Thanks Reinette. We are united in bringing the new paradigm into existence. We are invincible asd we are in tune with the Love harmonic of the World Maker's doing. Let us give thanks for the opportunity to be part of this awesome unfolding.
What I find bizarre (but not surprised) is that PBS is promoting vaccines through the Sesame Street characters (Muppets I've always loved) brainwashing young children... I know this would put a damper on the event but I am very disillusioned by what PBS is doing using our beautiful Muppets to influence our children...perhaps this event could be used in a positive way to counteract what PBS is doing... indeed strange times we find ourselves 'your musical connection to well-being' for 'all ages'...
sadly, and heart-breakingly for me to see the muppets being used to manipulate the youngest minds re the jab. and yet, i'll go w/the miracle of obliviousness that dampens not the spirit of the traditional UPLIFT of the muppet launch in o little town of washington. gotta insist on JOY rather than 'OY' to the world right?
I agree that it was beautiful to see the community spirit and the JOY that came from yearly event for the children & adults alike...why let PBS ruin a good thing...also I really appreciate what Reinette is doing with 'Save our Skies'... thank you!
Part IV: Reinette Senum Muppet Blast Off 12-29-2024
cc –
Because these issues are related to our nation's safety, I have forwarded this to a group of community activist mothers who represent about 45,000 concerned citizens in our community. These are what I term the "school board momma bears" from Placer County and Sacramento County, California. I have notified another few hundred individual American Patriots from all walks of life.
cc -
Honorable Donald John Trump,
In capacity as Commander-in-Chief
c/o Mar-A-Lago (i.e., “Winter White House”)
1100 South Ocean Boulevard [near: FL 33480]
Palm Beach (80), Florida, u. S. of A.
Mar-A-Lago (i.e., "Winter White House")
Attn: General Eric M. Smith, Commandant USMC
1100 South Ocean Boulevard [near: FL 33480]
Palm Beach (80), Florida, u. S. of A.
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (Code CL)
Office of the Counsel
Attn: General Eric M. Smith, Commandant of the Marine Corps
Part III: Reinette Senum Muppet Blast Off 12-29-2024
I did not know any better. That is how children are many times. They often take the words of adults literally at face value without adding or subtracting any agendas. By the time I learned the Jesus thing was more figuratively, it was too far for me to go back so I just kept going. I only want peace, but we must include the children. Without helping every last child, we will never be free. Yes, and this does include the inner child too! 😊
17. Reinette Senum is a Godsend for humanity! I have read many of her posts and I watched her every move when Covid broke. She will always have a special place with humanity.
18. The last shall be first! The first shall be last!!!
19. The Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in June 2024 that the Covid “vaccine” is a medical device.
20. In Michigan a woman was awarded $12,700,000 for being terminated for not accepting the Covid bioweapon pushed upon her via coercive control by Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
21. Six Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) train workers were awarded $1,000,000 dollars each for being terminated for not taking the Covid bioweapon.
22. The Florida Surgeon General just filed a Writ of Mandamus listing every law known to man broken during Covid. This is treason, an attack with bioweapons, and so many other crimes. The lawsuit is 75 pages long +!!!! I personally believe that this is intended to help usher in the US Military since we are under US Military jurisdiction now.
23. I am only a private volunteer man. I do not collect money. I do not run for any positions of leadership. I am more like a writer or an itinerant preacher who is horrible in doctrine, but rich in Love. I pop up wherever I pop up. I rarely schedule anything. This is how angels operate too - they just “show up!” Very rarely are angels invited to any events. They just show up!!! That is God’s Love.
It is the most amazing thing to me. So often I have been filled with “tears of joy,” but when I am crying for joy, my relatives think I am depressed or upset. They do not “get it.” I am decentralized, independent as can be, and believe in fairness above all else - each person must be given their rightful place in life regardless of all other factors. There is no more division - only unity. No politics, not fake “categories,” on beauty for all of us. Pray. Pray. Pray.
