During the last couple of years he tried to communicate with Elon Musk about the EMF fields radiating from the increasing amount of satellites in the biosphere.
We have a family cabin in the Yuba River cabin. It was pristine. All the life, trees, and insects, were healthy and abundant. Then Starlink was turned on and the trees started to die. The birds disappeared. The pollinators were reduced to nothing.
Yes Starlink is bad news and they have now put up uncountable ones in ALL THESE DISASTER ZONES , I have been screaming about that from the beginning, what can you say to folks in desperate need of communications when all else is down LIKE IN NC. But this adds to the question WHY IS ANYONE TRUSTING MUSK or any of this new team? All his companies and efforst the same disater in one way or another , he is just agenda front man for globalists.
That's the problem: just when you think you've found a great place without cell towers around they put one up. Actually I think if there isn't one nearby it's likely they will erect one.
In California when selling a house you have to disclose if there's something that you know of that can enhance or detract from the sale, at least that's what a realtor told me when I was looking at selling a property because a tower was supposed to go in 400 ft from me. It never went in by the grace of God. People negotiate with the telecommunication carriers to put a tower on their property because they can collect thousands of dollars in lease payment every month and the more antennas that go on there the more lease payments they get.
Its not on my property and its in plain view on a public roadway. I have no disclosure obligation. Also most people pay for a "Hazard Report." This instrument details what most buyers need to know.
Usually the telecoms will go searching in an area they determine has a gap in service and they start calling on properties based on their desired elevations etc. They usually include about three to five sites when they present to the planning department. And of those properties they will indicate whether the owners were favorable and willing to go into contract or not.
Musk is a Jew. Really Adam what did you expect from a jew? I mean Jews have been kicked out of many counties...ever wonder why Jews are HATED??/......LOL.....well with a Jew like Trump kissing ass with Jew Musk...the USA will slowly slide deeper in the cesspool...
\The Jewish religion is basedm on the Blood Sucking of a screaming Baby Boy of 8 days old....and while the Baby Boy is going into Trama Based shock the parents and gang of baby rapers go have a party
Agreed mrrobb, however there are Jewish people that are not religious and therefore not brainwashed by "religion". I know several fine examples who are intelligent and kind and are simply above average Americans. They're not all genocide lovers.
Nice article, thanks, except for the part where the author says he believes Netenyahoo in his pursuit of peace. Lol. Yeah, the peace Nuttyyahoo wants to pursue is the Peace that Clint Richardson revealed/deconstructed as "war where commerce continues".
""""simply above average Americans """ <<< What is this???
According to the jew Talmud If you are a 'Jew" you MUST Follow the Talmud. I know severall Jews ...I went to schools with Jews and Catholics and In 'The Public Eye' all appear to be kind and wonderful.....and even 'friends'....but No Matter how Nice and friendly you are and they APPEAR to be..............you a Non-Jew is still a lowgrade Goy. A goy is an animal...so to ANY Jew who is a real Jew , you are an expendable animal....
Thanks mrobb. I get it. Like I said, they're not all that way. Furthermore, I am above average in every respect and don't subscribe to derogatory definitions coined by the Elders who hate mankind. Therefore you can call me names all day long and you'll get nowhere with me. Get a grip mrrobb. Not all Jewish people subscribe to the Talmud.
This is a very good article with an interview with Arthur that shows how important electric radiation is on our metabolism and all life forms. Thanks for sharing it.
Musk is disingenuous because he NEVER talks about hemp. If he truly is concerned about the misnomer "climate change", he would talk about hemp all day long. Because that is one of the major cures for our messed up earth. It shouldn't be called climate change, as that's too nebulous, it should be called, pollution footprint. If it were called that, it would be more on the mark of the problem. But to tackle "climate change" is a lost cause from the outset (and that's how the vampires like it)
Hemp can make batteries 10 times better than LITHIUM nighmare ones with great environmental benefits , could be the BEST thing ever for smaller scale farming in America.
Yes indeedo. Everyone who knows about hemp should be touting it doggedly. We need to make a fuss about it. When people around us or online talk about lithium, climate change, etc, we mention hemp, hemp, hemp, hemp, hemp! Let's cut the crap and just go straight to number one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djtxiE506F0&t=4s
They switched to 'climate change' when the 'anthropogenic global warming' (AGW) hoax was exposed as a fraud. See Burt Rutan. They just want to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant for taxation and control (enslavement) purposes.
If he wanted to really heal the earth he would mention hemp a million times. These vampires just want to suck our energy, they can never get enough. They must have huge voids they feel they can't fill themselves. Right off, any one who is a billionaire and hasn't provided for at least one country's standard of living, is a vampire, living off the blood of others.
