have to tell you, , the alpha wave enchantment, haha entrainment, is real, I spent years with a cassette tape of binaural beats Alpha wave entrainment on my Walkman, because my brain didn't know how to be in that state, finally learned how to do it on its own! thank goodness there were no evil messages on that little tape!
it seems like a lot of us reading this stuff are pretty old! because it's like you have to be a retired person almost to be able to keep up with it! it's always scary to think that there are other people as old as us, like how do they even function!?
At this point I would say they were to herself, but within the heirarchy most likely to the Central Banks and the 'Intelligence' (Instigation) community. I stopped listening to her when I figured her out and noticed she just regurgitated the same material and omitted important things, plus her past associations and who she networks with are suspect.. Nothing she says is that revelatory.
I have seen her discuss over many years and many interviews. but I did a quick search on her site (Solari.com) and found this.
ha! We all do. :-)
have to tell you, , the alpha wave enchantment, haha entrainment, is real, I spent years with a cassette tape of binaural beats Alpha wave entrainment on my Walkman, because my brain didn't know how to be in that state, finally learned how to do it on its own! thank goodness there were no evil messages on that little tape!
"on my Walkman"
damn, you must be as old as me ;)
it seems like a lot of us reading this stuff are pretty old! because it's like you have to be a retired person almost to be able to keep up with it! it's always scary to think that there are other people as old as us, like how do they even function!?
I still have a Walkman; the cassette part doesn't work but the radio AM/FM does.
Katherine Austin Fitts is GREAT!
She's a limited hangout. But a not so obvious one.
So, where are her loyalties?
At this point I would say they were to herself, but within the heirarchy most likely to the Central Banks and the 'Intelligence' (Instigation) community. I stopped listening to her when I figured her out and noticed she just regurgitated the same material and omitted important things, plus her past associations and who she networks with are suspect.. Nothing she says is that revelatory.
Rich men north of Richmond: and they don't think you know, but I know that you do!
thank you so much Kathleen!