Victory celebrated over the won election is short-lived, as the Trump admin begins to unfold. Yes we're excited about all the new EO's, and happy deportations have begun, and that price of energy going down, and more.
Catherine Austin Fitts talks about how Trump, 'the father of vaccines', is hand in hand with mRNA promotion and the billionaires that are working to bring in the AI control grid into play. And the billionaires showed up to the Trump inauguration in the front rows.
Trump just announced a 500 billion Stargate program that's an investment in mRNA technology, and guess what that means for regular citizens...
"It's basically ..your going to use poison to address the poisoning the last vaccines gave's a progressive poisoning model..Operation warp speed 2.0 is air cover for building the control grid..." -CAF
And this can also work against RFK getting approved.
Trump’s Project Stargate Is mRNA Poisoning to Address the COVID Vaccine Poisoning - 4 min
I've always said Musk is a Trojan Horse and am concerned about how close he is to Trump, and how Trump defers to Elon, with almost what seems like a devout reverence.
How many Trump supporters are getting bamboozled by this elites' ancient agenda wearing new Trumpian 'golden age' clothes?
David Icke does a great commentary on the Elon whispering in Trump's ear; David goes into specifics including the mRNA 500B announcement and more.
As the U.S. President, the first thing I would want do is sit down with my enemies and lay it all out. Let them know what the new playing field is. As far as Gates rapturously sharing the details of the meeting.... I wouldn't trust a word out of that man's mouth. Do we really believe he would be honest about Trump possibly laying down the law to him? I don't think so.
As you are well aware that is exactly what DJT did. Gates is a genocidal criminal who cannot appear in public. Fear him not. DJT holds his enemies close as in Sun Tzu - The Art of War...
Expect the coming week to be fireworks never before seen, count on it
Unfortunately DJT has a history of capitulating to Gates opining. & mRNA is mRNA and DJT would not know the difference if it killed or cured or simply was the human leash for the control grid. That's why he needed RFK, whom is actually scientifically literate.
The Art of War was translated by a jesuit..."Many of the historical problems with understanding Sun Tzu's work can be trace back to its first Western translation. A Jesuit missionary, Father Amiot, first brought The Art of War to the West, translating it into French in 1782. Unfortunately, this translation started the tradition of mistranslating Sun Tzu's work, starting with the title, The Art of War (Art de la guerre). This title, copied the title of a popular work by Machiavelli, but it didn't reflect Sun Tzu's Bing-fa, which would be better translated as "competitive methods."
Or Anyone for that matter within this Man Made Toxic Patrix that has created all the issues that not only we humans, but Earth and Her innocent creations have been dealing with, all created by men. This crap does not exist in organic reality, Namely Nature. Only in Mans Artifical World does War and Intra-species Murder exist for no other reason but to kill..."There is no Evil in Nature but Man. " unknown author....
Yes indeed, the degradation of our world has been strip mined from top to bottom and all by design. As for the so called government, it does not work for humans which they could care less about. Our water, land, air, and humans are being affected from above. Disgraceful!
One man can not save us. We can work together to learn and do what is necessary to take our country back. If you relisten to DJT's 2017 inauguration speech, you might notice he actually said he was returning it back to us (limited government).
How many people actually began doing anything to make changes in 2017. I had not watched the 2017 inauguration (I was working multiple jobs until late 2018).
I listen to his speeches when I can locate them and have the time. I have learned much from them. I have learned even more on my own and listening to a variety of people for the past 4+ yiears.
You of course do realize that the entire planet is sprayed with chemicals which are dangerous to humanity? These chemicals are destroying our air, our soil, our water supply and our health. But has any person in power ever brought up the Smartdust?
Yes. Strontium, Barium, Sulferhexafluoride, aerosolize graphene, aluminum. I have been learning about that for a few years. My family farms dry land wheat. My area is mainly agriculture (apples, alfalfa, potatoes, onions, asparagus, cherries, corn, blueberries, wine grapes, etc).
Have you noticed changes in your soil or garden? I’ve seen more wasps in my garden area than bees and there aren’t very bees. By the way, I have been following Juxtaposition 1 on SS and he is telling us that there is nothing more important than the chemicals they are spraying. He believes all the presidents, congress, etc are fake. In other words, we are in the matrix. I have to agree with him! We’re in big trouble and have been distracted for a very long time, long enough to destroy our planet.
Many are unaware of AI or what has been done for the past 30+ years. I viewed the press briefing on Tuesday January 21, 2025 with Larry Ellison, Sam Altman and Masayoshi Son as a good start for folks to begin learning more. I also noticed that Sam Altman was very uncomfortalbe and spoke so little. Larry Ellison did a lot of talking (including with his hands).
thank you... this post is waaaaaaay unbiased and demonstrates reinette's inability to look at the realty tv star prezzie with her critical thinking cap on
VP Vance and business partner Vivek along with money bags Peter Thiel like mrna enough they invested in it. Seems like that should be a big news story but the uselsss media is silent.
17 Jul 2024
These are the companies JD Vance invested in as a VC (and beyond) - Fast Company
RNAV8 website is VERY sparse in info about the company.
RNAV8 | mRNA Engineering Redefined Our Mission To reduce human suffering at scale, we aim to radically expand the use of mRNA to treat disease by enabling 1000+ new therapies
Fitts is hardly a visionary. DJT is. Musk the richest person on earth has been serving some really good grinds of late. Second guessing is for keyboard warriors. A good thing as it exposes some low level reasoning skills. Bamboozled?? Nah, Accurately Assessing
I have followed Fitts for many, many years. She's missed a few things, but got most predictions right. DJT says what his analytics tell him we want to hear.
Some people debate on the strength of their arguments, and some people revel in making personal attacks so they can believe they are superior. It's obvious what your orientation is.
& I keep having a nagging thought....How does anyone become rich sending rockets up?? Wouldn't that cost a whole bunch o cash and have zero ROI? How could that possibly be sustainable economically?
It is not sustainable, but irrelevant if you print money. The control grid is priceless. Slavery is the most profitable economic system ever developed. Now we have the tech to track and trace the chattel. Technocracy with DigiID, 2 way Zigbee chip and new gen fiber optics to interoperate with the RFID tags.
The chattel running away was a factor in slavery becoming unprofitable in the past.
