Deep State & Washington cockroaches panicking - Is the MK-Ultra program coming to an end? Is the Kennedy HHS nomination the final signal? Let's seal this fate. Get on your phone. Call now.
"I have concerns about Trump—particularly his stance on the State of Israel and his cozy relationship with Big Tech—but he gets an A+ for cleaning house and exposing the rats"
Well stated Reinette, my position exactly! Trump is not the Messiah but he's as close as we can get at this time. I've sent requests to both of my state's senators to vote for RFK Jr, thanks for the reminder about tomorrow's deadline
I'd say 10 huge data centers for mrna cancer vaccines at the cost of 5 billion dollars developed in cahoots with Ellison, Son and Altman - I'd say that's a lot of wave making. Going off the rails? They built the track. They'll be fine.
They are all rats. Including Donald Trump. (I don't know any of them personally, so what I mean is that they are all political rats, on the same ship that should be sunk but keeps on sailing).
Real change? Change that matters, except to the people who will profit big? It will never happen. Not from the top down.
The approval hearings for Kennedy are not even a joke. They are an insulting dog and pony show indicative of the obfuscating at best, lying at worst, that is Washington DC.
Including, Bobby Kennedy at this point. (I have my own theory about his inexplicable turn arounds since 2023. I wish he'd stayed with CHD.)
Mr. Warp Speed and BFF of Israel govt has still not conceded anything about the death and destruction of cvid "vaccines". Nothing. I know people who died, and who were and are injured. And Kennedy just lauded Operation Warp Speed in his hearings.
I feel like I am Alice in Wonderland. But at this point, it is OK. I can see clearly now, the geo-engineered rain is gone.
Again, I have concerns about Trump—particularly his stance on the State of Israel and his cozy relationship with Big Tech—but he gets an A+ for cleaning house and exposing the rats.
"Going in for the kill" has to be the most black irony refashioniing of the current moment in time ever dropped. "Going in to the kill zone" would be the correct way of presenting the situation. Did you think the 'exposed rats' are scripted to 'run away' now? Exposure has more meanings than apparently your tired minds can acoomodate.
As always bravissima Reinetta! (Reine=queen in frenche or reinette little queen) One forgets too easily the truth about MK-Ultra, the mind control we have been subject too since more than 1/2 century. Clinton's excuses made no difference because it continued till today with 5G and of course TV programs, the film industry and let's not forget the Universities like Harvard, Yale, Oxford and well it seems most of them...DEI has thrived in these places and unmistakably influences millions of people and accentuated their state of mind slavery. Many may dislike Trump but the truth is that he is going against all this deep state manipulation to stop and help bring freedom, if we choose to know this life-time! Many politician in the Congress (Senate and House) will fight this because that is how they have made their money, here in the USA, in Europe, in Asia...oh yes world-wide. Maybe our human race will want to wake up, or again and again fall back, and repeat the old scenario at home and in the schools where only a small mirror image reflects our society to fear-based actions and speech disabled moves...sometimes there's but prayer or a meditation, standing on one's head in a yoga class to catch the glitch of consciousness that make us people move, stand on your head or hang upside down anything to wake up, NOW & and blame others first,,,!
TODAY it is a well-known and easily demonstrable fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not read, evaluate or debate any of the particulars of the Legislation they vote on.
They cannot read or debate the issues because, on average, NINE THOUSAND new bills are introduced each year at a rate of fifty-five per day and each Bill can approach 2000 pages of content or more.
Since no one can evaluate ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND pages of Law Speak per day, the elected representative is forced to vote “as per the suggestion of staff”.
Our Constitutions call for ‘representative government of the people, by the people and for the people’. They do not call for ‘government by staff recommendation’.
In order to remedy the UNCONSTITUTIONAL WORKING OF THE GOVERNMENT, it is time to use the available technology of computers for the distribution of the text, and artificial intelligence (AI) for the aggregation of the decisions of up to FIFTY THOUSAND interested, responsible and qualified Citizens per Congressional district, herein referred to as AMPLIFIED VOTERS (AV) to give The People and all of Humanity the opportunity to solve their Governmental problems.
A Constitutional Amendment to Accommodate at Least 10 Thousand Citizen Representatives per Congressional District Who Will Actually Read and Evaluate the Existing and Proposed Laws for the Purpose of Ratification or Annulment of Each and Every Line of Law and the Accompanying Enabling Legislation for the Purpose of Perfecting The Law for and in Behalf of The Citizens of the Country.
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The horrifying senators, Larry Ellison, Sam Altman, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
The iphone/androidphone are military weapons used against the people. Frequency targeting of peoples minds is the number one agenda to keep them under control of the deepstate plan for complete control. It's best to switch to a flip phone. I know someone who told me that when they turn on their iphone they can actually sense a heaviness come over their entire being. Pull your heads out from those things before the frequencies burry you in the ground.
