I live in the East Coast US of A and am in shock! WHO are these criminals intent on destroying California? How are they getting away with such mayhem? To live with that fear all the time in one of the most beautiful biodiversity such as CA, must be unbearable. The sadistic psychopaths hate beauty and anything that is alive. We all must open our eyes and see who are these 'enemies of life' and finally hunt them down.

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James Lee compiled a ton of research after Paradise, CA fires.


Drone footage of DEW devastation from Marshall fire 12/31/21 in Colorado: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhxQVkHMFME

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Smart meters played a critical role in CO.

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They want to push us off the outlands here, get us in the coastal cities or get us gone.

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I live in East Coast too. It's crazy!

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I live in Northeast. Craziest summer weather in my 69 years.

TONS of pouring rain. Deluge. Cool August weather started in July.

All this past week it was pouring rain in the morning. Sunny skies mid afternoon. Pouring rain again by late afternoon. Dried up again. Started raining again.

And the lightening! Never saw so much in my life.

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When the weather warfare moves moisture out of large areas to make drought conditions for fire , this moisture has to go somewhere , hence massive floods somewhere else.

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Yes exactly. In NW CT!! 59 years and this is NOT the weather I remember as a kid.

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It's "Climate Change". NOT.

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Under an ionized sky : Elana freeland. Atmosphere full of metals .

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>Important info

> A human enzyme can biodegrade graphene

> https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/08/180823113613.htm


> #GrapheneOxide #Myeloperoxidase


> A human enzyme can biodegrade graphene

> Scientists have discovered that a natural human enzyme can biodegrade graphene. These findings could have great implications in the development of graphene-based biomedical devices.

> Myeloperoxidase -- an enzyme naturally found in our lungs -- can biodegrade pristine graphene, according to the latest discovery of Graphene Flagship partners in CNRS, University of Strasbourg (France), Karolinska Institute (Sweden) and University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Among other projects, the Graphene Flagship designs based like flexible biomedical electronic devices that will interfaced with the human body. Such applications require graphene to be biodegradable, so our body can be expelled from the body.

> https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/08/180823113613.htm






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Montpielier VT was recently severely flooded. Cars floating kind of flooded.

Lahaina looks like a war zone.

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Both these place ARE WAR ZONES,all America is now a war zone in 4th and 5th generation unconventional , unrestricted war.

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...and on it's own citizens, no less.

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My brother lives in West Lebanon. I saw up close photos. Awful.

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What's happening in Lebanon?

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Photos from floods on Vermont few months back

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I'll take fire over a dioxin cloud any day.

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Are those our choices? How about vanquishing these criminals! Time to rise up people.

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We already know who they are , are YOU ready to start hunting? I always notice those saying that and always sincerely ask this question, yet NO ONE seems to be doing this yet. And since we know much of this is military in origin and operation, who is capable of doing this hunt . Come on ex military and all oathkeepers, what do you intend to wait for ? You also are in the crosshairs.

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How do you know they're not? I'm hearing otherwise in certain resources. Beforeitsnews.com


Some people say RRN is a conspiracy paper written by a conspiracy theorist. However, it is quite interesting the articles that have popped up. Can I vouch for it? of course not. I'm a white woman of 58 years of age with no experience in military operations.

BIN has TONS of articles and I randomly peruse that for lack of time.

Check it out for yourself. I would love your experienced opinion.

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Well I was just sent one recently that was story about a battle between US Marines and some deep state forces and Red Cross , which was written in a way that was quite obvious as fake , Since its most likely a military DEW operation that destroyed it , that would be US forces against US forces , that is real civil war and would be very hard to keep secret. Then it talked about these marines discovering secret plans in the burned governors office about destroying everything and rebuilding an AI controlled smart city and making the entire Island that . Those plans have been very openly talked about and known for some time , and the efforts to buy up or seize land to achieve such have long been in process and resisted by the people there . So it was a sensational fake report about that from my point of view . Now Im not there , and certainly dont know everything about the situation , but do know a great deal about these agendas , and the tech now being deployed in this 4th and 5th generation, unconventional, unrestricted war. So I would say its a level 2 controlled opposition source , and remember good psyops usually function around 80% truth 20% spin.

