2 are not even "tied together" religiously, let alone politically, and Islam has no connections whatever.

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The 3 religions are: one for passive empathy and suffering turning people into sheeple, that's Christianity; one for radical conquest that's Islam and one master race who control everybody else through finance, propaganda, freemasonry and even have a name for the other 2 mentioned above: the goyim which hints at something close to cattle. It's an archontic trinity of a control system. The 3 religions together compose what is called by scholars of religion as Abrahamic.

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No ma'am! You are very misinformed about Judaism and Christianity! The scholars are incorrect as well. Only the paternity of Ishmael, ancient patriarch of the Arab nations around Israel, ties them, in the most tenuous way, to Judaism and Christianity. There is no historic evidence Ishmael, let alone his descendents, followed any of Abraham's religious beliefs at all, after he was cut off from the family. It's just another humanist effort to demean Jews and Christians.

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It's beliefs, not genes, that tie the 3 Abrahamic religions together. Both Judaism and Islam consider Jesus to be a prophet. Muslims bless His name, every time they say it. They also bless Mary's name, when they say it, akin to Catholics' homage. Like Christianity, Islam requires submission to God ( Allah,) even in the worst of circumstances, like the current extermination of Gazans by Israel. Somehow, the Muslims are better at submitting humbly than the rest of us. Maybe it's from praying 5x day.

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White Christians are being exterminated by the globalists. All you need to do is look at the Deagel depopulation forecasts

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I saw the Deagel graph a couple of years ago. Yes the demicide is real.

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Thanks Lisa.

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The history of the Agency can be found in David Talbot's The Devil's Chessboard. They were not the "Catholic Intelligence Agency," lol. As someone else pointed out they were formerly the OSS.

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This is about Israel

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No it was the OSI, established during WW II, Office of Special Intelligence, if memory serves.

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The religious approach to intelligence initiated by OSS pioneers Edward Lansdale and spymaster ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan in the 1940s established CIA methods and understanding of the world in the early days of the spy agencies, author Michael Graziano argues. The CIA is still referred to as ‘Catholics In Action’ and the ‘Catholic Intelligence Agency’.

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You are correct it was OSS.. it may be referred to as such by Catholics,but no one else.

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Yeah I think the Catholic Church likes it that way! That way it takes focus off of them and their shenanigans!

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israel IS the PREDATOR...

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The Vatican is definitely the controlling mechanism. They’re biding their time because the Papacy wants to head up the New World Order and the one world religion. It’s another Dark Ages coming. Jesus has already conquered. He’s just exposing the evil to those who have been asleep.

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Not the Papacy, the black pope, leader of the Jesuits!

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Jesuits are of the Tribe of Asher.

Num. 26:44:

Of the children of Asher after their families: of Jimna, the family of the Jimnites: of Jesui, the family of the Jesuites: of Beriah, the family of the Beriites.

Gen. 49:20:

Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties.

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No sir, they are a Roman church order ordained in 1541 under Ignatius Loyola, with 2 duties: destroy the Reformation; and destroy the Jews! In the 1550s they aligned with upper level Freemasons, and European banking families, starting with the Rothschilds', to accomplish this missions. Today, they form the inner core, the PTB, of Satan's agenda on Earth.

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Apr 6Edited
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To me it’s all a satanic run power and I believe it branches from the Pharisees of old. I just know in the days of Constantine at The Council of Nicaea, held in 325 AD the Catholic Church was given much authority. It doesn’t matter to me if there’s black pope in the background or not, they’re an evil power waiting for their chance to pounce.

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This is my take about Pharisees.

1. Back of dollar bill has all-seeing eye on top of pyramid denoting Pharaoh Sees aka Pharisees, the money changers.

2. The dollar also has Star of Jacob with 13 stars within. Just as Egyptian pyramid has nothing to do with America, neither do those 13 stars represent 13 colonies. They represent 13 Tribes, with the 13th being Ephraim, the son of Joseph and Asenath, the daughter of Potipherah, priest of On - a pharaoh or his priest.

3. Gen. 45:8 states that Joseph was made "a father to the Pharaoh."

4. Joshua, who took over leading Israelites to "promised land," descended from Ephraim.

5. Deut. 23:20 states that they are to only charge usury, aka interest on loans, to the strangers (Gentiles) and not their brother, so they may POSSESS the land wherever they go. They probably gained the land of Israel through inability to repay loans, hence why it was promised like a promissory note.

6. Notice God is spoken of in Gen. 1 and the beginning of Gen. 2, where then it shifts to the all-uppercased corporate "LORD God." Look at your birth certificate, driver's license, any loan document to see that your name is also all-caps.

7. Now read this as a statement: Is Ra El - the Egyptian and Canaanite gods.

8. Take their sorcery "spells" off the words Federal = Fed Ra El.


Federal Reserve = Severe Deferral = Slave Erred Free.

Federal Reserve Note = Serve Freeloader Net (net is a trap).

In God We Trust = Trusted Owing.

Then, God represents "G"old, "O"il, "D"rugs and Trust meaning from a financial sense.

9. Gen. 2 gives location of "gold" and "jew"els before Eve is created.

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Right on the money, Frances….

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Hey Larry check out this video! about fires in history and LaHaina


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Yes, I have Whitney’s books too. Highly recommend listening to her also! She is a great resource.

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i highly recommend this documentary- and would love to see comments about it -https://rumble.com/v4my3tr-out-of-shadows-documentary.html? I just finished the first part last night.

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Thanks Valeri. Fall of the Kabal was eye opening too. I haven't watched this doc yet. Thanks for the link.

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The lady Janet Ossebaard who was the filmmaker for the "Fall of the Cabal" passed away Nov. 2023 from suicide.

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Do you think it was really suicide? I am always skeptical anymore. The Clintons and the CIA have perfected “suicide”.

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Janet's partner posted up that she'd taken her own life. She had a long history of depression--childhood trauma that was not resolved--compounded by the darknessof the times we are living through. She couldn't get through the darkness. She OD'd on her own Rx meds. Police had not responded in a timely way to requests to check on her safety in her tralier or retreat she was found at.

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Oh no! How tragic. Thank you for telling me.

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It would be better to listen to Brendon O'Connell, he claims Whitney Webb is a disinformation gate keeper, Brendon Spent 3 years in jail for being accused of antisemitism. He is hard to find on the net these days because he continues to get shadowbanned. I was able to find these interviews with him


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Corbett is great, if not slightly annoying in personality. His website has massive info/video on all things “conspiracy theory.”

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Have you heard what Brendon O Connell says about Whitney Webb?

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Not just Brendon. She is definitely a Gatekeeper.

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That's been the problem with who to believe either on MSM or so called truthers. I dare say all you can do is follow the money which is usually the best way to evaluate whether the person is doing it for the money or not. From what Brendon hae said in the past she does limited hangout and also makes good money.

The problem with people; just as with Jimmy Swaggert's apparent contrition whwn found out; they quickly forgive and the worst of it is they forget.

My problem is I'm not the best in the World at doing my own research; which I think the vast proportion of the population are the same as me; so I rely on someone else to do my research for me which I think is not a wise move.

I think James Corbett may be the same as Whitney.

What I do find odd is how some of the truth community are so prollific professional and polished when they are to all intentions at best two people and sometimes solo.

Anyway thanks for your like of my comment.

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The 'stables' are connected for cross promotion purposes....and yes, they do have 'help'.

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Thanks Vivian that book should be a wonderful read.

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It is two volumes it is so large. I got the audio versions as it is very dense in detail.

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Which book are you speaking about??

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One Nation Under Blackmail, 2 volumes by Whitney Webb

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(You can watch his videos for free on Rumble a week after Brendon Posts video on Patreon, no need to fork over $10 bucks unless you want the material the same day) If you paid $10 to Brendon O Connell Patreon or watch his free videos on Rumble YT alternative.. No Whitney is not a serious journalist she's a trust fund kid that lives in Chile, his father is a lawyer in intelligence run Sarasota Florida , Brendon had his own followers tried to reach out to Whitney she ignored the info presented to her she's part of "Limited Hangout" intel op, No offense to you but lately how I feel about stuff I got a zero tolerance policy for BS, Definition of Limited Hangout: A limited hangout or partial hangout is a tactic used in media relations, perception management, politics, and information management. The tactic originated as a technique in the espionage trade, Even though on Page 6 of my Boiler plate letter I admit I did added Whitney Webb URL Title on : "How an isreali spy linked tech firm gained access to the us gov most classified networks" https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/01/investigative-series/how-an-israeli-spy-linked-tech-firm-gained-access-to-the-us-govts-most-classified-networks/ from unlimitedhangout dot com even the title of the website gives it away in everyone faces that's called "Gaslighting" , Behind Private Paywall:

Whitney Webb Smears Brendon O'Connell...


