Exactly! Far beyond any simple explanations. But repeated in so many instances that there has to be something to it. I would rank your trip across Alaska as equal to the 17 year old’s story which really struck me. There were tons of stories from the concentration camp descendants. He used that as his study group.
Exactly! Far beyond any simple explanations. But repeated in so many instances that there has to be something to it. I would rank your trip across Alaska as equal to the 17 year old’s story which really struck me. There were tons of stories from the concentration camp descendants. He used that as his study group.
Exactly! Far beyond any simple explanations. But repeated in so many instances that there has to be something to it. I would rank your trip across Alaska as equal to the 17 year old’s story which really struck me. There were tons of stories from the concentration camp descendants. He used that as his study group.