We are not "in the woods" we are in the US, and taking back this Republic.
Keyboard Warriors were a dime a gross, last check. A fundamental responsibility
is to hold our public officials accountable. There is zero evidence that DJT needs feet held to the fire. Instead of crowing and I gotchas howz about celebrating the lighting speed accomplishments of the first week now weekend. Columbia just capitulated, EXPECT MORE, ALOT MORE.
"Our Public Officials," I see that you have bought into the Game...Your in the PATRIX, thinking its real, and you don't know it....Like 99.9% of the walking Dead.
I always find it difficult to understand why people want masters and don't seek solutions in how we can run things ourselves. The sheer cumbersomeness of government would be like a weight off our shoulders. Life would be interesting, dynamic and full of vitality. But instead we wait around to see what some oaf wants to do with our lives. I have nothing against Trump as I think all of politics is "oafish".
Denise, I'm right there with you and I strive everyday toward living an independent life full of solutions, but seriously. How are you and I going to handle the Southern Border issue? Getting out of the WHO, and Paris Agreement, and insane DEI policy shoved down our throats, implementation of CBDC, etc. The list goes on. And with one swift movement of Trump's pen he gets this done for us. And if anything, DOGE should be an and indicatio Trump wants to reduce the overbloated reach of government into our lives.
The politicians are the ones who set it all up. Trump did nothing about immirgration in his first term except (cringe) build a wall. I really thought he was joking when he said that. Oh for sure there is nothing you and I can do alone, but I have to say it for when he does somethng or a few somethings, that are really egregious and most likely get us stuck in the NWO hooks even more. I'm hard to please, I want to see Trump say loudly and clearly he is all for body autonomy. I want RFK to say it too. All those orders are not as important as knowing his integrity. We need to start talking about alternatives to relying on these beef heads.
I do appreciate your articles though Reinette, just to be sure you know.
Denise, I would like the same. I have not been happy about the tiptoeing around vaccines and bodily autonomy. As I said, I'm not happy about everything Trump has done (or not committed to), or Bobby for that matter. However, he could have come into this week with lesser changes, but he didn't. He is firing away.
Has he won me over? No. There are many unsettling relationships and language that he uses that make me uneasy.
Trump 1.0 is very different from Trump 2.0. We have already seen the difference. He messed up on the wall and did not have the support for it. But he does now. And now he knows how to play ball... we just have yet to conclusively identify what team he is on.
He is on the Team of the "New World Order" Reinette...Its a "TRAP!" As denise stated..."The politicians are the ones who set it all up." I'll break it down even more...Its the Men who have set up the Death System we all find ourselves in. Thats a Fact....It has been going on for thousands of years...Never look to the "Abuser" for an answer...Its an Illusion, what you are seeing, A Snare, A Trap...
It appears trump is doing a cloward pivens strategy with the EOs. With so many the some titles sound great, but if there was time to read would they be like the WHO one that is a bit wishy washy. While people are happy and distracted with all the early stuff have to wonder what is really going on behind the curtain. The mrna and ai push is damgerous and wonder if the CA boter ID for fire aid money is going to be an intro to digital ID or biometrics that trump has liked since round one.
I believe you are 100% correct, AND he has clear view of the ones who sold him out last time. Why? Because they never thought he would be back and they exposed themselves on sundry media platforms. They were arrogant. Last time Melania was notibly absent and this time she is tucked in. I suspect she had that "I told you he was a rat" conversation after the last term. This time I believe he is listening to her and SEEING IS SCOPING OUT EVERYBODY AND EVERYTHING from behind those dark glasses. Trust.
Worry not, as you document DJT has over delivered in week one. Naysayers simple suffer from various stages of Derangement Syndrome popularized by Nicole Shanahan. It is almost comical as so many former liberals are as melted wax.
Once they take shape will deny the transformation.
Well they set things up so they can get their latest lackey president to fix it all up. I think you are a voice of reason Reinette that's for sure, but this whole thing has been done to suck in the truth movement. They are pretty much hading out candy and it worked. I must say, it worked.
He also implemented Operation Warp Speed, and the PREP Act. And that is where the colossal damage was done! That damage will be apparent for DECADES (life and property-theft!).
I was a HUGE Trump supporter, and I voted for him in 2016, and in 2020.
After losing my job of 23 years for non-CONvid compliance, it was game on for me!
I looked in the nooks, and crannies-the connections!
There is no way in hell, spiritually, and morally that I could vote for anyone, especially for Trump!
Bring the problems, and he’ll bring the “solutions”. Got it!
I always love your Substack Reinette! Thank you!🕊️
Yes, that is around the whole vaccine issue. It seems he has a tremendous blindspot when it comes to Operation Warp Speed. He also implemented the nationwide push for 5G which is doing us no favors. This still pissesm me off to this day.
Biden wasn't going to end the Covid nightmare. Kamala wasn't either. We wave a lukewarm chance Bobby may be able to convince Trump to adjust his sails accordingly. That's the only chance I feel we have in that arena.
I don’t have very much hope when it comes to Trump. Everything being done by him should have already been done if we had a healthy country/society. It wouldn’t have gotten this bad, in my humble opinion.
Personally, I think much of what has happened the last decade (or more), has been a planned conspiracy to get a lot of this crazy AI tech implemented with people going along willingly.
I trust my Intuition at 61.
But for me, I will never trust the government, or give Trump a pass.
Well, I don't think we should ever fully trust any representative. And I haven't given Trump a pass nor do I trust the government. I'm a long way from that.
That's good to hear Renee. I feel exactly the same. Why isn't Trump talking about chemtrails? Or the children being "trafficked" by Hollywood celebrities (and politicians!) Nor has he spoken about the massive death rate from the vaccines. He is part of the process for implementing transhumanism, especially working with Musk. I feel all we have is each other now. We just cannot afford to have anyone dictating anything, it's too dangerous. A proper consensus system needs to be talked about. One of them is Sapiocracy. It's brilliant and we could do this now:
"Trump Administration officials and immigration enforcement advocates argued that measures like the zero tolerance policy were necessary to discourage migrants from coming to the United States and submitting fraudulent asylum requests."