24. Because I am not normally allowed to speak about God, angels, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, photons, God-particles, Light, crimes against children, Covid, etc., I generally do not do Christmas. I am horrible at 3D – an abject miserable failure. I began failing at 4 years old, when I questions severe human rights issues. By 12 years old I had determined that 3D was not for me. In fact, if there was a 3D short bus, I would have been the first to ride it!!!. I began isolation as much as I could at around 12 years old to prepare for now. It was at about 7 years old that 5D became a severe interest and interruption for me. Honestly, I did not want to even be in my family. The vibrational density was horrible for me. I intuitively knew there was an audience cheering me on while I was being tortured. I began to self-torture at 15 years old knowing that I would have to know, study, and go straight into the torture in the future.
I also knew there were angels back them, but I did not communicate with them. I just listened to a song a million times that said,
“I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I Have a Dream”
Honestly, the stream may be the River Styx. I do not know or it could be white water rafting where I have completed will into class 5….We shall see how it all ends.
It feels strange to look back and think every day of my life was spent training and testing for today. When Covid broke and the riots took hold, immediately I said, “I was made for this time!” This is my time to be alive!!! I spent each day tuned into law enforcement intelligence so I could tune into the killing of children, firemen, police, horses, dogs, cats, babies, homeless, the elderly, etc. My friends said, I had full-on PTSD just from watching 15 hours per week of law enforcement intelligence when my friends could only take 5 minutes of it.
25. All 333,000,000 Americans and all 7.5 billion humans are victims of massive crimes so unimaginable. I have reported these crimes for about five years now to the US Military. I interface with US Military Intelligence. These wonderful, brave, kind, and special military people are everywhere. They have risked their lives and given every part of their soul to help save humanity. Please pray for them!!!
26. We have Photons of Light - God particles everywhere. They Love each of you. Please see them because they see you!!!!
Part II: Reinette Senum Muppet Blast Off 12-29-2024
converting from carbon based molecular structure bodies to silicon plasma crystalline light structure bodies. Carbon is more like charcoal - or like when something is burned to ashes. Silicon is more like what computer chips are made of or more like glass. Etc....
8. Many people in Nevada County especially have “banned me” from speaking, emailing, communicating, etc. My story is horrendously long. Angels have told me that I should be dead by now.
9. I have taken on very high levels of officials to protect everyone’s children and everyone’s rights! Three of my friends have been killed as a result. A very well-known talk show host in the alternative news media has suggested to me “that you cannot be killed;” however, I am not taking any chances because it has been a very frightening journey - unlike any experience in my life. I am ex-law enforcement so danger is not foreign to me. I have experienced everything on the street - however, what the angels and God have shown me and what they allowed me to go through to see the evil is unprecedented even for those with law enforcement experience. FYI - our weapons are from pre-school just to let you know....I explained this to peace officers when I was arrested for speaking peacefully and lawfully about child sex trafficking. I made a video with Project Veritas on this matter, etc.
10. We have millions upon millions of angels standing by now. They are ready to help each person on earth, but each person has to be willing to participate. That is how it works.
11. I started preparing for this mission when I was 4 years old and I questioned the killing of children in Germany in World War II and my mother’s answer was unacceptable to me.
12. Please be prepared for a New Heaven/New Earth. Please embrace a New Millenium. Please be ready for a New Kingdom. Please imagine a new paradigm. Please reach out and touch a parallel system. Be ready to embrace a “Thousand Year Reign.” Please know that God Loves each of you more than most people even can begin to know. It is simpler than can be. It is more about unity, a higher level of consciousness, reaching out to touch the Face of God, and knowing too that the children must be the center of it all!!! If we do not include opportunity immediately for all the children, then we will not move forward.
If you only get one message from me today – please let this saturate you to the depths of your soul:
13. Each of us, large and small, rich and poor, must not continue
to do business with those who are harming children, especially transnational and transworld child sex traffickers!!!
