Calling the devastation of Lahaina a wildfire is rejecting the brutal truth Americans need to grapple with. Similar to the recent Turkish earthquakes, we are dealing with 5th generation warfare.
I made this on the fly for my own documentation on the night of Aug 10th. I KNEW it was intentional. I have NO patience for the lies, anymore. Grateful for Reinette for maintaining composure and delivering a balanced and thoughtful report EVERY time. I react from my gut. I knew instantly that this was intentional, and likely to be used to extend emergency funding, increase surveillance (like Cali's wildfire cameras and AI partnership), increase drone surveillance for "climate" monitoring (nope), and to keep the people afraid and desperate. Of course, while also offering up the destroyed real estate to the highest greedy bidder. :( :( My initial reaction is anger, but I am also sad. Horrified. I wish more ppl would SEE the betrayal and the suffering that is INTENTIONAL. Do not stand for it! Notice patterns...see the lies. Research before you donate. Listen to victims. Call out the perpetrators. Defend your home, support your neighbors. Stand up to the corporate takeover and push for smart cities.
Its good to know there are those out there who still are connected soundly to their bodies and can register "I know". I have that ability still, though was shocked to realize over the last few years how many do not. CAF has talked about the advances in entrainment (a more tech based mind-control) and how just watching the TV, they an hijack your internal 'gut' so that you feel what you are hearing comes with that sense 'gut' sense of truth. Yes, diabolical but also explains the persistence of the covid spell. Seriously, turn off the news. (Don't watch for over 13 years now)
All your reactions are human. Congratulations. No small thing to retain it through this last-gasps attempt at control.
I don't think their insane plan works in the end - they fall apart (are as we speak, becoming sloppy and obvious) but oh, my the damage on their way out.)
Kathleen you are making me think! I haven't had a TV in I can't remember how long, didn't have one during 9/11. so it looks like the most important thing we can do is get everyone to stop watching TV? because we are all wondering what's wrong with these people who can't see the obvious, and it looks like you have hit the nail on the head...
It would be an excellent start!! Of course screens have become ubiquitous so smart phones need to go too. (Got rid of mine) Or at least use carefully (CAF says hers never comes in house!) I think there is more to it too, but that's a big piece and something we can all take action on. The love affair many have with their phones, is also quite telling. What is THAT about? Elena Friedmen has done some interesting interviews on the EMF piece, and what comes through those phones.
Kathleen I have limited energy, it seems like I am always nursing a yeast infection or something, I wonder if you could give me a link to where CAF talks about the television and entrainment? I'm typing this on my phone! looks like I have some work to do!
Turn off phone at night into Faraday bag. Rely on batter clock and alarm. Simple stuff. Unplug the router wifi and the computer at night. switch out of LED lights to infra lights (reds not blue light) That's about all you need to know. Work to reduce that EFM. Know where the hot spots are in yr house (if any).... and attempt to addres.
That has been my observation and recommendation for a while. The repetitiveness sinks in Goebbels style even if at a rational level you know it is false.
I don't think the probleml is watching TV. I think the problem is listening to the lying propaganda spewed by the newsreaders and repeating the b.s.
Since I know the 2 men (cousins of George W. Bush) who got the lucrative demolition job from Silverstein to gut the WTC towers, along with their demolition crew from Upper Darby, PA, I know 911 was planned controlled demolitions. There were no desks, lamps, telephones, toilets, sinks, refrigerators in the building debris post the 911 explosions because all projectiles were removed. The 1st step in demolition is to remove all items and objects which could become projectiles. No office furniture or equipment was in the piles of debris post the demolitions because they were removed before the controlled demolitions. The explosives did not pulverize anything, as some people reported.
There were no planes. If someone said he/she saw a plane at the WTC plaza, he/she is lying. There was an animation of a PVI LVIS (Princeton Virtual Image Live Video Insertion System) plane mixed with program video at CBS control room and at FOX, which was aired. It was NOT a real plane. It was an animated graphic of a plane cued to animate. Setting the shot the director had the operator adjust the show 2 times before air. The parameters of the set show were moved. When the actual animation was executed,The nose of the plane graphic appeared to go through the building. The nose of the plane only appeared to go through the building because it was an graphic image. A real plane nose would have been crushed. by the building. Common sense should have told people it was not a real plane.
The whole STORY WAS MANUFACTURED for Silverstein to make $1.7 billion in INSURANCE. The gutting of to prepare for the PLANNED 911 controlled demolitions for Silverstein. I know there were no did serious
I do wish that there was some vigilantes that started to take out these billionaires and make it public so that they would hide somewhere in their caves. There must be some kind of worldwide revolution. In Niger, the people finally had enough and rose up even tho it might cost them dearly and they are starting to be joined by other African countries. The Western World has been hijacked by a certain gang. They think that they are chosen and they want to control and own the rest of us.
I'm hoping Maui fires become a line in sand. But I don't know. I've thought that before - this will do it - and then it doesn't. Something's gotta give.
There is at least one bright ray of light: Russia and Putin. When the Russians take Kiev and the rest of that sick country, they will expose the bio labs the same khazar perverts established there, the Russians will find a lot of dirt on Biden and his khazar handlers, and hopefully enlighten the world on what these monsters have been up to. Also, if and when they win, Iran and all the other, by us bloodied ME countries will be strengthened and maybe do away with israhell, the most evil place on earth. A hell vortex, as I call it. I am truly worried about Niger and the African people because there are lots of American labs throughout Africa, where they are working on bio-weapons that are designed to attack the African DNA. Kennedy said that there are such weapons already available. None of these horrors had to happen but we are now ruled by them. I pray that soon the Slavik moms that lost their men in the hundreds of thousands because of Zelensky, an other perverted khazar, and his handlers, that these ladies will initiate revenge. And hopefully it will spread world wide and people will be freed these sub-human excrement. Sorry for my rough words.
The problem with these psychos is that they no longer care, as much, if people know what they do. They have insulated themselves from prosecution so they just laugh. Psychos....
This is crossing the line. This is murder. This is such pure evil that only our Father God has the proportionate revenge and justice. The children. What kinds of monsters do this? This seems beyond what even the worst of any human would do.
