
I want to be clear. I understand the dark powers behind our government, which many of us often refer to as a criminal cabal masquerading as a government. However, one cannot tell me we have been better off these last four years than we were under Trump. Our nation and its moral standing have dissolved beneath our feet, and we have essentially entered World War III.

While some may say that a President or a Mayor cannot make a difference, I can attest that during my time as Mayor, I was making a significant impact. Today, we have mayors who are simply rubber stampers. There is more than a modicum of difference in our leadership style -- even within the corrupt confines of government -- and the difference between President Biden and his administration compared to Trump has been more than striking

Don’t get me wrong; I have concerns about all Unity Party teams' histories. I'm well aware of them. I'm aware of the Khazarian mafia, the Black Nobility, the 13 families, the UN, Open Society.... etc. I have concerns about the Israeli AIPAC alliances that are choking us and edging us to the brink of nuclear disaster. But if we have four more years of the same, we will not survive.

I fully understand how rigged the system is. I campaigned as California governor and experienced firsthand. The rigging of votes and censorship was outrageous. But despite all of this, I know that if we sit back and let the Democrats win, in four years we will no longer be a nation standing.

If you don't like what I have to say, I really do get it, but then you need to rally your friends, grab your pitchforks, and do something about it. I'm game. I've been game for years. I jumped from the frying pan into the fire many times and have been waiting for others to do the same.

So, if voting again isn't going to work, what are we going to do? This is not a rhetorical question. I am sincerely asking my subscribers and commenters.

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Exit & Build. You know Derrick, John & Ramiro. The more people exit the system, the less power it has over all of us.

Energy is the only currency in the Universe. What we give our energy to grows, whether it's positive or negative.

When we "vote" in a systemic slavery system that syphons our very life force energy, we consent to carry it forward. Voting for the next slave master doesn't make us free. Watch "Jones Plantation" for those who haven't yet.

We either keep the power that Source/Creator/God gave to us, or we give/vote it away. That is our Free Will choice, and the system knows that. It is why it has been thriving, and mankind has been failing. In Australia it is mandatory to vote! I wonder why that might be...

We must unshackle the bonds of double-bind mind control of choosing between two evils. When in fact, they are hiding the 3rd much more empowering option we have always had: Exit & Build.

All the solutions are readily available for all of us to implement.






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I'm there with you.... but the majority is still voting. We have no time to waste.

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Yes but the majority are programmed, . alseep , demoralized and dependent. WE cannot let our actions and efforts be aligned with that or as the man above said we are still putting our energy into a losing game . I have LIVED outside the system and , off grid and perma culture reality all my life , so I know it can be done regardless of the majority. SK

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build it, and they will come

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we haven't reached the tipping point and in the meantime, what do you propose???? getting steamrolled by Kamala? I have seen Derrick in person and follow many of these, and in the meantime I will vote for the Unity Party. In the last few years, many unslaved people have contacted my no-longer-an-attorney husband to help them (pro-bono) with court cases because the courts right now are complicit. We are not in a jurisdiction where they give a flying fook if you're unslaved. They will jail you. I'm keeping one foot in each system until we get some real ability to self-govern away from these creeps. In CA. the courts are bat-shit crazy, and many 'free' men and women are still resorting to their freedom attorneys to help them when they do 'free' things. Try coming here and driving without a license and doing what Paul Unslaved shows he did in Colorado. I don't know anyone for whom it's worked. YET. So I'm voting, and will continue to work to change the system and my system to unslave myself and my family. PS - My husband gave back his bar license and is no longer practice 'law'. ;-). One of his last cases was on zoom, because you know - covid, the judge muted him because he was citing one of the frontline doctors and the judge couldn't bear to hear the truth about covid injection.... That's how fucked up Marin County Family Law is, but the kid couldn't claim he was unslaved and therefore not mandated to get jabbed, it's complicated.

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Commenters like “As A Man Awaketh” may offer a ‘solution’ of what we need to do…the reality of that solution is so far from what many of us are able to do. To completely withdraw and build something new requires time. Things did not get the way they are just because of the Scamdemic. This shit has been ‘in play’ for years, even centuries.

We are on the Cusp of some significant astrological ‘transits’, that will start to be in motion at the end of November and will last through 2044. (Way past the time some of us will be even here on the planet.) A particular transit of Pluto into Aquarius (from November 2024- January 2044.) This ‘transit’ will help create the energy for the shift that we so desperately need in this country and our planet as well.

“During this Transit of Pluto into Aquarius it’s time for a complete overhaul of:

Friendship, social structures and networks, community, group associations, humanitarianism and individuality, scientific inventions and progress, our happiness goals.”

“While Pluto is in Aquarius, we take social structures and politics especially seriously, and we seek major reforms in these areas. Unusual, intense, or dramatic happenings are possible with friends and networks. We are likely to go from issues of control and power related to individuality, equality, friendships, and group associations.”

