Great interview.. I love Cathy and have been following her since I read her first book in the 90’s… I am the daughter of an Air Force Colonel who’s family was traumatized by the MK Ultra programming in the military… I was able to escape when the CIA’s LSD experiments backfired on them and freed so many of us as it unlocked our minds but my younger sister wasn’t as fortunate and was suicided at 30 after being used as a sex slave. The sexual revolution of the 60’s was manipulated by government (government =control, ment=mind) and the perversions have escalated.. Now I realize that any substance (pharmaceuticals, alcohol, marijuana, psychedelics, processed foods, fluoride, EMF’s, vaccines, etc) that alters our consciousness is a tool for the negative high frequencies to get control of our minds and is to be avoided…… Our connection to Nature is the best medicine. We all have our own Self Healing Abilities, our own Source Connection, and our own Personal Instructions….Pure Love 💖 is available now to connect us to the Cosmic Energy and Frequencies to the Truth that will set humanity free… This is the Great Awakening as we create Peace on Earth 🪷🕊️🌎💜

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Luma, first off, I'm so glad you survived but sorry to hear about your sister. What an absolute tragedy, and there are thousands upon thousands of similar tragedies. Thank you for your insight. You're spot on! And, yes, the is the Great Awakening!

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MKUlta and projects &&&&&& are all creations and put into play by ARPA before DDE president was caught off guard so he created ARPA to cover over his asministrations ass-ettes......much was created before WWII...and used in Korea wars amd Vietnamese wars and going great guns in Afghanistan and Ukrainian wars...DARPA!!!!!!

DARPA fingerprints are all over Lahainia Hawaii 'wild fires bs.......it was actually a test siteto give a 'Public Insight" as to whast going to happen to most of thje USA by 2027-2030......the 3 years will be estamates as to how long its going to take to totally waste the usa into a puddle of glowing protoplasm as DARPA rushes out to "save the Children' for Fun in Da Sun' as some senators BoyToy

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Please be aware: when it comes to mind control and manipulation, you can't always just say "I'm not going to fall for it". It can be induced with frequencies from cell phones, cell towers, 5G antennas hanging off powerlines, etc. They had this shit locked down 60 years ago. They can induce anxiety, rage, sleep (lack of, or can't wake up), fear, etc. These studies were done by the U.S, Navy. There is a frequency for everything, good and bad. At some point soon, these antenna structures need to be removed or disabled one way or another. Get a landline. Ditch the cellphone. Ditch the Wi-Fi. Hardwire your laptop. Your health will thank you. (They began to broach the topic shortly after I wrote this.)

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Yes, you are correct. I will be diving into this specific topic more. In the documentary, Trance, they speak of the advancement of this technology. It's way beyond anything we can imagine.

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unless the landline is already installed and in use, they are hard to find. I unwittingly signed unto wifi-phone-TV combo with COX Cable when I moved to this home in January, 2015. Just months later I decided to reinstate the landline which had been in use up to the point I'd moved in. In the interim, the copper wire connecting to home had been stripped so it was no longer available for me. I am very sensitive to the EMFs in our environment and feel I am being very adversely affected by them in ways you mention.

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Devi, we have watched our copper hardline be systematically removed. It's horrific for us in our area because we have constant power outages. The copper landlines have always been in the past our connection to the outside world curing these times. Now, we're on our own when the power goes out.

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well stated

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Oh Reinette! You've done it again! I have so much admiration and appreciation for Cathy and could listen to her for hours, she's a wealth of information. I have been saying for some time now that alot of people are in denial about what we all just went through, & just trying to move forward. I think that is human nature and survival to just keep marching, for most of us anyway. But we as a country have been devastated in such a way that I don't see how we can go forward, or should go forward without realizing the truth, that life will never be as before. We have to say STOP, No More, we have to heal first. Cathy's information is crucial to healing as an individual and a society imo. Thank you again, Reinette!!!!

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Merilee, thank you, and I agree. Cathy's knowledge is more important now than ever. I believe we are all realizing that whether or not we were a sex slave, we have been bombarded with a type of mental/emotional/spiritual abuse for generations now. It's time to free ourselves.

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The "marching" to musical chairs is about to end. The perpetrators are going to be burning in their own personal hell on earth before they get to Hell 2.0. Let the games begin!

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Yes, James. You are correct, though I don't know if it's going to be the court system or the "justice system" that is going to do it. It will more than likely be on the streets that justice is served.

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Always liked the Doobie Brothers song "Takin it to the streets".

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Jun 7Liked by Reinette Senum

I hope so, we will see.

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Chaos, Charles Manson, The CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties.

"It was 20 years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play"

Jfk was a masonic ritual of the killing of the king.

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And they haven't slowed down.... it's daily that we are bombarded with these events, kept in perpetual "fight or flight."

I'm done with this!

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Correct, it is theater, only the character was killed off.