I have met them in person and this is where I can truly say, “I have been to the gates of hell and back!”
I am a victim of human trafficking. I am in captivity now. I know so many other victims I am trying to help. I have to sneak around all of the time. Most of my writing is completed during the middle of the night. I have been tortured into oblivion. I have been raped. I am not allowed to cry so I cry secretly when nobody is around me. Etc. It is like living in hell many times!
14. My wife took one look at the photos of children for about 20 seconds and immediately her face was swollen up like she was punched in the face by a grown man!!! It took about three weeks for her face to go back to normal!!! Special operations soldiers receive immediate PTSD when they see one time what I saw. My manly and masculine heroic friends can only last a maximum of 5 minutes in such horror. I have been up to my eyeballs in it, fighting it for five years now. This is why I am supposed to be dead. My friends say I have Complex PTSD has exceeded measurement. It is only with angels who help me, and by the Grace of God that I am still able to peacefully and lawfully fight.
15. I work closely with many good people - White Hats - Good Men and Women in the US Military. I report to them daily - top level officials. The chain of communication is me to a woman to 4 people in Mar-a-Largo to Trump.
16. I am only a volunteer. I am a servant. Like the servant who washed the people’s feet. This is what I strive to be. In Vacation Bible School when I was just a kid, they told me to try to be more like Jesus. Somehow I took them literally because I was only a boy and
Part I: Reinette Senum Muppet Blast Off 12-29-2024
Thank you for something different, and thank you for all you do. I have fond memories of Sesame Street back from about 1970 – 1973. I liked Mr. Snuffleupagus.
"He was embroiled in controversy because of the ambiguity of his existence. Sensory deprivation and social isolation makes me wonder sometimes, “Do I exist?” And do my friend(s) who I no longer can “see” exist?
"What is the controversy with Snuffleupagus?
The character Snuffleupagus from the children's show Sesame Street was the subject of controversy because of the ambiguity of his existence:
"Big Bird insisted that Snuffleupagus was real, but the other adult characters on the show did not believe him."
What I really enjoyed about Snuffleupagus is that he "just showed up" on his own terms. He did not really "comply" with the "programming," which left room for "freedom of speech." Society did not really know if he existed or did not exist. He lived well outside the Matrix. He was unique as can be, and he did not feel the need to change to "fit it" with "everyone." He was big and it made sense that nobody messed with him. But he was safe and gentle around children, and the loved him and had no fear of him. They were excited to see him. I believe this is how life can be. I also believe many of us - in all of our uniqueness - fill not have to "fit in" to anyone's programming, and will be fully embraced by love as God created us! This is my Mr. Snuffleupagus!!! :) I want to address those who said rightly that the children are being indoctrinated. I feel horribly to hear the disappointment in a few people. I want to give each of you a list of hope. This is a small intimate group of about 45 from what I can see.
I was encouraged and touched to find a couple of people who “care about the fate of our children.” This is normally a very debatable subject, however, I have always been 1,000,000% in favor of protecting all children no matter what, so help me God!
1. I am on the spear tip of the investigation of the little boy who had his head cut off in Sacramento, California on Friday, 12/20/2024. This is not an isolated incident. I am so much on the spear tip of helping to set the people free that I am often isolated due to not knowing what events I may set off or not.
2. I have been visited by angels and God on a daily basis. The angles literally saved my life from directed energy weapons! In another situation, an angel appeared behind me and held me up when I was falling down. In another incident, two angels appeared in my kitchen when the COUNTY OF PLACER SHERIFF’S OFFICE AND the fire department showed up at my door.
3. I have been told we are moving into a bifurcation period where those “who wish to do no harm,” will be able to move forward into a better system. No more 5G, no chemtrails, no human trafficking, no child sex trafficking, no poison food, no Covid, no vaccines, no lockdown’s, no fake elections, no autism, no health issues, lots of alternative healing, Photons of Love everywhere, peace on earth for all, and healers free to work their loving powers 24/7 as much as they desire.