Whitney Webb's PayPal Is Worth $9.8 Million


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Thats too bad. I really like Brendon's work and wouldn't have known about him if it weren't for James Corbett. I have found Whitney's information in her books interesting. I don't believe everything I read or hear, but often find the truth for me lies somewhere in the middle. Ultimately you have to go with what resonates for you. Overall I find the truther movement is very negative and this is why I appreciate James and his solutions watch program. ps I am familiar with limited hangouts and their purpose, but it is important information, so thanks for sharing.

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(Response to someone in the past on substack) I wrote a letter to 3 local politicians still waiting for a response they got my paperwork last Saturday is now Wednesday if I get some kind of BS Response am gonna take my letter to American Legion and explains to retired veterans the situation even though I live in an area of open racist A holes i couldn't afford the tracking am on a fixed income for the mean time unfortunately I redacted my personal info my letter into a boiler plate template for anyone to use: V. 2 Boiler Plate Political Lobbying Israel working with US Enemies Russia and China, Equinix, Inc Datacenter Company Potential National Security by having Data Centers in Both US and China and China allied Nations. https://www.scribd.com/document/697793691/V-2-Boiler-Plate-Political-Lobbying

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The guy that Reinette interview I believe is spot on about Trump and Biden playing the public, setting dates and predictions are never accurate I noticed, Am previous comment I left to someone about Whitney Webb refuses to call out the real power players like "Rotschild" Benn Patrick David had to help her say it, Whitney is epitome of a "Limited Hangout" Operation, Brendon O Connell is calling them out the names that Whitney can't say like Henry Kissinger, Kissinger & Associates, East Indian Trading Company, Rothschild & Co... Patreon Video 40 - Interview - Ambushing Steve Bannon On Israeli Espionage Against The United States, Maybe Whitney Webb could try, and even encourage this? Oh come on! These people are paid not to encourage people getting out on the street. Lee from Arizona shows how it is done. https://rumble.com/v46tc0x-patreon-video-40-interview-ambushing-steve-bannon-on-israeli-espionage-agai.html

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Apr 6
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Thanks Frances. Really interesting information.

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Reinette removed every comment I added to this thread. What does that tell you?

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That you were rude?

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Thank you so much for this post Reinette! I have done extensive research on the Zionists behind Israel who control the United States. My research validates what Mr. Towers is saying. What I have discovered has been earthshattering to me. This group is not only controlling the U.S., it is controlling the world! They are guilty of far more than the events Towers speaks of, such as 911 or the JFK assasination. They have brought death and destruction to our planet for millenia. They are also known as the Khazarian Mafia. The information is out there about them, but most will not speak about it because of all the propaganda against exposing them and being called anti-semetic. That is how they have been able to operate in secret for so long. It is time for them to be exposed! That's the only way we can take them down. All you have to do is follow the money. Who set up the current corrupt banking and financial system? Who controls of all the central banks? Who has unlimited money and therefore unlimited control? They are very serious about world domination and killing all the "Goy." They have boasted about how they control the U.S. and that they are going to take it down. They are behind the migrant invasion, which is part of taking us down. The CIA and Mossad are united, but Mossad is in control. Our government has dual citizenship and signs a pledge of allegience to Israel. People need to WAKE UP to this! Thank you for supporting that awakening.

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Spot on!

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I want to add that this Zionist network is a very extremist group that has nothing to do with the average, innocent Jewish person practicing their religion. You can be anti-Zionist without being anti-semite. Many Jewish people and Rabbis are opposed to these Zionists, and many do not even know the extent of their control.

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You are absolutely spot on! I say this over and over, but many times it just doesn't sink in OR is simply an excuse to ignore the obvious!

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Just like all Catholics are not the same. The Vatican Mafia, whose brainchild was 'Colonialism", as decreed in their Founding document: The Doctrine of Discovery merged the interests of European imperialism, including the African slave trade, with Christian missionary zeal. Dum Diversas, the initial edict that laid the theological and political foundations for the Doctrine, was issued by Pope Nicholas V on June 18, 1452. It explicitly granted Portuguese king Alfonso V the following rights:

“To invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens [Muslims] and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery.” (I think that might be the evilest thing I've ever read?)

The Fundamentalist Catholics, descendents and followers of the Crusaders and the Inquisitionists, are not the same Catholics as Saint Francis, St.John of God or St. Teresa of Avila , who were all Catholic reformers who actually lived like Jesus. The MAGA Catholics, many of whom were members of the controversial and secretive group Opus Dei like Leanard Leo who puppeteered the Catholic capture of SCOTUS, had no choice but to join up with the Evangelical Televangelists and their Megachurches(whom they formally disdained for being rediculously tacky) because they were dying on the vine, thanks to a constant barrage of pedophilic revelations in addition to their insistance that their constituants attend masses in Latin (Boring!) so they couldn't learn about the gentle, non-violent nature of Jesus of Nazareth. These people are the worst. 30% of MAGA minions, possibly 30 million people in the USA, are part of a network called NAR (the New Apolistic Reformation). They are Christian Holy War jihadists and are actually Political operatives dressed up as a religion, just like the Mussad, a weaponizing of religion for profit and political capital. NAR is building Megachurches in all the impoverished rural counties, especially in Swing States, and recuiting as many immigrants and poor as they can. These folks are all earning 20% higher incomes then their neighbors who are not members. The only requirement in return is that they vote exactly when and how their church tells them. Their stategy of 'radical incrementalism' seems to be working quite well.

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Yes Lincoln Karim posted a video showing this on yt in august . Interesting

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Good stuff.... one word of warning tho. Don't get sucked in by the "Khazarian Mafiya" psyop, which is o/o by the peeps who use "VETERANS TODAY" & other media dissimulationist organs to spread the gospel of the WARHAWK wing of the Obamite Demonrat Party. Khazars were a lot of interesting things... but they sure weren't how they are being presented... as stand ins for the real perps behind the Babylon Talmud deception.

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The history of the KM goes far beyond Veterans Today, the Democratic party., or any current media manipulation. It goes goes back to 800AD (or earlier). It is not a psy op. KM is just one of the names for the core of the network behind it all. They change their names and hide and re-write history to make it really difficult to track them, but this network is visible enough throughout history to identify, and their belief system comes from the Babylon Talmud.

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The history of the KM goes far beyond Veterans Today, the Democratic party., or any current media manipulation.

You are right - which is why I wrote o/o... as in 'propagated' by the VT ghouls... developing the thesis of Koestler, in the 13 Tribe, misreading the phenomena of of the Khazarian Empire, which played a crtical role in stemming the Muslim advance on Europe from the East. Among those "hebrews/jews" who migrated out of the Babylon region of the Caliphate at that time were the Jewish "Karaites" who denied and refuted the authority of the rabbis and their talmudic trash. They became an important part of the Khazarian elite, elements of them still exist in the Crimea to today. It took many centuries for the talmudists to eliminate these challengers to their monopoly and legitimacy.

When they finally achieved that goal - they gained the usual spoils of 'victory' - the ability to write and enforce the history you get to read. Not to be confused, in any way, with actual (suppressed)history, which requires much diligence to uncover, admist the welter of disinto which covers the internet.

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I have no idea where you got this information, but I don't buy it.

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Its seems he got the internet going down a 100% we must now be in denial about it.

Is nobody concerned that he got it so wrong?

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My first thought while watching was "ON-POINT!" I have to say, I loved all he had to say about the Q-movement being a psyop (I've been feeling this way for years), and it's true...the state flying the Star of Remphan is not our friend. I am horrified by the acts of the IOF.

That said, I'm very open to the Zionists/Monarchy being controlled by higher powers (Black nobility) as well.

I appreciate the point of this video: the next "false flag" will be coming from the same evil masterminds that detonated the twin towers. It may be used to instigate MORE WAR with the wrong enemy.

My basic understanding is Zionists are Freemasons are Illuminati are Khazarian mafia are the Knights Templar are the Rosicrucians, etc. etc. etc.

I think the New Age movement is also dark at the top. Everything has been infiltrated.

I don't have enough of a handle on history to articulate the many connections...but I see the symbolism, I recognize patterns, and I can better sense what feels authentic vs. contrived.

Lately, I've been choosing to focus on animals, gardening, and catching up on prep...basic life skills to help my family navigate whatever crap comes our way next.