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Good to hear this perspective. I try to keep an open mind and it’s difficult sometimes with all the information being thrown at us. I appreciate your input. I just don’t want to hide under a rock and pretend none of this is going on. My sources are varied and wide from many different genres. It’s a very interesting life we live these days.

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It is indeed challenging , because so much of this is an information and psychological war, with layer after layer of deception, half truths psyops, deeply stacked controlled opposition and astonishing levels of censorship. About your question before , Im sure there is some amount of this happening , but very small compared to the enormously financed and organized agendas against us, and all life really.

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Thank you for the link.

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Scary shit. We all need neighborhood watchers Need folks awake in the wee morning hours. I have pics of burnt leaves that look like lasers burnt them. A whole yard of ' Misplaced' leaves with burnt stems. Smells weird too. They are circlular dime size burns on the leaves. I found the day after a evening, early am rolling thunderstorm. I told my friends. It is giving me the creeps. I wish I could show you.

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I saw lots of lightening last night over Palomar Mountain area. Additionally, people have been posting on Nextdoor that there have been HUGE explotions heard form Vista to O'side several nights in a row.,, which have shaken homes so badly people have woken up. Some people have seen flashes of light as well. No one seems to have any answers.. including Camp Pendelton which we normally assume is responible for these since we are close. Makes me wonder if we are the next lahiana . be prepared, be safe. :)

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Yes but the floods will be the worst part.

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By design as well . 😢

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I just love it when Im getting many responses within minutes on all these events as I comment on them shows we ARE all focused on the truth and reality together THIS IS IMPORTANT. All these events I described and predicted with extreme accuracy even 12 years ago in my podcasts series PRPEAREDNESS IN OUR TIMES. I do indeed wish I had been wrong and so many would not be suffering from these acts of war . But it is what is is , and we must prepare for even worse and stay strong together.

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Where can i find your podcast

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Well originally it was 12 parts on global radio with the Dr Jewel network but it has been edited down greatly, and this appears to be what is left on the net now , kind of a shame as the WHOLE thing was very good.

Preparedness In Our Times with Steve Knopp

Blog Talk Radio

https://www.blogtalkradio.com › 2011/04/19 › prepar...

Apr 19, 2011 — An Environmental Survivalist, and a true contemporary renaissance man, with many areas of interests, studies and accomplishments, Steve Knopp ...

Preparedness In Our Times with Steve Knopp

https://www.blogtalkradio.com › 2011/05/03 › prepared...

An Environmentalist, Emergency Preparations Specialist, and a true contemporary renaissance man, with many areas of interests, studies and accomplishments, ...

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I can't find anything, but about payments to sign up. I know you told me a while back that you have a video series on Mike Adams channel, but I can't find that either.

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I searched for Preparedness In Our Times with Steve Knopp but got no returns. I cut it down to just your name but still got no returns.

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Pretty cool! Guess you’ll have to switch to this platform or another one that’s behind the scenes of msm .

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Yes, agree .. seems like more people are paying attention . We have to ban together against the evil doers 🙏🙏

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Aug 22, 2023
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Yup ; watch him too . He is showing weather tampering and manipulation now of of nexlab site also .

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Aug 22, 2023
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Good info ; I subbed- ✊🏻👌👍

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Thank you Reinette! You are an honest and powerful voice of reason and truth! Mahalo to you from Hawaii

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And heres a little comedy to wake folks up also.......


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Thank YOU! Give Boatrawker the credit by viewing on his rumble channel:


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Thanks for introducing me to BoatRawker, he's good! This one is appropriate for the topic at hand too:


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Thanks for the tip! I really enjoyed "Hey Dude" also. Sometimes we just need a little Joy to offset the fear and change the outcome.

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Yup, I have done a second raking of the place, water, check, not ever evacuating, check, hoses and fire nozzles, check, getting extra food and gad and beer tmrw, check. The son and I raked the chicken coops yesterday.