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Absolutely it will take time. But it will take even more time the less energy we give to it now. The future is not created in the future, it is created in the Now. Hundreds of thousands of people are building intentional communities all over the planet. Many of them now with turn-key solutions and very affordable. Just one example: https://ecidevelopment.com/

We all play a part in this game. For some it will be in politics. For others, it will be to exit & build.

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Oh you wise beautiful Frontera…. yes, yes, . . Thank you. I so wish it would happen in my lifetime. I’d love to experience this. I feel that I am on the cusp of beginning to feel it. . . my whole adult life actually. Thank you for your comment. Makes sense. xo

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I hear all of that, but there are solutions to these situations in private lawful remedies, especially when dealing with courts or judges. Ask your husband about Equity Jurisprudence, and have him go deep into Black's Law wherever they mention Equity. It is alive and well, making a comeback

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A few attorneys and other freedom peeps were here discussing yesterday. We’ve talked about Black’s Law and I will forward this to our group that is thinking legal out of the box and on the land, and thank you AAMA.

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My pleasure

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everything the Con-trollers do is an attempt to hijack our own ability to IMAGINE in our version of a better world. TO IMAGE IN. WE are CREATIVE beings, but the CON-TROLLERS have used our creative ability by distracting, and conditioning our minds through fear and poverty. We are hypnotized by fictions and false beLIEfs. Many have come to believe that suffering is the way through, that pain is how we learn. We have become stockholm victims. Loving our captors. We have been led to believe that we need saviors and GOVERNERS OF OUR MIND to manage our lives, and our every move.

Source/Creator/God, gave us the power of Imagining in CREATION.

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Yes Hi Kara , see my comments above hope your well in Tenn. SK

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yes, read your comments! you know I agree!

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A'ho :)

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I agree whole heartedly.

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Yes correct and see my comments and video above SK

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Aloha Reinette,

tough question, "vote or don't vote?"

Personally, I'm voting, even though it will be very painful to vote for the "mono- party."

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Please, sincerely Reinette, consider attending the Omniwar Symposium


"For the first time, we are forcing Technocracy and its Omniwar out of stealth mode by clearly revealing its combatants, weaponry, strategies, tactics, and goals. Effective resistance can be mounted in proportion to the number of people who understand this and take action." --Patrick Wood

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I have so much respect for your honesty & straightforwardness, Reinette. However, I find myself wondering if someone " had a chat" with you? Or maybe the hint of desperation in your voice is solely just because we are in a desperate situation. And we are. I'm not sure what solution to offer, I only know I DO NOT feel comfortable with any of these "clowns" at the moment & not likely to in future. Participating in the system, i.e., voting is compliance. I really HATE to criticize without providing a solution. Maybe there is another alternative if people would stop trying "desperately" to chose the lesser of two evils, or swallow this uniparty thing which is the hyped option we are being given by them. I vote for creating something new & different, but time is short, for sure.

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That was an incredible response!!

Would you consider mass unified movements of economic withdrawal, reminiscent of MLK fashion of the 1960’s, but on a much larger scale. Mobilizing the masses of Americans that are awake to a boycott / buycott series of actions. For instance, what happened with Budlite for example. But rather than disorganized and organic, targeted and planned. Similar to when the people stopped paying taxes in the UK after Maggie outsourced workers’ jobs, it was during Margaret Thatcher’s final term…she quickly had to roll back the agenda and bring the people their jobs back.

It seems to me that the transhuman / Malthusian worshipping corporatist elites that are in bed with the globalist bankster cartel (IMF and BIS) are running a giant pyramid scheme on the people of the world. Like any pyramid scheme, it may seem like all the money and power lie with those at the top of the pyramid. In which they think they can wield their power towards a digital id, digital currency track and trace neofeudal slave system….BUT…all their plans depend on the people continuing to pay into the ponzi structure. By buying goods from Amazon, investing in synthetic biology and AI, by outsourcing their industries to CCP China slave factories, by purchasing goods made by CCP labor, etc, etc just to name a few of the ways we are paying for our own enslavement. But if the people en masse were educated on where to pull their buying dollars from, this money printing federal reserve global banking system actually sits on a very thin thread of the working class propping it up and giving it its power. Abraham Lincoln once said that it is labor not capital that has the greater role. Maybe this is our greatest weapon against the perpetrators??

