Spot on! 'Gruesome' Newsome is just as traitorous a WEFFING criminal as 'BENEDICT' BIDEN!

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Until I saw your "Spot on" comment that was going to be mine! :) You are so right!

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Your both spot on but I dont think he can be president but I dont think they will have any election anyway so they may try some maneuver like this under emergency declaration, But under such a declaration the Military and FEMA are the gov. anyway no need for any CEO of a deceased corporation.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 30, 2023
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No doubt true , but will we/they fight , should have happened long ago, now all the real weapons have been sent to Ukraine and Israel , Nat. Guard Armories empty , obviously planned . 'they" wont be at their addresses their being traitors is how they earn their bunker pass.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 1, 2023
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LOL thats a good one but you got to get real close or find the air intakes , built lots of them

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yep, I long thought the same, only my scenario was a variation of the Gerald Ford maneuver. Once they bump Biden, Kamala steps up as Figurehead in Chief and then Newsom steps in as her Dick Cheney, snarling like the mf he is.

Although actually come elections, a far more formidable ticket would be Michelle as Figurehead in Chief and Newsom as her Dick Cheney. Reason being, Michelle is wildly popular with the Democrats, and heaven forbid they put another white man in the top spot. At some point they're going to be called on the carpet to walk their woke talk.

Having Barry in the House again coupled with a trendy trans coming-out for "Michael" will probably enhance the selling points for an Obama to once again grace the Democrat's dance card.

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🙀unfortunately this is logical

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I always thought it was going to be the Nixon switch scheme, as Reinette stated. After reading your comment, I believe you are correct. Before any election, Newsom would becoming the VP. This may help to protect him, if and when the house of cards comes down.

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A lot of people were expecting/predicting that Michael Obama would run in the 2020 elections. But there were a few other people who argued that there was something that disqualified her/him. I can't remember the details now because I didn't really understand it at the time. Did anyone else encounter this who can confirm it or not?

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I believe he/she was disbarred,

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She was disbarred , not sure that would disqualify her her/his entire past is scrubbed as was Barry s the tranny thing is too widely known, she wont be selected. Everything about BARRY S history was fake and he was/IS CIA , as were parents from the start , and millions still fell for the psyop.

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Not sure, but don't think being a disbarred atty is a legal impediment to running for the office

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Actually I believe he/she was disbarred for a crime, so yes it would disqualify him/her. Imagine the shock when the general public finds out it is a tranny, Obama is gay and they rented those kids..rather deceptive I would say. The hard left might think that’s grand but your regular Democrat will NOT be amused.They are going toward either RFK Jr or Trump.I was a Democrat and Progressive but NO MORE. This insanity has gone quite far enough.

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Remember when Kamala Harris awkwardly attempted to explain AI, Artificial Intelligence? With Kamala Harris, AI stands for Articulative Inelegance

PS - Word salad is meant to be tossed

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I would say more likely ACTIVELY INSANE

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God I hope you're wrong Reinette!

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I voted for YOU for Governor, Reinette. You’d be a helluva great one!

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Me too! But I’ll never vote again.

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A brilliant and important post. I wasn’t aware that Kamala was articulate in past lives. Thanks for calling this out. Your assessment, unfortunately, makes total sense. God help us.

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I had no idea that she was articulate in past lives either. Definitely suspicious considering how she acts now.

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She wasn't "articulate" as US Senator.

I was on her Senate e-mail list, just to see what the newly selected Calif. delegate to Congress was about. She constantly mangled her DemonState-issued talking points, which wandered in the vicinity of what became clear for all to see as a bankrupt non-progressive-ism designed to lull inattentive Demo voters (is there any other kind?...oh, that's right: Repubs are just as stoooopid in this regard) into believing somebody is 'fighting for' the fill-in-the-blank, cookie-cutter hyped issue of the day. When she announced her prezzie candidacy, I unsubscribed. I'd heard enough.

Maybe it's true that she was less of a salad tosser (lol) before winning zero delegates in the 2020 prezzie primaries, but, from my perspective, not by much.

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I'm not sure if that was her or her staff. She most likely was unaware of what they were even writing. BUT the fact that the staff was so dense is a reflection of Harris.

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I agree with your premise that her presentation is being deliberately managed. Maybe that's what was really turning me off about her time as Senator--no original thought was evident, just regurgitation.

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Makes sense to me. There is also the attempt to show our 'officials' as so inept and idiotic, so fully disconnected from the people they are supposed to represent, that citizens lose all faith in their governments (we're there!) which will make them more amenable to global leadership solutions. A long game.

What they don't want - and I'm convinced will happen (their antics aside) is citizens will reorient into their far more fundamental identities as the Sovereign Beings they are, and decide they do not require this model of governance at all.


