Seeing the same things up here in North Idaho amongst the vaxxed - rampant revolving 'illnesses', heart, cancers, strokes, neurological changes, etc, etc, across all age brackets. I quit trying to talk to vaxxed friends and family members 2+ years ago. I live in fear of losing any one of my vaxxed kids and grandkids. Identifying and finding a support group of like minds locally has been very difficult. Substack publishers like yourself, and fellow commenters/readers has been a godsend, lifeline, and refuge of sanity and support for 4+ years. God Bless you Reinette, and all the good folks here on these forums.

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‘So many of you, those that are truly independent thinkers, if you allowed yourself to realize how truly moronic every doctor you’ve ever met is, you not only would never speak to them again, you would put a leash on them.

One that could be seen and held.

In contrast to the intellectual choke collars the medical schools put on each of them.

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Allopathic medicine, for the most part, is dead. You will only see me visit somebody in a white coat if it's a catastrophic situation. I am horrified by the very people I used to admire so greatly.

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They are assassins in white coats.

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Pushing the button on the gas chamber. Yes.

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Yes, they are not working in the best interest of the patient.

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No... that industry has attracted greedy ego-maniacs. Those are the only ones who can survive in that brutal, god forsaken world.

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i understand that the interview with the doctor is 4 hours long but this link cuts out before it's finished-- anyone know where to find the full interview?

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Oct 22
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Correct. My adoptive mother was an RN. She worked for a wonderful doctor who made house calls. He was truly a doctor who had the best interests of his patients at heart. He is long gone and would be an even rarer breed today.

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Need serious accountability for what is turning into a genocidal crime against humanity. Vaccinating children as a sterilization mode or worse……

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It's the worst democide the planet has ever seen. While it feels like it is taking forever, a swift and great reckoning will take place

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True but I fault the parents. Nobody is holding a pistol on them. I know it sounds harsh and I realize some parents don't have the information or a choice, but the ones who do, shame on them. Those injections are weapons.

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JB, I agree. Shame on the parents... but we are now several generations into parents not knowing how to parent. That it's their responsibility to protect their children AND their childhood. We have become feral.

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I homeschooled my now grown children. I had to. I saw way back when the direction this thing was heading and no way I was giving them 70 vaccines or any vaccines. They never got sick, they never went to a doctor, and they are healthy, well adjusted adults.

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Post blocked on Facebook

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I had to put the post in my comments and ask readers to check it out from there. There was NO WAY FB would allow this post to remain.

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We need t bomb Facebook with posts

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Oct 22Edited
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Decentralized, asset-backed local currencies, bartering, and keeping one's business local is the best of all practices

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I think the mRNA "vaccines" are bioweapons, but I don't trust Geert Vanden Bossche.

From David Hughes:

"Geert Vanden Bossche

The issue of immune escape received special attention following publica- tion of an open letter by Geert Vanden Bossche (2021). Vanden Bossche, a virologist with experience of working for Big Pharma, GAVI, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, claims that mass vaccination with leaky vaccines could lead to more virulent strains of “Covid-19” developing in vaccinated people, which in turn could kill the unvaccinated, leading to a never-ending need to vaccinate against ever more dangerous strains. It was first theorised in 2001 that vaccines could in principle select for the evolution of increased virulence (Gandon et al., 2001). Empirical confir- mation was provided in 2015: immunisation of chickens against Marek’s disease “enhances the fitness of more virulent strains, making it possible for hyperpathogenic strains to transmit”; this is because leaky vaccination “prolongs host survival but does not prevent infection, viral replication or transmission” (Read et al., 2015). If similar were to occur in humans, then “the normal ‘life cycle’ of a virus, from highly virulent and dangerous, to more infectious but less dangerous (‘virus entropy’) may be fundamentally affected or even reversed” (van der Pijl, 2022, p. 247). This contravention of Virology 101 seems prima facie unlikely, however.

