Simone Gold and Robert Malone are real class acts aren't they? Geesh.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

I don't know what's going on with Simone Gold but I definitely thought of Malone based on the tactics.

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Yes! Agents of the deep state!

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Yes and they are stacked deeper and more in number than even most knowledgeable activists know . The evil ones play to win thats why they masterd controlled opposition long ago

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My thoughts exactly!!!! Intimidation for sure!!

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

Thank you Reinette. I just joined. I have been watching for free. But I feel the pull to take the next step in my journey and I want to help, not jut just energetically (I am a Lightworker) but I want to help in the 3D realm. I am an attorney without an office or a business, lost it all in Covid but I still hold two active, in good standing law licenses, one in NJ, one in DC, and I am admitted before SCOTUS. I live in Minneapolis but moved here from my home in NJ in 2020. I am a free agent. Please let me know how I can help. I will look forward to the Zoom on 9/21. Thank you and your team for all the TRUTH you keep bringing us.

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Hello Lynda, so great to hear from you and thank you for your support in the the physical and energetic realm. I would love to connect with you. We can always use researchers. You can email me at reinettesenum @ gmail dot com. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Countersuit Immediately For Equivalent Plus Court Costs & Legal Expenses!

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We're already on it! :)

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Yes You Must Fight Fire With Fire When Salacious Suits Are Filed & Make Them Pay For Their Slander & Projection & Pain They Cause?

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Yes , and the more they do this the more they expose themselves same as Malone.

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Yes absolutely you will win on this , nothing you have done with responsible reporting "should be " possible to be ruled as defamation EVEN IN OUR WEAPONIZED courts , and as you stated many other sources reported this as well , they are just going after what they think are less deep pockets for intimidation.

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Yes Attacking The Lower Hanging Fruit They Do Not Think Will Defend Themselves!

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YEP I like your handle name do you actually practice this as I do ? contact me

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

So, Simone's position is "lies are truth, truths are lies" - right out of the "1984 Ministry of Truth" playbook. She thinks she is a powerhouse, but you Reinette are the Powerhouse!

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Thank you for your hard work!!

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Here in Europe, I do the spit-wine test every single morning. (I do it with Xilitol as it is less damaging to the teeth and spit that solution in red wine). And every single morning I see the geoengineering muck-bots-little threads flooting in the wine. All the people involved in this (Bill Gates too?) must fit the finest definition there is for the word 'Coward'.

Such a cheap & vulgar way to treat everything that lives...

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Yes, Piki. It's definitely an abomination against everything living. It breaks my heart. I see everything around me stressed: the trees, plants, reduction of wildlife. It makes my blood boil and reminds me why I/we will never give up.

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Hi Piki,

What is the spit test you are talking about?

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Hello Raje, This should help you further to do some research about the red wine spit test: https://chemtrailsnorthnz.wordpress.com/2010/10/05/flashback-clifford-carnicom-evidence-shows-everyone-has-been-contaminated-with-morgellons/

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Thank you!🌟👍🌷

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

I’m beyond words with seeing poisons sprayed on us DAILY.. let’s do this! Take down tyranny in all its forms!

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You're a Champion of the people Rienette. 😊

Diffidently interested in the Zooms for what and how to do... I become paid subscriber in a month or so, when I have some more money flow.

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Thank you all around, 420!

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I read yesterday that a prior geoengineering lawsuit strategy was to go after Raytheon, because they are a company that is not the government. The prior lawsuit acknowledged that going after the gov is basically impossible, and I think we all agree. In my opinion, all we need with Sunsets is to set legal precedent and they seem like a much easier target... just how Simone "Gold" (how fitting!), is going after the little guys. The only problem we face with Sunsets is NOAA. Being that NOAA is green-lighting this sh*t, my assumption is, Sunsets will say "NOAA said its ok". NOAA will say "the laws say its ok". Then what? I don't know, but we gotta start somewhere. While you look at the present, I will keep looking into the past. The lengths they are going to, to scrub all data, websites, links, documents, emails, etc regarding the "sky aerosol" program is impressive. Unfortunately for them, there's some skilled researchers who have figured out how to retrieve this data. *high five*. I keep asking myself, "If the skies aren't being sprayed, and 'nothing' is going on, why go to such lengths to scrub 'nothing'? And why is the 'nothing' that I keep recovering all in reference to weather manipulation using aerosols?"

I will be dropping a crazy document tomorrow on my Substack tomorrow, Sunday 9-10-23.

Keep up the amazing work. You are truly a hero. Simone Bronze is going to end up with a whole lotta countersuits.

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Thank you for all your amazing deep dives. I so appreciate you!

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Fun Fact that ties into my above comment: Do you know who invented the microwave? The one you have in your home to make cooking dinner a breeze? The one that leaks radiation every time you use it? The one that is hugely to blame for the mass increase in Cancer since it's main rollout in the 1960s? RAYTHEON. Yep. The defense contractor who also makes ballistic missiles and other deadly weapons also makes that nifty little appliance that uses a LITERAL WEAPON to warm food.

But you would never know Raytheon made the MICRO-WAVE because they bought out an appliance company and released it under the appliance companies name. Sneaky, sneaky.

Since we are on the topic of weapons, want another Fun Fact: This one is a gem. MK BALLISTICS was a company who made all kinds of ammo and even had a government contract... you'd assume to make ammo, right? Well, not so fast. You know what else MK BALLISTICS made? CLOUD SEEDING FLARES. Think about that... they made weapons... and chemicals... chemicals that are intentionally sprayed INTO THE SKY....

Shameless plug: I will be writing about both of these topics on my Substack.

