My Dear Reinette, Great video with good information.

When the Mad Hatter Ardern government was in here in NZ they were pushing for all this gender and pronouns as well. Now with the new Coalition government they are stopping it in schools. But with some certain crazies they are still pushing it. Crazy world alright. I was talking to my grandkids and what was happening at their schools and they told me their is only a few and if they step over the line the are told don't go there by the kids. But at the universities well that’s a different story. I have found more than anything else that there is more bullying going on. Just the other day a 13 year old murdered a 15 year old with a knife by a bus stop after school with a police station right opposite. This bus stop is known for it's problems to. Thank you for a great video. With love ❤️ gratitude ✨and blessings 🙏to you. Your friend Debbie from NZ.

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Debbie, I'm so sorry to hear this, and I'm not surprised. We have lost our way as a society, and the children are bearing the brunt of it. Parents should be extra judicious right now in protecting their children at all costs.

I do, however, expect the pendulum to begin to swing back at some point..... people are beginning to see the absurdity, including the children.

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How about the "indoctrination" we received in Sunday School!! It seems Belief Systems rule the world.

There are two men at the Tip of The Spear in undoing the Sunday School indoctrination......Mauro Biglino with, a Hebrew Scholar with his book, "Gods of The Bible"......Anglican Priest, Paul A. Wallis with his book "The Eden Conspiracy"!! We all have SO MUCH to unlearn!!

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Ah, Mauro Biglino. I have his Naked Bible book and have almost completed it. What a mind-bender. We have been lied to in so many ways and forms. I now question EVERYTHING! There is no topic on the table that I won't reconsider.

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This why I came to the conclusion that The Bible is one of the best tools in The Toolbox of our Controllers!! How does one undo centuries of mind control?! Now I am beginning to wonder if there ever was a crucifixion??? We have no original writings about Jesus, only what was decided upon as the "official narrative" in 325 A.D. Joseph Atwill's book, "Caesar's Messiah" is quite mind bending. Another interesting topic is the Resets that seem to have occured. It seems this "order" is on its way out!! Belief Systems are just that!! Just because we believe something doesn't make it true, does it?! I didn't start waking up til age 70 so I must be patient with those around me!! Blessings on your own Personal Journey!!

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'The Club of Rome's' little experiments through the 20th Century with Modern Totalitarianism now defining Kings to be Dictators seems to be following the CLUB OF ROME FUNDED godless China Revolution.

Their 'Common Core Educational Curriculum' is to indictrinate/brainwash America's children to become the MURDEROUS Mao's Youth resulting in the slaying OF almost 100,000,000 with most due to STARVATION as they viciously killed the farmers and other workers building and maintaining systems producing necessities for life, sanitation and safety.

REMOVE 'COMMON CORE' and return Education to the states whereby when one state goes off the rails to attack the children with evil as is common at this time; another can bring the train back onto the rails by any number of methods. If nothing else; parents will have the option to move away. About time 'THE PEOPLE' must approve all education and spending by Govt. of Taxpayer $$$ to get the whole system back to sanity.

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Well said, BC. I often think about the children of Mao's murderous revolution. Their minds were so easily contorted to do themselves in and eradicate all that came before, including what made them autonomous. What has been transpiring in the US, the similarities are frightful.

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Wonderful interview!

This jibes with my experience at a fledgling French democratic school. They operate out of fear of being shut down, so they're allowing the woke culture to creep in. There's nothing empowering about kowtowing to the system. The kids are manifesting their lack of direction, personal passion and connection through vandalism. The staff is burnt out, vascillating between trying to people please and putting out fires. I personally removed myself so much from engaging that I ended up losing my contract for next year. As much as I wanted to help empower these kids, I couldn't invest myself like I had hoped.

The irony of having this door close on me is that I'm now seeing many others open. 😊

Btw- As an ESL teacher, I never understood why third person pronouns were such an issue when we usually speak to people with their second person pronouns (you, your).

And Reinette, I now can't unsee you with feathered hair and Dittos. 😉

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Laugh now at my feathered hair and Dittos, but I was styling then!

In the meantime, I know too many teachers who feel similarly to you.... and the burnout is by design. They want the teachers broken, repeating what they are told, and not putting up a fight. I'm so sorry you went through all of this, but happy to hear about the doors opening for you. It's a good lesson for us all!

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Good show. The young people became bold and disrespecting the elders during covid when the 20 year olds had the power to reject me from their stores because I wouldn't wear a mask. It's hard to believe they could become so bolden, but they fully believed rules are rules and no white hair lady can break those rules.

When I was a child, all the adults were called Mr. and Mrs. Even with family friends we shared holidays with. Some because "aunt" and "uncle" but all the others were Mr. and Mrs. That was in the 1970s and earlier.

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If I compare growing up in a small country in Europe to living in California now with my young adults growing up here, I wish they could have grown up differently. Just look at the vaccinations situation, that is a huge problem. I barely had any. The amount of pesticides being used in this country is at the top in world except maybe China. Flouride in the water. Hollywood. Drugs. Chemicals in body care products that aren't allowed in Europe. There are sooo many things I didn't grow up with and California has it all and probably the most. No wonder the younger generations are messed up!!!

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Beth Alison Maloney, mother and lawyer, wrote a book entitled Protecting Your Child From the Child Protection System. It provides guidance that will prove invaluable to parents. She did an interview on CHD’s Financial Rebellion that was informative. It is entitled The Great Taking of Our Children. Our judicial system is such an utter joke at this point that it is a good idea to gather good information in advance. Thank you for an excellent interview. A Montana family lost custody of their 14 year old daughter after her parents were not favorable to their child transitioning.

