I am a licensed pilot, I grew up flying, soloed at 16 yrs old. My father was an Air Force trained pilot who then went on to a career as captain for TWA then Atlas Air cargo as a captain flying 747s on international routes. I speak with a knowledgeable perspective on the topic. Attempting to allege that commercial airline traffic is "also" responsible for the carnage is the government's same old tactic, working to confuse the public and legislators, to distract from their insidious shenanigans. The important major accomplishment of this initial legislation is helping to awaken public perception to the criminal activities of the governments and military contractors etc who are colluding in this outrageous attack on all humanity. You do no service to this effort by effectively siding with the enemy and muddying the waters.

Focus on shutting down the attacks and deliberate poisoning of our air, water and soil. Don't help them enact more oppressive legislation that will be used against us (limiting commercial air travel, further regulating taxing fuel etc etc) and do NOTHING to stop them.

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100%!!! I grew up with parents in the airline industry and agree with you 100%. They seem to be using the same ploy in every industry, food/farming, for example.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26

While I don't see Reinette aiding the enemy with what she is doing AT ALL, you DO have a tremendous point about "them" perhaps having another "reason" (aside from "climate change") to limit (stop) air travel, which we know is part of the Agenda 2030 goals.

I'd hope that anything Jim Lee drafts would be worded correctly so as not to support such nonsense.

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Jim talks about the dangers in pointing out air travel and how this could be used as an excuse to shut down the industry. This is not necessary. What we can do, however, is refine the fuel so as to remove even the nana particulate matter.

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I'm no longer waiting for someone else to solve this for me.

We can all take an active role in documenting, researching, and exposing the decades-long projects over our own heads. Anyone in California, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah....they can find projects that are impacting them right now. https://libguides.library.noaa.gov/weather-climate/weather-modification-project-reports

It's on all of us to get engaged. Wait for no one. No one is coming. Not even Naomi Wolf (who apparently is drumming up fundraising so SHE can prep a lawsuit against this). How/why she thinks she's going to be the magic bullet to stop geoengineering when no one else has is beyond me.

Concerned citizens applied enough pressure to get Oxitec to withdraw their RA for the release of mosquitoes in California. We don't need lawsuits, we need to apply direct pressure to the morons on the local level who are letting this shit fly. Hold THEM accountable. They'll back off when they're personally called out and publicly challenged. That's all we need. Expose them all.

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Yeah I’m not sure about Naomi, sometimes I think she could be controlled opposition because she was a Rhodes scholar and studied Ruskin, one of the mentors who inspired Milner and Rhodes (of you don’t know what I’m talking about, see “The Anglo-American Establishment” by Carol . Not everyone who was one of those scholars gets drawn into their little club of psychopaths, though.

How do people “apply pressure”, in practical terms? Write letters? Visit offices?

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Yes the passenger planes are also spraying, They fly in straight line! The ones that are just up there spraying swings back and forth making x's and all kinds of in yer face BS, And to stucking fupid to realize they are murding their own family's,,, And now that tn has banned spraying to go into effect July the Bas-turds are trippling down on over time!!!

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And how exactly will the TN authority effectively ban the operation —inintentional or intentional?

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Buckminster is spot on!

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I came to say this 100%. Let’s please start this process by shutting down intentional attempts at cloud seeding. I don’t see a good reason to slow this down by including commercial air traffic which will be impossible to shut down at this point. We need small wins to build on. We need smart attorneys involved in drafting the legislation. Jeff Childers comes to mind down here in Florida.

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Thank you for your input, I agree.

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Once again, the "inadvertent" spraying that is happening through the commercial aircraft industry and be weaponized. Don't underestimate its dangers.