4. God and angels have told me so much about peace and love that I cannot put it into such a short message.
5. I have seen everything. It is way beyond anything I ever could imagine, and I am no stranger to out of body experiences!!!
6. I am not a politician. I will never run for any office whatsoever. I do not believe in it for me. I only want to help humanity.
7. Both the evilest ones - and those on the side of good have said that I am supposed to navigate and dismantle landmines & land minds to help set the people free so that the people may each have their rightful place in humanity. We have new DNA and will be
This is fantastic! I love the little town of Washington, but never knew about this tradition—which is even more endearing! Thanks for sharing Reinette. 💜
What a perfectly delightful ritual. Community Ceremony of releasing a shared love is as old as the human race. How joyful, unifying and connective. Brilliant. Ken Keasey and his Merry Pranksters would be proud. May be I can get my local Bay Area poets together for a similar annual ritual releasing Yeats, Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti, Whitman, Collins, Angelou, Rilke, Frost, Rumi……
Right? Imagine if we did this all around the world. Coming together to send off a Muppet! Of course, we would probably take out a plane or two if we did this!
What a delight! Great to see folks having so much fun. I adored the Muppets until 2020 when they were high jacked to brainwash easily influenced small children into going along with the evil globalist technocrat depop total slavery agenda.
I don't know much about muppets aside from the fact that a former co-worker's wife looked a REAL lot like Miss Piggy (as pointed out by another co-worker,) but if Janice was the bass player, why is she holding a six string in the photo? Hmmmm....
Thanks Reinette. We are united in bringing the new paradigm into existence. We are invincible asd we are in tune with the Love harmonic of the World Maker's doing. Let us give thanks for the opportunity to be part of this awesome unfolding.
Hear hear, Dozt!
Thank you, Reinette!! And GORGEOUS sky!! Just BEAUTIFUL!!
What I find bizarre (but not surprised) is that PBS is promoting vaccines through the Sesame Street characters (Muppets I've always loved) brainwashing young children... I know this would put a damper on the event but I am very disillusioned by what PBS is doing using our beautiful Muppets to influence our children...perhaps this event could be used in a positive way to counteract what PBS is doing... indeed strange times we find ourselves 'your musical connection to well-being' for 'all ages'...
Everything has been used to indoctrinate these days.... sadly.
sadly, and heart-breakingly for me to see the muppets being used to manipulate the youngest minds re the jab. and yet, i'll go w/the miracle of obliviousness that dampens not the spirit of the traditional UPLIFT of the muppet launch in o little town of washington. gotta insist on JOY rather than 'OY' to the world right?
It's been hard watching all these different things get pushed onto the children... however, the Muppet Launch is a healthy dose!
I agree that it was beautiful to see the community spirit and the JOY that came from yearly event for the children & adults alike...why let PBS ruin a good thing...also I really appreciate what Reinette is doing with 'Save our Skies'... thank you!
Thank you, Francie!
What seems bizarre is the chemtrail dispersing in the launch video. Bizarre. Not bizarre. Strange times we find ourselves in.
LOL... that wasn't a chemtrail... that was the parachute and the capsule with the muppet in it!!
Thank you Reinette, what a lovely break from "everything else". :)
Thank you, I thought so!
Maybe I will start a new tradition and launch a crumpet into space. Hopefully knock out a few of them thar polluting planes.
Nooooow were talking.
Part IV: Reinette Senum Muppet Blast Off 12-29-2024
cc –
Because these issues are related to our nation's safety, I have forwarded this to a group of community activist mothers who represent about 45,000 concerned citizens in our community. These are what I term the "school board momma bears" from Placer County and Sacramento County, California. I have notified another few hundred individual American Patriots from all walks of life.
cc -
Honorable Donald John Trump,
In capacity as Commander-in-Chief
c/o Mar-A-Lago (i.e., “Winter White House”)
1100 South Ocean Boulevard [near: FL 33480]
Palm Beach (80), Florida, u. S. of A.