Have you read through the executive orders from Trump's first term? What happened in 2018 that helped our country prosper? International Emergency Economic Powers Act 2018
"Trump Administration officials and immigration enforcement advocates argued that measures like the zero tolerance policy were necessary to discourage migrants from coming to the United States and submitting fraudulent asylum requests."
Have you read through the executive orders from Trump's first term? What happened in 2018 that helped our country prosper? International Emergency Economic Powers Act 2018
I'm not interested in putting any of my energy into these bozos. Most of them are pedovores and yet here we are talking about their outstanding policies. They are the ones who made it so bad in the first place and now we're going to them to fix things?
Would you rather sit back and not learn the truth of who did what to whom and how it came to be? Are you a doer or a backseat driver? I am not one to call names as it is counterproductive.
I'd rather work with my peers in building systems that empower us rather than spin my wheels for a dying system. I can't see how letting someone steer the car for you is not being the driver yourself. They're the most immoral people on the planet and you want them to decide your fate for you? Well you can have it but that doesn't mean they decide the fate of people who don't want them. But that's not what you've voting for - what you're voting for is putting these criminals in charge of everyone.
lol, ''businessman'' who went so deep into bankruptcy, so many times, that he happened to be bailed out by Rothschilds and others. ''They '' own and operate Trump lock, stock and barrel. Now, Trump's in ''business'' to pay off those debts.
The presidential orders and executive orders are important. It is also important for our U. S. Congress to become involved in legislation that protects us and our country. So much has been lost to us (including our real history).
Oh thank you for saying that. I am in a strange mood watching everyone fall for this actor. It's so funny when you know he's just acting - as they all are. Maybe some aren't because that is how they love to trick everyone, even some insiders that work right beside them. To see everyone being taken again and again. I've seen the adoring faces of the interns in the political offices. Now to see everyone just simply fall for this, I feel they're doing something behind our backs. Cause that's how they play. We don't need them anyway, but most can't see it yet. They are nothing but gangsters that rape children or take care of their buddies who do.
All my adult life I was against drilling for oil offshore. But then someone pointed out to me that we are simply transferring our energy needs to other countries so they will drill off their shores… or wherever. In other words, NIMBY. That doesn’t feel very good. What I’m hoping instead is that Trump will disclose the higher tech non- polluting energy sources which rumor says have been kept from us by the powerful oil industry.
Economic sanctions are declarations of war, backed up by our MILITARY THREATENING WAR. Children starve when this happens , why are all the politicians , bankers , cartel people, NOT being rounded up as well as the administration which orchestrated the invasion , they are all pardoned now . HE WILL NOT TELL THE TRUTH ON THESE WEAPONIZED WEATHER WARFARE EVENTS or Resource grabs.
I agree.... Sanctions only hurt women, children, and the poor.
As I mentioned in my story, his overreach with Greenland and Canada are excessive, however, I think we should negotiate a better deal with Panama.
And as far as rounding up the bad guys... maybe week 2?
Did you, by chance, see Trump drop the fact that the L.A. fires were essentially something other than natural... at least he is pointing in the right direction.
Over reach?? the issue is one of national security as the ChiComs were taking control in all 3 places mentioned. The people of Greenland knew this and are in support for the most part.
Chinada is full of libtards, however economic calamity has a way of shifting the gears. Hang on
Releasing all the old info on JFK , RKF , MLK is distraction from what they are doing now , everyone involved is dead now , everything in these files my mother told me before I was a teen. WHO WILL BE PROSECUTED NOW ? We already know who and what took over the country then, they are so far AHEAD of all this now , what purpose will it serve other than distraction. Pardoning the real political prisoners from Jan 6th and other things is important and meaningful , but not so much UNLESS those who set it all up are prosecuted.Do you think Trump will go after all the evil FBI/CIA who have done all these things ?
You must be the simpletons needing waking up the sleeping ones will not wake up, and if they did what will they do, continue to believe controlled opposition players in an OMNI WAR will save them, and undo all that is ALREADY DONE OR IN MOTION ? Their cell phones, towers , 5g , 6g smart meters and WBAN sensors will see to that. Without prosecutions the agendas will march on, just different players and methods.
I hope everryone can listen to this brilliant interview , anyone falling for the Trump shock and awe assault of executive orders is missing the point , who wrote them, what is their agenda , how will all this not mean endless war involving all of us and more emergency declarations. Why is the war not against those political selectees who created the border invasion , now all pardoned . ALL the digital control systems marching forward pretending to be rescuing heroes.
We will have to see But I think its just swapping for another that is less understood and more complex but same scam , Trump is not more powerful than those controlling the global financial planning , you know that so what is really up? QFC some other digital control scam? They are not backing down from all ther other digital control systems , so what does this really mean? Do they just want something to complete with Brics? In the midst of all the declarations of emergencies and wars what will likely emerge?
Not a matter of power Thomas, it is a matter of strategy and the means of pulling it off. We are now winning. Get used to winning and abandon your crowing.
I want to add about the WHO that Trump said we might reenter the WHO at a lower rate, we’ll see, he said. He has made exiting from the WHO an economic matter. We want to leave the WHO because of totalitarian control.
Trump is setting up within the government the ability to handle pandemic preparedness and implement the measures that the WHO was doing within our own government. What difference does it make whether it’s foreign or domestic? He met with Gates, the man who said the next pandemic would kill 50 million children, in a 3 hr. PRIVATE mtg. They may shift things around, titles of programs and whatnot, but the control is always firmly on the people.
The Paris Climate Agreement will still be funded. Bloomberg is picking up the slack. There is a photo of the Forbes article on this in this Substack.
I would like to know what exactly is in the executive order about federal government protecting the states from invasion because invasions can be manufactured just like in Israel. Are vaccines and quarantines as countermeasures for biological attacks in there? What about marshal law?
Can someone please remind me of when Trump plans to release information on what’s behind the drone appearances? I could swear he promised that he would release that immediately when he took office.