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I don't know how parents can stand it! If my kids were still young and in school, I would do anything necessary to switch to homeschooling!

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Thank you so much for this interview with Pamela. And a huge thanks to Pamela for coming forward and testifying about what she witnessed. There are so many parents that stuggle mainly becuase it is so difficult to raise a child and they often have no assitance from family or friends.

OMG Reniette, I try to get the kids outside often when I am at school. They need fresh air, sunshine and to just run around.

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They need the freedom to be themselves and not have ideology pushed on them. They need room to make mistakes, get back up again, and learn from their lessons. They definitely need fresh air, nature, and mentors to gently teach them how to use their hands, think critically, and be better, well-rounded humans. Education has completely failed in all of these areas.

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I am in complete agreement with you. I try to explain this to others and it falls on deaf ears.

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There is now smoking gun evidence that the Quaxcine induce gender dysphoria.

There were "studies" conducted in rural villiages in Phillipines that caused malignancy in pre pubescent girls. That was a very long time ago. A brilliant Phil. oncologist found the smoking gun in the Vax. American Red Cross and the Phil gubmint implicated, so of course they buried it.

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Of course, they buried it. The pharmaceutical killing system has exacted so much carnage on unknowing citizens. It's heartbreaking.

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Another extremely important post Reinette. Parents abdicated their responsibility to teachers and schools. That is the fundamental issue. The pendulum has swung towards the insane.

However some states and counties have gone after school boards and county councils.

We all are now uber vigilant, participating as appropriate. Whan an entire school board or county counsel resigns we know the tide is turning. The good news is that there are massive rejections of radical ideas. Remaining passive is not an option to secure liberty or sanity for the next generation. Radical attempts to pass laws is an act of desperation. Sovereigns must rise, everywhere.

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Well said, TS. It's on us. If we don't rise, who will?

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This was a great interview!

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Thank you, Donna!

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Our children are being indoctrinated- and this interview reminded me of what I have read about Mao's 'revolution' and how the children were turned against the adults- even turning their parents in to government officials. Are we really that far from that scenario here? I don't think so. We keep referring to China and communisum- but the US - particularly the Rockefellers, has had it's hand in shaping China for a very long time- from Opium to the education of Mao- to the bankrolling of all leaders who came after Mao. Here are some choice quotes about the education of Mao- and it shows the direct link to the US- In 1973, David Rockefeller penned an obituary for communist dictator Mao Tse-tung, the man personally responsible for more deaths than any other human in history, in which he praised the “high morale and community of purpose” engendered by Mao’s leadership and claimed his bloody dictatorship and slaughter of 60 million of his own citizens to be “one of the most important and successful” dictatorships in history. (SOURCE: Sunday Update 2011/01/23) Without Yale’s support, Mao Tse Tung may have never risen from obscurity to command China.

Jonathan Spence, professor of Chinese history, was the first to discover Mao Tse Tung’s connection with Yale. The professor noted, “In 1919, Mao, aged 26, was in Changsha, having finished his middle school education. He visited Peking and while there received his . . . serious introduction to communist theory in Li Ta-Chao’s Marxist Study Group.” Now, if he was to develop a reputation in socialist circles, he had to find a form to propagate his views. At this crucial point The Student Union of Yale and China invited Mao to take over the editorship of their journal. Mao accepted the position and changed the format of the student magazine. It would now deal with social criticism and current problems and focus on ‘Thought Reorientation’. George Bush, the first US diplomatic representative to the People’s Republic of China back in 1973, was a member of Skull and Bones. So were his father, brother, son, uncle, nephew and several cousins. Winston Lord, the Reagan-Bush administration ambassador to China, was a member. So were his father and several other relatives. James Lilly, the current ambassador to China, was a member of Skull and Bones, as was his brother.

Except during the Carter administration, every US ambassador to Beijing since Kissinger’s deal with Mao Tse Tung was a member of the same tiny Yale cult. A mere coincidence?

MAO WAS A YALIE – Back in 1903, Yale Divinity School established a number of schools and hospitals throughout China that were collectively known as “Yale in China.” It has since been shown that “Yale in China” was an intelligence network whose purpose was to destroy the republican movement of Sun Yat-sen on behalf of the Anglo-American Establishment. The Anglo-American “Establishment” hated Sun, because he wanted to develop China. On the other hand, they loved the Chinese communists because they intended to keep China backward, and were committed to growing dope. One of “Yale in China’s” most important students was Mao Zedong.

Mao was out of power, we started to see a new generation of Chinese leadership taking over. And this is where the story gets extremely interesting and connects again with these same figures of Chase Manhattan, of Rockefeller, Kissinger—all of these figures come together at a very interesting point, and we’ll take this from a 1986 work by Michel Chossudovsky, Towards Capitalist Restoration where he writes:

The 1979 visit of Deng Xiaoping to the US was followed in June 1980 by the equally significant encounter in Wall Street of Rong Yiren, chairman of CITIC, and David Rockefeller. The meeting, held in the penthouse of the Chase Manhattan Bank complex, was attended by senior executives of close to 300 major US corporations. A major agreement was reached between Chase, CITIC, and the Bank of China, involving the exchange of specialists and technical personnel to “identify and define those areas of the Chinese economy most susceptible to American technology and capital infusion.

For more on this article about China, check out https://corbettreport.com/china-and-the-new-world-order-transcript/ Put China in the search engine to find other great articles.

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Fantastic information! I know about the Rockefellers and (Khazarian) Jewish influence on China that led to its communist rise; however, I never knew about the Yale connection. Thank you for this!

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