This comment (From cloud) resonated with me: "The ancient Venetian Black Nobility includes the ZIONISTS of The City of London Central Bankers WITH The Crown Corporation and Israel is a part of the GLOBAL B.S. established by The City of London's Central Banker Family Cartel as are the rest of the 'FIVE EYES'." and,

"The CIA is an outgrowth of GCHQ, MI6 with the old OSS and the Dulles Brothers combined with the rest of the 'Five Eyes' and it is a NETWORK and always was; with the FBI also being a tool. The Royal Institute for International Affairs is the OLDER SISTER of The Council for Foreign Relations which is the Treasonous Cohort for Officials of the CIA, DOD and National Security Council, Trilateral Commission and the rest of the 'Secret Society Menagerie'; all are hidden behind THE DEMONIC COMMUNITARIAN NAZI U.N. UNPARTY created by The Venetian Black Nobility which is now known as The City of London's Central Bankers and Crown Corporation which has been behind ALL FALSE FLAG WARS FOR PROFIT/POWER OF THE LAST 1000 YEARS."


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What role does British Intelligence have in the Zionist control? Or the Venetian Black Nobility?

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They are controlling all intelligence agencies as well as governments. This is being clearly evidenced now by the horror of the genocide in Gaza without a single country doing anything to stop it. They are all controlled by the Zionists/Bankers/Black Nobility and all if it's minions.

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RFK, Jr. needs to take serious consideration of these facts. If he continues with his expressed unconditional support of Israel he is slapping both his father and his uncle in the face. I was horrified to hear him speak of that support.

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I have to wonder if he is not over a barrel with Israel.... because it doesn't make sense otherwise.

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It's not supposed to make sense. That is part of the psyop. Keep everyone distracted and running down rabbit holes so no one ever learns the truth. Continue to work locally to fix things. That is where we will make the biggest impact. We have many things within our country that need to be dealt with. I have moved away from most international news and try to focus on what is only necessary. I fail, but I am trying.

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Agreed. I'm trying to find the balance...learn enough to navigate and make better choices.

I have a lot of work to do. :/

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I sure again with you both!

We are in a Spiritual War: Good vs Evil. Period! Prepare w/out FEAR. FAITH, Trust, BELIEVE but Prepare ‼️🌠🙏🏻✨💚👑🫶🏻

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That is what I think too.

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Apr 7
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If you are trying to win the presidency you need to appeal to a majority of voters. Talking hardcore antivaxxer talk is not going to do that. That's called Realpolitik

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Well...I be wondering about what RFK Jr. says about all this...since he has come out as such a strong supporter of Zionist Isreal? As they say.."the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"...so what happened to Bobby Jr.?

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Seiously compromised

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Zionism is a two hundred year old psyop created by the Jesuits. As a devout Catholic indoctrinated by Jesuits, he is required to see it through to its Hegelian solution.

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The ancient Venetian Black Nobility includes the ZIONISTS of The City of London Central Bankers WITH The Crown Corporation and Israel is a part of the GLOBAL B.S. established by The City of London's Central Banker Family Cartel as are the rest of the 'FIVE EYES'.


The CIA is an outgrowth of GCHQ, MI6 with the old OSS and the Dulles Brothers combined with the rest of the 'Five Eyes' and it is a NETWORK and always was; with the FBI also being a tool. The Royal Institute for International Affairs is the OLDER SISTER of The Council for Foreign Relations which is the Treasonous Cohort for Officials of the CIA, DOD and National Security Council, Trilateral Commission and the rest of the 'Secret Society Menagerie'; all are hidden behind THE DEMONIC COMMUNITARIAN NAZI U.N. UNPARTY created by The Venetian Black Nobility which is now known as The City of London's Central Bankers and Crown Corporation which has been behind ALL FALSE FLAG WARS FOR PROFIT/POWER OF THE LAST 1000 YEARS.

It's been habitual to divert attention away from the Fabianists out of Oxford/Cambridge concerned about the little Island Nation's survival where the survivors of ancient Rome settled and began Europe's WARS FOR PROFIT AND POWER continuing to this day.

THERE MANY Alternate Outlets constantly diverting attention away from the CENTRAL BANKERS and CROWN CORPORATION as the old Venetian Black Nobility...AND, WITH THE DISAPPEARANCE FROM THE PUBLIC OF DING-A-LING UPCHUCK WITH THE TOTAL ROYAL FAMILY and placing AI Fake Videos out into the public is a sign of the identity of the REAL ENEMY. IT IS NOT ISRAEL WITH THE CIA EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE A PART OF THE CONSPIRACY.


Don't know what hole this SNAKE slithered out of; but he's an utter liar. REALLY MUST READ 'Traedy and Hope' by Carroll Quigley or 'Tragedy and Hope 101' by Joseph Plummer. THE JEWS ARE NOT BEHIND THIS...IT'S THE VENETIAN BLACK NOBILITY NOW KNOWN AS THE CROWN CORPORATION owning 16% of all land in the world WITH THE CITY OF LONDON'S CENTRAL BANKER FAMILY CARTEL.


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Wow, excellent comment; it challenges me to continue researching.

So Much to chew on!!

I am a long way from wrapping my head around all of this….

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The TRUTH is out there. The first two books to begin with understanding is 'Tragedy and Hope' by Carroll Quigley which contains the names of most of the ancient families involved in this evil to prove ancestry. The ABRIDGED version is actually better as it omits the 'Family Trees'; although those are vitally important to understand the Vein of Evil we now must confront. The Abridged version is 'Tragedy and Hope 101' by Joseph Plummer and it can be read very quickly...For me, it was about 5 hrs.; but as a fast reader...It may take a bit longer. I also had preliminary info; so it wasn't completely new as for many people.

A second book to give history about The City of London's Central Bankers is 'Tower of Basel' by Adam Labor...Key to comprehension of Switzerland to have always been an OPIUM HIGHWAY for the transfer of all Contraband, Spies and such AND NEVER NEUTRAL. It's become clear with all the evil now inhabiting so much of Switzerland...It is a key CONTROL of the One/New World Police State of Police States.

The lady responding to this huge comment is Frances and she's VERY ADEPT with research into the Ancient Cultures...Enjoyable to read and humorous making the reading of sometimes heavy material a bit more joyful.

HAPPY TRAILS and God Bless.

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I will order & read. Thank you.

I must say: Reinette was the only one who took an interest in my research of the proposed release of genetically engineered mosquitoes back in 2021. The Highwire ignored me, Children's Health defense attorneys said there was "nothing we could do."

Reinette heard me, and she put it out on her show. She's one of the few who I have felt is sincerely trying to comprehend what the FUCK is happening. She's covering more than many I know.

I'd cut her some slack...I know I am still learning and getting things wrong. She dives into MUCH more than I can manage...and I know how much my mind has been swimming...

I'm on overload!!

Your info and books are a great start. I'm going to commit! TY

Also, please share any audio/podcasts you like so I can listen and learn (vs. staring any more into a device). <3

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Wasn't necessarily Renette...It was that heinous man with the agitated blame sincerely thinking nobody out here knows any history or can see through this B.S.

Many people have suspected there to be a 'Shadow Govt.' with the constant 'Talking the Talk' mentality while not 'Walking the Walk.' WE KNOW THE ENEMY HAS CONSTANTLY RESENTED THE HELL OUT OF THIS NATION as they lost Natural Resources and those they considered...AND STILL VIEW their owned 'Human Cattle Herd'; their slaves they camouflaged behind the definition of serf/peasant.' Some of us had family KNOWING the European past as the families have documented through time.

There are books from Whistleblowers and for evil to have the permission from God to perpetrate evil; IT MUST BE MADE COMMONLY AND PUBLICALY KNOWN TO THE VICTIMS BEFORE IT IS IMPLEMENTED BY GOD; OUR CREATOR. When people are silent...When they KNOW the evil to be carried-out; that is manifest permission from the people and society as a collective for evil to be acceptable and God is helpless to stop it as it is according to 'human will.'

The TRUTH is out there and is documented in thousands of books. I've given you two simple and quick reading one's to begin as it's a good foundation. THERE's SO MUCH MORE AND WHILE MANY HAVE SOUGHT TO COVER HISTORY...People have exposed it. Mostly, officials have kept the sources quiet; but now all are being found and history is less and less hidden. THE ENEMY IS MORE EXPOSED AND MORE TERRIFIED THAN THEY'VE EVER BEEN BEFORE. They're going for broke and know they will die if they lose. When evil loses; it will take as many of the innocent out as possible before they go. That's the terrifying part.