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deletedMar 26·edited Mar 26
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Buckminster and MellowKat, nobody is saying these nefarous programs aren't happening. Never have. In fact, we are teaching people how to read the skies. How to identify commercial aircraft vs. more nefarious programs. We are starting where we can have an impact for now which is cloud seeding. Many believe because it has been going on for decades it has been proven safe. This is not the case, however. Once we get this under out belt, then we go after the larger players. Do we think legislation is good? Yes. I definitely wakes up the masses. But the point I am making is that we need legislation that will actually make a real-world difference. Plain and simple.

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They have a tendency to do that - create legislation that doesn’t really improve things for anyone other than the government. They do the same thing with fisa and surveillance.

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"Trojan Horse" legislation is one of the methods the enemy uses to wage war against us all; they get caught spraying poison, we object, they infiltrate and lead us to clamor for more laws to limit and harm our own lives and commerce that do absolutely nothing to stop them= win-win for them.

Far better to remain focused on landmark legislation that helps to publicly identify and indemnify the government and trans-national corporate entities as engaging in deliberate attack against the civilian population of a sovereign state. That is what the enemy fears most- that the populace will IDENTIFY AND THEREFORE INDEMNIFYTHE ENEMY -ON RECORD. Legislation can then be used as basis for RICO prosecution and civil suit as the people demand immediate cease and desist and simultaneously bring suit against all parties for damages to health, safety and mass destruction of our natural resources as well as deliberate degradation of our economic prosperity as a result of all these harms. Individual civil suits alone could bring the trans-nationals to heel way more effectively than strangulating our own economy and way of life with more woke climate change psyop legislation

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Mar 29·edited Mar 29

I sure understand your thinking. I live in RI and have participated in trying to educate the legislators and people regarding Geoengineering technologies since I moved here in 2015.

RI introduced the first Geoengineering act in 2017 thanks to the efforts of Representative Justin Price with Jolie Diane. It was ostensibly written by the late great Rosalind Peterson who Jolie had studied under. Actually, Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio had introduced legislation in 2001 ( HR 2977-Space Preservation Act) addressing the weaponization of technolgies under the Geoengineering umbrella, but it didn’t become law. RI has introduced six bills (three Geoengineering Acts, The Clean Atmosphere Act, The Atmosphere Protection Act , The RI Clean Air Preservation Act) since 2017 addressing this pollution and assault. RI Senator Claiborne Pell attempted to educate those in he US Congress and the people and worked to orchestrate international policy, primarily with theSoviet Union, to ban all programs of dangerous environmental warfare including manipulation of rainfall, artificial induction of tidal waves and earthquakes, steering of hurricanes. This was in the mid- 1970s. 50 years later we are, hopefully, closer to moving the needle toward resolutions that will end the destruction but we sure are in the thick of it right now. The Storm is Upon us!

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What really p's me is that Here in TN. they ban the spraying but it don't take effect until July! And they are working over time now spraying the heeeeellll out of the skies1 I just came in from taking my puppy out , I refused to wear a mask over the PLANDEMIC but i have to wear one now when i go out esp. at night for all the Shhhhhhstuff falling , it looks like a really fine snow!!!

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All, 5G is a military grade frequency. It should NEVER have been put onto the market. Now, while we have been told for years now that millimeter wave doesn't travel far, thus justifying the need to have antennas everywhere, then how is it that Elon Musk can have satellites (or weather balloons) over 300 miles up in the air an shoot 5G millimeter waves down to earth? Something doesn't add up.

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You’re right. Something isn’t adding up correctly with that. I know 5g requires a great deal of repeaters because the signal doesn’t travel far. All of these increased antennas, towers, drones, satellites all have a cumulative effect. With that said, something still isn’t right with what they are claiming.

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To truly be effective at ending the pollution, HAARP and 5G need to be legislated/banned with enforceable laws as well. Not likely to happen. Everyone has to have his/her cell phones. Though they probably worked well with less than 5G. I don't use mine much, so I can't comment.

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I don’t think 5G enhances performance for personal cell phones. The high frequency microwave radiation doesn’t transmit very far. I also think it’s pretty hard to tell when your phone is actually using 5G. Often there’s a 5G symbol on the phone, but that’s meaningless.

