Seven years ago I got on a waitlist for a Rotary Senior Villlage, a nice community where I believed with savings and social security I could live simply and comfortably through my senior years. Was recently notified that the rents had doubled and inquiring if I wanted to remain on the list. That was my Plan A, and not having family there is no Plan B. Never thought I would need to be concerned about housing at this age, had planned for this time but never dreamed there would be a crisis such as this rental market. Will most likely leave California at some point which may not be a bad thing given all of the insanity here. Given that I have always felt spiritually held and guided I know I will be fine, but just living with the uncertainty at the moment. Quite the spiritual lesson!

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KatB, I'm so sorry to hear this and even more sorry to know that your story is oh-so common these days. It is truly a travesty. Good, hard-working Americans, who did everything they were told to do in preparation, are now being left out in the cold. I do trust you will find your way and settle into a lovely community, but this still makes my blood boil.

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I relate to everything you wrote. You can move to another country where basic necessities are affordable. That's what I'm doing, plus the people there are kind and helpful. I trusted my intuition and spirit will guide you too.

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I know many Americans who have already moved.... they settle into a new nation and then assist and volunteer where they can, making a new community.

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Yes, there's a German expat in the next village who is just like that. She connected me to a CSA , farmers from Belgium. As positive as it is, they don't know anything about what you research. It's a choice, so I just appreciate the kindness.

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Appreciate what you can get.....

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

Thank you Julie. I wish you many blessings on your new journey. I haven’t yet considered another country, but who knows. I have been purging possessions like crazy which feels amazing and I am quite content living simply. These last few years I have been shaken out of a certain complacency which is a very, very good thing. I told my Reiki teacher that I feel more curiosity and excitement than I have since I was a child!

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I've also been throwing away and giving away possessions for several years, anticipating moving because of a choice or a catastrophe. I also live simply. Where I'm going is isolated, beautiful and without lots of shopping options. Walking, meditating, writing poetry and keeping informed online (a new habit since March 2020) are my activities. I feel so aligned with you!

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Hi, just curious. Where are you moving to? I'm thinking Italy might be a nice place. So many countries right now flipping to conservative, so our choices might broaden.

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Jun 11Liked by Reinette Senum

TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at






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Thank you for this, TheyLied.

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Jun 11Liked by Reinette Senum

I'm too dainty to be homeless... again.

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You don't seem dainty, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

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At some point, they will run out of idiots willing to pay $3,000/month for a 400 square foot rat hole.

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At some point, people will simply not be able to afford it. BUT where will they go in the meantime?

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Then the state will rent them at that price and sublet them for a loss which will be added to the deficit and charged to the taxpayers.

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Well, that's maddening... but possible.... and then renters will definitely be forced into the new digital currency.

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IDK about rentals, but I've lived in my present house for 27 years this December. During this time, I never once got an unsolicited phone call from someone claiming to be interested in buying my house. Within the past 3 months I have received no less than 6 (maybe more) phone calls from unidentified people claiming to represent agents who buy houses, and if i would sell my house to them. Of course I reply with "not interested" and immediately hang up, but this is either evidence of a buying campaign or it is a new scam. I don't wait around to find out.

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These corporations have software that also knows when homeowners are newly divorced or a spouse has died, and they call before the house even goes on the market. Very predatory. It's interesting they are just randomly calling home owners right now. They probably know people are struggling with surviving - home owner or not.

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Yes. Also my wife and I are both septuagenarians so the software is probably looking at demographics as well.

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I tell them, sure for $1, 000,000 cash. They are usually not interested after I give them my figure.

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I'd do the same.... but still wouldn't sell even for that price.

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Schwartzman? shouldn't he be busy buying up used ovens for his people's operation in Gaza and not giving Californians so much trouble?

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Who says he's not??? Give it time.

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when i was a kid, after WWII, there was a section downtownof bazaars and army surplus businesses.. and it seems they were owners of these... so they might have saved what never existed in the first place somewhere in a wharehouse

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So hopefully everybody who’s reading this is going to be voting for Rfk Jr? Because he’s the only one that really even cares about this issue and brought it up months ago. He also brought up his plan for counteracting black rock. Nothing can stop evil that deep but at least he has a plan to give 3% interest loans to first homebuyers. And also, he plans to start a program to encourage cities to use the buildings that they have assumed due to back taxes to build affordable housing.

