Really, really bad sky today in Portland, OR....worst I have ever seen it....couldn't count the stripes...and stuff that looked like it was falling down....in wicked wisps...

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Digging up the Files 😲😆😆😆

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Sorry I missed this! Is there a recording please? Thank you!

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Hey Amy, I generally don't share the recordings to the SOS webinars!

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Oh so disappointed, I thought you did.

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.....Reinette, was planning to be part of tonight's meeting but, week has been absolutely BRUTAL [so far] - NO bandwidth left.....

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No problem. Please join use on the Wed September 25th.

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.....a VERY good interview with Sarah you HAD, though, Reinette! Appreciate your understanding too; didn't let up after that Comment and I really have needed to REST. [more.....]

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Why all aircraft need to be grounded

1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36635910/ Among the most important practical results of this study can be mentioned to increase the health awareness of the general public, help the politicians of the health sector in making decisions in the health field, creating awareness among polluting producing units and industries and efforts to reduce the emission of Sulfur dioxide.

2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38477643/

3. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Sulfur-dioxide Acute Toxic

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8765521/

5. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aba7e7 "The program relies on three successive generations of newly designed high-altitude tanker aircraft to deliver aerosols to an altitude of ∼20 km. Sulfates are assumed to be the aerosol used in conjunction with the first generation tanker…”

6. https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj.o1150/rr-1 “Worldwide land precipitation of aluminum following aerosol spraying into the lower stratosphere would increase human body exposure and seriously threaten Global Mental Health.”

7. https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/15/11835/2015/acp-15-11835-2015.pdf

8. MIT Harvard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSCHLwJHwVM

There are thousands of studies which clearly state the relationships of geoengineering "experiments" and attempted cover up of atmospheric heating. Aircraft are the most serious contributors to existing atmospheric pollution. ALL aircraft, period…

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Excellent compilation! Thank you for this, Paul!

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Hello Reinette. I have quite a lot of information on hand, and spent over 20 years attempting to 'educate' the civilian public... No cigars have been passed around...

I've found that former links to information have now been scrubbed or relocated to other areas. I believe it important to copy the entire title, date of publication, and original source. I found this helpful when attempting to locate data that's been 'neutralized'.

I'm glad you found these sources helpful. Best regards.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

Really bad sky here in SE MI too! I looked up and to the west and saw all kinds of lines. As I left my neighborhood, I saw more sky and more lines, with some still being released, than I’d ever seen in life or even a photo! I took one picture for someone who recently looked at me as if I were crazy as I talked about this, but the one photo did not show enough. I want to know what is being sprayed and who do I ask here in MI. There have been beautiful sky blue skies for most of the past week with no trails, but today?!?!

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Hello Denise. A number of States have attempted to pass anti-geoengineering legislation. Some are listed here: https://americans4acleanatmosphere.com/

Here's a report from Trufant, Michigan - Rain on 1/25/18. >>> https://zerogeoengineering.com/us-michigan/

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Thank you.

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