The line has been crossed with this event. I am hanging my American Flag upside down. We are under distress and it's for the foreseeable future. We all need to hang our flags upside down, to at least spark conversation. Anyone whom approaches you, share this post.
And. If you live in one of the Smart Cities they are planning, be ready for anything, especially during fire and storm seasons. If your city is agreeing to be a Smart City, but under duress, pay special attention to wind and lightning. Very recently, electric companies are now protected from litigation from their equipment starting fires. Just like the vaccine companies are protected.
Reinette lists some pieces of wisdom in one of her next posts about the Hilary Hurricane. She speaks of the possibility of fires due to unnatural lightning. The lightning is striking miles from the eye of the storm. Land is tinder dry, covered in geoengineering metals that cause fires to burn fast and furious. Add wind and it's over.
One piece of her advice is to keep wet towels in five gallon buckets to put out any flying embers. Another is always keeping your gas tanks full. Keep Go-Bags ready and by the door, and I'd like to small emergency bag in your vehicle.
Keep your Prayers fresh, your family close and your fear far.
You are protected in the Name of Jesus. We are living in Biblical times.
100%. We have to remember: we outnumber them. Billions against thousands. It starts with every one of us NOT COMPLYING in one form or another, every day. Non-compliance examples: refusing to use self-checkout lanes and choosing to support employee-paid positions. Using cash vs. credit card. Declining biometric photos in airports & at theme parks. Refusing to support corporations that are bleeding us dry. Refusing to scan a QR code for services. Refusing to wear a mask for the next scam-demic. Refusing to get our temperature taken. Refusing to use Google/Microsoft/& other big-tech platforms that are part of the digital AI-prison.
On my mind: I think the smart AI surveillance cameras need to go. they're everywhere. The infrastructure has been put into place to control us with ISR with very little effort.
Taxpayers are footing the bill for the 12 military (General Atomics) reaper drones that are now going to be used by the National Guard to surveil us under the guise of "climate change."
These are truly trying times.
If every one of us does SOMETHING, we send out a ripple effect. Try something new every day to resist (and to prepare).
We must dismantle the surveillance to increase our ability to resist as things get worse.
I am so inspired by the protesters in China, cutting down the cameras while holding umbrellas....and by the brave ones in the UK, cutting down the cameras that automatically fine drivers for using a car with higher GHG emissions.
I am inspired by people who talk to strangers about these sensitive topics, who pass flyers and sticker things up with the White Rose stickers...
There are so many ways to spread awareness and to let others know that they can and should be speaking up and standing up NOW, before it's really too late.
This is a war. We don't need to play nice...this is genocide.
> Scientists have discovered that a natural human enzyme can biodegrade graphene. These findings could have great implications in the development of graphene-based biomedical devices.
> Myeloperoxidase -- an enzyme naturally found in our lungs -- can biodegrade pristine graphene, according to the latest discovery of Graphene Flagship partners in CNRS, University of Strasbourg (France), Karolinska Institute (Sweden) and University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Among other projects, the Graphene Flagship designs based like flexible biomedical electronic devices that will interfaced with the human body. Such applications require graphene to be biodegradable, so our body can be expelled from the body.
Absolutely correct I been screaming about this for a long time , yes they dont even try to disguise it , this is to justify "climate change emergency declarations , lock downs , seizures , and takeovers of all kinds, including food rationing and farm seizures" Apparently Biden has already set this in motion somewhat secretly. Yes Reinette , military was used for many terrible actions in Katrina , I know this from personal testimonies from Katrina survivors, yes some levees were blown intentionally early own. All these major hurricanes for a long time were geoengineered. The revelations on this one are already global , already seen Russian bloggers showing the stuff I sent out early on , they have been caught so now we must stop this or we go extinct.
you make some very important points- and the main one for me is keep your landline- the only thing that worked- we've seen this repeatedly- obama outlawed the maintainance of landlines- letting the infrastructure fall into disrrepair- and we've had many threats- ongoing- in CA to discontinue landlines altogether
The elderly gentleman who walked out as cars were trying to get out were not let out because a policeman was ORDERED not to let cars escape the inferno chilled me to the core of my soul. They literally WANTED those homeowners DEAD!!!! :(((
It's nightmarish. I just watched a video of a police officer shutting down a distribution group (they could only enter/exit with placards)...
I was blown away. :( I really hope the people just ignored him, and kept peacefully distributing necessary items to those in need.
We are here to take care of each other. Don't let anyone get in the way of tending to your neighbors, friends, and family. May we urge men and women in uniform to stop following orders/commands from the top that do not make sense....and to only move forward to assist each other wholeheartedly. I love that Reinette called out donations (avoid) for FEMA & Red Cross (as are many others). Government is now getting in our way. The grifting and government/NGO/PPP theft has been out of hand for far too long.
They need to "handle" the police. They have long given up "to protect & serve." They are all bootlickers who protect & serve the evil doers. Then, and only then will the ones above them understand whst's coming.
I only wish the people in those cars would have just moved on. One police officer cannot stop a whole caravan of cars unless the people are obedient! If they only knew that they would have cone through the barrier.
...and now the FBI wants DNA samples of all the families left behind, supposedly to match with any human remains are found?? Yeah right. Probably so they can develop another bioweapon against this particular ethnic group, to wipe out any who might cause an uprising.
Pelletier was selected to be Incident Commander in both events in Maui and Las Vegas. His demeanor in the Press Conference shows what he is all about. He is not a tourist town police chief. He is following a script. This man is evil.
It was precisely the Turkish earthquakes that had drawn me to Ducthsinse as a source of info. on this sort of extreme tech weaponisation (the following links aren't about Turkey):
6/02/2023 -- ALL of S. Quebec Canada just erupted into fires - Canada under attack? DEW or people?!
Natural tectonic plate shifting that is releasing heat, coordinated attack orchestrated by hundreds of arsonists working in unison somehow secretly, or Directed Energy Weaponry. Those are the choices. (Dutchsinse, a.k.a.Michael Yuri Janitch, )
Robert Brame is a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds of pieces of photographic evidence showing behavior that is IMPOSSIBLE in a normal fire.
