I guess I'm missing something big----I thought trees took in CARBON DIOXIDE and put out OXYGEN. How does cutting them down "capture" the dreaded carbon?? Can someone explain.........
I guess I'm missing something big----I thought trees took in CARBON DIOXIDE and put out OXYGEN. How does cutting them down "capture" the dreaded carbon?? Can someone explain.........
They are messing with everything to confuse the public. Things about the environment gets a lot of people's attention. They have already indoctrinated the younger generation so they will believe whatever the latest is. They have zero previous knowledge of the truth and in schools they are NOT teaching them to use their brain to discern information, research deeper and definitively not to be critical lthinkers . The younger generation is taught that we are running out of water and fossil oil is bad while they wear tennis shoes, yoga pants, have no.problem taking petroleum based meds or vaccines. What a joke!! Everything is upside-down and we have to point this out as much as possible to people. People are literally crazy in their thinking and not wanting to understand the truth and I won't shut up.about it either.
Yes, the indoctrination upon the younger generation was extraordiary. I played a role in that for a while.... believe climate change. Promoting, education around it. I'm kicking myself now, but making up for it!
You are doing an awesome job!!!! Wish you had replaced scumbag. I drove around with your sticker on my car forever as I was so sad about the situation. But I believed in education too and now I tell my daughters 19 and 22 forget wasting time with higer education unless it is a specific trade, learn as many skills overall and you will be fine. But they have had serious trouble getting jobs. I can't prove it, but my oldest that has tried the most for 2 years, might have been discriminated against. She is that race that they want to get rid of even European dessert as I from Northern Europe. Thank you Reinette, you are an incredible truth seeker!!!
The way I understand it trees (or rather all plants) use CO2 to create oxygen during the day, and oposite at night. In other words all plant life needs CO2, or they die.
I guess I'm missing something big----I thought trees took in CARBON DIOXIDE and put out OXYGEN. How does cutting them down "capture" the dreaded carbon?? Can someone explain.........
Stop thinking! You're making too much sense!
The powers that be, mocking us to our faces! I'm not having it ANY MORE! xx
They are messing with everything to confuse the public. Things about the environment gets a lot of people's attention. They have already indoctrinated the younger generation so they will believe whatever the latest is. They have zero previous knowledge of the truth and in schools they are NOT teaching them to use their brain to discern information, research deeper and definitively not to be critical lthinkers . The younger generation is taught that we are running out of water and fossil oil is bad while they wear tennis shoes, yoga pants, have no.problem taking petroleum based meds or vaccines. What a joke!! Everything is upside-down and we have to point this out as much as possible to people. People are literally crazy in their thinking and not wanting to understand the truth and I won't shut up.about it either.
Yes, the indoctrination upon the younger generation was extraordiary. I played a role in that for a while.... believe climate change. Promoting, education around it. I'm kicking myself now, but making up for it!
You are doing an awesome job!!!! Wish you had replaced scumbag. I drove around with your sticker on my car forever as I was so sad about the situation. But I believed in education too and now I tell my daughters 19 and 22 forget wasting time with higer education unless it is a specific trade, learn as many skills overall and you will be fine. But they have had serious trouble getting jobs. I can't prove it, but my oldest that has tried the most for 2 years, might have been discriminated against. She is that race that they want to get rid of even European dessert as I from Northern Europe. Thank you Reinette, you are an incredible truth seeker!!!
The way I understand it trees (or rather all plants) use CO2 to create oxygen during the day, and oposite at night. In other words all plant life needs CO2, or they die.