If you haven't already, start sending that message out on X and other platforms. I heard about that in terms of regenative farming and turning the mono crops into healthy soils too. It's supposed to help get the heavy metals out of the soil. I have forgotten about it as nobody is mentioning it. Thomas Massie would probably understand this as he is into farming. Make it go viral. And of course the emf issues!!!
So if hemp can pull.out heavy metals from the soil, if I'm ubderstanding this correctly, where does that hemp go? Is it considered hazard waste? If it is composted wouldn't it go back into the soil? Making it into batteries (?) then would seem the best idea.
Seems likely because Musk is IN ON IT -- with his STARLINK 140k+ microwave blasters slated to blanket the Earth in toxic radiation. Most people utterly fail to realize the Kill Grid is also above.
He was supposed to be a speaker at a zoom call with Tess Lawrie and the team at WCH. We got hacked, live, during the speaker before him and there was never another opportunity to have him back.
After reading Arthur Firstenberg's amazing book, I wrote him a letter, which led to amazing corresondence I still have. He was very approachable and always looking for support for the cause.
I was blessed to spend a night with Arthur a couple years ago. I was surprised by his angry dismissal of any mention of 9/11 Truth or atmospheric geoengineering. He insisted that if I worked with him, I bring NO hint of any "conspiracy" to any correspondence - which made the prospect of collaboration impossible. He worked tirelessly and often alone on education people on EMFs, so I was happy to see he did find good help in his efforts the past couple years.
He still had a lot of vitality when I was with him, enjoying the qigong I shared with him to help him ground. It is a sad surprise to me he is gone. I know he felt zapped one day a few months ago while on screen - he spent a lot of time on screen, but on a wire rather than wifi. I also know he had dental issues when I saw him that he couldn't find help for, because all insisted on the now-standard wraparound x-ray procedure - which was the cause of his initial debilitation around EMFs! It is so sad our world has become so toxic that brilliant sensitives like Arthur can't find the safe spaces, health care, and support we all deserve.
Contrary to popular opinion, he also did not totally dismiss the idea of viruses; he only argued that electromagnetic interference rather than viruses were causative of pandemics. Such an interesting and demanding man, he insisted everyone ditch their cell phones - even the flip phones like I carry. And he is right of course, but the paradox is the near-impossibility of doing so. I did smash my smart phone tho.
It was Arthur who taught me about the thousands of new satellites going up every year, messing with the ionospheric pulse of the Earth. And also how I learned how the ohone companies are letting the old copper landlines rot into oblivion. These issues remain worthy of activist campaigns, as quixotic as they may seem.
For me, his headstrong eccentricities only added to his greatness, and his immense contributions to the world are beyond measure. Rest in Peace, my friend.
He did not want to be part of conspiracy theories and yes i heard him say things about viruses too. It was a long interview with a bunch of people in 2020 and he got rather angry when something was mentioned and said he did not want to be associated with it. He almost left the interview. I didn't quite understand why he had such a strong reaction to it. My point is if we are to reach many people with this knowledge we have to find a middle ground. We can't all agree about everything. It will never happen otherwise. I did learn a lot from him and sad that a another truther is gone.
Arthur did great work! He is one of the few people who reached out to help me with my federal Smart Meter injunction case. Then, he helped me get out of jail/mental institution when I was falsely arrested to prevent me from prosecuting my court cases. Yes, all 4 of my federal lawsuits were dismissed at the same time, even though they were filed years apart. No judge ever ruled on any of the cases. I proved that the rulings were issued by rogue clerks who were working for the defendants' attorneys. This is probably what happened to Arthur's case, and Dafna Tachover's, too. I tried to tell them, but they didn't listen.
Thank you for your honest comments about Arthur. I had the same experience with his bullheadedness. He insisted that carbon dioxide was solely responsible for global warming. He denied that microwaves cause heating. (!?) The author of The Invisible Rainbow was completely ignorant of Nick Begich's Angels Don't Play This HAARP. Well, I guess he knows all now.
I practice natural healing, and I offered to heal Arthur. He wasn't interested. A great loss for humanity.
All in all, Arthur was truly a giant among us! Rest in peace.
That's sucks, sorry to hear. When I used to install iber to the home, I installed landlines upon request that was a corded phone plugged directly into the optical modem/router.
Yes, and the router is wireless. That's why I call it a wifi phone, not a landline. In general, I just don't use the phone anymore, since I can't get a landline. I email or talk in person. When absolutely necessary, I use a MagicJack plugged into my hardwired desktop computer.