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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023


California Globe has some great articles about Newsom. Kind of wish I had X for this purpose.

This is what Dr Jason Dean and others have talked about for a while. Newsom doesn't need 1 vote, he will be put there. Very troubling.

Article 1 Section 10 was mentioned in the documentary Unsustainable where the iclei.org information is explained too. https://youtu.be/cfAoID5EVp4?si=FSZnjh_oFtiTVWrH Here is one short part of it that is on YouTube. The whole documentary is on bitchute. City counsels could be guilty. Could this be used against Newsom?

Hope you will cover the Flannery land purchase in Solano County. We will need help trying to stop their crazy city idea which we know will be a smart city. I am looking into the whole un agenda from the constitution side to use. We are up against millionaires from Silicon Valley etc. Very troubling.

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I just can't imagine having Newsome or even DeSantis as President they are both schooled by the WEF (world economic forum)..anyone coming from there are definitely taught and brainwashed for the one world government agendas etc..

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023

Thanks for posting on this. I've always thought that Kamala was deliberately acting and scripted to portray herself as dumb. All of these people have speech writers, so there's simply no other explanation for this (in my opinion). When she was a Senator and during the debate with Joe, she was completely able to put sentences together and never appeared low IQ. And I recall Steve Hilton from Faux News once saying that he met her in person and she's intelligent and articulate. I just assumed that this was part of the cover story for the deliberate destruction of America. So instead of people realizing that there was a deliberate plot to destroy America (by the people behind the scenes who actually make the decisions), the American people would simply think "oh, well, that's what happens when you have a senile President and a dumb VP. " I never thought about how this could be used to get Gavin Newsom in there, but it makes sense to me.

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Her phonation changed too

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Just like Trump, when you look at videos of him speaking as a younger man and compare him to his later and current persona.

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Aloha Reinette, Hawaii is a puppet for the US Demochronic Party.

Hawaii voted for the Clintons, Obamas, Biden, Hawaii’s State Government is the surrogate “parent”for Hawaii’s sheeple. The sheeple voted in Joshua “soylent” Green, MD, (Allopath) as the new Governor of Hawaii. His campaign was funded by the Pharma Cartel. Of course, Pharma loves Allopaths.

Info from Lantern Cove, where the ocean is always calm, cool, and creative.

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I think the answer to your question "What happened to Kamala?" is more sinister than many think.


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Thanks, Kyle, I will check this out! There's ALWAYS more to the story.

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Super interesting. Thanks for sharing. I don't understand some of the medical technical things, but enough to get the overall idea. Saved to go back to. It falls in line with Sabrina Wallace and Dr Robert Young and so many others that have been trying to warn about this. I think Dr Buttar was targeted too. I learned about targeted individuals years ago, but they couldn't fully explain it back then. But I also believe there is a solution to everything and we must never give up. I also believe in sending out high vibrations and Dr Joe Dispenza always comes in my thoughts about how I am living in my reality right now. Peace and happy vibrations!!

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Dr. Buttar, Dr. Kary Mullis (won a nobel prize for inventing the PCR test), Karen Kingston, a long list of naturaopathic doctors and so many others.

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He invented PCR but not the test.

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You must be referring to the German Christian Drosten. He did not invent the PCR testing process. All he did was publish a workflow of how to use PCR to 'diagnose' for covid. Of course it was accepted by the corrupt WHO which sent kits to affected areas. Drosten was given all credit. Nothing was said about Mullis because he had conveniently died under questionable circumstance in August of 2019, just months before covid became a thing.

They didn't want to mention Mullis because he was an outspoken critic of using PCR to test for disease. Mullis said multiple times in multiple interviews that PCR cannot be used to test for viruses. As we all now know, it was, and that phony test led to the covid "pandemic" of "positive cases". If Mullis had been alive through all of that he would have been rightly screaming murder.

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There is also Dr. Nowak who died shortly after posting a video about Graphine Oxide. In this 12/21 video his wife mentions that he had talked about some form of technolgy. https://bluecat.media/dr-andreas-noack-death-update-from-anna-cause-of-death-heart-attack-due-to-tricuspid-heart-valve-failure/

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Are you familiar with Ramola D? I haven't kept up with her, but was just searching about Katherine Horton and she came up too. I had forgotten about both, but saw Dr Horton mentioned under a Sabrina Wallace video. Ramola has interviewed some of the most interesting unusual people and lots about this technology.