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Brilliant idea.

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Maybe some of our government funded immigrants can teach us how to build houses out of mud and sticks... From the shelter of the houses we used to occupy.

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No joke. Those empty homes will be offered to immigrants before they will be offered to Americans.

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They want us all to be renters and totally dependent on THEM. This is happening all over the country in the cities and is spreading to rural areas outside major cities.

We will own nothing and be happy.

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housing is NOT a basic human right

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Then, we will continue to have folks on the streets. I guess we simply need to get used to it.

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I found this Bob," In 1948, the United States signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), recognizing adequate housing as a component of the human right to an adequate standard of living." Very obvious it isn't followed which is so very sad.

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Thanks for pointing that out Joe

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A friend had some trouble at their rental...

Called the landlord...


Talk about an Absentee landlord!

Needless to say, the lease is being broken, and the party is moving out.

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Yikes. Well, give it time. The US faux government will take that soon enough.

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cunning little bastards that make life for the average human so difficult while they coast through life making billions caring not for their fellow man. a pox on all their houses!

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You are to nice. I call them monsters.

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Housing is a right?

Where in the constitution is that covered? Answer ....nowhere

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That's part of the problem with everything. Nobody is using the constitution as the only way forward. I also want to emphasize that we are a constitunal republic not democracy. We need to use notices and affidavits and many are across the country against many corrupt politicians. But we need millions doing it. Many are offering this for free and I have tried to get Reinette to get interviews with some. A couple named Jack and Margy Flynn. Another is Ron Bouchard from wethepeople2.us and he has actions ongoing that started not that long ago, but can still be taken and he is building on them with more. He gives all the information away for free. We just have to print, use envelopes, stamps etc. Some can be emailed, or dropped off locally too. He has step by step guides. You find your state representative, local county and city people or do whatever you want. If millions start to do it, it will have a better impact. He explains things in his main videos about this too. He is one of the best teachers of the constitution, bill of rights and the declaration of independence. I knew very little a year ago as I grew up in Europe and my kids never learned anything in California. The phrase he is uses is " By What Authority ".

https://www.wethepeople2.us/the-peoples-operation-restoration/ Here are the links to what many of us are focused on doing. He has information that will take months to go through and I am trying, but here are the current actions. He is on Rumble. https://rumble.com/v46goa9-fundamental-priciples-of-law-lesson-1-the-authority-of-law.html

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Minkat, I have interviewed Cal Washington who has spoken about this. We will also be using this with our geoengineering pursuits.

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Good. Yes I have listened to him too. If you get a chance to check out the action plans that Ron has, I think you will like it. You can use it against your local elected officials, state officials, county boards etc. Ron explains it. Someone in my group even figured out the way to mail multiple mailings cheaper with a form from the post office. But they prefer to keep it quiet as they don't make as much money.

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Thanks Reinette but it sure seems to me that the California voters have gotten a taste of their own misguided politics. I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for what California is experiencing. Between that wacko governor who professes to be an A1 Disney concoction (see Jon Rappaports interview results:



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Kent, I don't believe we voted him in the last time. The numbers don't add up. The election was rigged.

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Yes, I forgot to acknowledge the fact that an 'official vote' is anything but legitimate due to the diddling thats done with the voting machines.

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Sh*t. Just recieved a rental increase notice. I’m now paying $2100 for a 500 square foot bungalow in Pasadena, Ca. I’ve been searching and searching for a new place - there is NOTHING out there worth what is being asked for it. NOTHING.

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Nooooo. THAT's what I'm talking about. It's impossible to afford that. I'm so sorry, Nina!

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That is plain criminal! Anyway you can relocate out of the state. I did so in 2012 and it was the best move but now Portland area is getting very expensive. So looking for other possibilities.

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I just returned from a 3-month visit (a 90 day visa for US citizens). I love Pico Island and even the village where "by chance" I rented a house online. The Azores are an autonomous region of Portugal. At first I paid a tourist price, but when I needed housing for my 3rd month, a local family rented me an unused house for 300 euros a month. By staying in one place, people knew me. I would think a village in Italy would be similar. People in my village don't seem informed and everyone is vaccinated when I ask, even ex-pats. I decided their kindness and absence of judgment are so positive, I just embrace them. So the local culture is what you experience, not the national politics.

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