Mar-A-Lago (i.e., "Winter White House")
Attn: General Eric M. Smith, Commandant USMC
1100 South Ocean Boulevard [near: FL 33480]
Palm Beach (80), Florida, u. S. of A.
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (Code CL)
Office of the Counsel
Attn: General Eric M. Smith, Commandant of the Marine Corps
3000 Marine Corps Pentagon, Room 4E468
Washington, DC 20350-3000
and Navy CIS:
United States Navy, Judge Advocate General’s Office
Attn: Navy Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, Jr., 45th Judge Advocate General
Attn: Vice Admiral Christopher C. French, 46th Judge Advocate General
c/o 1322 Patterson Avenue, Suite 3000 [near: DC 20374-5066]
Washington Navy Yard (74), District of Columbia
Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz
United States Navy, Judge Advocate General's Office
Attn: Navy Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, Jr., 45th Judge Advocate General
Attn: Vice Admiral Christopher C. French, 46th Judge Advocate General
NCTS Finegayan, Dededo, Guam
PSC 488 Box 105 FPO, AP 96537-0149
Navy CIS
Fill Out USPS PS Form 2976-R Customs Declaration
Naval Station Guantanamo Bay
Attn: Navy Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, Jr., 45th Judge Advocate General
Attn: Vice Admiral Christopher C. French, 46th Judge Advocate General
PSC 1005 Box 25
FPO, AA 34009
Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 09593-0001
(757) 458-4090
US Army Provost Marshal, Criminal Investigation Division
Attn: Brigadier General Sarah K. Albrycht
Russell-Knox Building
27130 Telegraph Road [near 22134-2253]
Quantico, Virginia, u. S. of A
US Army Office of Provost Marshal General,
Criminal Investigation Division
Attn: Brigadier General Sarah K. Albrycht
2800 Army Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20310-2800
(703) 614-3309
U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC)
Attn: General Charles A. Flynn
410 Wisser Rd., Building 600A
Fort Shafter, Hawaii 96858-5100
U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC)
Attn: General Charles A. Flynn
Building T-116
114 Doleman St.
Honolulu, HI 96819
Mar-A-Lago (i.e., "Winter White House")
Attn: Ret. General David H. Berger (U.S.M.C.)
Civilian Liaison - Public Relations Office
1100 South Ocean Boulevard [near: FL 33480]
Palm Beach (80), Florida, u. S. of A.
Civilian Liaison - Public Relations Office
Attn.: Ret. General David H. Berger (U.S.M.C.)
7400 Pentagon [near: DC 20301-7400]
Washington city (01), District of Columbia
Ret. General Michael Flynn Team
Attn: Ret. General Michael Flynn, US Army
c/o Mar-A-Lago (i.e., “Winter White House”)
1100 South Ocean Boulevard [near: FL 33480]
Palm Beach (80), Florida, u. S. of A.
Neil McGill Gorsuch, in esse, d.b.a.
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE [near: DC 20543]
Washington (01), District of Columbia
Phillip A. Talbert d.b.a.
United States Attorney's Office, Eastern District
Robert T. Matsui United States Courthouse
501 I Street, Suite 10-100 [CA. 95814]
Sacramento (14), California, u. S. of A.
Part III: Reinette Senum Muppet Blast Off 12-29-2024
I did not know any better. That is how children are many times. They often take the words of adults literally at face value without adding or subtracting any agendas. By the time I learned the Jesus thing was more figuratively, it was too far for me to go back so I just kept going. I only want peace, but we must include the children. Without helping every last child, we will never be free. Yes, and this does include the inner child too! 😊
17. Reinette Senum is a Godsend for humanity! I have read many of her posts and I watched her every move when Covid broke. She will always have a special place with humanity.