The Vanden Bossche open letter reads more as fear propaganda than as science. For example, it refers to “killer vaccines” and claims that mass vaccination threatens to “wipe out large parts of our human popula- tion” by “turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.” If so, how might those behind the “bioweapon” expect to survive? Do they have the antidote? Vanden Bossche (2021) dramatically appeals to professional reputation rather than carefully supported scien- tific argumentation: “In this agonizing letter, I put all of my reputation

and credibility at stake.” Yet, an unreferenced, five-page letter is not the place to do this; rather, a peer-reviewed journal article, or at the very least a preprint would have been more appropriate, notwithstanding the urgency of the subject matter.

Like a tabloid newspaper, Vanden Bossche’s open letter places multiple, sometimes sensationalist, phrases in capital letters to grab attention, e.g. “THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEALTH EMER- GENCY OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN.” Phrases such as “racing against the clock” and “there is not one second left for gears to be switched” add to the drama but detract from scientific credibility. The virus itself is anthropomorphised as a kind of master criminal that will “take on another coat” as part of its “strategy” to replicate and increase its “return on selection investment.” The open letter also makes emotive reference to the vulnerability of children to “Covid-19,” even though there is little to no credible scientific evidence to support this assertion (Hughes, 2022a).

Vanden Bossche’s scientific claims are spurious. For example, he presents a jaundiced view of the human immune system (Frei, 2021), focusing on initial “passive immunity” but not subsequent “adaptive immunity” in which T-cells are produced. He tries to downplay cross- reactive T-cell immunity as “short-lived,” only mentioning T-cells twice, even though it is known that “CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and neutralizing antibodies all contribute to control of SARS-CoV-2 in both non-hospitalized and hospitalized cases of COVID-19” (Sette & Crotty, 2021). Because “SARS-CoV-2” is a coronavirus, there is already a certain degree of cross-reactive T-cell memory (found in ca. 28–50% of people) and therefore “some degree of pre-existing immunity in the popula- tion” (Sette & Crotty, 2021). The “Variants of Concern” do not change this, for they “do not significantly disrupt the total SARS-CoV-2 T cell reactivity” (Tarke et al., 2021).

Despite criticising leaky “Covid-19” vaccines for endangering all human life, Vanden Bossche (2021) reaches a surprising conclusion: “Paradoxically, the only intervention that could offer a perspective to end this pandemic (other than to let it run its disastrous course) is ...VAC- CINATION.” Thus, he does nothing to challenge the “Covid-19” vacci- nation agenda. Instead, he proposes “large vaccination campaigns” that will prime NK (natural killer) cells so that they “acquire immunological memory” and thereby become able to “recognize and kill Coronaviruses at large (include all their variants) at an early stage of infection”—even though there is still no cure for the common cold.

If Vanden Bossche were right, deaths among the “unvaccinated” would have spiralled out of control. Instead, not only did Omicron fit the viral entropy model of more transmissible but less deadly (it was likened to the common cold), but health outcomes among “unvaccinated” people proved better than for the “vaccinated” (see Chapter 7). It is therefore hard to escape the conclusion that Vanden Bossche is yet another medical establishment figure responsible for propagating a pseudoscientific fear narrative. Almost no one had heard of him before he entered the scene, and he disappeared just as quickly, having played his part."


“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the

War for Technocracy


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YAT, Thank you for this information. It's always good to point out that those who have "the mic" should always be questioned. The fact that Bossche's conclusion—that vaccination is the only way—is highly suspect. However, the point with which I must agree with him is the tsunami of death. I'm watching the water pull out from the shore right now, so he was spot on with that one.

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I'm not a scientist so its hard for me to know what's going on.

My take is that the vaccines are whats killing people by wrecking immune systems and lots of other things like hearts and other organs, and the corona virus itself is not evolving to be more dangerous (it was never nearly as dangerous as advertised) as Vanden Bossche suggests (as I understand what he says).

I'm convinced its a depopulation program but it was designed not to threaten the perpetrators if they don't get the injections.