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In my opinion, 5G is nothing more than a military weapon. It is NOT intended to enhance the speed of our downloads...it is to enhance the speed of the military/NSA UPLOAD of our data. That, and their ability to blast out emergency alerts to harrass & terrify everyone.

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Also for the Internet of things

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I think Jim Lee may not realize that such a bill might apply to cars that are gasoline driven, breathing, etc. you really have to watch out for unintended consequences.

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Agreed, about the "unintended consequences." My concern with this focus on commercial flights and shipping is that it could ultimately lend support to the push for the 2050 "SAF" (Sustainable aviation fuel) goals. Remember: they want biofuels/stump-to-pump fuels to replace current fuel by 2050. Delta has already partnered to use "biomass" (aka: thinned forests under the guise of carbon-capture/sustainable biomass utilization out of WA state to fuel their aircraft. Are we being set up to willingly embrace the lucrative new carbon-capture/hydrogen markets? What a SCAM!!!

Delta Airlines news: https://biofuels-news.com/news/deltas-first-carbon-neutral-flight-powered-by-air-bp-supplied-biofuel/

HYDROGEN from BIOMASS GASIFICATION (this is the "stump-to-pump" formula...hydrogen is the new "oil" of the future. Ugh.

1. https://www.ieabioenergy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Wasserstoffstudie_IEA-final.pdf

2. https://www.energy.gov/eere/fuelcells/hydrogen-production-biomass-gasification

3. https://www.iata.org/en/programs/environment/sustainable-aviation-fuels/

Fly ZERO, they say: https://www.iata.org/en/programs/environment/flynetzero/


I can just hear everyone shouting: Hydrogen is the way to go! Until we have hydrogen powered rail and airlines, we must stop flying commercial! Let's bank on "sustainable" bio-fuel from stump to pump!

It remains CRITICALLY important that we fight the smaller "local" weather modification projects. We already have the evidence they're doing it to benefit the hydroelectric companies and beyond. I have the rain samples that show the variations in metals (some exceed established MCLs).

We know that Colorado, California, Wyoming, Utah are all working together to maninuplate water for power. We know they can induce drought via too much particulate in the sky. We need to address them first and foremost, and we have enough evidence to start. We just need to get CRACKIN'!

Sure, it's true we can't "know" exactly how the military is involved (I know they have their hands in all of the manipulation/data harvesting/control over our resources and the measuring of our output)...we CAN and SHOULD take on the smaller modification projects that are diverting water for the benefit of those who hold the water rights, and who use the water for leverage and power. We work our way up.

They want to treat geoengineering as secretly as they did the Manhattan Project (see links in description of my video): https://www.bitchute.com/video/yhXbXGsJnCTP/

We CAN find contracts/arrangements over our own heads RIGHT NOW on the NOAA website: https://libguides.library.noaa.gov/weather-climate/weather-modification-project-reports.

For goodness sake, they've been manipulating our weather for decades with UAVs and smaller aircraft....we start by stopping them THERE, because we have the evidence!

We can connect the dots about the secrecy of the federal (unlisted) geoengineering proejcts with documents from the National Academies Press, and other propaganda/garbage articles from the captured scientific community.

I must say this: before anyone tries to tell ME to restrict my driving/flying/purchases...we need to address the insanely high toxic loads, dumped into our environment by the 200+ miitary flights that are up and out at any PIT (point in time).

Should we shop and live as hyper-local as possible? Of course! If we want to tackle shipping, we have to take on the bastards who came up with the idea that we export our lumber/wood/food to other countries, and visa versa (I mean, why in the F are we buying wood that has been imported from New Zealand, when we have timber/lumber mills RIGHT HERE?!).

For now, I need more assistance to narrow down the players who have the final say in these local cloud seeding projects, and their evidence of SAFETY and environmental impact reports. We need to push for them to update the outdated ones from 1990!