Correct. Motorola Corp (of Israel) was among the first "innovators" of cellular phone design. These engineering teams knew damn well that cellular broadcast signals were hypnotic as well as addictive. This information has been available for over thirty years. Fools continue to rush in...
Remember when those first cheap cell phones came out and they would heat up while you were talking on them seeming to burn a hole in the side of your head? Those were the microwave frequencies from the towers going into your brain. They got that fixed so you aren't alarmed anymore, it's more sinister now. are ruining the "Kennedy aura" that this Kennedy is riding on. Now hurry up and delete your comment before you make people distraught. You are ruining it, alright? Let us pretend, alright?
Let’s just come to grips with that none of our stars and heros - and that goes from Hollywood tabloids to politics - comes to fame and is in your public sphere, u n l e s s useful and scripted by parasitic minds to perform some minddusting on the general population. It is called AGENDA. Learn that:
Heros and Stars on the cat-walk are FAKE always, and the only hero you can rely on is your own logic and scrutiny, guided by unrelenting questioning of NARRATIVES that play on your ungarded E m o t i o n s. Freebies and Feelies belong to a Sucker paradigm called Mind Control. The uncompromised will not make it past the gate-keeper’s sluice gates just like fish don’t run upstream behind the dam. Anything built on corrupt foundations will be corrupt also - with a new clearcoat. YOU are your own hero
Please stop it.......please. As I lay here under my bed in a fetal position I cannot take, OR PROCESS any such "foolish talk." They ARE heroes. They have to be. Because if they are not then my whole EVERYTHING is pointless. I built my whole lifelong reality around what you claim is fake. Its not. Its got me under my bed in a fetal position, ON MEDS, and ONLY REAL STUFF CAN DO THAT.
That's my feeling also. I think he was permitted to speak out against vaccines, he was permitted to talk about corruption and write a book about Fauci.
But when push came to shove, he was never going to get near the White House. No Kennedy's allowed.
I think he got the visit. It is the only explanation, to my mind, for his comments on the Palestinians, and his alliance with Netanyahu and the govt of Israel.
And now his comments at the hearings. Wow.
Really, at this point, I believe what Catherine Austin Fitts posits - many people go to Washington DC with honorable intentions and a wish to do good. But they have to compromise. It goes with the territory. And once you compromise, and I'm talking legally - quid pro quo - the 'control file' starts and you are owned.
Not to mention the people that go to DC with NOT so good intentions.
I'd like to think I'm a hero and there is a hill I'd die on, but if my family was threatened I'm not sure I'd be so willing.
At the start of compromise and corruption it might involve money and power, in the end I think it comes down to threats. Serious ones.
I think the enormity of what we don't know is staggering.
I did write to the Senator (unfortunately) representing WA state where I live concerning my support for RFK Jr. This is her response:
Thank you for contacting me regarding President Donald Trump’s nominees for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). I appreciate hearing from you on this important matter.
I consider the responsibility to evaluate and vote on presidential Cabinet nominees to be one of my most important duties as a United States senator. I evaluate each individual and examine their record to ensure they meet my long-held standards regarding their ethics, honesty, and substantive experience. Whether in committee or on the Senate floor, I ask tough questions about how each nominee plans to move our country forward, to make it more just and inclusive, and to fight for the middle class and working families.
With regard to President Trump’s selection of Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr. to be Secretary of HHS, I have serious concerns about his record and his capability to take on a key leadership position. HHS is one of the largest departments in the executive branch, which makes the Secretary of HHS a crucial role. This position includes overseeing our nation’s public health agencies, regulation of food and drugs, health care coverage and affordability, biomedical research and innovation, and so many more important agencies that affect the lives of all Americans. It is my utmost priority to ensure that access to evidence-based health care remains at the forefront.
RFK Jr.’s views are particularly worrisome to me when it comes to things like vaccines. We need a leader who will uphold the centuries-long scientific research and maintain access, rather than undermining safety and efficacy. This is especially important for children, who are vulnerable and susceptible to many of these life-threatening illnesses and need immunizations to protect against them. I do not believe it is too much to ask that the HHS Secretary believes not only in access to safe and healthy food, but also that vaccines are safe and effective. I strongly oppose his nomination and I laid out much of my thinking in a floor speech you can watch or read here .
I also have serious concerns about President Trump’s other nominees for HHS leadership positions due to their lack of qualifications and their extreme views on reproductive rights, which are not aligned with the American people. While the president has a right to nominate candidates of his choice, the Senate is not meant to be a rubber stamp. I will be exercising my duty as a senator to question all nominees about their qualifications and their on-the-record opinions that I believe to be dangerous.