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I have never used a microwave in my entire adult life. And in fact, over a year ago I took my EMF meter to read the RFs off of a microwave we have in our family cabin (we're not happy it's there), but because there are no other frequencies being out in the middle of nowhere, I was able to read the microbe 100 feet away, outdoors. It was as hot as a cell antenna. And most people have these things positioned by their heads, I can't believe they haven't figured this out yet.... and that it kills your food.

And thanks for the heads up on Raytheon.... it figures.

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I'll include this info in my post! I had no idea they were bad until recently, now I am fighting with my asleep spouse to get rid of ours, but it is very hard to wake people up, so in the meantime i am forced to watch the spouse and children use ours daily. Asleep people refuse to LOOK at anything. And of course, like everything else, if you Google search it, it tells you it's completely safe, ignore conspiracy nonsense.

The more research I do, the more absolutely convinced I have become that this was released as a Weapon, specifically to cause cancer. I nearly fell out of my chair when I learned Raytheon made it, then basically hid it, under an appliance company name.

Everything is such an evil lie. An evil lie to get us to be lifelong guinea pigs for Big Pharmas diablocal experiments, then die just in time to never collect social security. I get why people choose to stay asleep; once you wake up and see what is really going on, it's pretty f*cking terrifying.

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Agent, I highly suggest you get an Accoustimeter or some kind of RF meter, turn that microwave on, keep backing up, and have your family watch as you do this. It's very damning evidence.

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I highly suggest you get a sledge hammer and smash that device to smithereens. Have your family watch as you do this. Since that would be completely out-of-character for you (I'm speculating on that) it will be sure to get their attention and maybe they'll consider that you're really on to something. Good luck!

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I have never used a microwave cooker , a cell phone, or owned a TV , you mentioned the key thing , the cell phones most everyone is using, and dependent on, are as bad as putting you head in a microwave oven, and have many more weaponized capabilities than an oven. Most deadly covert weapon ever created by mankind. Anywhere or time I speak about all these weaponized events , agendas and technologies , its pretty smooth UNTIL I talk about cell phones. THEN you would swear I just told a bunch of 20 somethings they were going to HAVE to be CELIBATE the rest of their lives due to fast spreading leprosy and STDs.

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Oh Reinette, I don't think poor Simone realizes what she has created for herself, taking you on! I can tell you are quite peacefully formidable. That ought to make her pee in her pants. Darkness cannot, cannot exist where there is light! You are so full of Light and Love and that's totally appreciated! I am sending you much Love!! Go Reinette!!

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Thank you for the very kind words. And it's not just me she is taking on, but a team of attorneys who know what she is doing.... they are ticked off!

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Man, if I had that much money I would be looking for a cure for jab injuries.

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Right? Oh, what one could do with that money....

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I've not read all of your post yet nor have I looked at the links [the here] but in my opinion this is

all one can expect from a front doctor. I refer to them, the germ theory gatekeepers who refuse to look at terrain or that covid was never isolated or purified, a clean health terrain is everything.

As for the name geoengineering or “solar dimming, geoengineering being their implication of climate change mitigation, is actually the cause, it's weather warfare, it's environmental modification & climate engineering, on going for decades for their "world to come".

I hope you win hands down. I've been commenting exposing this for over a decade now.

Best to you, thank you being in the fight against this aerosol and nano particle crime against humanity and nature. Sharing.

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Thank you for your work, MsheArt2!

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YES we all hope and work toward that this lawsuit wins. BUT if the majority of the mind controlled POPULATION supports all this , uses all these weaponized systems and technologies , and swear they cant live without them , then we are in for a never ending battle.

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I am so excited about the announcement of the paid subscriber Zoom calls! Especially if you get my hero for 3 decades on the call! I’m speaking of Christian Northrup. She changed the entire trajectory of my life in the early 90’s.

So grateful for you, warrior woman! 🙏🙏🙏

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I love Chris. If she isn't available for this call, I'll ask her to join me on another. She is the bomb!

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She definitely is! And I so look forward to that 🙏

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Christine is amazing and has been part of my life since 90's also. She has done so much for me and I would love to tell her so. Amazing Warrior woman also.

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I could not agree more!I look forward to this happening 🙌🏻

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We will be sending you some precious metals to help out. We love you and support what you do always. Sharon and Robyn, two nurses here in lil ole Oakdale, Ca.

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So LOVE you both!

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Thanks! My family and most of my co-workers and former friends think we are DANGEROUS. I can only say we are exciting to be around if you have common sense and one day we will have lots of stories to tell about this Spiritual War we are Warriors in!

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Classy Going After The Low Hanging Fruit!

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Me or Gold?

Because we are starting with the low-hanging fruit as an entree into our battle. But I don't think my and Gold's desired outcomes are quite the same.

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Reinette----sad that the leaders-trail blazers, point-men, pilots, vehicle drivers, pioneers etc. are at the front of the action and take the abrasions, frictions, slings and arrows and ultimately the damage if a crash occurs. Pioneers are heroic from the start because they have vision and most often mean well. Thank you for being at the front of the aircraft of hope. If there is anyone who can live semi-comfortably on the bleeding edge, it would be Reinette Senum.

Think well; Do well; BE WELL.

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Thank you, Glass Gun One.... and "the edge" is my playground.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

I was once given an American Indian (Dances With Wolves) kind of a deal at a retreat I attended. The participants after only a day of observing me gave me the name;

"Plays on the Edge" because of my penchant to test the limits.

"There's nothing dull on the edge" (Pun intended)

You go and go far. I'm ready to do it shoulder to shoulder when needed.


Glass Gun

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Yah yah sistahs!! One day in the light of a full moon we can tell stories and dance and sing songs of these days. I am not a good ZOOMER, but I am a great Sistah!! Glass I think it would be great to meet you and Reinette, and most on this page. Men are SISTAHS too!! (should be a book right???) LOL Sharon

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