I can take most of these points and flip them to show their hidden dangers. I’ll just address one point which is the merit based system. I watched Trump’s address at the WEF which he prioritized only 4 days into his presidency where he was cordially welcomed (this alone let’s one know he is with the elites) and what stood out to me most was when Trump said and then repeated that we are moving to a merit based system. The second time he emphasized it, by saying, “and you really need to hear my words”. I immediately thought of the quote outside of one of the Masonic Lodges in New York which says, “I am responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.” It might have been from John Wayne or Clint Eastwood. What WE HEAR is, “Americans will rise up into positions that DEI has kept us from”, but what he means is people will come legally from other countries and take those positions. Trump says we will need tons of legal immigrants (for the rising economy). They believe we are dumb, fat and lazy like in Wall-E or Idiocracy and that top performers from other countries are more driven, smarter, work harder and are cheaper labor. Ramaswamy spoke to this point. The article below explains how I believe he will use H-1B Visas to continue the work of white replacement by overwhelming the country with foreigners only this time legally and perhaps this group will be more well tolerated due to being educated and less criminal. So your choice was a false choice: illegal invasion or a legal one. Either way, the Jews get their white replacement both through intermarriage with foreigners and bioweapon “vaccines”. By the way:
H-1B adds up to the Masonic #11. H=8, B=2 so 8+1+2=11
Do know Ramaswamy's comments got him booted off of DOGE. And THIS is TRULY why Americans need to keep the pressure up. Americans should always be the first priority.
I would never give Trump a free hall pass to do exactly what he wants to do.... It's up to us to keep him on track and there was a huge backlash to the H-1B visas... we will have to keep doing this every time this is thrown into our faces because I'm sure it's not the last we have heard of this.
Trump will not acknowledge this, nor the spiderweb-like structures (great post) nor geoengineering. He’ll give a little: all girls in girl’s sports, censorship and the border but WE’RE BEING POISONED with heavy metals!
I have not verified but this talks about Usha (Vance’s wife) being first cousins with Ramaswamy and she is with The Pilgrim Society and was promoted to work with Supreme Court Justice Roberts who admitted to being in The Knights of Malta. Very interesting!
Thanks for the added information. I know that you seek to maintain objectivity and appreciate that you are willing to point out on your platform where you see issues. I also have a very difficult time with Gaza and Jared’s comment that they should just move because it is very valuable land for development. Such horrendous atrocities have been committed and it seems many Trump supporters are willing to overlook two genocides (Gaza & bioweapons) so they can be wooed into the comfort of believing an elite with power cares about them. He can’t even be decent to his own wife. At 11:18 he looks at her straight on as if he’s going to say something nice about her but looks around her and talks about the other women in his family. On their way out, he will not maintain her attempts to hold his hand. Watch her awkward arm placements. I won’t shed a tear for an elite, but have to admit I felt bad for her because she had to stand there and take it, fighting back tears the entire time. What good is her $30,000 alligator skin Birkin bag if her husband is self absorbed and vindictive and doesn’t love her?
Also, she and Ivanka don’t get along so his “where is my Ivanka” comment was another dig. This may all seem irrelevant but it shows what kind of a person he is when you can see through the act.
Victory celebrated over the won election is short-lived, as the Trump admin begins to unfold. Yes we're excited about all the new EO's, and happy deportations have begun, and that price of energy going down, and more.
Catherine Austin Fitts talks about how Trump, 'the father of vaccines', is hand in hand with mRNA promotion and the billionaires that are working to bring in the AI control grid into play. And the billionaires showed up to the Trump inauguration in the front rows.
Trump just announced a 500 billion Stargate program that's an investment in mRNA technology, and guess what that means for regular citizens...
"It's basically ..your going to use poison to address the poisoning the last vaccines gave's a progressive poisoning model..Operation warp speed 2.0 is air cover for building the control grid..." -CAF
And this can also work against RFK getting approved.
Trump’s Project Stargate Is mRNA Poisoning to Address the COVID Vaccine Poisoning - 4 min
The Council on Foreign Relations recently showed support for Trump.
"It looks like the Rockefeller and Rothshield factions have agreed that Trump's their man to sell their control grid." - CAF
Obama Was a Poodle to the Machine, Trump Is Also Controlled but Not a Poodle - 5 min
I've always said Musk is a Trojan Horse and am concerned about how close he is to Trump, and how Trump defers to Elon, with almost what seems like a devout reverence.
How many Trump supporters are getting bamboozled by this elites' ancient agenda wearing new Trumpian 'golden age' clothes?
David Icke does a great commentary on the Elon whispering in Trump's ear; David goes into specifics including the mRNA 500B announcement and more.
We're not out of the woods yet.
We are DEF NOT out of the WOODS. I don't think we ever will be.
You do not, nor do I. But I wonder how many if the MAGA movement see this election as the be-all end-all 'home free' relief so longed for?
As always, grace is accessible via a Higher Power. That is my grounding and strength.
I lovingly envision a glorious clearing on humanity's horizon. But at the same time, gird my loins.
Nothing matters as long as the powers that be STOP SPRAYING THE SKY WITH SMARTDUST.
Plus the 3 hour Mar a Lago dinner meeting with Trump, that Bill Gates rapturously shared about was disconcerting.
As the U.S. President, the first thing I would want do is sit down with my enemies and lay it all out. Let them know what the new playing field is. As far as Gates rapturously sharing the details of the meeting.... I wouldn't trust a word out of that man's mouth. Do we really believe he would be honest about Trump possibly laying down the law to him? I don't think so.
Yah, I'd sit down with him too, but not with breaking bread. Spells indigestion.
As you are well aware that is exactly what DJT did. Gates is a genocidal criminal who cannot appear in public. Fear him not. DJT holds his enemies close as in Sun Tzu - The Art of War...
Expect the coming week to be fireworks never before seen, count on it
Let's pray for sure.
Unfortunately DJT has a history of capitulating to Gates opining. & mRNA is mRNA and DJT would not know the difference if it killed or cured or simply was the human leash for the control grid. That's why he needed RFK, whom is actually scientifically literate.
Lol, trust the plan.
The Art of War was translated by a jesuit..."Many of the historical problems with understanding Sun Tzu's work can be trace back to its first Western translation. A Jesuit missionary, Father Amiot, first brought The Art of War to the West, translating it into French in 1782. Unfortunately, this translation started the tradition of mistranslating Sun Tzu's work, starting with the title, The Art of War (Art de la guerre). This title, copied the title of a popular work by Machiavelli, but it didn't reflect Sun Tzu's Bing-fa, which would be better translated as "competitive methods."
So............................? We'd better be careful.
Great add, which I took away from the first week as well.