It is important to me that people like you throughout Washington state and across the country are making your voices heard, and I will keep your views in mind when making my final decision on each individual HHS nominee and whether they represent the values of Washington state. Please don’t hesitate to reach out again to express your views on any issue, or if I may be of assistance.
Patty Murray
United States Senator
FYI her main financial supporters are Microsoft and Big Pharma
Patty Murray is a typical modern 'Senator' elected via PAC committee contributions, stock market options on insider trade deals, and financial arrangements via pharma/mafia thugs.
Washington, DC: Where the sewage goes in, and water pours out...
I have concerns about Bobby, but I have concerns about all of them. One thing I can say about Bobby is he has a pretty damn decent track record for defending the environment and American's health.
He had to resign CHD when he announced his candidacy so that there would be no conflict of interest.
Kennedy has done a yeoman's job at exposing vaccine injury, along with others at CHD. I sooooooo wish he'd stayed on there. That's where his influence was most felt and needed.
Now, I'm afraid, he's a DC cog in the wheel. I'm more sad than angry, because there has got to be a reason behind it, and I don't think it's "the long game".
But I am grateful to him and CHD for everything I have learned since 2020.
Maybe he'll do fine at HHS, but how powerful and uplifting it would have been if he spoke at the hearings the way he spoke on CHD. If he brought his Fauci book with him and read a few facts. THAT'S truth to power.
treehuggers...sleeping in their MoneyTrees You BrainTrained Idiots FUND.......all BiGBuCkeR$ your 501c3 tax free ....BigBucks.........oh ShuddUp and PAY!!! FOOL!!!!!
"Environmental activist" .. another term for just another slobbering most own 'FishFarms' and spend millions of babbling on and on about NOTHING......solving ZERO!!! But have hands out for "freeCash' form mindless idiots...these guys are USELESS feeders suck off the "Global warming" Bullshit!!!!!!!
Thanks for the prompt - I've emailed my senators and please pass on the guilt! We should enjoy progress where it happens and make out voices heard. And then, yeah, have some popcorn!
I truly dont see the panic anyone is CLAIMING, what is happening now in most ways and situations Was planned before the previous chapter. Yes info is getting out , yes some more waking up, but the plans and AGENDAS are way ahead of that. As example, this so called roundup was the planned REACTION SWING to the last administration opening the floodgates for enormous numbers of very bad people . Its still problem, reaction , solution, moving American to except military and all forms of law enforcement NOW engaged in a sweep that was supposed to be ICE only. This will lead to civil war and battle everywhere , while full scale war is now turned on the border in cartel wars, which will not be as easy as everyone thinks. While Trump openly admits the Gaza genocide is to eliminate these civilians for Kushner family real estate empire building, while they march toward the real target IRAN. The liar even dared to say "thats their war not ours" as if that terrorist nation would even exist or have that military without American support for 75 plus years .The poisoning of food chain and ecosystem and engineered food famine have not stopped or slowed . Check out how much poultry has been slaughtered globally in recently. Who will do this kill you speak of ?
We could start by "not paying attention." In quantum physics "observation" is the keystone. They make us pay attention, we emotionally react, and they solve it to our detriment. If we stop listening, looking, acting and caring then their power and control would naturally subside. But we don't, as a people we "love the bullshit," we thrive off of it. We "need" it. Media revenue to corporations annually evidences this fact.
Yes, i try not to read Reinettes posts lol, but you know! I also meditate and make clear intentions for my day, before I turn the wifi and ipad, phone back on!