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I enjoyed listening in last night and getting a chance to say a few simple things, and now you know who I am . I understand your commitment and efforts, and we ALL should be doing what we can, BUT our best efforts , and no wasted time and directing those efforts to where they may actually work is essential, because we are way behind in the 4th quarter of the game, and MOMMA NATURE is about to throw some big fits , and hopefully mess up/ cleanup, what is beyond us at the moment . This 12 minute video below though is the best 12 minutes of truth on this topic Ive seen , and is what Ive been trying to say and educate on for a long time . So somewhere BETWEEN swinging from hopelessness and demoralization, to hope , are answers and efforts that will work. And of course local efforts are where to start and we have the most imput, and even more importantly, life will soon collapse to a 5 mile radius to where we LIVE and are prepared . SO what are we going to do , dig in and prepare for the storm , work to effect locally the greatest issues and problems, and create the new world from there . That can only be realistically done if preparedness is predominant in your area , crowd , team and family . I HOPE EVERYONE WILL LISTEN TO THIS BELOW

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhMB-hAczVY SK


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Sep 4Edited
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I understand what your saying but its more complicated that calling it the Brits, The Balck Nobility families that have[ Most stuff headquarterd in Switz.] a lock on global monopolies are all over the place , yes Im awars of the CITY OF LONDON and its string pullers , but they have now moved to Kazak . and joined the new silk road empire along with Russia China , Iran, N.kOREA and all Brics partners. Its global.

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Sep 5Edited
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Yes very true and WE COULD end their game quickly if there was a way to outlaw all those tax free havens and shell games, if we had a righteous USE of our own corrupted MILITARY , it would be to SEIZE THESE ASSETS , that would be the first and only way to start a prosecution of them as GLOBAL CRIMINAL CARTELS and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. I hope they read this and somehow its starts a mutiny among them and this can be done .

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Soulution: put on the armor of a spiritual warrior about ready to enter the battlefield of the final battle of the very last war in this epoch between the power of light and force of darkness. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=224068

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"Political Bipolar Complex" hits it on the head in that article

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Aug 29
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Go to RUMBLE, Sage of Quay, Mike Williams on the PTPop podcast (aug 2024). Don't ask just go.

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Aug 30Edited
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45 minutes in and so continue until the end. I am glad to share this with you because otherwise this will fall on deaf ears. You are not alone in your line of thinking.

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Aug 31
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Too bad one can talk a blue streak and nobody catches on. They do not read Coleman. They don't read. Period. You understand the massive weight of negative influence on us. I go one person at a time to connect when I feel it's right. I did this with you. Friend.

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It's Unity Party, not uniparty. "Uniparty" is a pejorative. UPDATE: Thank you for changing it to "Unityparty."

I think history is being made. I've never seen anything like this -- former Democrat superstars being brought into the GOP nominee's fold two-and-a-half months before the election.

Kennedy is an ICON. He is perhaps the last man standing from a Democrat dynasty. The rest of them? Read Shakespeare. It would appear that RFKj is the Iron Man, the phoenix rising from his family's ashes to stand for what his family actually DID believe and die for, D and R labels be damned.

The irony of Trump having been nearly assassinated on j13, while RFKj stands with him, his father and uncle both having been assassinated in the '60s, is downright mind-boggling, even eerie. Quite frankly, RFKj's courage is colossal, especially without the support of most of his family.

Folks, this is how it's done. Real conversations, real alliances, real friendships, real caring about the country -- this is what's meaningful. Talking about families, saving children. Not a disliked, ineffective, childless candidate being swapped in at the last minute with zero votes and zero delegates of her own. Not past-midnight dumps of "mal-in" ballots (yes, I misspelled it deliberately) and fraudulent computer software causing votes to be swapped in real time.

Politics shouldn't be rock stars and Stevie Wonder and fake peace and love. It should be people digging in to find housing for our homeless veterans, not illegal aliens flooding our country to live on the Democrat tit with us taxpayers picking up the tab.

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Being human is a bitch, I must say.

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asha logos!! excellent researcher and commentator. thanks for sharing!

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You can say that again!!!!!

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Aug 29Edited
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I tend to agree with a lot of what you write, however, as much as I detest all what is going on politically, I do want to clarify that remark that Kennedy made about "safe vaccines"

Kennedy, and many of us, KNOW that there are no safe vaccines. He is saying that if and when there ARE safe vaccines he will support them.

Well, if and when there are truly honestly SAFE and effective vaccines, I'll be open to that, too.

But the ones that exist now are not.

And he vaccinated his kids back in the day when we all got vaccinated and vaccinated our kids.

He did not become aware of vaccine injury until 2003.

If I had not started listening to him in April of 2020, and joined CHD, I would have had the cvid shot. And more flu shots. And God knows what else.

So though I lost my enthusiasm for him in the political realm, I thank him and CHD everyday for the info they have provided and the yeoman's work they do.

It saved me from vax injury and death.

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Kennedy, if you've ever met him like I have multiple times or not, knows there are no 'safe' vaccines. . . .I wish people would stop that and know what he's saying. There is never a safe vaccine and never will be and he knows that. Please look at how many children Kennedy have saved from vaccines with CHD and all his unrelenting work on this topic. It's like me saying I'll drink arsenic when you can give me some safe arsenic, which probably be when hell freeze over or pigs fly.

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Please watch if you havent yet

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Let me assist you Judith. There is no virus! I am not a "lay" person.