The technician should be able to turn the wireless feature off, and then hard line to a computer with an ethernet cable, if there are ethernet ports on the box. There should be four.
How sad, indeed, after reading the comments. I read his book on Christmas Day, 2020, as the draconian lockdowns were enforced and I was alone. RIP Arthur, your work will continue. I did read on Bailiwick News stack that "communications" came under the emergency powers as well as medical countermeasures.
I read a statute in California that said 'law enforcement incurs no liability whatsoever for violation of any statute when said violation is done under either emergency orders or military orders'. I suspect there are similar rules in all states and this is probably how gov. co. agency bad actors absolve themselves of following the law.
.....a HUGE loss indeed, Reinette - NO question but, CAN'T lose sight of the EQUALLY-sizable CONTRIBUTION he MADE to a MUCH-deeper understanding of biophysics.....will ONE day be RECOGNIZED as a TOWERING historical figure (I hope : )
God Bless Arthur Firstenburg. What a tragic and terrible loss. His book is enlightening. May he rest in peace and may his memory and knowledge live on.
I am so sad...................Tears Falling...............................................................The Man Made System Murdered him...................:( Another Warrior for change murdered...............I will continue to speak of you and your work Arthur. Thank you for honoring Nature and all Her generated Creations. May those who give a F**K follow your lead in tossing out the man made trash..............!
Condolences, what a great loss. I am a newcomer to his life work and his book sits in my pile of books to read, I shall make a point of starting it in his memory.
During the last couple of years he tried to communicate with Elon Musk about the EMF fields radiating from the increasing amount of satellites in the biosphere.
Musk never replied...
We have a family cabin in the Yuba River cabin. It was pristine. All the life, trees, and insects, were healthy and abundant. Then Starlink was turned on and the trees started to die. The birds disappeared. The pollinators were reduced to nothing.
Yes Starlink is bad news and they have now put up uncountable ones in ALL THESE DISASTER ZONES , I have been screaming about that from the beginning, what can you say to folks in desperate need of communications when all else is down LIKE IN NC. But this adds to the question WHY IS ANYONE TRUSTING MUSK or any of this new team? All his companies and efforst the same disater in one way or another , he is just agenda front man for globalists.
They just built an cell tower 500 yards from my house. In the last 2 weeks. Time to sell.
That's the problem: just when you think you've found a great place without cell towers around they put one up. Actually I think if there isn't one nearby it's likely they will erect one.
Yeah. I'm is a semi rural area too. Anyone can search.
I thought we were safe....................lol
Well perhaps it could have some problems where would you go ? They are global and satellites as well ?
Why would someone buy a cell tower knowing the dangers of it? Will you have to disclose that to the buyer?
I dont have to disclose it. It is in plain view in a public space. Disclosures are for things not obvious. Besides most people don't care. Manifestly.
In California when selling a house you have to disclose if there's something that you know of that can enhance or detract from the sale, at least that's what a realtor told me when I was looking at selling a property because a tower was supposed to go in 400 ft from me. It never went in by the grace of God. People negotiate with the telecommunication carriers to put a tower on their property because they can collect thousands of dollars in lease payment every month and the more antennas that go on there the more lease payments they get.
Its not on my property and its in plain view on a public roadway. I have no disclosure obligation. Also most people pay for a "Hazard Report." This instrument details what most buyers need to know.
Oh Interesting. I didn't know people can ask to get one on their property.
Usually the telecoms will go searching in an area they determine has a gap in service and they start calling on properties based on their desired elevations etc. They usually include about three to five sites when they present to the planning department. And of those properties they will indicate whether the owners were favorable and willing to go into contract or not.
of course not... because Musk is pure evil.
Musk is a Jew. Really Adam what did you expect from a jew? I mean Jews have been kicked out of many counties...ever wonder why Jews are HATED??/......LOL.....well with a Jew like Trump kissing ass with Jew Musk...the USA will slowly slide deeper in the cesspool...
\The Jewish religion is basedm on the Blood Sucking of a screaming Baby Boy of 8 days old....and while the Baby Boy is going into Trama Based shock the parents and gang of baby rapers go have a party
Agreed mrrobb, however there are Jewish people that are not religious and therefore not brainwashed by "religion". I know several fine examples who are intelligent and kind and are simply above average Americans. They're not all genocide lovers.
Nice article, thanks, except for the part where the author says he believes Netenyahoo in his pursuit of peace. Lol. Yeah, the peace Nuttyyahoo wants to pursue is the Peace that Clint Richardson revealed/deconstructed as "war where commerce continues".
""""simply above average Americans """ <<< What is this???