The soils in California where these hyper-incinerations were ignited are effectively sterilized. Nothing grows back. Many of the trees are cooked in place but essentially unburned. Tree species with high water content burn inside out. Window glass is melted—which requires 2,500°, a temperature far higher than normal forest fires ever reach—and anything with metal in it is destroyed. Plastic elements survive what was supposed to be a sweeping “forest fire”—not an in-place, isolated cremation/incineration.
Robert Brame is right now in Mariposa County to help defend 71 year oild former firefighter Ed Wackerman who is accused of setting the Oak Fire, on 6 counts and will spend life in Prison. It was another directed energy weapon attack as Robert Brame has ample evidence. I wrote Mr. Wackerman a letter to his jail cell where he has been since June. in Shackels. He got the letter and called his daughter Julie in Alaska who knows her Dad is innocent and so does Robert Brame . He is going to see Mr. Wackerman today to explain DEW to him. And hopefully Mr Wackerman will order his attorney to put Robert on the stand with his ample evidence. That could blow it all open. But his lawyer court appointed who Robert did talk to has had his license suspended more than once and he says he thinks the lawyer does not bellieve him and is in on the framing. There is no way the poor man had anything to do with it. He and his family have lived in the community for decades and he inherited his family's land, which they will take . We have started a small committee called Protect And Alert to wake up people in CA they could be next beginning with Placerville. And started a new substack for same: here is the link. Thank you Reinette for caring, we need to expose this , there have been 35 DEW attacks on our California in the last 7 years.
Michael Jaco, an experienced military, 30 year CIA, Special Forces, intuitive, advanced remote viewer TRUTHER (who resigned long ago when he discovered the CIA corruption) put out a couple GREAT videos 5 days ago that I am recommending below. The correct term for these 'lasers' are DEWS- DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS. (They-and he-used them in the military.) His video shows this technology, and he shows A LOT of aerial Hawaii footage of the breaks in the 'fire'-one house untouched, next charred, trees standing, etc., plastic untouched, metal obliterated. His narration is good, because he has been boots-on -the-ground when deploying DEWS against enemy lines, so he can describe the inconsistencies, patterns, etc. He compares it to the same technology used on 9/11 with buildings and people being charred to dust, where typically there would be remains. He included that footage, too, as well as some from the same happening in Ca, and Boulder areas.
He has a large following, and a really wonderful woman Dr. viewer (intuitive, into energy healing, 'tapped in/turned on' who headed with a friend to Lahaina after having a 'strong calling to go') reached out to him LOCALLY from Hawaii. You guys GOTTA hear the email she wrote him-SO DETAILED, discussing how there was a frequency block deployed (Michael called it an EMP) that purposefully took out ALL communications, disabled cell phones, cars, and prevented the emergency communications and sirens from deploying. Many cars would not even start because of it. Since she was there, she details the EXACT occurrences of what happened and when, weather-wise, first, next, detailing the anomalies. It was very good, and compliments your impeccable journalism and content, Reinette. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
I had NO IDEA about NOLA. I pray you do a supportive video reel on your experiences there if you have time and have not yet. That would be equally SO GREAT to see. Sadly I was clueless, and so are my friends that love New Orleans. Mike Jaco MUST SEE. videos, and a GREAT free rumble channel to subscribe to:
I emailed him ( a link of your incredible piece here, and encouraged him to watch it. Would love to see him have you on as a guest!! Wonderful journalism here, I can tell you put in a lot of work and time. (Love the pix of the sweet doggie in NOLA referencing your rescue efforts. How incredible you went there for all that, and even more so how you just went out the second time on an intuitive journey to serve and document, and see where it took you. LOVE that!) Glad to see this comparison from your boots on the ground experience THANK YOU!
Ha Ha. This made me laugh. :) Nah, not that agenda. 'Green' in this context refers to what's commonly been referred to as HEALTHY, 'GREEN' LIVING-Close to Nature-For some examples, eating organics, drinking filtered water, reducing EMFs, using healthy body care products and non-toxic household products., staying close to nature in diet and Spirit...and among other things, getting in LOTSA CHLOROPHYLL!! And I say 'it's the new black' because, much like the LBD, it goes with EVERYTHING!! :) Thanks for letting me clarify. Have a good week.
The overlords have finally reached the stage where their motivations are revealed. Perpetual war for perpetual peace. They want civil war. It is their wildest dream come true. Give them their due. Form a new world and exclude the overlords. Otherwise we play into their Satanic little hands. War is their racket and we buy into it.
Maybe they dont want that , maybe that is actually their greatest fear , that we who outnumber them rise up in unison and eliminate the problem. This is why the psyop of never react with real force and power , only peaceful protest and somehow expect all those selected officials who are in on the agendas will somehow fix them and incriminate themselves in the process . NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
They Sold Those People Down The River For The Deep State, The Rothschild's, The Chinese Elite That Love The Pacific Coast & The Realtors & Insurance Companies That Have Been Provided Loopholes & Berkshire Hathaway Lawyers See Rothschild's & Mafia Again.
Not To Mention Oprah & Friends That Want Hawaiian Pacific Coast Homes Too, That Oprah Referred To As The "Phoenix Rising From The Fire"!
All Planned Including The Emergency Land Appropriation Bill Pushed Through By The Governor Josh "Green" Government For His Cabal Friends Recently!
The Police Chief Pelletier That Was Police Chief In The Las Vegas Concert Of Death As Well! He Sure Gets Around!
For People With Eyes To See & Ears To Hear They See The Corruption, Graft, Grift & Witchcraft All Over These Days!
This Is Planned Murder & Theft, & Appropriation Of Prime Real Estate & Sacred Land Through Conspiracy To Murder, Steal & Destroy Evidence By Use Of Directed Energy Weapons Or DEW!
Will They Be Successful Covering All This Up Again!
I was so glad to hear you mention Hurricane Sandy, Reinette. That was in my backyard where I grew up at Jersey Shore, prime real estate. Never in my years growing up there had we ever seen devastation like that. There were some quaint towns there along the shore with tiny beach cottages. After they were all cleaned up the resulting rebuild was all HUGE $million homes. I knew it then what happened and why. I pray for the survivors in Lahaina and they heed your words. This is the breaking point. 🙏
Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Katrina, fires in Canada, Paradise, Arizona, Idaho, Marshall, CO, etc etc etc disasters throughout the world.... IMO there is no such thing as a 'natural' disaster -- they are all man-made, contrived to do the satanic cabal's work of kill, steal, and destroy.