I want help with NOL's. I also wish for more people to track the USAF and Navy (I believe they're far more involved than many believe, and it's not hard to piece it together).

I applaud the push to ban geoengineering. We have to start somewhere, because public awareness is #1, followed by action on a local level (educating our local reps and up the line to our state reps). We have to find the ways they've dropped the ball (they have). We have to demand transparency for the local projects, seeding complexes, date/time of flights/proper notifications, etc.

They've all dropped the ball. We CAN have a say when it comes to the partnership between our irrigation district and Weather Modification LLC. We CAN have a say when taxpayer dollars via the California Energy Commission (CEC) are funding these "precipitation enhancement" projects.

Hyper local focus.

SOMETHING needs to be taken over the finish line and I am asking for help: I need more eyes and ears to figure out who we hold accountable and how they haven't done their job. I need help drafting legal notices/documents to hold the regulatory agencies (DWR, WRCB, CARB) paper-pushing ignoramuses accountable.

Outdated EIRs feels like one thing we tackle. We need to demand that our regulatory agencies doing the testing for the metals we've found in our samples in California.

We need to get them engaged by holding them to the fire and demanding they offer answers and brainstorm SOLUTIONS.

Start small, get some wins, work our way up.

It's clear we can't wait for anyone to do it for us.

This is a call for everyone on this thread to get connected with community, find the weather modifiction projects happening over your heads, and call out the players. Start there.

We need all hands on deck.

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From my bitchute video description (video here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yhXbXGsJnCTP/)

A new term for me for weather modification: And what does the Manhattan Project have to do with it? Hmm.

Stratospheric Aerosol Albedo Modification (SAAM)

Who is the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine? https://www.nationalacademies.org/

1. https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/18988/chapter/5

In the from the NAP link (scroll to the end): a. “major effort” denotes something on the scale of the Manhattan Project.

b Refers to time from when a decision would be made, but assumes the use of current technologies.

c Does not include secondary effects in climate system, such as changes in precipitation patterns.

d Device refers to a method for deploying some particular albedo modification technique.

e System refers to a device or set of devices capable of altering the radiative energy balance in a measurable way and the associated observing and modeling capabilities for assessing their radiative impact.

f This is likely not a climate signal, but would rather be a logistical signal (i.e., deployment of large numbers of planes to the stratosphere or large numbers of ships) and the resulting stratospheric aerosol cloud (with lidar) and lines in the clouds.

g See sections “Environmental Consequences of SAAM” and “Environmental Consequences of MCB” above.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/18988.

Manhattan Project: https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/the-manhattan-project

David Keith’s page: https://keith.seas.harvard.edu/people/david-keith

David Keith has been pushing geoengineering for a long time, and receives undisclosed amounts from Bill Gates and is profiting from his work with Breakthrough energies. See other partners of Breakthrough Energy: https://breakthroughenergy.org/our-work/breakthrough-energy-ventures/bev-board-and-investors/ (includes Bezos, Branson, Bloomberg, etc).

From David Keith: Our Research on Albedo Modification

We work on theoretical proposals for combating global warming called solar geoengineering or albedo modification. These are technologies that might enable people to add materials to the Earth's atmosphere to reflect a bit more sunlight back to space, partially masking or reducing the climate change due to accumulated greenhouse gases.



Toward practical stratospheric aerosol albedo modification: Solar-powered lofting