They can hand us the silver platter, and once the surveillance grid and digital currency is locked in it's over for the peeps.
Why would anyone think that Trump is going to save us…..really?
Or Anyone for that matter within this Man Made Toxic Patrix that has created all the issues that not only we humans, but Earth and Her innocent creations have been dealing with, all created by men. This crap does not exist in organic reality, Namely Nature. Only in Mans Artifical World does War and Intra-species Murder exist for no other reason but to kill..."There is no Evil in Nature but Man. " unknown author....
Yes indeed, the degradation of our world has been strip mined from top to bottom and all by design. As for the so called government, it does not work for humans which they could care less about. Our water, land, air, and humans are being affected from above. Disgraceful!
One man can not save us. We can work together to learn and do what is necessary to take our country back. If you relisten to DJT's 2017 inauguration speech, you might notice he actually said he was returning it back to us (limited government).
How many people actually began doing anything to make changes in 2017. I had not watched the 2017 inauguration (I was working multiple jobs until late 2018).
I listen to his speeches when I can locate them and have the time. I have learned much from them. I have learned even more on my own and listening to a variety of people for the past 4+ yiears.
You of course do realize that the entire planet is sprayed with chemicals which are dangerous to humanity? These chemicals are destroying our air, our soil, our water supply and our health. But has any person in power ever brought up the Smartdust?
Yes. Strontium, Barium, Sulferhexafluoride, aerosolize graphene, aluminum. I have been learning about that for a few years. My family farms dry land wheat. My area is mainly agriculture (apples, alfalfa, potatoes, onions, asparagus, cherries, corn, blueberries, wine grapes, etc).
Have you noticed changes in your soil or garden? I’ve seen more wasps in my garden area than bees and there aren’t very bees. By the way, I have been following Juxtaposition 1 on SS and he is telling us that there is nothing more important than the chemicals they are spraying. He believes all the presidents, congress, etc are fake. In other words, we are in the matrix. I have to agree with him! We’re in big trouble and have been distracted for a very long time, long enough to destroy our planet.
Many are unaware of AI or what has been done for the past 30+ years. I viewed the press briefing on Tuesday January 21, 2025 with Larry Ellison, Sam Altman and Masayoshi Son as a good start for folks to begin learning more. I also noticed that Sam Altman was very uncomfortalbe and spoke so little. Larry Ellison did a lot of talking (including with his hands).
thank you... this post is waaaaaaay unbiased and demonstrates reinette's inability to look at the realty tv star prezzie with her critical thinking cap on
this was supposed to be a reply to h simon
Excellent Information you are presenting here H Simon...
Unfortunately most will not see the "Trap" until it is upon them....and it is upon them already. All the smoke and mirrors are working...THIS is what is really going down...The "Cage" the AI Cage.....I present Jacob Nordangards Work:
VP Vance and business partner Vivek along with money bags Peter Thiel like mrna enough they invested in it. Seems like that should be a big news story but the uselsss media is silent.
17 Jul 2024
These are the companies JD Vance invested in as a VC (and beyond) - Fast Company
16 Apr 2024
AmplifyBio and RNAV8 Bio Announce Strategic Partnership to Support mRNA Therapeutic Developers from Sequence Design to GMP Manufacture | AmplifyBio
AmplifyBio Latest News | AmplifyBio
RNAV8 website is VERY sparse in info about the company.
RNAV8 | mRNA Engineering Redefined Our Mission To reduce human suffering at scale, we aim to radically expand the use of mRNA to treat disease by enabling 1000+ new therapies
Devan Shah - Biocom California
Fitts is hardly a visionary. DJT is. Musk the richest person on earth has been serving some really good grinds of late. Second guessing is for keyboard warriors. A good thing as it exposes some low level reasoning skills. Bamboozled?? Nah, Accurately Assessing
Wash out thy mouth
I have followed Fitts for many, many years. She's missed a few things, but got most predictions right. DJT says what his analytics tell him we want to hear.
Trump has had excellent analytics this round. Has made me shiver more than once.
Oh my. Trump has a bunch of billionaire hacks around him.
At least you see it. Congrats.
Until a majority can recognize Controlled Opposition, we will fail.
The left brain loves a feed back loop (and ego attack).
Some people debate on the strength of their arguments, and some people revel in making personal attacks so they can believe they are superior. It's obvious what your orientation is.
So called “truth seeker” seems addicted to insults. Not just here but also other substack pages.
Masses are controlled by arrogance as much as fear.
I 100% agree sobriety and critical questioning are most definitely (still very much) in order.
Saying "yay" to life, also important (where ever we can fit it.)
YAY!!!! Agree
Oh grifter musk and the sham doge crap.
You've not been censored on 'X'??
& I keep having a nagging thought....How does anyone become rich sending rockets up?? Wouldn't that cost a whole bunch o cash and have zero ROI? How could that possibly be sustainable economically?
It is not sustainable, but irrelevant if you print money. The control grid is priceless. Slavery is the most profitable economic system ever developed. Now we have the tech to track and trace the chattel. Technocracy with DigiID, 2 way Zigbee chip and new gen fiber optics to interoperate with the RFID tags.
The chattel running away was a factor in slavery becoming unprofitable in the past.
"I have always said" Welcome to wrong again Simple Simon
We are not "in the woods" we are in the US, and taking back this Republic.
Keyboard Warriors were a dime a gross, last check. A fundamental responsibility
is to hold our public officials accountable. There is zero evidence that DJT needs feet held to the fire. Instead of crowing and I gotchas howz about celebrating the lighting speed accomplishments of the first week now weekend. Columbia just capitulated, EXPECT MORE, ALOT MORE.
SORRY, Not Sorry -- not giving a pass to Poison warpspeed 2.0.
thank you for playing your "Trump" card
In war there are those times where the best decision is only one of horrible consequence. Ponder that
Your sorrow neither requested or acknowledged
"WAR" the Game of Men....I am tired of that crap game of Men.
"Our Public Officials," I see that you have bought into the Game...Your in the PATRIX, thinking its real, and you don't know it....Like 99.9% of the walking Dead.
I always find it difficult to understand why people want masters and don't seek solutions in how we can run things ourselves. The sheer cumbersomeness of government would be like a weight off our shoulders. Life would be interesting, dynamic and full of vitality. But instead we wait around to see what some oaf wants to do with our lives. I have nothing against Trump as I think all of politics is "oafish".