The lightening from last weekish set off several fires up in Mendo, Shasta and north. Makes no sense to me where those came from but it happened on the 3 year anniversary of 2020 fires.

Hoping for a kind wind to give me time. Going down with the ship or sailing on. Theres no third choice.

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Im pretty sure there are plasma weapons now also in use , like what I just saw in Oregon. Its not lightening per se.

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My only issue with these weapons is, under these conditions, they are not necessary. I am not saying they don't exist, but the real weapon is the dry wind ripping hard. When that happens, you don't need anything but a match.

That said, I am very suspicious of this lightening. That rolling electric storm in 2020 was HIGHLY unnatural. No one can convince me that was God, that was something different. Sat there and watched it with my own eyes. 50 years on this rock and I have never seen THAT.

If you haven't seen this article, I think you will find this informative.


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I experienced this in 2020 here in Western Washington. It was CRAZY, unnatural lightning and I was actually hit while in my convertible, waiting it out!

Hairs stood up and my eyes felt like they jumped out of their sockets, just like in the cartoons! It was insane.

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My mother seen it raining in a 3 ft circle only and nowhere else . That was same comment she made . She’s awake ; knows it’s going on . Check the book : under an ionized sky by Elana freeland. Rennet did a video with her .

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You got this!

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.....now, HOW do you s'pose they WERE able to produce SO much UNnatural piezolectricity (WHY ice frictiveness DOES produce it) for lightning? Of COURSE it was proprietary nanoparticulates being DUMPED into THEIR storm system by spray-equipped aircraft.....am VERY curious as to what DANE will have to SAY about this in his report tonight, Reinette......

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Good advice for storm prep in case of fire....I never thought of wetting down the roof with a sprinkler! I'm still stunned by your report on Lahaina and experiences with Katrina (today's Mercola.com letter) FIRST I EVER heard of the levees being blown up....but it sure made sense as to how so much water got into NO so quickly. . Devastatingly GOOD report Rainette, convinced me to subscribe. Big believer in SUBSTACKS.com and don't mind paying for authentic news that we just cannot get anymore on the usual medias...I wish you safety if the storm threatens you. Being from FL, I know hurricanes, have been thru several, they're not fun

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All your hurricanes since Andrew have been geoenegineered Andrew as well.

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So what are your thoughts as to this , why create it , then knock it out , are we looking at different parties doing these actions ?

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I m not sure ; that has been mentioned. Iran is a wasteland. The power structure has wiped them completely out . Payback ???- well it’s a huge can of worms. All this new weather technology in the wrong hands . Check : Dane wigington on YouTube. Watch the movie holes in heaven .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZV4F-trxFQ


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Well it is certain that there are several countries possessing the tech to do this, and even mil ind. complex corporations , possibly NGOs, and maybe even rogue billionaires. OR maybe this was a test or sample run to show someone what they can do. Or maybe want enormous amounts of dry lightening to start fires over huge area.

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Northern cal ; dry lightening - just happened . Geoengineeringwatch.org .

Forrest fires serve Geoengineering agenda .

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Guitarman I never even gave Andrew a thought but I will now. One wonders how much of our weather is 'natural' or manmade. Thanks for pointing this out.

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I will go so far as to say at this point there is little to none natural weather that is not being manipulated in some way . The global chemtrail spray programs alone would suggest this , and in all the HAARP systems, DEW systems, 4g,5g , cellphones and towers. Remember even the old GWEN system was capable of weather manipulation, and you can find weather warfare documentaries as far back as Disney s 1958 one that showed even then complete hurricane creation and control. Add to that all Elana Freeland s books on Chemtrails/HARRP, Under an Ionized Sky, and Geoengineered Transhumanism, and you have all the info youll ever need and wish was not true .

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I happen to be at the moment in Apollo Beach Fla. visiting my daughter , who miraculously was missed, by last seasons gulf nightmare. I personally tracked that one in great detail from its formation deep in the Southern gulf, I guarantee you that was no "natural" storm, and I will go so far as to say DeSantis completely knew this , and ahead of time.