David Hughes suggests there is another agenda, like implanting nanotech in people and having a process in place to update it, and that the deaths so far are just collateral damage from that. I don't agree there based on the reported batch variability being non-random which indicates intent to kill. I think the nanotech is just experimental because they can get away with that too (so far).

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I think these are insightful recognitions. Sadly, “In this agonizing letter, I put all of my reputation and credibility at stake.”, we have lost the ability to judge.

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It's definitely more difficult today than ever being our minds and souls are under attack daily.

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It takes courage and guts to tell the truth in this time of complete deception! Listen carefully to Brother Michael and Brother Peter Dimond please at www.vaticancatholic.com

They are the greatest and most amazing “whistleblowers” on the planet! Please pray 🙏 for guidance from Almighty God!

See www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com

Thank you and May Almighty God bless you and protect you, always! ❤️ and my heartfelt prayers from Ireland 🇮🇪 xxx

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I assume by "we have lost the ability to judge" you mean Geert Vanden Bossche has more or less disappeared (according to David Hughes).

Otherwise, no, we have not lost the ability to judge. We are in fact getting better at it as the scales fall from our eyes and the psyops are revealed.

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Oct 22
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Absolutely. We are now disposable.

And while I know this is "the plan," in the end, it will not prevail.

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It's just a bit of the 4+ hours of this interview, I would highly suggest to listen to the whole interview. My son sent me a link to it. Most of what he's saying I already heard since the beginning of lockdowns - people's money are gone, now it's the time to get rid of people.

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Oct 23Edited
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If it involves money and Wall Street, it is surely a Ponzi scheme. I warned my father years ago that retirement and Social Security were an illusion. It wasn't until he was near his death that he ultimately saw what I was talking about and finally understood why I didn't pay into Social Security.

Get your money out now.

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The moment I saw (mRNA) attached to the word “vaccine” I began calling it a genetic Bioweapon, of course I was immediately labeled as crazy by both family and “friends”. As most of you who are awakened know from your own bitter experiences, far too many ignored our attempts to get them to at least LOOK at the information which would have saved their lives. Instead, just as with nearly my entire bloodline, you watched them run out to voluntarily commit suicide. I have grieved, mourned and now have healed the loss of my loved ones, even though most have not yet died, there is just a numb emptiness inside, letting go of them was hard, yet we all are given free will, and we all must face the consequences of our choices. I can only choose LIFE, Faith, Hope, and Love, and to be the best witness for Christ that I can be each day as I near the end of my journey in this world.

Reach out and touch someone, every one that you can, each day and remind them that this physical world is not our home. We are not human beings searching for a Spiritual experience, we are Spiritual beings having a human experience.

—From a beat up old 91-B Combat Medic called Grumpy Mizfit

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The only thing I can say about this, (also witnessing sudden death here in NZ, including a friend just gone this week with liver cancer, diagnosed Thursday, coma Saturday, passed Sunday) is that if we want a complete change in the way we live, the old way has to be collapsed. We have been warned by channellers all over that this was to come. Chaos, in which we will find our true selves again, through Agape, community, along with the revealing of many hidden truths. It is the way of things, we can find new strengths, new abilities in ourselves we never knew we had, or were afraid to activate. It is Our Time to Stand, To be, To recreate in Love, Courage, Strength and Creativity. Blessings all. Find your peaceful place, within and without….oops,posted before finishing your post Reinette, so I concur with your guidance, much love

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I believe you are spot on, AJ. This is our moment to make the ultimate Aikido move. I have written about this on Substack. We can fight the energy coming at us, but we can transmute it! It's up to us.

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Oftentimes I think turbo cancers are a blessing. It doesn't give enough time to enrich the pockets of certain industries and psychopaths, and also saves a lot of anxiety, grief, and significant spending from the loved ones resulting in their own bankruptcies and their own health problems. I have been through it before and going through it now (non-covid/vax related). Not all people respond the same to alternative treatments, sometimes it's their outlook in life that cannot be changed.