Thank you Reinette. Also worth mentioning the catastrophic floods in China which followed very closely on Henry Kissinger's visit. Join the dots. HK is a messenger of death. His signature phrase is 'It will end badly for you.' The last card in the pack, after the failed visits of Yellen et al. See my review of Christopher Hitchens' book The Trial of Henry Kissinger on my free blog ( I used to wonder whether the craven surrender of our glorious leaders in Australia to the COVID measures was due to bribery or threats. I now believe it was the latter. Much love to the Old Lady in a Chair - no offence, just thinking of the wonderful Dr. Vernon Coleman (who has been very quiet lately). RS and VC have a similar kind of authority.
Yes Kiss. is the highest ranking planner of the evil agendas for his masters still active at 100. He is in a hurry to see massive destruction before he dies , eventually even adrenachrome FAILS
Please don't forget us in Florida. Last October 2022 South Florida was hit with Hurricane Ian. It did a number in that whole area including Ft. Myers, Beach. We still can't even go onto some beach areas near Daytona Beach. I believe it was man=made. Florida was doing great and some force ( I wonder who that could have been) knocked us for a loop.
Lynn- read about DPE100.coom - (Environment Protection Enhancements System). Read the site, watch video, plus be sure to read 'See more Testimonials' (click blue button toward end - FL retiree totally avoided a hurricane because of DPE100 tech. DPE vertical reach 100mi, into the Magnetosphere. RESTORES THE BIOSPHERE, protects from harmful tech 5G, Elf's EMf's Smert Meters, Geoengineering, Chemtrails and on and onn ~ Get a DPE100 - share cost with neighbors if necessary - ground radius 1MI. !!! Email:
This shit needs to go as far and wide as possible. Anything less will ensure the end of humanity. None of this is news to me, but it has reached a peak of insanity that cannot be ignored.
I knew it, I just knew it, they blew that levee up! Someone sent me a video years ago, she lived there and she recorded the sound of the blast on her cell phone, I heard it, but of course everyone told me that I was nuts! Thank you for finally confirming this for me. It's the 2nd time they have done this. Also thank you for speaking the truth about these fires, you'er so right, what happened to Lahaina was an attack. My parents lived in Hawaii for 25+ years, my mother loved Maui, I have never said this before but I am glad she is dead because watching everything that has happened there would have destroyed her very soul. Seeing those fires was bad enough but now I am hearing about the police were blocking people from leaving in their cars to escape and the children...There are no words...That makes me so angry! Yes these people want as much terror, damage and death as possible and will do anything to bring that about. They are still blocking relief on Maui and people are now bringing supplies in via boats/jet skis to bypass the cruel restrictions, unreal. Twitter is deleting videos of the fires from our accounts. I have a question for you about a photo that has haunted me for a few years now, why did Cal Fire have a 50 caliber rifle with a scope on the top of one of their vehicles with 2 men on top, one looking through binoculars days after the fire had occurred??? I have heard from people who lost homes there that gov (FEMA maybe) went thru the rubble of homes and took all the guns they could find. FEMA is not to be trusted one bit!! They intentionally delayed sending help to Katrina and they set those people up who went to the convention center by not having food, water, security there, they just sat back and watched to see how the people reacted. New Orleans was also set up as a gun grab by FEMA as well. These people are so so evil. After the hurricane destroyed the west coast of FL last year they came in and any of the dead bodies that did not have ID on them were stacked like cord wood and left by the side of the roads. Hurricane Andrew that hit Homestead FL 30 years ago was used to set people up. They were lied to on purpose by the media (weather forecasters) they were told the hurricane would blow past them, no need to evacuate. Literally 5 mins before it slammed into them the forecasters came on and admitted they would take a direct hit. What the military and police did to them afterward was straight up murder! They have been perfecting their art for a long time. The gov never expected a helicopter to fly down that far to see if everything was alright afterward, it wasn't. Only 2 roads in and out of there and conveniently both were blocked by downed trees. I tagged you in 2 posts on twitter, one is an in depth thread someone wrote up and yes Maui becoming a smart island is a big part of the plans but it goes deeper, it looks like they want to build an underground sub base and it looks like another fire attack will be coming. I hope you have a few mins to look at it. The 2 post I tagged you in is of the gov of Hawaii at a press interview telling everyone that he is thinking of ways that the gov can take the land.
YES. Thank you. Beautiful advice: do not trust the narrative. Listen to the victims. This is a war, and this was an attack.
100% they don't even pretend anymore. It's so obvious.
So true. I'm done.
I made this on the fly for my own documentation on the night of Aug 10th. I KNEW it was intentional. I have NO patience for the lies, anymore. Grateful for Reinette for maintaining composure and delivering a balanced and thoughtful report EVERY time. I react from my gut. I knew instantly that this was intentional, and likely to be used to extend emergency funding, increase surveillance (like Cali's wildfire cameras and AI partnership), increase drone surveillance for "climate" monitoring (nope), and to keep the people afraid and desperate. Of course, while also offering up the destroyed real estate to the highest greedy bidder. :( :( My initial reaction is anger, but I am also sad. Horrified. I wish more ppl would SEE the betrayal and the suffering that is INTENTIONAL. Do not stand for it! Notice patterns...see the lies. Research before you donate. Listen to victims. Call out the perpetrators. Defend your home, support your neighbors. Stand up to the corporate takeover and push for smart cities.
Its good to know there are those out there who still are connected soundly to their bodies and can register "I know". I have that ability still, though was shocked to realize over the last few years how many do not. CAF has talked about the advances in entrainment (a more tech based mind-control) and how just watching the TV, they an hijack your internal 'gut' so that you feel what you are hearing comes with that sense 'gut' sense of truth. Yes, diabolical but also explains the persistence of the covid spell. Seriously, turn off the news. (Don't watch for over 13 years now)
All your reactions are human. Congratulations. No small thing to retain it through this last-gasps attempt at control.
I don't think their insane plan works in the end - they fall apart (are as we speak, becoming sloppy and obvious) but oh, my the damage on their way out.)
Kathleen you are making me think! I haven't had a TV in I can't remember how long, didn't have one during 9/11. so it looks like the most important thing we can do is get everyone to stop watching TV? because we are all wondering what's wrong with these people who can't see the obvious, and it looks like you have hit the nail on the head...