Therefor your "open ness" means that Big P can pull one over on you again.

Whether RFK knows this is pure speculation.

The fact that you would have taken the kill shot simply means you and countless others know precious little about health, all by design...

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"Vaccine theory" has been debunked, if Im not mistaken, so there is NO reason for them to exist at all. "Safer vaccines" is an oxymoron.

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Sep 4Edited
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Yes, love Peggy, on my list to watch today!

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Aug 29Edited
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Sorrow and skepticism? Reeks of uncertainty

Get back in the fight No Name, its called the best possible decision.

Being a Beta keyboard warrior is not good for yer health.

The DemonRats are most definitley trying to get rid of said Constitution...

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why not suggest how you arrived at the "unduped" state??

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Mandates and rules are enforced by heavy artillery and when you opt out of voting you are pegged as a loose cannonball.

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Aug 31
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Allow me to summarize.

No Name is advocating digging a grave, standing over it, and begging someone to shoot.

Meanwhile WE the People are taking back this Republic.

For No Name's sake, we hope they miss.

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Sep 4
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Oh God, NoName, why even argue with him/her.

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Oh man! I couldnt have said it better myself!

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Voting is the adult equivalent of writing a letter to Santa Claus.

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As a Man Awaketh, please see my pinned comment above.

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"fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" a phrase that springs to mind. #Hopium

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I like that analogy!

To delve deeper, writing in a candidate on your ballot is more the equivalent of writing a letter to Santa Claus (asking for what you want.) Voting is more like going to a Christmas gift exchange party you didn't really want to participate in, and picking your present based on its wrapping (a "choice" between a handful of questionable options, all pre-selected to have the same relative value.)

But your statement is much more catchy! :D

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Your analogy is spot on!

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That is the down and snowy truth.

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I'm still looking for tangible solutions other than voting....

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You are a veteran of these wars, with massive contributions.

That is one tangible solution flavor. When the time is ripe, you will know

what to add, count on it.

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Brilliant clarification, now onward. False beliefs need to be outed.

Unity Party is the high road!

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Sep 4Edited
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We are not done. The battle is nigh and thou art weary.

Fortunately we have innumeral chances for improvement.

I am motivated by leaving the planet a better place than inherited.

For those we do care about...

Have spent decades knowing the great details of the Medical Cartel.

Good news is rank and filers have broken rank, attracking countless others.

Stand firm... Take no personal insult by the consistent insanity from your fellows...

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Thank you Carolyn, I was going to comment on the "Uniparty" connotations myself! Glad to see it was just an error!

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Sep 4
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False belief by a weary inantryman...

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You mean well...but you really are missing what is going on underneath all of this. You're missing the bigger picture and who really runs the show. There are bosses above and controlling both "sides" and these players, and this new "uniparty" is nothing more than theater and show as well. Don't let your guard down Reinette...don't get lost in the theater.

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Absolutely. I just can't believe that people are buying this.

It is all smoke and mirrors. The campaigns, the "assassination attempt", all of it.

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Still can't believe that people think the assassination attempt was real. People really are that stupid. As George Carlin said, " voting is an illusion ". Maybe Reinette has never heard of the Libertarian Party.

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Of course I have. But for what ever reason, it never got the juice it needed. We need to step out of the two party system.... please see my comment pinned at the top.

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And some believe there is a left and right, when in fact they are all under the same evil group. All the drama is to convince the masses of a left and right. Whoever controls the bullhorn , controls the masses. When people realize it is all a lie, then the game will be over.

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Absolute truth.

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100% Mary

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Reinette, I appreciate a lot of what you have written and I’m shocked to read this. Entire books could be written about why both Trump and Bobby Jr. are not going to solve any problems for working people (i.e., all the rest of us). For starters, never forget that Trump brought us Operation Warp Speed and the vaxx murder campaign. Bobby Jr., for all his credentials opposing vaccines, is on record for declaring that he is very pro-vaxx and would support vaxx mandates “if the vaxx were shown to be safe.” How you can reconcile these facts, which are just starters, with support for these sock puppets is beyond me.

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Tom, please read my pinned comment at the top. I know the pickle we are in. I'm not ignorant to this. I wish the whole political system would melt away. But unless you and I are willing to revolt we are left with two options. I'm not an armchair activist. I have put in my time. I cannot say that about most Americans. They point and yell from their seats, claiming voting doesn't work. So, since we know this, then why aren't we getting out of our chairs and kicking into an overdue revolution.?I'm willing to die for this cause. Are you? And this is a serious question.

