Yeah. WHO STILL WATCHES THE OLYMPICS? The same people still watching movies, voting, getting jabbed, chasing celebrities, and other musings of nothingness. I concluded 20 years ago that these entire "get down" is evil. People used to laugh when I told them. They ain't laughing now. They're asking, "what's next." It's disgusting and vile.

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There Is Nothing To Cherish

About These People

That Cherish Nothing.


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Wowzer, what a show, ugh. We Lesbians want the L out of the alphabet soup the globalists have clumped together. AS viewed from my place on the planet, it is obvious the agenda of no women, no mothers, no safe place for women nor girls, nor tomboys, nor lesbians, is constructed for global control with horrible consequences for humanity. As a Lesbian, I will speak out against the normalization of transgenderism.

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Same here! I don't remember having a vote on any of this? We simply keep getting dragged through the mud for something many of us do not support. I like the slogan, Take the L out of LGBT blah blah blah. We aren't alone. MANY gay and even transgender people do not support this insanity.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Reinette Senum

As a Lesbian, I'm totally with you on that!

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Jul 29·edited Aug 1

Netanyahu is the world's biggest gaslighter! Israel has made lying into an art form. And, it should be obvious to everyone since Netanyahu's visit to Congress that he owns them. It was highly disturbing for me to see our government give standing ovations to a psychopathic war ciminal. Also, the lack of response by all world leaders to the horrific genocide shows how much global control Israel has. Israel (aka Zionist Mafia) controls our media, our government, financial system, medicine, and education, etc. My fellow Americans, we have veen taken over from the inside. We are now occupied by Israel. All of us need to wake up and stand up to this NOW!

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There is NO DOUBT who is running this country.... and with our tax dollars. That monster truly is a psychopath.

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Yes! And watching our government bow to his every wish is truly frightening. If this continues, we will no doubt go to war with Iran for Israel...and worse.

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Jul 29Liked by Reinette Senum

A coop within a coop would be a CoopCoop

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I think the chickens might have something to say about that...

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😂🤣 Thanks! Needed that!

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The Olympic opening ceremony was disgusting and insulting to all . What did any of that have to do with the olympics? When I WAS YOUNG ,I was a junior Olympic caliber swimmer , dreamed of making the Olympic team , now I would not even watch any of it , NO WAY would they miss an opportunity to mind control , and subliminal program , with a billion people watching , The Pale horse thing in the ceremony was SO OVER THE TOP , but that is what Biblical revelations programming has done to everyone as well . It was all stolen and rewritten from documents from 500 bc.

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This documentary is PHENOMENAL, Reinette, well done!

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Thanks, Robyn.

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Not a "freakshow" a symbolic mockery for starters....

Many no longer know world history or roots of Idol Worship/sacrifice...

the symbolism is accurate according to Roman/Greek/ Babylonian rites...

the unseeing unaware only think it's

freeing or artistic ir weird...

It was well researched,

Very cunning,

very deep...

Many have been deceived...

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would argue that its a freakshow loaded with symbolic debauchery that is ultra deliberate

Due to pushback they have already apologized, too little too late

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This was quite a production, Reinette, and you covered most of the highlights we all have been affected by within just the last few weeks. You made some sense of it for me and there does remain the hope that more and more are coming to their senses and maybe we collectively can start to take back our power and determine aspects of our shared destiny. May Truth conquer the Lies.

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I just watched the end and have to disagree with you that what's behind the darkness are the Communists. I've done extensive research on this and it is the Zionist Mafia that is behind it all. They created Communism. Frederick Engles and Carl Marx were Jews. No matter where you go down the rabbit hole, you end up with them.

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They are all one and the same. I have hit upon this many times in earlier substances.

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Communists, Bolsheviks, Nazis and probably others, different faces of anti human Zionism.

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Reinette, this is your best video presentation ever! Thank you for all the work I know it took to produce.

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Thanks.... and it required a little cussing under my breath. LOL

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This says it all, and I apprieciate that you have ! Thank you so much!

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Couldn't believe what I was seeing. They are complete liars by saying they 'didn't mean to offend anyone". It goes way beyond that. They are trying to impose their Satanic views on the rest of the world so they are accepted, especially by the younger generations. This IS a spriritual war with probably the most dire consequences there can be. My family certainly won't be watching ANTHING coming out of these Olympics, on TV or online.

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It has been a huge backfire. I actually giggle at the thought of the Olympic organizers scrambling because what are the closing ceremonies going to be like? They HAVE to change it... more of the same will get their heads cut off.

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5 countries pulling out their athletes and maybe more!

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One question I have about Israel is, “Why now?”

Cynthia McKinney has been fighting this battle since the 1980’s, at least trying.

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I love her. No doubt she was one of the few honest politicians out there.... hence her being pushed out for her truthfulness.

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Aug 1Liked by Reinette Senum

Reinette, once again, you hit it out of the ballpark🙏

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Aug 1Liked by Reinette Senum

wow super video. . i shared with some people who aren't with it. yesterday i watched. where olive trees weep. heartbreaking

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Thank you for sharing. The video will "land" when peeps are ready for it!

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