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I'm a big fan of Cathy O'Brien and have her books - thanks for the interview.

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You're welcome. It was my honor.

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They inserted advance MK-Ultra technoloyg into people's brains using CRSPR technlogy with the PCR TEST and the Vaccine See. https://spectrum.ieee.org/step-aside-pcr-crispr-based-covid-19-tests-are-coming and . https://t.me/DrrpbertYoungchat/33890

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Yeeeeeah, I never let one of those nasal swabs get near me. I knew those things were weaponized. So awful.

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Same here Reinette!

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Amazing! Just what I needed to hear.

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It was for me as well, Camila!

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This amazing interview is so good and so necessary. What's beautiful about this, is I hear the same sentiments from others such as David Icke and Max Igan. They did not suffer the horrendous abuses as Cathy, but completely understand frequencies, and taking back your power.

She is so right about fear, and how powerful it is to control individuals, or masses. The demons with their low frequency, know that absence of fear, love and looking inward is a high frequency trait. Those who have that love, understanding and who have self awareness, and self healing, possess all the power over the evil ones. And what's weird, is the low level frequency rotters know that.

To say No, to never comply with tyranny, is to have peace and power over evil. It's part of the answer to fight against those who wish to control, cull or enslave us.

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Well said, Linda. You are correct And all the power IS in our hands. We have been led to forget this.

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Thanks Reniette. Keep up the good work.

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Linda, what you write is how I'm living - idle in the Azores for 3 months, in a tranquil village and close to wild nature. I can no longer fill my mind with news of the Cabal's activities. I write poems and meditate. I have a small income, but acted on my desire. I didn't know anyone here, but people are kind. I've learned how much society has influenced me. We actually do know what we want and can live honestly every moment. Decisions arise naturally. I could easily write more, but this is what I'm focussed on. Thank you for your true words.

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Thanks Julie. May your life be blessed and beautiful.

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How a woman like her has positive opinions about Donald Trump. Which has always been a part of evil class. Is it a way to protect herself from harm by leanimg on the side of the other "lesser evil"?

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Really empowering interview, thank you Cathy and Reinette.

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You're welcome, Carrie.

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Cathy O'Brien, what an amazing woman!

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Yes, when I first heard they had removed instruction in cursive writing I was deeply appalled. It's such a subtle but major act of incapacitation, as deep and multifaceted as the masking fetish, but worse, a lifelong incapacitation. You can't print your thoughts, it takes far too much time, you need cursive to make journal writing functional. So by closing this door to our children, it closes one of the biggest doors to self-awareness. Diabolical! Also I bet it's going to impede dexterity, when eventually we are going to need more builders and tinkerers, not button pushers.

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IDK........but before you startpointing fingers randomly Cathy and anyone else.....chjeck what DARPA is doing......MONARCH: Next Generation SoC (Supercomputer on a Chip) - DTIC...

DARPA >> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARPA << than check > www,darpa.mil << and read what the USA DARPA , now world wide is doing withj 5G and MONARCH and who reallyu owns the USA Government, Your educations HS Grade schools and Universities,you militarys worldwide , Walmarts , your employement , your mortgage , your homeloans your employer and the food you eat and gas in your car....all and a lot more are owned by DARPA including CIA FBI FDA FCC and a lot more...and who controls DARPA? Jews Jesuits Freemasons or better known as New World Odour.....slugs like Klous Schwab. Justin TrudaureAKA Justin Rutz as in Castro Rutz kid,,,are just MouthPieces for NWO and there are many more NWO Slugs

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Thanks for this great interview, Reinette. I've seen clips of Cathy O'Brian for years, but only mentioned her in my book, Drugs as Weapons Against Us, in relation to Courtney Love and MK-Ultra, as I didn't know what people were ready to believe. My film based on the book didn't have enough space to discuss it more, except in regards to Sirhan Sirhan. My coming sequel will get much more into the mind control issue.

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Great Interview, Reinette!

I just have one issue.......those so-called 'parents' who injected/MURDERED their children with the 'CV19" Bio-weapon should NOT get a 'pass'; they need to LIVE with the GUILT.....the HORROR, of what THEY did TO their kids! Would we 'give a pass' to the 'parent' who would take their kids and hold them down, under water, in a lake til they drowned? Or stab them to death? Or sexually abuse them/pimp them out to be sexually abused? ANY so-called 'parents' who damages their kids so massively, NO MATTER HOW IT'S DONE.......does NOT get a 'pass', should NOT be 'forgiven'......and to HELL WITH 'THEIR' GUILT!......they need to LIVE WITH THAT GUILT!

To INJECT ANYTHING into ones child, with doing ZERO research on the subject.....is CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE!

This EVIL needs to be ELIMINATED from this planet! And that is the ONLY way the Human Race is going to survive! Individuals need to be held accountable, or We, the Human Race, ARE DOOMED! World-wide DEMOCIDE........CANNOT be given a 'pass'.

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