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Reinette, Thanks for the reply and I appreciate your forthright answer. I share your dismay about the low level of political consciousness and action of the American people. I don’t think the answer is to encourage people to vote for the lesser of two evil oppressors. During the Vietnam Era I organized and was in the streets for years. I know firsthand what our rulers will do to us when we oppose them. Yes, there are many threats we are facing, but at this point if you rush out into the street, weapon in hand, you will get nowhere and likely be killed in the process, losing your life and causing others to feel defeated. Politically that is known as adventurism. I’ve chosen instead to work at the local political level supporting a local candidate for mayor who is opposing the Sacramento push to turn our town into a Smart City. And I am walking door-to-door to do that and meeting other likeminded, who have various levels of political consciousness, in the process. It’s not much, perhaps, but I don’t see many alternatives right now. One thing worth remembering is that political consciousness and change can occur rapidly, but only if those of us who understand are willing to maintain principled positions and not support “second best” because we think it is the only alternative.

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I don’t understand what you are saying? Who is better than the combination of the UnityParty?

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If you vote for any of this you are compliant, for the good, the bad & the ugly too.

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That is precisely the issue. There is not an organized revolution with enough manpower to succeed, in large part because the PTB control all mass communication (and most "private" communication) and would squelch any attempts to organize something like this before it could build to a workable number of participants.

And no one I know wants to be the first one to expose themselves as a fighter locally, just to get squashed like a gnat before they can accomplish anything. (Witness what can happen to militia group members who are even somewhat competent.) So the army of willing soldiers waits for a general to rise up (without getting offed) and lead them within the relative safety of a large group. Oh, and the general has to somehow assure the troops that they are not a PTB plant who will exterminate all who enlist before they can assemble!

Sadly, guerrilla efforts in secret by anonymous well-trained competent individuals who keep their lips sealed may be the only way to turn the tide. (Thus the "white-hat" hopium.) Eventually it would make strategic sense for larger numbers to get involved to move things along faster, but right now it just isn't, at least from what I've observed.

It's really hard to know who to trust for those who want to serve but see the reality of the current situation. Being willing to die fighting is different from being willing to die by effectively stepping out in front of a tank and shooting BBs at it. Eventually, as in China, the day may come when there is nothing left to lose and people will literally walk out in front of tanks. But most folks who would fight today within the relative safety of a large group are still at least somewhat comfortable in their lives; they fear losing jobs, family, homes, assets, friends, freedom (such as it is,) and so on if they draw too much attention to themselves by fighting in too aggressive a way outside the anonymity of a large group.

And then there's the constant bombardment with EMF, RF, chemicals, chemtrails, etc. that keep people mentally and physically sluggish (hand raised.) Diet and avoidance helps but doesn't completely counteract those things, at least not at the level most people can afford to maintain.

Thank you for pushing this important conversation, Renette, I look forward to reading more replies to see others' thoughts and ideas! I hate to sound pessimistic, but I did want to chime in with what I see as the current reality of what needs to be overcome to have a chance of success. I do still have hope for a free and just society!

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Although I will not support him politically, Bobby Kennedy is not pro-vaxx.

He vaccinated his children back in the day when we all did.

He did not know about vaccine injury until 2003.

His work with Children's Health Defense is exemplary. I listened to every single interveiw he did from April 2020 until august 2023.

I think he is a very smart, committed person. I loved listening to him. The people at CHD, several of whom have adult vaccine injured children, have been fighting this fight for years. Many years before covid.

I am disappointed in his political views, but I credit him with saving me from that shot. And any others.

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Modern rulers prefer to maintain their power over all the rest of us by tricking us. It’s messier and riskier to just parade around in jackboots and murder everyone who raises their hand with a question. I followed Bobby Jr. during his earlier CHD days and I now believe, given the enormity of the depopulation operation that is underway, that he may have just been establishing his credentials in order to eventually mislead us into the abject slave society our rulers appear to intend for us. Sage Hana on Substack has written many, many articles on Bobby Jr. and I suggest you look at a few of them in order to see how his opinions are not what you think they are. Here is one: https://open.substack.com/pub/sagehana/p/i-dont-think-that-we-ought-to-be?r=12w4ze&utm_medium=ios

Please note that endorsing a mandate for a so-called “proven safe vaxx” is definitely pro-vaxx. There is no other way to interpret it.

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I would very much like you to show me where he ever said he would support a mandate. I do not believe this is true.

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Furthermore, you obviously didn’t look at the link I provided Judith in the comment you replied to. Click on the link and watch the video of Bobby Jr., listen carefully to the very end of it. And then tell me why you don’t believe this is true. Do you agree with what he says: “vaccines should not be mandated unless they are proven to be safe!” If so, why?