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used to be a huge DeSantis fan but kept reading about who he associated with and my disillusion with him grew. I've been a loyal follower of RealRawNews.com and they reported back in Feb or earlier that DeSantis wanted to visit Gitmo and was DENIED. Apparently his hidden past started emerging and the military brass decided he was NOT trustworthy. From there I caught wind that he entertained AG Garland at the governor's mansion and was seen with Jeb Bush. All the Bushs are tainted from what I've found out.....Bush KNEW b4 hand about 9-11 too. I was so disappointed that friends of mine who knew DeSantis from years ago and loathed him, were right. He's a traitor.

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"Bush KNEW b4 hand about 9-11 too."

Remember Bush41's NWO speech on 9/11/1991? Exactly ten years to the day prior to the main event.

"If they knew what we have done they'd chase us down the street and string us up by the lamp posts."

- George Herbert Walker Bush -

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Well I find much Realrawnews to put out some very fake news like recent one on Maui, but the situation on DeSantis is a bad as it gets , he is member of Knights Of Malta,, Knights of Columbus, Pilgrim Society, Skull and Bones, Navy , which is under British Admiralty, with completely scrubbed past like Obama.. The Bush /Cheney/CIA controlled Fla for a long time , does anyone think they just went away and turned the state over to a real Red state freedom fighter. Along with DJT ultimate controlled opposition.

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We can control this. We don’t need their weapons we can counter act. We can disrupt their weather machine. Watch.

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Please tell us more

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Orgone energy . Earth pipes and tower busters. Look up The orgone donor . Excellent source of info I buy from him but will try to make some too

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Im familiar with these , but just not sure if there is sufficient proof , yes certainly may help minimize the effects on our bodies but stopping the amount now being thrown at us including 5g, will take more than that I think. Then of course every fool using a cell phone is destroying themselves and all life little by little , so then what. Cell phones are the most deadly covert weapon ever created by man. Most using them do NOT understand the weapons potential they are , already let alone the future. Im certainly open to see more with real scientific confirmation. We can no longer operate on beliefs alone . That is the great test of our time.

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As I reply from my cell phone I agree!! Seriously , look up Mitch’s sight. He believes if as many of us blanket areas with these devises we can make a difference. I’m doing my part ! He’s made an impact in Arizona . He has a ton of valuable info . Relatively cheap and easy . It’s worth trying .

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Yes we can and I am trying my best

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See above for an intention

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Just to report back - I live in a burn area of OC. We were on evacuation (we didn’t leave). They get so frustrated with us :)

Anywho - no flooding. No wind. If there was wind I commanded it to stop and it stopped. This is an area with massive mud & flooding since the fire (which I was also slowing down this winter.)

We can totally defeat this all over. We just have to remember we can!!

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Sorry in the thick of it. We are in a fire area so prone to flooding and mudslides we are working on it now.

The short answer is our thoughts. Weather is energy so are we. Keep fear out of it which is perpetuated by the media’s constant playing of the doom & gloom - especially with showy hurricanes.

My intention: “Any rain and wind are safe and productive”

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Sending love & protection to you, Reinette, and to the entire region. Whomever is reading this now, let's take a few moments to envision a protective dome of safety & ease over the entire area. May all the hateful, hurtful intentions of the ones behind this have their vicious agenda turned back upon them and send them to the outer reaches of the stratosphere where the Source of All can deal with them accordingly. May it be so.

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As for the name "Hurricane Hilary". I was thinking it needs another "l"!! Yeah, it got me going too.

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Our ranch was torched by these arsonists.

Read this substack to see the cash grab behind the fires, the fire was quite an education. CCP has a hand, as well:


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I’m sorry about your ranch. You are so right. I live in a fire area, too. We lost many homes.

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Thank YOU Reinette!

Hurricanes alternate between male and female names, and are recycled every 6 years.

Hurricane Hilary occurred in almost the same area and same date/6 yrs ago/July 17-30, 2017.

According to this report, there were NO coastal watches/warnings associated with Hilary, even though hurricane force winds were recorded, 90 mph. Weird!



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My kids survived the paradise fire and the pictures of the Hawaii fires are identical

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thanks...I printed that out great info

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