I just love it when Im getting many responses within minutes on all these events as I comment on them shows we ARE all focused on the truth and reality together THIS IS IMPORTANT. All these events I described and predicted with extreme accuracy even 12 years ago in my podcasts series PRPEAREDNESS IN OUR TIMES. I do indeed wish I had been wrong and so many would not be suffering from these acts of war . But it is what is is , and we must prepare for even worse and stay strong together.
Well originally it was 12 parts on global radio with the Dr Jewel network but it has been edited down greatly, and this appears to be what is left on the net now , kind of a shame as the WHOLE thing was very good.
Apr 19, 2011 — An Environmental Survivalist, and a true contemporary renaissance man, with many areas of interests, studies and accomplishments, Steve Knopp ...
An Environmentalist, Emergency Preparations Specialist, and a true contemporary renaissance man, with many areas of interests, studies and accomplishments, ...
I can't find anything, but about payments to sign up. I know you told me a while back that you have a video series on Mike Adams channel, but I can't find that either.
Thank you. Have you watched the series EUROPA? I have different thoughts about ww1 and ww2. I am not a denier, but have questioned everything. I grew up.in Europe and my parents lived through it and know what they were told too. I am married to a Jew that thinks outside of the box. Did you ever watch Brandon Lee O'Connell on YouTube.? Can't find him as they deleted everything and he wasn't using a backup channel to my knowledge. He exposed a lot about Israel and about how too many in government and beyond have duel citizenship with Israel being one of them. He claimed that they have all our data there too.
Well yes have watched , but I think is not completely correct, and you have mentioned several things mixed together. I too have spoken to many survivors of that period while they were still alive,I understand the creation of modern Israel and who was behind it , and have talked at length about the MANY Holocausts all around the planet, the greatest of which was the destruction of nearly all the Indigenous people of N. and S. America post Columbus, and Africa , still ongoing. And even Hitler was and an illegitimate Rothschild. But all these holocaust denials or alterations are part of the psyop of rewriting our true history to superimpose their mind control enslavement. AND of course if one was not actually there in these events , we only have the manipulations or distortions of history to go by.
I know all about the indigenous people as I am from a country that have them and not mentioned by you. But I still question everything that happened and after doing more research, I am not sure I believe the more Hollywood part of the story. I learned a different story growing up too. It wasn't till I came to America that suddenly Germany and Hitler were portrayed as horrible country, people etc. I was quite shocked as I had friends in Germany and been there many times. America has been more brainwashed with Hollywood, tv, Roman circus ball games, music, drugs etc than the country I grew up in. We had 1 channel my entire childhood on tv and only for part of the day. We listened to the radio a lot and spend more time outdoors in general even in the cold long winters. What I am saying is, maybe you have preconceived view of it too.
Yes I have and grateful to be working with great minds all over the world , like here on this site . Stay safe my friend and feel free to ask any questions you wish, I can go in lots of directions , and have lived off grid my entire adult life, and do preparedness and perma culture and alternative health consulting.
Yes but the floods will be the worst part.
By design as well . 😢
I just love it when Im getting many responses within minutes on all these events as I comment on them shows we ARE all focused on the truth and reality together THIS IS IMPORTANT. All these events I described and predicted with extreme accuracy even 12 years ago in my podcasts series PRPEAREDNESS IN OUR TIMES. I do indeed wish I had been wrong and so many would not be suffering from these acts of war . But it is what is is , and we must prepare for even worse and stay strong together.
Where can i find your podcast
Well originally it was 12 parts on global radio with the Dr Jewel network but it has been edited down greatly, and this appears to be what is left on the net now , kind of a shame as the WHOLE thing was very good.
Preparedness In Our Times with Steve Knopp
Blog Talk Radio
https://www.blogtalkradio.com › 2011/04/19 › prepar...
Apr 19, 2011 — An Environmental Survivalist, and a true contemporary renaissance man, with many areas of interests, studies and accomplishments, Steve Knopp ...
Preparedness In Our Times with Steve Knopp
https://www.blogtalkradio.com › 2011/05/03 › prepared...
An Environmentalist, Emergency Preparations Specialist, and a true contemporary renaissance man, with many areas of interests, studies and accomplishments, ...
I can't find anything, but about payments to sign up. I know you told me a while back that you have a video series on Mike Adams channel, but I can't find that either.
Preparedness In Our Times with Steve Knopp
https://www.blogtalkradio.com › 2011/05/03 ›
Thank you. Have you watched the series EUROPA? I have different thoughts about ww1 and ww2. I am not a denier, but have questioned everything. I grew up.in Europe and my parents lived through it and know what they were told too. I am married to a Jew that thinks outside of the box. Did you ever watch Brandon Lee O'Connell on YouTube.? Can't find him as they deleted everything and he wasn't using a backup channel to my knowledge. He exposed a lot about Israel and about how too many in government and beyond have duel citizenship with Israel being one of them. He claimed that they have all our data there too.
Well yes have watched , but I think is not completely correct, and you have mentioned several things mixed together. I too have spoken to many survivors of that period while they were still alive,I understand the creation of modern Israel and who was behind it , and have talked at length about the MANY Holocausts all around the planet, the greatest of which was the destruction of nearly all the Indigenous people of N. and S. America post Columbus, and Africa , still ongoing. And even Hitler was and an illegitimate Rothschild. But all these holocaust denials or alterations are part of the psyop of rewriting our true history to superimpose their mind control enslavement. AND of course if one was not actually there in these events , we only have the manipulations or distortions of history to go by.
I know all about the indigenous people as I am from a country that have them and not mentioned by you. But I still question everything that happened and after doing more research, I am not sure I believe the more Hollywood part of the story. I learned a different story growing up too. It wasn't till I came to America that suddenly Germany and Hitler were portrayed as horrible country, people etc. I was quite shocked as I had friends in Germany and been there many times. America has been more brainwashed with Hollywood, tv, Roman circus ball games, music, drugs etc than the country I grew up in. We had 1 channel my entire childhood on tv and only for part of the day. We listened to the radio a lot and spend more time outdoors in general even in the cold long winters. What I am saying is, maybe you have preconceived view of it too.
Thank you for these links.
I searched for Preparedness In Our Times with Steve Knopp but got no returns. I cut it down to just your name but still got no returns.
Preparedness In Our Times with Steve Knopp
https://www.blogtalkradio.com › 2011/05/03 ›
Yes I couldn't find anything either. The most I was finding was payments for different ways of signing up.
Pretty cool! Guess you’ll have to switch to this platform or another one that’s behind the scenes of msm .
Yes I have and grateful to be working with great minds all over the world , like here on this site . Stay safe my friend and feel free to ask any questions you wish, I can go in lots of directions , and have lived off grid my entire adult life, and do preparedness and perma culture and alternative health consulting.
Yes, agree .. seems like more people are paying attention . We have to ban together against the evil doers 🙏🙏