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Mark, I believe the outlook has everything to do with it. If you don't have the fight or will, you aren't going to make it. If you aren't willing to look at very difficult truths (receiving a bio-weapon in your arm), you aren't going to make it. Most do not have the capacity to do this.

And you are correct, ironically, regarding the turbo cancers. I just lost a very dear friend to a glioblastoma about a month ago. Towards the end, she declined quickly, and as difficult as it was to say goodbye, it was everyone's saving grace. Her prolonged illness would have financially and emotionally depleted the family.

Unfortunately, I now have another dear old friend who was diagnosed with the same brain tumor last week. I hope and pray it is a short course. No good comes out of that kind of suffering.

This is so hard to watch.

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It is hard. Especially when I read of something that 'may' help and they only try some of it? I can't fight their fight or force them. It really sucks, especially when I hear the sounds of pain, labored breathing, or I am always on edge 24/7. Went through this with my father's liver cancer in 2015, and now my girlfriend's neck cancer because she abused alcohol and smoking due to her losing her livelihood from pandemic and her mother that got diagnosed with dementia. I have researched so many modalities, if I lose this fight, then I think I will come to the conclusion that most alternative treatments are also a scam (Rife, ozone, HBOT, IVs, infrared, anti-parasiticals), you name it, I learned about it. BTW, I heard nicotine can help glioblastoma, not sure if this is true or not, but if your friend can get a tincture or organic tobacco, it may help? Personally, I snuff tobacco from the Amazon on occassion, this may have helped me in never getting covid or sick these past few years, but then again, maybe it's all the other health modalities I learned and tried? Too many variables.

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What a timely post! I share your sadness, Reinette. Just last week I met an old friend for lunch I hadn't seen in person since before the whole covid mess. We had a great time catching up, then towards the end our conversation came around to the subject of covid 19. She said she had taken all the shots and would keep doing that, plus flu shots, because she hadn't had any flus since starting doing that years before. Even though I told her I didn't trust them and hadn't taken any, nor gotten sick except for getting c 19 very mildly before any shots had come out for it, I did not regale her with any of the statistical evidence that the shots were causing damage. She had already taken so many that I had the thought that the only thing keeping her healthy-ish at this point was her firm belief that she was doing the right thing for her health. If my info caused her to doubt herself, that could do damage in and of itself. So I decided to just love her and not mess with her "placebo effect." It was sad to be sure, but I realized that she was likely unreachable, also that my attempts at reaching might actually push her over an edge I did not want to be responsible for her falling over. I plan to get together with her more often and enjoy her friendship for as long as she lasts. And hope and pray that she might be one of the lucky ones who aren't severely adversely affected. (And drink my pine needle tea and take some extra supplements after every exposure...)

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I agree with you all around. Me and my circle have talked about the power of "believing," and if there are those who are vaxxed who believe they are healthy, well then, don't rock the boat.

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I do not think we have any hope about educating people about what this election is about and on a broader scale what is going on in the world.. I normally do not do this but I attempted to educate a wife and husbband about the issues of CBDC, Pandemic Treaty, and Illegal Alien invasion.. WOW why did I waste my time, they screamed and hollord about issues that mean nothing and had no clue about what I was talking about. I said to myself never again..

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I know... if I bring these and other topics up to those who don't see the dangers I speak of, they scream and yell about women's right to have abortions.

All I can say is, a woman's right to have an abortion isn't going to mean anything if her nation has been invaded and she is dead.

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Exactly but they just do not get it... They repeat what they see on TV and what their friends say, no thinking for yourself anymore. They say things the MSM wants them to say, they give them a word and they run with it, never looking into what it means.. Reproductive Rights=The Right To kill a Baby because you want to fornicate and cover up your mistake..