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Watch the three videos that feature Bobby Jr. in this Substack piece by Sage Hana: https://open.substack.com/pub/sagehana/p/the-owners-of-the-world-ran-out-the?r=12w4ze&utm_medium=ios

The first video has a dark screen but it is Kennedy when you click on the arrow. Pay special attention to his word parsing (remember, he is a trained lawyer and word parsing is how they make a living) in the third video in which he rants about how unsafe the vaxxes are (which is true), which is really being used as a cover for the money line which is that mandates are only OK if the vaxx is proven to be safe. Do you understand what that means? There is another video I’ve seen where he says the same thing more explicitly (but I haven’t been able to find it yet), but if you truly have an open mind you will understand that he would support a mandate. After the mass murder and manslaughter that has been committed using the Covid vaxx anybody that is declaring himself pro-vaxx, as your boy Bobby Jr. does here, is immediately suspect. In the third video he makes it clear; he just puts a qualifying “if” into the sentence.

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Absolute Facts.

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thank you for your comment. I was like "WTF" when I saw reinette's post today!

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Me too, quite shocked watching the video with a tinge of desperation in her voice. I'm not convinced she even believes what she was saying- I am very surprised.

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at least, making the video brought forth this conversation among her subscribers, I think there are a lot of wise people here, Including Reinette, and we all just need to become clear about what we are facing and what our true power is, in making changes for the better world we all desire.

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Yes! Thats right.

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Aug 29
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Everyone who is telling me what I already know, elections are rigged, voting doesn't matter, are you ready to rally? Are you ready to go beyond this comment section? I'm challenging all of you because our freedom and lives hang in the balance. If we don't revolt, then we have two options. THAT is where we are right now.

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Yes Reinette, we are. What we won't do is continue to support the lie and the fake system. I will not give my energy to it by participating. We need to stop participating at the national level and focus regional, local -- city, county, state. There is no national level solution and by giving this 2 party theater our time and attention and energy, we are keeping it propped up.

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Do Not Comply Guy, for over two decades I have been advocating people vote because the closer to home the more important the vote.... however, over the last four years I have now watched the dismantling of what little government we had. It too has been completely corrupted. Are their good guys in local and regional government, yes, but they are a rare bird and fighting uphill. We need something that has never been done and as much as I could tear those launching the Unity Party, there is actually a spark of possibility. I plan on giving an update addendum to why to this endorsement so people can better understand my take.

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Kamala appreciates your support.

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Well, that's an ignorant statement. If you think I'm advocating a vote for Kamala, everything I'm saying is stil going over your head. That's ok, the majority won't get it...because they can't turn off the TV and commit to the work it takes to unlearn what they thought they knew and begin to learn the truth about our history, how our country and world truly works. I wish you the best on your journey Angela.

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There has been too many negatives from ALL of these uniparty people in the last year. Please Read Sign & dont listen to the bullshit excuses & rationalization-ing flying everywhere. At the risk of sounding kooky, Trump doesnt sound like himself or maybe this is the Real Trump, blatantly lying about "blood everywhere" - NOT, after the most fake show of a bullet graze I have ever seen & the ridiculous SS agents, O-M-G! (I know, I know, white hats are in charge they say- UGH!) again, very scary, "Go out & vote one more time & you'll never have to vote again", he said at a recent rally. WHAT?? WTF does that mean? NO, NO Uniparty.

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My Dad used to say " ballots or bullets, we know which one works and which one doesn't " change a couple of vowels and you have your answer.

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Aug 29
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No Name, Michael Yon's portrayal of what is really going on and what we are about to face IS true and it is going to get painfully real very soon if people don't wake up!!!

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If I had the opportunity to teach/lead/help the country/world and it involved working with someone or something with whom I disagreed with on many other levels, I would hope I had the courage and maturity to do so. Esp if it could help millions of people and millions downstream. And the EARTH! This is how real change and building bridges happens. Not waiting for "my team" to be "in charge." I think RFK Jr’s speech/decision was one of the most inspiring & important political (mainstream) moments I’ve seen live in my lifetime.

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The uniparty is a term to describe how the left and right are puppets of the same master. Both the left and the right are funded and well connected to technocrats like Thiel, Schmidt, and others in the Bilderberg group.

Whitney Webb, Derrick Broze, James Corbett, and other truly independent journalists are the only ones that continue to see through this left right false paradigm. Why is that? I think it's because they have been awake well before the plandemic and have accurately predicted everything that has happened since the false flag of 9/11.

Please watch this recent video from Derrick Broze to truly understand what is going on: https://derrickbroze.substack.com/p/tcr-live-140-the-unholy-union-of

The jist is... "It's one big club and you ain't in it." -George Carlin

By voting for one evil over another, you are ultimately giving your consent to be ruled by evil. Don't do it. Stop putting your time and energy in this dog and pony show. No one is going to save us but ourselves.

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Insert foot into mouth now! Thank you, Vee!!!

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Please reach out to Broze, Webb, and/or Corbett to have some long form conversations! This would be a great meeting of the minds!

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Are Broze, Weeb, and Corbett willing to take it to the streets? Do they realize that simply complaining and pointing out the plethora of problems and dark shadows within our government is not enought? I challengeing everyone on this thread who are simply complaining. Our lives are about to change very quickly here.... and either we rally or we better be ready and willing to die on our knees.