Denise, I'm right there with you and I strive everyday toward living an independent life full of solutions, but seriously. How are you and I going to handle the Southern Border issue? Getting out of the WHO, and Paris Agreement, and insane DEI policy shoved down our throats, implementation of CBDC, etc. The list goes on. And with one swift movement of Trump's pen he gets this done for us. And if anything, DOGE should be an and indicatio Trump wants to reduce the overbloated reach of government into our lives.
The politicians are the ones who set it all up. Trump did nothing about immirgration in his first term except (cringe) build a wall. I really thought he was joking when he said that. Oh for sure there is nothing you and I can do alone, but I have to say it for when he does somethng or a few somethings, that are really egregious and most likely get us stuck in the NWO hooks even more. I'm hard to please, I want to see Trump say loudly and clearly he is all for body autonomy. I want RFK to say it too. All those orders are not as important as knowing his integrity. We need to start talking about alternatives to relying on these beef heads.
I do appreciate your articles though Reinette, just to be sure you know.
Denise, I would like the same. I have not been happy about the tiptoeing around vaccines and bodily autonomy. As I said, I'm not happy about everything Trump has done (or not committed to), or Bobby for that matter. However, he could have come into this week with lesser changes, but he didn't. He is firing away.
Has he won me over? No. There are many unsettling relationships and language that he uses that make me uneasy.
Trump 1.0 is very different from Trump 2.0. We have already seen the difference. He messed up on the wall and did not have the support for it. But he does now. And now he knows how to play ball... we just have yet to conclusively identify what team he is on.
If you watch his 2017 inauguration you may see what team DJT is on.
He is on the Team of the "New World Order" Reinette...Its a "TRAP!" As denise stated..."The politicians are the ones who set it all up." I'll break it down even more...Its the Men who have set up the Death System we all find ourselves in. Thats a Fact....It has been going on for thousands of years...Never look to the "Abuser" for an answer...Its an Illusion, what you are seeing, A Snare, A Trap...
It appears trump is doing a cloward pivens strategy with the EOs. With so many the some titles sound great, but if there was time to read would they be like the WHO one that is a bit wishy washy. While people are happy and distracted with all the early stuff have to wonder what is really going on behind the curtain. The mrna and ai push is damgerous and wonder if the CA boter ID for fire aid money is going to be an intro to digital ID or biometrics that trump has liked since round one.
I believe you are 100% correct, AND he has clear view of the ones who sold him out last time. Why? Because they never thought he would be back and they exposed themselves on sundry media platforms. They were arrogant. Last time Melania was notibly absent and this time she is tucked in. I suspect she had that "I told you he was a rat" conversation after the last term. This time I believe he is listening to her and SEEING IS SCOPING OUT EVERYBODY AND EVERYTHING from behind those dark glasses. Trust.
Worry not, as you document DJT has over delivered in week one. Naysayers simple suffer from various stages of Derangement Syndrome popularized by Nicole Shanahan. It is almost comical as so many former liberals are as melted wax.
Once they take shape will deny the transformation.
Well they set things up so they can get their latest lackey president to fix it all up. I think you are a voice of reason Reinette that's for sure, but this whole thing has been done to suck in the truth movement. They are pretty much hading out candy and it worked. I must say, it worked.
Trump could have done A LOT-he didn’t.
He also implemented Operation Warp Speed, and the PREP Act. And that is where the colossal damage was done! That damage will be apparent for DECADES (life and property-theft!).
I was a HUGE Trump supporter, and I voted for him in 2016, and in 2020.
After losing my job of 23 years for non-CONvid compliance, it was game on for me!
I looked in the nooks, and crannies-the connections!
There is no way in hell, spiritually, and morally that I could vote for anyone, especially for Trump!
Bring the problems, and he’ll bring the “solutions”. Got it!
I always love your Substack Reinette! Thank you!🕊️
Yes, that is around the whole vaccine issue. It seems he has a tremendous blindspot when it comes to Operation Warp Speed. He also implemented the nationwide push for 5G which is doing us no favors. This still pissesm me off to this day.
Biden wasn't going to end the Covid nightmare. Kamala wasn't either. We wave a lukewarm chance Bobby may be able to convince Trump to adjust his sails accordingly. That's the only chance I feel we have in that arena.
I don’t have very much hope when it comes to Trump. Everything being done by him should have already been done if we had a healthy country/society. It wouldn’t have gotten this bad, in my humble opinion.
Personally, I think much of what has happened the last decade (or more), has been a planned conspiracy to get a lot of this crazy AI tech implemented with people going along willingly.
I trust my Intuition at 61.
But for me, I will never trust the government, or give Trump a pass.
Well, I don't think we should ever fully trust any representative. And I haven't given Trump a pass nor do I trust the government. I'm a long way from that.
That's good to hear Renee. I feel exactly the same. Why isn't Trump talking about chemtrails? Or the children being "trafficked" by Hollywood celebrities (and politicians!) Nor has he spoken about the massive death rate from the vaccines. He is part of the process for implementing transhumanism, especially working with Musk. I feel all we have is each other now. We just cannot afford to have anyone dictating anything, it's too dangerous. A proper consensus system needs to be talked about. One of them is Sapiocracy. It's brilliant and we could do this now:
You have Good Intuition I would say Renee!
You do not now or ever need hope. What you require is certainty.
Muse on that...
"He also implemented the nationwide push for 5G"
Then why did he ban it being implemented at Mar a Lago?
And you Renee are pretty sure you comprehend what was possible??
Blaming your firing on DJT??? Organize a pity party and bring alot of pillows.
I don’t need a pity party, because I’m not a victim. I did what was right.
No, tell me. What was “possible”?
"Trump Administration officials and immigration enforcement advocates argued that measures like the zero tolerance policy were necessary to discourage migrants from coming to the United States and submitting fraudulent asylum requests."
This is from the Trump 45 administration.
Have you read through the executive orders from Trump's first term? What happened in 2018 that helped our country prosper? International Emergency Economic Powers Act 2018
Please read information away from MSM. Look for documents. Look for the funding.
"Trump Administration officials and immigration enforcement advocates argued that measures like the zero tolerance policy were necessary to discourage migrants from coming to the United States and submitting fraudulent asylum requests."