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Trying to find clean ingredients for cancer, parasites, etc. protocols is extremely hard. Most ingredients have been tampered with by the nefarious (just like our food, water, air, meds, common household products). Look at your ingredients under dark field microscope at 200x magnification. You’re likely to see hydrogel filaments, quantum dots, self assembling nano tech and/or synthetic biology.

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Dr Ed Group's Global Healing products are stellar, and so are Maria Crisler's Abeytu.

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For Pete's sake. Is there anything that has been weaponized??????

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I’m afraid not unless you grow it yourself within a controlled and protected environment (much like the multi million dollar, subterranean, and self-containing compounds that have been built by the elites). Suckerberg’s was completed a year or two ago.

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This is a clean, effective, economical anti-parasitical agent-https://humaworm.com/product/humaworm-parasite-cleanse/

It is broad-spectrummed and even gets H-pylori and C-diff.

One of the main facts to understand about parasites is that they are pleomorphic- they can anlyze any substance being used against them, and within 5-7 days they can change their own DNA and become resistant. (We all know about MRSA- it used to be staph- aureus, but we pummeled it for 40 years and it morphed into MRSA, which is highly resistant to most agents, (but not to ClO2.)

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Protocols include big doses of Vit C, because it detoxes cells, and DMSO which I have learnt about from The Forgotten Side of Medicine substack

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Vit C... it's the best. And I have many friends who swear by DMSO!

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Thank you

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Thank you Reinette, that was fascinating, makes so much sense.

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We’ve been preparing for a long time. Unfortunately, we have few neighbors I feel comfortable reaching out to and we have lost many of the old timers I knew and trusted. Amazingly we also have immediate family as neighbors but they really don’t think anything will happen, so I’ve given up on them and continue to prepare our home and land. The biggest threat I believe is securing our properties. We are prepared to encircle are home with barbed wire carefully intertwined within all our trees and bushes surrounding our home. We can trust our immediate neighbors next to us, but they still haven’t really prepared as we’ve talked about for years. The wife understands more, the husband not. He’s in his eighties. My one brother told my other brother he would just shoot us and take all our stock!! So much for them planning ahead. They don’t associate with any of our neighbors. I have to increase my stock of some items because I am 16 years into this and after a while you feel like the idiot for doing this for so long. It’s not cheap by any means preparing for all this.

I am also going to secure where our generator is with fencing and where the electric and gas connnect to secure it. I do believe we are more on the precipice of this happening now more than ever. My husbands side of the family all took the jabs and are having all kinds of health issues. They’ve called us conspiracy theorists and pretty much ignore anything we’ve ever told them. So be very careful who you tell what you have because when food gets scarce people will get crazy. No one except my two sons really know what we have. So plan with people you believe are trustworthy, but don’t tell them everything. I also take care of my 93 year old mom in her home down the street from us. That will be the real challenge as she is declining quickly. I’ve got to protect that home as well. I have one neighbor next to her I can fully trust and will take her in if necessary. She completely gets everything going on. Pray, pray, pray!!

My youngest son is now four hours away due to his job and that is what concerns me most. The good thing is he recently moved into a more conservative community, and isn’t in the democrat illegal infested city. That is what scares me the most. It will get ugly. We lived through the sixties riots when my grandparents had their home and a small grocery store in what was once a safe part of the city until then. We had to evacuate them from the area and guard their property, as they were burning out many of the stores and homes of wonderful people who always helped their community! Both my dad and them were almost killed several times. The saddest thing is they were attacked by the very people they helped and befriended for years. So I am leery about opening up to others. God bless all of us and keep us safe! It’s hard being so awake and having people you’ve known for years not believe any of it. But I know God gave me discernment to do what I am doing. I’ve had more luck with advising complete strangers when you can see the fear in their eyes.

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You are spot on all around, Joni. We have similar sentiments and understanding of the situation.

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Thank you, Reinette!

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For the unreachables and their would be rescuers,

"with rebellion, awareness is born".

When they have no choice but to rebel, then they will become aware.