Enormous question, if I had the complete answer, I would be much more important than I am. Im often asked "dont you believe WE WIN IN THE END? My answer begins as follows . Who is WE ? . What does WIN look like to you? and WHEN IS THE END? Here are some ideas and suggestions. 1. Continue our best efforts, in the information war, but be far more aggressive, and broaden it, and do not allow these liars and controlled opposition kind or polite disagreement anymore .Expose them , make demands , and for once MEAN IT. Stop paying all taxes , permits , and licenses, they are ALL CONTRACTS that enslave people to the state power. Total and complete 2 week general STRIKE , shut down the country without violence. Stay out of the way of this "roundup" that is simply an excuse for cartel wars and martial law here and getting everyone used to full MILITARY TROOPS and all forms of law enforcement in the streets shaking down everyone. This will also be use to force digital ID s , enhanced drivers licenses ect. Leave all urban and high density areas and join with the like minded on prepared rural areas with the goal of sustainability up to 5 years. Dont waste time or money anymore on those who insist on being "normies" and believe supporting yet another batch of corrupted controlled opposition will change ANYTHING. We MUST somehow encourage or create a rebellion within the military to go AGAINST the globalist agendas, otherwise our only real hope is that the divine being of NATURE will pull the plug on these games that are wars against all life. That though ALSO puts all of us in real survival mode. This has occurred many times before. Eliminate cell phones, smart meters , and 5g in your lives , or this tech will win. It CAN be done , I have lived off grid without all that , self sufficiently ,my entire adult life. Keep trying with Sheriffs who may come around , and do their Constitutional job, we need that. The next thing will be controversial but it always happens , when everything collapses, eliminate the evil closest to doing you harm , its a creator given primordial right. Resist , do not comply with anything, NEVER GIVE UP ANY SELF DEFENSE TOOLS,take care of each other, protect the women and children at all costs
There are no eggs and soon will be no poultry or other meat because THEY ARE DESTROYING all the animals for engineered food famine , which I have said from day one will be the last way to force EVERYONE INTO DIGITAL GULAG AND DEATH SHOTS Trump now pushing the next operation warp speed events which is to take over the entire world and wage war on countless places.
Bingo....Head of the class for you. He is oozing with "something vile," that is as yet undetermined. Just the scent of it, the essence, the "possibilities" is enough for me. He said, "I'm with vaccinations."
I meant more the Senators grilling Bobby. I believe if Bobby came full out and said I'm opposed to vaccinations rather than saying I'm want to see the REAL science, then he wouldn't have a chance of becoming the HHS Secretary. Now, personally, I will never, ever take another vaccination, BUT if others want them and they HAVE been proven safe, then that is their choice. I'm for medical freedom and not pushing personal beliefs onto anyone.
Reneitte. He not only said he wants the real science.
He out and out suggested following the cdc guildelines for vaccinations.
He out and out praised Operation Warp Speed.
No one supported Bobby Kennedy more than me. I watched every interview until Jimmy Dore. I did not put him on a pedastal, but boy, I learned a lot. And I think he has a lot of courage.
But, come on. This is Alice in Wonderland. What the hell is he talking about??
He should be reading from his book.
This playing the game to get into position is just abhorrant to me. If, in fact, that's what he's doing. Which I doubt.
There are very dark forces out there that control things. And I think he's being controlled. I hope I'm wrong, more for him than for us. But that's what I think.
Every one of the last 6 senators you listed under 'update'... their greeting was garbled beyond understanding. It's not my phone, it's their comms. In fact, Senator Murphy's voice mail was completely full and I wasn't able yo leave a message... at 8:45 pm EST.
"I have concerns about Trump—particularly his stance on the State of Israel and his cozy relationship with Big Tech—but he gets an A+ for cleaning house and exposing the rats"
Well stated Reinette, my position exactly! Trump is not the Messiah but he's as close as we can get at this time. I've sent requests to both of my state's senators to vote for RFK Jr, thanks for the reminder about tomorrow's deadline
Yes, we definitely should be concerned... support T where he is making real change, make waves when he is going off the rails.
I'd say 10 huge data centers for mrna cancer vaccines at the cost of 5 billion dollars developed in cahoots with Ellison, Son and Altman - I'd say that's a lot of wave making. Going off the rails? They built the track. They'll be fine.
They are all rats. Including Donald Trump. (I don't know any of them personally, so what I mean is that they are all political rats, on the same ship that should be sunk but keeps on sailing).
Real change? Change that matters, except to the people who will profit big? It will never happen. Not from the top down.
The approval hearings for Kennedy are not even a joke. They are an insulting dog and pony show indicative of the obfuscating at best, lying at worst, that is Washington DC.
Including, Bobby Kennedy at this point. (I have my own theory about his inexplicable turn arounds since 2023. I wish he'd stayed with CHD.)
Mr. Warp Speed and BFF of Israel govt has still not conceded anything about the death and destruction of cvid "vaccines". Nothing. I know people who died, and who were and are injured. And Kennedy just lauded Operation Warp Speed in his hearings.
I feel like I am Alice in Wonderland. But at this point, it is OK. I can see clearly now, the geo-engineered rain is gone.
Again, I have concerns about Trump—particularly his stance on the State of Israel and his cozy relationship with Big Tech—but he gets an A+ for cleaning house and exposing the rats.
"Going in for the kill" has to be the most black irony refashioniing of the current moment in time ever dropped. "Going in to the kill zone" would be the correct way of presenting the situation. Did you think the 'exposed rats' are scripted to 'run away' now? Exposure has more meanings than apparently your tired minds can acoomodate.