According to the jew Talmud If you are a 'Jew" you MUST Follow the Talmud. I know severall Jews ...I went to schools with Jews and Catholics and In 'The Public Eye' all appear to be kind and wonderful.....and even 'friends'....but No Matter how Nice and friendly you are and they APPEAR to be..............you a Non-Jew is still a lowgrade Goy. A goy is an animal...so to ANY Jew who is a real Jew , you are an expendable animal....
Thanks mrobb. I get it. Like I said, they're not all that way. Furthermore, I am above average in every respect and don't subscribe to derogatory definitions coined by the Elders who hate mankind. Therefore you can call me names all day long and you'll get nowhere with me. Get a grip mrrobb. Not all Jewish people subscribe to the Talmud.
This is a very good article with an interview with Arthur that shows how important electric radiation is on our metabolism and all life forms. Thanks for sharing it.
Of course not. He is a grifter and a hustler.
Another reason to be leery of Musk.
Musk is disingenuous because he NEVER talks about hemp. If he truly is concerned about the misnomer "climate change", he would talk about hemp all day long. Because that is one of the major cures for our messed up earth. It shouldn't be called climate change, as that's too nebulous, it should be called, pollution footprint. If it were called that, it would be more on the mark of the problem. But to tackle "climate change" is a lost cause from the outset (and that's how the vampires like it)
Hemp can make batteries 10 times better than LITHIUM nighmare ones with great environmental benefits , could be the BEST thing ever for smaller scale farming in America.
Yes indeedo. Everyone who knows about hemp should be touting it doggedly. We need to make a fuss about it. When people around us or online talk about lithium, climate change, etc, we mention hemp, hemp, hemp, hemp, hemp! Let's cut the crap and just go straight to number one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djtxiE506F0&t=4s
They switched to 'climate change' when the 'anthropogenic global warming' (AGW) hoax was exposed as a fraud. See Burt Rutan. They just want to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant for taxation and control (enslavement) purposes.
Musk is an obvious psychopath.
If he wanted to really heal the earth he would mention hemp a million times. These vampires just want to suck our energy, they can never get enough. They must have huge voids they feel they can't fill themselves. Right off, any one who is a billionaire and hasn't provided for at least one country's standard of living, is a vampire, living off the blood of others.
If you haven't already, start sending that message out on X and other platforms. I heard about that in terms of regenative farming and turning the mono crops into healthy soils too. It's supposed to help get the heavy metals out of the soil. I have forgotten about it as nobody is mentioning it. Thomas Massie would probably understand this as he is into farming. Make it go viral. And of course the emf issues!!!
So if hemp can pull.out heavy metals from the soil, if I'm ubderstanding this correctly, where does that hemp go? Is it considered hazard waste? If it is composted wouldn't it go back into the soil? Making it into batteries (?) then would seem the best idea.
Seems likely because Musk is IN ON IT -- with his STARLINK 140k+ microwave blasters slated to blanket the Earth in toxic radiation. Most people utterly fail to realize the Kill Grid is also above.
Planet Earth is the killbox. Got it.
Keep trying.
So sorry to hear this. What a tragic loss. His book was an amazing body of knowledge. He will be sorely missed.
He was supposed to be a speaker at a zoom call with Tess Lawrie and the team at WCH. We got hacked, live, during the speaker before him and there was never another opportunity to have him back.
I'm so sorry for this great loss - his loss of his life, our loss of such an amazing person.
I knew he was unwell but this is a shock. He left us his work which he so generously gave.
I agree.
RIP! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
DAMN! I tell everyone I know to read his book. Can't believe he's gone. DAMN!
I'm glad he's not suffering any longer. This world was really tough on him... but what a loss for the rest of us.
Thank you for this sad post, which brings tears.
After reading Arthur Firstenberg's amazing book, I wrote him a letter, which led to amazing corresondence I still have. He was very approachable and always looking for support for the cause.
I was blessed to spend a night with Arthur a couple years ago. I was surprised by his angry dismissal of any mention of 9/11 Truth or atmospheric geoengineering. He insisted that if I worked with him, I bring NO hint of any "conspiracy" to any correspondence - which made the prospect of collaboration impossible. He worked tirelessly and often alone on education people on EMFs, so I was happy to see he did find good help in his efforts the past couple years.
He still had a lot of vitality when I was with him, enjoying the qigong I shared with him to help him ground. It is a sad surprise to me he is gone. I know he felt zapped one day a few months ago while on screen - he spent a lot of time on screen, but on a wire rather than wifi. I also know he had dental issues when I saw him that he couldn't find help for, because all insisted on the now-standard wraparound x-ray procedure - which was the cause of his initial debilitation around EMFs! It is so sad our world has become so toxic that brilliant sensitives like Arthur can't find the safe spaces, health care, and support we all deserve.
