
Why I'm Endorsing the Unity Party

I'm not looking for perfection. I'm looking for collaboration and true statesmanship.

(All, please forgive me… I said Uni-Party. This ridiculous mistake is duly noted. It’s difficult being a human being sometimes)

At a moment when our nation has grown weary and craves unity and collaboration, an unexpected opportunity has arisen that could bridge divides and foster a collective vision for the future. The recently announced "Unity Party," spearheaded by former President Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., represents a watershed moment in American politics that demands our attention and, dare I say, our support.

Do I have concerns about members of the Unity team? Yes, of course. But now is the time to give them a grace period and see what they are really made of. A unified and collective effort with clear goals can temper the party politics that have consumed this nation for far too long.


Gone are the days of the tired old two-party system that has kept us locked in a perpetual tug-of-war. The Unity Party isn't just a merger of personalities; it's a fusion of ideals that transcends traditional party lines. This unprecedented alliance between Trump and Kennedy, a Republican and multi-generational Democrat, signals a recognition that our nation's challenges require solutions that can't be pigeonholed into "left" or "right."


What our country has sorely lacking is true statesmanship—the art of governing for the greater good rather than for partisan gain. The Unity Party's formation is a clarion call for this lost art. By bringing together figures from opposite ends of the political spectrum, we're witnessing a return to the kind of leadership that puts country over party.

This is why I ran for California governor in 2022. I was tired of the politics and new we could do better if we simply came together.



The Unity Party's platform isn't about surface-level fixes; it's about tackling the root causes of our nation's ailments:

Economic Reform- A commitment to revitalizing American industry and creating jobs that can't be outsourced.

Healthcare Overhaul- A promise to dismantle the pharmaceutical industry's stranglehold on our health system.

Environmental Stewardship- A pledge to clean up our environment without sacrificing economic growth…. and, yes, addressing geoengineering.

Education Revolution- A vow to overhaul our education system, emphasizing critical thinking over rote memorization.

The border, the border, the border. We must seize control of it and deport those who have illegally crossed our borders over the last four years. This is a national security risk of epic proportions!


What makes the Unity Party truly revolutionary is its emphasis on unity. By bridging the gap between conservatives and liberals, it creates a space for dialogue and compromise—essential ingredients for effective governance that have been sorely lacking for many years.


I don't make this endorsement lightly. But the Unity Party represents our best chance at breaking the gridlock that has paralyzed our nation.

It's time for us to set aside our preconceived notions and embrace this bold new direction. The Unity Party isn't just a political movement; it's a rallying cry for all Americans who are tired of business as usual in Washington.


Make no mistake, the path forward won't be easy. Entrenched interests will fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo. But with Trump's populist appeal and Kennedy's progressive credentials (and the rest of the team members), the Unity Party has the potential to create a coalition broad enough to effect real change.

My endorsement of the Unity Party isn't just about supporting a political ticket. It's about embracing a vision for America that transcends partisanship and puts the people’s and nation's needs first. It's about reclaiming our republic from the clutches of special interests and returning it to its rightful owners – the American people.

The time for half-measures and incremental change is over. The Unity Party allows us to reset the political chessboard and forge a new path forward. Let's run with this moment and build the America we know is possible.


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