Like yr last para! Lots of scripts playing out! Guess we will see in time :)
As always bravissima Reinetta! (Reine=queen in frenche or reinette little queen) One forgets too easily the truth about MK-Ultra, the mind control we have been subject too since more than 1/2 century. Clinton's excuses made no difference because it continued till today with 5G and of course TV programs, the film industry and let's not forget the Universities like Harvard, Yale, Oxford and well it seems most of them...DEI has thrived in these places and unmistakably influences millions of people and accentuated their state of mind slavery. Many may dislike Trump but the truth is that he is going against all this deep state manipulation to stop and help bring freedom, if we choose to know this life-time! Many politician in the Congress (Senate and House) will fight this because that is how they have made their money, here in the USA, in Europe, in Asia...oh yes world-wide. Maybe our human race will want to wake up, or again and again fall back, and repeat the old scenario at home and in the schools where only a small mirror image reflects our society to fear-based actions and speech disabled moves...sometimes there's but prayer or a meditation, standing on one's head in a yoga class to catch the glitch of consciousness that make us people move, stand on your head or hang upside down anything to wake up, NOW & and blame others first,,,!
I'm praying we don't fall back into passiveness. We have to hold all of our leaders' feet to the fire!
Reinette Kennedy is just another Clown like Al Gore....
\the ONLY way to get the USA Back to the way it was to start killing Jews....The Filthy Jews have been KICKED OUT of HUNDREDS of Countries as Bobby Ficher states on Public TV and Radio>>>
TODAY it is a well-known and easily demonstrable fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not read, evaluate or debate any of the particulars of the Legislation they vote on.
They cannot read or debate the issues because, on average, NINE THOUSAND new bills are introduced each year at a rate of fifty-five per day and each Bill can approach 2000 pages of content or more.
Since no one can evaluate ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND pages of Law Speak per day, the elected representative is forced to vote “as per the suggestion of staff”.
Our Constitutions call for ‘representative government of the people, by the people and for the people’. They do not call for ‘government by staff recommendation’.
In order to remedy the UNCONSTITUTIONAL WORKING OF THE GOVERNMENT, it is time to use the available technology of computers for the distribution of the text, and artificial intelligence (AI) for the aggregation of the decisions of up to FIFTY THOUSAND interested, responsible and qualified Citizens per Congressional district, herein referred to as AMPLIFIED VOTERS (AV) to give The People and all of Humanity the opportunity to solve their Governmental problems.
A Constitutional Amendment to Accommodate at Least 10 Thousand Citizen Representatives per Congressional District Who Will Actually Read and Evaluate the Existing and Proposed Laws for the Purpose of Ratification or Annulment of Each and Every Line of Law and the Accompanying Enabling Legislation for the Purpose of Perfecting The Law for and in Behalf of The Citizens of the Country.
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The horrifying senators, Larry Ellison, Sam Altman, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do!
I'm gonna hoist you up on my shoulders. I want you to yell loud. :)
The iphone/androidphone are military weapons used against the people. Frequency targeting of peoples minds is the number one agenda to keep them under control of the deepstate plan for complete control. It's best to switch to a flip phone. I know someone who told me that when they turn on their iphone they can actually sense a heaviness come over their entire being. Pull your heads out from those things before the frequencies burry you in the ground.
Correct. Motorola Corp (of Israel) was among the first "innovators" of cellular phone design. These engineering teams knew damn well that cellular broadcast signals were hypnotic as well as addictive. This information has been available for over thirty years. Fools continue to rush in...
Remember when those first cheap cell phones came out and they would heat up while you were talking on them seeming to burn a hole in the side of your head? Those were the microwave frequencies from the towers going into your brain. They got that fixed so you aren't alarmed anymore, it's more sinister now.
The RFK cats are out of the bag:
- Warpspeed was the greatest accomplishment….
- MY full support for the childhood vaccine schedule…
From his own lips.
It’s a full sellout. You get to switch fruit loops. MAHA. are ruining the "Kennedy aura" that this Kennedy is riding on. Now hurry up and delete your comment before you make people distraught. You are ruining it, alright? Let us pretend, alright?
Let’s just come to grips with that none of our stars and heros - and that goes from Hollywood tabloids to politics - comes to fame and is in your public sphere, u n l e s s useful and scripted by parasitic minds to perform some minddusting on the general population. It is called AGENDA. Learn that:
Heros and Stars on the cat-walk are FAKE always, and the only hero you can rely on is your own logic and scrutiny, guided by unrelenting questioning of NARRATIVES that play on your ungarded E m o t i o n s. Freebies and Feelies belong to a Sucker paradigm called Mind Control. The uncompromised will not make it past the gate-keeper’s sluice gates just like fish don’t run upstream behind the dam. Anything built on corrupt foundations will be corrupt also - with a new clearcoat. YOU are your own hero
Please stop it.......please. As I lay here under my bed in a fetal position I cannot take, OR PROCESS any such "foolish talk." They ARE heroes. They have to be. Because if they are not then my whole EVERYTHING is pointless. I built my whole lifelong reality around what you claim is fake. Its not. Its got me under my bed in a fetal position, ON MEDS, and ONLY REAL STUFF CAN DO THAT.