18. The last shall be first! The first shall be last!!!
19. The Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in June 2024 that the Covid “vaccine” is a medical device.
20. In Michigan a woman was awarded $12,700,000 for being terminated for not accepting the Covid bioweapon pushed upon her via coercive control by Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
21. Six Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) train workers were awarded $1,000,000 dollars each for being terminated for not taking the Covid bioweapon.
22. The Florida Surgeon General just filed a Writ of Mandamus listing every law known to man broken during Covid. This is treason, an attack with bioweapons, and so many other crimes. The lawsuit is 75 pages long +!!!! I personally believe that this is intended to help usher in the US Military since we are under US Military jurisdiction now.
23. I am only a private volunteer man. I do not collect money. I do not run for any positions of leadership. I am more like a writer or an itinerant preacher who is horrible in doctrine, but rich in Love. I pop up wherever I pop up. I rarely schedule anything. This is how angels operate too - they just “show up!” Very rarely are angels invited to any events. They just show up!!! That is God’s Love.
It is the most amazing thing to me. So often I have been filled with “tears of joy,” but when I am crying for joy, my relatives think I am depressed or upset. They do not “get it.” I am decentralized, independent as can be, and believe in fairness above all else - each person must be given their rightful place in life regardless of all other factors. There is no more division - only unity. No politics, not fake “categories,” on beauty for all of us. Pray. Pray. Pray.
24. Because I am not normally allowed to speak about God, angels, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, photons, God-particles, Light, crimes against children, Covid, etc., I generally do not do Christmas. I am horrible at 3D – an abject miserable failure. I began failing at 4 years old, when I questions severe human rights issues. By 12 years old I had determined that 3D was not for me. In fact, if there was a 3D short bus, I would have been the first to ride it!!!. I began isolation as much as I could at around 12 years old to prepare for now. It was at about 7 years old that 5D became a severe interest and interruption for me. Honestly, I did not want to even be in my family. The vibrational density was horrible for me. I intuitively knew there was an audience cheering me on while I was being tortured. I began to self-torture at 15 years old knowing that I would have to know, study, and go straight into the torture in the future.
I also knew there were angels back them, but I did not communicate with them. I just listened to a song a million times that said,
“I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I Have a Dream”
Honestly, the stream may be the River Styx. I do not know or it could be white water rafting where I have completed will into class 5….We shall see how it all ends.
It feels strange to look back and think every day of my life was spent training and testing for today. When Covid broke and the riots took hold, immediately I said, “I was made for this time!” This is my time to be alive!!! I spent each day tuned into law enforcement intelligence so I could tune into the killing of children, firemen, police, horses, dogs, cats, babies, homeless, the elderly, etc. My friends said, I had full-on PTSD just from watching 15 hours per week of law enforcement intelligence when my friends could only take 5 minutes of it.
25. All 333,000,000 Americans and all 7.5 billion humans are victims of massive crimes so unimaginable. I have reported these crimes for about five years now to the US Military. I interface with US Military Intelligence. These wonderful, brave, kind, and special military people are everywhere. They have risked their lives and given every part of their soul to help save humanity. Please pray for them!!!
26. We have Photons of Light - God particles everywhere. They Love each of you. Please see them because they see you!!!!
David Aria, Federal Whistleblower
Breaking all the Rules
Living Life Out Loud
Part II: Reinette Senum Muppet Blast Off 12-29-2024
converting from carbon based molecular structure bodies to silicon plasma crystalline light structure bodies. Carbon is more like charcoal - or like when something is burned to ashes. Silicon is more like what computer chips are made of or more like glass. Etc....
8. Many people in Nevada County especially have “banned me” from speaking, emailing, communicating, etc. My story is horrendously long. Angels have told me that I should be dead by now.
