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Hi Reinette and Patriots,

Michael Jaco, an experienced military, 30 year CIA, Special Forces, intuitive, advanced remote viewer TRUTHER (who resigned long ago when he discovered the CIA corruption) put out a couple GREAT videos 5 days ago that I am recommending below. The correct term for these 'lasers' are DEWS- DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS. (They-and he-used them in the military.) His video shows this technology, and he shows A LOT of aerial Hawaii footage of the breaks in the 'fire'-one house untouched, next charred, trees standing, etc., plastic untouched, metal obliterated. His narration is good, because he has been boots-on -the-ground when deploying DEWS against enemy lines, so he can describe the inconsistencies, patterns, etc. He compares it to the same technology used on 9/11 with buildings and people being charred to dust, where typically there would be remains. He included that footage, too, as well as some from the same happening in Ca, and Boulder areas.

He has a large following, and a really wonderful woman Dr. viewer (intuitive, into energy healing, 'tapped in/turned on' who headed with a friend to Lahaina after having a 'strong calling to go') reached out to him LOCALLY from Hawaii. You guys GOTTA hear the email she wrote him-SO DETAILED, discussing how there was a frequency block deployed (Michael called it an EMP) that purposefully took out ALL communications, disabled cell phones, cars, and prevented the emergency communications and sirens from deploying. Many cars would not even start because of it. Since she was there, she details the EXACT occurrences of what happened and when, weather-wise, first, next, detailing the anomalies. It was very good, and compliments your impeccable journalism and content, Reinette. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

I had NO IDEA about NOLA. I pray you do a supportive video reel on your experiences there if you have time and have not yet. That would be equally SO GREAT to see. Sadly I was clueless, and so are my friends that love New Orleans. Mike Jaco MUST SEE. videos, and a GREAT free rumble channel to subscribe to:

Video documenting DEWs.


Video: Personal Acct from Dr. -More proof Maui was hit with DEW from a Dr. that was there and describes massive manipulation. https://rumble.com/v374vd3-more-proof-maui-was-hit-with-dew-from-a-dr.-that-was-there-and-describes-ma.html

I emailed him (Michealj5326@gmail.com) a link of your incredible piece here, and encouraged him to watch it. Would love to see him have you on as a guest!! Wonderful journalism here, I can tell you put in a lot of work and time. (Love the pix of the sweet doggie in NOLA referencing your rescue efforts. How incredible you went there for all that, and even more so how you just went out the second time on an intuitive journey to serve and document, and see where it took you. LOVE that!) Glad to see this comparison from your boots on the ground experience THANK YOU!

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Thanks for the links xx

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Misundeerstand me correctly, but I think GreenIsTheNewBrown is more to the point. There is undoubtedly a Fascist agenda behind the green agenda.

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Ha Ha. This made me laugh. :) Nah, not that agenda. 'Green' in this context refers to what's commonly been referred to as HEALTHY, 'GREEN' LIVING-Close to Nature-For some examples, eating organics, drinking filtered water, reducing EMFs, using healthy body care products and non-toxic household products., staying close to nature in diet and Spirit...and among other things, getting in LOTSA CHLOROPHYLL!! And I say 'it's the new black' because, much like the LBD, it goes with EVERYTHING!! :) Thanks for letting me clarify. Have a good week.

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