"A large number of aircraft are needed to deliver the required BC (Black Carbon) and CIM (Climate Intervention Material) mass in a 10-day period. A large aircraft with the size of a military tanker or a Boeing 747 carries on the order of 105 kg (~100 m3 of liquid SO2). Therefore, delivering 2 Tg requires about 20,000 flights. Assuming 2 hours per flight, the injection can be done over a one 10-day period using 335 aircraft, with each aircraft flying during daylight hours six times per day. Short flights allow increased payload because the required fuel load will be less than maximum.” Accommodating 20,000 flights in 10 days requires using at least eight runways simultaneously. This requirement can be met with two large airports separated by ~200 km or less. For perspective, 2 Tg is approximately 20% of the annual enplaned international cargo. The nominal CO2 emissions increase due to 40,000 flight hours of a Boeing 747 is a small fraction of the annual global aviation emissions. Assuming an emission rate of approximately 90 kg CO2 hour−1 for a Boeing 747 at cruise, the injection results in an increase over the 2018 global aviation emissions of 0.0004%. Injection could also be done over a longer period or multiple periods per year with fewer aircraft but would result in a larger amount of BC (Black carbon) emitted annually. Injected CIM (climate intervention material) mass, and hence number of flights, is halved if H2S or pure sulfur (oxidized in situ) is used instead of SO2 (30).

The present study does not address all the technological issues unique to SPL (solar-powered lofting) that require consideration before implementation. For example, a determination as how best to disperse solid BC (black carbon)with gaseous/liquid SO2 or solid particles such as Al2O3 (aluminum oxide) from an aircraft is needed. Research is also needed to find the best light-absorbing material for SPL (solar-powered lofting), the optimal size distribution to maximize heating per unit mass, and the means to achieve that size in the injection process. Whether there are interactions between BC (black carbon) aerosol and the gaseous or aerosol CIM needs to be assessed via laboratory..."(see comments for more)

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The 'God-Man-with-the-glasses' got his elastic fingers in this too.


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PS: the cabal just detonated the Baltimore bridge! Buckle up, folks!

Emergency after emergency for more power and $$.

I'm 24/7 in a food/garden/animal mindset these days. Securing food that hasn't been contaminated by CRISPR engineering.

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I saw a video some time ago of an aviation guy showing difference in that commercial jets run clean, that the engines are designed to produce minimal exhaust- like planes did inyears gone by, you could see a contrail but it dispersed v quickly whereas what we see now are chemtrail and designed to spread.

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I am from TN and very familliar with this legislation. Sometime the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. We know this bill is not perfect but it is a first step. So before you are quick to criticize what is taking place in TN perhaps you should contact the sponsors of the bill and talk to them. They are very accessible.

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I have watched Jim Lee's interview and what I still don't understand is how a single chemtrail can turn on and off SEVERAL times?! Does this mean the plane is bouncing up and down in altitude? Or is the atmosphere inconsistent at that altitude? Is the engine being turned on and off continuously? Answer this question and then I may believe that it's all due to a new fuel being burned since the late 90s.

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Mark, it may be that you are actually seeing a geoengineering plane. This is where having Flight Radar 24 or another flight tracking app helps out to be able to identify this. Please understand, nobody is saying geoengineering programs aren't happening. The absolutely are. We are simply trying to clarify what is happening through the commercial airline and shipping industry. To let you know, Jeff, SOS our meteorolgist, has been proving to us for weeks by analyzing the atmospheric data and has been able to predict with great accuracy the days and hours when we would be able to see the persistent contrails and when we wouldn't. I asked him to do this, and he did. He has been spot on. The sad thing is that whether you see those persistent contrails or not, we are being sprayed every-single-day with heavy metals and soot.

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I understand but Jim Lee made it sound like the geoengineering at night vs day was taking advantage of this new fuel being burned and flying at different altitudes. Unfortunately Bigtree didn't ask him to clarify why it starts and stops, so sounds like to me it is both the new fuel and something else possibly even more sinister and poisonous.

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I totally agree. I live in SLC which is an airline corridor in all directions. I also worked at the tarmac at the airport for over 30 years. I used my eyes and also saw the military operations out of the General Aviation side of the field. I saw the attachments on the Military Aircraft.

I see the chemtrail turn on and off several times all the time. I go on Flight Radar to compare things. I compare elevation of the flights where some have no trail and some do. It goes on and on. You were all over the target on this one. Thanks

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That is great to hear, Kevin! You are actually able to distinguish the real geoengineering programs. THAT is what we are trying to teach people to do! If you can get a hold of any jet fuel, let us know. We would like to test it for nano particulate matter. If you can get any visual evidence, photos/videos, we would greatly appreciate this as well.