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Please, sincerely Reinette, consider attending the Omniwar Symposium


"For the first time, we are forcing Technocracy and its Omniwar out of stealth mode by clearly revealing its combatants, weaponry, strategies, tactics, and goals. Effective resistance can be mounted in proportion to the number of people who understand this and take action." --Patrick Wood

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Broze absolutely has. He has been taking it to the streets for decades and also tried running for office in Houston. All three of these individuals have done an impressive amount for truth and freedom. They are not only journalists, but they are solution oriented. I highly recommend watching the video that I originally posted. You can see for yourself how passionate Broze is and has been for decades now.

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And the rally you are on about. What about the greatest political Collaboration in the history of this Republic escapes you?

The rally is in full swing, all are welcome.

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nah, this is a Substack for the people. Contributors to knowledge, the ones you mention, are fully capable of their own error of equivalency arguments. That there are several otherwise bright lighs is anything but surprising.

Their reasoning, if faulty, fully exposed.

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Someone needs to extact foot and not make the error or eqivalency blatherfest.

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Ryan Christianson of Last American Vagabond is in that you group you list.

I feel the same.

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I am referring to the list that Vee wrote that Ryan C should be included in.

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A well writen attempt to further the error of equivalencey idea.

Nice try. As you mention several well respected pundits drink this kool aid.

They all be evil, Yup

Except that DJT and RFK are not part of the swamp and do make the best possible decisions.

Keyboard warriors are a dime a dozen, yeah.

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What proof do you have that they are not part of the swamp?

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The preponderance of evidence over time Vee...

Stop reading the fake news or misinformed talented pundits.

Not interested in formulating a laundry list for you.

However that "list"is widely available...

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another "only ones" assertion

Very interesting. A few short days ago RFK was the "only one" much to the chagrin of clueless people who did not see the collaboration coming.

Vee that is really low level reasoning.

Carlin was a comedian, their dissonance is accepted, so he had freedom of expression and was without peer in his day.

Your assessment of "evil" is the error of equivalency on full display.

Every person is fully responsible for their actions, or lack of action.

Without knowing it you are participating in the Dog and Pony show,

which is as it should be. Bravo.

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Aug 29Edited
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Interesting reasoning. Pretty sure you have not been gamed?

Corbett has a long history of great reasoning skills, that have evidence.

In no way does this imply that he is not fully capable of the error of equivalency.

Having ones own website secures nothing. Having server control as Mike Adams of Natural News has accomplished is 100x smarter. If the internet is taken down as predicted then peer to peer prevents censorship. If that is Greek to any, time to get some basic knowledge.

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Interesting. I don't think Whitney Webb is a paid shill. She's meticulous like Corbett and is also very consistent on everything she talks about. She has been censored just as much as Corbett, Broze, TLAV, TruthStream media, and others.

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Aug 29Edited
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and about that "free" pass

Brazil has outed X effectively censoring Musk. The entire European Union is following suit. Not a great idea to laundry list people suggesting skepticism. Grass is green, no kidding.

A restaruant is as good as its last meal...

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Such skepticism is no mans land. A ship out to sea drifting, no land in sight with few provisions.

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Roy Cohn would be laughing.

He was Trump's mentor back in the day. Trump was bailed out from bankruptcy back in the day by the same banking cabal waging omniwar against us. Their price was his loyalty from then on, which he recently demonstrated by participating in a fake assassination attempt on himself to ensure his selection in November, which guarantees that Peter Thiel (the Bilderberg steering committee member) will be in control. I don't know exactly what RFK jr's problem is.

That doesn't mean I ever liked the Kamaladjusted Harris or her demented sugardaddy Biden.

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I feel the same.

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I was referring to Yet Another Tommy's reply. Just for clarification.

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Mirages…. Strange Alliances: ” Embrace of The Trump Campaign by Robert F. Kennedy Jr”. Covid and “Vaccines” – Trump is in the Opposite Camp


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Don’t be fooled by the Kennedy aura, Tommy. All these wannabe rulers are ultimately the same.

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Thank you for disclosing your history of reading the fake news echo chamber and reiterating.

Fake assassination yeah? Tommy is not interested in Excellence, he suffers end stage derangement syndrome.

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I know I'm over the target when you come to troll me.

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Then they resort to the

"ad hominem argument is one that relies on personal attacks rather than reason or substance"

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you might attempt to display the alleged excellence

you are not "over the target" you have Derangement Syndrome, tertiary

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He definitely has TDS

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Reinette— Mike Adams explains that in deep blue states where Trump cannot win, if you instead vote for RFK,Jr and enough people do, it could pull electoral votes away from Kamala and ultimately give Trump a bigger win. Thank you!

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Random chip-in: It’s been said that based on post election surveys/polling, that people who preferred Ross Perot but didn’t vote for him because they thought he couldn’t win [!!] if they all had voted their conscience, that he’d have taken the race by plurality and become President. You gotta admit it’s interesting. Cha-cha-cha!