Don't take away me Lucky Charms, tho.
Perhaps he doesnt want to make #3 Kennedy dead, the obvious ones at least. (E.g. young John)
That's my feeling also. I think he was permitted to speak out against vaccines, he was permitted to talk about corruption and write a book about Fauci.
But when push came to shove, he was never going to get near the White House. No Kennedy's allowed.
I think he got the visit. It is the only explanation, to my mind, for his comments on the Palestinians, and his alliance with Netanyahu and the govt of Israel.
And now his comments at the hearings. Wow.
Really, at this point, I believe what Catherine Austin Fitts posits - many people go to Washington DC with honorable intentions and a wish to do good. But they have to compromise. It goes with the territory. And once you compromise, and I'm talking legally - quid pro quo - the 'control file' starts and you are owned.
Not to mention the people that go to DC with NOT so good intentions.
I'd like to think I'm a hero and there is a hill I'd die on, but if my family was threatened I'm not sure I'd be so willing.
At the start of compromise and corruption it might involve money and power, in the end I think it comes down to threats. Serious ones.
I think the enormity of what we don't know is staggering.
Yeah well NZ Politics just the same…we under City of London too for sure
For anyone caring to look, his face said that much the fateful day he jumped the track.
Didnt see, would like to, any links?
Minutes before, in a contorted way, Calley Means levitated into focus.
Hmmm, as I am not american, maybe I missed something…didnt get it but thanks
I did write to the Senator (unfortunately) representing WA state where I live concerning my support for RFK Jr. This is her response:
Thank you for contacting me regarding President Donald Trump’s nominees for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). I appreciate hearing from you on this important matter.
I consider the responsibility to evaluate and vote on presidential Cabinet nominees to be one of my most important duties as a United States senator. I evaluate each individual and examine their record to ensure they meet my long-held standards regarding their ethics, honesty, and substantive experience. Whether in committee or on the Senate floor, I ask tough questions about how each nominee plans to move our country forward, to make it more just and inclusive, and to fight for the middle class and working families.
With regard to President Trump’s selection of Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr. to be Secretary of HHS, I have serious concerns about his record and his capability to take on a key leadership position. HHS is one of the largest departments in the executive branch, which makes the Secretary of HHS a crucial role. This position includes overseeing our nation’s public health agencies, regulation of food and drugs, health care coverage and affordability, biomedical research and innovation, and so many more important agencies that affect the lives of all Americans. It is my utmost priority to ensure that access to evidence-based health care remains at the forefront.
RFK Jr.’s views are particularly worrisome to me when it comes to things like vaccines. We need a leader who will uphold the centuries-long scientific research and maintain access, rather than undermining safety and efficacy. This is especially important for children, who are vulnerable and susceptible to many of these life-threatening illnesses and need immunizations to protect against them. I do not believe it is too much to ask that the HHS Secretary believes not only in access to safe and healthy food, but also that vaccines are safe and effective. I strongly oppose his nomination and I laid out much of my thinking in a floor speech you can watch or read here .
I also have serious concerns about President Trump’s other nominees for HHS leadership positions due to their lack of qualifications and their extreme views on reproductive rights, which are not aligned with the American people. While the president has a right to nominate candidates of his choice, the Senate is not meant to be a rubber stamp. I will be exercising my duty as a senator to question all nominees about their qualifications and their on-the-record opinions that I believe to be dangerous.
It is important to me that people like you throughout Washington state and across the country are making your voices heard, and I will keep your views in mind when making my final decision on each individual HHS nominee and whether they represent the values of Washington state. Please don’t hesitate to reach out again to express your views on any issue, or if I may be of assistance.
Patty Murray
United States Senator
FYI her main financial supporters are Microsoft and Big Pharma
Oh my lord. As your Senator if he/she confirmed Rachel Levine... what a joke!
Just another BrainFixed usless Mouth.........Knowing only what she had been directed to know...LOL......another Unless Idiot....
US government is packed with this type of slobbering mouth-pieces ...babbling what Mick Jagger sang about "Useless Information"
Patty Murray is a typical modern 'Senator' elected via PAC committee contributions, stock market options on insider trade deals, and financial arrangements via pharma/mafia thugs.
Washington, DC: Where the sewage goes in, and water pours out...
