How can that be , they got whole piles of new scamdemics lined line up , like bird flu [100 million poultry already destroyed in AMERICA ALONE recently . FOG SPRAY has been found to be HIGHLY TOXIC ,Food famine escalating, and being poisoned , has not stopped , countless American products banned in EU , because they are poisoned . No stopping GMO everything production yet . 5G /6G and A.I. Rollout expanding. Trump and tech billionaire fascism being glorified as some "new golden age " of A.I efficiency. PROBLEM , REACTION, SOLUTION on steroids.
Tell me if you think this is getting there , have ANY of this new administration spoken about any of this , do you think all these tech billionaires will ? Do you think RFK jr , will, and then have the TELCOMS attack like BIG PHARMA HAS?
Dont GET MAD AT ME FOR SENDING THE SCIENCE , I JUST CARE ENOUGH ABOUT YOU ALL TO DO SO. I did not invent CELL PHONES or use them . Computer is not the same but has some issues as well SK
I dont see it that way at all nor is it their intention to get rid of "it" just moving to the next steps and stages . THEY ARE LAUGHING AT US . I have access to truth tellers in 7 languages, they are laughing at Americans that we are falling for this . Im breathing just fine .
Boom! Yes. No one wishes to discuss the extent of Biden (and family) financial involvement in Ukrainian bio-weapons laboratories. Laptops conveniently disappear. Family members are awarded presidential pardons. And the press aviods investigation. "Life" goes on until someone ends the joke...
I just want to say that your passion in that video in support of your people is amazing! As the bankrupt corporate govt collapses I hope there are more people like you in the reassembled public government taking their place.
Bravo Reinette! Well stated. There is so much negative rhetoric coming from conservatives regarding DOGE. The worst being said is that is a scam to usher in a digital currency. The kind is stuff that scares people. I’m sick of it! Let’s take a step back and see how it goes. What matters is how this is going to address lack of accountability.
I’ve long said that what has happened to and within our government is our own fault. We abandoned the idea of government by the people long ago, and when you leave governance up to a select few, and those who’ve made their elected office a career you end up with corruption. It’s inevitable.
We need to learn from DOGE and bring the audits and investigations back to state and local levels. To rebuild we MUST get involved in the political systems within our counties and cities. Our forefathers ideal was to have the citizenry come to Washington for a session enact laws or complete governance that affected our sovereignty, our infrastructure, and our protection (both militarily and our rights). Everything else wises to be left up to the states. We must get back to that ideal.
Finally, I would say that the most important part of rebuilding is going to be creating communities. Those bodies of neighbors who own the corner stores, show up to city council meetings, help each other by knowing the needs of our neighbors and responding in love and with commitment. Those of us who know how to build those kinds of communities need to step up NOW and get started.
Right on Sheila. The original Articles of the Confederation were much closer to a Lawful construct of *Republic* BY the people. The final draft (which took 13 years of debate) established a Constitution FOR the people. Big difference The rest has become history.
Tens of thousands of swamp rats are employed in corrupt and redundant "official" positions. Elon Musk and associated DOGE operatives are not discussing where the swamp rats are *going*...
The swamp rats work in hundreds of governmental and *non-governmental* offices, wear suits and ties and lipstick, and have enjoyed the party life for decades. So I ask again: Where are they going?
The sinking ship image at the article header is spectacular. Thanks Reinette.
Our people, Choctaw-Attakapas, don't really get the measles and when we do, we just take yellow Sulphur powder and black strap molasses mixed. Knocks it out quick. different from Rubella, but both are a viral/blood issue. Blood pestilence. My now grown son had them for 36 hours. Gave him Sulphur in the morning, afternoon one day and by the next evening he was fine. Same results with all of our family for generations. 1 teaspoon Sulphur, 1/4 cup molasses, mix and take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon. We taught ya'll way back when too....
It is comenable what DOGE has as an agenda, HOWEVER, for it to have an even ounce of credibility, it needs to be a complete and thorough process. Currently, by ignoring two of the biggest scams ever, there is evidence that we have had a change of guard, but no change of policy. Take into consideration that there has been little notice or promise to investigate the missing $ Trillions of tax payers funds ($21+ Trillion for 1998 to 2015, nor the passage of FASBE Rule 56 (BTW, Trump signed this into practice during his first term in 2018) which allows agencies to falsify their finacial records. So there are no honest records to show how or where any additional funds have gotten since 2015. Trump has to be transparent FIRST and FOREMOST!
