This is crossing the line. This is murder. This is such pure evil that only our Father God has the proportionate revenge and justice. The children. What kinds of monsters do this? This seems beyond what even the worst of any human would do.
The line has been crossed with this event. I am hanging my American Flag upside down…
This is crossing the line. This is murder. This is such pure evil that only our Father God has the proportionate revenge and justice. The children. What kinds of monsters do this? This seems beyond what even the worst of any human would do.
The line has been crossed with this event. I am hanging my American Flag upside down. We are under distress and it's for the foreseeable future. We all need to hang our flags upside down, to at least spark conversation. Anyone whom approaches you, share this post.
And. If you live in one of the Smart Cities they are planning, be ready for anything, especially during fire and storm seasons. If your city is agreeing to be a Smart City, but under duress, pay special attention to wind and lightning. Very recently, electric companies are now protected from litigation from their equipment starting fires. Just like the vaccine companies are protected.
Reinette lists some pieces of wisdom in one of her next posts about the Hilary Hurricane. She speaks of the possibility of fires due to unnatural lightning. The lightning is striking miles from the eye of the storm. Land is tinder dry, covered in geoengineering metals that cause fires to burn fast and furious. Add wind and it's over.
One piece of her advice is to keep wet towels in five gallon buckets to put out any flying embers. Another is always keeping your gas tanks full. Keep Go-Bags ready and by the door, and I'd like to small emergency bag in your vehicle.
Keep your Prayers fresh, your family close and your fear far.
You are protected in the Name of Jesus. We are living in Biblical times.
100%. We have to remember: we outnumber them. Billions against thousands. It starts with every one of us NOT COMPLYING in one form or another, every day. Non-compliance examples: refusing to use self-checkout lanes and choosing to support employee-paid positions. Using cash vs. credit card. Declining biometric photos in airports & at theme parks. Refusing to support corporations that are bleeding us dry. Refusing to scan a QR code for services. Refusing to wear a mask for the next scam-demic. Refusing to get our temperature taken. Refusing to use Google/Microsoft/& other big-tech platforms that are part of the digital AI-prison.
On my mind: I think the smart AI surveillance cameras need to go. they're everywhere. The infrastructure has been put into place to control us with ISR with very little effort.
Taxpayers are footing the bill for the 12 military (General Atomics) reaper drones that are now going to be used by the National Guard to surveil us under the guise of "climate change."
These are truly trying times.
If every one of us does SOMETHING, we send out a ripple effect. Try something new every day to resist (and to prepare).
We must dismantle the surveillance to increase our ability to resist as things get worse.
I am so inspired by the protesters in China, cutting down the cameras while holding umbrellas....and by the brave ones in the UK, cutting down the cameras that automatically fine drivers for using a car with higher GHG emissions.
I am inspired by people who talk to strangers about these sensitive topics, who pass flyers and sticker things up with the White Rose stickers...
There are so many ways to spread awareness and to let others know that they can and should be speaking up and standing up NOW, before it's really too late.
This is a war. We don't need to play nice...this is genocide.
> Scientists have discovered that a natural human enzyme can biodegrade graphene. These findings could have great implications in the development of graphene-based biomedical devices.
> Myeloperoxidase -- an enzyme naturally found in our lungs -- can biodegrade pristine graphene, according to the latest discovery of Graphene Flagship partners in CNRS, University of Strasbourg (France), Karolinska Institute (Sweden) and University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Among other projects, the Graphene Flagship designs based like flexible biomedical electronic devices that will interfaced with the human body. Such applications require graphene to be biodegradable, so our body can be expelled from the body.
The children 😔
This is crossing the line. This is murder. This is such pure evil that only our Father God has the proportionate revenge and justice. The children. What kinds of monsters do this? This seems beyond what even the worst of any human would do.
The line has been crossed with this event. I am hanging my American Flag upside down. We are under distress and it's for the foreseeable future. We all need to hang our flags upside down, to at least spark conversation. Anyone whom approaches you, share this post.
And. If you live in one of the Smart Cities they are planning, be ready for anything, especially during fire and storm seasons. If your city is agreeing to be a Smart City, but under duress, pay special attention to wind and lightning. Very recently, electric companies are now protected from litigation from their equipment starting fires. Just like the vaccine companies are protected.
Reinette lists some pieces of wisdom in one of her next posts about the Hilary Hurricane. She speaks of the possibility of fires due to unnatural lightning. The lightning is striking miles from the eye of the storm. Land is tinder dry, covered in geoengineering metals that cause fires to burn fast and furious. Add wind and it's over.
One piece of her advice is to keep wet towels in five gallon buckets to put out any flying embers. Another is always keeping your gas tanks full. Keep Go-Bags ready and by the door, and I'd like to small emergency bag in your vehicle.
Keep your Prayers fresh, your family close and your fear far.
You are protected in the Name of Jesus. We are living in Biblical times.
Fire is now coming from the sky.
100%. We have to remember: we outnumber them. Billions against thousands. It starts with every one of us NOT COMPLYING in one form or another, every day. Non-compliance examples: refusing to use self-checkout lanes and choosing to support employee-paid positions. Using cash vs. credit card. Declining biometric photos in airports & at theme parks. Refusing to support corporations that are bleeding us dry. Refusing to scan a QR code for services. Refusing to wear a mask for the next scam-demic. Refusing to get our temperature taken. Refusing to use Google/Microsoft/& other big-tech platforms that are part of the digital AI-prison.
On my mind: I think the smart AI surveillance cameras need to go. they're everywhere. The infrastructure has been put into place to control us with ISR with very little effort.
Taxpayers are footing the bill for the 12 military (General Atomics) reaper drones that are now going to be used by the National Guard to surveil us under the guise of "climate change."
These are truly trying times.
If every one of us does SOMETHING, we send out a ripple effect. Try something new every day to resist (and to prepare).
We must dismantle the surveillance to increase our ability to resist as things get worse.
I am so inspired by the protesters in China, cutting down the cameras while holding umbrellas....and by the brave ones in the UK, cutting down the cameras that automatically fine drivers for using a car with higher GHG emissions.
I am inspired by people who talk to strangers about these sensitive topics, who pass flyers and sticker things up with the White Rose stickers...
There are so many ways to spread awareness and to let others know that they can and should be speaking up and standing up NOW, before it's really too late.
This is a war. We don't need to play nice...this is genocide.
>Important info
> A human enzyme can biodegrade graphene
> #GrapheneOxide #Myeloperoxidase
> A human enzyme can biodegrade graphene
> Scientists have discovered that a natural human enzyme can biodegrade graphene. These findings could have great implications in the development of graphene-based biomedical devices.
> Myeloperoxidase -- an enzyme naturally found in our lungs -- can biodegrade pristine graphene, according to the latest discovery of Graphene Flagship partners in CNRS, University of Strasbourg (France), Karolinska Institute (Sweden) and University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Among other projects, the Graphene Flagship designs based like flexible biomedical electronic devices that will interfaced with the human body. Such applications require graphene to be biodegradable, so our body can be expelled from the body.