Contrary to popular opinion, he also did not totally dismiss the idea of viruses; he only argued that electromagnetic interference rather than viruses were causative of pandemics. Such an interesting and demanding man, he insisted everyone ditch their cell phones - even the flip phones like I carry. And he is right of course, but the paradox is the near-impossibility of doing so. I did smash my smart phone tho.
It was Arthur who taught me about the thousands of new satellites going up every year, messing with the ionospheric pulse of the Earth. And also how I learned how the ohone companies are letting the old copper landlines rot into oblivion. These issues remain worthy of activist campaigns, as quixotic as they may seem.
For me, his headstrong eccentricities only added to his greatness, and his immense contributions to the world are beyond measure. Rest in Peace, my friend.
He did not want to be part of conspiracy theories and yes i heard him say things about viruses too. It was a long interview with a bunch of people in 2020 and he got rather angry when something was mentioned and said he did not want to be associated with it. He almost left the interview. I didn't quite understand why he had such a strong reaction to it. My point is if we are to reach many people with this knowledge we have to find a middle ground. We can't all agree about everything. It will never happen otherwise. I did learn a lot from him and sad that a another truther is gone.
Arthur did great work! He is one of the few people who reached out to help me with my federal Smart Meter injunction case. Then, he helped me get out of jail/mental institution when I was falsely arrested to prevent me from prosecuting my court cases. Yes, all 4 of my federal lawsuits were dismissed at the same time, even though they were filed years apart. No judge ever ruled on any of the cases. I proved that the rulings were issued by rogue clerks who were working for the defendants' attorneys. This is probably what happened to Arthur's case, and Dafna Tachover's, too. I tried to tell them, but they didn't listen.
Thank you for your honest comments about Arthur. I had the same experience with his bullheadedness. He insisted that carbon dioxide was solely responsible for global warming. He denied that microwaves cause heating. (!?) The author of The Invisible Rainbow was completely ignorant of Nick Begich's Angels Don't Play This HAARP. Well, I guess he knows all now.
I practice natural healing, and I offered to heal Arthur. He wasn't interested. A great loss for humanity.
All in all, Arthur was truly a giant among us! Rest in peace.
The phone companies are building fiber optic networks, or rather already have, to replace copper. Copper is a thing of the past.
We haven't been able to get a landline for over 10 years. They will only install a wifi phone, not a landline.
That's sucks, sorry to hear. When I used to install iber to the home, I installed landlines upon request that was a corded phone plugged directly into the optical modem/router.
Yes, and the router is wireless. That's why I call it a wifi phone, not a landline. In general, I just don't use the phone anymore, since I can't get a landline. I email or talk in person. When absolutely necessary, I use a MagicJack plugged into my hardwired desktop computer.
The technician should be able to turn the wireless feature off, and then hard line to a computer with an ethernet cable, if there are ethernet ports on the box. There should be four.
How sad, indeed, after reading the comments. I read his book on Christmas Day, 2020, as the draconian lockdowns were enforced and I was alone. RIP Arthur, your work will continue. I did read on Bailiwick News stack that "communications" came under the emergency powers as well as medical countermeasures.
I read a statute in California that said 'law enforcement incurs no liability whatsoever for violation of any statute when said violation is done under either emergency orders or military orders'. I suspect there are similar rules in all states and this is probably how gov. co. agency bad actors absolve themselves of following the law.
.....a HUGE loss indeed, Reinette - NO question but, CAN'T lose sight of the EQUALLY-sizable CONTRIBUTION he MADE to a MUCH-deeper understanding of biophysics.....will ONE day be RECOGNIZED as a TOWERING historical figure (I hope : )
Yes, he will be recognized for his seminal work some day. It's a shame, however, he will never experience that!
I recommended his book to a friend just a few days ago. His advocacy will continue through us.
I just mentioned his name and what he uncovered during my last SOS Swarm webinar a few days ago.... a day after he had died.... didn't know yet.
God Bless Arthur Firstenburg. What a tragic and terrible loss. His book is enlightening. May he rest in peace and may his memory and knowledge live on.
I am so sad...................Tears Falling...............................................................The Man Made System Murdered him...................:( Another Warrior for change murdered...............I will continue to speak of you and your work Arthur. Thank you for honoring Nature and all Her generated Creations. May those who give a F**K follow your lead in tossing out the man made trash..............!
Condolences, what a great loss. I am a newcomer to his life work and his book sits in my pile of books to read, I shall make a point of starting it in his memory.
Wishing all his family and friends comfort and peace. ❤️😔
A great loss.