It would be an excellent start!! Of course screens have become ubiquitous so smart phones need to go too. (Got rid of mine) Or at least use carefully (CAF says hers never comes in house!) I think there is more to it too, but that's a big piece and something we can all take action on. The love affair many have with their phones, is also quite telling. What is THAT about? Elena Friedmen has done some interesting interviews on the EMF piece, and what comes through those phones.
Walk away from the program!!
Kathleen I have limited energy, it seems like I am always nursing a yeast infection or something, I wonder if you could give me a link to where CAF talks about the television and entrainment? I'm typing this on my phone! looks like I have some work to do!
Turn off phone at night into Faraday bag. Rely on batter clock and alarm. Simple stuff. Unplug the router wifi and the computer at night. switch out of LED lights to infra lights (reds not blue light) That's about all you need to know. Work to reduce that EFM. Know where the hot spots are in yr house (if any).... and attempt to addres.
YES!!!! I threw my boob tube away 20+ years ago! DO IT!
That has been my observation and recommendation for a while. The repetitiveness sinks in Goebbels style even if at a rational level you know it is false.
I don't think the probleml is watching TV. I think the problem is listening to the lying propaganda spewed by the newsreaders and repeating the b.s.
Since I know the 2 men (cousins of George W. Bush) who got the lucrative demolition job from Silverstein to gut the WTC towers, along with their demolition crew from Upper Darby, PA, I know 911 was planned controlled demolitions. There were no desks, lamps, telephones, toilets, sinks, refrigerators in the building debris post the 911 explosions because all projectiles were removed. The 1st step in demolition is to remove all items and objects which could become projectiles. No office furniture or equipment was in the piles of debris post the demolitions because they were removed before the controlled demolitions. The explosives did not pulverize anything, as some people reported.
There were no planes. If someone said he/she saw a plane at the WTC plaza, he/she is lying. There was an animation of a PVI LVIS (Princeton Virtual Image Live Video Insertion System) plane mixed with program video at CBS control room and at FOX, which was aired. It was NOT a real plane. It was an animated graphic of a plane cued to animate. Setting the shot the director had the operator adjust the show 2 times before air. The parameters of the set show were moved. When the actual animation was executed,The nose of the plane graphic appeared to go through the building. The nose of the plane only appeared to go through the building because it was an graphic image. A real plane nose would have been crushed. by the building. Common sense should have told people it was not a real plane.
The whole STORY WAS MANUFACTURED for Silverstein to make $1.7 billion in INSURANCE. The gutting of to prepare for the PLANNED 911 controlled demolitions for Silverstein. I know there were no did serious
OMG I might have gone to elementary school with those guys! thanks for the info. So much interesting stuff there !
They are, indeed, black screens.
Used with the same intent as days of old.
I do wish that there was some vigilantes that started to take out these billionaires and make it public so that they would hide somewhere in their caves. There must be some kind of worldwide revolution. In Niger, the people finally had enough and rose up even tho it might cost them dearly and they are starting to be joined by other African countries. The Western World has been hijacked by a certain gang. They think that they are chosen and they want to control and own the rest of us.
I'm hoping Maui fires become a line in sand. But I don't know. I've thought that before - this will do it - and then it doesn't. Something's gotta give.
There is at least one bright ray of light: Russia and Putin. When the Russians take Kiev and the rest of that sick country, they will expose the bio labs the same khazar perverts established there, the Russians will find a lot of dirt on Biden and his khazar handlers, and hopefully enlighten the world on what these monsters have been up to. Also, if and when they win, Iran and all the other, by us bloodied ME countries will be strengthened and maybe do away with israhell, the most evil place on earth. A hell vortex, as I call it. I am truly worried about Niger and the African people because there are lots of American labs throughout Africa, where they are working on bio-weapons that are designed to attack the African DNA. Kennedy said that there are such weapons already available. None of these horrors had to happen but we are now ruled by them. I pray that soon the Slavik moms that lost their men in the hundreds of thousands because of Zelensky, an other perverted khazar, and his handlers, that these ladies will initiate revenge. And hopefully it will spread world wide and people will be freed these sub-human excrement. Sorry for my rough words.
The problem with these psychos is that they no longer care, as much, if people know what they do. They have insulated themselves from prosecution so they just laugh. Psychos....
I don't think the "psychos" ever had consciences. I put Hillary at the top of the psycho list.
It works until God returns and deals with all of it.
Alas, sinful nation,
People weighed down with iniquity,
Offspring of evildoers,
Sons who act corruptly!
They have abandoned the Lord,
They have despised the Holy One of Israel,
They have turned away from Him.
The children 😔
This is crossing the line. This is murder. This is such pure evil that only our Father God has the proportionate revenge and justice. The children. What kinds of monsters do this? This seems beyond what even the worst of any human would do.
The line has been crossed with this event. I am hanging my American Flag upside down. We are under distress and it's for the foreseeable future. We all need to hang our flags upside down, to at least spark conversation. Anyone whom approaches you, share this post.
And. If you live in one of the Smart Cities they are planning, be ready for anything, especially during fire and storm seasons. If your city is agreeing to be a Smart City, but under duress, pay special attention to wind and lightning. Very recently, electric companies are now protected from litigation from their equipment starting fires. Just like the vaccine companies are protected.
Reinette lists some pieces of wisdom in one of her next posts about the Hilary Hurricane. She speaks of the possibility of fires due to unnatural lightning. The lightning is striking miles from the eye of the storm. Land is tinder dry, covered in geoengineering metals that cause fires to burn fast and furious. Add wind and it's over.
One piece of her advice is to keep wet towels in five gallon buckets to put out any flying embers. Another is always keeping your gas tanks full. Keep Go-Bags ready and by the door, and I'd like to small emergency bag in your vehicle.
Keep your Prayers fresh, your family close and your fear far.
You are protected in the Name of Jesus. We are living in Biblical times.
Fire is now coming from the sky.