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All my comments on this post were removed by Reinette. What does that tell you?

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That you are rude, self-promoting, and uncouth. I have never seen such a fellow-substacker behave in such a way.

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Frances, iIs this a rtrick question?

Either you were rude, self-promoting, and uncouth?

Or Reinette is a tool of the Venetian Black Nobility?

Or both?

Or it is a matter of incompatible conversation styles?

Anyway, two mother hens in the same henhouse is bound to cause a fair amount of squawking and flying feathers, isn't it?

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You're correct, Frances.


You didn't have to prove anything to me, Frances.

Already knew a while back and they're easily identified

with that mealy-mouthed misdefiniton of 'MODERATE'.

There is NOTHING moderate about these Demonic Pretenders

TREASONOUS to the United States and loyal to

the Communitarian U.N Uniparty Nazi's

The City of London and Crown Corporation hide behind.


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Say hi to FJ for me😉

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100% -- an' addin that them "protocols" are a Russian forgery where Jews replace Masons. It's quite popular ta "believe" in 'em now.

I'd like ta git the names of the so-called "rabbis" that instructed the bitter an' unfortunately WOEFULLY misinformed Matt Tower that Jews are taught ta kill an hate all Christians--nuttin' could be further from the truth! I'm sure Mister Tower made this baloney outta whole cloth b/c I've never seen a rabbi talk like this an' I've been on this planet long 'nuff ta know!

A few facts that contradict Mister High Tower's views that essentially the only good jew is a dead one.

1. Thou shall not kill is one of the 10 commandments an' that commandment is NOT "though shalt kill everybuddy but us"--I call bullshart (I'll git ta that "amalek" thing down below)

2. "Chosen" does NOT mean we're better than others an' most've us were told CHOSEN means DESIGNATED by GOD to honor the 10 Commandments and show by "example" (livin' a righteous life so others--"chewish" an' non--kin see it ) that error in translation has caused Jews a LOT of bad PR. I'm kinda long in the tooth an' NEVER wuz I told (includin' in temple or sunday school) that "chosen" meant better--in fact I was always told that we need ta set a good example because any jew behavin' badly reflects poorly on all've us... (only now do I realize how true that is--we are NOT all Jeffery Epstein or Larry Fink!)

3. If y'all believe this feller, then kindly explain the story of Jonah & the Whale (our chewish Purim story!) ) in which God send Jonah ta help some non-jews that were actin' poorly (sinnin', partyin,' fightin' all that). God does NOT want Jonah ta convert these non-jews, just ta tell 'em ta just TALK to 'em and say God wants them ta mend their profligate ways ta keep in God's good graces. Jonah refuses -- he just duzn't wanna--an' God strikes his ship with a mighty storm. Jonah, not wantin' ta kill his fellow sailors--NONE are Jews--dives overboard to SAVE these non-Jews his Mates. God sees Jonah sacificed his own life to not let the sailors die. He still punishes Jonah by havin' 'im git swallered by that whale--an' it stinks in there too! Jona repents and is sent ta deliver God's message to the rowdy group per God's wishes. So in this story Jonah is punished for his arrogance (for not helpin' some non-Jews--HELPING not convertin'!) but he is also good man not lettin' the sailors die. That is the lesson--helpin those around you, not killin' 'em--this man Tower is a liar an' worse.

4. The Jewish religion is the ONLY one I know've that sez EVERYBUDDY kin go ta heaven no matter which god they worship (not even christianity sez this) as long as folks accept the Noahide Laws. If ya don't accept the Noahide laws (as all Jews are supposed ta too) then ya don't get ta heaven. Period. No instructions for any harm ta come ta those that don't either--no hellfire, no brimstone. In fact "chews" don't really believe in hell.. but that's a'nuther story... SO...Nohide:

What are them laws?--eatin' babies? killin' Christians? NO NO NO--here they are--y'all decide how "satanic" they are an' if Matt Tower the expert is right:

In Judaism the 7 Noahide Laws are rules that all of us must keep, regardless of who we are or from where we come. Without these seven things, it would be impossible for humanity to live together in harmony.

ONE. Do not profane G d’s Oneness in any way. Acknowledge that there is a single G d who cares about what we are doing and desires that we take care of “His” world. God is not a man—he is a force of singular divinity the lives within us all that allows all nature to work in harmony. “He” is a Source of Being... a higher power (Abraham figured this out first...then Moses..)

Ya don't need ta have the same one god as the god jews worship...any "one god" will do!

TWO. Do not curse your Creator(do not put at risk the foundation for responsible human conduct which comes from belief in a deliberate and purposeful creator—a meaningful conductor of life on Earth) No matter how angry you may be, do not take it out verbally against your Creator.

THREE. Do not murder Guard the Sanctity of Human Life.

The value of human life cannot be measured—it is divine, created in God’s divine image. To destroy a single human life is to destroy the entire world—because, for that person, the world has ceased to exist. It follows that by sustaining a single human life, you are sustaining an entire universe. (American Bill of Rights is based on this concept fwiw)

FOUR: Honor the Sanctity of Measured Consumption /Do not eat a limb of a living animal. Respect the life of all G d’s creatures. As intelligent beings, we have a duty not to cause undue pain to other creatures and eating meat while the animal is still living and has its soul is wrong. Respect the life and function of whatever we consume. And that is only sustainable when we recognize that all life is purposeful because it is the work of a single, deliberate and purposeful consciousness.

FIVE. Do not steal / Respect the Sanctity of Private Property.

Whatever benefits you receive in this world, make sure that none of them are at the unfair expense of someone else. Each of our lives has its unique purpose—and those things that enter our lives and become our possessions are key to that purpose.

SIX. Harness and channel the human libido. Incest, adultery, rape and homosexual relations are forbidden. (Yeah, that's one've 'em but today there are religious Jews that accept gay congregants...) The family unit is the foundation of human society. The fountain of life is holy and this are intimate relations between man and wife. When this holy connection is abused, nothing can be more debasing and destructive to the human being. When man and women unite as a couple they bring healing and blessing to the world, just as they bring new souls, dressed in pure and pristine light.

SEVEN. Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world.

With every small act of justice, we are restoring harmony to our world, synchronizing it with a supernal order. That is why we must keep the laws we established in our government for the country’s stability and harmony. . Only the human being has the ability to disrupt the order of the entire planet, to step out of synch with his own purpose and the divine plan. Even a small act of justice for a single human being impacts every other human being on the planet. We are restoring harmony to our reality, placing it in synch with a higher reality, And so, in establishing justice for one person, all the world is healed.


These laws were communicated by God to Adam and Noah, ancestors of all human beings. That is what makes these rules universal, for all times, places and people:


If ya find these "evil" then so be it.

Last "pernt" -- goyim just means "a nation" or those who are not Jews and it is not pejorative--it's neutral and no Jews are told to murder all "goyim." Amalek refers specifically to idol worshippers--an' yup, Jewish laws say those who worshiped the golden calf or other idols are baddies... The order is not to kill them all but ruther ta treat them as mortal enemies IF they try ta do battle with ya. Bibi Gun (I'm NO fan of his) sez Hamas is Amalek to the Jews--I'm not sure how correct he is biblically speakin' but he's a ratfink an' is gettin' his own country destroyed an' hated. MOST torah jews never heard of "amalek" before this war...

An' fwiw the Talmud is NOT a book of law like the Torah--it's a book of quotations! opinions! many contradictin' each other -- to be argued over daily by scholars. Ta cite the bad stuff in it and say it's the "law" or belief of chews is banana oil--it's like pickin' up an encyclopedia an' sayin' all who read it are satanic b/c there's an entry on satanism. Git what I'm sayin'?

This fella no more represents "jews" OR zionists (who are not like some uniform group of serial kills fergawdsakes--most zionists don't know squat 'bout the Rothschilds an' they are SIMPLY folks that were handed a country by a 'nother country -- England--that had no right ta do so--) Blame who ya want, hate who ya want... I don't think it's nice ta spread lies but truth today is rare as hens' teeth!

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Didn't speak about the man interviewed out of any sense of his background as a Jewish person nor a convert to Christianity...He's a liar and propagandist and such deliberate sin has begun to make me nauseated. They're so disrespectful to assume nobody will call them out...So disrespectful to lie on top of lies EASILY DISCERNED and they do it anyway. Talk about sociopathic. Probably/Possibly; PROBABLY a 'PLANT' or a slippery, machiavellian Instigator creating more chaos, crises, division and hatred among the U.S. population towards Israel and Jewish people overall.