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Update from RFKJr — he is now saying vote for Trump in all instances! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Reinette, I have been a supporter of yours for a long time. When you ran for Governor, I voted for you and even put a lawn sign on my property! (Never did that before). And now, I am supporting you now more than ever. You aways make so much SENSE. I have quoted your Contract for California often and love what you said about energy and doing cost/benefit analyses of all types of energy and not just relying on one. And your 7 Generations position. Sometimes I mourn that you did not become our governor. Other times, I see that we needed to go through a lot of Sh-t first in order to wake people up, and reach a tipping point. But NOW is the time! I am with you on this. The uniparty and I also think this is brilliant. I strongly advise people to also listen to two iterviews, on Tucker Carlson's Network, of all places (I used to not like him but now I really do - He is a really good interviewer and lets his interviewees speak). For a real mind opener, watch his interview with Casey and Calley Means followed by his interview with RFK Jr. Calley Means is someone to really listen to. I think he brokered the meeting of Trump and RFK Jr.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly♥️ Those interviews were great! I didn't think I would like Tucker myself, until I started listening to him after he left Fox News. He is a bright, intelligent and spiritual human being. I respect him now. The other news medias had put him in a dark light for years. I see the light in him.

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I think it's important to vote for Bobby, to give him political support going into this new administration. It won't make a difference in CA, as the Dems are sure to win here.

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It will make a difference in helping to establish a new viable independent 3rd party though!

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make them fight for every vote-

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no valeri, every person can make the best possible decision on this or any issue

Not about fighting for votes

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And the fact that Tulsi Gabbard has gotten behind all this is icing on the cake.

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His true allegiance: https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/trump-pledges-to-restore-israel-lobbys

RFK Jr. has emphasized his unwavering support for Israel, too.

23 solid reasons Trump's assassination attempt was staged: https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/23-solid-reasons-to-suspect-trumps

Pre-2008 conditions yet once again: https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/all-the-devils-from-2008-are-back

House passes automatic, mandatory registration for military service: https://reason.com/2024/06/15/house-passes-bill-to-automatically-register-young-men-for-the-draft/

But sure, let's vote for the next round of the muppet show. I'm sure this time it'll be different. I'm sure they will magically kick out the international banking cartel that controls every aspect of the government via the Federal Reserve.

Exit the system. Build the New Earth. That's the only way I see us getting out of this mess.

As long as we continue to give our power away to outside forces who don't care about us, we will continue to be treated like slaves.

We all have Free Will. How we choose to use it is what matters...

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It’s all just so silly. As if anyone can get to this level without being completely beholden to the status quo.

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I agree.

I don't know that the cartel et al will ever be kicked out. I believe that that kind of evil is just inherent in human nature.

I don't know how we will build a new earth. But I will not continue to support politics as usual.

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Simply by connecting with other people who are exiting and building. A fantastic resource is https://freedomcells.org/

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Tantalizing to imagine the possibilities of Bobby directing the CDC, FDA, or EPA. My vote is for Bobby becoming Attorney General--then he can go after all the bastards. One can only dream....

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Thank you Reinette for your wise words. Thank you for all you have been and are still doing to bring the Earth and Humanity to a better place.

May the upcoming election by bring in votes for the team who will operate from the Highest Good of All.


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The term "uniparty" has had only negative connotations for me: a monolithic ruling stratum that pretends to be bipartisan. Your use of it threw me, but I can see your logic, Reinette! I, too, am inspired by Bobby's decision. Here's my take on it, called "Why RFK, Jr. Makes Me Cry:"


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Couldn't have said or wrote it better.


Only hoping there is as much unpredictability in this team, defining it patriotic in disguise, as the obedient Uniparty Nazi Demon Worshiping Pedophiles screeching, squawking, propagandizing and seeking to assassinate indicates the enemy predictable.

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One Nation, under Israel

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Jim, I understand the issure with Israel. It a huge issue, and there are very few in American politics that are not tied to Israel. However, I'm not sure Israel will be surviving what is coming to them. They have played with fire.

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But what are Trump and Kennedy saying about it? How will they address it?

They won't. I find that despicable. And politics as usual.

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They both have declared their allegiance to the Zionist billionaires. Very upfront about it. Unfortunately the Israeli working population is largely brainwashed by the constant propaganda and fearmongering they endure and they will suffer for it. But they aren’t the reason Bobby Jr. and Trump support the Israeli government.

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Yes they have.... so what do we do within THAT framework? It's a clusterfuck, Tom. It truly is. But Americans have lost their "fight." We rally as far as the refrigerator. So, I am truly asking you. What should we do in light of all of this?

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I must say, I agree with you there. But we hitched ourselves onto that runaway train decades ago and there is no escaping the ramifications of that very poor alliance. We are complicit.

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