100%. We have to remember: we outnumber them. Billions against thousands. It starts with every one of us NOT COMPLYING in one form or another, every day. Non-compliance examples: refusing to use self-checkout lanes and choosing to support employee-paid positions. Using cash vs. credit card. Declining biometric photos in airports & at theme parks. Refusing to support corporations that are bleeding us dry. Refusing to scan a QR code for services. Refusing to wear a mask for the next scam-demic. Refusing to get our temperature taken. Refusing to use Google/Microsoft/& other big-tech platforms that are part of the digital AI-prison.
On my mind: I think the smart AI surveillance cameras need to go. they're everywhere. The infrastructure has been put into place to control us with ISR with very little effort.
Taxpayers are footing the bill for the 12 military (General Atomics) reaper drones that are now going to be used by the National Guard to surveil us under the guise of "climate change."
These are truly trying times.
If every one of us does SOMETHING, we send out a ripple effect. Try something new every day to resist (and to prepare).
We must dismantle the surveillance to increase our ability to resist as things get worse.
I am so inspired by the protesters in China, cutting down the cameras while holding umbrellas....and by the brave ones in the UK, cutting down the cameras that automatically fine drivers for using a car with higher GHG emissions.
I am inspired by people who talk to strangers about these sensitive topics, who pass flyers and sticker things up with the White Rose stickers...
There are so many ways to spread awareness and to let others know that they can and should be speaking up and standing up NOW, before it's really too late.
This is a war. We don't need to play nice...this is genocide.
>Important info
> A human enzyme can biodegrade graphene
> #GrapheneOxide #Myeloperoxidase
> A human enzyme can biodegrade graphene
> Scientists have discovered that a natural human enzyme can biodegrade graphene. These findings could have great implications in the development of graphene-based biomedical devices.
> Myeloperoxidase -- an enzyme naturally found in our lungs -- can biodegrade pristine graphene, according to the latest discovery of Graphene Flagship partners in CNRS, University of Strasbourg (France), Karolinska Institute (Sweden) and University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Among other projects, the Graphene Flagship designs based like flexible biomedical electronic devices that will interfaced with the human body. Such applications require graphene to be biodegradable, so our body can be expelled from the body.
Absolutely correct I been screaming about this for a long time , yes they dont even try to disguise it , this is to justify "climate change emergency declarations , lock downs , seizures , and takeovers of all kinds, including food rationing and farm seizures" Apparently Biden has already set this in motion somewhat secretly. Yes Reinette , military was used for many terrible actions in Katrina , I know this from personal testimonies from Katrina survivors, yes some levees were blown intentionally early own. All these major hurricanes for a long time were geoengineered. The revelations on this one are already global , already seen Russian bloggers showing the stuff I sent out early on , they have been caught so now we must stop this or we go extinct.
you make some very important points- and the main one for me is keep your landline- the only thing that worked- we've seen this repeatedly- obama outlawed the maintainance of landlines- letting the infrastructure fall into disrrepair- and we've had many threats- ongoing- in CA to discontinue landlines altogether
Yes. Like musk said, lets.move on!
The elderly gentleman who walked out as cars were trying to get out were not let out because a policeman was ORDERED not to let cars escape the inferno chilled me to the core of my soul. They literally WANTED those homeowners DEAD!!!! :(((
It's nightmarish. I just watched a video of a police officer shutting down a distribution group (they could only enter/exit with placards)...
I was blown away. :( I really hope the people just ignored him, and kept peacefully distributing necessary items to those in need.
We are here to take care of each other. Don't let anyone get in the way of tending to your neighbors, friends, and family. May we urge men and women in uniform to stop following orders/commands from the top that do not make sense....and to only move forward to assist each other wholeheartedly. I love that Reinette called out donations (avoid) for FEMA & Red Cross (as are many others). Government is now getting in our way. The grifting and government/NGO/PPP theft has been out of hand for far too long.
They need to "handle" the police. They have long given up "to protect & serve." They are all bootlickers who protect & serve the evil doers. Then, and only then will the ones above them understand whst's coming.
I only wish the people in those cars would have just moved on. One police officer cannot stop a whole caravan of cars unless the people are obedient! If they only knew that they would have cone through the barrier.
The only way the land could be stolen from them. When will the Hawaiian warriors take to the streets.
...and now the FBI wants DNA samples of all the families left behind, supposedly to match with any human remains are found?? Yeah right. Probably so they can develop another bioweapon against this particular ethnic group, to wipe out any who might cause an uprising.
With the way things have been going and my eyes having been black pilled up the ying yang, I wouldn't be shocked at this being true.
Pelletier was selected to be Incident Commander in both events in Maui and Las Vegas. His demeanor in the Press Conference shows what he is all about. He is not a tourist town police chief. He is following a script. This man is evil.
wow...what an amazing substack! the video at the end...i can't see thru my tears. I pray this is the FINAL STRAW for ALL the people of the world!
Yes please, may we be at the end of the madness.
I think it’s only the START! 😢
It was precisely the Turkish earthquakes that had drawn me to Ducthsinse as a source of info. on this sort of extreme tech weaponisation (the following links aren't about Turkey):
DEW Weaponized Sun Simulator news 24 caught in action paradise fire dutchsinse
(fake sun fake cloud sun halo demo) []
6/02/2023 -- ALL of S. Quebec Canada just erupted into fires - Canada under attack? DEW or people?!
Natural tectonic plate shifting that is releasing heat, coordinated attack orchestrated by hundreds of arsonists working in unison somehow secretly, or Directed Energy Weaponry. Those are the choices. (Dutchsinse, a.k.a.Michael Yuri Janitch, )
June 8, 2023
Robert Brame is a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds of pieces of photographic evidence showing behavior that is IMPOSSIBLE in a normal fire.
The soils in California where these hyper-incinerations were ignited are effectively sterilized. Nothing grows back. Many of the trees are cooked in place but essentially unburned. Tree species with high water content burn inside out. Window glass is melted—which requires 2,500°, a temperature far higher than normal forest fires ever reach—and anything with metal in it is destroyed. Plastic elements survive what was supposed to be a sweeping “forest fire”—not an in-place, isolated cremation/incineration.
Jamie Lee of A Plane Truth has extensive articles, and many videos about Paradise fires.
Thank You!