Yes, all are to follow the Universal Natural Laws of God as stated in Genesis with the addition of 'Creating Courts for Justice' outside of Genesis and yes the laws were given to Noah which is the reason they are considered Noahide Laws...Have known much about the Jewish and the general stories of the Pentateuch as well as the Christian Bible and am Christian. Came from a very devout family; happy, wholesome, OPEN AND VALUED LEARNING...While never hating or hurting anybody on Mom's side while Dad's would kill for a dime. To this day, they are my foundation for comprehension of evil and lack all understanding to know how my Dad survived them to marry my Mom.

Know for a fact there are rotten people in all groups as evil and sin is a universal human condition. Know also the reason so much of Middle East, European, Mediterranean History is so widely known and read...Including the History of Great Evil associated with the Demonic Religions of the nations surrounding Israel has a tremendous amount to do with the alphebet created by the Canaanites with the Arabs at Serabit El Khadim and taking the alphabet back to Israel and the Middle East allowing for acoustic-oriented alphabet to record instead of Babylonian/Egyptian/Chinese pictophraphic/heiroglyphics/cuneiform which is irregularly passed onto paper in irregular lines, requires much space and tremendous study to learn the thousands of characters.

The creation of paper in Egypt with the Papyrus before the Chinese Mulberry Bark Paper allowed the transfer of history from the Middle East outward to the surrounding world which was magnified with the Roman Empire; especially after they learned of the ease of using paper or papyrus as opposed to Parchment in Europe.

The alphabet was also very simple to transfer with the Printing Press which allowed the area of the Mediterranean's History, Ideas, Instructions, Philosophy, Sciences, Stories to be transcribed around the world long before other nations even existed. To this day; it's a primary reason so much is known about the west as opposed to other regions of the globe.

It's also very clear...God wished technology to originate where it did and for all to be as it's been from the Middle East outward into the world. GOD IS IN CONTROL MORE THAN MANY HUMAN BEINGS LIKE TO BELIEVE.

Haven't enough information about the Talmud to form an opinion although, there are many people harping about it being of evil. The Torah is as home for me being a Biblically-oriented person.

As for 'The Rothschild's'; they're simply an aspect of 'The Venetian Black Nobility' with The Crown Corporation and they now have an International Mafia; a DEATH CULT based out of the evil countries surrounding Israel...YES, THERE IS AN ILLUMINATI/FREEMASON DEMONIC CULT

AND THE VENETIAN BLACK NOBILITY IS A PART OF IT. YES, IT DOES CONSIST OF JEWISH/ZIONIST/CHRISTIAN/HINDU/BUDDHIST/SHINTOIST/NATIVE AMERICAN/ABORIGINIES...And, every other major religious group of the whole world...IT'S ABOUT NETWORKING, BLACKMAIL, BRIBERY AND THREATS. This group most certain will murder, torture, enslave, rape...Even babies and children. I know because my vocation and career brought the evil into my domaine and it almost killed me as it murdered people I knew.


Britain is NOT a country given away...It's where the surviving Romans from ancient Rome settled and began their rise to power using the British people to hide behind and to use as slaves which is the source of those migrating to the west. It's no wonder the people migrating into the west treated the Natives and Black people as they did as it is EXACTLY HOW THEY WERE TREATED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE VENETIAN BLACK NOBILITY...The Imperialist-Feudal Nazi's which is the origin of ALL THE TOTALITARIAN STATES IN THE WORLD SETTING FIRE TO THE WORLD IN THE 20th Century. All was planned, manipulated, carried-out and funded by the City of London and Crown Corporation as the old Venetian Black Nobility still trying hard to continue to hide...Behind the American People, Jews, or anybody else they can point their evil, bony fingers to.

Don't know where you're from...Enjoy the appearance in your writing of originating from the South or the hills and mountains of the western U.S. if not Ireland/Scotland. Enjoy the deliberate neglect to grammer and correct punctuation. Was amusing and God knows we don't have enough laughter right now.

Enjoyed reading your response. 😲 😂🤣🤔🌹🙏🏼

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thank ya muchly BlazeCloude3! So I got "fambly" from the South but I'm a New Yawker--actress that got outta werk due ta not compyin' with "countermeasures" so I took up my character on Substack, write in the "vernacular"--an' it also protects me a bit from bots 'n trolls! I'm all 'bout humor an liftin' our spirits--an' I love all folks from all faiths. I don't go hatin' on anybuddy so I not only am I in agreement with yer assess-mint of the whole enchilada (i.e. as ya said: All was planned, manipulated, carried-out and funded by the City of London and Crown Corporation as the old Venetian Black Nobility still trying hard to continue to hide...Behind the American People, Jews, or anybody else they can point their evil, bony fingers to.)--On the mark!

BUT ALSO...this:

Probably/Possibly; PROBABLY a 'PLANT' or a slippery, machiavellian Instigator creating more chaos, crises, division and hatred among the U.S. population towards Israel and Jewish people overall.

YES YES, agreed!

I'm no fan of NetN'Yoohoo nor Biden nor Turd-O nor ANY (any!) of the WEF leaders today... I got an idear that may add ta that of this bein' a plant--

1. it's demoralizin' ta say "Israel/Mossad runs the USA an' the country is DONE FOR"--nobuddy'll vote! AT ALL--which means just givin' up ta Mister Global.

2. This UN-DUZ The Donald. A psyop--mebbe? Not that Trump is perfect or a hero (I still don't git Warp Speed but Scarf Lady did boast 'bout foolin' him 'bout lockdowns...) but heck, even if he's a Jesuit/Freemason he's not near as bad as Obama's 3rd term... I think makin' folks think that The Donald is a "jewish plot" an' makin' sure that folks think "all jews bad" will simply undo MAGA an' take away maga voters which don't bode well. (This Tower of Power --ha!--said the Jewish God is the God of Genocide which is purdy outrageous not ta mention full out false--an' I think you were the only person 'sides me that was sayin' this feller is fulla banana oil! Con man! Also sayin' Trump will be the Jewish Messiah? Ha--this is BEYOND ridiculous--most Jews don't even think Schneerson is the Messiah (only 1/8 of Chabad--the rest know he was just a good if controversial leader--now DEAD!)--so this Ignoramus Tower is a thorn where I sit...ugh.

I just hope nobuddy believes him!

EVERY polly-tish-an' is NOT bought 'n sold (at least a quarter are a-ok--Thomas Massie's a good 'un!).

Even puttin' aside the apocalyptic apocryphal tale of this BLAME ISRAEL cyber attack (an' yup, I know Schwab--notta chew!--mentioned takin' down the innertubes), this fella's message sends folks in a tailspin of hopelessness.

Truth is that IN SPITE of whose runnin' the show (no, it ain't Israel--I think we'll agree that BiBiGUN is just a puppet)--this ain't the END of America--not yet while there's a few folks with brain cells remainin'!

Like yer bringin' in the paper /paypyrus/ Gutenberg, etc ta spread knowledge--too bad Matt Tower didn't bother readin' any of it (ha!)... Really it's baloney--I just hope some folks not speakin' up recognize it for baloney an' ask fer real meat & taters!

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YUR FUNNIN' ME!!! 😂🤔🤣🤣💖

Yes, NUTTIN-YA-HOO is a Pup alright...Lots of 'em round the world jes scarfin' up the U.S buck 'at wone be worth much soon.

Rather difficult to do a Cockney here, idn't it?

An ACTRESS? Interesting work for one DOIN' DA DONALD. Not surprised you're not employed in your chosen career...So, what are you doin' in the meantime until all this crap passes?

Er's no way to ever vote for the OBastards loyal to the Bankers and Ding-a-Ling Upchuck over yonder cross da pond.

Came across others claiming God to be genocidal and murderous...And, took me aback. Couldn't believe what I was reading. Ended-up REALLY getting in a real IN-TEE-LEK-CHEW-AL knock-down/drag-out. Cracked on the 'Pagan Pachamama Earth Mother Cult' now camouflaged as 'CLIMATE CHANGE' which commanded and still demands 'Human Sacrifice' around the world and then the Wiccan Nut Jobs with that stinkin' sage. They aren't all wrong about the plants and minerals and such; but really...HOKEY POKEY SPELLS with Tongue of Gnute and hair of frog...Which could only be a toenail at best. Really got im when he brought up MoHAMID. Ends up...He's was dumb as a box of rocks and speaking out his bum as gas.