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I have to ask about the nicotine patches. It might sound funny to some people, but one of my spiritual advisors, suggested that I look into that because I am having liver issues that are not commensurate with my lifestyle. While, sure, I'm not the most fit or the most careful as other people, I know that my habits have been improving significantly for a large number of years. I'm not vaxxed, I don't do the big pharma illness care, I have use alternative medicine (e.g., acupuncture & herbs, etc.).

But here, I now have the most significant liver issues of ever. It should be the other direction, it should be the best it's been in years. The people whose opinions I trust are suggesting this could be from exposure to the shedding of all the vaxxed people at work. Or even the ongoing efforts of big pharma to reduce/eliminate the "control group" of which I'm proudly a member.

So back to the first sentence. Can anyone point me at guidance related to use of the nicotine patch and other approaches to clearing spike proteins, etc?

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Dr. Ardis's videos describe his research regarding the use of nicotine gum, lozenges, and patches, to heal the venom and the nano-bots that he says are in the vaxxes. He also says that his protocol helps heal long covid type symptoms. Note that so-called "long covid" is believed by many holistic doctors to be actually caused by shedding from vaxxed people. Dr. Ardis's nicotine information page: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I9te2Fi4vaZsg8YpRUtoT3GGmPYN-3Sm/view?pli=1

Also see his videos online.

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Xingyi, both Joel and Chloe are sending you in the right direction. More than likely you are experiencing exposure to shedding or a genetic condition (I say this as a non-medical expert, obviously). I encourage you to test for the Hematomachrosis as well as get yourself going on the nicotine patches.

I wish you well for your recovery!!

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You may have a genetic condition called Hematomachrosis...too much iron in your blood which ends up in the organs especially the liver. Doctors never check for this condition. Simple blood test to check iron level. Periodic phlebotomy is all that is needed to get rid of the iron.

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You know, I've read more than one Mercola article talking about iron accumulation. I finally found an Integrative/Functional Medicine doctor that I'll be seeing in a couple weeks. I am definitely going to bring that up! Thanks.

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ALMOST AL OF US have liver issues! And we all need to detox them. Consider how much our livers have been burdened with! Dr Group says he used to advise a liver detox yearly. Then it became quarterly. Now he says monthly or weekly. And advises that several be done as a series, to start. Detox it the big chief in surviving well. Give up what you know is not good for you and learn what your body is asking for. But start with detoxing your liver - you can't go wrong.

PS he also says 90% of us have parasites. I tend to believe it's 100.

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Another possible explanation to consider... German New Medicine. This is a construct that sees symptomatic disease (with the exception of malnutrition or poisoning) as the healing phase to a conflict. That is almost too simple of a statement to describe it because symptoms can occur during the conflict phase as well. And yet another consideration... Traditional Chinese Medicine views the liver as the organ of anger, with liver stagnation there are implications of stored anger. I don't have nicotine info for you, sorry.

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My partner's daughter (my "bonus daughter") has been studying and applying German New Medicine. It is absolutely fascinating and we have found it spot on! Thank you for suggesting this!

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You might consider doing a liver cleanse and follow that with a few colon-hydrotherapy sessions. The liver dumps into the small intestine, and then into the colon- (lg. intestine), and if your colon has been sluggish, (half the country is constipated), there has been back-up pressure to the liver, causing stagnation in that organ. If you have had a sweet tooth over time, this would contribute to liver overload, also. There are many herbal liver cleanse formulae on line. The Moritz one is very popular and effective.

Liver flukes are not uncommon, (esp. in sushi eaters), and those would be detected during a colonic irrigation. 7 out of 10 people harbor parasites in America.

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hey i'm glad your site finally says where you are! Maine, folks - find lyceum colonics

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Oops! I posted the wrong response here at first! LOL But anyway, I have been constipated during the last several months but I do use Chinese herbs which help that situation greatly. I had never considered the effect on the liver though.

And yeah, I do love sushi and have eaten quite a bit of it. More than one person has suggested that I somehow get checked for parasites.