https://everydayconcerned.net/ Here is her website. She is on bitchute, Rumble as YouTube took her off about 3 years ago. However, she hasn't done anything for months now, but I will be watching a bunch. Sad that so many that come forward gets killed. The man that was going to expose the flu vaccine, the woman that used to work for Merck that was informing about vaccines, the list is sadly very long. Wish hundreds would come forward almost at the same time and expose things as they are less of a target. And we show that we support them at the same time. I have followed a chiropractor for almost 4 years out of Florida. He was touring with Clay Clark, but a few months ago told to not present on stage a few days before. He had been talking about nanotechnology as he educates people about parasites and heavy metal build up in our bodies. He had added the nanotechnology and was working with companies on even better protocols to get things out again. He was also attacked by media matters for some older things he had talked about. It was not Clay that asked him, but supposedly some people from the Trump group. He has never fully disclosed everything, but. It has made him want to expose it even more on his own show. Sabrina has acknowledged him too in her show. I heard about all this years ago, but didn't want to believe they would really take it this far. We must keep speaking the truth and facts every day. Thanks for you informative, I will look more into it..

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I've followed Ramola in the past.

There are likely many others we will never hear about.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

I came to the realization that if it wasn’t real, then why did the government authorize payment to gov officials for havana synd? There is also a separate case that was litigated and won for that syndrome about a year ago or so via a private law firm.

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Do you have a link to that case?

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

Hi Kyle, I don’t have the link, but if you research havana syndrome and Mark Lee, you may find it. It was a special case. The guy was a diplomat, and I think an engineer?

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What is going on in the world is horrifying. I'm generally not one to be fearful, but what is going on scares the crap out of me.

I am in PT and when I went to my appointment at the hospital two days ago all the workers were in masks. One of them has worn an N95 since I started PT in June. I told my PT if they start making patients wear them, i won't be back. I could tell she understood although she couldn't say so. When I went to a naturopath's website she referred me to, it stated all patients must wear masks. UGH.

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I've already decided that if my chiropratic's office decides to go back to masking, I am going to say I'll suspend my treatment and visits until they stop.

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Show them all the masks are infected with graphene and nano tech and start a riot there among the employees.

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First. Iove your Fight! You go girl!!

Second,Newsom is a has been, and he just hasn't figured it out yet. Sure the Deep State traitors might try to install him, but the House of Representatives with Republicans will NEVER approve him. SO Newsolini aka Newsom Gruesome will never be President. He is a traitor and my guess he has no proper oath of office so he has committed fraud by acting as the Governor. AND all those horrible laws he signed into law are illegal and null in void. My guess his days are numbered.

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We can't trust government to do this. This is where we the people have a duty to do it. This is why we all need to really learn the constitution and hold government accountable. I am studying a lot about this as this can be used locally down to a , city council, mayor etc. The problem I see is most don't believe this is possible so people don't want to even try. But if millions in this state started taking actions using the constitution all around the same time about the same thing, it sends a very clear message and as Reinette has said elected officials start to listen. I am not talking protesting, calling, emailing, I am talking declarations, affidavits etc and using that approach. I am in a group where that is part of our point to get out to other counties as the freedom movement is so scattered in this state. But people have to be willing to keep up and move to the next step that have to be done, but many won't do that and then sees it as it doesn't work. That's the problem you have to follow up and can take time and lots of work. The founders were a very small hardworking group of men and women and they did it. We can too.

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Are you savvy re. cases in which “no proper oath of office” challenges have successfully deposed politicians?

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No but I know people who are.

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I would love to see some lists of this actually working , please send or show if you have .

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dont have a list, but I know people who are much more knowledgeable.

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Sure hope so , but all the same could have been said for Biden or CIA Obamination. They can rig it any way they want and so far the people have not stopped anything no matter HOW FLAGRANT and Disgusting.

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Oh dont get me started on this phony word salad wokeist communist, this is designed to be meaningless wordspeak, so she is always being disguised , and the people lose SELF RESPECT by seeing how ridiculous and dangerous the entire fraudulent administration is, and they feel powerless to do anything about it in a rigged system.. She was chosen because of her husbands role in the major law firm handling CCP/CHINESE patents and is a front for their money investments and encroachment into America. Its all a scam front for 4th and 5th generation CCP/CHINESE takeover without firing a shot. This is the critical foundation of the Rockefeller , Kissinger , Black nobility family agenda. The entire WOKE ISM is just Maoist communism rebranded and strategically engineered for American destruction from within . Soros has openly bragged about this, that is why she had to be a half person of color . But one whose family did own and traffic in SLAVES , same as Biden 's

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I had forgotten about her husband. Thank you for the reminder. Kissinger is such a globalist it's pathetic if people can't see that. Him along with Gates are always involved somehow, somewhere.

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I heard today Gates is being charged with raping a minor..

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