Deep State = Ziocons or Zeocons.
I have to credit Pepe Escobar for the z__con noun term coinage.
I do NOT Trust RFKjr......Talk is Cheap! I feel like RFK is just Another 'Snake in the Grass'
Facts are Trup is a Jew..and as a Jew he MUST Follow the teaching and commands of the Torah>>
I have concerns about Bobby, but I have concerns about all of them. One thing I can say about Bobby is he has a pretty damn decent track record for defending the environment and American's health.
So how come he has pulled out of Childrens Health Defence? Guess they can carry on without him now anyway!
He had to resign CHD when he announced his candidacy so that there would be no conflict of interest.
Kennedy has done a yeoman's job at exposing vaccine injury, along with others at CHD. I sooooooo wish he'd stayed on there. That's where his influence was most felt and needed.
Now, I'm afraid, he's a DC cog in the wheel. I'm more sad than angry, because there has got to be a reason behind it, and I don't think it's "the long game".
But I am grateful to him and CHD for everything I have learned since 2020.
Maybe he'll do fine at HHS, but how powerful and uplifting it would have been if he spoke at the hearings the way he spoke on CHD. If he brought his Fauci book with him and read a few facts. THAT'S truth to power.
Right now it's politics as usual.
RFK Jr has been silent about how Trump backed poison after RFK Jr won a case in the SF area. Silent like RFK became about the poison shots.
DJT signed an EO to protect poison just like he did with the shots.
30 Apr 2019
Trump EPA insists Monsanto's Roundup is safe, despite cancer cases | Monsanto
30 Jan 2020
Center for Food Safety | Press Releases | | Siding with Monsanto/Bayer, Trump EPA Once Again Greenlights Roundup
also if your interested .Clarence Thomas sitting on US Suprem courts was an Attorney for Monsanto ....funny how these things "Just Happen" eh??
Oh did not know. Thanks for the info. It really is a big club I am happy not to be in.
envirment? RFK is a clown dancing with uselesss enviromental clown like David Suzuki
More LIARS like Sick-o Al Gore and More USELESS money grabbers>>
treehuggers...sleeping in their MoneyTrees You BrainTrained Idiots FUND.......all BiGBuCkeR$ your 501c3 tax free ....BigBucks.........oh ShuddUp and PAY!!! FOOL!!!!!
"Environmental activist" .. another term for just another slobbering most own 'FishFarms' and spend millions of babbling on and on about NOTHING......solving ZERO!!! But have hands out for "freeCash' form mindless idiots...these guys are USELESS feeders suck off the "Global warming" Bullshit!!!!!!!
Thanks for the prompt - I've emailed my senators and please pass on the guilt! We should enjoy progress where it happens and make out voices heard. And then, yeah, have some popcorn!
Excellent post. Thanks, Reinette.
Thanks for following through, Kathleen.
I truly dont see the panic anyone is CLAIMING, what is happening now in most ways and situations Was planned before the previous chapter. Yes info is getting out , yes some more waking up, but the plans and AGENDAS are way ahead of that. As example, this so called roundup was the planned REACTION SWING to the last administration opening the floodgates for enormous numbers of very bad people . Its still problem, reaction , solution, moving American to except military and all forms of law enforcement NOW engaged in a sweep that was supposed to be ICE only. This will lead to civil war and battle everywhere , while full scale war is now turned on the border in cartel wars, which will not be as easy as everyone thinks. While Trump openly admits the Gaza genocide is to eliminate these civilians for Kushner family real estate empire building, while they march toward the real target IRAN. The liar even dared to say "thats their war not ours" as if that terrorist nation would even exist or have that military without American support for 75 plus years .The poisoning of food chain and ecosystem and engineered food famine have not stopped or slowed . Check out how much poultry has been slaughtered globally in recently. Who will do this kill you speak of ?
How do you suggest we end all of this, Thomas? I'm all ears.
We could start by "not paying attention." In quantum physics "observation" is the keystone. They make us pay attention, we emotionally react, and they solve it to our detriment. If we stop listening, looking, acting and caring then their power and control would naturally subside. But we don't, as a people we "love the bullshit," we thrive off of it. We "need" it. Media revenue to corporations annually evidences this fact.
Excellent and then act , in TOTAL non compliance , rebellion and in CREATING AND ALTERNATIVE DIFFERENT REALITY.
Yes, i try not to read Reinettes posts lol, but you know! I also meditate and make clear intentions for my day, before I turn the wifi and ipad, phone back on!
Because you are smart. Never start the day with the devil.