Ya remind me of the pome 'Little Orphant Annie' by Walter Whitcomb Riley from Indiana...I taught it to my kids when they was around foe yrs. old...So they sounds as chillun as the pome.

Aught to read it if'n ya haven't.

Gotta hit the hay...Kids 'ill be here bouts early and the animals need fed long afore that. I'm retired early as it was IMPOSSIBLE to practice Psychology in the environment of crazy, immoral and ethically elastic. Was top management and the young were IMPOSSIBLE to deal with any longer.

So, now we have a Farm Co-op with a Home School for the neighborhood. My kids all moved back home from NC with the Grands...We've been here on my Mom's side for 10 generations now...It's in Trust and goes from one to the next generation. Until I and my siblings...All were only children. Not certain how to set things up at this stage of the game with all the threats. Do know that if they wish to threaten us here...They better bring more than a few pea-shooters.


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wull shucks n' thanks an' I'm glad ya got some funnin' in too with yer act-scents! Yup, that's the word--"aback"--I'm in shock pee-pull would say such a thing an' assume folks'd just agree an' not take issue (as did happen!)--an' that near-nobuddy (Jewish or Christian or Buddhist or whatever-- heck even just a moral atheist) even questioned it--is just gob-smackin'! So yup, "aback" is the right way ta put it--just like "whoa back" with yer dobbin plus a jaw-drop!

All with ya too in terms of spottin' all the malarkey from a mile away--"climb-gnat" change, an' all the hokey pokey spell wiccan culty stuff that some young'ins are fallin' fer! (the dance tho' -- the hokey pokey--is lotsa fun!--put yer right foot in, all that...) A' COURSE I know Lil' Orphant Annie!--an' the GOBBLINS'll get'cha if ya don't watch out--loved it as a chile an' my kiddos know it well too! (Also like The Raggedy Man--thats a'nuther good'un by JWR!)

I hear ya re leavin' the "rat race" early! Also nice ya got ani-mules--it's on our 2do list! We'ze a lil' like the Green Acres Douglas's--left the city but ain't quite yet adopted "farm livin' "--Daisy here kin cook (far better'n Lisa Douglas if I may say so!) -- but we're on the learnin' curve--raisin' egg chickens is next!

Our whole fambly had ta leave The Rotten Apple fer the boondocks cuz no werk fer me 'er the hubby an' the kids got banned from their "stuff" too--we always homeschooled but even after-skool classes an' dance studios an' choir an' near-all they also did went belly up an' never did quite comeback...or did with crazy "invented" protocols--not of zion!--but equally fictional stuff like maskin' an' testin' so we made our exit stage left)--no real actin' work out here in the clover at least yet (ha, clover I wish--too many chemtrails now fer that) but I'm teachin' at a couple homeschool co-ops an' I've organized some barn dances too an' I do my "stackin' "--both me an' the hubby gotta reinvent ourselfs in this eeek-conomy tho'

so thanks fer speakin' up against this in-sane-itty that may indeed be "psy-opic"...pittin' folks against each other an' mebbe underminin' votin' (etc) as part've it--enjoyed our chat too! (gotta hit that hay myself!) good night--'er good mornin'--or both!

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Great catch. I also recommend for clarifying our enemy: William Guy Carr’s, “Satan, Prince of This World,” written in 1959 and published posthumously in 1966 by his son. Carr reminds us we are in spiritual warfare and repeatedly warned of the final social cataclysm (which we are in right now) during which and after, they plan via various deceptions and destructions to impose a Luciferian totalitarian dictatorship and ideology upon the survivors of the entire human race, body, mind, and soul. I don’t know about you, but as for me and my house, Jesus Christ (Yeshua) will forever be our undying, conquering King against whom the armies of evil always fail--blessings in His name to you and yours and to all who seek, speak, and spread the Truth for the sake of Justice and the eternal Peace that God, our Creator, has given us in this life and in Heaven.

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'THE PEOPLE' have been fighting your evil straight out of hell

and finally...THEY AND IT ARE EXPOSED!!!


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Blaze, they are all one and the same—one big club that you and I are not a part of. They have been intermarrying and breeding for many generations, and your and my gene pool are not part of their bloodline.

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Never claimed my Gene Pool was of the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits.

Also, know anybody claiming Israel and the CIA to be the top of this 'Stream of Evil'

is insane; if not evil and out of their minds as the SNAKE making such a claim


Time to go into London and Switzerland and PROTEST ON THE ENEMY'S SACRED GROUNDS.


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Apr 7
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There is only one outcome in this little 'Go Game' or Geometric Chess. In the end all those uniting will eat one another up; but HOW MANY INNOCENTS WILL THEY OBLITERATE BEFORE THEN?

'EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD.' It's a foregone conclusion there's infighting and they're all in a dither. It's easily ascertained from the endless escaltion of Terror Porn and False Flags, Propaganda and Controlled Demolition as that little Bridge Incident. The more they squawk and panic; the worse it is to get for the world's people exactly as

'Domestic Violence Perpetrator' behaves towards the spouse and children....More must be done to create the same level of terror. Thing is; too many now see the pattern as it's repeated constantly and the Group Think is far more clear to all.


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Apr 6
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I think we need to distinguish between israel and the zionists- i think the jewish people and isrealis are all being duped- remember that the israeli people all got the injection as well

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Absolutely, and we did speak to the "zionists," as I have mentioned and posted many times in my Substack. But it's good to point out again because people attempt to use this as a reason not to consider any of the points or use it as an excuse to hurl out the sophomoric, "You must be antisemitic." Which is so old these days.

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Absolutely correct. The Zionists gave a damn less about the Jews during WWII; which was a definite sign of their lack of loyalty to ANYTHING of God, People, Nation or any kind of decency beyond personal gain/greed/power.

They don't give a lousy dang about the real JEWS living in Israel right now and they did command absolute obedience to the Injections which murder, sterilize or re-make the survivors into BORG FREQUENCY SLAVES capable of being made diseased, to have disease cured or murdered at the stroke of a finger on a keyboard to activate the SYNBIO within their bodies with frequencies....DEFINING THEM SLAVES AS ON STAR TREK'S ANTAGONISTS; THE BORG. All the Borg were capable of by way of 'Zombie Group Think', Secret Data Storage, changing freqencies, etc...IT IS ALL POSSIBLE RIGHT NOW IN THE WEST AND CHINA/RUSSIA. Virtually every Jew is nothing more than a Data Pack Zombie Slave.

When you see people freeze on T.V. or when they suddenly can't speak or mumble or blabber incoherently; THAT IS A COMPUTER GLITCH, not dementia as all claim of the OBastard in the Oval Office. There are also people dying for disobeying commands as this Whistleblower for the type of Graphene inside numerous INJECTIONS. Link is found in video's included with this Substack Post by Dr. and Ginger Breggin.


If you wish to know more about the capabilities of the TECHNOLOGY OF THE WEST NETWORK OF NATIONS/UN NAZI UNIPARTY, here is a Channel and person beyond brilliant; an Architect for the Infrastructure now DEPLOYED. She seems a bit blunt and not just a little angry...BUT, it's for good reason. She holds the ENEMIES IN CONTEMPT FOR ALL THEY'VE DONE TO HER AND TO THE WORLD. It takes a bit of time to become familiar with the Terminology; but it's worth the time. The technology is fascinating and TERRIFYING concurrently. It's important we all UNDERSTAND to some extent to protect our ability to worship God, those we love, ourselves and our lifestyle Value System.


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Sadly, the Jewish population is being played more than anyone... then it's the Zionist Christians after that. Many of which are my friends, and there is no convincing them differently.

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there are many good jewish zionists AND christian zionists so I'm not sure how it's "helpful" ta say ALL zionists are evil an' runnin' the country--SOME "political" zionists are evil an' DO have powerful "roles"--MOST zionists--christian AND jewish are just ordinary people who think Israel has a right to exist (whether they know--'er not--bout the anti-Jewish Brits that started it all!)

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I'm confused. What does a helpful Zionist stand for? Because it would seem, geocoding an indigenous people from their land is not very helpful. So serious, what do the good zioniest stand for? I ask this hernestly.

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For what reason would anybody inform me of something already known for anybody with eyes to see or ears to hear?


Jewish population isn't being played...They're the most saturated with SYNBIO BORG SERUM FROM THE INJECTIONS; they're nothing except Borg Frequency Slaves controlled by a sadomasochistic geek at a keyboard hating everybody for the neglect and bullying suffered in life from NOT BELONGING and DESPERATELY WANTING TO.

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Psinergy on Odysee is her channel. She is a fantastic teacher and an amazing human.