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It could be the plane changing altitudes. Would the on/off change be that abrupt? I don’t know.

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My own personal recollection is seeing it turn on and off about 4-5 times above me- I feel sorry for those passengers if they were bouncing up and down. However, I have seen photos online with even more, maybe 6-7? Of course I cannot attest to the validity of online photos or know what the meta tags mean, no experience in forensic photography.

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I agree sometimes it looks like there’s an on/off switch. I was playing devil’s advocate.

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I have seen these too. More than like these these are actual geoengineering planes!!!

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I think Lee would agree. He talks about the CIA planes.

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My intuïtion says that BOTH Lee AND Dane are right. There is probably Both: intentional AND pollution. And God knows, maybe this set-up confusion again is the aim?

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Nobody is trying to confuse. We are trying to educate so we can dial in on what is and isn't happening over our heads. It's a hell of a process.

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I understand Reinette and so very gratefull that you do this on behalf on all of us!!

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Both are happening: knowing and proving the difference is the problem.

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I have the evidence of the weather modification project happening over Stanislaus & Tuolumne. I have the screenshots of the aircraft that are part of the seeding. I have the public records information. I have the names of the players involved. I have written correspondence with DWR, CARB, and WRCB. WHat more do I need? I need help with holding these effers accountable for having an outdated EIR!

Plus, we have a derailment that was blamed on "wetter than normal winterrs" AFTER Weather Modification INternational seeded our skies for days on end, leading to "enhanced precipitation." Please help me do something to address this contract? Train derailment: https://www.bitchute.com/video/5L7y5UaS90LU/

Tuolumne Upper River Weather Modification Project: https://www.bitchute.com/video/6MhM0RQsFLzt/

I need some insight into what I do next to get this to STOP.

What is your advice?

Legislation is one step in the right direction, but my god...I have everything right here to hold these players accountable...intent/proof/samples....can I get some HELP taking this somewhere?????

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Jim, are you working on this bill alone or is there a team helping you? Can a draft version be made public so we can all give input?

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Great question.

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it will be nice when these pollters or poisoners when given orders by the police to stop doing so,,, get shot down for violating basic law

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Peggy Hall/Healthy American is also doing good coverage of this crucial issue:


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Excellent expose , and I would say obviously this was intentional misdirection, and multi platformed way of achieving their goals. It should be obvious this is how they do everything. Just like focusing on a computer generated virus , and non vaxxes for them , Wuhan bat soup nonsense , while 5g is destroying everything and can create ALL disease symptoms., and they have been accessing and manipulating our electromagnetic nature for more than 2 decades.

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Dissing Wiggington is a poor choice. He shows that commercial jets have been retrofitted to spray and the patents involved in his recent movie. He also has footage of commercial jets being turned on remotely. Good to name that commercial jets play a major role in this now and that they must be included in any legislation, but finding enemies where there are none is counterconstructive.

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Sorry. I used to admire Dane, but when I began our SOS work and legally pursuing the perpetrators he came after me every which way including discouraging me from going after them legally. It was nasty, and sadly, as I once admired him, I no longer can trust him.

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So very sorry to hear that was your experience with Dane! I too have admired him.

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Federal and international law do NOT supersede state law. The fed gov has limited powers that are enumerated in the constitution. ALL other power belongs to the PEOPLE and STATES, hence the 10th amendment. There is no place in the constitution that gives the fed gov the right to release toxins into the atmosphere above our state, period. The federal government is attempting to set a governance framework to mandate solar radiation modification. Not saying anything is acquiescence. The only way to tell them we do NOT consent is to introduce state legislation saying so.

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I've never been diagnosed with a nano particulate deficiency! :-)

If there's no such thing as a safe amount of metal and plastic nano particles, does anyone have the authority to start shooting these sprayers down?