This is from the Trump 45 administration.
Have you read through the executive orders from Trump's first term? What happened in 2018 that helped our country prosper? International Emergency Economic Powers Act 2018
Please read information away from MSM. Look for documents. Look for the funding.
I'm not interested in putting any of my energy into these bozos. Most of them are pedovores and yet here we are talking about their outstanding policies. They are the ones who made it so bad in the first place and now we're going to them to fix things?
Would you rather sit back and not learn the truth of who did what to whom and how it came to be? Are you a doer or a backseat driver? I am not one to call names as it is counterproductive.
I'd rather work with my peers in building systems that empower us rather than spin my wheels for a dying system. I can't see how letting someone steer the car for you is not being the driver yourself. They're the most immoral people on the planet and you want them to decide your fate for you? Well you can have it but that doesn't mean they decide the fate of people who don't want them. But that's not what you've voting for - what you're voting for is putting these criminals in charge of everyone.
Inaccurate assessment. He "did nothing" but build a wall. My guess is you could not change a flat tire. Beef heads... what else ya got
DJT is a business man not a poli, he is the visionary saving this Republic.
It you actually read the comprehensive list and think as you do, that is telling.
lol, ''businessman'' who went so deep into bankruptcy, so many times, that he happened to be bailed out by Rothschilds and others. ''They '' own and operate Trump lock, stock and barrel. Now, Trump's in ''business'' to pay off those debts.
that is true, as he is also a risk taker, now a multi billioaire who Wins.
There is treatment for the Derangement Syndrome but the waiting list is long.
No derangement, just realist. Wins what? Bending over for the Rothschilds and Edelmans? Derangement is a 2 way street.
The presidential orders and executive orders are important. It is also important for our U. S. Congress to become involved in legislation that protects us and our country. So much has been lost to us (including our real history).
The Voice of Reason! Yes denise, an "OAF!" A man , who can't give life telling everyone how its gonna be! Thank you for being here.
Oh thank you for saying that. I am in a strange mood watching everyone fall for this actor. It's so funny when you know he's just acting - as they all are. Maybe some aren't because that is how they love to trick everyone, even some insiders that work right beside them. To see everyone being taken again and again. I've seen the adoring faces of the interns in the political offices. Now to see everyone just simply fall for this, I feel they're doing something behind our backs. Cause that's how they play. We don't need them anyway, but most can't see it yet. They are nothing but gangsters that rape children or take care of their buddies who do.
All War is Evil. No More War.
THANK YOU for putting all of this together so succinctly!
Dr. Robert Malone, MD sheds significant light on the AI Vax for Cancer.
He certainly put my mind at ease for the time being... Thank you, Dr. Malone!
Dr. Malone Begins at 58:05 to 1:43:37:
Love your thoughts and musings! Keep researching, advocating, sharing and exposing! Great Substack contribution!
All my adult life I was against drilling for oil offshore. But then someone pointed out to me that we are simply transferring our energy needs to other countries so they will drill off their shores… or wherever. In other words, NIMBY. That doesn’t feel very good. What I’m hoping instead is that Trump will disclose the higher tech non- polluting energy sources which rumor says have been kept from us by the powerful oil industry.
You are exactly right. Fossil Fuel ain't from fossils, and is RENEWABLE.
That said is horribly polluting. Free unlimited Energy ala Tesla has always been available,
for over 100 years. Count on it.
And today he dealt with Columbian BS in 2 hours flat while playing golf. Mean tweets are back and I'm here for it.
Economic sanctions are declarations of war, backed up by our MILITARY THREATENING WAR. Children starve when this happens , why are all the politicians , bankers , cartel people, NOT being rounded up as well as the administration which orchestrated the invasion , they are all pardoned now . HE WILL NOT TELL THE TRUTH ON THESE WEAPONIZED WEATHER WARFARE EVENTS or Resource grabs.
I agree.... Sanctions only hurt women, children, and the poor.
As I mentioned in my story, his overreach with Greenland and Canada are excessive, however, I think we should negotiate a better deal with Panama.
And as far as rounding up the bad guys... maybe week 2?
Did you, by chance, see Trump drop the fact that the L.A. fires were essentially something other than natural... at least he is pointing in the right direction.
Over reach?? the issue is one of national security as the ChiComs were taking control in all 3 places mentioned. The people of Greenland knew this and are in support for the most part.
Chinada is full of libtards, however economic calamity has a way of shifting the gears. Hang on
You actually think yourself capable of seeing the way forward??
That is laughable
Releasing all the old info on JFK , RKF , MLK is distraction from what they are doing now , everyone involved is dead now , everything in these files my mother told me before I was a teen. WHO WILL BE PROSECUTED NOW ? We already know who and what took over the country then, they are so far AHEAD of all this now , what purpose will it serve other than distraction. Pardoning the real political prisoners from Jan 6th and other things is important and meaningful , but not so much UNLESS those who set it all up are prosecuted.Do you think Trump will go after all the evil FBI/CIA who have done all these things ?
If Trump releases the info on 9/11 then I’ll be a believer. Most of the perpetrators behind that false flag ARE still alive.
I agree.... releasing the files will create an American paradigm shift as well.
Already declassed the Kennedy and MLK assassinations, unredacted...
Huge reveals, week one AS PROMISED
How about the Epstein Files?
Really Jim, keep moving the goal posts
Hopefully, it will hit the "normies" like a 2x4.
In a sentence what did your mother understand about MLK??
First step concerning J6 is the pardons. You are welding that to prosecutions like
a petulant child. Already the new directors of the intel agencies have forged a very very visible way forward. WTF are you crowing about?
Try reading this truth seeker and get real its even more advanced than this states
Not really a matter of who will be prosecuted. Its waking up simpleton Americans.
Tis not a distraction at all. He is not "going after" he is defunding and to some extent reorganizing. Wake up
You must be the simpletons needing waking up the sleeping ones will not wake up, and if they did what will they do, continue to believe controlled opposition players in an OMNI WAR will save them, and undo all that is ALREADY DONE OR IN MOTION ? Their cell phones, towers , 5g , 6g smart meters and WBAN sensors will see to that. Without prosecutions the agendas will march on, just different players and methods.