Robert Brame is right now in Mariposa County to help defend 71 year oild former firefighter Ed Wackerman who is accused of setting the Oak Fire, on 6 counts and will spend life in Prison. It was another directed energy weapon attack as Robert Brame has ample evidence. I wrote Mr. Wackerman a letter to his jail cell where he has been since June. in Shackels. He got the letter and called his daughter Julie in Alaska who knows her Dad is innocent and so does Robert Brame . He is going to see Mr. Wackerman today to explain DEW to him. And hopefully Mr Wackerman will order his attorney to put Robert on the stand with his ample evidence. That could blow it all open. But his lawyer court appointed who Robert did talk to has had his license suspended more than once and he says he thinks the lawyer does not bellieve him and is in on the framing. There is no way the poor man had anything to do with it. He and his family have lived in the community for decades and he inherited his family's land, which they will take . We have started a small committee called Protect And Alert to wake up people in CA they could be next beginning with Placerville. And started a new substack for same: here is the link. Thank you Reinette for caring, we need to expose this , there have been 35 DEW attacks on our California in the last 7 years.
Hi Reinette and Patriots,
Michael Jaco, an experienced military, 30 year CIA, Special Forces, intuitive, advanced remote viewer TRUTHER (who resigned long ago when he discovered the CIA corruption) put out a couple GREAT videos 5 days ago that I am recommending below. The correct term for these 'lasers' are DEWS- DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS. (They-and he-used them in the military.) His video shows this technology, and he shows A LOT of aerial Hawaii footage of the breaks in the 'fire'-one house untouched, next charred, trees standing, etc., plastic untouched, metal obliterated. His narration is good, because he has been boots-on -the-ground when deploying DEWS against enemy lines, so he can describe the inconsistencies, patterns, etc. He compares it to the same technology used on 9/11 with buildings and people being charred to dust, where typically there would be remains. He included that footage, too, as well as some from the same happening in Ca, and Boulder areas.
He has a large following, and a really wonderful woman Dr. viewer (intuitive, into energy healing, 'tapped in/turned on' who headed with a friend to Lahaina after having a 'strong calling to go') reached out to him LOCALLY from Hawaii. You guys GOTTA hear the email she wrote him-SO DETAILED, discussing how there was a frequency block deployed (Michael called it an EMP) that purposefully took out ALL communications, disabled cell phones, cars, and prevented the emergency communications and sirens from deploying. Many cars would not even start because of it. Since she was there, she details the EXACT occurrences of what happened and when, weather-wise, first, next, detailing the anomalies. It was very good, and compliments your impeccable journalism and content, Reinette. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
I had NO IDEA about NOLA. I pray you do a supportive video reel on your experiences there if you have time and have not yet. That would be equally SO GREAT to see. Sadly I was clueless, and so are my friends that love New Orleans. Mike Jaco MUST SEE. videos, and a GREAT free rumble channel to subscribe to:
Video documenting DEWs.
Video: Personal Acct from Dr. -More proof Maui was hit with DEW from a Dr. that was there and describes massive manipulation.
I emailed him ( a link of your incredible piece here, and encouraged him to watch it. Would love to see him have you on as a guest!! Wonderful journalism here, I can tell you put in a lot of work and time. (Love the pix of the sweet doggie in NOLA referencing your rescue efforts. How incredible you went there for all that, and even more so how you just went out the second time on an intuitive journey to serve and document, and see where it took you. LOVE that!) Glad to see this comparison from your boots on the ground experience THANK YOU!
Thanks for the links xx
Misundeerstand me correctly, but I think GreenIsTheNewBrown is more to the point. There is undoubtedly a Fascist agenda behind the green agenda.
Ha Ha. This made me laugh. :) Nah, not that agenda. 'Green' in this context refers to what's commonly been referred to as HEALTHY, 'GREEN' LIVING-Close to Nature-For some examples, eating organics, drinking filtered water, reducing EMFs, using healthy body care products and non-toxic household products., staying close to nature in diet and Spirit...and among other things, getting in LOTSA CHLOROPHYLL!! And I say 'it's the new black' because, much like the LBD, it goes with EVERYTHING!! :) Thanks for letting me clarify. Have a good week.
The overlords have finally reached the stage where their motivations are revealed. Perpetual war for perpetual peace. They want civil war. It is their wildest dream come true. Give them their due. Form a new world and exclude the overlords. Otherwise we play into their Satanic little hands. War is their racket and we buy into it.
Emphasis on "little." Either way, fuckers need to die.
Hopefully our justice system then still works as advertised.
Not bloody likely. Other contingencies need to be considered.
Get real if that were the case we WOULD NOT BE in this situation NOW . The justus system was the FIRST to be totally corrupted long ago.
Only for thousands of years. Justice serves the system . Always been blind. We could do away with all the culprits. Any suggestions?
Everyone who really understands the truth knows , suggestions are not necessary just the courage and organization to do them .
Justice is not only blind, but she is now dead.
Maybe they dont want that , maybe that is actually their greatest fear , that we who outnumber them rise up in unison and eliminate the problem. This is why the psyop of never react with real force and power , only peaceful protest and somehow expect all those selected officials who are in on the agendas will somehow fix them and incriminate themselves in the process . NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
Yes, KW. We belong here. THEY do not.
Well said!
Just listen to the Gov of Hawaii, a selected pawn of the WEF. He is all in on the UN Sustainable Development Goals of agenda 2030. He needed the land to Build Back Better, Smart City.
Maybe he's feeling some heat. Doing a lot of denying and placing a moratorium on land sales.
Regarding The Maui Morning Dew Fires:
They Sold Those People Down The River For The Deep State, The Rothschild's, The Chinese Elite That Love The Pacific Coast & The Realtors & Insurance Companies That Have Been Provided Loopholes & Berkshire Hathaway Lawyers See Rothschild's & Mafia Again.
Not To Mention Oprah & Friends That Want Hawaiian Pacific Coast Homes Too, That Oprah Referred To As The "Phoenix Rising From The Fire"!
All Planned Including The Emergency Land Appropriation Bill Pushed Through By The Governor Josh "Green" Government For His Cabal Friends Recently!
The Police Chief Pelletier That Was Police Chief In The Las Vegas Concert Of Death As Well! He Sure Gets Around!
For People With Eyes To See & Ears To Hear They See The Corruption, Graft, Grift & Witchcraft All Over These Days!