Enormous question, if I had the complete answer, I would be much more important than I am. Im often asked "dont you believe WE WIN IN THE END? My answer begins as follows . Who is WE ? . What does WIN look like to you? and WHEN IS THE END? Here are some ideas and suggestions. 1. Continue our best efforts, in the information war, but be far more aggressive, and broaden it, and do not allow these liars and controlled opposition kind or polite disagreement anymore .Expose them , make demands , and for once MEAN IT. Stop paying all taxes , permits , and licenses, they are ALL CONTRACTS that enslave people to the state power. Total and complete 2 week general STRIKE , shut down the country without violence. Stay out of the way of this "roundup" that is simply an excuse for cartel wars and martial law here and getting everyone used to full MILITARY TROOPS and all forms of law enforcement in the streets shaking down everyone. This will also be use to force digital ID s , enhanced drivers licenses ect. Leave all urban and high density areas and join with the like minded on prepared rural areas with the goal of sustainability up to 5 years. Dont waste time or money anymore on those who insist on being "normies" and believe supporting yet another batch of corrupted controlled opposition will change ANYTHING. We MUST somehow encourage or create a rebellion within the military to go AGAINST the globalist agendas, otherwise our only real hope is that the divine being of NATURE will pull the plug on these games that are wars against all life. That though ALSO puts all of us in real survival mode. This has occurred many times before. Eliminate cell phones, smart meters , and 5g in your lives , or this tech will win. It CAN be done , I have lived off grid without all that , self sufficiently ,my entire adult life. Keep trying with Sheriffs who may come around , and do their Constitutional job, we need that. The next thing will be controversial but it always happens , when everything collapses, eliminate the evil closest to doing you harm , its a creator given primordial right. Resist , do not comply with anything, NEVER GIVE UP ANY SELF DEFENSE TOOLS,take care of each other, protect the women and children at all costs
costs. SK
I agree.
And, by the way, I was at Trader Joes 2 days ago, and the egg shelves were completely empty. I asked a staff person what was going on.
"Bird flu. We've been running out every day."
I said "There is no bird flu"
"Really. No bird flu. It's another panic. And an excuse to make another vaccine".
She looked at me perplexed, but, hey, something to talk about on break.
There are no eggs and soon will be no poultry or other meat because THEY ARE DESTROYING all the animals for engineered food famine , which I have said from day one will be the last way to force EVERYONE INTO DIGITAL GULAG AND DEATH SHOTS Trump now pushing the next operation warp speed events which is to take over the entire world and wage war on countless places.
I concur. Well said.
Thanks , there is much more that can be added maybe you will LOL SK
Naw, you got it handled. Any more and I may have a nervous breakdown. I already got thrombosis from the fetal position. :)
LOL somehow I doubt that SK
Now I know that chopper in crash COULD BE REMOTE CONTROLLED
whether that happened or not is still not known SK
My first thought was remote control. No need to take out pilots.
But now they are pushing the story of that woman aid dying in crash
And yet Renette, I wonder what you’re thinking of RFK Jr now… !!! I’m sure you’ve watched the confirmation hearing..
The confirmation seemed like clown world.
Bingo....Head of the class for you. He is oozing with "something vile," that is as yet undetermined. Just the scent of it, the essence, the "possibilities" is enough for me. He said, "I'm with vaccinations."
I meant more the Senators grilling Bobby. I believe if Bobby came full out and said I'm opposed to vaccinations rather than saying I'm want to see the REAL science, then he wouldn't have a chance of becoming the HHS Secretary. Now, personally, I will never, ever take another vaccination, BUT if others want them and they HAVE been proven safe, then that is their choice. I'm for medical freedom and not pushing personal beliefs onto anyone.
Reneitte. He not only said he wants the real science.
He out and out suggested following the cdc guildelines for vaccinations.
He out and out praised Operation Warp Speed.
No one supported Bobby Kennedy more than me. I watched every interview until Jimmy Dore. I did not put him on a pedastal, but boy, I learned a lot. And I think he has a lot of courage.
But, come on. This is Alice in Wonderland. What the hell is he talking about??
He should be reading from his book.
This playing the game to get into position is just abhorrant to me. If, in fact, that's what he's doing. Which I doubt.
There are very dark forces out there that control things. And I think he's being controlled. I hope I'm wrong, more for him than for us. But that's what I think.
I want you to be happy in your choice. Dont let me be spoil sport. I know what you mean. You are smart.
Every one of the last 6 senators you listed under 'update'... their greeting was garbled beyond understanding. It's not my phone, it's their comms. In fact, Senator Murphy's voice mail was completely full and I wasn't able yo leave a message... at 8:45 pm EST.
I am 59, I have not seen anything like this removal of bad players, in my lifetime. FIGHT ON GOOD COUNTRY MEN AND WOMEN !!!
I already contacted my senators twice about it LOL!