I have a big black Auzzie Shep. now his name is Grover, I call him shot gun cauz he loves to sit up in the front seat of my trk and bark at all the cows & horses, along the hwy, But then i call him Joe halt the time also becauz he loves to sniff lil boys & girls to!!! I think he caught that from me tho. I 1 mo. away from 80 and i kinda still like to sniff girls but they have to be at least 18!!! lol As the old saying goes 18 to 80,,,
I know. I know. I still cry over all of my lost furry family on occasion. It doesn't matter if it has been decades. Now, my screen is getting blurry!
I have a big black Auzzie Shep. now his name is Grover, I call him shot gun cauz he loves to sit up in the front seat of my trk and bark at all the cows & horses, along the hwy, But then i call him Joe halt the time also becauz he loves to sniff lil boys & girls to!!! I think he caught that from me tho. I 1 mo. away from 80 and i kinda still like to sniff girls but they have to be at least 18!!! lol As the old saying goes 18 to 80,,,
LOL Yer killing me! LOL!