It was precisely the Turkish earthquakes that had drawn me to Ducthsinse as a source of info. on this sort of extreme tech weaponisation (the following links aren't about Turkey):
It was precisely the Turkish earthquakes that had drawn me to Ducthsinse as a source of info. on this sort of extreme tech weaponisation (the following links aren't about Turkey):
6/02/2023 -- ALL of S. Quebec Canada just erupted into fires - Canada under attack? DEW or people?!
Natural tectonic plate shifting that is releasing heat, coordinated attack orchestrated by hundreds of arsonists working in unison somehow secretly, or Directed Energy Weaponry. Those are the choices. (Dutchsinse, a.k.a.Michael Yuri Janitch, )
Robert Brame is a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds of pieces of photographic evidence showing behavior that is IMPOSSIBLE in a normal fire.
The soils in California where these hyper-incinerations were ignited are effectively sterilized. Nothing grows back. Many of the trees are cooked in place but essentially unburned. Tree species with high water content burn inside out. Window glass is melted—which requires 2,500°, a temperature far higher than normal forest fires ever reach—and anything with metal in it is destroyed. Plastic elements survive what was supposed to be a sweeping “forest fire”—not an in-place, isolated cremation/incineration.
Robert Brame is right now in Mariposa County to help defend 71 year oild former firefighter Ed Wackerman who is accused of setting the Oak Fire, on 6 counts and will spend life in Prison. It was another directed energy weapon attack as Robert Brame has ample evidence. I wrote Mr. Wackerman a letter to his jail cell where he has been since June. in Shackels. He got the letter and called his daughter Julie in Alaska who knows her Dad is innocent and so does Robert Brame . He is going to see Mr. Wackerman today to explain DEW to him. And hopefully Mr Wackerman will order his attorney to put Robert on the stand with his ample evidence. That could blow it all open. But his lawyer court appointed who Robert did talk to has had his license suspended more than once and he says he thinks the lawyer does not bellieve him and is in on the framing. There is no way the poor man had anything to do with it. He and his family have lived in the community for decades and he inherited his family's land, which they will take . We have started a small committee called Protect And Alert to wake up people in CA they could be next beginning with Placerville. And started a new substack for same: here is the link. Thank you Reinette for caring, we need to expose this , there have been 35 DEW attacks on our California in the last 7 years.
It was precisely the Turkish earthquakes that had drawn me to Ducthsinse as a source of info. on this sort of extreme tech weaponisation (the following links aren't about Turkey):
DEW Weaponized Sun Simulator news 24 caught in action paradise fire dutchsinse
(fake sun fake cloud sun halo demo) []
6/02/2023 -- ALL of S. Quebec Canada just erupted into fires - Canada under attack? DEW or people?!
Natural tectonic plate shifting that is releasing heat, coordinated attack orchestrated by hundreds of arsonists working in unison somehow secretly, or Directed Energy Weaponry. Those are the choices. (Dutchsinse, a.k.a.Michael Yuri Janitch, )
June 8, 2023
Robert Brame is a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds of pieces of photographic evidence showing behavior that is IMPOSSIBLE in a normal fire.
The soils in California where these hyper-incinerations were ignited are effectively sterilized. Nothing grows back. Many of the trees are cooked in place but essentially unburned. Tree species with high water content burn inside out. Window glass is melted—which requires 2,500°, a temperature far higher than normal forest fires ever reach—and anything with metal in it is destroyed. Plastic elements survive what was supposed to be a sweeping “forest fire”—not an in-place, isolated cremation/incineration.
Jamie Lee of A Plane Truth has extensive articles, and many videos about Paradise fires.
Thank You!
Robert Brame is right now in Mariposa County to help defend 71 year oild former firefighter Ed Wackerman who is accused of setting the Oak Fire, on 6 counts and will spend life in Prison. It was another directed energy weapon attack as Robert Brame has ample evidence. I wrote Mr. Wackerman a letter to his jail cell where he has been since June. in Shackels. He got the letter and called his daughter Julie in Alaska who knows her Dad is innocent and so does Robert Brame . He is going to see Mr. Wackerman today to explain DEW to him. And hopefully Mr Wackerman will order his attorney to put Robert on the stand with his ample evidence. That could blow it all open. But his lawyer court appointed who Robert did talk to has had his license suspended more than once and he says he thinks the lawyer does not bellieve him and is in on the framing. There is no way the poor man had anything to do with it. He and his family have lived in the community for decades and he inherited his family's land, which they will take . We have started a small committee called Protect And Alert to wake up people in CA they could be next beginning with Placerville. And started a new substack for same: here is the link. Thank you Reinette for caring, we need to expose this , there have been 35 DEW attacks on our California in the last 7 years.