Love how you called out so many at the capital!!! Bravo!!! Btw, what crazy things are Pan up to now? Sooo many in California government that sold out to pharma. It's disgusting!!! Lori Wilson is in my district and she has been promoting transgender issues for too long. Can't stand her and she uses her voice a lot in my city especially because of the low income mixed race here. I am enjoying the exposure and yes give it some time. We all want justice and things to really change. But we all need to be more involved at different levels. Right now my family is still going through a crisis so that is my focus along with trying to.find more work. I have zero problems talking about a lot of this randomly and it wakes more people up.
Thank you for the warrior you are. I have been at the capital several times too!!!
Start with your local government: Town Hall Boards have meetings open to the public usually weekly. Same as school board meetings. Go. Watch. Listen. Keep these boards (who work for us) honest. Thank you, again, Reinette for sharing your insights.
The Brady Bunch on the mildness of the measles: slight temperature, bright red dots, and a great big smile. Smile? He’s off school for a few days.
This was ripped of TV and YouTube:
You are my favorite foghorn hero, my dear. A million thanks for confronting Pan et al. Keep on!
Superstar Rockstar must see video at end, 2022 Sacramento, California Capitol AB 1400 LockDown
Reinette Senum EXCELLENT soundbites and lungs of steel.
This is how it’s done. Watch and Learn. Take Note.
For the hearing impaired;
Practice your soundbites or you are moot.
The Measles Mirage: A Case Study in Government Overreach and Lies
Are fabricated crisis' coming to an end? Deconstruction to Reconstruction: The real work begins.
Reinette Senum Foghorn Express 2025 Feb 16
Reinette Senum
How can that be , they got whole piles of new scamdemics lined line up , like bird flu [100 million poultry already destroyed in AMERICA ALONE recently . FOG SPRAY has been found to be HIGHLY TOXIC ,Food famine escalating, and being poisoned , has not stopped , countless American products banned in EU , because they are poisoned . No stopping GMO everything production yet . 5G /6G and A.I. Rollout expanding. Trump and tech billionaire fascism being glorified as some "new golden age " of A.I efficiency. PROBLEM , REACTION, SOLUTION on steroids.
Thomas, do you think this admin can get this all done overnight? There is a lot moving in the right direction. Take a breath.... we are getting there.
Tell me if you think this is getting there , have ANY of this new administration spoken about any of this , do you think all these tech billionaires will ? Do you think RFK jr , will, and then have the TELCOMS attack like BIG PHARMA HAS?
Dont GET MAD AT ME FOR SENDING THE SCIENCE , I JUST CARE ENOUGH ABOUT YOU ALL TO DO SO. I did not invent CELL PHONES or use them . Computer is not the same but has some issues as well SK
I dont see it that way at all nor is it their intention to get rid of "it" just moving to the next steps and stages . THEY ARE LAUGHING AT US . I have access to truth tellers in 7 languages, they are laughing at Americans that we are falling for this . Im breathing just fine .
Let's hope so!
And there you go.... more fakery.
Have you heard ANY of the new administration TALK ABOUT ALL THIS DANGEROUS OR DEADLY TECH ALREADY IN PLACE Why is it there ? SK
I meant the Ebola. If we have it in the U.S., it's because it was planted here after being engineered in our Ukrainian biolabs.
Boom! Yes. No one wishes to discuss the extent of Biden (and family) financial involvement in Ukrainian bio-weapons laboratories. Laptops conveniently disappear. Family members are awarded presidential pardons. And the press aviods investigation. "Life" goes on until someone ends the joke...
Hi Paul check this out
Ebola that may be norovirus all in the same breath. Fear mongering at its finest.
I just want to say that your passion in that video in support of your people is amazing! As the bankrupt corporate govt collapses I hope there are more people like you in the reassembled public government taking their place.
Yeah, let’s see an audit of all Politicians - it will be very interesting I’m sure.