I have taken Chinese herbs for the liver (things like Xia Yao and other custom formulas) but part of using herbs is to discontinue if they're not addressing the situation and those weren't. A new formula I will be taking next Long Dan Xie Gan Tang is specifically to drain liver fire, etc. One can only take that for a short duration.

It would be good to investigate other liver cleanses too.

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Okay... as a former commercial fisherwoman from Alaska, I speak from experience. I wouldn't touch raw sushi (fish) with a ten-foot pole.

They are FULL of parasites and eggs. The only way you can kill them off is by freezing the raw fish. Of course, sushi restaurants won't do this because they want the sushi as fresh as can be.

When I was commercial fishing in the Bering Sea and went into the processing plants and canneries, I would watch the raw salmon go under heat lamps that would cause the parasites to wiggle out of the fresh meat. Employees were there to pluck them out one by one, but I can guarantee you that there were hundreds more of various sizes, including eggs, that remained.

If you have eaten a lot of raw fish, I am more than confident in telling you that you have parasites!

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Had constipation issues for years. Over the counter laxatives caused pain. Finally I read about golden flax seeds. I turn them into a powder and add them to a banana/ orange juice smoothie. Excellent! Works great and no pain. I use a coffee bean grinder to powder the seeds.

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Per my partner's suggestion, I have golden flax seeds almost every morning. I love them!

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Also, no doctor ever mentioned using flax.

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Why would they do that? That would help!

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Triphala capsules every night. Gentle and effective at regulating colon activity/peristalsis!

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Yolanda, Any particular brand you'd recommend?

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Triphala: Planetary Formulas, dr michael tierra's formulas. That's been the best of all for many years now. i get the 180 tablets of 1000mg

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You can also drink pine needle tea to combat spike proteins shed by the vaxxed. I have a cup or two after any outings where I may have come into contact with vaxxed people. You can find it in commercial tea bags, or make your own with pine needles from your yard if you have them. (Not other kinds of evergreens, just pine trees specifically.) cut them up into maybe quarter inch pieces and boil them in clean potable water for about a half hour. Pour off the tea into a cup and drink it once it cools enough. You'll get the hang of how much to use for the amount of water you add, depending on how strong you like the taste. I find it somewhat pleasant tasting.

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I have heard of this but never tried it. I drink tea every day, so that wouldn't be hard to work into my daily routine. Thanks!

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I'm so glad you are getting such sound advice to pursue, Xingyi. I hope one of these suggestions pays off!

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Xingyi, look deeper. Consider parasite cleanse, (i use mimosa pudica capsules) binders (https://yolandapritamhari.substack.com/p/humic-and-fulvic-acids-what-they?utm_source=publication-search), and ion cleanse foot baths (amajordifference.com/quietmind). Everyone is obsessed with the "spike proteins" when there is so much else going on besides and alongside that. Detox is a multi-pronged process. Liver flukes are real, and problematic. Liver also connects to eyes, which are brain matter hanging on the outside of the skull. Treat your brain - increase microcirculation (i use nitric oxide: https://yolandapritamhari.substack.com/p/the-metabolic-engine ) Liver is also frustration, limitation, and RAGE and don't we all have RAGE against the machine? Don't we all feel limited by their tyranny?

Hope this helps expand your perspective and self-care!

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Damn, "eyes, which are brain matter hanging on the outside of the skull." I will never see eyes the same again!

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i know- right?

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Thank you for the link, definitely will read, very interesting!

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Have you done a parasite cleanse?

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who, me? yes! it took a year and a half - and it happened due to curiosity about mimosa pudica and from the first capsule i was "in trouble"! It took binders, colonics, saunas, ion cleanses, and time to settle my insides down! Want to know more?

Here ya go: https://yolandapritamhari.substack.com/p/reduce-and-eliminate-parasites?utm_source=publication-search

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For anyone interested, the full length video (4hours) with Dr. Jack Kruse and Danny Jones is incredible. I highly recommend it.

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