9. I have taken on very high levels of officials to protect everyone’s children and everyone’s rights! Three of my friends have been killed as a result. A very well-known talk show host in the alternative news media has suggested to me “that you cannot be killed;” however, I am not taking any chances because it has been a very frightening journey - unlike any experience in my life. I am ex-law enforcement so danger is not foreign to me. I have experienced everything on the street - however, what the angels and God have shown me and what they allowed me to go through to see the evil is unprecedented even for those with law enforcement experience. FYI - our weapons are from pre-school just to let you know....I explained this to peace officers when I was arrested for speaking peacefully and lawfully about child sex trafficking. I made a video with Project Veritas on this matter, etc.
10. We have millions upon millions of angels standing by now. They are ready to help each person on earth, but each person has to be willing to participate. That is how it works.
11. I started preparing for this mission when I was 4 years old and I questioned the killing of children in Germany in World War II and my mother’s answer was unacceptable to me.
12. Please be prepared for a New Heaven/New Earth. Please embrace a New Millenium. Please be ready for a New Kingdom. Please imagine a new paradigm. Please reach out and touch a parallel system. Be ready to embrace a “Thousand Year Reign.” Please know that God Loves each of you more than most people even can begin to know. It is simpler than can be. It is more about unity, a higher level of consciousness, reaching out to touch the Face of God, and knowing too that the children must be the center of it all!!! If we do not include opportunity immediately for all the children, then we will not move forward.
If you only get one message from me today – please let this saturate you to the depths of your soul:
13. Each of us, large and small, rich and poor, must not continue
to do business with those who are harming children, especially transnational and transworld child sex traffickers!!!
I have met them in person and this is where I can truly say, “I have been to the gates of hell and back!”
I am a victim of human trafficking. I am in captivity now. I know so many other victims I am trying to help. I have to sneak around all of the time. Most of my writing is completed during the middle of the night. I have been tortured into oblivion. I have been raped. I am not allowed to cry so I cry secretly when nobody is around me. Etc. It is like living in hell many times!
14. My wife took one look at the photos of children for about 20 seconds and immediately her face was swollen up like she was punched in the face by a grown man!!! It took about three weeks for her face to go back to normal!!! Special operations soldiers receive immediate PTSD when they see one time what I saw. My manly and masculine heroic friends can only last a maximum of 5 minutes in such horror. I have been up to my eyeballs in it, fighting it for five years now. This is why I am supposed to be dead. My friends say I have Complex PTSD has exceeded measurement. It is only with angels who help me, and by the Grace of God that I am still able to peacefully and lawfully fight.
15. I work closely with many good people - White Hats - Good Men and Women in the US Military. I report to them daily - top level officials. The chain of communication is me to a woman to 4 people in Mar-a-Largo to Trump.
16. I am only a volunteer. I am a servant. Like the servant who washed the people’s feet. This is what I strive to be. In Vacation Bible School when I was just a kid, they told me to try to be more like Jesus. Somehow I took them literally because I was only a boy and
Reinette Senum:
Part I: Reinette Senum Muppet Blast Off 12-29-2024
Thank you for something different, and thank you for all you do. I have fond memories of Sesame Street back from about 1970 – 1973. I liked Mr. Snuffleupagus.
"He was embroiled in controversy because of the ambiguity of his existence. Sensory deprivation and social isolation makes me wonder sometimes, “Do I exist?” And do my friend(s) who I no longer can “see” exist?
"What is the controversy with Snuffleupagus?
The character Snuffleupagus from the children's show Sesame Street was the subject of controversy because of the ambiguity of his existence:
"Big Bird insisted that Snuffleupagus was real, but the other adult characters on the show did not believe him."