This Is Planned Murder & Theft, & Appropriation Of Prime Real Estate & Sacred Land Through Conspiracy To Murder, Steal & Destroy Evidence By Use Of Directed Energy Weapons Or DEW!
Will They Be Successful Covering All This Up Again!
When Will The People Say Enough?
“We The People Are Pissed Off”, Once Again!
I was so glad to hear you mention Hurricane Sandy, Reinette. That was in my backyard where I grew up at Jersey Shore, prime real estate. Never in my years growing up there had we ever seen devastation like that. There were some quaint towns there along the shore with tiny beach cottages. After they were all cleaned up the resulting rebuild was all HUGE $million homes. I knew it then what happened and why. I pray for the survivors in Lahaina and they heed your words. This is the breaking point. 🙏
Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Katrina, fires in Canada, Paradise, Arizona, Idaho, Marshall, CO, etc etc etc disasters throughout the world.... IMO there is no such thing as a 'natural' disaster -- they are all man-made, contrived to do the satanic cabal's work of kill, steal, and destroy.
These days yes.👍
Thank you Reinette. Also worth mentioning the catastrophic floods in China which followed very closely on Henry Kissinger's visit. Join the dots. HK is a messenger of death. His signature phrase is 'It will end badly for you.' The last card in the pack, after the failed visits of Yellen et al. See my review of Christopher Hitchens' book The Trial of Henry Kissinger on my free blog ( I used to wonder whether the craven surrender of our glorious leaders in Australia to the COVID measures was due to bribery or threats. I now believe it was the latter. Much love to the Old Lady in a Chair - no offence, just thinking of the wonderful Dr. Vernon Coleman (who has been very quiet lately). RS and VC have a similar kind of authority.
Yes Kiss. is the highest ranking planner of the evil agendas for his masters still active at 100. He is in a hurry to see massive destruction before he dies , eventually even adrenachrome FAILS
Please don't forget us in Florida. Last October 2022 South Florida was hit with Hurricane Ian. It did a number in that whole area including Ft. Myers, Beach. We still can't even go onto some beach areas near Daytona Beach. I believe it was man=made. Florida was doing great and some force ( I wonder who that could have been) knocked us for a loop.
Lynn- read about DPE100.coom - (Environment Protection Enhancements System). Read the site, watch video, plus be sure to read 'See more Testimonials' (click blue button toward end - FL retiree totally avoided a hurricane because of DPE100 tech. DPE vertical reach 100mi, into the Magnetosphere. RESTORES THE BIOSPHERE, protects from harmful tech 5G, Elf's EMf's Smert Meters, Geoengineering, Chemtrails and on and onn ~ Get a DPE100 - share cost with neighbors if necessary - ground radius 1MI. !!! Email:
Thank YOU so much for caring to reply. I definitely will check all you listed. :-)
Cross-posted with thanks to you Reinette.
This is war. Some of us have known it for years, others are just beginning to understand.
This shit needs to go as far and wide as possible. Anything less will ensure the end of humanity. None of this is news to me, but it has reached a peak of insanity that cannot be ignored.
Intentionally These People Love To Destroy Cultures & The Evidence Thereof & Rewrite History To Their Own Liking!
Oh & Profit!
The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil!
WW3 Indeed!
"Not jews or jesuits" is patently wrong. No need to read further when you see such a blatantly erroneous statement.
I do not need your approval. Truth does not wait for you.
What I wrote is truth. Anything else is protecting the enemy. That's simple logic, not emotional gibberish.
Thank you Reinette for making this and standing for the truth.
Thank you for compiling these first hand accounts...
DSI News file a request for help and an investigation into the DEW attack on Maui with the US ARMY PACIFIC
ATTN Commander Charles Flynn
Everyone can file a complaint on the US ARMY PACIFIC website or call Fort Shafter in Honolulu
Thanks Reinette...sharing FAR and WIDE.
I knew it, I just knew it, they blew that levee up! Someone sent me a video years ago, she lived there and she recorded the sound of the blast on her cell phone, I heard it, but of course everyone told me that I was nuts! Thank you for finally confirming this for me. It's the 2nd time they have done this. Also thank you for speaking the truth about these fires, you'er so right, what happened to Lahaina was an attack. My parents lived in Hawaii for 25+ years, my mother loved Maui, I have never said this before but I am glad she is dead because watching everything that has happened there would have destroyed her very soul. Seeing those fires was bad enough but now I am hearing about the police were blocking people from leaving in their cars to escape and the children...There are no words...That makes me so angry! Yes these people want as much terror, damage and death as possible and will do anything to bring that about. They are still blocking relief on Maui and people are now bringing supplies in via boats/jet skis to bypass the cruel restrictions, unreal. Twitter is deleting videos of the fires from our accounts. I have a question for you about a photo that has haunted me for a few years now, why did Cal Fire have a 50 caliber rifle with a scope on the top of one of their vehicles with 2 men on top, one looking through binoculars days after the fire had occurred??? I have heard from people who lost homes there that gov (FEMA maybe) went thru the rubble of homes and took all the guns they could find. FEMA is not to be trusted one bit!! They intentionally delayed sending help to Katrina and they set those people up who went to the convention center by not having food, water, security there, they just sat back and watched to see how the people reacted. New Orleans was also set up as a gun grab by FEMA as well. These people are so so evil. After the hurricane destroyed the west coast of FL last year they came in and any of the dead bodies that did not have ID on them were stacked like cord wood and left by the side of the roads. Hurricane Andrew that hit Homestead FL 30 years ago was used to set people up. They were lied to on purpose by the media (weather forecasters) they were told the hurricane would blow past them, no need to evacuate. Literally 5 mins before it slammed into them the forecasters came on and admitted they would take a direct hit. What the military and police did to them afterward was straight up murder! They have been perfecting their art for a long time. The gov never expected a helicopter to fly down that far to see if everything was alright afterward, it wasn't. Only 2 roads in and out of there and conveniently both were blocked by downed trees. I tagged you in 2 posts on twitter, one is an in depth thread someone wrote up and yes Maui becoming a smart island is a big part of the plans but it goes deeper, it looks like they want to build an underground sub base and it looks like another fire attack will be coming. I hope you have a few mins to look at it. The 2 post I tagged you in is of the gov of Hawaii at a press interview telling everyone that he is thinking of ways that the gov can take the land.