And don't forget the direct hit of Florida by TWO hurricanes! Aimed at Gov. Ron! Not a coincidence!

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All major recent hurricanes , and DeSantis is comnplete controlled opposition dont buy into this false "red state charade"

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Chcck out HAARP

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Im extremely familiar with this tech , but there are at least 150 such systems around the world and on Navy ships, and in satellites many nations possess this

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did you pay attention to the video by dutch -- he mentioned 'scalar'. HAARP is more on the level of weather. To do what happened in Turkey it takes SCALAR.

The US developed HAARP. The USSR developed SCALAR.

Similar, yet the destructiveness is vastly different.

Do more research my friendf.

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SEE my REPLY to this comment down below , Everything Russia has America has and vice versa England as well , Israel most of the timer as well .

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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Apparently The USA and USSR signed an agreement in 1978 that they would not use earthquake weapons. That would seem to confirm it. In conformity with the Marxist ideology, these people can only destroy, not create. They've been doing it since at least the French revolution.

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It's easy to destroy. But creating, uniting, nurturing, these take real skills.

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Reinette, thought you might like seeing this, weaponized 5g was tested near Mexico City a few years ago, I think before the plandemic and it was so powerful that it showed up big time on doppler radar. I about fell off my chair when I first saw this! IMHO I believe this is what they used against Turkey, the patterns sure look the same.; https://robinwestenra.blogspot.com/2020/09/have-5g-test-been-caught-live-outside.html

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It absolutely is and can be found many places and incidences , the question is who is doing it , many nations have these tech. and arrays in them now , and in navy ships and by satellite.

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Yes I have been noticing this, it is starting to look like many of these events do not happen naturally. It also makes me question what all this technology is really for, yes I know they say it is to control their bots, trigger payloads in our bodies and attack us in other ways etc, but it could also be capable of causing another mud flood. I have always wondered how so many bodies disappeared back then, the pieces are starting to fall into place. Now if someone could just tell me how all those children on the orphan trains survived that catastrophe.

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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Show me any agreements America has actually kept, from Native American treaties to everything Russia is angry about along with NATO

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And you believe that? They also said they would not fund gain of function research. See how that turned out......

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Maybe I didn't express myself clearly. The point is that earthquake weapons have been around for at least 45 years, so it's not outlandish to suggest they were used to attack Turkey. The same people (probably) managed to pull off 9/11 and fooled everybody that Muslim terrorists committed it. No, the CIA is the premier global terrorist organisation.

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I cannot argue with that!

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To add to the timeline, little to no aid last time I heard from US or NATO at large

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Will do! Good points.

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This feels super plausible & I wish more folks would consider it. Thank you for laying out the info, Reinette! Appreciate you.

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Of course.

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There was a caveat in the 1978 US--USSR agreement that this weapon

could be tested on the homelands soil. First developed by Bernard Eastland (1983 ish) and used by Big Oil to read underground formations.

who did so needing only 30 watts power to read/resonate oil bering formations. Patents all bought up by MIC. Throw a billion watts at formations and boom ! Earthquake.

See Jessie Ventura Youtube : "Conspiracy Theory with Jessie Ventura


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yes ! that com/p/turkey piece rocked !

(as they all do) --!! thank you.

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Run the numbers & it all adds up

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The Catherine Austin Fitts video is from the Corona Investigative Committee session 38 which can be viewed on their website under Best English shows. Hope this helps, and thank you once again. You are much appreciated.

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She begins speaking about space weaponry at the 1:12 hour mark for anyone interested. If you are not familiar with Corona Investigative Committee it is very worthwhile watching although each session is around four hours. Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich now has his own committee and can be seen at ICIC.law.

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What an incredible video catch of the wave and the earthquakes. Also, so creepy. I can't believe those leaders (if you can call them that) may have killed on those tens of thousands of people just because Turkey is playing both sides or won't go along. The HARP people truly are monsters.

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Fabulous work yes so obvious , anyone ever see a snowstorm radiate with that pattern? now they want to freeze the earthquake survivors . We must all come to realistic terms to what we are up against here , legislative efforts? does anyone really think that will work now virtually all leaders are CFR, WEF , UN , or from all the corporations in on it with them. If anyone has money in banks , 401 k s or any retirement type funds get it out now if you can. They are going to force the CBDC s and you will only access it if you can show tech validated vaxx status if its not stolen completely . This is last chance.