What I really enjoyed about Snuffleupagus is that he "just showed up" on his own terms. He did not really "comply" with the "programming," which left room for "freedom of speech." Society did not really know if he existed or did not exist. He lived well outside the Matrix. He was unique as can be, and he did not feel the need to change to "fit it" with "everyone." He was big and it made sense that nobody messed with him. But he was safe and gentle around children, and the loved him and had no fear of him. They were excited to see him. I believe this is how life can be. I also believe many of us - in all of our uniqueness - fill not have to "fit in" to anyone's programming, and will be fully embraced by love as God created us! This is my Mr. Snuffleupagus!!! :) I want to address those who said rightly that the children are being indoctrinated. I feel horribly to hear the disappointment in a few people. I want to give each of you a list of hope. This is a small intimate group of about 45 from what I can see.
I was encouraged and touched to find a couple of people who “care about the fate of our children.” This is normally a very debatable subject, however, I have always been 1,000,000% in favor of protecting all children no matter what, so help me God!
1. I am on the spear tip of the investigation of the little boy who had his head cut off in Sacramento, California on Friday, 12/20/2024. This is not an isolated incident. I am so much on the spear tip of helping to set the people free that I am often isolated due to not knowing what events I may set off or not.
2. I have been visited by angels and God on a daily basis. The angles literally saved my life from directed energy weapons! In another situation, an angel appeared behind me and held me up when I was falling down. In another incident, two angels appeared in my kitchen when the COUNTY OF PLACER SHERIFF’S OFFICE AND the fire department showed up at my door.
3. I have been told we are moving into a bifurcation period where those “who wish to do no harm,” will be able to move forward into a better system. No more 5G, no chemtrails, no human trafficking, no child sex trafficking, no poison food, no Covid, no vaccines, no lockdown’s, no fake elections, no autism, no health issues, lots of alternative healing, Photons of Love everywhere, peace on earth for all, and healers free to work their loving powers 24/7 as much as they desire.
4. God and angels have told me so much about peace and love that I cannot put it into such a short message.
5. I have seen everything. It is way beyond anything I ever could imagine, and I am no stranger to out of body experiences!!!
6. I am not a politician. I will never run for any office whatsoever. I do not believe in it for me. I only want to help humanity.
7. Both the evilest ones - and those on the side of good have said that I am supposed to navigate and dismantle landmines & land minds to help set the people free so that the people may each have their rightful place in humanity. We have new DNA and will be
This is fantastic! I love the little town of Washington, but never knew about this tradition—which is even more endearing! Thanks for sharing Reinette. 💜
This is so cool! I'll have to get there over a Thanksgiving holiday some time.
What a perfectly delightful ritual. Community Ceremony of releasing a shared love is as old as the human race. How joyful, unifying and connective. Brilliant. Ken Keasey and his Merry Pranksters would be proud. May be I can get my local Bay Area poets together for a similar annual ritual releasing Yeats, Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti, Whitman, Collins, Angelou, Rilke, Frost, Rumi……
Right? Imagine if we did this all around the world. Coming together to send off a Muppet! Of course, we would probably take out a plane or two if we did this!
Reminds me of one of my lifetime heros - "Lawnchair Larry" [Walters], who - in the mid-seventies - designed his own adventure and sailed to 16,000 feet over LA/Longbeach in his Sears lawnchair, carried by 42 weather balloons. Commercial airline pilots spotted him, an Airforce F-14 was deloyed to recon if the UFO was an enemy craft and, well..... here is the remarkable story (best version that I have watched/heard).,vid:E7w_v9J7iOc,st:0
What a delight! Great to see folks having so much fun. I adored the Muppets until 2020 when they were high jacked to brainwash easily influenced small children into going along with the evil globalist technocrat depop total slavery agenda.
I ignored that part of the Muppets. Trying to keep the event pure and innocent!
I don't know much about muppets aside from the fact that a former co-worker's wife looked a REAL lot like Miss Piggy (as pointed out by another co-worker,) but if Janice was the bass player, why is she holding a six string in the photo? Hmmmm....
She's a talent musician.... she can play more than one instrument!
One of my favorite parts of our Thanksgiving weekend!
Yes it WAS!