I want to see Trump end these Chemtrails so Americans Can Breathe Healthy Again
What about the EO for unrestricted arms to Israel? What about continuing the transhuman agendy with mRNA vaccines?
I hope everryone can listen to this brilliant interview , anyone falling for the Trump shock and awe assault of executive orders is missing the point , who wrote them, what is their agenda , how will all this not mean endless war involving all of us and more emergency declarations. Why is the war not against those political selectees who created the border invasion , now all pardoned . ALL the digital control systems marching forward pretending to be rescuing heroes.
Shannon Joy and Catherine Austin-FittsTechnocracy, Stargate, The Bitcoin Bailoutesp. from 38 mins.
I watched that interview with Austin-Fitts. It was awesome.... and I think I should point out Trump just backed us out of Biden's CBDC.
AS far as going after those who created the mess we have been enduring for 4 years.... again, Trump has been in office for under a week....
I believe it will be a public/private partnership digital currency -still programmable and still wielded the same as a “CBDC.”
Backing out of Bidens CBDC into another more insidious probably!
Could be, AJ. But, again, we need to rise us and shut this shit down when it happens. That is on us!
Probably, did you actually say that on a public forum??????
We will have to see But I think its just swapping for another that is less understood and more complex but same scam , Trump is not more powerful than those controlling the global financial planning , you know that so what is really up? QFC some other digital control scam? They are not backing down from all ther other digital control systems , so what does this really mean? Do they just want something to complete with Brics? In the midst of all the declarations of emergencies and wars what will likely emerge?
Not a matter of power Thomas, it is a matter of strategy and the means of pulling it off. We are now winning. Get used to winning and abandon your crowing.
I want to add about the WHO that Trump said we might reenter the WHO at a lower rate, we’ll see, he said. He has made exiting from the WHO an economic matter. We want to leave the WHO because of totalitarian control.
Trump is setting up within the government the ability to handle pandemic preparedness and implement the measures that the WHO was doing within our own government. What difference does it make whether it’s foreign or domestic? He met with Gates, the man who said the next pandemic would kill 50 million children, in a 3 hr. PRIVATE mtg. They may shift things around, titles of programs and whatnot, but the control is always firmly on the people.
The Paris Climate Agreement will still be funded. Bloomberg is picking up the slack. There is a photo of the Forbes article on this in this Substack.
I would like to know what exactly is in the executive order about federal government protecting the states from invasion because invasions can be manufactured just like in Israel. Are vaccines and quarantines as countermeasures for biological attacks in there? What about marshal law?
Pardons can involve legal complications for recipients. Why were they not exonerated instead of pardoned?
America terminated its relationship with the WHO in 2020
Not so well known is this.
Can someone please remind me of when Trump plans to release information on what’s behind the drone appearances? I could swear he promised that he would release that immediately when he took office.
I can take most of these points and flip them to show their hidden dangers. I’ll just address one point which is the merit based system. I watched Trump’s address at the WEF which he prioritized only 4 days into his presidency where he was cordially welcomed (this alone let’s one know he is with the elites) and what stood out to me most was when Trump said and then repeated that we are moving to a merit based system. The second time he emphasized it, by saying, “and you really need to hear my words”. I immediately thought of the quote outside of one of the Masonic Lodges in New York which says, “I am responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.” It might have been from John Wayne or Clint Eastwood. What WE HEAR is, “Americans will rise up into positions that DEI has kept us from”, but what he means is people will come legally from other countries and take those positions. Trump says we will need tons of legal immigrants (for the rising economy). They believe we are dumb, fat and lazy like in Wall-E or Idiocracy and that top performers from other countries are more driven, smarter, work harder and are cheaper labor. Ramaswamy spoke to this point. The article below explains how I believe he will use H-1B Visas to continue the work of white replacement by overwhelming the country with foreigners only this time legally and perhaps this group will be more well tolerated due to being educated and less criminal. So your choice was a false choice: illegal invasion or a legal one. Either way, the Jews get their white replacement both through intermarriage with foreigners and bioweapon “vaccines”. By the way:
H-1B adds up to the Masonic #11. H=8, B=2 so 8+1+2=11
Thanks for the insights.
Do know Ramaswamy's comments got him booted off of DOGE. And THIS is TRULY why Americans need to keep the pressure up. Americans should always be the first priority.
I would never give Trump a free hall pass to do exactly what he wants to do.... It's up to us to keep him on track and there was a huge backlash to the H-1B visas... we will have to keep doing this every time this is thrown into our faces because I'm sure it's not the last we have heard of this.
This is what we all should be concerned with, Bobbie Ann Cox’s lawsuit against New York regarding quatantine camps failed.
Trump will not acknowledge this, nor the spiderweb-like structures (great post) nor geoengineering. He’ll give a little: all girls in girl’s sports, censorship and the border but WE’RE BEING POISONED with heavy metals!
I have not verified but this talks about Usha (Vance’s wife) being first cousins with Ramaswamy and she is with The Pilgrim Society and was promoted to work with Supreme Court Justice Roberts who admitted to being in The Knights of Malta. Very interesting!
Thanks for the added information. I know that you seek to maintain objectivity and appreciate that you are willing to point out on your platform where you see issues. I also have a very difficult time with Gaza and Jared’s comment that they should just move because it is very valuable land for development. Such horrendous atrocities have been committed and it seems many Trump supporters are willing to overlook two genocides (Gaza & bioweapons) so they can be wooed into the comfort of believing an elite with power cares about them. He can’t even be decent to his own wife. At 11:18 he looks at her straight on as if he’s going to say something nice about her but looks around her and talks about the other women in his family. On their way out, he will not maintain her attempts to hold his hand. Watch her awkward arm placements. I won’t shed a tear for an elite, but have to admit I felt bad for her because she had to stand there and take it, fighting back tears the entire time. What good is her $30,000 alligator skin Birkin bag if her husband is self absorbed and vindictive and doesn’t love her?
Also, she and Ivanka don’t get along so his “where is my Ivanka” comment was another dig. This may all seem irrelevant but it shows what kind of a person he is when you can see through the act.
Swamy was interested in favoring East Indians. That is why he was shown the door.
However he is perfectly suited for state governance.
I wish it were true that these "insights" were evidence of high level thinking.
They unfortunately are mostly not...