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such great information. and i believe it. your digging is blowin my mind. big brother is capable of anything. vera sharaz never again documentary. connect the dots as david icke says. they can't be human and must be stopped . thank you for all you do

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I am quite sure both have developed and used scalar , even smart meters are scalar wave devices , if you read Colonel Tom B. book the Excaliber briefing Im pretty sure the US quickly followed Russian scalar development. And Tesla had already developed his EARTHQUAKE machine long before that , Harmonic resonance can achieve the same results Keeley proved that.. I have been told by people who would know the US Navy can definitely do what you see there . Maybe you should also do more research. There are many HAARP type systems around the world , not just America or Russia have such tech. Anything America has , then England also instantly has and likely Israel as well .

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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Spot on the censorship is a good indication of being on target. They're censoring the Nano tech as well, from shaping the internet to ridiculously slow, to DDoS, the Austin Fitts bitchute is not working for me either so DDoS.

I reckon it's the HARRP, in Turkey and Syria. The pole is shifting I think NASA stopped reporting the shift in 2018.

There are strange things happening.

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Way to go, Reinette! Excellent sleuth work finding that video of satellite data. North America and Europe is heavily covered with radar devices and there are many different types now. Go to climate viewer.org to see the Maps That Jim Lee creates. He is on a mission to enforce the ENMOD treaty recommendations, prohibiting hostile weather manipulation, including earthquakes. The good news is that people around the world are onto this.

We need to pinpoint the specific people who decided to do this and the people who carried out. Arrest them with a nuremberg type of trial

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Hi Reinette,

Very interesting about weaponizing earthquakes.

Another perspective: Radar transmits and receives simultaneously, so a radar is a transceiver. Seismic P Waves precede an earthquake. (S Waves succeed.) P Waves generate the magnetic disturbance in the earth's crust. This is what the birds, dogs, insects and even our own nervous systems "feel" as spontaneous and otherwise unaccounted for anxiety and/or moments of insight and creativity, before a big earthquake. A weather radar very likely could pick up P wave energy and transmit it into the atmosphere. If strong enough - and looming 7.8 & 7.5 are likely powerful enough - that transmission could be picked up by other detection technology, as in the case of your subscriber who sent in the video of their Accuweather sattelite image Turkey inquiry, showing the radiant pattern at the snow storm's epicenters. This energy could radiate into the atmosphere with enough intensity to affect a weather "pattern" by its pulse. These musings are a consequence of becoming literally (and clinically - lol!) obsessed with big earthquakes as a PTSD decades long response to having been in a great earthquake (Alaska, 1964 - 9.2 for 5 minutes). Seismic science is actually quite beautiful. E.g. after a great earthquake (8.0>), the earth's crust rings like a bell for a week, and is measurable everywhere on the planet. The vibrational pattern is elegant. You can look it up. BTW, that huge fissure you showed is also indicative of huge earthquake epicenter realms where the geology is clay - which you can see in that video. No real bedrock at the surface. I imagine especially at the convergence of three tectonic plates in a slip, rather than subduction, zone. In '64, downtown Anchorage main street and environs had very similar fissure reactions. Entire neighborhoods built on clay broke apart, homes tumbled down bluffs. Watching a movie while that earthquake raged, my friends had to climb out of the Denali theatre, hoist each other 15 feet up onto the marquee to step straight out onto the street.

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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On the video where it shows that gigantic fissure, I noticed the last shot shows some leafy green trees.

I don't know that area of Turkey at all, but could it be that, in spite of snowstorms nearby, the trees are green like that in winter?

I realize that the olive trees keep their leaves all year, no matter the temperature, and I see how some of the fissure actually runs through the olive orchards, - but those leafy green trees/bushes at the end of the video?

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You might just find this playlist on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) rather interesting....


DEW - Directed Energy Weapons a playlist of videos and a short history of science fiction that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.

In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Lt Col Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the extraction of energy from a distant point, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves. Strange how much those satellite pics look like satellite pics we saw after what happened on 9/11.

Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.

Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.

The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.

The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…

The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11 in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?

The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.

"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.

The rest of the videos in the playlist will give you a better understanding of DEW - Directed Energy Weapons.

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Another excellent one. Just found you.

I'm not sure you have it right on Dr. Simone Gold. I've listened to you both. But you are soot on on so much more. Thank you.

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