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Breaks my heart to see division being sown by attacking DW in this manner.

I'm a Commercial pilot who flew a turboprop (Jet-A fueled) daily for many years and have witnessed the higher altitude jet traffic "trails" abruptly starting and/or ending (sometimes repeatedly) above me as I was enroute.

Jet-A has its pollutants of course, but the above observation of dashed lines is something else altogether.

I've watched JL for years & some of his behavior is strange, especially when he fondly recounts his time spent in the Anonymous-hacker network, or while making snide remarks about DW.

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JL brags about his hacker abilities. Your observation of JL is worth looking into.

I suspect if I could attain that kind of hacker abilities that I would be shut down or worse quickly.

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Once again, nobody is saying geoengineering programs aren't happening. If you are seeing the trails turn off and on then, yes, you are probably seeing a geoengineering programs and should document and find out what the aircraft is. What we are seeing unfortunately, are that these aircraft tail numbers and info generally say NA... and provide no information.

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I have watched them daily for literally years. It’s very obvious when it’s a chemtrail plane in Seattle. They are mostly all white, I’ve seen some with red on the tails, but mostly all white. They fly at extremely high altitudes. I have tons of pictures and videos of these.

Interestingly, I’ve videotaped from my I-phone, and had great success. One day, watching a video I noticed a dark super fast object flash across the screen. After slowing the video down, literally frame by frame, I saw a black drone, crossing the chemtrail, maybe 2-3 times. It’s in the shape of type of bug, or bumble bee?

You could never see this with your naked eye just watching video. It’s like a quick flash, if you do. Over the last few months , I’ve recorded the chemtrails over & over. Every time I do, almost 100%, I can find a drone in the video, maybe 2.

The last video I took had the most I’d ever seen. I’m not sure if these are being used to measure the chemtrails or document the areas? I even had one that seemed to fly close to my house, while the chemtrail plane was at least 35,000-45,000 feet. I have pictures of the drones. They could also be spraying something but it doesn’t show in the pictures, and they seem too small. Weird thing is the chemtrail planes never, never, never, show up on my “ Plane Finder “ App. Do they show up on Flight Aware? The drones don’t either. I have settings for all that. Military, drones, commercial, helicopters, police, private, other, etc. but it shows nothing.

I’m positive they don’t land at our international airports. I live within 10 miles of Seattle-Tacoma airport, and these planes are extremely high. I have video of a commercial plane flying & preparing to land while simultaneously taping a chemtrail plane way above it. My guess is for sure military but I don’t think they land at nearest Fort Lewis airport either.

I’ve heard that many airports don’t want these planes landing in their airports because of the chemical risk if there was an unintended dispersement, etc. I saw a video of a plane that accidentally triggered the sprayers before the plane had taken off. It was crazy! And these are considered to be 747’s correct? They fly very fast.

I noticed a couple months ago that India had purchased 4-5 older 747’s from Boeing. I can’t help but think they are using them now, above their citizens.

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The biggest takeaway from Lee’s Highwire interview, for me, was that Google AI is routing commercial planes in and out (up and down) of airspace that is conducive/not conducive to contrails.

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Freakish, right???

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That's correct, Andy. So, what we are seeing is the weaponization of the commercial airline industry! This is HUGE. This is why we are calling this out!

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Reinette wrote: 'Current legislative attempts are narrowly focused on "intentional" geoengineering activities — primarily military and covert, which legislators lack any authority over...'

So does this mean that the bills are basically useless?

I'm in Michigan and I only see drone-looking planes at very high altitudes spraying, which would probably be described as "military and covert" geoengineering. And as Reinette states, legislators have no authority over.

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This is what we are trying to point out. Our legislators don't have a say over covert military operations. I sure wish they did. And by stating "intentional" geoengineering they have no authority over the commercial airline industry whose "unintentional" spraying is being weaponized. Language is everything in a bill, and we need people who understand what is really going on to write these bills and have a true impact.

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