Warren: Worth $82 million
Waters: Worth $10 million
Ryan: Worth $6 million
They are getting significant money from somewhere.
Can DOGE please do that audit! Both sides of the aisle.
Bravo Reinette! Well stated. There is so much negative rhetoric coming from conservatives regarding DOGE. The worst being said is that is a scam to usher in a digital currency. The kind is stuff that scares people. I’m sick of it! Let’s take a step back and see how it goes. What matters is how this is going to address lack of accountability.
I’ve long said that what has happened to and within our government is our own fault. We abandoned the idea of government by the people long ago, and when you leave governance up to a select few, and those who’ve made their elected office a career you end up with corruption. It’s inevitable.
We need to learn from DOGE and bring the audits and investigations back to state and local levels. To rebuild we MUST get involved in the political systems within our counties and cities. Our forefathers ideal was to have the citizenry come to Washington for a session enact laws or complete governance that affected our sovereignty, our infrastructure, and our protection (both militarily and our rights). Everything else wises to be left up to the states. We must get back to that ideal.
Finally, I would say that the most important part of rebuilding is going to be creating communities. Those bodies of neighbors who own the corner stores, show up to city council meetings, help each other by knowing the needs of our neighbors and responding in love and with commitment. Those of us who know how to build those kinds of communities need to step up NOW and get started.
Right on Sheila. The original Articles of the Confederation were much closer to a Lawful construct of *Republic* BY the people. The final draft (which took 13 years of debate) established a Constitution FOR the people. Big difference The rest has become history.
Tens of thousands of swamp rats are employed in corrupt and redundant "official" positions. Elon Musk and associated DOGE operatives are not discussing where the swamp rats are *going*...
The swamp rats work in hundreds of governmental and *non-governmental* offices, wear suits and ties and lipstick, and have enjoyed the party life for decades. So I ask again: Where are they going?
The sinking ship image at the article header is spectacular. Thanks Reinette.
Our people, Choctaw-Attakapas, don't really get the measles and when we do, we just take yellow Sulphur powder and black strap molasses mixed. Knocks it out quick. different from Rubella, but both are a viral/blood issue. Blood pestilence. My now grown son had them for 36 hours. Gave him Sulphur in the morning, afternoon one day and by the next evening he was fine. Same results with all of our family for generations. 1 teaspoon Sulphur, 1/4 cup molasses, mix and take 1/2 to 1 teaspoon. We taught ya'll way back when too....
It is comenable what DOGE has as an agenda, HOWEVER, for it to have an even ounce of credibility, it needs to be a complete and thorough process. Currently, by ignoring two of the biggest scams ever, there is evidence that we have had a change of guard, but no change of policy. Take into consideration that there has been little notice or promise to investigate the missing $ Trillions of tax payers funds ($21+ Trillion for 1998 to 2015, nor the passage of FASBE Rule 56 (BTW, Trump signed this into practice during his first term in 2018) which allows agencies to falsify their finacial records. So there are no honest records to show how or where any additional funds have gotten since 2015. Trump has to be transparent FIRST and FOREMOST!
Just saying!
Love how you called out so many at the capital!!! Bravo!!! Btw, what crazy things are Pan up to now? Sooo many in California government that sold out to pharma. It's disgusting!!! Lori Wilson is in my district and she has been promoting transgender issues for too long. Can't stand her and she uses her voice a lot in my city especially because of the low income mixed race here. I am enjoying the exposure and yes give it some time. We all want justice and things to really change. But we all need to be more involved at different levels. Right now my family is still going through a crisis so that is my focus along with trying to.find more work. I have zero problems talking about a lot of this randomly and it wakes more people up.
Thank you for the warrior you are. I have been at the capital several times too!!!
Add to your "higher standards" list, please, the following:
5. No legislation shall be written by lobbyists. All legislation must be properly and verifiably drafted by members of Congress and their staff.
Start with your local government: Town Hall Boards have meetings open to the public usually weekly. Same as school board meetings. Go. Watch. Listen. Keep these boards (who work for us) honest. Thank you, again, Reinette for sharing your insights.
Lies of omission
commission of crimes grievous
but who leads the gang?
Yes. And Trump is surrounded by technocrats. Patrick Wood is asking the big question: is the Great Reset happening right now?