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Hey Frances...Long time, no read. Good to see you. Been trying to keep up with Email and have read a bit before the constant diversions and demands for my attention. Going into spring and planting season with births and just set-up the Brooding House for the Chicks, Ducks, Geese and then Quail later.

YES...HE'S A TOTAL LIAR. FEEL BAD FOR REINETTE as she was excited to land such enthusiatic declarations from a PRETENDER she didn't know was one. The exclamatory nature of the lies were especially appalling. Those Protocols have been floating around for years...AS YOU CLAIM.

Noticed...This time in the 'Comment Section'; they are not messing with the response time of the keyboard. WHAT DIM WITS.

Glad to talk...Have a great weekend.

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It's all food for thought.... as we presented it. Take it or leave it like all my posts and interviews.

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Oh on my laptop the response time on my keyboard was definitely bad…I’m on my phone now and there’s no problem.

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🥺They want us as 'Zombie Cult' and to pretend stupidity or agree with their INSANITY and EVIL MADE NORMAL.

Of course there's no problem with YOUR phone...It's THIS CHANNEL/PROGRAM/AUTHOR/POST. They most certainly do have the technology to control whatever occurs in any given program they wish to censor or monitor to gather data. Hell, they even use we people to store their nasty secrets in our own DNA without us knowing and have to admit; don't know if the synbio is necessary for that or not. Do know the synbio is to be the first step of attack on DNA and to re-make humans into Cyborg...Don't know if it's necessary for them to SUCK OUR ENERGY FROM OUR CELLS or to USE US AS FILING CABINETS TO HIDE SECRETS.

Not joking. There's some crazy crap going on. Listen to this link. Serina is ANGRY OFTEN. It's because she holds those she worked for 'IN CONTEMPT' for what they did to her and for what they've done to the world in their arrogance.


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All my comments have been deleted by Reinette.

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They did not only 9/11 but also the Covid bioweapon operation, according to an eyewitness scientist who worked alongside them at NIH in the 1980s-90s.



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I think any big "event" you will find the same fingerprints.

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Yep - George Webb ESPECIALLY has exposed just HOW much Boston Consulting Group played a KEY role in plandemic protocols, James (as you probably do KNOW.....)

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And, Tower mentions how Netanyahu worked for the Boston Consulting Group before returning to Israel.... it's al connected.

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I have the PDF of the orginal book “Behold a Pale Horse” that I downloaded from archive.org (link below). I purchased the physical book but it was 66 pages shorter than the original book I had been reading at my friend’s house. In the new revised book that I bought, chapter 15 was missing. “Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion” (66 pages long).

This is the whole book in the web archives. Chapter 15 is on page 266:


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Angela, it is awful to hear that this page reduction is in a new version! Like encyclopedias it's best to get them before the 1950s to get a more accurate picture.

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It’s crazy to be living in “1984”.

I had to take the books side by side to discover what was missing. It appears that everything was left the same and the only thing missing is that chapter.

That gives that chapter significant meaning to me.

Matthew is right, you can see they have done just about everything they talked about in the chapter.

William Cooper did his best to warn the world until they killed him.

He was shot at his home, while tending his grandson, by an officer over “tax evasion”.

Of course, like Ruby Ridge and so many others, the media spin was an outrageous lie.

But we’ve gotten used to that by now.

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If the chapter was removed, it must be the most important one!

And, yes, we are used to accepting so many lies without question. The education system has done a mighty fine job of removing our inquisitive minds, haven't they?

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Another side note. It was William Cooper that told the world that they were going to attack the twin towers and blame it on Osama Bin Ladin months before it happened. I am always curious why Alex Jones never mentions that fact?

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If it hasn't been mentioned, it was not in their "official parameters" to do so.

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Remarkable discovery. 🙏

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Also be aware that Bill Cooper changed his stance on believing in aliens upon learning additional information.

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The World Stealth Organization, and God only knows who they are until the Bank for International Settlements loses its immunity and its books are seized as evidence, is coordinating things to look like a build up to WW3. They faked the Crocus attack, then they brought down the FSK bridge to make it look like retaliation. They are crying wolf again. First they cried "Global Warming!", then they cried "Pandemic!" and now they're crying "WW3!". Their goal, besides depopulation, is to smash nationalism, for nations to give up their sovereignty. Screw them!

Aesop's Lost Fables: The Boy Who Declared Things

with apologies to Aesop


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Perfect name.... the World Stealth Organization.

Perhaps we should take an oath that if/when we are told WWIII had begun we simply go to our gardens and check on our tomatoes.

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World Stealth Organization was I think coined by Meryl Nass.

"Edward Slavsquat" points out some things about the Crocus shooting that lead me to believe it was staged. The bridge incident was recently declared a crime scene, which is a lot quicker than any "vaccine" injury has been declared a crime, and it seems they are going to blame guess who Russia. Combine that with the WSO control of the US including the DoD and the CIA, and the Russian use of mRNA and their very slow prosecution of the war in Ukraine which they could win quickly, and I think the WSO has well placed blackmailed/bribed people in both governments. No one, not even the pathocrats in the WSO want nuclear war. They are giving us a kabuki war (though definitely killings in Ukraine and middle east are real) and crying wolf again.

It is up to people like those in Louisiana to expose the WSO and bring us peace.

Laissez les bon temps rouler!


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I do have a foreboding feeling that the power grid will go down in the US. I think that would be not a matter of if but a matter of when? We know about digital id's and digital currency. We know about the NWO, Agenda 21/30/50. We know about UN Sustainable Development Goals. We know about geo engineering the weather. We know they can simulate just about anything and make it look believable. We know about the open boarders bringing in men being a potential for some kind of standing army if the SHTF. We know about certain characters who pose as benevolent beings, such as Gates, who is no friend of humanity. Many more like him are out there. We know America is being disassembled and brought down. But by whom? and why? And what will America be like and look like once this bring down is completed? We know the powers that shouldn't be do not want 8 billion human souls on this planet. We know they wish for a future controllable technocratic society of AI, robotics and transhumans. Whoever and whatever and for what reasons are behind all this I don't thingk matters much. The evil is palpable. The overall energy of this plane of existence is grossly negative now. Let's pray team human, in the end, wins the war. I think this feels like a spiritual war we're fighting. Whatever this is, I'm certainly not looking forward to having to pass through it to get to the other side of it. Everybody has an opinion of what this plane of existence is and who runs it as their personal empire. Everybody has a theory. I do think it wise to have some water and food supply stocked up, just in case the mfer's turn out the lights!

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I think you're are right about the power grids going down but when is the big question?. I think these wars were started with the idea of them saying "look over there, nothing to see here" I think we should be very focused on China. China has been chipping away at us since the 1940's. Look how much land they own. What can you buy that's not made in China? How come Newscum recently went there? How come Newscum and Buyden recently "hosted Xi" in San Francisco? They sure did a bang up job of cleaning up the city in 24 hours. I watched the motorcade with Xi go down the streets in the city upon his arrival. Why NO AMERICAN flags? The cities streets were lined with Chinese flags. How about the balloons sent over us? Once again, look over there, nothing to see here. It would be so easy for China to send a few balloons over equipped with EMP'S and bam, there goes our power grids. They've now sent thousands of "Military aged male nationals over our borders" not to mention the fairly recent discovery of a Chinese police station in China town NYC. China town a perfect place for a benign, camouflaged Chinese organization. Infiltrate, little by little, bit by bit. Funny thing I heard recently "if China wanted to take us over, why didn't they already do it"? They've had a 100 year plan in play and they have had alot of patience and time. Takes me back to, what can you buy that's not made in China? I hear people say "I'm boycotting China" I just laugh. I say "you go through your entire house and start reading labels" "if you really want to "boycott China" a good start would be getting rid of all electronic devices, including the phone's in your hands, most all your clothing (heck even alot of Carhartt products are made in China) you know, the supposed "American brand". Recently I was at our own Hills Flat Lumber. Just for kicks I went through their clothing department and looked at various labels. China, India and Indonesia. I did the same with all the Yeti products. All of those are "made in China" It seems there's really nothing manufactured in the US anymore. Maybe with the exception of a couple of flag companies and Patriot gear. So you see, we are and have been "owned by china" for a very long time. But nothing to see here folks, look over there. Epoch Times has a great documentary "The Final War" well worth watching.

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most days I either feel like I miscentured or I'm a stranger in a very strange land!

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Apr 6
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So Israel is the cause of all the world`s woes and not a word against Islam, the most evil cult in history.

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Ignore the Noahide laws, aka 7 Laws of Noah, that is evil.

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I posted (in a comment above) all 7 of 'em--which ones are the most evil? (Just findin' it odd that God would pass evil laws to Noah after goin' ta much trouble to save him and his "fambly")

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Learn about them and the many sublaws.

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There just might be something to the 'Trump to be King', shit. If individuals want to go back, and find the video of when POTUS Trump when to England and met 'Queen' Liz. If you'll notice, she ALWAYS WALKS BEHIND Trump! NO ONE.....EVER....walks IN FRONT OF England's 'Queens'/'Kings'!!!

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Good observation, Dawnie.

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It was brought up on a few Dark Journalist (on YT) shows. It WAS puzzling, at the time......now we know! (maybe) lol

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That was trumps CAPITULATION TOUR...take a gander at the Saudi Arabian SWORD DANCE that has been offered to NO OTHER LEADER BEFORE. Apparently they are all in on this

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And, yes, THAT was something! Like out of a, umm, Simpson episode.

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I missed THAT one; gonna have to have a look-see.

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This Nick Alvear film provides a completely different perspective on the purpose, meaning & impact of President Trump’s so-called “Capitulation Tour” (20-26 min point clip) in June, 2017 at the beginning of his Presidency: The Greatest Show on Earth [https://www.goodlion.tv/thegreatestpartyonearth]

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I checked out the first part of that video, as I also scrolled Nick's Instagram. Whoever 'Nick Alvear' is.....he is either a complete moron, or on the Globalists payroll.

As the video starts......he goes on and on and on, spewing what the Q-Tards spew. One of which, "the military is 'in' on it"; which is BULLSHIT!! IF the military was 'in' on this, #1...they would NOT have injected THE WHOLE military with a Bio-weapon. And #2.....the Bio-weapon roll-out would NOT have happened (since it IS a DoD Operation), in the first place. These bio-weapons ARE an 'EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT' for Humans/Humanity! There is NO fixing the changing of ones GENES/DNA! So, NO!!.....the military IS PURE EVIL and WANTS US DEAD! There is no greater PROOF than THAT!

And, as I listen to Nick spew the Q-Tard talking points (aka their Delusional Bible)......I'm still scrolling his Instagram. I then come upon some 'FLAT EARTH' bullshit! This is when I stopped listening/watching! 'Flat Earth'.....another CIA PsyOp, just as 'Q' is.

Operative Nick Alvear DOES provide facts in his Propaganda Piece, but that's how PsyOps 'roll'.....offer Truth mixed in with your BULLSHIT. If this POS were in front of me right now, I'd punch him in his face.....then hang him for TREASON!

I DO like his title.....'The Greatest Show On Earth'. Because, what we are all witnessing, IS PURE THETRE!!! 99.99% OF IT! It's ALL BULLSHIT! These Traitors on The Hill, and all of their 'hearings'....PURE THEATRE! Trump.....THEATRE! RFK Jr......THEATRE! They ALL have their rolls to play, in 'The New World Order'! It IS 'the greatest show on Earth'; ONE BIG ILLUSION!

Which is why *I'M* voting for Dr. Shiva!! He's the only thing REAL, in this SHIT-SHOW!

I've been at this, for a very looooong time; I went 'down the rabbit hole' some 30-ish YEARS ago! More times than not, I can 'SMELL THE BULLSHIT'! And 'Nick Alvear' is BULLSHIT.

But, thanks for the link, anyway.

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There's always problems when you practice extreme religion. I choose no religion.

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.....as Dennis Weaver used to say, "THERE you go!" Just could NOT agree MORE, Gregory - religion, is the PROBLEM with ALL of it.....

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“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

-----Frank Vincent Zappa

Oh woe----How did it come to this....or did it?

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and according to this doc- frank zappas family has been a big part of this entire mess i -https://rumble.com/v4my3tr-out-of-shadows-documentary.html?

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Because FZ's father worked somewhere you think he was part of the agenda? Please!

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Franks dad worked at the Aberdeen proving grounds cooking up biological weapons to attack other human beings with. Monstrous work. Then the family was moved out west to Lancaster area as pops had work in military intel (psyop corps most likely)

And what makes this damning is not only was Frank's dad a war mongering monster, Frank never EVER mentioned his father's complicity in such heinous criminality. Or that his dad would have been current and active in military intel/ psyop. That was deeply dishonest, considering Frank's entire persona was constructed as the courageous free thinking radical who despised the military industrial complex almost as much as the hippies and all of middle America.

Dave McGowan = great source of information on this topic

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Also, per McGowan ("Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon"), Jim Morrison. I grew up late 60s-70s. How come it wasn't common knowledge to the whole generation that Morrison's father was a naval commander attached to the ships that WEREN'T attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin but got the U.S. fully involved in the Vietnam War? The fact is fascinating in and of itself; how many people even know or knew this, especially during the Doors' heyday?

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Morrison and Frank Zappa were giants in my teenage eyes, as were so many others that I later discovered were synthetic creations of one sort or another. The amount of psychic damage wrought by the Fabian Tavistock Marxists is vast and indelible. They inserted themselves into every aspect of our culture; music, literature, theatre, film- children's cartoons, public education, popular culture, religious holidays, consumer culture- everything was poisoned, distorted, trivialized, sexualized, and weaponized against us.

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Love this Frank Zappa quote!

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The guy should switch to decaf….Scheeez!

Between a verbal mania hovering dangerously close to flying apart completely, and a total lack of source material for his stream of opinions, he is hard to take seriously. Not a convincing presentation.

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I know...that's a bit of my thinking..when they go on 'rant' with over 80% of what they write being ALL CAPS...that's seriously a "red flag' regarding credibility (for me)! I was just reading BlazeCloude3's comments to my roommate and he proceeds to bring out a copy of the Plummer Book..."Tragedy and Hope 101...and they say there are no coincidences. ;)

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Apr 6
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He actually has a lot of sources. It's in his documentary.

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What are you afraid of Reinette? You have removed all my comments and I was not rude or unpleasant to you or anyone else. Why did you do that?

I put it to you that you are afraid of my research and rather than consider it you choose to remain prejudiced against the Jews. That is revealing behaviour indeed.

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Prejudice against the Jews? Do you know how many times I have pointed out the difference between the Jewish people and the Zionists? Do you know my partner of 16 years is Jewish? My father was Jewish? Many of my best friends are Jewish? Please, Francis, as a fellow substacker I encourage you stick to your own page. Anybody who pulls that "antiemetic line" is nothing short of desperate. And posting your substack links 13 times in this thread was absolutely uncouth. I have lost all respect for you.

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Reinette--if this is so, was your partner --your father--your friends--were they all taught to hate and murder all Christians? Really? If you have Jewish friends, do you think all the Jews in your life were taught as Matt Tower was and that they alone are responsible for ALL the issues the world over we're seein'? Does not compute--I followed a link to get here so I wouldn't'a guessed that you ever met a Jew as by most comments nobuddy here with only a few exceptions seems to know that much of what is said should be about Mossad or some genuinely rotten individuals like Heinz Kissinger--even the JFK take out and 911 was not just "blame the jews" (and no the CIA does not answer to Israel but Mossad & the CIA answer together to their higher ups!) No need to reply--I'm just a litlte mystified by this disconnect

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Matthew is talking about the State of Israel. Mossad. As I clearly stated in my headline: State of Israel. There is no disconnect. It’s very similar to how the Biden regime does not represent every American.

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Israel and the US are one in the same.

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What's the difference between a cow and the holocaust?

You can't milk a cow for 76 years

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So much of what Matthew has shared here is RIGHT ON THE MONEY! Proof that Ashkenazi Jews have infiltrated U.S positions of power!

See who controls the Economy, Big Media, Hollywood, Music, Radio, TV, Wall St, American Civil Liberties, Anti-Defamation League, Congress, Defense Department, the FED, Justice Dept, News, the Senate, SPLC, the State Dept, Think tanks, Treasure, White House, Bilderberg Group, Council of Foreign Relations, Group of Thirty, Trilateral Commission, behind gun control, and climate change

Resource: (Keep this link)

INTERNET ARCHIVE: WHO CONTROLS AMERICA (Photos, Titles and Descriptions)


With that said about Trump, there are those who say that he's acting the part and when the time is right he will destroy IsraHell. I hope these people are correct!

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As a former Israeli (and avid Zionist) let me tell you that this is very plausible.

There is nothing that the Zionists are not capable of at this point....NOTHING!


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Thanks for the backup, Michael. This is a hard to swallow pill for many.

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